(Ah-sahn-tee)______________________________________ n a m e Asante
s p e c i e s Human
a g e 19
g e n d e r Male
s t a t s
- Strength - 10
- Agility - 17
- Endurance - 13
- Intelligence - 13
- Will - 11
- Charisma - 7
s k i l l s
- Navigation
- Particularly skilled at reading the stars in order to get his bearings and make his way through the desert.
- Boga Handling
- Adept at maneuvering the creatures and calming them down when needed.
- Lock-picking
- Asante has studied many types of locks and how to open them. When all else fails he's got explosives though.
- Trap Dismantling
- Learned in different kinds of traps and how to spot and disarm them, or otherwise render them ineffective.
- Minor Magic
- Asante can preform only the most basic magics, anything beyond that is currently out of his power.
w e a p o n s
- Flintlock Pistol
- Kept tightly strapped to his person, the rudimentary pistol is used more to ward off danger than to kill. Shots fired at distant foes rarely hit their mark, but it keeps them away. The gun has it's uses.
- Scimitar
- A sharpened sword worn proudly on the hip. While he usually lets others handle the bulk of combat, Asante is proficient with the blade and the sight of it sometimes helps to deter would-be thieves.
- Dagger
- A short dagger Asante keeps concealed in his pants leg. The blade is only 4 inches long, but it gets the job done.
a r m o r
- Head - None
- Chest - Cloth
- Left Arm - Boga Leather Bracer
- Right Arm - Boga Leather Bracer
- Left Leg - Boga Leather Greaves
- Right Leg - Boga Leather Greaves
e q u i p m e n t (attached to his person unless carried in a bag)
- Large powder bag x2
- Small explosives x5
- Rudimentary explosives x2
- Slingshot x1
- Small pipe x1
- Grappling hook x1
- Jeweled scarab brooch x1
- Ammo bag x1
- Lead balls for the sling or pistol
- Canvas knapsack x1
- Dried rations (week's worth)
- Small water skin
- Cactus fruits x2
- Woven blanket x1
- Hemp rope (30ft)
- Bandages (10ft)
- Small jar of salve x1
- Bundle of hemp
- Bundle of Skavverscare
- Coin purse x1
- Silver x3
- Copper x48
- Small cut sapphire
a p p e a r a n c eAsante is a lithe young man of average height. His thin, flexible frame lets him more easily move through sands and ruins. He keeps his dark hair relatively short and wears breathable clothes in order to keep cool. He has bright blue eyes that perhaps hint to his perfect vision, letting him see over many miles or make things out more clearly at a distance. His tanned skin is common among the humans in the Exiled Lands. At times he enjoys adorning himself in jewels, but never does so when out on a mission.
p e r s o n a l i t yAsante owes his life to the Sunrunners, and this fact deeply affects how he acts within the guild. He goes out of his way to make a name for himself and assist his seniors, giving near everything he earns on jobs to the guild's treasury. Although Asante prefers to think things over and may question a party leader's orders at times, he won't disobey them unless he feels his own life is in direct danger. Speaking of lives, he has no qualms about about any of his juniors being left to die if it means completing a mission. Although young, he was near-raised in the guild and there are plenty older though less skilled members that might as well be his juniors - and he considers them as such. He doesn't hold much love for those people, and he is often cold toward them. In general, Asante is a young man of few words, but he'll speak up when he thinks it's needed. He enjoys his alone time, and is on his own more often than not in the base, but at heart he is an extrovert and likes being in a group, though he won't admit that. Sometimes he will seek out scholars or older members returning from missions just to hear them tell stories, which makes him feel at ease. He doesn't pry into others' business and doesn't like people nosing around his either. Although Asante is aloof and unfriendly at first, forging a friendship with him means you've earned a life long friend. He begins to act more like a normal fun-loving adolescent when he feels comfortable around someone.
l i k e s
- Being around others
- Stargazing
- Smoking
- Exploring
- Learning
d i s l i k e s
- Others knowing he likes being around them
- Lazy people
- Being indebted
- Being in confined spaces
- People who act before thinking