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19 days ago
Current Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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20 days ago
12 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Hmmmm. Its a little more work for you, but if you don't mind I kind of lean toward system 2. I honestly don't think you'll have to worry about anyone abusing the system, but I'm fine with the level limit. I can also accept that some pokemon are just stronger though, lol. Like in your example, Mimikyu is a pretty strong pokemon and is a single stage, so having a stronger tier move makes sense.

And I have no strong feelings about pokemon cries. I usually go with the latter though.

Aaaand as for my character, thank you! I will add him to the tab soon, just might make a few small changes (which I will let you know of course).
Okay, this is what I've got. I also was going with a more traditional pokemon adventure type trainer. Took a bit to update him and hopefully it doesn't read too stiffly or anything. Please let me know if there's anything that needs changing!

And as far as egg moves, I'd be fine with them on the free egg 'mon. I don't feel strongly about the starter having them or not (though they might help Chingling out a bit lol).
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In Hello 2 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to RPG! Have fun and if you have any questions feel free to ask!
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Welcome to RPG~!
Witch One - In the Library

Pit @Yankee, Sandalphon @Lugubrious, Bowser, Bowser Jr., & Midna @DracoLunaris
Word Count: 2684 (+3)

With the timer begun, the four Seekers of Light chosen to be seekers of hiders got a move on. They committed to the simple, impromptu plan they'd agreed upon while they waited: follow Geralt's nose until she caught a strong enough scent, then split off one by one to suss out their hidden quarries. As Kamek set up his wisp watch-lights, the other three wove through town. Hide-and-seek was one of the most basic games of all time, but it was usually pretty fun - so the anticipation of getting started excited Pit. As he'd promised Rika and the rest of his team, he was determined to clinch the win this time. So when Geralt pointed out the large library in town, Pit wasted no time heading inside. "On it!"

Within the town, the library was definitely one of the bigger buildings. It made sense in a way; since the area was used for a game, nothing should be overly large or it would give the hiders more of an advantage than they already had. Stepping into the two-story establishment, Pit could already tell that Geralt was right about a player hiding here. For one, the front area had a bunch of books and papers scattered everywhere on the ground around them. That probably wasn’t normal for a library. And for two, although Pit's angelic senses couldn't compete with the Witcher's nose, he was definitely picking up on something—or someone.

The angel made no attempt to disguise his entrance. In fact, he announced it. "Alright! Come out come out wherever you are!" he said, hopping up onto the pile of bookshelves as he surveyed the area.

Silence was, naturally, his response. None of the hiders would be so easily spooked by that mere announcement, committing fully to their hiding positions.

No matter how terrible.

After all, part of the reason that there were papers and such scattered around everywhere became clear almost immediately; even if the angel had not trusted Geralt’s nose, the line of toppled bookshelves made it very apparent that someone had been here and had made quite the mess of things in the process.

Pit's attention lingered on the chaotic clutter, trying to figure out if it was a fake out or the actual path of destruction someone had left in their haste to hide. So far he spotted a few places that might be good to hide in, but definitely nowhere as large as a big pile of wood, leather, and paper. He probably shouldn't over think it. He spared a moment to trot back over to the library's front door and kick it closed before he followed the trail of shelves to the haphazard pile of them.

He moved some out of the way to make moving around a little easier, shoved them aside with his leg and stood a few back up while shoving them back against the walls they came from. Despite his small, lightweight form, lifting them was practically nothing to him - so when he arrived at the largest amount and went to actually check underneath the pile to see if anyone was hiding there, he was surprised that the topmost bookshelf was so... heavy!

"Huh?" He struggled to lift it at all one handed, but didn't want to put the unicorn horn down to use two just in case some wise guy got it into their head to take it from him. It took a moment, but realization snapped through Pit's brain. The mimic veil, right! He'd thought someone would be hiding inside of the pile of shelves, but they were actually hiding right on top in disguise!

"Heheh, not good enough!" Pit poked the tip of the horn into the heavy shelf.

In response he got a ”Bah!” of frustration, followed by the veil dropping and revealing a half way through trying to emerge from his shell Bowser who then explodes into celebratory confetti. Or, well, there was an explosion of confetti and he was left looking both at and through the spectral form of Bowser.

”Huh” he said as he picked himself up off the floor and into the air before fading entirely from view as he was put into spectator mode.

The initial surprise of Pit's quarry bursting into confetti passed fairly quickly. He gave the king a cheeky wave as he faded away to wherever the game's losers went. When the angel was done, the whole town was gonna be filled with confetti! With one person found, Pit took a lap of the first floor. After discovering it was Bowser that was hidden, he could easily assume it was the Koopa King alone that had caused all of the mess. Since that was the case, there was no guarantee that anyone else was still hiding here - but he had a feeling there was. Both a literal feeling and a hunch. He peeked under desks and behind one sort of large potted plant, taking care to pay attention to how easy it was to push them, though so far there weren't any other weight-based hints. As he made his way back to the front, Pit hopped up onto a long table to get a slightly different viewpoint.

He tipped his head, glancing at everything a second time. If it was him, he'd... well, he probably wouldn't have picked a library to hide in, so he wasn't sure where he'd hide. He tapped the unicorn horn against his hip as he thought about it, beginning to hop from table to table. Maybe it was time to head upstairs? He'd checked all the expected spots on the ground floor, except maybe the oversized grimoires. They were pretty huge for books, but could someone really fit in one? On the last table, Pit squinted down at the tome laid on its surface. It looked pretty much the same as any other book - in fact he was pretty sure he'd already passed one that looked exactly like it. Unfortunately since the cover was plain besides the title (which amounted to just a bunch of random lines to Pit), he couldn't be sure. He huffed, kicking the tome off the table in a fit of minor pettiness.

Rather than sprain his toe, the book suddenly shot off the table to that tap, gliding across it as if it was on ice, before dropping off of it, only the floor, and careneing onwards till it hit the banister of the stairs and came bouncing right back. Exactly like a koopa shell.

If that hadn’t given things away, the cry of ”Oh come on!” that the sliding book gave out certainly did.

The shells weren't unfamiliar to Pit. Even if he hadn't participated in a few Smash tourneys already (giving him a much closer look at those kinds of shells than he wanted in the form of being attacked by them), he considered himself an industry veteran, and so he immediately knew what he was looking at. Unfortunately the Koopa himself, who gave himself away regardless.
"That was clever!" Pit said, jumping down to intercept the shell as it hurtled back towards him. He brandished the horn and smacked the tip right into the moving book. "But I got you!"

And just like before, the Koopa exploded into confetti. Two down! Pit thought to himself with a smile. How long did that take? Must have been pretty quick!

It was common to find Jr. somewhere close to his father, so it wasn't a surprise that the prince had been hiding here too. And yet, there was still that little divine buzz in the general area. He'd searched the first floor as thoroughly as he felt he could on a time limit, so he went to find the stairwell leading to the next one. He bounded up the stairs two at a time, stopping on the landing to survey the immediate space. Since the shelves on the second floor were undisturbed, there was less open space making for better places to hide. However, this floor was also only half the size of the first, or even less, so there wouldn't have been a ton of choices. She's gotta be up here.

Pit jogged down the rows one by one, looking up and around for anything that might be suspicious. He knew that if someone was transformed due to the mimic veil they were still roughly the same size, so large furniture or... something else big that might be in a library. The rows of shelves were orderly and symmetrical, so he discarded the thought that there was another shelf disguise. There was a nook set in the wall of the first row he went down, but it only featured a clock and a few armchairs. As he came upon the opposite wall he spotted another reading nook, only this one had something very suspicious indeed.

There was a matching grandfather clock in this one, which wouldn't have been strange on its own, but this one had a round carpet floating about a foot above it. It seemed to be floating anyway - the sides were draped down, but it didn't look like the top of the clock at all. And who covered a clock with a carpet anyway?

"Pffhahaha!" He blurted out when he saw it. He wasn't laughing at her (that huge halo would give anyone trouble hiding), it was just pretty funny looking. Target spotted, Pit burst into a sprint toward the clock with the horn in hand ready to strike.

By charging forward, the young angel had made clear his realization and thrown down the gauntlet. The grandfather clock a few dozen feet in front of him dissolved, disintegrating like cinders from a campfire, revealing the woman hidden inside. Sandalphon had hoped that her guise would buy her more time, but in Pit’s case, ‘illiterate’ hardly meant ‘stupid’. Her halo made her discovery a foregone conclusion from the start. Now, staring down the proverbial barrel of her would-be catcher, she had only a second to enact her contingency plan. But that was enough.

She bent her knees and turned sideways, couching her right hand, then lobbed an icy cluster at Pit. On contact it froze him solid, stopping him and his unicorn horn just a couple feet from his target. “I commend your efforts.” Disturbed by the archangel’s movement, the rug on her halo slipped off and fell into her waiting hand. “Please excuse me.” Sandalphon tossed it onto Pit’s frozen form for good measure, then stood up straight and disappeared in a pillar of light. She couldn't know if her destination, Blazermate, would be safe for her, but it couldn't be much worse than here.

Three whole seconds went by before Pit was free from the ice. He ripped the carpet off of him and shook his body in canine fashion, especially to get any lingering frost out of his feathers. "What the heck!" he complained aloud, his body getting out a few shivers as it warmed right back up. He figured some of the players would be using their own abilities, but somehow he didn't expect it from Sandalphon.

She'd escaped from right in front of him! But she could still be nearby. Pit leapt up onto the top of the nearest bookshelf, then up higher until he was in the building's exposed rafters. He shimmied forward quickly until he had a good view of the entire library - but there was no sign of the archangel.

"Aargh! She teleported!" Which meant he had no idea where she was. Maybe Kamek's wisps had seen where she ended up though, and whoever was closest could catch her. Pit stood up, jogging further down the wooden beam with the intent to leave the building and let the old mage know. However, as he was still in a searching mindset, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

He whipped around, looking across to another section of the rafters. Various bulbous chandeliers were bolted to the underside of some beams, but one of them was very clearly being held up by a hand - which he never would have seen from the ground. It was a shadow hand in fact, which could only belong to one person.

"Midna!" Pit exclaimed after a moment of being surprised at just how many people had chosen the library as their hiding place. He leapt from his spot directly towards the chandelier.

Having once again announced his detection, the hider wasn’t going to stick around and wait to get caught, though unlike the previous lady, she’d had her own long ranged teleportation disabled due to how unfair the shadow hiding prerequisite would have been. The disguise dropped, revealing the aforementioned princess, who had the witch hat awkwardly perched on one of the ‘horns’ of her helmet. She herself did not drop, however, and instead proceeded to curl up and then hurl her body forwards and into the window of the library, shattering it like a wrecking ball, sending her and a shower of glass flying down onto the grass outside.

A moment later and she was racing through the streets on wolfback.

Determined not to let her get away, Pit followed directly after her - grabbing the beam she'd been hanging from with his hand as he flung himself through the air and swinging himself out of the same window. He landed on the cobbled street, catching sight of the wolfos' tail as it turned a corner. Pit sprang directly up, putting himself on the roof of the next building as he followed her path from higher ground. Although pretty fast, normally the angel wouldn't be able to keep up with her four legged mount. Within the boundary of the game though, it would only be a matter of time.

As he chased Midna, he passed by some of the wisps that Kamek had stationed around town, which led to him basically shouting out his report to them, as he wasn't sure if his voice carried far enough for the advisor himself to hear it. "Kamek! Sandalphon escaped, she teleported somewhere, so I don't know which way she went!"

In response the closest wisp did a little swirling dance as if to communicate ‘message received.’

With someone else able to keep an eye out for Sandalphon, Pit moved in to complete his capture of the Twilight Princess. Just as Ballyhoo said, he could feel himself speeding up the longer he ran. Soon enough he overtook Midna, jumping down from the rooftops to block her path.

"Gotcha!" he said, rushing toward her as though he was using his Arm, swinging the unicorn horn up and out directly at her.

”oh no you don’t!” the princess retorted, slashing a spear out of thin air and attempting to parry the horn away using the horn like she had with the ganondorf mirror.

She succeeded, a flash of surprise crossing Pit's face before he grinned. So that's how she wanted to play it? Fine by me!

He pulled back so that he could keep his grip on the horn. He then twirled it in his hand, this time as though it was part of his bow. It was almost half the size of the weapon, meaning it was just about equal to the size of one of his dual swords - and weighted about the same too. Pit closed in on Midna, aiming to get inside of her spear's range with several quick, unrelenting jabs. All he had to do was poke her once, and it was his win.

"I. Really. Need. An. Actual. Sword." Midna cursed as she held him back for 6 more probes before he got past on the 7th, poking her and eliciting a "Gah" of frustration as she was taken out of the game, leaving a very confused and alarmed wolfos wondering what had just happened. And in front of it, a very satisfied Pit.

"Heheh, victory!"

Well, partial victory. There was still the whole rest of the game to go. After celebrating by patting the wolfos on the head, Pit turned on his heel and sprung back up onto the nearest rooftop. With his area cleared out, it was time to help capture any other fleeing players around town!
I agree with c3p, start off with few just to see how it feels. And once the characters arrive at a point where they could use a full team of six, see how we want to do it then.

Also, I decided on a concept. Gonna rework a character from an old RP I never got to use, which I think will fit in well. Now I'm writing the character sheet!

Two quick questions though: our characters are intended to travel together around the region, right? Also, since exploration is handled in a certain way, would items like pure incense, repels, etc. effectively do nothing mechanically? I was thinking about taking a cleanse tag for the held item for aesthetic/RP purposes.
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