Avatar of Xaltwind


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Tax returns~ Getting me some €90 back from over-paying the goverment. Nice. I can afford FOOD!
12 days ago
Weeekends go by so fast, it almost doesn't even feel real
21 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
25 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
1 mo ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
  • I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
  • I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

It's cool, you two have already informed me that you've got stuff going on, so don't feel like you need to rush.
Yeah, she's totally chill and vibing. Just casually snacking on the neighbours whenever she gets the munchies, no biggie~
Due to a severe lack of posts, there'll be no post from me until there's something/neough to/for me to respond to. :v
Expert at everything, yes... Including causing drama and provoking people into cutting her down where she stands... Truly, an invaluable skill-set!

... But at least she's trying to be nice to the kiddo, so I guess she's not all bad. ^^;
Thanks for the heads-up. I hope it gets resolved soon. :<
Hopefully everythinbg's gone well and they're just tired orr simply too busy to do the hobby for now.
Post is up.

I'm sad to announce that, due to their inactivity, @Lupusintus will no longer be part of the active cast. I'll start contacting the people on the waitlist in order to see if we can find someone who wants to take their spot.
Center of Town

@Zeroth Yasunami Akitsugu, @Dragonydas Myrravel Velasien, @Remram Brom Stronghammer, @ERode MacKinnon, @CitrusArms Niara Rootwick, @Rune_Alchemist Yingmei Okudaira, @BunniesOfDoom Adrila Jaaxa,

Sheryl seemed to let out a quiet 'hmph' as she was summarily ignored by the two other women from the south. Perhaps they'd been so taken by the spectacle drama that'd unfolded before them that they hadn't heard them. Or perhaps they just choose to not engage her for some other reason. Regardless, the red head relocated herself back to her burly husband quick enough and began speaking with him in a low voice, low enough that nobody else could really tell what she was saying.

"It's a great to hear you girls got some farming done. Real great, hah!" Daryl then announced, turning to face both Yingmei and Niera.
"Let me know if I can help you with anything when cooking." Sheryl added, looking over at Brom. "Though... I didn't see any stoves or ovens around."
"Glad to hear things went well, ladies." Victor soon added, having returned from his cart - though Wilma wasn't with him. The elderly man did pause when he spotted what the farmer lass was carrying in her arms.

"Is... Is that a high-feather hen? Where'd you find something like that?" He stated, a truly surprised look on his face. The old fellow trotted over, leaned down, looked the little critter in the eyes - who looked back in equal measure and let out a soft cluck. The amiable animal made the old merchant chuckle as he extended a finger and scratched its chin. Ms. Clucky, in return, closed her eyes and raised her head triumphantly, enjoying the free scratches.

"These little fellows are rare, you see. Usually, they're owned by nobles or the very wealthy. I hear their eggs are far tastier than those of ordinary chickens, though that may just be an exaggeration - I've never had the chance to eat them myself." Well, at least they knew what kind of species the chicken was now. Though, that hardly explained why it was here. In fact, if it was so rare and valuable, that made the fact that it was just meandering about all alone in a deserted village even stranger!

At the same time, over by the well, the dark skinned dwarf with blonde hair and bunnies in her hand tilted her head at MacKinnon's words.

"They're just decorative." She responded, in that same placid, neutral, matter-of-factly way that made her seem so slightly off. "I was here first, before any of you arrived. Just went hunting because more people showed up." No real specifics given, as to be expected. At Brom's words though, the little lady nodded and trekked over to him, extending her arm with the deceased rabbits to the chef. [color=gold"Here."[/color] ... Not a single hint of hesitation or apprehension... Either she was naively trusting and didn't even consider the possibility of having her catch stolen and run off with, or she was so confident that losing them wasn't going to be a big deal because she could catch more that she wasn't really concerned.

In whatever case, it appeared all was... More or less fine now. And at the promise of a meal, a loud growl could be heard from Daryl's stomach. The big man blushed, rubbed the back of his head and let out a hearty laugh again.

"Seems I'm a bit peckish, huh? Haha! Well, I'll go look for the kid, tell him you're making us something to eat. I'm sure that'll perk his mood up." The big lug said, turning and heading off in the same direction he'd seen Akitsugu go.

Of course, Daryl hadn't explored the town. So he had no actual idea of where the smithy was... Or where Akitsugu had really gone... But given the man's seemingly boundless positivity, that probably wasn't even something that entered his mind. Sheryl, meanwhile, moved over to where the firewood had been placed and began inspecting it.

"Hm... this won't last too long... But I guess it's more than enough for cooking." It appeared the seamstress was not impressed by the haul brought back by the three people who'd gone to the forest to forage for it. But at least she wasn't saying anything rude or pointing fingers at those who'd tried.

Lastly, a small head peaked over the side of Victor's wagon, looking out at the square where the adults were. Then disappeared back down again. Eyes still teary and upset.

I'm going to hold off my post for one more day to give those who've said they'll post soon a chance to get something in before I move on. However, those who've been warned multiple times in a row and don't get something out, sad to say, but I'll have to eject them.

We've got a waitlist for this RP, and as much as I want to be understanding and lenient, the fact is that if you're not active, but there are people who are who also wants in, then can't sit and keep holding your spot forever. Especially when I myself, as a GM; want active players and the IC/OOC to be active.
What productivity? What adult responsibilities? You laid in bed until you had to eat food, then went back to bed, then left when you had to eat food again!

... ANd your point is...?

Those are my responsabilities.
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