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Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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Tags: @Feyblue

Kenichi stared up at the sky, his eyes following the clouds that lazily grazed the blue above. His leg was stiff, his left arm radiated with pain as he clutched it with his right hand, and his rear stung from his impact. As Kenichi stared at the sky, he couldn't help but feel like that same stupid kid who fell from a tree. He closed his eyes as he groaned for a moment, doing his best to lift his chest up into more of a sitting position. The pain and disorientation helped distract him from his thoughts for now. He didn't want to dwell too long on his mistakes. Wouldn't help him get back up.

He turned his torso to face the top of the stairs, and his eyes fell upon a familiar figure. His eyes met that icy blue gaze, and he saw the shift from surprise to concern. Kenichi turned his head away, his eyes searching for the cane resting next to him on the steps. He was doing a poor job to hide his cheeks, which had grown more red and hot from the embarrassment of being found sprawled on the ground. His eyes fell on his cane, which had fallen just behind the edge of what he knew he could reach. His mind was fluttered with words and thoughts as he tried to figure out a way to either pass off his fall as no big deal, or to try and explain the strange cat he saw, or to even to just greet the closest thing this village had to a shrine maiden. And yet, Kenichi was unable to offer up anything as Oyuki's words rang out.

Kenichi watched her quickly pick up his cane and offer out her hand. He gave a bow of his head as he reached up to grasp her hand with his left and twisting his left leg over his right, using his right hand and left leg to try and do the majority of the work in lifting himself up. The last thing he wanted to do was pull Oyuki down with him. He felt himself stand somewhat stable, his right foot finally resting in the ground to aid in that without his cane. The doctor's apprentice couldn't help but feel his right hand reach up and rub the back of his neck as he gave a somewhat defeated look for a moment. He then settled his stance and gave a short bow. "I... No, no, I'm ok. My head is fine. Thank you for your assistance."

Kenichi reached out for his cane as he gave a small smile to the shrine maiden. His blue eyes met hers for a moment, before shifting just to the right of her. He needed to try and focus on using his words, and that was hard for him to do if he was focusing on her face and reactions. "I was caught off-guard by a... a cat, I think." His brow furrowed at that, and the awkward smile faded for a moment as he tried to piece together what exactly it was he had encountered. The way it had moved disturbed him, and is what threw him off most. He let his eyes wander back to Oyuki, and just shook his head a little, taking a deep breath as he tried to maintain eye contact. He gestured with his free hand off towards the faded red gate leading towards the shrine. "My apologies for the inconvenience of my fall. I hope I am not disturbing any of your duties here, I just..."

There's the rub. What exactly was it he was here for? Kenichi's mind had drawn a blank on the real reason, and he couldn't admit that to the keeper of the shrine. He had developed an excuse. He had spent most of the night plotting out this interaction, working himself up... but now that he was here, all that preparation went out the window. He was here to give her something. Kenichi dipped his left hand into his satchel, fumbling around nervously for something. His hand pressed against the spare tincture, before gently prodding a small pouch. A small light of recognition shone in his eyes, as he pulled out the small rough teabag. "I brought a gift... err... donation to you... you know, for all the work you do here at the shrine. I imagine it must get colder up here, compared to the village proper..." Kenichi's anxiety washed away slightly as he held it out towards Oyuki, his voice growing somewhat monotone as he began explaining the purpose of the tea. "This batch should help alleviate the onset of a cough or congestion. I would also add a dash of honey, as it tends to help with soreness in the throat. It should be fresh for a few weeks, until we are more properly into the spring season." Kenichi smiled softly as he held the teabag out towards Oyuki.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
CHAPTER 1: Never Start a Fight on Day 1
LOCATION: New Alcatraz, San Francisco, California, US
NOW PLAYING: ♫ Lights - Journey ♫

I swear to God, if I have to listen to this song ever again, I will Van Gogh myself.

Zack leaned back in his seat, stretching his arms when he first sat down. He heard a slight shuffle come from behind him, a sound he was used to at this point. The Pigs are paranoid today… poor guys. He lowered his arms back in and settled in to get comfortable. The last thing he needed was for the cuffs to go back on, even if he could get out of them whenever he wanted. They didn’t seem to like that the last time he tried to walk out. Above all the other crap they sold, what stuck in Zack’s mind was the fear in the eyes of the guards watching over him. The only other time he had seen that look was in Westlake…

Zack was surprisingly used to the strange feeling of the ocean: he loved the slight feeling of weightlessness, and the weird listing that came from the waves. It felt oddly soothing, and was a nice change of pace from the cold hard ground. The only time moving ever felt so different was when he could immerse himself into dense seas of concrete… but now that they were supervised, he knew they wouldn’t take kindly to Zack’s idea of a late night swim. Especially as Zack’s eyes took in the views. He had seen a couple movies about Alcatraz… it was far more intimidating in person. Better than a normal jail cell, I guess. Definitely better than ending up back in Ohio.

Security was as brusque as ever. Zack handed over the few things he had left on him: a lighter and a pack of cards. The cards were permitted, the lighter was taken. Zack didn’t very much care. That thing had been burning a hole in his chest for years, though he still felt the heat even as it was put in a baggy and secured away. Others seemed to be putting up a fight and a stink about getting their things taken and looked through. Zack could probably make a killing by running a side business just nabbing those things back for them… but not yet. Zack didn’t say a word to any of the guards, just stared at them with a curious look. His eyes very quickly scanned over their pockets and belts: plenty of shiny things for the taking…

Jesus, get it together, man. You know the rules… never start shit on day one.

Some of the others… they didn’t get the memo. Rock boy thought he was funnier than he was, but other folks seemed to dig it. Hell, even the otter seemed to like it. Of course… that only escalated things. The bus was a little tense, but the joke seemed to kick most of the crowd into flight or fight. Turns out, most of these bastards were a fighting sort. As Zack felt the tension rising, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As soon as the breath was held in place, he started from the top of his head and let his molecules phase out just barely. He kept his feet solid, but enjoyed the slight feeling of the wind rushing right through him. He appreciated it more as things escalated. Tasers and pepper spray were not his vibe. But as everyone seemed to freak out, Zack watched on with a callous and uninterested stare. He didn’t mutter a word, holding his breath just in case things got more violent and shifted his direction. But to his relief, their ever gracious babysitter had stepped in and called off the hounds. Zack let his molecules close in together again as he regained his solid form, and let out a quick exhale before gulping in more air for a few greedy gasps. Zack doubled over, hands on his knees as he regulated his breathing again, before standing upright again.

Best to look scared, for now. The sooner they think I’m a goodie two-shoes pissing his pants at the mere mention of AEGIS, the sooner I’m out of here.

Tags: @Feyblue

As the screeching echoed throughout the valley, Kenichi perked up from his state of half-sleep. He was sitting with his back up against the wall of his room, next to his workbench. His eyes rose to the window, squinting as the rays of light from the early morning sun pierced his gaze. He raised a hand to wipe the sleep from his eyes as he regained his wits. He shifted his left leg from it's position folded under himself, and a familiar sensation returned: stiff, searing pain. His right leg was extended out straight in front of him: a poor choice, as Kenichi could feel his knee was locked in place. Great, another bad leg day. Running purely on routine, the doctor's apprentice reached up towards the table, his hand sliding awkwardly along the wood until he felt a a metal box. His fingers slipped between the metal and wood to lift the box, and lowered it down into his lap. He flipped open the latch with his other hand and slowly opened the lid. The box was filled with a dozen vials of an orange liquid resting in wooden holders. Kenichi reached in and quickly plucked one of the vials, removing the cork from the end as he could feel the pain intensifying the more he shifted around. He knocked back his medicine, and grunted as he managed to stomach the bitter taste. He hadn't quite figured out a way to fix the taste without compromising it's effectiveness. Turmeric was far too overpowering.

After a few moments, Kenichi reached up and used the desk to slowly rise to his feet. He grunted as he bent his right knee slightly to do so, the pain manageable but still rather agonizing. But the apprentice had work to do. He reached out and grabbed his cane, using it propel him around the desk and towards his satchel. He used one hand to sit it upright and rifle inside, checking to make sure he had a spare vial of his pain reliever tucked into a sewn in pocket. Resting in a pocket beside it was a vial with a small pouch of some fragrant substance. He nodded as he was satisfied with his bag's contents, and quickly closed the flap of his bag. Kenichi walked stiffly towards a chair in the corner of his room that he used to lay out his days clothes, and quickly got to work changing.

He greeted his family for breakfast, but he wasn't particularly hungry. He wasn't much for eating at the start of the day, especially in the past couple years. The bitter taste of spice lingered in the back of his throat, and the last thing he wanted was a full stomach if he felt nauseous in an hour. He had a cup of tea with honey and ginger to help soothe his stomach, before fetching his cane once more and heading for the front door. His mother walked over to him, licking her palm and trying to fix Kenichi's hair as she spoke. "You prepared another batch of medicinal tea leaves. Is that for Sengo or Takamori? Are they sick?"

Kenichi lifted his left hand up to push away the feeble attempt at fixing his hair, shaking his head and speaking softly. "Ummm... No, no they are in good health. I think. No, I'm just... Ummm..." He closed his eyes for a moment and let out a slow exhale, centering himself as he constructed his words visually in his imagination. "I am going to deliver this to Lady Oyuki. It should last for some time, and I had the spare materials."

Hanako carefully observed her son's stoic face, before giving a slow nod and a knowing smirk. "Be careful on the stairs. And be sure to thank her for her work." She leaned in to give her son a kiss on the forehead before he spun around, shoveling a handful of roasted soybeans from a bowl near the door into his satchel as he disembarked from his home. The cold air hit Kenichi's face and nearly sucked out his breath in an instant. He grit his teeth and did his best to bare the cold as it went down his windpipe like pins and needles. He shivered slightly as he reached up with his left hand to pull his jacket collar closer to cover his face. He walked forward, letting his cane help to support his right leg whenever he had to place his weight on it. Kenichi's left hand reached into his satchel, pulling out a handful of roasted soybeans and scattering them in accordance with tradition. After all, it was best to keep the things lurking in the shadows distracted and satisfied.

Kenichi was so focused on watching his steps as he wandered his way through town that he hadn't noticed that he was already passing a rather steep set of stairs cut into the hillside on the edge of the village. He turned his gaze over his shoulder in an acknowledgement of his journey to get there, before his eyes were drawn back upwards to the shrine. Kenichi gripped his cane firm as he lifted his left leg up onto the first step, slowly beginning the climb to the top. With each step he would bring his left foot up and use it to help propel his right foot up to meet it.

It was slow and arduous. His right leg ached, his nerves and muscles tensing up the more he climbed. Despite the cold, sweat trickled down from Kenichi's brow and stung his eyes. Each step became an increasingly difficult hurdle, forcing Kenichi to take longer pauses between the steps. Of course, it wasn't just the pain and stiffness causing hesitation. He could swear he was seeing things moving in the corners of his eyes. The creatures and Yokai of the land, perhaps. Or a trick of the mind. Regardless, Kenichi found himself about two thirds of the way up the steps and unable to go any further. His breathing had quickened its pace, an ever shifting cloud of moisture coming from his lips as his eyes were turned towards the shrine. He hung his head for a moment to conserve energy, his eyes falling on the satchel at his side.

He could do this another day. She was probably busy.

The doctor's apprentice took a moment to turn himself around slowly, watching his footsteps as he did so, before turning his gaze towards the descent proper. Resting a few steps below Kenichi was a black short hair cat, sitting where Kenichi had walked through perhaps only a minute before. He stared at the cat in confusion, wondering how he hadn't noticed it before. Perhaps it had been following him closely, or he had been too focused on his own walking that he hadn't noticed a cat on the side of the path. Regardless, as soon as Kenichi and the cat locked eyes, it began standing up on it's hind legs, keeping it's eyes locked firmly on Kenichi as it spoke in a high-pitched squawking.


Kenichi jumped back in fright, his right heel catching the lip of the step behind him and causing him to grow unsteady. He tried to use his cane to help catch his balance, but it was a lost cause. The young man fell back on his ass, subconsciously pushing his left elbow out to help catch himself. Unfortunately, his elbow met the corner of another step, and he let go of his cane to clutch at his funny bone. He let out a pained moan, closing his eyes and wishing beyond all hope that the spirit had its fill and was gone. While Kenichi couldn't keep his volume down, he did his best to keep from swearing in pain and frustration. And so it was the doctor's apprentice found himself curled up on the steps leading to the shrine, with the mysterious bakeneko nowhere to be seen.

Made a small edit to the skillset section, and cleaned up bits of the backstory that weren't clear or were contradictions.

It was only as his classmates began shifting and moving as things quieted down outside that Aaron West recognized the agonizing aches of his calf muscles from squatting low behind a table this whole time: never quite sitting, but instead ready to pounce at the first sign of trouble. Aaron lowered his hands down to the ground to shift his weight back into a sitting position for a moment, rubbing out and massaging the pain in his legs as he rested for a moment. He looked down to his hands, faint specks of blood marking his tanned skin like drops of drying paint. He rubbed his hands together, smoothing out the crimson specks until they blended into his natural skin color. He had been near the front when everything had gone down. Something in his head wasn’t letting him dwell farther than that.

It was probably for the best.

Aaron looked up to his surroundings. He faintly recognized the others. He faintly recalled making a pass at Quinn… definitely Hera. He had never really had the follow through for anything serious, attachments were just going to weigh him down. Ethan would have been the closest thing Aaron could call a friend, if he believed in that sort of bullshit. He was competent, at least. Too optimistic and cheery for his taste. Then there was the black-haired girl, she seemed to always be around during the assemblies Aaron never paid attention to. As for the last one… Aaron was drawing a blank. She looked like all the other burnout guys he would knock the books out of the hands of when navigating the halls in-between classes.

“It’s quiet. Not sure if that’s worse or better.”

Aaron slowly raised his knees, placed his hands on them, and slowly rose up to a stand. The pain in his legs had started to subside. How insightful.

"I'd imagine it means that those who got out have managed to hide,
or that everyone else got ripped apart. And unless we intend to join them,
we're going to need a way out. Any ideas?"

He slid a hand into his pocket, deftly pulling out a stick of gum and sliding it into his mouth. Ditto, bro.

"I think...our best bet would be the doors near administration, I think?
People don't tend to use them very often, so they might not be too crowded right now.
Or maybe if we get to roof access we can climb down somehow.

Aaron nodded as he chewed, his gaze lingering on Shin. There we go, a fucking nerd. He gave a nod to the student council president as she finished speaking, before looking towards Ethan, Quinn, and the rest. He shoved the gum into the corner of his mouth, behind his molars for a moment. ”She’s right. I think I missed my chance to get out of a normal exit, those are probably swarmed now. If I… err, I mean, uhh… we get to the roof, we can get a better idea of what we’re working with.”
Just for future reference, @Theyra, the character I'm writing is named Rory not Roy.

Also, I am far too lazy to create a post catalogue for Rory. I'll have to wait until my next manic episode.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay


Z A C H A R Y " Z A C K " C L A R K S E P T E M B E R 8 T H ( 1 9 ) M A L E
"Look, I learned my lesson... besides, they weren't going to miss it."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Make sure to get my good side."
◼ HEIGHT | 5' 9"

◼ BUILD | Lean


◼ EYE COLOUR | Green

◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | Hex Code fdc68

Zack is fairly average in build and appearance, other than his chic hairstyle and green eyes. He has a calculated stare, and seems to eye up every inch of any new environment or person he encounters. He typically dresses fairly plain in an effort to blend into his surroundings, but has been known to purchase (or pinch) elaborate coats to wear in more private settings. His body language is usually relaxed and comfortable, even in stressful environments. After all, worst case scenario, Zack has usually been able to slip away if things get rough.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"What, is this the part where I open up about my bad childhood?"
Sometimes, the system just forgets people like Zack. You've heard it all before. Parents didn't want him, he goes through the Foster system, bounces from house to house, gets involved with the wrong sorts of people... Zack never really had a chance to be anything other than what he turned out to be. He latched on to crime films, stories of partners in crime and found family among crooks, at a young age. It may have romanticized the idea of getting involved in crime. It wasn't long before he met Joey Wallens, a connoisseur of pickpocketing and the scourge of Tower City and Beachwood Place malls, at the age of 12. They both lived near the metroparks, and spent many days and nights hiding from violent parental figures in the woods. Other friends came and went, but Joey and Zack were as thick as thieves. They both were just as obsessed with old crime novels, detective stories, comics, anime, even video games. The two couldn't care less about school or grades, but they both had a voracious appetite for books and ideas to consume and chew on as they talked. They dreamed of one day sticking it to the man and using their talents to help people like them. Zack was like the brother Joey never had. Joey was the first person Zack ever truly cared about besides himself.

The coolest thing to ever happen to Zack Clark was finding out he had powers. It had taken a couple years for the CDP to catch on to their grift at Tower City. One would typically bump into or distract an unsuspecting couple visiting the mall, while the other would make the pull... the two weren't exactly criminal masterminds. But, one officer managed to catch on and went in for the arrest. Zack and Joey booked it, running for the exit. Zack was too busy looking behind him to realize he had veered away from the doors, and was running straight towards the wall next to the exit. He didn't have time to stop... but he didn't have to. He closed his eyes, expecting to slam into the wall... but he wished he could just pass through it. After a lifetime of failed wishes, he was amazed that one came true. Zack was out on the other side, but him and Joey didn't have time to celebrate just yet. The two managed to evade capture that day, and spent the night celebrating with a stolen six pack and a pack of cigarettes. They were riding high.

Of course, Zack's face was then plastered on the news. He was yet another dangerous metahuman to be wary of. Zack knew he couldn't go home, his foster parents were narcs. If he wanted to be in the clear, he would need to get out of state. But... with powers like this, certainly Zack and Joey could hit it big before he skipped town? One last hoorah, and a way to pay Joey back for the years of support. The two planned to hit up a bank in Westlake, one that Joey's mom worked at. The two had been in there plenty of times before. They knew exactly where the vault was, and where they could get some serious cash. They would be in and out. What was the worst that could happen?

Four days after Zack had discovered his powers, he was alone and on the run. The robbery had been a blur. He had left the tip of his pinky behind in the concrete of the wall, his best friend in the whole wide world was in lockup because Zack had left him behind, and Zack Clark was a true fugitive. He ditched the van somewhere near Indianapolis, and took a Greyhound to Los Angeles to get as far as humanely possible from his former home. Zack didn't have too much cash to burn through, and saved what he could to buy a van from someone for a few thousand bucks with the promise they didn't ask any questions. Zack lived out of that van until his most recent arrest. He drove it up to the Bay Area, where he spent a lot of time camping and meeting new friends. It was in these years he met Tre and Becca on separate occasions. Tre was a recent college graduate and a certifiable nerd, double majoring in Computer Science and Philosophy. Tre loaned Zack a lot of books on philosophy as they got to know each other more and more, and was one of the only people Zack felt comfortable sharing his criminal past with.

Zack doesn't really talk about Becca, or the whirlwind romance they shared. He doesn't like to think about how he dreamed they could be like Bonnie and Clyde, and road trip around the country out of his van while robbing banks and living a life of luxury. Of course, none of that happened. Zack spent months trying to convince Becca that a life of crime, just the two of them, would be romantic. Becca kept deflecting, until one day she had enough. When Zack drove to pick Becca up one day and walked into her apartment, he was met face to face with Aegis agents. He was given two options: end up sharing a prison cell with his former best friend, or have a shot at rehabilitation in a new program that might be his last and only chance to turn his life around.

He chose the latter.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"You think I've had enough time to come up with a life plan?"
Zack has always been motivated by survival, plain and simple. Stealing was his way of getting by, and Zack has always prioritized his own survival to the ethics of his actions. In conjunction, Zack believes in the ideals of true freedom and free will: his destiny is his own to make, and he refuses to let the universe decide who he gets to be. As for his goals, Zack has always said he wants to leave an impression on the world that will outlive him. In reality, Zack does seek fame (or infamy, whichever comes first). He acts out for attention and has had dreams of grandeur by imagining he could one day become a "Gentleman Thief." He wants to do good for others, but doesn't quite know how to use his limited skill-set to help anyone but himself.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You want to see what I can do? Let me use my powers and I'll show you."
◼ Phasing | Zack can change the distance and permeability of molecules within his own body or that he touches to "phase" through solid matter. In theory, he can also close the gap between his own molecules to become more dense, but he hasn't made much effort to try that.

◼ Time | Zack cannot go long distances while phasing, both due to the stress of using the power for a sustained period of time... but also because he cannot breathe. It's like swimming.

◼ Mass | The most Zack has ever tried to phase at a single time was a standing safe in an abandoned office building. He managed to get it to fall through the floor, and didn't have the strength to do it again.

◼ Temperature | Significant changes in temperature can excite or slow Zack to a molecular level, disrupting or limiting his ability to phase through objects. Extreme cold makes him move slower through other objects, which limits his ability to travel and the size of things he can phase (up to and including full disruption). Extreme heat makes him less accurate and makes phasing more dangerous, for fear of being stuck.

◼ One Bad Day | Half of Zack's left pinky is stuck in the wall of a Chase Bank in Westlake, Ohio. He lives in constant fear of leaving more pieces of himself behind anywhere else.

◼ Pickpocketing | He's a thief, through and through. Before he truly understood his powers, or when he didn't feel like using them... it always helps to have sticky fingers to snatch a few bucks or keys to a nice getaway vehicle.

◼ Campfire Cooking | Zack has subsisted on cooking with the worst equipment and gear possible while living out of his van, and spent a lot of time in the middle of nowhere whipping up something to eat. Despite the poor conditions, Zack is a decent cook.

▼ N O T E S:

None | Zack doesn't have allies anymore.

Tre Taylor | One of the few friends Zack has left on the outside, and a lifelong resident of the Bay area. Works in IT at a tech startup in Silicon Valley.

Joey Wallens | He is still sitting in FCI Elkton for the botched Westlake robbery, and wouldn't mind settling their score if he ever got the chance. He was the first person Zack ever truly loved, and Joey loved Zack like a brother.

Rebecca "Becca" York | An Aegis informant, and Zack's biggest mistake.

◼ Cleveland, Ohio | Cuyahoga County Native, spent most of his adolescent life there. It's what he would consider home, if he could consider anywhere home.

◼ The Bay Area | Zack's home away from home for the 3 months prior to his capture, before getting busted in Mexico.

◼ Engraved Arc Lighter | Joey had loaned Zack his trust lighter engraved with his own initials before the Westlake robbery. Zack never got the chance to return it.

◼ Deck of Cards (All Jacks) | A sleeve of Bicycle playing cards, but the only card in the deck is 51 copies of the Jack of Diamonds. The missing Jack of Diamonds was found at the Westlake Chase bank.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Ready for Review.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
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