I just noticed when clicking the enlarged picture... Why does Isra not wear pants...? XD I'm not complaining, not at all, just curious.
After going over my CS and comparing it to everyone else's though, I've come to the conclusion to do a full revision of it, and probably start over from scratch. All of you guys sheets make me smile and excited about seeing your characters and how they'll interact. Then I read my own CS and it's just: Blaaaaaaaeeeeehhhhhhh, uninteresting mary suuuuue...
Think I'm gonna rework Neuf's personality a bit. It got a little more obnoxious than I'd originally intended. It's still gonna love bacon though.
As for names for her magic form, I came up with a few while lying in bed last night. Lemme know if any of ya good folks like any of 'em in particular;
- Prism Nova/Nova Prism - Star Prism/Prism Star - Iris Jewel/Jewel Iris (Iris being a greek name that means 'rainbow') - Diamond Heart - Azure Sparkle (On account of light blue hair when transformed and that gems... sparkle... Yes, I know her hair isn't actually azure-colored but "Powder Blue" doesn't have the same ring) - Fluorspar - Crystal Song - Lapis Lazuli (Suggested name)
... No, I'm not good at coming up with names. Kthx.
Oh hey, nice, tall boing mommy to my midget flat shorty.
Hey, hey! The other ladies so far haven't exactly been slouches in the torso-department either y'know! :<
I was actually considering that idea, in lack of anything better. Another idea I had was something like a gigantic, absolutely massive diamond sword or something, that just crashes down from heaven and pierces the earth, then shattering into a gazillion diamond shards that go ERTRYWHERE... But that seemed a bit too... Uhm... Unwieldy. xD
I'm almost done with my CS. The only things left are some minor touch-ups in the Other Details, as well as deciding on her ULTIMATE SIGNATURE ATTACK, and if I want a magic weapon/tool or not. Oh, and I guess her transformed name as well. Anyway, here's what I've got so far:
Name: Camilla Ferrero
Age: 33
Camilla after an intense yoga-session.
Height: 167 cm / 5'6" Eye Color: Sky Blue Hair Color: Glossy Black
Personality: Kind and sweet, Camilla is a mellow, docile and somewhat timid woman. She doesn't make a lot of noise or cause a fuss, even when she probably should - especially when she needs to stand up for herself. She has a generous heart and is more than willing to help and support others, but this often comes at the expense of her own time, finance or even her very own health and/or well-being. She's the kind of person who has a hard time saying 'no' and often over-extends or tries to juggle too many balls at once.
In her youth, she was an idealist and a huge fan of magical girls in general, seeing them as heroes of justice, peace and love. But growing up can bring change, especially when bad things happen in your life. Nowadays, while she's still as kind and friendly as she was back then, Camilla has unfortunately developed somewhat of a defeatist-mentality. She never expects anything, accepts things she shouldn't have to, she never tries particularly hard because the shadow of failing to achieve crushes her will and motivation. She's also developed, like many other women, a complex and unhealthy view about her own body, making her prone to impromptu diets or other ineffective methods of weight loss.
Which is ironic, as Camilla loves to eat good food. A situation that causes a vicious cycle. She's become jaded and resentful towards wealthy or privileged people as well, due to her own situation as a child - and evne now, as an adult. When things do go her way though, she sometimes comes off as overly humble, having a very hard time taking compliments or believing any praise she receives is actually genuine. Despite all her issues, both mental, psychological and physical, Camilla's still, at heart, a gentle and goo-naturedd person who wants and tries to both help and make others happy.
She loves her mother, but has a strained relationship with her younger brother. She's also a bit bashful and when a certain strange creature caused her to transform, she was... Less than happy.. Especially with the ensemble she ended up with. She gets flustered easily by comments about her physique, and ain't too keen on things that emphasize certain parts of her anatomy.
Backstory: Camilla was born to an upper lower-class half-italian, half-american family. Her father was a low-income factory worker and her mother was a homemaker. On her fifth birthday, her "present" was the news that she'd get a baby-sibling, a thought that excited her greatly. However, after her younger brother's birth, her mother unfortunately began to suffer from deteriorating health. An issue which was not made better by her father taking to drinking. To combat the increasing misery of her situation at the time, Camilla turned to admiring the Magical Girls which were popping up all around the world like wildfire.
They were so cool, so pretty and so... Everything! Just imagine, with magic powers you could do anything! You could heal the sick, punish bad guys, rescue kittens from trees and so much more. Whenever she saved up whatever meagre savings she could from her pittance of an allowance, she'd buy a poster or trading card of her absolute favorite magical girls. A "waste of money" according to her father, who saw it as a much wiser investment to spend the family's money on cheap liquor. Granted, half the family's income went to paying for Camilla's mom and her hospital bills. At least, they did... Until her father eventually passed away due to liver-failure.
At this point, Camilla was in her last year of high school. She'd always been a dutiful and diligent student, who realized that education was important. Sadly, being dutiful and diligent doesn't necessarily translate into being talented or gifted. Even though she tried her best, Camilla's scores were never anything more than average. She failed to get into any of the colleges she applied to, and even if she had gotten in, without a scholarship to pay for it, she wouldn't have been able to go anyway. Then there was the fact that her mother was still sick and her younger brother needed taking care of, as he was still just in middle school. All of this led to, ultimately, Camilla having to give up getting a higher education and entering the work-force.
Starting out, she worked part-time at a local grocer. This kept up until her brother finished up his high school and, unlike his sister, proved far more successful at being the smarts, earning himself a college scholarship - in another state... This left Camilla to take care of their mother and home. A task that greatly stressed the - at the time - young woman. Luckily, one of her co-workers invited her to a yoga-class, and Camilla was immediately hooked. Her stress had caused her to become somehwat of a stress-eater you see, and her new plumpness was a constant source of concern to her. Eventually, after a few years of sticking with it, Camilla and the instructor hit it off, and the former was given the chance to train and learn the art of the yoga, scoring herself a legit license and being able to hold her own classes! Which was great, 'cuz she had been forced to sell the family's old house a few years back in order to keep paying for her mom's medical treatment.
These days, Camilla works part-time at a retail store, as well as holding her own yoga-classes twice, or thrice, a week. There was never any time or room for things like romance, hanging out with friends and having fun or indulging in hobbies or interests. She was trapped in an ever-spinning hamster wheel. Living in a dingy rental apartment, with a no-good landlord who does nothing except leer at and drool over her bosom, taking care of a mother that can barely talk or move, getting callous phone calls from an estranged younger brother... Well, it's safe to say that Camilla has a lot on her plate and very little free time to do anything else.
... Which made her the perfect candidate for this weird, squishy thing to show up outta nowhere and go: "Hurrp-a-durrp-durrp! Here's magic powers, go fight the giant man-bear-pig!".
... Yaaay~ ...
Other Details: 📚 Camilla only has a high school-level education, having never gone to college or any university. 📚 Camilla doesn't have a driver's license. Not for lack of trying, but rather because she's unquestionably unsuitable to operate any motorized vehicle other than a scooter - and even that's potentially dangerous, to everyone. 📚 Camilla prefers tanning and sunbathing rather than actually swimming or playing in the water whenever she visits a beach or pool. 📚 Camilla has a serious bee-allergy and should avoid getting stung at all costs. This, in turn, causes her to somewhat freak out whenever a single, or multiple, bees are in her vicinity. 📚 Camilla's favorite food is potato gratin, and her favorite dessert is banana toffee pie... Along with other sweet, high-calorie treats that're not good for you. She's also partial to mochaccinos and capuccinos when it comes to coffee. 📚 Camilla's three sizes are: B99cm-W64cm-H92cm, or B39"-W25"-H36.
Transformed Name:
Please note that this image doesn't represent Camilla's transofmred appearance, but rather the clothes/outfit and the hair color she gains when transformed.
General Powers/Theme: Gemstones/Jewels
Minor Powers/Attacks: ⚔️ Ruby Shooter: Conjures forth, initially, four small, olive-sized rubies that rotate around the wrist(s). The onger these gems stay in rotation, the larger they grow, up to a max-size of roughly equivalent to a softball. Depending on their size, they cause a fiery blast when striking something solid or magical that can be between abot 8 inches in their smallest size, to roughly that of a standard-sized motorcycle at their largest. The gems can be fired one at a tme, or all at once as a mini-barrage. Since this attack causes fire and explosions, Camilla doesn't typically use it against humans unless they have suitable protection.
⚔️ Sapphire Shards: Works the same as Ruby Shooter, but conjures forth small sapphires instead. They work exactly the same too, except for causing blasts of chilling cold and shards of ice to fly out when they hit something. This is Camilla's prefered attack against humans, as it is less enviromentally hazardous and less lethal to humans in general - causing people to go numb and become too cold to fight back is a lot better than setting them on fire.
⚔️ Topaz Surger: Works like the above two, except it conjures up yellow topaz gems instead. On impact, they release shocking arcs and bursts of electricity in the same area as the two previous attacks. Camilla sometimes employs this attack as a'stun-gun' against humans, but prefers not to if possible, as electric shock can cause lasting nerve-damage.
Medium Powers/Attacks: ⚔️ Jade Aegis: A defensive ability that has two variants. The first is a 'shield', or rather a flaoting oval-shaped construct of jade, which can be used to block incoming, single-direction attacks. It can be cast in the air and 'attaches' to who or whatever Camilla assigns it to, until it is either destroyed or until cancelled. The second version is a 'barrier', which creates a crystalline palisade or wall, or a dome, of jade at or around a location. This mode can only be used on the ground or on flat surfaces however. Camilla can conjure one of each version at the same time, but if she does so, she cannot use any other powers until at least one is removed. She can target this ability anywhere she has line of sight to within a 100~ meter range, or 300~ ft.
⚔️ Amethyst Artillery: Conjures forth an amethyst the size of a pilates ball and then hurls it at a target or locaiton. Upon impact, the sphere bursts, causing a giant amehtyst crystal to sprout and grow to a massive size, then shattering. Upon breaking, the gem releases a terrible amount of pure Force, that is to say; non-elemental, concuyssive damage. This attack is very destructive and can cause serious damage, so Camilla is very frugal with its use. this power is exclusively used against large monsters and never against humans.
Major Power/Attack: ⚔️ WIP
Transformation Item: The Star Geo Crystal: A bright, multi-faceted gemstone. When not used, it simply looks like a pretty precious stone. When Camilla transforms, it releases an omni-directional vomit of light, sparkles and glitter, after-which it takes on the shape of a necklace or choker with the gem firmly secured around Camilla's neck. The stone is activated by the phrase: "Pretty Precious Magical Make Up!".
Magical Weapon: WIP
Other details: 💬 To charge her minor powers from smallest to largest, Camilla needs about 10 seconds. 💬 WIP
Name: Neuf
Height: 30 cm / 1 ft
Personality: Initially, when first encountered, Neuf appears as the stereotypical magical girl mascot. Altruistic, sworn to defend the helpless, motivated by a sense of duty and justice, benevolent and wishing for the well-being and happiness of all! ... But that mask quickly comes off once you've bonded with them. Once it has bestowed you with its powers and given you the whole magical girl-schtick, explaining how your powers and how monsters and villains work... Well, let's just say that's where Neuf's commitment to the bit ends.
In truth, Neuf is a lazy, self-indulgement and snarky little turd, who values their own comfort and desires above others. This isn't to say they don't care about others, but their motivation for caring is driven by their own desire to be happy and content, not by charity or empathy towards others. For example, if a monster attacks the city, that could cause damage to the infrastructure, which in turn could impact Neuf's ability to watch television or get a hold of their favorite snacks, which obviously isn't acceptable. Thus, Neuf is not above using guilt or the leash and chain of responsability to motivate their contracted partner into performing their duties.
Neuf also isn't above using its cute appearance to its advantage. Talking with a cutesy voice, snuggling up to others, giving lavish praise... If it gets people to do something, it's worth it. Thusly, Neuf is just the absolute worst, and it doesn't seem to have a shred of concern about that fact.
This all said, Neuf isn't fully unbearable. When monsters or villains appear, it will come to its partner's side - even if it complains and whines about it. It actually genuinely cares for its partner as well, although if that concern and care is born out of a sense of companionship or because it'd be inconvenient to find a new one is up for debate. The mascot wants what's best for their bonded ally, but due to its selfish and often lazy disposition, it can be very hard to notice.
Neuf also really, really dislikes other mascots for some reason, and will often pick a fight with them if given the opportunity. Depressingly, Neuf also seems to lose every single one of these confrontations, due to its lackluster intellect.
As a final note, Neuf refers to itself as 'Neuf' and speaks in the third person. To add more confusion, it also ends almost all of its sentences and speech with 'Neuf'. Thus, when it introduces itself, it would say something like: "Neuf is Nefu, neuf!"... But that isn't where the madness end. Sometimes, if Neuf doesn't know the word or phrase for something, it'll instead insert 'Neuf' as a replacement.
Other details: 👑 Neuf can use the large gem/crytal on its head to fly. When doing so, the gem shines and changes color in a rainbow-spectrum. When inactive, the stone looks dull and seems to be filled with a constant swirling mass of trapped clouds or gas. 👑 Neuf can also use its gem to communicate telepathically with Camilla over great distance. This is useful when the two are seperated, and because Neuf seems to be a real home-body and couch-potato. 👑 When 'walking', Neuf bounces on its spring-like lower body, which makes a distinct 'sproing'-sound everytime it bounds in any direction. Neuf can reach surprisingly far and high, easily able to do a standing leap far beyond any human star athelete, and reach heights that you'd need a vaulting pole if you're a mere man. 👑 Neuf's favorite food is bacon. 👑 Neuf seems to love watching TV, and would prefer to spend its days doing so, rather than secretly or covertly staying by Camilla's side in case of an emergency. 👑 Neuf seems to have an even worse education than Camilla, and cannot even do basic multiplicaiton tables without the aid of a calculator. 👑 According to Camilla, touching Neuf is like touching a balloon, surrounded by fine, short fleece on the outside and filled with jelly or pudding or some other squishy, gooey substance.
I'm making my character's mascot just the worst. Its a stay-at-home, home-body, couch-potato who'd rather watch TV than actually hang out with and keep my character company. Also it's pig-themed. And its favorite food is bacon.
On a different ntoe though, I'd like to ask what, if any, 'generic' powers we get as magical girls? Like, can we all fly right out of the gate? Or do we need to set that as one of our powers, or have a weapon/tool that allows us to do that?
Do we get increased strength/speed/durability? One girl was gunned down, supposedly by mundane firearms(?), so I'm guessing that even if our characters do become more sturdy, its not enough to make any real difference if we take an attack from something that'd be lethal to a regular person?
Just a few things I thought about and figured I'd check on.
Still making my character, and trying to settle on a consistent powerset.
'Electricity' is a broad term. It can venture into 'lightning' and thus weather-adjacent. It can venture into Infamous-style 'store and release' stuff. Then there's my first idea about it being able to power tech like a visor. But not all three. That'd be too unfocused.
[list][*]I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
[*]I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
[*]I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
[*]I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
[*]I do anime-roleplay and [b]only[/b] anime-roleplay.[/list]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>I don't use social media, discord or google docs.</li><li>I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.</li><li>I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.</li><li>I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.</li><li>I do anime-roleplay and <span class="bb-b">only</span> anime-roleplay.</li></ul></div>