Avatar of Xaltwind


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7 hrs ago
Current Weeekends go by so fast, it almost doesn't even feel real
8 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
13 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
20 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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21 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
  • I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
  • I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Are there any safety measures for people that fall off their broom? You know, so non-lethal force doesn't become lethal force.

Given that unlike the test with the pillar, where the officials and staff conducting the trials explicitly were mentioned showing up and putting up barriers to both shield the audience and to rein force the pillars, I'm of two minds regarding this.

1) There are no safety measures, until someone does fall off their broom or look like they're about to crash - at which point the officials/staff will interfere by casting some sort of cushioning spell or otherwise soften/prevent the full-on bellyflop onto solid ground.

2) There are no safety measures and people are responsible for not eating dirt themselves. This is based on anime/manga in a setting of magic and fantasy. Falling from your broom and face-planting into the dirt isn't necessarily something that'd kill you unlike in real life. After all, people get hit by fireballs or toxic gas or lasers or a myriad of other hings in Black Clover and don't die. It's only in SRS plot moments where people actually seem to be able to "die".

Of course, I'm just guessing here and don't actually have any answer. Could be that Zeroth has something entirely different in mind.

Now I'll have all the time in the world to sit here and press F5 while I'm waiting for anyone to post in the IC/OOC. :3

Also, to anyone who wants but hasn't posted IC yet:

If you want to be the one to interact with Camilla, just let me know. Either here or in a PM. :)
And if there're no takers, I'll have her do something else entirely in my next post.

But c'mon! Who doesn't wanna get a private hands-on lesson from a pretty, playful and slightly naughty onee-san~?
Kikka - Common Realm

--- Coliseum Interior ---


The minutes progressed, and the various applicants kept at it. Camilla didn't watch or pay much attention to any of them - only the nes who made such a showing that it just plainly couldn't be ignored or avoided being seen. Such as the lightning magic user. Though to be fair, Camilla paid more attention to that one's disheveled and ratty apparel, which ontrasted with her otherwise pretty features. Such a waste.

Eventually though, after some 300 or so prospective future magic knights were done taking their tests, things moved on to the next phase. Apparently, this was the rumored 'flight round' of the trial - but it seemed they'd gone ahead and changed things up. Whether it was brand new for this yea,r or if it'd been like this for over a decade, Camilla didn't know. And she honestly didn't care. This was yet another trial where people would be pressed to showcase their skillls and abilities, and how well their talents and prowess stacked up against their peers. Basically, this was the round where try-hards and those who yearned for the spotlight could really strut their stuff and do whatever it took to show off just how amazing and talented they were. A pageantry for dressed up dogs, yapping and walking on their hind legs in hopes of getting a treat as a reward for performing well. What a joke.

The official explained the rules and the goal of this next challenge. Some people were already casting side-eyes and eyeing each other up, others were apparently so excited that they couldn't wait for the signal to start, and were already making a goof of themselves. Regardless, the signal to start was eventually given, the 100 golden copyrighted balls with wings were let loose and took to the arena's open dome above. Immediately, the applicants scrambled and hurried, jumping onto their brooms, taking off and beginning to engage in an all-out scuffle.

There were, after all, over 300 participants, but only 100 orbs. This meant that, roughly, there were three individuals chasing after each sphere at any given time. Of course, that number varied depending on distance, density of the crowd and other factors, but that was the overall status. Fast-flying youths, all hell-bent on catching themself one of these magic butterfly-balls and showcasing just how useful they could be to the gathered captains!

... At least, that was what everyone else was doing.

Camilla, on the other hand, casually got on her broom, sitting sideways upon the shaft with her legs crossed, and then gently began to float up into the air. However, unlike the others who flung themselves head-first into a stormm of shouting, flailing and magic that went anywhere and everywhere, the bluenette instead opted to hang back, away form the thick of the fray, almost leisurely hovering without making any attempt at chasing after a ball or trying to snag one that had already been claimed.

Her purple yes merely scanned back and forth in a disinterested fashion, watching the others and their various actions. Magic arrows were sent flying, someone trew up some kind of obstacles on a pair of balls, some idiot came rushing head-first into another guy and headbutted him off his broom... It was a mess, to say the least. She sighed.

Diverting her attention away from the spectacle, she instead took a look down on the ground, at the people who were still not airborne. Either because they were taking their time, because they weren't used to flying on a broom, or because they just didn't know how. She herself had been fortunate to have gotten to practice the art of broom-flight back home when she was but 10 years old, so in a way she supposedly had a bit of an advantage. It was pretty apparent that she was a graceful flier too, as she seemed to be as comfortable on her flying stick as she was on the ground, showing much greater control over her magic than when she'd been firing magic bullets in the earlier test-round.

Perhaps there would be someone who she could engage for a bit of fun down there though. After all, playing a naughty teacher was always a good time. She'd just have to float on down, approach from behind nad give them that old and true: "Need some help~?"

I'll start working on a post tomorrow after I get back home from work, and will be officially on vacation. So long as my internet doesn't get all screwy again. ^^
There's no restriction against taking multiple winged balls, but they must be held within the hand, not solely by a spell, bag, etc. If you had a vice grip you might be able to hold two of them in one hand but it'd be difficult.

But... What about in your mouth...?

... Asking for a friend... *shifty eyes*
Lol, Giles. xD

"Well, hot dang, lookit 'at, such a fetchin' young lass, ain't she, gya-harr! Wonder if those sweater-cannons ao' hers be fully loaded!"

"She's a child, you pig."

"T-That's right! She's not even legal yet!"

"Hrm-hrm... So, an investment fer the future, y'say? I can do that!"
Just a small heads-up, my internet's been acting wonky all day - and I´'ve got no idea why - so I'm just leaving this here, in case something happens that makes me unable to use my internet and post/respond to stuff here.

Hopefully it's nothing major and justa teeny, tiny, one-off bit of random technical difficulties.
zzz flex posts are so annoying to writeeee

... But you're playing a character who does nothing but flex... o_o;
we love a short king

edit: why did this post in character section too (on my phone)

You broke the rules! NOW YU GET BAN'D! D<
... Or y'know, just ask a mod to delete the post. Whichever is preferble to you.
Welcome to the RP~
Rio seems like he'll fit in nicely with the other CRIMINAL SCUM we've got in our cast. ^^
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