Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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@Lexisheeps It’s all good. 😊 I just got overwhelmed with trying to keep up with RPs and real life. I’m self employed and work really picked up and I ended up needing a brief hiatus.

Your post was great! I read it last night but it was right before bed and my message was half way written when I woke up this morning. 🤣

In Lock & Key Tavern's Back Room...

Dorian nodded in agreement to the Northern Orc as he would explain. He looked at Faline, who had been expressionless while Maltar expressed his questions and Amandine spoke of the dead not paying taxes asked. She gave a silent nod of acceptance of the position. "Maltar is correct, this is about Duskrot cases rising. Your mentors are out in search of a cure for the disease. Some may call the disease by different names, however, everyone agrees with how devastating its effects are," the host spoke as he circled a village nearby on the map that lay on the table before him.

"This current outbreak is traveling faster than previous times. Usually, the Emperor has been able to order guards to quarantine sick people. The spread has spread so rapidly that this village on the map has a border built around it. No one, except secret personnel, is allowed in. This is where your mentors will meet you all, hopefully with a cure. We've already received reports of outbreaks happening within cities, which means-," Dorian began to speak but was quickly interrupted by the redheaded half-Elvian.

"Someone is deliberating releasing diseased people within the city," Faline finished as she stood up from her chair and stretched, then crossed her arms as she looked at Dorian as if she already knew this information. Dorian raised an eyebrow at Faline.

"My uncle was receiving mysterious reports in a code from the city guard in Volenstul, asking what they should do in the meantime. Hopefully, some mages would have been smart enough to escape the Gallows. They removed the mages and relocated them to a makeshift camp near the Docks. Not by my uncle's recommendations, by the Emperor's," Faline explained.

"Thank you, Faline, for being brash as ever," Dorian said with an annoyed tone while Faline rolled her eyes. "To answer your question, Torsten, the group is being asked to travel to the woods to retrieve an artifact. Legends surrounding this piece have been rather intriguing. The Emperor believes that the artifact could help halt the Duskrot outbreak," he said as he laid a book with the legendary artifact on the table. "That artifact is The Amulet of Selene."

Faline peered at what this possible goose chase was supposed to lead them to. The artifact was the product of a war chief who had fought the First Emperor when the ruler was trying to unite the land under one power. Before the First Emperor, Vradia was divided among war tribes. Now, many of these customs and cultures of said tribes were left to myths and tales.

"The Amulet of Selene is just an old tale of the Hiemaquas Dragonian tribe. All that is in here is the general whereabouts of what could maybe be the general area of the battlefield where the First Emperor fought them," Faline said as she bit her lip in nervousness. This old tale wasn't a lot to go on, especially without talking to the mentors directly about what they thought of it.

Suddenly, a hissing sound like a bottle of wine slowly being corked open, a man stepped out of a heap of armor. Faline arched her eyebrows and didn't know what to say. The suit of armor began to move towards the table and sit amongst them. Was there someone inside there? Sure enough, such an inquiry was answered by the armor man reaching forward for food and drink.

"To answer your question, Torsten, the group is being asked to travel to the woods to retrieve an artifact. Legends surrounding this piece have been rather intriguing. The Emperor believes that the artifact could help halt the Duskrot outbreak. And Sir Anviltank, how kind of you to officially join us," he said as he laid a book with the legendary artifact on the table.

Meanwhile in the woods with Pebble...

The man who complied with Pebble's requests was not only embarrassed by his less-than-average 'stature' but was now lame and served up to the Rotted that began to creep and crawl through the spiked fences. The Rotted got a few bites into the man's flesh before Pebble's deft-tone voice froze them in stride. They followed her along the fencing until her voice was too far away to be heard.
Sorry for the wait friends! Life hit like a road block but I should have a post up today.
@Estylwen 😅 That’s been an understatement. Work picked up pace and of course, real life craziness. Sorry it’s taken so long.
@EstylwenI should have a post up by tomorrow night. 😊
@Aqutanama Looks great! You can go ahead and post him in the CS section and make your introduction post. 😊
@Play MistyPost order doesn’t matter, just let everyone post once each turn. 😊
@Aqutanama Sounds great! I will send you a PM reply. 😊
Posted! Let me know if anyone has any questions! :)

In Lock & Key Tavern's Back Room...

Faline gave a welcoming nod and soft smile as the tall Elvian man wandered close to her and Torsten, and then announced his name. [color=lightgreen][/color] she spoke as she sat up to catch a glimpse at what Amandine had in her pack to dine on. She raised an eyebrow at the sight of a Gray Pheasant that had been perfectly roasted and seasoned. Faline didn't know why she had the feeling the cooked poultry was a Gray Pheasant, just intuition she supposed.

Faline suddenly remembered all the symbols her uncle had scribbled in his journal as if his life depended on it. Her train of thought was interrupted as the door opened again. Sir Dorian walked through the doorway two more times. The first time with a rogue-appearing fellow and the second time with a being Faline never thought she would see. The big blue-hued being had to almost duck to enter the back room.

Faline had never seen a Northern Orc, or even a half-Northern Orc before. Sure, plenty of orcs had migrated to Vradia after the Seven Kingdoms united as one under the First Emperor, but Northern Orcs typically stayed in their territories outside of Vradia.

Sir Dorian turned and locked the door behind him. He moved over to a large table with many chairs around it. He was completely unphased by the fact that Simbelmyne was in the room without seeing her current appearance walk through the tavern's front door.

Dorian smiled at the group of six. "Be at ease, all of you, please. This is a safe space for all walks of life," he started as he gestured for everyone to sit if they wished at the long meeting table. Faline didn't budge at first from her place on the sofa. Her emerald gaze studied their host again. She cautiously stood and made her way over to sit at the table.

[color=blue][/color] he began to explain as he placed each token from Faline, Maltar, Amandine, Torsten, Gus, and Budi on the table. Dorian smiled.

Faline's green eyes widened with slight fear with Dorian's last word. "Our predecessors? Does that mean-," she started as the white-haired man smiled before cutting the half-Elvian woman off.

"Easy now, there's no need for rush conclusions. Your predecessors were working to solve a mystery that has been affecting the Ellezag Plains. A lot of the leads separated them. There is a need for all of you to step in for them in the area while they follow their quests to end those leads," Dorian elucidated in an attempt to ease any worry in the group.

Meanwhile in the woods with Pebble...

As Pebble and her newfound companion were on their way to somewhere private. They would walk into a brief break in the trees, a glen. The issue? Everything seemed to have been drained of life. Birds didn't sing, and the plant life was shriveled and dead before Pebble even had a chance to sing.

In the middle of the glen, there would be a pile of dead bodies all piled up on one another as if someone was purposely stacking them. If one took the time to count, there were fifteen bodies. Pebble's man companion would begin to try and lead her around the glen, a safe distance from the dead vegetation and tower of bodies.

Soon, Vradia soldiers dressed in a mix of armor and plague attire brought in another wagon filled with various dead beings that they added to the pile before setting the pile ablaze.

If Pebble would continue, there would be a brief farming settlement on her way. The population was too small to be called a village. The settlement would be blocked off with spikes and fencing around its borders to prevent people from entering or leaving.
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