Avatar of Xaltwind


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1 day ago
Current Weeekends go by so fast, it almost doesn't even feel real
9 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
14 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
21 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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22 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
  • I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
  • I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

You could try saving it to your comp/HD and uploading it to a place like imgur. Then you can just take the [img]-code provided there. That's what I do with all my images unless I can upload them here on RPGuild in the images-part of the profile.
If there's a pic in that CS, it ain't workin' for me. :<
Oh, the CS was a nigthmare. Just ask Zeroth.

But I don't usually having trouble actually making IC posts once I've made the character-proper. :P
Behold knaves, I doth hath taken first place! Revel in my glory, you filthy peons, Myup-myup-myup-myup~!
Kikka - Common Realm

It was a bright and sunny day, the city was full of people - both locals and visitors from near and far. Thousands of voice, footeps and equally many other sounds could be heard ringing out across every inch of the cobblestreet-laiden town. For a day like this, when a monumentous event for so many took place, this was surely a sign of great things to come! Or, so the superstitious or overly faithful may see things at least.

But that had nothing to do with, or was of no cocern to, the young lady who was now casually strolling along one of the main streets of the city. Eyes like magenta gemstones, hair of royal blue that sparkled in the sunlight, a curvaceous body dressed in an equally eye-catching - and some would say needlessly - short dress of white and blue, with fine buttons. Her legs carried her forth, one step at a time, hips gently rubbing together in pure white thighhigh boots, with a certain slight sway to her hips. The young woman wore a carefree smile, with half-closed eyess, arms gently moving in tandem with her stride. There was a certain elegance to her, as well as an overwhelmingly blatant allure. More than a few young men, and even some who weren't that young, turned therir heads or at least allowed their eyes to wander as she passed by. There were also some females who gave the bodacious beauty their own glances, though these were either more rooted in disbelief, embarrassment or outright envy.

Yet, despite many following her with their gaze, the blue-haired girl didn't seem to mind - or care. She merely continued her walk along the street, climbing ever higher on her path to her destination. The coloseum.

On her way, she spotted a few interesting sights and people. The large number of food stalls made the air full of delicious smells and fragrances, enough so that a particularly large lad came bulldozing through the crowd, eager to go from one stall to the next. The scene made her giggle melodically, though it didn't stop or slow her pace. She passed by a peddler who was trying to hawk some kind of miracle brew, and he'd actually garnered the attention of some potential customers. Of course, she knew better, and so merely kept on walking.

Once she'd come enough of the way and reached her goal, it was time to get in line. There was quite a turn out this year. A lot of people from a lot of places, both high and low. She did notice though that, following her selection of a queue, there was an oddly large increase in the number of applicants to chose to take a stand in the same line as her... Even though some of the other queues were shorter...

Oh well.

Though as she stood in line, the young lady noticed something up ahead. There was agirl, probably around her own age, who was repeatedly being cut or shoved aside, with other people stepping infront of and robbing her of her chance to sign up and register. How sad. But she wasn't an ally of justice, nor a saint or savior, and if this girl - who looked a bit frumpy to be honest - wasn't even able to muster the backbone or cry out with a voice of discontent, then what chance did she have of actually joining the ranks of the Magic Knights? It would probably be for the ebst if she just returned from wherever she'd come from.

Oh, the line was moving again!

"Next." The man in recatngular glasses and a finely pressed and wrinkle-free suit, holding a clipboard, called out.
"Yes, yes~ I'm here."
"Name, age, place of birth?"
"Baroness Camilla Azurios, 17, and I was born in the Azurios Estate."
"Alright, one moment." The man penned something down, his voice as dispassionate and dry as his eyes and facial expression. "Alright, you're registered. You're number 184, here's your badge, don't lose it and please report to the waiting area over there." He gestured nonchalantly in a direction.
"Thank you, sir." The girl called Camilla said, gingerly plucking the wooden slip from his hand before leaving and heading off in the direction indicated.

She kept on moving for a bit, until a sight caught her eye, and some sounds caught her hear. She noticed a young boy, in simple garb, being followed by a trio of gaggling clowns. The most obnoxious of the lot, a fellow with a horribly out-of-fashion hairstyle, even slung his arm around the poor boy and jingled a bag of - what was most likely - money in his face. Was this jerk flaunting his finanical supremacy to the obvious commoner-child? What poor taste. Still, no matter how he poked and prodded, the young red-head still managed to keep his mouth shut and his hands in check - a remarkable feat, as many of today's commoners had grown brazen and ill-tempered. A fact she knew far too well...

Still, as he hadn't done anything to try and drive off this bothersome bungle of buffoonery, yet had the good gaces and patience to put up with the treatment, it was clear this boy wasn't one of them. With a slight sigh, but still a smile, she let her feet carry her up behind the two who were locked in arm-over-shoulders.

"Now, now, is this really how you should be spending your time, young sir? Surely there must be something more productive you could be doing with your time, hm~?" Her voice was gentle but clear, but neither barbed nor venomous. "Do you really want to be spending time on this poor boy when the exxams are about ready to begin?" Her smile was very sweet and her eyes, half closed, had a glint of ... Something... in them.

Her left arm was held under her - rather ample - bosom while her right elbow rested in the left hand and supported her chin with the right arm and hand. There was no hostility or hint of annimosity. Hopefully, this pathetic excuse of a loser would be get flustered or bored now that someone else had taken note of his boorish attitude. More so when the person who had interfered was a fellow noble. But who could say? Maybe the oaf would continue his bullying, or re-direct it at Camilla instead. Whatever the case, this was sure to provide some decent, pre-exam amusement.

I thiknk all of us would mercy kill him if he sounded/talked like that... xD

Cute tomboy showing up at MK Exams? Naughty Milla might be very happy... ^^

@Zeroth I'll try and get Kohra's CS posted as soon as possible. I've been doing a lot of concept thinking these past few days, so I'll try and speed write what I've got and get the basics posted as soon as possible.

Ow, my heart... You have no idea how close to home this hits, buddy. T-T
This is Franklin.

Great, now I can't stop imagening Ludo talking like Franklin from the Foamy the Squirrel series...

Camilla: See something you like?

Ludo: Please, bitch! I'm busy shop-ping! Do you have that one in a mens' size? *points at Milla's dress*
@Xaltwind Rather than trucks and cars, why don't we measure it like this XD

Otherwise, yeah, that sounds fine to me! Accepted!

Yeah, that seems fine.
Let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~!

Also, I'm fine with starting whenever everyone else wants. :3

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