Staying long-term at the spoopy castle doesn't seem like a very healthy option for Minami... Unless she somehow manages to defeat a Vampire Lord who is, y'know, probably strong enough to obliterate her with one spell or something... xD
No, the GM doesn't pick what you look like - unless you want them to. The "selling point" of this RP was that the race our characters become in Vecta is picked by the GM, not us. But, as Mushroom said, if you want to pick your own race and not be subject to random chance, you can opt for that.
Bitches, please. You startin' to reek of jelly over there, take a shower~
Though yes, one of Tiff's skills is very... Interesting in how it works... And it'll probably cause her no small amount of grief. xD As for the rest of them... She's got like, what? 4 Passives? And 2 of them overlap. Pretty sure Minami could kick her ass easily at this point. :P
And of course she'd want more skills! She just got flattened by truck-kun, even though she spent all that timme going to the gym, staying fit and keeping herself pretty! OBVIOUSLY that wasn't enough, so she need MOAR to make sure she doesn't get ded this time around! Tsk, foolish fools who don't grasp anything.
*Looks at Tiffania's profile picture* I... Don't think I agree that she's gross or icky... ^^;
*Looks at Petra's profile picture* ... Ew. Gross.
And of course she's the LN-MC who'll use her seemingly useless and weak skill to become the greatest, most powerful and absolute undeniably the most epic in all the lands! Its just that simple. Side and supporting-cast, step aside~
Oh, and I finally got around to filling out Tiffania's text-based appearance. In case anyone cares about that stuff. :P
Now... On to get free room and board! Isn't being born pretty just the best? 8D
@TheNoCoKid As the colors of the world began to drain and make wait to a dull, lifeless grey, Tiffany couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding dread. She was dead, yes. She was able to make out her own mangled body, sure. But what happened now? Was she just going to fade into the endless void? Was she going to be forever frozen in this horrible moment in time? Stuck forever in a greyscale photo depicting her ultimate fate on this world? Locked forever to see the horrified screaming faces of her colelagues and co-workers? An eternity of silent, colorless, cold and forever unmoving misery? That... That just seemed so unfair and cruel...
But, that was not her fate it would seem, for something, or someone, had either heard her frustration, or witnessed her unjust demise. As if opening a window into a gloomy, unlit room with the blinds down, a radiant stream of golden sunlight, rays of warmth and radiance, began to seep into the greyscale picture that was her surroundings. And as the deceased girl turned her ghostly form to look in the direction of the newly arriving light, there she saw it. Saw her.
To describe the beautiful form of this angelic figure as anyhting other than a goddes would've been a crime. Tiffany had always been confident and assured of her own looks, but compared to this avatar of grace and beauty, well, she may as well have been a common chicken next to a peacock. For lack of a better analogy. Needless to say, the young woman could do nothing but stare in awe and wonder as the winged angel approached.
Then, as she finally stood infront of Tiffany, the being spread its arms and wings... And embraced the poor girl. A warmth that transcended the physical limits of mind, body and soul seemed to slowly envelope the young woman. She could feel her eyes water, evne though she no longer had eyes - not in the physical sense at least. She cried, tears streaming down her face, even though they weren't actually there. She wailed, even though she no longer had a voice. She held onto the angel, even though she didn't have either hands or a sense of touch anymore. But despite all this, she could still feel it. The warmth of the other woman, the gentle warmth she exuded. It was like... The gentle embrace that only a loving mother could give, the kind of being held which made you feel safe and secure, with th feeling that everything would be alright in the end. So, in this comforting and gentle embrace, the girl once known as Tiffany cried, for she had nobody else and nowhere else to do so.
The woman spoke soft and gently, using some kind of strange power to conjure forth memories and thoughts from Tiffany's very mind. At first, the young girl didn't even notice, but once she had calmed down and seperated a bit from the divine mother, she turned around to witness the strange spectacle. It was... Bizarre... To see snippets and fragments of her own life played out before her, like multiple holograms or TV screens each showing different bits and pieces of her collective experiences up until this point. It was simultaneously jarring and amazing.
But the show couldn't, nor did it, last forever. Eventually, all of the memories culminated in her untimely death. A stinging reminder to the girl. Yet, the angleic lady spoke, calm and clear. Words that were both true and kind. It was unfair. It wasn't her time. It was a waste. Yes. That was true. This Goddess really understood and agreed. She knew this was wrong, and unlike that oh-so-great other God that her mother and brother was so keen on, at least this Goddess had bothered to show up. To do something. To come to her aid when she needed it. This. This what was a God was supposed to be. Not some pacifist who never did anything but sit and watch crap unfold. But one that took action and actually did somehting.
Tiffany then heard a voice... A strange, disembodied voice. It spoke of transferal and souls and... Skills? To be honest, it was all a bit overwhelming and it didn't fully make sense to the young girl. Yet, there was something that she understood. This Goddess wasn't from her world, but was offering a second chance in the place she'd come from. A place called Vecta.
She would miss her father, and her sister... And well, she would miss her mother and brother too... But if the alternative was to end up as a ghost frozen forever in time, abandoned by that no-show of a God, then this was clearly the better fate no matter what awaited her.
And then, there was only light...
Tiffania, Temple of Morganna
@TheNoCoKid, @Silver Carrot, @Crimson Flame, @Kero Waking with a slight startle from what seemed like an eternal dream, steeped in nothing but golden luminence, the girl stirred. Sitting up, she felt a bit wobbly momentarily, before fully coming to her senses. Rubbing one eye with a balled up fist, she took in her surroundings and immediate area. This... Clearly wasn't where she'd been a moment ago. Wait. Had it been a moment? Everything had faded to.. Well, light, so perhaps she'd been asleep for awhile? Still, it was an obviously unfamiliar place.
For starters, she was indoors. In a rather opulent and lavish place, no less. The ceiling was high and vaulted, there were large, gorgeous windows from which light filtered in an almost surreally beautiful fashion. She was... Sitting... On some kind of... Platform? Altar? Raised disc? Tiffany didn't know the proper name for it, but it sure looked impressive. It was a big thing, with smaller things ontop of it, and she was ontop of one of those smaller things. Looking around, she also noticed that there were others present. Three of which were sitting or lying ontop of the same raised thigymywutsit as herself. But... Something wasn't quite right about them...
One of them looked normal enough, just a young girl from the looks of it. But the other two... Well... One was a midget... A discolored midget... With... Pointy ears... Who was like, two feet tall... And did she mention that it was a midget!? The other one was a man.... boy... young gentleman? .... He was very pretty, had dark hair... But... He... He also had pointy ears... Kinda like those elf-people in fantasy worlds, right? Tiffany remembered having seen them in ads and in art and stuff. They were supposed to be really pretty, right? Well, it sure seemed accurate as far as this guy was concerned at least.
Standing up, she only just then noticed another figure. A yuong woman with golden hair, dressed in a white robe... Or dres...? She looked kind of like a nun, but also not quite. Regardless, this female then began to speak - and thankfully, Tiffany could totally understand her. She remembered the Goddess having said that she'd be reincarnated in a world called Vecta, and for whatever reason, she'd imagined that they'd be speaking some kind of strange, foreign language - certainly not plain english. Still, it was a welcome surprise.
Looking around once again, after the priestess had introduced herself, Tiffany found that none of the others seemed particularly keen or eager to strike up a conversation. So, it was up to her to get the ball rolling right? Nah, she wasn't that good of a person. She just wanted her own damned questions answered was all.
"So... Where... Where am I right now?" The youth asked, noticing that her voice sounded slightly off, but disregarded it for now.
"You're currently in the Summoning Chamber in Morganna's Temple. All Otherworlders summoned by Lady Morganna arrive here in the capital city of Ilios. My name is Mirielle. I serve as the high preistess of the goddess." This Mirielle replied softly and politely. So, she was in a temple in some city called Ilios, got it.
"I ... Heard a voice talking about... Race selection and, skills? What's any of it mean?"
Mirielle chuckled lightly.
"I think you'll need to see for yourself." It looked like the priestess was just about to explain further, when another voice suddenly piped up. Turning their heads, both Tiffany and Mirielle could see that the midget had... Some... Kind of weird, glowy screen-thing hovering infront of her face now. The high priestess just smiled and looked back to Tiffany. "Try that. Just say; Status Open."
"Oh, alright... Status Ope-nnnnh!?"
There it was! The weird glowy thing! But it wasn't infront of the tiny munchkin's face anymore, it was infront of hers! Wait, the tiny one still had her own glowy thing still there. Did they each get one of their own? She had to blink a few times, before looking back at the... Screen? That was the only way to properly describe it, 'cuz this weird thing had a bunch of stuff on it. Text, and tabs, and displays, and more text. Tiffany fiddled around with the various tabs and doodads, quickly learning and grasping how to use it. After all, she was an avid user of smartphones. This was basically the same thing, just... Without an actual phone... Oh well, at least she wouldn't need to worry about keeping this thing charged, right?
There was, however, a matter that needed addressing. Yes. Right here. On the tab with her personal information. She was... Nameless? And this! Elf Squire was her race? Wait, so she wasn't human anymore? Had that goddess reincarnated her as some other, fantastical species? And these... Skill--things... She read through them, but couldn't quite wrap her head what it all entailed. It seemed like they were some kind of natural abilities or talents? It was weird to see them listed though, especially since most people back on Earth didn't just know or couldn't see what they were good at or had a natural affinity for. It was... Helpful! That's for sure, but a bit weird. Shaking her head, she swiped the Status Screen to close down, and then looked back over at their priestess.
"I... I'd like to thank the Goddess who brought me ehre... Who...Gave me this second life. Is there anything I can do for her?" Tiffany asked, with surprising eearnesty and sincerity. This wasn't the lip-service or dismissive off-handed devotion she'd given that God of hers back on Earth, no. Tiffany always believed that those who treated her well, who showed her kindness and genuine warmth deserved her gratitude in return. And this Goddess had just given her a second life. It was... Kinda of hard to think of anything more valuable and any other reason that was more deserving of her heartfelt thanks.
"If you wish to offer a prayer in thanks, we have several chapels here in the temple. Or you can make an offering at the fountain in the entrance hall." Responded the dutiful servant of god.
... A prayer or offering though? Really? Prayers... They'd always felt like such a one-sided, self-serving waste to her back in her old life. All you did was sit on your knees, talking to yourself, wishing to nobody but empty air for things or asking for stuff or hoping for someone else. Honestly, she'd never been a fan. But then again, she had first-hand experience that the Goddess of this Vecta place was actually, y'know, rela! So maybe prayers to her actually did reach the goddess? As for offerings... She would've been happy to... But... Searching her own person, she found that well... SDhe was lacking... In the whole... Money-department... Actually, she didn't seem to have anything on her except for this weird white dress that obviously wasn't hers. And a cape? Clak? Also white though. Where'd she gotten these anyway? Had Mirielle given them to her before she woke up? Bah, who cared! Moving on.
"Uh, so about these skill-things.. Can we... Get more of them? New ones? It'd be a bit rough if all we got were the ones on the list." Yes, this was important. Very important. She knew she could get by with her looks, she'd done that her entire previous life. But. This wasn't earth. Who knew what awaited her here? Especially since she was an elf now! What if those... What were they called? Orgs? What if one of those showed up! What if anothet truck came barreling at her? She needed more than good luck and gorgeous looks! She needed a means to stay alive, because she sure as heck wasn't going to die again! Not a chance! The Goddess had given her a miracluous gift, and she wasn't going to even dare squander it, even by accident.
"Of course, the longer you're here in Vecta, you will gradually get stronger and more accustomed to your new form and role. You can progress at a faster rate as well if you decide you want to become an adventurer or pursue ways to more thoroughly develop your skills."
Good, good. Wait, an adventurer? What was that? That was the thing in games, right? The ones who ran around grassy fields, getting into fights with dragons and kobalds and wearing bikini armor? ... Well... At least she knew she could pull off the bikini-bit, but fighting dragons and orgs though? Perhaps there were less scary things to fight first? Like... Oh, like slimes! Those little jelly blobs. They weren't scary. Just kinda gross and icky, but they were weak and easy to beat right? She'd seen her brother play some game on their console once, and he beat those silly things in droves. She almost felt a bit bad for them. But now, on to the actual, most important question of all.
"Thanks for your help, Mirielle. So... Uh... What... What should I do now? Where should I go from here?" This, this was a really good question. She had no money, no home, no friends, no family and she was an elf. So... Like... Was there a temp-agency or some kind of unemployment office or...? She needed cash, okay!! You couldn't buy food or a hotel if you couldn't pay! Dad had always been very careful about teaching her the importance and weight of money. And she knew, you couldn't do squat without it! Unless you were one of those weird, outdoorsy camping people who like, ate weeds and bird eggs... Geh, she got the shivers just from thinking about it.
"That's why I'm here. It's the duty of the high priestess to ensure the well-being of Otherworlders when they arrive. I have a friend in town who runs the local Adventurer's Guild. Her name is Moira. She can secure you all a bed for the night and find some employment to get you started."
A veritable weight lifted from Tiffany's chest and she let out a huge sigh of relief. So, she wasn't going to have to sleep in the streets or some back-alley after all tonight. Thank goodness. Truly, thank goodness! The young girl couldn't help but smile, step off her raised platform and approach Mirielle. Then, with a firm but gentle clasp, she grabbed the hands of the pirestesa and gave her a soft squeeze.
"Thank you... Thank you so much." It was all she could do. It was all she could say. At least for now. After calming down and making sure not to start bawling, she released the other woman and smiled.
As she was about to turn around though, a thought popped up. Quickly, she opened her Status Screen again and flipped to the tab with her information.
"That's right, my name." She paused and stared at the screen. Should she just go with what she'd been called on Earth? No... That person... That name belonged to someone who'd been smushed by a god-damned truck outta nowhere. She made a somewhat sour face thinking about that. Then, a little light bulb dinged above her head, and she began tapping something into the empty space next to 'Name:'.
" There. Tiffania, the Elf Squire." She stated, out into the open, to nobody in particular except herself. As she finished the name, there was a small flash, and a ... Strange... Locking sound? When she tried to tap the place with her name again, nothing happened. It seemed this was a one and done deal. Once you'd chosen, you were stuck with whatever you put in. Oh well, this was what she'd decided on anyway, so all was good. Swiping the screen shut again, she started to walk... But then paused, and turned to look at the other three still on the elevated platform.
"So... I'm gonna go look for this Adventure Guild now... Any of you guys wanna tag along?"
She wasn't going to wait around too ong, but she could at least be nice and ask if anyone else wanted to join her. After all, from what the high priestess had said, it seemed all four of them were these so-called 'Otherworlders', so perhaps... Perhaps they were from Earth too? And maybe they'd died unfair, unjust and undeserved deaths like her? If so, at least they had that in common.
She couldn't help but a feel a bit of anxiety but also excitement. Once she left this temple... Once outside... There'd be a brand new world... A new sky, a new sun.... A new... everything! It was scary, but... Also, perhaps it would be just mind-blowingly amazing!
Tiffany Leicester:
Cried like a baby in Morganna's arms.
Got reincarnted into Vecta.
Awoke in the Temple of Morganna.
Talked to Mirielle the High Priestess, learned how to use Status Magic and got useful information through conversation.
Chose a new name for herself.
Began leaving the Temple with the intent to find the Adventurer's Guild. Invited the three other Otherworlders to come with her if they liked.
Tiffania: - Plain, short white dress - Plain white cloak - Unremarkable shoes
So, it wasn't a fire that consumed the Great Library of Alexandria... It was PETRA! >:O
Also, wow, Tiff sure got a lot skills. xD And a lot of 'em for manipulating others it seems... Mhmhmhm.... Kekekeke... MWA HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA! *dramatic lightning in the background*
[list][*]I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
[*]I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
[*]I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
[*]I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
[*]I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
[*]I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
[*]I do anime-roleplay and [b]only[/b] anime-roleplay.[/list]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>I don't use social media, discord or google docs.</li><li>I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.</li><li>I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.</li><li>I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.</li><li>I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.</li><li>I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.</li><li>I do anime-roleplay and <span class="bb-b">only</span> anime-roleplay.</li></ul></div>