Avatar of Xaltwind


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4 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
9 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
16 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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17 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold
26 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Still can't read moon runes, by the by. ;P
Ow, my vitality. I needed that, y'know? >:(
... Because I didn't see that coming when I added the bit of her neck and shoulders being exposed... xD
Nah, you're the last two dragons. Ever.
Time to repopulate~
... Ya'll better stay away from my shrine maiden if ya know what's good for ya... *low growling*

I feel big sad for Qaymu. :(

Edited in a few extra things at the very end of the post. Just for the lols.

Miyuki's Selfish Reactions:
Person infront of her is badly hurt or clearly unwell.
Miyuki: Ugh... Does this mean I'm gonna have to wait to get breakfast now?
Miyuki no Suzuyami

Location: Building #1; Hallways → First Floor
Relevant Cast: @CitrusArms Yumeiko, @Lemons Velvet

"You think so? I've grown quite partial to that thing they call 'toast', so crunchy and-- Oya~?"

As the arm-and-tail-locked couple came down the stairs, there was a scene. An unpleasant one. A (seemingly) young woman staggering about, and there was a puddle of... What could only have been either blood, or really rancid pizza sauce, not too far off. It wasn't hard to put two and two together. Miyuki could tell something was off about this one - being a creature of dark curses and EVIL, she had a sense for identifying that which was similar or shared traits to herself.

Sadly, her little spouse - too good and pure for this world - quickly tried to approach and aid the ailing stranger. Only to realize a bit too late that her very presence here was only going to cause more harm than any good she could hope to provde. A sad, but often too true reality, for their kind. Sometimes, beings were just plain incompatible, like oil and water. It was waaaay to early in the morning for this sort of drama. But, she could tell by the look on Yumi's face that this was important to the golden-haired miko, and what kind of monster could refuse that face? Miyuki sighed and lightly shrugged her bare shoulders.

"Very well, my dear."

Soon after an uplifting smooch on the cheek, the priestess of the Fox Goddess had managed to scamper off and away from the stairwell and the crumpled person. Miyuki eyed her up and down. She was afflicted by a very powerful curse... A very old one too. it was unfamiliar too, which meant that it wasn't something native to her homeland - which made since, because this woman clearly wasn't from the land of the rising sum. Descending the final steps, Miyuki slowly approached the unfamiliar woman.

"Apologies, we weren't aware someone so averse to faith was living here." The fox paused. "You do live here, yes?" The follow-up question was far less cordial than the initial greeting. If this was some random, off-the-street human who had just wandered in and accidentally gotten herself cursed becuase she'd messed with things beyond her comprehension... Well, then there'd perhaps be need for even more curses to fix that memory of hers.

"If you have a room here, I could lend you a shoulder I suppose."

Miyuki didn't bother with things like introductions or other formalities. This wasn't really a situation that warranted that sort of pleasantries. For now, the important thing was to get this gunk-spewing mess-of-a-woman somewhere else so she could go and enjoy her breakfast. She was still smiling though, albeit the kind you'd see a store-clerk or salesman wear. A forced smile for the sake of appearances. She extended and offered a hand to help steady the poor thing though. Standing there... With her bare shoulders and exposed neck... And big ol' blouse-bunnies... Just waiting...

I really don't feel like trying to keep up with 3 different threads for what is essentially the same RP if I'm honest @Foster
Lord, Yumeiko and Miyuki are just...really obnoxiously cute and I love them so much.

Thanks? xD
Yumeiko no Akame no Kami


Miyuki no Suzuyami

Location: Building #1, Floor #4, Room #407 -> Building #1 Hallways
Time of Day: Early Morning
Relevant Cast: @CitrusArms Yumeiko, @Xaltwind Miyuki

At first, things were going smoothly, with the sleeping beauty being mostly calm and still. Yumeiko would would oon find that today her snoozing princess to be a bit fussier than usual. The comfy and gentle brushing eventually caused the nine tails of Miyuki to stir, beginning to sweep and sway in the bed. The fox herself made content, sweet noises and began to edge closer and closer to her groomer, drawn in by the familiar and pleasant scent of her fellow fox, as well as her warmth.

Within a surprising short amount of time, the kyuubi had somehow managed to snuggle up right next to the other fox girl, tails and body starting to wrap themselves around her. Was this black-haired girl really a fox? 'Cuz she sorta seemed more like a snake at the moment...

"Oh..?" Yumeiko noticed one of the black furred tailed had wrapped itself around her thigh, first. Then another, at her waist. As she tried to ever so gently disentangle herself, an arm slipped around her and pulled her closer. Her cheeks flushed softly as she suddenly found herself wrapped completely, tails and arms and legs binding her in place. "This isn't even a proper seal..." she pouted.

She only had an arm and a leg free. Her other arm was pinned across her body, with her hand at her hip. She could wave with it. Even as she managed to free herself from one binding, another took its place. "Mmn. Miyukiii..." She was wiggling her shoulders to get loose when a hand slid through her hair and pressed her head forward, into Miyuki's chest. She gave a squeak and turned her head so she could breathe, sighing. "Miyuki. Wake up."

"Mmmhml... Nnnmm... Dun wanna..." Was the only reply Yumeiko got, as the black-furred one continued the snuggles.

"Geh... Of course not." Yumi rolled her eyes and considered her options only briefly before she thought of something. A change into her fox from shrank her out of her bindings and allowed her to slip out from the tails trying to hold on to her, and she reformed into her demihuman shape at the end of the bed. Too bad she had to get dressed again, though. She hadn't done anything to bless or enchant those clothes, so they wouldn't shift with her.

"Miyuki, aren't you hungry? I know I am. Let's get something to eat." Of course, she'd been up and doing chores already. Made a body hungry.

"Hmmnn... Food...? Yeah, I could eat, sweetums..." The kyuubi myurmured in a slurry fashion, turning over on her side and now facing the other way - since her body pillow had so cunningly escaped. A few moments of silence passed.


A very recognizable sound suddenly filled the room. The unmistakable rumble of an empty tum-tum. Making a discontent grumble, the black-haired bombshell fussed about a bit, trying to ignore the prospect of promised plates of palatable goodness... But ultimately, the allure of eating won out over her urge to continue sleeping. Sitting up, very slowly mind you, she streched her arms into the air, made a 'hnnnngghhhh'-sound and yanwed.

... And that caused her pajamas - and lack of a brassier - to expose quite a hefty deal of things that shouldn't be described in detail.

Miyuki then nonchalantly rubbed her eye with one arm and looked around her room, sluggish and unhurried. When her eyes finally found and focused on the other fox girl at the end of her bed though, a small, gentle smile formed on her lips.

"Morning, Yumi my love." Her voice was sweet. "Did you bring breakfast to bed? Such a sweetheart." Apparently, Miyuki had either misunderstood Yumeiko's intentons, or was just trying to avoid having to actually get up to go get food...

Yumeiko watched calmly as Miyuki roused herself for the promise of food. She watched, unabashed, and retrieved her clothes from the bed after her companion found herself awake enough to speak with intent. "Your beauty lends you such grace, Miyuki." Underthings went on, she refastened the belt over her skirt and started buttoning her blouse.

"Oh my~ Feeling amorous this morning, hmmm~? Flattery will get you everywhere." Miyuki's gentle smile widened and became a bit more... Lascivious... In nature. It faded after Yumeiko had put her clothes back on, there was even a bit of a pout from the black-haired fox woman. Apparently she prefered her company to be in the buff.

It had been a bit of a backhanded compliment, but Miyuki seemed to be too asleep to catch that, yet. "No breakfast in bed, sorry. Let's go downstairs to eat. We should get to know our neighbors, it'll be good." Yumeiko turned to face the other fox, her tails swaying behind her as she finished fastening the top buttons.

"Fiiiiine..." She said, clearly unenthused at the prospect of meeting new people. Even if they were monsters or non-humans. It hadn't been too long since the pair had moved here to the Umbra Rose complex, and they hadn't really mingled with their fellow peers. Sure, the brief greeting or passing pleasantry when passing each other by, but the two had been more focused on getting settled in their new home and learning from the staff about the many, many, MANY differences between modern north america and their native home of The Japanese Isles. So, there hadn't been much socializing going on.

".... Now where'd I put my kimono..." Miyuki began to slowly get out of bed, after a long arched-back stretch. Considering she didn't have a wardrobe or even a dresser in her room though, chances were fairly high that it was somewhere else in the condo... And considering she wasn't exactly great a getting herself dressed... Well, it would take a bit more time for the fox couple to get out still...

Yumeiko rolled her eyes and took a moment to enjoy as Miyuki stretched and rose. "Yes, up you come. Your wardrobe is here, if you open this partition." The spirit fox doubted the Kyuubi would remember that any time soon, she was always so groggy when she was being dressed. Her bare feet plipped softly across the floor as she approached the sliding walls and she waved her hand, opening one of them.

Following after her kindred, Miyuki stuck her face, and upper body, into the walk-in closet that had been revealed. Which she would've remembered about, if her head hadn't been full of cotton and mist, as it always were in the mornings. Rummaging around, she soon found her trademark outfit, the black outrageously revealing kimono. Or perhaps there was nothing actually wrong with the clohtes, and more so that any garments had a hard time properly fitting the kyuubi. For obvious reasons.

"Do you want to go down in kimono together?" She had a few items of apparel in Miyuki's closet, as well. No way anything of Miyuki's would fit her, nuh uh.

Looking over at the Yumeiko, Miyuki just smiled.

"But you're already dressed. And I think what you're wearing now is cute. A bit modest for me, but it does suit you." The kyuubi complimented, now fiddling and floundering with her attire... It would come as no surprise that, if Yumi wanted to leave anytime soon, she'd have to lend a hand in getting this useless-but-good-looking lady dressed.

Yumeiko smiled softly at the compliment, her tails swishing gently behind her. A light blush touched her cheeks. She stood in the center of the room, watching as Miyuki entered and tried to put herself together for the morning. The blush faded and her smile changed to a slightly exasperated grin, "you're beautiful, graceful, but so helpless. Come here.."

Her spirit fox attendant approached her and spun her gently to face her. There were a few things, first. The kimono had to be resting properly, and dealing with nine tails made that tricky. One of the best ways she found was to reach to adjust from the front. She slid her hands under the kimono and, as she leaned forward, rested her face against Miyuki's chest. She worked the tails and kimono into coexistence one by one and then gave the soft skin a gentle kiss before straightening up. She drew the fabric closed and knew better than to try and make the woman anything resembling decency. There just wasn't enough fabric. "Have you ever thought about, perhaps, something in your size, Miyuki?"

Miyuki thanked her generous caretaker and then laughed softly at her comment.

"But Yumi-dear, this one is my size." A devilish smile and half-closed, suggestive eyes accompanied by wiggling eyebrows was all Yumeiko would need to know that this old fox had no intention of changing her ways.

The golden furred stepped behind the black furred to tie the obi and secure fabric closed. As much good as that did. "Alright, all tied up." She smirked softly at her pun as she made her way to the hallway, "I'm starved, let's go."

Once Miyuki was done moving some strands of her own hair out of her own face, and ajusting her floofy ears, she pitter-pattered over to Yumeiko at the door. "Well then, let's not keep this hungry princess waiting any longer." With a smile, Miyuki gingerly locked arms with Yumeiko - gaving her a quick peck on the cheek, and the two finally proceeded to leave their condo, to head for that place what where the food and drinks and free eatings were to be had. What had they caleld it? A rest-o-rent, or something? Cathy-terium? These western terms were so strange...

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