I think NoCo mentioned it in an OOC post a while back, but the way to open your status/character menu is by saying "Status, open". Although I'm not sure the verbal "trigger" is absolutely necessary - since a creature that doesn't have vocal cords or is otherwise mute would otherwise be unable to access their status screen.
It was good on this end, got some cleaning done and we finally got some actual renovating done on the apartment for once. Just need to put some lights up and paint a wall, then the kitchen should be all done. And then we get to my room... Which is in desperate need of some TLC. xD
Gonna suck having to sleep in the living room until its done though. x_x
@Click This, @Crusader Lord, @Hammerman, @Qia Well... It's been over two weeks now, and no new IC posts at all. I realize that having Laynea leave you guys in the forest was a bad idea, but the benefit of hindsight is only available after a mistake sadly. But more importantly, I think I'll be closing this story down - unless you guys yourselves wanna keep running it. I'll leave that decision up to you all, but for my part, I feel unmotivaed and unenthused about keeping this going.
Apologies for not being a better GM and giving you all more direction and guidance in matters.
As I said, if any of you want to keep going with this, please just let me know in a PM or VM or something, and I'll make one/some/all of you Co-GM so you can keep running this RP on your own.
For what its worth, I had fun with you all so long as it lasted, and I hope you all have fun in whichever future RPs you decide to join. :)
Think its more a case of people being confused by the terminology. Most people, I would guess, associate DM with Dungeon Master, which in roleplays are interchangeable with GM or Game Master. Especially since the tab up there on the navigation-thingy does say PM for Private Messages. Took my brain a bit to acclimate to how NoCo says it too. :P
@TheNoCoKid When the maid had stepped back, and all the color had drained from her face, Minami got an expression of both concern and surprise. Was the older woman suddenly not feeling well? Did she need to sit down or something? But there was no time to consider that, as another voice - unfamiliar - suddenly cut through the entry hall. This one belonging to a man. And just where the heck had he come from!? There was no door there! No dtapes! No curtain! Had he just... slipped through the cracks in the masonry or something!? Minami could do not but stand dumbfounded and confused at this new arrival.
But at least he was polite. He didn't yell at her to get out of his home or anything. Alas, before she could fully listen to his spiel, something surprising happened - again. As a thin sliver of the morning sunlight filtered in through a tiny gap in the window's curtains, Minami let out a pained gasp. She felt... Weak...? And the burning sensation that had struck her face... What was that? Why was that? It felt like her face had just been brushed with a searing hot iron for a brief moment, and all the stamina and strenght in her limbs and body had just... Left... Which reminded her, she'd felt similarly sluggish and drowsy when she'd been outside in the sunrise... But that feeling of lethargy had vanished as soon as she stepped into the caslte, out of dawn... Was... Was she somehow developing some kind of allergy or aversion to the sun?
Thankfully, before her drained and instantly fatigued self could hit the cold and hard floor beneath her feet, the Dark Knight in shiny gold armor swooped in and caught her, just like a prince catching a princess in one of those cheesy fantasy novels. Equally cheesy was his gentlemanly gesture of draping the damsel in his cloak, but less gentlemanly was his barking orders at the old maid for not doing her job... Still, Minami appreciated his efforts, and once she'd regained her strength, and stood back up on her own, the fellow continued speaking.
He was apparently called Dragomir... So, he was the master tahat Rowena the Maid had mentioned earlier then? He looked... Fine? He was a bit lanky and tall, but he had this trange... Ageless disheveled handsome vibe going on... It was hard to describe. The best comparison Minami could make in her head was that he man looked as if he'd stepped out of painting. Which he might have, considering he appeared out of god damn nowhere! Still... He then made the fatal mistake of leaning in closer to look at Minami.
While the woman, in her past human life, would''ve immediately stepped back and averted her head in order to break eye contact, her new form was... Not so inclined. She felt no need to look somewhere else, no fear or anxiety at staring into the eyes of another... And it was precisely because of that that she noticed... His eyes... They weren't the eyes of a kind or generous person... There was something dangerous about them. Something... Wrong... The way he looked at her was like that of someone both wanting to dissect and eat her... In possibly more ways then one. It was... Unnerving, to say the least.
She stepped back from Lord Dragomir's person, though only a few steps. She then finally donned the cloak that Rowena had provided her with earlier, allowing the castle's master to retrieve the cape he had offered his latest guest. Minami steeled her composure, taking a small breath, processing everything that had just happened and that had been said up until now, and spoke - clear and without reservation.
"Thank you, Mr. Dragomir." Of course, she provided him with the same traditional japanese bow as she'd given Rowena. "I... don't know if this Lord Black you speak of is the same man I met. Honestly, all of it felt like a dream, and now seems like a ... Distant memory, even though I'm sure it happened not long ago." She paused. Looking at her own hands, curling them up into balls, then releasing her grip. "... You say I'm an... Otherworlder? I guess... That means this isn't Japan then? The man I met before said something like... Vecta? Is that where we are now?" She paused again, looking over at the window and then back at Dragomir. "... If you don't mind me asking... What does it mean, being an otherworlder? And why... Why do I feel like I want to avoid the sun? When I was outside earlier, I felt... Tired...And weary, even though I was just standing. And just now, before you helped me, I felt my face burn and the strength leave my body when that sliver of light landed on me..."
Minami still had many questions, but these were the most pressing ones. It'd be a huge inconvenience if she couldn't go out in the daylight anymore. And what was an otherworlder? Or rather, she understood what it was, but what did it mean specifically? Did all people who came to this new world become suddenly photosensitive or something? While she was hoping to get answers to her inquries, she also made sure to keep an eye on this Dragomir-fellow. For some reason, she was fairly certain that letting him be too close to her was a bad idea...
Minami thanked Dragomir for his help, and asked him many questions.
Minami is somewhat wary of and trying to be on her guard against Dragomir.
[list][*]I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
[*]I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
[*]I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
[*]I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
[*]I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
[*]I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
[*]I do anime-roleplay and [b]only[/b] anime-roleplay.[/list]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>I don't use social media, discord or google docs.</li><li>I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.</li><li>I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.</li><li>I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.</li><li>I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.</li><li>I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.</li><li>I do anime-roleplay and <span class="bb-b">only</span> anime-roleplay.</li></ul></div>