Anzen-sei, Marekizō

Name: Anzen-sei(Preservation), Marekizō(Rare gift).
Nickname/Alias: Mare/
Gender: Male.
Age: 19.
Age Appearance: 19.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Village: N/A.
Birthplace: Kirigakure.
Rank: C.
Position: Exile.
Chakra Nature: Lightning, Fire, and Wind.
Additional Appearance Details: Mare stands at 5'8 and is lean in build at best. His entire body has been augmented with chakra crystal, with the material creating intricate lines up his arms, along his back and chest, and down his legs. The back of his hands and fingers possess lines of intricate crystal as well, and in the center of his palms lie flat gems of solidified chakra. Indeed, even his eyes show signs of modification for they glow in the dark, more readily catching light, as well as refracting it in strange fashions.
History: Born into the Anzen-sei family after two older sisters, Marekizō was considered a miracle child, for it was not often that three children in a row were born with the clan's kekkei genkai, not to mention a boy! So, as one might expect, he was given special treatment, and while his two sisters were old enough not to care too much, there were others in the family who did not like how his parents—and grandparents—chose to treat him.
As he grew up, babied and given whatever he desired, the boy slowly spoiled. By the time he was 12 it was perhaps too late to change things, as he had become too accustomed to getting what he desired. Of course, with his startling intellect and talent this was often ignored as a small issue. His aunt, Tatsuya, thought differently, but alas...she was ignored. It was not until many years later, when he was only 15, that the clan came to regret their choice to ignore the boy's problem.
For while he had become a chuunin at a younger age than many, the boy had turned his talents towards something darker.
In a hidden chamber deep beneath the Anzen-sei compound, Tatsuya found what could only be a laboratory in which a menagerie of monstrosities had been chained. There was blood, gore, but worst of some kind of wicked apparatus there was what appeared to be living chakra. The wisp writhed about, swimming, and occasionally slamming into the viewing aperture in an attempt to get out. When Tatsuya approached however, the wisp retreated into a dark corner, afraid of her presence.
It thought she was Mare.
Before the terrible boy found out, Tatsuya performed a ritual that allowed the spirit to pass on, as well as killing the animals therein and burning the laboratory down. On her way out she buried it as well, making sure that he could never get any of his research or whatever abominations he'd created out as well as assuring that no one would discover it.
Within the following weeks, after she had told the head of the clan, they conspired to remove the boy from their midst. Eventually, when he was sent on a mission, they managed to frame him for manslaughter. However, with his intellect he managed to put enough doubt on his own name that Kirigakure and its leaders could not rightfully sentence him to death for his actions. So it was that instead he was exiled from the village and disowned by his clan.
Since then, Mare has wandered the world and set up numerous hidden labs. In each incubates what any righteous or even faintly moral person would call abominations. One day, Mare hopes to turn those tiny aberrations into something more.
Into something that will make the world remember him.
Into something...that again will make the world entire quake in fear.
Personality: Unconcerned, ambitious, intelligent, and sadistic; Marekizō is perhaps insane, perhaps not. An individual who thrives on the suffering and fear of others, he is someone who wishes to, more than anything else, leave his mark on the world. With his utter lack of morals and a vast intelligence he fully intends to make this mark known to anyone and everyone he can...all at once. Beyond this, one might come to realize that Mare does not particularly enjoy the status quo and would prefer that the silly concept of 'peace' cease to exist...or at least exist only in very short increments to allow the world to build up once more for great conflict. In essence, Mare believes that conflict drives human progress, and so it would be best if it never stopped at all. Of course, the fact that he enjoys watching other people suffer probably plays a part in this mindset.
Nickname/Alias: Mare/
Gender: Male.
Age: 19.
Age Appearance: 19.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Village: N/A.
Birthplace: Kirigakure.
Rank: C.
Position: Exile.
Chakra Nature: Lightning, Fire, and Wind.
Additional Appearance Details: Mare stands at 5'8 and is lean in build at best. His entire body has been augmented with chakra crystal, with the material creating intricate lines up his arms, along his back and chest, and down his legs. The back of his hands and fingers possess lines of intricate crystal as well, and in the center of his palms lie flat gems of solidified chakra. Indeed, even his eyes show signs of modification for they glow in the dark, more readily catching light, as well as refracting it in strange fashions.
History: Born into the Anzen-sei family after two older sisters, Marekizō was considered a miracle child, for it was not often that three children in a row were born with the clan's kekkei genkai, not to mention a boy! So, as one might expect, he was given special treatment, and while his two sisters were old enough not to care too much, there were others in the family who did not like how his parents—and grandparents—chose to treat him.
As he grew up, babied and given whatever he desired, the boy slowly spoiled. By the time he was 12 it was perhaps too late to change things, as he had become too accustomed to getting what he desired. Of course, with his startling intellect and talent this was often ignored as a small issue. His aunt, Tatsuya, thought differently, but alas...she was ignored. It was not until many years later, when he was only 15, that the clan came to regret their choice to ignore the boy's problem.
For while he had become a chuunin at a younger age than many, the boy had turned his talents towards something darker.
In a hidden chamber deep beneath the Anzen-sei compound, Tatsuya found what could only be a laboratory in which a menagerie of monstrosities had been chained. There was blood, gore, but worst of some kind of wicked apparatus there was what appeared to be living chakra. The wisp writhed about, swimming, and occasionally slamming into the viewing aperture in an attempt to get out. When Tatsuya approached however, the wisp retreated into a dark corner, afraid of her presence.
It thought she was Mare.
Before the terrible boy found out, Tatsuya performed a ritual that allowed the spirit to pass on, as well as killing the animals therein and burning the laboratory down. On her way out she buried it as well, making sure that he could never get any of his research or whatever abominations he'd created out as well as assuring that no one would discover it.
Within the following weeks, after she had told the head of the clan, they conspired to remove the boy from their midst. Eventually, when he was sent on a mission, they managed to frame him for manslaughter. However, with his intellect he managed to put enough doubt on his own name that Kirigakure and its leaders could not rightfully sentence him to death for his actions. So it was that instead he was exiled from the village and disowned by his clan.
Since then, Mare has wandered the world and set up numerous hidden labs. In each incubates what any righteous or even faintly moral person would call abominations. One day, Mare hopes to turn those tiny aberrations into something more.
Into something that will make the world remember him.
Into something...that again will make the world entire quake in fear.
Personality: Unconcerned, ambitious, intelligent, and sadistic; Marekizō is perhaps insane, perhaps not. An individual who thrives on the suffering and fear of others, he is someone who wishes to, more than anything else, leave his mark on the world. With his utter lack of morals and a vast intelligence he fully intends to make this mark known to anyone and everyone he can...all at once. Beyond this, one might come to realize that Mare does not particularly enjoy the status quo and would prefer that the silly concept of 'peace' cease to exist...or at least exist only in very short increments to allow the world to build up once more for great conflict. In essence, Mare believes that conflict drives human progress, and so it would be best if it never stopped at all. Of course, the fact that he enjoys watching other people suffer probably plays a part in this mindset.
Base Weapons & Items:
X Explosive Tags
X Smoke Bombs
X Smoke Pellets
X Bandages
X Shuriken
X Senbon
X Kunai
X Wire
Specialized Weapons & Items:
Name of Weapon or Item: Healing/Surgery/Torture Kit.
Description: It's exactly what it sounds like. Essentially contains tools for torture, surgery, and healing. Includes anaesthetic, additional bandages, medicinal remedies and other various tools. The kit is very small, but has seals on the inside containing the larger implements.
Name of Weapon or Item: ( '').
X Explosive Tags
X Smoke Bombs
X Smoke Pellets
X Bandages
X Shuriken
X Senbon
X Kunai
X Wire
Specialized Weapons & Items:
Name of Weapon or Item: Healing/Surgery/Torture Kit.
Description: It's exactly what it sounds like. Essentially contains tools for torture, surgery, and healing. Includes anaesthetic, additional bandages, medicinal remedies and other various tools. The kit is very small, but has seals on the inside containing the larger implements.
Name of Weapon or Item: ( '').
Special Traits
Exceptional Chakra Control.
Intermediate Taijutsu
Medical Ninjutsu.
Sensory Ninjutsu.
Indomitable Will.
Physical Modifications: As mentioned in his appearance section, Mare has augmented his body with crystallized chakra by way of his kekkei genkai. As a result, his chakra control and flow surpasses the limitations he might otherwise have, as well as him being able to generate jutsu from anywhere that the chakra crystals cover.
While still in development, Mare's eyes have been modified by his own conscious use of his kekkei genkai. Essentially, the structure of his eyes is partially crystalline, with a very thin, malleable shell over the outer surface. This shell is perfectly translucent, allowing light to pass through, but since it can be controlled it can gather more, or less light, as well as let him see things in much greater detail even if they are very far away. At closer ranges his vision can see things of tiny sizes, making his modified eyes microscopic and telescopic in nature. Beyond this, he can see his own chakra with his eyes, though he has yet to figure out how to see anyone else's. As a result of this modification, Mare's eyes glow.
Canon Jutsu All Academy and relevant D rank techniques.
Chakra Scalpel: While he does not have to, Mare tends to crystallize this chakra around his hands, creating an actual weapon out of them. While one might think so, this does not actually hamper his dexterity or the movement of his fingers.
Healing Technique
Chakra Strings
Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique: Kiyō Sonae(器用備え 'Dexterous arrangement').
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Rank: D.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: Channeling chakra through one's own muscles, nerves, and other necessary tissues—typically within the arms, wrists and hands—the user enhances their ability to skillfully manipulate objects as well as increasing the speed at which they can do so. This technique should not be utilized for extended periods of time as it causes undue strain on the affected body parts. Despite this, it is relatively useful, and while it is a simple technique based on typical principles, it does require decent chakra control to fully utilize. This may make techniques such as Chakra Flow or other projected chakra-based abilities.
Weakness: Listed above.
Name of Technique: Kōsō Jōmyaku(宏壮静脈 'Shining Veins').
Type of Jutsu: Passive ninjutsu; Sensory; Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: B.
Range: Personal.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: A technique that remains active, Kōsō Jōmyaku is a technique facilitated by Mare's kekkei genkai, allowing him to crystallize microscopic bits of chakra and infuse it into his own blood. These tiny chakra crystals expand and make crisp his physical awareness, making him incredibly attuned to the many processes of his body. Additionally, it means if he bleeds, anything with his blood on it...also has his chakra in it. Because this technique is internal it does not expend any chakra, unless blood is spilled, but that is a problem in its own right.
Weakness: Supplementary.
Name of Technique: Junsei Hairetsu(純正配列 'Flawless Arrangement').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: C-S{B}.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Variable.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: A technique that allows an inheritor of the Tengoku no Tehai kekkei genkai to manipulate the nature and various intricacies of the crystallization process, Junsei Hairetsu facilitates much of the kekkei genkai's use. It is with this technique that an inheritor may dictate the structure of their chakra crystals, thus allowing them to choose if the crystallization will store a jutsu, the properties of a chakra, or will return it to a blank state such as in Junshin Muku. This also allows them to alter the crystalline structure of already crystallized chakra, or to make chakra crystallize into particular formations—it is possible for this to be done without the chakra becoming physical.
Weakness: Sufficient disruption of focus can lead to inconsistencies and greater weakness of crystallized chakra.
Name of Technique: Yūrei Tanshoku(幽霊淡色 'Ghost Light').
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu; Sensory; Supplementary.
Rank: C.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Wind.
Handseals: 3.
Description: Performing the necessary handseals as he molds chakra, Mare then releases it from his form. Manifesting as a small gust of light wind this technique actually releases thousands of tiny chakra crystals from Mare's form, scattering them all over via air currents and the like. Mare is capable of sensing the locations of the tiny crystals, which are far too small for the naked eye to see. The movements of these crystals can be manipulated by Mare.
Weakness: Supplementary. The crystals can also be blown away or destroyed by other jutsu. When in high concentrations, the crystals refract light off of one another, making them somewhat noticeable. The sensory portion of this techniques continues to work so long as individuals stay within 2 miles of his person whereas his control of the crystals can only be retained for 15 meters.
Name of Technique: Hakari(秤 'Scales').
Type of Jutsu: Defensive ninjutsu; Medical ninjutsu.
Rank: D.
Range: Personal.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: Using his kekkei genkai, Mare rapidly crystallizes chakra on a portion of his body, either to stop the bleeding of a wound or to provide armor in that area. While the technique is D rank it can defend against higher ranked taijutsu strikes or weapon assaults so long as enough chakra is used to form the 'armor.' As with the rest of his chakra crystals, these can channel techniques.
Weakness: Weaker against blunt force weaponry and has little effect against non-physical strikes.
Name of Technique: Yueki(輸液 'Infusion').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: D.
Nature Type: Variable.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: Similar, if not the same, as chakra flow, Yueki allows a user to channel their elemental affinities with greater efficiency. Mare does so through his crystals. Additionally, this allows his elemental chakra to “jump” between nearby crystalline structures that he has created with his kekkei genkai.
Weakness: Affinity weaknesses. Blow away/get rid of the crystals.
Name of Technique: Shinkei Oshi(神経打つ 'Nerve Strike').
Type of Jutsu: Medical ninjutsu; Taijutsu.
Rank: C.
Range: Contact.
Nature Type: Lightning.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: Utilizing chakra flow on his own body, Mare can strike an opponent, pinch, or otherwise make contact with pressure points or weak areas of the body, causing various effects depending on the point. Most often though he can cause muscles spasms, unconsciousness, or brief stuns.
Weakness: This technique only causes unconsciousness if a strike to the head or the back of the neck is delivered.
Name of Technique: Tsumi no Meiwaku(罪の迷惑 'The Burden of Sin').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: C.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: Three, if any.
Description: Utilized one of two ways, Tsumi no Meiwaku is a technique that requires an inheritor's chakra become affixed to some measure of their target's body. When utilized intentionally, the technique is typically achieved by sending chakra through the ground at an opponent and, on contact, causing it to crystallize rapidly over the surface of their body until they are totally encased. This can be achieved in other ways as well though, and typically is in Kikue's case. It should be noted that Tsumi no Meiwaku may also be utilized to entrap portions of the body rather than the entirety of it. Additionally, once an individual is entirely encased, any attempt to externalizing chakra, will result in the strengthening of their bonds as the chakra will simply crystallize and add to the net density of their prison. This technique may be utilized—at any time—on the user as a last minute defense, and will crystallize far faster than it would when used on another.
Weakness: The technique can be broken out of by way of purely physical means, or may be avoided outright at times depending on its source. There are additional ways that one could break free, but they will be left up to the imagination.
Name of Technique: █████████(████████ █████████).
Type of Jutsu: ██████████.
Rank: █.
Range: ████.
Nature Type: ██.
Handseals: ██.
Description: █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
Weakness: ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
Exceptional Chakra Control.
Intermediate Taijutsu
Medical Ninjutsu.
Sensory Ninjutsu.
Indomitable Will.
Physical Modifications: As mentioned in his appearance section, Mare has augmented his body with crystallized chakra by way of his kekkei genkai. As a result, his chakra control and flow surpasses the limitations he might otherwise have, as well as him being able to generate jutsu from anywhere that the chakra crystals cover.
Ocular Modification:
【Kekkei Genkai】
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Tengoku no Tehai(天国の手配 'Heavenly Arrangement').
Clan: Anzen-sei.
Description: An ability passed down to one in three members of the Anzen-sei clan, the Tengoku no Tehai is a kekkei genkai that one might say is similar to crystal release—though they would be wrong in all of the most meaningful ways. While the Anzen-sei's kekkei genkai does focus on crystallization, it is not of a mineral sort, but instead of an energetic variety, allowing an inheritor to literally crystallize chakra or energy itself, arranging it into specifically ordered formations for a variety of purposes. This allows an inheritor to simply give chakra a solid form when it otherwise would not have one, which can allow the storage of jutsu, effects, and even the creation of specialized tools purely out of crystallized chakra. As such, the Anzen-sei kekkei genkai may either preserve the programming of chakra—typically known as jutsu—or it may destroy it in favor of a different sort of ordered formation. As a result, the Tengoku no Tehai has made the Anzen-sei clan well known for their ninjutsu, and inventiveness,. Beyond this, the Tengoku no Tehai kekkei genkai typically grants the user with exceptional chakra control, as without such they would be less capable of properly utilizing it. Beyond this there is little else to know, though it is notable that the Anzen-sei's Tengoku no Tehai does not have any traditional or necessarily inherent affinity weaknesses due to its nature.
**It should be noted that while inheritors of the Tengoku no Tehai may have more than one elemental affinity, that their kekkei genkai will only be naturally attuned to their dominant affinity. This essentially means that their kekkei genkai will be far more inefficient when used with any other element.
***There are two sorts of phenomena that resist the effects of the Tengoku no Tehai, these being things which are already in a very strictly ordered state (such as barriers and fuinjutsu) and things in an incredibly disordered—or highly energetic—state, such as the fire or lightning affinities. It should be noted that this merely means that both things are resistant, not immune to the kekkei genkai's effects.
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Tengoku no Tehai(天国の手配 'Heavenly Arrangement').
Clan: Anzen-sei.
Description: An ability passed down to one in three members of the Anzen-sei clan, the Tengoku no Tehai is a kekkei genkai that one might say is similar to crystal release—though they would be wrong in all of the most meaningful ways. While the Anzen-sei's kekkei genkai does focus on crystallization, it is not of a mineral sort, but instead of an energetic variety, allowing an inheritor to literally crystallize chakra or energy itself, arranging it into specifically ordered formations for a variety of purposes. This allows an inheritor to simply give chakra a solid form when it otherwise would not have one, which can allow the storage of jutsu, effects, and even the creation of specialized tools purely out of crystallized chakra. As such, the Anzen-sei kekkei genkai may either preserve the programming of chakra—typically known as jutsu—or it may destroy it in favor of a different sort of ordered formation. As a result, the Tengoku no Tehai has made the Anzen-sei clan well known for their ninjutsu, and inventiveness,. Beyond this, the Tengoku no Tehai kekkei genkai typically grants the user with exceptional chakra control, as without such they would be less capable of properly utilizing it. Beyond this there is little else to know, though it is notable that the Anzen-sei's Tengoku no Tehai does not have any traditional or necessarily inherent affinity weaknesses due to its nature.
**It should be noted that while inheritors of the Tengoku no Tehai may have more than one elemental affinity, that their kekkei genkai will only be naturally attuned to their dominant affinity. This essentially means that their kekkei genkai will be far more inefficient when used with any other element.
***There are two sorts of phenomena that resist the effects of the Tengoku no Tehai, these being things which are already in a very strictly ordered state (such as barriers and fuinjutsu) and things in an incredibly disordered—or highly energetic—state, such as the fire or lightning affinities. It should be noted that this merely means that both things are resistant, not immune to the kekkei genkai's effects.
Canon Jutsu All Academy and relevant D rank techniques.
Chakra Scalpel: While he does not have to, Mare tends to crystallize this chakra around his hands, creating an actual weapon out of them. While one might think so, this does not actually hamper his dexterity or the movement of his fingers.
Healing Technique
Chakra Strings
Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique: Kiyō Sonae(器用備え 'Dexterous arrangement').
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Rank: D.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: Channeling chakra through one's own muscles, nerves, and other necessary tissues—typically within the arms, wrists and hands—the user enhances their ability to skillfully manipulate objects as well as increasing the speed at which they can do so. This technique should not be utilized for extended periods of time as it causes undue strain on the affected body parts. Despite this, it is relatively useful, and while it is a simple technique based on typical principles, it does require decent chakra control to fully utilize. This may make techniques such as Chakra Flow or other projected chakra-based abilities.
Weakness: Listed above.
Name of Technique: Kōsō Jōmyaku(宏壮静脈 'Shining Veins').
Type of Jutsu: Passive ninjutsu; Sensory; Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: B.
Range: Personal.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: A technique that remains active, Kōsō Jōmyaku is a technique facilitated by Mare's kekkei genkai, allowing him to crystallize microscopic bits of chakra and infuse it into his own blood. These tiny chakra crystals expand and make crisp his physical awareness, making him incredibly attuned to the many processes of his body. Additionally, it means if he bleeds, anything with his blood on it...also has his chakra in it. Because this technique is internal it does not expend any chakra, unless blood is spilled, but that is a problem in its own right.
Weakness: Supplementary.
Name of Technique: Junsei Hairetsu(純正配列 'Flawless Arrangement').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: C-S{B}.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Variable.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: A technique that allows an inheritor of the Tengoku no Tehai kekkei genkai to manipulate the nature and various intricacies of the crystallization process, Junsei Hairetsu facilitates much of the kekkei genkai's use. It is with this technique that an inheritor may dictate the structure of their chakra crystals, thus allowing them to choose if the crystallization will store a jutsu, the properties of a chakra, or will return it to a blank state such as in Junshin Muku. This also allows them to alter the crystalline structure of already crystallized chakra, or to make chakra crystallize into particular formations—it is possible for this to be done without the chakra becoming physical.
Weakness: Sufficient disruption of focus can lead to inconsistencies and greater weakness of crystallized chakra.
Name of Technique: Yūrei Tanshoku(幽霊淡色 'Ghost Light').
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu; Sensory; Supplementary.
Rank: C.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Wind.
Handseals: 3.
Description: Performing the necessary handseals as he molds chakra, Mare then releases it from his form. Manifesting as a small gust of light wind this technique actually releases thousands of tiny chakra crystals from Mare's form, scattering them all over via air currents and the like. Mare is capable of sensing the locations of the tiny crystals, which are far too small for the naked eye to see. The movements of these crystals can be manipulated by Mare.
Weakness: Supplementary. The crystals can also be blown away or destroyed by other jutsu. When in high concentrations, the crystals refract light off of one another, making them somewhat noticeable. The sensory portion of this techniques continues to work so long as individuals stay within 2 miles of his person whereas his control of the crystals can only be retained for 15 meters.
Name of Technique: Hakari(秤 'Scales').
Type of Jutsu: Defensive ninjutsu; Medical ninjutsu.
Rank: D.
Range: Personal.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: Using his kekkei genkai, Mare rapidly crystallizes chakra on a portion of his body, either to stop the bleeding of a wound or to provide armor in that area. While the technique is D rank it can defend against higher ranked taijutsu strikes or weapon assaults so long as enough chakra is used to form the 'armor.' As with the rest of his chakra crystals, these can channel techniques.
Weakness: Weaker against blunt force weaponry and has little effect against non-physical strikes.
Name of Technique: Yueki(輸液 'Infusion').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: D.
Nature Type: Variable.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: Similar, if not the same, as chakra flow, Yueki allows a user to channel their elemental affinities with greater efficiency. Mare does so through his crystals. Additionally, this allows his elemental chakra to “jump” between nearby crystalline structures that he has created with his kekkei genkai.
Weakness: Affinity weaknesses. Blow away/get rid of the crystals.
Name of Technique: Shinkei Oshi(神経打つ 'Nerve Strike').
Type of Jutsu: Medical ninjutsu; Taijutsu.
Rank: C.
Range: Contact.
Nature Type: Lightning.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: Utilizing chakra flow on his own body, Mare can strike an opponent, pinch, or otherwise make contact with pressure points or weak areas of the body, causing various effects depending on the point. Most often though he can cause muscles spasms, unconsciousness, or brief stuns.
Weakness: This technique only causes unconsciousness if a strike to the head or the back of the neck is delivered.
Name of Technique: Tsumi no Meiwaku(罪の迷惑 'The Burden of Sin').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: C.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: Three, if any.
Description: Utilized one of two ways, Tsumi no Meiwaku is a technique that requires an inheritor's chakra become affixed to some measure of their target's body. When utilized intentionally, the technique is typically achieved by sending chakra through the ground at an opponent and, on contact, causing it to crystallize rapidly over the surface of their body until they are totally encased. This can be achieved in other ways as well though, and typically is in Kikue's case. It should be noted that Tsumi no Meiwaku may also be utilized to entrap portions of the body rather than the entirety of it. Additionally, once an individual is entirely encased, any attempt to externalizing chakra, will result in the strengthening of their bonds as the chakra will simply crystallize and add to the net density of their prison. This technique may be utilized—at any time—on the user as a last minute defense, and will crystallize far faster than it would when used on another.
Weakness: The technique can be broken out of by way of purely physical means, or may be avoided outright at times depending on its source. There are additional ways that one could break free, but they will be left up to the imagination.
Name of Technique: █████████(████████ █████████).
Type of Jutsu: ██████████.
Rank: █.
Range: ████.
Nature Type: ██.
Handseals: ██.
Description: █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
Weakness: ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████