@CaptainManbeard I agree with Eviledd1984. You’re the GM. :) However, I am getting itchy for the story because I have been rewatching the OG Teen Titans. Lol
@MartianSome tales speak of kitsune with even greater powers, able to bend time and space, drive people mad, or take fantastic shapes such as an incredibly tall tree or a second moon in the sky. Other kitsune have characteristics reminiscent of vampires or succubi, and feed on the life or spirit of human beings, generally through mature physical contact.
Beta, although with her knowledge and training could be debatable if she may move up a class.
| Allegiance |
Rebel Army
| In-Depth Appearance |
Lavina is rather average when it comes to her height, standing at 5'6" with long blonde hair and pale green eyes. Although the time in the camps has made her thin and thus seems smaller than she is. She has fair skin except for the lighting-like scars that are on her body. One of the three scars travels from her left shoulder down to her right hip. The other two start on the back of her hands and wraps around her forearms to her elbows. The scars are similar in appearance to the scars people get when struck by lighting.
Ina does have a few nicks and bruises here and there along her body. She is wearing a long sleeve, light-weight shirt with a few snags and tears. Ripped-up jeans that are cut off at her mid-calves for length and strap sandals with grounding copper pieces woven within and under the soles. She also wears long gloves underneath the sleeves of her shirt to hide her markings even further.
Who Am I?
| Personality |
♦ Calm ♦ Stubborn ♦ Loyal ♦ Vendictive ♦
Lavina had spent many years controlling her storm-like personality that she almost seems emotionless at times but in all actuality, she was trying not to unleash bolts of electricity from her fingertips at a moment's notice. She is very stubborn once she gets an idea in her head and it is very hard to deter her from her objectives. Those that have gained Lavina's trust can expect her to be extremely loyal and be at their side, however, if someone wrongs her, they can expect her revenge. She likes to wait for the perfect moment to strike those that wrong her and her friends and family.
| Likes & Dislikes |
✔At least five likes (Or more).
~Animals ~Gardening ~Most music ~Cookies, specifically chocolate chip and Snickerdoodles ~Cozy things that remind her of her home like sweaters, soups, and a comfy bed.
✘At least five dislikes (Or more).
~The gloves she has to wear over her hands to hide her markings. ~Hunters ~The cold ~Pickles ~Corsets
Abilities and Skills
What abilities, supernatural abilities (if Gifted), and/or skills does your character possess if any? If Gifted please give a one-paragraph description of your abilities
Electricity manipulation- Electricity currents can shoot out of her fingers at enemies. Can also use her abilities like a human AED and use small currents of electricity to find irregularities in other peoples' bodies. She can start fires with electricity and dry foliage to assist others that have a fire ability or use it for warmth. Her electricity acts similar to that of electricity in nature and in the wiring in buildings, which means her currents can travel through metal and water.
The drawback to this Gift of hers is that it is unpredictable with flare-ups with emotions, which is why she tries to stay as calm as possible. The electricity bolts once released can be redirected and sent back to her if she isn’t careful. If she electrically charges something, she must be touching it the entire time, as soon as she lets go, the current is ‘shut off’. She can touch electrical wires but she does experience a tingling sensation that slowly intensifies to a painful one over a period of time.
Survival- Ina has a wide knowledge of living in the wilderness. She knows how to forage, create traps for food, build simple camps on short notice, and identify footprints to hunt animals. Can field dress injuries as well.
Musically inclined- Lavina is classically trained in dance, and singing, and can play the piano, flute, and violin.
Well-versed in political situations and social graces- With her upbringing, Ina knows how to play the Games in the upper class.
Pretty proficient in hand-to-hand combat from forced training when the Hunters captured her.
| History |
The Adhina family did quite well hiding the fact that their only daughter and youngest child was one of the Gifted. Being a rather wealthy and well-respected family, Joseph and Elizabeth Adina had four children with Lavina being the youngest. Ina's birth was overall an easy one but she came out with these strange purple markings that the doctors first dismissed as birthmarks. Being a daughter of a wealthy family, Lavina was subjected to all the policies and procedures of an upper-crust life, including learning how to entertain her parents' party attendees with music.
Lavina was only thirteen years old when a man at one of her parents' famous galas tried to take her as his own. By this time in age, Ina and her brothers had done well to help Ina hide the increasing signs of her Gift but when the man tried to force himself on her, she snapped. Electricity shot out of her hands and essentially tased the man to get him away from her. The man reported Lavina to the authorities. Her parents did their best, paying off every officer that came to their door to try and take Ina away but eventually, when she was sixteen, an officer came that couldn't be bribed with money.
Lavina was taken away to a Hunter facility where she was studied and tortured, figuring out how her powers worked and how they could be used to the Hunters' benefit. Although, they made the mistake of training her as if she was going to become one of them and taught her how to survive outside in the wilderness. They even tried to convince her to work for them but she refused to rope younger, innocent Gifted children into the hellhole she experienced.
Once the Hunters believed that they got all the information they wanted out of Lavina and after her refusing several times to hunt down other Gifted, she was sent to the camp where she had rescued a puppy that she thought was black but after a bath, she found that he was just super muddy and dirt caked white wolf-dog. She secretly trained him to follow her commands and he grew huge standing almost six feet on his hind legs. Thus, she had to keep him outside the prison walls that she created the ability to allow him to slip in and out of.
| Family |
Lavina has three older brothers: Viktor(35), Dominik(32), and Nikolai(29), who all appear as if they have no Gifts and loving parents Joseph and Elizabeth. Her older two brothers are married with children, Nikolai is still single. All four siblings possess their mother's pale green eyes. Viktor and Nikolai have jet-black hair like their mother while Dominik and Lavina have their father's fair blonde hair.
She also has a pure white wolf-dog named Thor.
| Strengths |
The more dry, humid, or stormy her environment is the stronger and more effective her electricity is.
Can use her abilities to restart hearts and sense irregularities in a body to help correct or fix.
Can stand at great distances to use her abilities on enemies, especially if she's in an environment with many materials that act as electricity conductors.
| Weaknesses |
~ Like electricity in nature, the moment she releases a 'current' it can be redirected with metal or just have unpredictable qualities altogether. ~ She struggles to create 'currents' in cold, snowy environments. ~ Her electricity abilities can be stopped with rubber material like that made of tires.
The Other
| Daylight by David Kushner ~ Sung by Chloe Breez|
” You and I drink the same poison from the same vine...Running from the daylight.”
| Extra Information |
Her favorite weapons are daggers and metal chains. The secret copper pieces embedded within her sandals allow her to use the earth's electrical charge to supply her power.