The vampire is down, at least. Now where is that Druid? There. He must go next.
But then something else caught Zigmund's attention. His ear turned towards the sound of...
Horses. Multiple, judging by the volume. Wait. No. Just one.
A faint red light rippled outward like an ever growing sphere to cover the entirety of Temple Hill. It was difficult to see as the orange light of the sun crept over the eastern horizon.
A Source Crystal User. Must be a villager I'd not accounted for. With two adventurers down and the Druid about to be next, they should be no problem.
But then he saw the horse and rider clear the summit of the hill, the horse whinny signalling their arrival on the battlefield. And the horse was itself was quite the sight, all on it's own. Zigmund had never seen anything like it. He simply had to assume it was some kind of Light Domain Magic Boost at work, for speed or protection.
But while an unobserved phenomena of a steed was enough to tingle a sense of anxiety, nothing could possibly compare to the spike of anxiety, anger and confusion at THE RIDER!
"You! How!?" Zigmund involuntarily took a step backward. "I killed you! I Felt you die in my arms!"
"Life is getting up one more time than you’ve been knocked down. An' I came back to be sure you never did."
Zigmund took yet another step backward, so shocked that he had no reply.
There was no more time for talking as Clive charged toward him and lept from the horse and served Zigmund a punch that sent the Elite Scout Unit flying. Then he tumbled and rolled across the ground for a length almost as far as he flew from the initial kinetic power. He couldn't dodge the punch. He couldn't even gracefully and quickly get back to his feet. He simply and slowly rose after spending a second in stillness. He was still shocked. There was a long crack up the side of his metal head-piece.
What am I fighting? What are these people from another world?