
Location: The Matrix - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hope in Hell #2.058: Dragon
Interaction(s): Himself
Previously: Nothing Left to Give
Rory crashed into the wall of the hallway as he desperately flung himself forward in the hopes of finding any of his teammates alive. This was all a game… no, a test? That had to be it, if they wanted him to wear this getup. The halls were once again white, sterile, and empty. He immediately rushed left, sprinting with all the strength and speed he had honed while keeping his eyes up and scanning for any sign of… well, anyone, at this point. The hallway was unnaturally straight and long, with a single door swinging open near the end. Rory’s eyes focused in as he sprinted for it, sliding to a stop in front of it as he propped his arms up into the doorway to catch himself. His panting was loud and borderline feral, his shoulders hunched forward in anticipation of danger. The mask gleamed in the light, save for the single smear of blood near the eyes and the greek symbol emblazoned on the forehead.
It's a room not unlike a cell: cloaked in shadow with soft featherings of light bidden by the slivers in each panel of steel that reveal the darkness of the ocean yonder their constraints. Teasing glimpses of life in the deep void that mankind has barely trekked, therein lurked something better suited to the title of the unknown.
The misunderstood, the being that clamored through life as the harbinger of pain and rage.
She had been fitted in cumbersome chains, looped around her delicate throat and more woven around her wrists and slight frame, the AR suit doing little to conceal her modesty where she had been attacked and beaten, the blemish of a vicious cut down her front now blackened and red, an angry swell of power that churned at her breast and lapped at the edges of reality. The world summoned to her anguish and the HZEs frothed with madness with silver flares of softened light coiling betwixt her and him.
Her lashes fluttered, eyes beholden to that gleaming mask defiled by blood, her lips peeled back over gleaming teeth awash in hated red as she moved, fingers arched as she crawled forward liken to a chained beast.
"Who are you." It was not an inquiry bated in confusion, but rather a demand, her usual cadence deepened into a feral husk of a whisper.
Rory remained silent for the moment as he stood his ground, one hand slipping into his robe to reach for the folded metal ball he had held on to. It was the closest facsimile he had to a weapon. His blue eyes remained fixed on Amma, trying desperately to scan her expression and appearance for any way to test if it was truly her. Of course, he had nothing to base his analysis on. She wasn’t brooding and quippy… but given her situation, he couldn’t exactly put it past her to be more prone to rage and intimidation. But Rory straightened his back as he looked down, slipping the metal ball out of his pocket and into his hand underneath his flowing robes.
“Rory,” he answered simply. His voice was still shaking from the adrenaline, and filled with a twinge of hesitation. “Are you… real?” His eyes remained open and unblinking as he watched her carefully. He could practically feel the buzzing energy of HZEs swarming. He hadn’t felt that from the simulation itself before… but the simulation had never tried to kill him and psychologically torture him before either. He didn’t understand the rules anymore, and instead opted to loom in the doorway. “You need to tell me if you’re real, Annabelle. I’m getting real sick of seeing fakes of us.”
“Rory…” She uttered, his name rolling through her lips and tongue, sliding off from the pout of her lip on a hiss of recognition. “Tyler.” Through the gloom her eyes tracked down his figure concealed by the robes, every flicker of lash peering deep, slow increments of her constricted pupils that speared through the entirety of his frame shadowed against the entryway.
“So, you wear a mask too.” Amma lurked, hands and knees, crawling and inching closer and closer with links of chain rattling in the dark. “Tears of blood, mark of Who, I wonder.” Her whispers purred away into shadow, broken and bleeding remarks shattered, her face and body warped and broken and bound. She finally stood to her full height, revealing the violence she had endured.
“Real. No.” Her head canted, black strands pooling over her blemished shoulders marked by the defiler whose talons had embedded deep. “Maybe. I don’t know.”
“Annabelle - another name to add to my flesh, another for the epitaph.” She holds up her inked and scarred hand, fingers splayed, and counts them down. “Five names, five summons, five meanings.”
She approached Rory carefully until the chains snapped and pulled taut, preventing her from moving any further, and there her eyes churned and wept, black marred down her cheeks and distinct against the bruises slowly beginning to darken and warp.
“What is your role to play here? Are you the knight to come put down the dragon? Do you come to me, now, to seek revenge for those I took away from you? Lorcán,” Amma purred around his name, lips pulled into a sliver of a smile. “Katja.. Maybe I’ll take Haven too. She wants so desperately to know me- asks so many questions.”
“Gil,” she breathed, lashes fanned low, lost in sudden memorium. “Harper. Aurora. Calli. Banjo.”
It's a room not unlike a cell: cloaked in shadow with soft featherings of light bidden by the slivers in each panel of steel that reveal the darkness of the ocean yonder their constraints. Teasing glimpses of life in the deep void that mankind has barely trekked, therein lurked something better suited to the title of the unknown.
The misunderstood, the being that clamored through life as the harbinger of pain and rage.
She had been fitted in cumbersome chains, looped around her delicate throat and more woven around her wrists and slight frame, the AR suit doing little to conceal her modesty where she had been attacked and beaten, the blemish of a vicious cut down her front now blackened and red, an angry swell of power that churned at her breast and lapped at the edges of reality. The world summoned to her anguish and the HZEs frothed with madness with silver flares of softened light coiling betwixt her and him.
Her lashes fluttered, eyes beholden to that gleaming mask defiled by blood, her lips peeled back over gleaming teeth awash in hated red as she moved, fingers arched as she crawled forward liken to a chained beast.
"Who are you." It was not an inquiry bated in confusion, but rather a demand, her usual cadence deepened into a feral husk of a whisper.
Rory remained silent for the moment as he stood his ground, one hand slipping into his robe to reach for the folded metal ball he had held on to. It was the closest facsimile he had to a weapon. His blue eyes remained fixed on Amma, trying desperately to scan her expression and appearance for any way to test if it was truly her. Of course, he had nothing to base his analysis on. She wasn’t brooding and quippy… but given her situation, he couldn’t exactly put it past her to be more prone to rage and intimidation. But Rory straightened his back as he looked down, slipping the metal ball out of his pocket and into his hand underneath his flowing robes.
“Rory,” he answered simply. His voice was still shaking from the adrenaline, and filled with a twinge of hesitation. “Are you… real?” His eyes remained open and unblinking as he watched her carefully. He could practically feel the buzzing energy of HZEs swarming. He hadn’t felt that from the simulation itself before… but the simulation had never tried to kill him and psychologically torture him before either. He didn’t understand the rules anymore, and instead opted to loom in the doorway. “You need to tell me if you’re real, Annabelle. I’m getting real sick of seeing fakes of us.”
“Rory…” She uttered, his name rolling through her lips and tongue, sliding off from the pout of her lip on a hiss of recognition. “Tyler.” Through the gloom her eyes tracked down his figure concealed by the robes, every flicker of lash peering deep, slow increments of her constricted pupils that speared through the entirety of his frame shadowed against the entryway.
“So, you wear a mask too.” Amma lurked, hands and knees, crawling and inching closer and closer with links of chain rattling in the dark. “Tears of blood, mark of Who, I wonder.” Her whispers purred away into shadow, broken and bleeding remarks shattered, her face and body warped and broken and bound. She finally stood to her full height, revealing the violence she had endured.
“Real. No.” Her head canted, black strands pooling over her blemished shoulders marked by the defiler whose talons had embedded deep. “Maybe. I don’t know.”
“Annabelle - another name to add to my flesh, another for the epitaph.” She holds up her inked and scarred hand, fingers splayed, and counts them down. “Five names, five summons, five meanings.”
She approached Rory carefully until the chains snapped and pulled taut, preventing her from moving any further, and there her eyes churned and wept, black marred down her cheeks and distinct against the bruises slowly beginning to darken and warp.
“What is your role to play here? Are you the knight to come put down the dragon? Do you come to me, now, to seek revenge for those I took away from you? Lorcán,” Amma purred around his name, lips pulled into a sliver of a smile. “Katja.. Maybe I’ll take Haven too. She wants so desperately to know me- asks so many questions.”
“Gil,” she breathed, lashes fanned low, lost in sudden memorium. “Harper. Aurora. Calli. Banjo.”