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Nazomeku, Kazayatsu - Kuroyaju
Iwagakure | A | Tsuchikage

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: Yogensha Kaguya @Odin, Jaakuna Aka @Reflection, Gisho Omawarisan @Syn.

Chuckling a bit at the hug, though he did wince almost imperceptibly at the use of that rather...unsavory nickname. Smiling politely at it, and later grinning at the boy's reaction to his sake, Yatsu watched the proceeding. He smiled at Yogensha's comment about there not being a need for more men in the room, but decided not to comment.

All things considered, he wasn't necessarily present to talk. Relations between Iwagakure and Konohagakure were relatively well, especially considering that he was friends with Gisho. He paid close attention to the boy, but only from the corner of his eye most times. That was until he began to cry. Raising a brow, Kazayatsu grabbed a kunai from within the sleeve of his robe, unseen. Something was off.

Confirming this, the boy clapped his hands together...and vanished in a puff of smoke. Yatsu's eyes narrowed faintly, and then he smiled cheerily.

"Ah, youth. So easily overwhelmed with emotion, are they not?" His mind was whirring between possibilities already, because something was clearly going on. He had noticed the slight hesitation, the waiting, of Gisho after the boy's actions a moment before. He had noticed the boy's attempt to redirect conversation away from his identity.

He closed his eyes and began searching through the veritable archives of intel and historical information he had. Who did the boy look like?

It took him about 30 seconds to find something promising, or it would have been if Jaakuna hadn't been dead.


He opened his eyes and took another drink from his sake. Realizing he had become lost in thought he turned his gaze to Yogensha. "Are they? That's good to hear. There are a few of note that I've been keeping an eye on. I hope they pass, personally." He grinned and glanced up at the screen, checking on things.

Very promising, he thought. Soon he would be gaining some very reliable jounin, it seemed.
Raelis Vaerkturian

Reaction. Adjustment. Movement.

With Tharr's strike came the sureness that the beast warrior's stance was planted to allow maximum leverage and strength. Raelis understood this well, having fought for much of his life. This in mind, as he swung, shifting the trajectory so his blade swung diagonally downwards, he shunted light and heat together downwards through his armor, along with pressurized air. In response an explosion erupted below him, shredding the supports of the entire structure upon which Tharr stood, but that was only half of it.

The other half was that explosions had shockwaves, and this one sent him upwards and to the right, right over Tharr's back and out of the way of his strike all at once. It put the beast warrior at a very slight disadvantage, for his wings and limbs couldn't reach. Still, Raelis knew to be wary of the warrior's tail all the same and so made his maneuver swift.

As he rose over Tharr's back--were his motions unimpeded--he finished his slash, releasing a pressurized blade of superheated wind and light. Such was its strength that it rocketed him further upwards at an even greater speed, putting him out of harm's way once more. All the while, he continued to build heat, recycling energy from any and all of his attacks once they'd served their purpose. Worse for Tharr though, was the fact that with every passing moment, Rhay's Chosen grew more powerful, for he continued to generate Devene energy even as he fought, having turned it into a largely passive process.

It was a dangerous thing indeed.

Lilliana Merrycure

Stopping her approach as Krabbe jumped off the ship and then gave orders, Lilly's cheery smile became considerably more menacing when she noticed some sailors heading for a mechanism. Her eyes lit up, she turned, and then sprinted in the same direction as the sailors. The world slowly started narrowing down, though she barely noticed. B-MO's form quickly began shifting, coating her arms and back with the strange biological metal. By the time Krabbe started threatening her and Feya, she would likely have gotten about halfway to the mechanism.

However, his words managed to stir her out of her tunnel vision mode, that and the vibrations caused by the ship's armor shifting into place. She slid to a stop and turned, what appeared to be liquid metal snapping out around her like ribbon-sized whips, but much heavier. Any sailors around her were likely to be in quite a bit of pain should they be struck. Furthermore, if any of them had gotten in her way, it was likely that she'd have run them over like a bull, her weight and physique always tricking people into thinking her a dainty lady.

Now turned towards Krabbe, Lilly's drastic change in garb would be much more apparent. B-MO had formed a coating of metal over her entire back and sides, while spiralling tendrils of metal down her arms from her shoulders. The metallic substance was dripping down from her shoulders, where it formed more thin metal lines down her chest and abdomen. She reached a hand into her bag, grabbing a bunch of scrap metal, which she fed to B-MO. Absorbing the material, the symbiote continued to generate more of the strange substance of which it was composed.

While the strange armor certainly drew the eye, the most striking aspect of her appearance was the metallic mask that now framed her literally glowing eyes. With the ocean wind blowing her orange hair faintly, and the wide grin on her face she looked fierce.

“Mmm, I don't want to hang out in your brig, even though your ship is simply fantastic,” the moment she opened her mouth, all signs of the regal, impressive lady were gone; replaced instead by the bright eyes of a curious soul, and a smile that was impossible to suppress. One might even call it infectious.

“It's kind of a shame though, Mr. Krabbe, because you threatened my friends, and friends are the family you choose!” She said it with such glee that it was kind of hard to believe when, in the next moment, she ran straight at him. Her grappling hook was again in hand, but she hadn't aimed it yet for some reason.

“C'mon Feya, lets us ladies show Mr. Krabbe what shape he ought to be in,” as she said it her eyes glinted and her wide smile, became a mischievous grin.

MAN, was she having fun!
While some caravans would have their kage at the lead, the caravan from Iwagakure was quite different, with the Tsuchikage's procession more near the end. While his retainers, the elders, and his many assistants and Public Relations advisers had pleaded with him to lead the caravan, the Tsuchikage had declined, explaining that this event was for their proud to-be-Jounin shinobi. They should be the focus, and it was they who needed to arrive first anyways. Of course, the advisers had eventually given up trying to convince him otherwise, and had even stopped complaining about it at some point.

That wasn't the problem though....

One of the many guards for the Tsuchikage's fancy wagon had been marching along, when his commander bid him to make sure that 'Nazomeku-sama, be checked on to see if he needed anything at all.' Bowing his head to the man, the shinobi walked to the back of the wagon and knocked on the wooden portions of it in an attempt to arouse the kage's attention. When there was no response he knocked louder and spoke as well.

"Tsuchikage-sama, is there anything that we can get you? Refreshments, pastries...a meal, tea perhaps?"

No response. Not even the stirring of someone roused from sleep.

Frowning, the shinobi glanced at around and, seeing the coast clear, hopped onto the back of the wagon and opened the 'door' in the back. What met him sent a shock of panic through his entire body, and he stumbled off of the wagon. One of his fellow nin catching him, giving him a strange look, the shinobi turned to him and said words that everyone who had ever dealt with the Tsuchikage dreaded hearing.

"He's gone!"
Nazomeku, Kazayatsu - Kuroyaju

Iwagakure | A | Tsuchikage

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: Yogensha Kaguya @Odin, Jaakuna Aka @Reflection, Gisho Omawarisan @Syn.

Having ditched the caravan several hours ago, the Tsuchikage had found his way to the village among the throng of chuunin, yet none of them had noticed his presence. When they'd entered and the Iwagakure nin had been merged with the crowd of the city, he had disappeared further in. From afar he had heard the Hokage's speech, with a small grin on his face.

He had even watched the to-be-jounin decide on teams. He was proud of them and would have liked to continue watching. Of course, he had other matters to which he must attend, and so he departed. Before he would make his way to where he knew the Hokage and Amekage would meet, he stopped at some of the most famous restaurants in the city, including Ichiraku Ramen.

It was pretty good, and cheap too. Certainly an establishment he'd visit again if he could help it...and he could.

Finally, when he'd eaten, and drank his fill, Yatsu headed in the direction of the meeting room. He would be fashionably late, of course, but that was just as well. He was not known for being punctual or being much of a traditionalist at that.

Speaking of which, he'd had a marvelous idea for an entrance planned, but being so full, he'd decided against it. He would have used a few of his techniques to tunnel under the exact location of the room, and then rise up out of the earth all at once to appear amongst the kage. Instead he simply entered the building normally made his way to the room, knocked on the door, and then entered a moment after. A friendly close-eyed smile on his face, he bowed his head to his old friend and the Amekage; all the while his hands hidden in the wide sleeves as he held them together before him.

"You know, Gisho, it's not nice to speak ill of friends behind their backs," he quipped with that same signature smile as he opened his eyes. Though, in all honesty, he was getting to be an old bastard these days.

Glancing the way of the Amekage he bowed his head to her respectfully, though he did not kneel or kiss her hand as Gisho had it was clear that he acknowledged her position and gave her the appropriate greeting.

"Well met, Yogensha-sama. I'm pleased to see you join us for this little gathering. It is always nice to have a more feminine touch added to things." His smile never faltered as he made his way to a seat, and then took it, giving her plenty of space.

Glancing up he noticed the screen and his eyes lit up. "How wonderful. Gisho, did you set this up? Brilliant. I did want to see how the young shinobi did in this new event you've cooked up. So accommodating," he said, shaking his head even as he retrieved a small flask from his kimono and took a small drink. He offered it up to Gisho and the Amekage, just in case she might want to try some of the sake from little ol' Iwagakure.

It was his favorite brew.

His offer made, Yatsu turned his eyes to the other fellow in the room, and what a strange one they were too. However, he said nothing, for Gisho had asked the question for him.

How convenient.

Kouken, Ayame

Iwagakure | C-B | Barrier nin

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium | INTERACTION: @Ganryu, @Kalas, @Spanner.

Looking between the members of her team, Ayame considered what she might do in the upcoming challenge. They had to retrieve a scroll and face some obstacles--presumably--to get it. She supposed her and Ai would be in large part responsible for defending their team as best as she could. Then, in an instant their surroundings changed. It went from an open air stadium to a cramped closet...and...who was that touching her--....

Clearing her throat she exerted chakra, forming a skin tight barrier on herself. Immediately she felt better. A few moments later they managed to extract themselves from the closet. Ayame brushed herself off and dispersed the barrier, smiling a bit at Ai. Her levity in the situation had helped somewhat.

With her cheeks faintly flushed, Ayame glanced around, getting her bearings. The first two things she noticed were that the room was incredibly bright and that most of it was full of what appeared to be a statue of the Buddha. Frowning slightly she glanced around further, seeing two chambers above the one they were currently within. With the drums and boxes it made for a rather strange assortment of things for a challenge.

Frankly, she was somewhat confused.

"I agree with Ai, we shouldn't be in a rush. There doesn't appear to be any kind of time limit, so we ought to think this through thoroughly."

She looked up through the transparent ceiling into the chambers above.

"I'd like to find out what's in the two chambers above us, but first we have to get there I suppose."
Lilliana Merrycure

[i\Woooow,[/i] so much was happening, she thought as she glanced around at the actions of her crewmates. Bonesy yelling orders, Cedric too, Caesar disappearing below deck. Then the ship shaking with an impact, which elicited a brief frown before she turned her attention back to their adversary's boat. His sweet, sweet boat. A grin spread over her face, she aimed...and then she fired!


Her grin widened and her eyes sparkled as the projectile, which seemed to be made of a weird mixture of metal, rubber, and was that foam, collided with a cannon and went all


That was a good sound. It meant it had properly JAMMU'D. Sweetness. Taking out the other one and setting it up she aimed...carefully, waited, and then fired.




Turning her attention, B-MO began reloading the JAMMU-5000s, while she extracted her grappling gun. Oooh man this was gonna be soooo great! If they had torpedowhatevermajibs, then they were bound to have other awesome thingies too, right!?

This in mind, as B-MO finished reloading the JAMMU-5000s and setting them up, Lilly fired her grappling gun, tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she concentrated reaaaal hard. After a few moments of soaring through the air, with her shielding her eyes from the sun to see it, the hook hit the deck of the ship and then dug into the deck and railing, setting in easily.

Lilliana was overjoyed.


See, what'd I tell you?

Moving on, Lilly aimed and fired the two JAMMUs once more, with them finding their mark and plugging up two more cannons on the enemy ship. Then she pushed them back onto the deck, tied 'em down near the railing so someone else could use 'em, before she jumped onto the railing of the ship. Grasping her grappling hook tightly in both hands, leaning back, she activated the reel and vanished, leaving behind a Lilly shaped cloud.

Whizzing through the air at incredible speed she noticed that she was probably going to slam right into the hull of the ship. Finding this to be...undesirable, she stopped reeling, flicked her wrist and fully retracted the grappling hook in an instant. She fired again, much higher, with her already halfway across the waves. As the hook latched onto a mast of Crabbe's ship, her foot dipped into the cold ocean and she yelped before laughing as the gun reeled her in fast. After a moment she let it stop reeling so she could swing right onto the deck and kick a guy in the back of the head unexpectedly.

Grinning happily as she came up a few feet away from Feya—OH SO THAT'S WHERE SHE WAS—Lilly flicked her wrist and retracted the grappling hook. As some of the sailors eyed her she smiled innocently and began walking towards them, stowing her grappling hook in a holster at her hip—where did that come from?--as she punched her tiny fist into her other palm. B-MO mirrored the motion...but it was much more intimidating from the metallic symbiote.

Ooh man, first she needed to beat these guys up so she could get below deck, then she needed to disable aaaaall the weapons, and THEN she could tinker with the ship's mechanisms. Or you know, she could beat these guys up and then just tinker right away below deck. Maybe mess with the cannons? Oh, that could be fun.

With no plan and a huge grin on her face, eyes closed—though one was not fully (though you can't tell)--she addressed the sailors.

“Hello gentlefolk. I thought I'd hop aboard and give your ship an inspection. With all these weird contraptions and talk of torpedoes I figured that you might need to oil some mechanisms. Oh, and make sure verything is up to code, you know!?” She kept walking towards them.

“Now, if you would just get out of my way, I won't have to turn you into parts of the ship. Or make you castaways.” For effect, one of the metallic arms stretched down to the deck as she walked and gouged claws into it, tearing up wood, before tossing it past them and overboard into the sea.

“So, either move move or get throown~” She chirped gleefully. Oh man, this was exciting!
The internet company effed up on my transfer of service with the move. It was supposed to be done on this last Thursday, but now because of the weekend and holiday it's held up until Wednesday. >.> I'm pretty pissed.

Damn man, that sucks! Sorry to hear it.
Anzen-sei, Marekizō

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