Avatar of Xaltwind


Recent Statuses

23 hrs ago
Current Weeekends go by so fast, it almost doesn't even feel real
9 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
14 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
21 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
1 like
22 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
  • I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
  • I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Oh God it wasn't this bad in my mind! What have you done?! What have you done to my pristine childhood memories?!

Want me to fetch the original Mighty Morphing Power Rangers OP too? xD
The Official OP for the RP!

Not to worry, there's been no actual plot-progression or story-advancement. Just some silly interactions and funny shennanigans/hijinks. And a bit of drama.
Time for some sleeps. A little past midnight here now, so should probably get some rest while I can.

Camilla Internal Monologue:
You piece of ####, ruining my fun. I hope you die in a wagon-crash you overgrown monkey-pig.

Hikari Internal Monologue:
She glared at me... What a fascinating woman! >:3
So it did, @Kero.
Fix'd now though.
Welp, I couldn't restrain myself.
Kikka - Common Realm

@Zeroth, @Expllo, @Databug, @Duthguy[ish), @ERode(ish)

Initially, things were going smoothly and basically as expected. Once her voice had been heard, the heads of the four young men turned to take a look at who this new arrival was. Two of the youths dropped their jaws on the floor, the red head's eyes widened like saucer and his face flushed - how adoirable~ - and the one with outrageously hideous hair-do began to fumble over his words and relinquished his prey, focusing now instead on the significantly more interesting person that had deigned to speak with him. Juat as she'd thought, this little interaction would serve as a fun distraction to kill time up until the exams started, how delightful!

... Except, of course, someone had to come and spoil it all.

Before she could reply in any maningful way, the footsteps of something big and heavy could be heard approaching. Next, the two non-pompadoured followers of Mr. Pompadour let out a pair of pained, whiney noises. This prompted all three present, the red head, the pompadouche and Camilla, to turn their heads and look in the direction of the source. And there ... It(?)... was. A massive, hulking, towering... Boy? Man? Shaved bear? It was a bit hard to tell to be honest. Regardless, the one - who will hencefroth be refered to as 'The Large One' - had wrapped its own limbs around the necks of pompadour's friends, and was now spewing out some rubbish from its mouth.

While The Large One was hard to identify in terms of age and ... Species... It very clearly belonged to the common class of society, given its ... Attire... and its behavior. Yes, that sort of behavior. Their behavior.

It was but for a moment, perhaps so quick that nobody noticed, but Camilla - still smiling as sweet as when she'd arrived on the scene - gave the giant ogre a glance. A glance of considerable disapproval. But, as it was something that merely lasted within a moment and a blink of the eye, chances were high that unless this fellow had the observational skills of a falcon, he wouldn't even have noticed.

All this fuss was stirring up the interior of the place though. Other applicants were stopping to gawk and see what was going on. It was causing a scene. That wasn't what she'd wanted out of this. It was supposed to have been a quick and simple distraction, but now it was turning into a whole tuing - all because this large lummox had to barge in and stir the pot. What a nuisance.

Thankfully, the red-head had more sense than his fellow low-born. He managed to draw the attention of everyone else, and announced he wasn't interested in the large one's 'help', and he then politely thanked Camilla. The blue-haired girl simply gave him a qink and a good-natured 'Mhm~' before he said his apology to a poor girl who'd been unfortunately bumped into during this whole mess. After which, the youth promptly took his leave, leaving pompadour and his friends, as well as several other spectators, a bit baffled and unsure of what to do next. Well, at least he had a good head on him.

... And then the hideously hair-do'd buffoon addressed Camilla.

The young baroness smiled and placed a hand on her cheek, cheeks tinged slightly pink and her eyes half closed as she looked at the young noble and his extended hand.

"My~ Such a gentleman." She flattered the obnoxious turd without a shred of insincerity to her tone or body-language. "However, good sir, I'm afraid I was just on my way get freshened up before the exam. A lady needs to powder her nose and make she looks appropriate for something like this after she's been on a long journey, no?" She leaned forward slightly and tilted her head ever so slightly. "But I'm sure we'll meet up at the waiting area later, yes? For now, a brief farewell." She straightened bakc up and gave the lout a well-mannered, nearly exquisite curtsie, before turning around on her heel.

Thus, she freed herself from this little slice of drama. How unfortunate. She could've gotten to play so much more if that big brute hadn't barged in and borked everything beyond bemusement. She walked off, still that slight sway to waist and rolling of the hips. Now there was nothing left to do but go and wait until this whole exam-thing got started.

How dull... Perhaps I really should visit the bahtrooms first.

<Snipped quote by Xaltwind>

Also, I'm just now noticing this, but the guy with the carrot top wasn't the one going from stall to stall. He was the one "barging through the crowd with seemingly no care for anyone." The one with all the food is the one Illios interacted with.

Well... Poo...
Way to ruin my HILARIOUS joke. :<

Up ahead, he could see the (really, rather unmistakable) figure of the blue haired noble girl he had been following, along with several others--an odd mix of commoner and noble, it seemed.

Thanks for that, made me chuckle good. XD
Also, appreciate the fact that you made Tristan not ascetically invulnerable to femenine charms, given he's a 16 year old boy. ^^

I totally wanna post right away, but I'll restrain myself and let some of our missing friends get a chance to join in before I respond.

Or, y'know, until I can't contain myself anymore. Whichever comes first.
OH no, Tubs McFoodbag's gonna get it! D:
However will the orange haired, frckle-faced man-child with an appetite for absolutely everyhign escape the imminent threat of a spoiled rich kid and his pushed-to-the-point-of-boiling-over sidekick!?

Find out next time on;
NExt episode: "No, I'll deepfry and put YOU on a stick!"
I added a TL;DR bit at the bottom of my post. Thanks @Expllo for reminding me of that with your IC post. :)


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