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Assani 16th

Location: Wánggǎng, ReTan
Day of the week: Taldes
Time: All Day
Characters: Abdel, Maura @Ti, Ingrid @dragonpiece, Niallus @McKennaJ71,
Yalen @Pantothenic, Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Reekar @Force and Fury,
Kaureerah, Xiulan, Wu Long, Captain Zhu, townsfolk, Dayanara, Qadira, Zorayas

“Bu! Bu …”

Abdel waved his arm in dismissal, his coordination clearly diminished and his voice higher pitched than usual. He was at his fourth glass of local Baiju with no notion of temperance ever crossing his mind. “I’m a uh-” he snapped his fingers, although his movements were impaired enough that no sound came from it, “Dragon friend!” he blurted out just as Zorayas, the infant Trickster Wyrm that wrapped around his body, emerged from his shirt collar to say hi to the group. Yin clapped in amusement as the critter wiggled its little body to the rhythm of laughter and clapping. He was having a good time and did not once deny Maura the chance to have him eat some dumplings.

Then came the late hours, and the team’s lightweight could barely walk, let alone remember where his room was! Thankfully, Maura was here to the rescue. “Yer a guud person Mohra …” he mumbled, cheek on his pillow and drool leaking already, “Wuv yewwww!” his eyes stayed closed, and soon he was already asleep.

A disturbance woke Abdel up in the middle of the night. Was it a scream? Furniture moved? He couldn’t tell with his head still light. His eyes were resisting any attempt to awaken, but he could at least reach out with the gift. “Hnnng, Silas?” he muttered in his sleep. The signature he recognized resembled his mark in Ersand’Enise so much. An eye opened and he saw Maura missing. Where did she go? Too many questions for his still drunken mind. It got far too tiresome when energy signatures came into the mix as he spread himself thin to try and detect his girlfriend too. He fell back to sleep.

When he awoke, Abdel had a hard time distinguishing dream and reality from that brief experience. It felt like a moment of semi-consciousness where reality and dream were hardly distinguishable. Also, his head was killing him! Thankfully, Xiulan was more than willing to share the tea she took for her own hangover.

The day started with another tour, and eventually the group was allowed to visit the streets and commerces. Abdel stayed at the station, however, to address an issue that had been gnawing at him - other than the nightly experience that remained hazy. The stables were his first destination, where he’d find his Skuggvars: Qadira and Dayanara. Both were sedated, although still awake. A specialised beastmaster permitted to use magic had been summoned to appease them, although even then their foreign nature never guaranteed total safety.

When Abdel stepped into the stables, both animals perked up. The carers were delighted to see the “dragon master” arrive to relieve them of their burden and the beasts were growing excited at the scent of their provider. After a bit of walking out of their cages with their muzzles on, the animals found their initial vigour. Abdel wandered about with the Skuggvars close behind him, and he wasn’t oblivious to the stares of awe from the locals. Awe and fear of the unknown, even as adolescents these predators were considerably bulky and the same height as their master.

Still, some were more courageous than others. Some children asked for pets which the teen had to unfortunately deny. Others wanted to draw the animals! One woman, just a few years older than Abdel, came up to the boy with what looked to be an offering, “Prease take! For Lóng Mastah!” she then retreated as Abdel hesitantly accepted the gift wrapped bauble, flushed. What he’d find was … A figurine? A doll? Some called these action figures due to how resilient they were and popular among children.

“它是什麼?很漂亮!(What is it? It is very pretty!)” inquired Abdel with the best of ability. The child that really wanted to pet Dayanara spoke up excitement, “這是一個 風暴雲 可動人偶!真幸運!(It’s a Stormcloud action figure! So Lucky!)” exclaimed the young boy, with Abdel getting bits and pieces to more or less grasp the meaning.

“暴風雲來自黑騎士。學者. (Stormcloud is from the Black Knights/Guard. The Scholar.)” explained the girl. Abdel recognized the term “Black Guard”, however he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it all. “她從許多瘟疫和枯萎病中拯救了我們的土地。並祝福有天賦的人在她的指導下獲得新的生命” (She saved our land from many plagues and blights. And blesses the gifted with a new life under her tutelage!) an elderly woman that joined the young woman’s side said as she slowly approached. By how gleeful she was to explain this phenomenon, Abdel could deduce that she may have gotten some sort of blessing from this person.

“Xièxiè.” Abdel bowed his head lightly and made the salutation sign with his hands. After showing his action figure to a few more kids, he departed to join his group and pursue whatever his guides had planned.

After a long day of touring and very little of doing the job they were sent to do, Abdel kicked back with another Baiju drink and watched his Skuggvars rest peacefully nearby. The two large animals were fed various meats from the locals that were fascinated, yet reasonably cautious, of the animals with Abdel approval. Many steaks were enjoyed by Qadira and Dayanara.

The addition of Exemplar Wu Long to their dinner, things would get more interesting even if Abdel did not dare to add much to the conversation. He also held back on the drinks out of concern for his potential behaviour toward the Life-and-Death man and his own ferocious animals. A quick glance was shot at the action figure he had sitting by his plate as he heard the children play. For such discreet legends, they were seen as quite the celebrities among the people.

Loving his country despite recognizing its flaws, even if they were quite glaring. Abdel mused, unable to help himself in comparing these words to his own experiences, I guess I feel the same about the Refuge, in some ways. I just hope the bads here aren’t as insidious as they were back home. he took a piece of caramel pork just as things started to get heated.

A man was arrested and questioned by a group known as the Grey Ghosts. The treatment of the man sparked a uniform reaction of displeasure from the foreigners, though the way they were expressed was different. Maura, in particular, favoured explaining a reasoning that could resonate with Wu Long’s experiences and perspective.

Abdel sat by and listened to Maura give his piece on the matter. He didn't expect anything less from the outspoken Torragonese, and envied her for her ability to do so in circumstances like these. ReTan was a different beast entirely and Abdel never felt more compelled to withdraw into silence than he did in this land. His girlfriend's words, however, motivated him to seize the initiative, especially after failing to utilise his investigation skills the other night due to his overindulgence.

“If I may,” his voice was stout and quite audible but his hand meekly rose up as if he needed permission to talk, “Maybe we can get some other leads that don't rely on witness statements.” he stood up, body straight and hands knitted together to make himself appear not all that imposing to Wu Long, “I work as an investigator, or more precisely, people finder, though some call it bounty hunter but that's ...” he scratched his cheek, “an exaggeration.” then he cleared his throat, going back to his point, “I'm experienced in tracking individuals affiliated with small militias, many associated with the Traveler. I could give the premises a scrub to see if I find any leads?”

To add to this proposition, he gestured to the two adolescent beasts that had been rested just outside the patio like guard dogs, “With them, there is no hiding if your culprit hasn't fled the region already.” he looked to Maura and smiled nervously, hoping his pitch could allow them to finally get the ball rolling when it came to their role here. And potentially uncover the truth regarding the situation unfolding before them.

"You are all welcome to exercise your skills in the service of what is right. I shall provide you with my utmost attention in observance." said Wu Long as he absently listened to Abdel’s offer.

Abdel nodded, first to the exemplar, then to Maura. They could figure out this enigma together. The young teen whistled, prompting the ears of his beasts to perk up, “Yip, yip!” he clapped his hand to motivate the animals to rise and get to work. They were to investigate the opulent home from which the older man was taken from.

With the hulking beasts in tow, Abdel entered the building that had supposedly been secured. The Skuggvars, now freed of their muzzles to allow their full detection potential to be realised, began to immediately sniff the premises. By how their blubber shook and their nostrils dilated, it seemed there were many scents, “Now if Maura can get me an item the so-called master valued and kept on their person, this can get easier.” he muttered to himself as he began the investigation.

It did not look like any home he had ever seen. Even if ReTan was as foreign as it got for Abdel, this made little sense. Beyond the clear signs of a fight and ransacking of the place, there was one massive detail anyone could notice: This was some sort of training facility. Weapon racks lined the walls, target dummies were spread out with some shattered and others upright, and the growing frustration of the animals made it clear to Abdel that far more than a few dozen had been here, “They only get this annoyed in very public places … Were there hundreds here?” he rubbed his chin in muse.

The sound of intense scratching disrupted Abdel thoughts. Qadira had started to frantically scratch and bag at the floorboards. Reaching out with the gift netted … Nothing? However, he did notice an odd discrepancy in airflow as he focused on the details. Was there a basement or cellar? As the young Virangish prepared to inspect the floor, Dayanara let out a low and intimidating growl. Her tail whipping even had Abdel show anxiety toward the animals he had thought he had tamed. This was never a good sign. The riled up animal was looking up at the ceiling, and so did the young Tethered.

Above and below, the beasts had found something. Abdel felt a wave of fear flow through him. But it wasn’t enough to stop him from pursuing his job as an investigator. With mild binding magic and kinetic magic, he sought out an opening to the ceiling. What was in there? He really hoped it was some animal Dayanara found alluring.

Present: Zarina, Ayla @Ti, Jocasta @Force and Fury, Yalen @Pantothenic, Benedetto, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Tku @dragonpiece, Evander @RezonanceV, Fiske @jasbraq, Isabella, Escarra, Rangers, Riesco, Nibbler, The Alpha Sand Wyrm.

Ayla had done it, the beast had been pacified - or at least its rampage had been put to an end. Then the little dance that followed left Zarina shaking her head in bewilderment. Was that thing actually performing a display of glee? This was completely surreal. Her greatshield lowered itself, steaming hot from the immense amount of energy it had to suck in and channel away, with the platinum-coated scales lingering orange.

“Shit, Ayla,” Zarina spoke behind her helm, distorting her voice, “Way to one-up me.” all the while Jocasta was evacuating the rangers, leaving the others to focus on the presumably calmed beast, “Well, if you tame it, anyway. You can follow my lead,” proposed Zazzy as her speciality in chemical magic began to reach out toward the towering beast, tracing its complex system in a more refined manner than she had with the Alpha Froabas she had tamed in this very desert the previous year. Now, with scholarly and practical experience, the Virangish beastmaster was confident she could do something grand.

However, as she began to prepare the rites of an animal handling, a temporal disturbance immediately caught her attention. Multiple signatures emerged, some familiar as she peered at their direction, others foreign. One in particular, however, was Benedetto and his destructive atomic magic. “Shit.” she sneered, “Keep the big guy happy.” she instructed Ayla before vanishing, leaving Riesco and Nibbler by her.

Right before Benny appeared the Platinum-clad warrior. The greatshield had morphed into a slightly larger mould around her arm, with a bucker-like dragon’s head on the pack of her hand. Zarina went to smack and disperse the charged energy with her transformed shield. It was swift with a powerful Kinetic shockwave following her movement to destabilize the blonde attacker, “It’s charmed,” she growled, “do not disturb it, lest you want to cause more casualties.” she stared down the shorter young man, drawing from the flow of time itself rather than the traditional energies surrounding them, “We’ve already lost one to its flames. So stand by.”

Present: Ashon’amar’loiyang @Ti, Cal’tuuro’jaros @Suicharte, Casii’fyret’alan @Pirouette, Dorothea Hohnstein @Jasbraq, Ismet’ych’lahiin’dichora @Force and Fury, Kaspar Elstrøm von Wentoft @Wolfieh, Edyta Łaska, Manfred Hohenfelter, Qasem Laghmani @Tackytaff, Ymiico’luun’yoru @Salsa Verde
Annette, Cristophe, Constable Leonhardt, Ines Baum, Viktor

Long was the trip through the seemingly endless path toward Mandelein. A walk would take them a good two hours at the very least, and going fast was risky without every party member knowing flight with the increased risk of Coal Toads locking in on stronger energy signatures. Needless to say, if they were smart, they wouldn’t rush things too much.

Jamboi was best fitted to scout things out using the environment with his monkey-like mannerisms and gravitational speciality, easily avoiding the parasitic vines on the trees he hanged from and withholding from making contact with more questionable looking plantlife. There wasn’t going to be any deadly ambush without him at least getting an inkling of what was wrong. And yet, when he tried to track that horrid sound they all heard, he drew a blank. The source was too far for him and the distortion that could be heard also applied to the soundwaves. It felt like it came from many places at once, but a general direction could be sensed: Straight ahead where they were going. It didn’t sound like anything Manfred had ever heard either despite coming from Kerremand and having been around himself.

Some were content with keeping their focus on what was straight ahead, others were easily distracted by the smaller encounters. Such was Qasem’s case with his experiment on the juvenile amphibian he had perturbed. When the plant was offered a potential, wiggling meal by the human, it seemed to lean ever so slightly toward the animal. However, the moment its thin mucus made contact with the critter’s own goo, it immediately closed and shrivelled up like it had experienced a gag reflex. It seemed as though it was a potent defence mechanism against threats. Qasem, having licked one, he’d find the taste to be mildly sour with a persisted aftertaste akin to hot beer, and he would have the runs in a few hours or so. Maybe it was worth it for the sake of science.

Others weren’t so lucky in their trek through the rain and mud - both Dorothea and Cal’tuuro’jaros ended up tangled in some vine-like weeds whilst taking a detour in the woods when they found a portion of their path flooded. These specific vines had a side-effect similar to poison ivy, with the skin irritation leaving after an hour but the redness would persist for a day or two.

Ymiico was unfortunate enough to end up in a similar position to Qasem, except it’d be an adult salamander emerging from its puddle and slapping her relentlessly with its tail. It packed a punch, but the ninja could get out of the mess fairly easily. Still, her rear would end with a few bruises from the tail whips.

Casii and Kaspar, the two botanists of the group, were taken by the variety of mushrooms that could be found in the damper seasons. One was a boomcap, a small, bright orange fungus with green specks spread around the cap. The young blood mage had little experience with that species as it rarely survived out of this biome, but Casii certainly did. When he came a little too close to it, the Yasoi intervened to try and stop him, only to accidentally cause the plant to pre-maturely burst and douse them with spores. Unless they were very quick at holding their breaths, they would end up with some nasty congestion tomorrow.

Then, came the ambush …

The encounter took no longer than twenty minutes, and by then the barely visible grey dusk turned into a darkened sky. Thunder became more frequent and the winds were picking up. Evidently, they couldn’t interrogate these people under these conditions and the decision to bring them to town was taken. Luckily for them, Mandelein was only a half-hour walk even with prisoners to drag along. They couldn’t arrive soon enough as the nocturnal fauna was beginning to make itself known.

The terrible weather obscured most of their view, though the (in)famous Castle Mandelein stood in slight elevation to the town, making it stand out to all voyagers approaching. Halos of light projected out of the windows and lanterns on the few towers were brightly lit to show activity. Mandelein itself was also illuminated, serving as a beacon to the group within the thick fog of rain as they drew near. And as they entered its border, three orbs of light came closer to them. They were three individuals wearing impermeable cloaks and they had likely seen the visitors coming.

The one leading the pack shouted a phrase that none would really recognize. It did sound like Kerreman, but it was far too quick and the winds were not making it easier to understand. The figure came closer, revealing a bearded man in his forties bearing a lantern with two younger people, a boy and a girl around the students’ ages, at his side. Noticing a lack of understanding from the group, he reiterated.

“Wer bist du? Bist du in den Sturm geraten?” he uttered in a heavily accented Kerreman. But then he noticed the people that were bound with the group. Cristophe looked back at him and shrugged, prompting the cloaked man to squint, “Oder vielleicht sind Sie den falschen Leuten über den Weg gelaufen ...” he sighed whilst the youths giggled behind him.

An ear-piercing thunderous clap interrupted the brief moment of reflection the man was having. He gestured for them to follow, “Hans, bring die in die kaserne.” he ordered the boy to escort the prisoners elsewhere whilst turning his attention back to the group, most notably Manfred, “Der sturm wird schlimmer, wir werden dir ein zimmer für heute nacht besorgen.”

An Inn-Tavern awaited the group, with the innkeeper, a forty-something woman that reasonably got upset with the constable. Again, they spoke incredibly quickly and in a dialect that only a fluent Kerreman speaker could grasp some portions of could understand. Eventually, the jaded Inn owner seized some keys and tossed them on the counter before retiring. “Tut mir leid, sie hat andere Besucher erwartet.”

The keys gave access to three rooms, and each had a total of two beds. The Inn was dusty and hadn’t been renovated in some time, though there was clear maintenance going on in the halls and tavern. The storm would rage for the whole night and their rest would go noticeably unperturbed. Were they not expected here?

Dawn of Assani 16th - 1:00 HS

5 Days Remain

No rooster voiced the arrival of dawn, and instead it’d be the same, moody innkeeper speaking obnoxiously loudly at another male voice - different from the constable’s they had met the previous evening. The woman was standing behind her bar, preparing meals and drinks for the scarce visitors of the tavern whilst discussing what sounded like grievances in her mother tongue to one of the patrons.

Among these patrons was a blonde man in his late thirties, a complete stranger to all except Ymiico. His voice was familiar as well as the rifle he had leaning against his table where he drank coffee - something that isn’t actually served in the inn - and scribbled notes on a piece of paper. It was hard to notice his features without approaching him, though he displayed a friendly demeanour when replying with passive affirmations to the innkeeper’s blathering.

Then, she noticed the first of her guests, “Ah! Vu are avake, kood.” she nodded, looking jollier than she did the previous night, “Are vu hungry? Zis zeazon pears many kood muschrooms. Maype try pefore vu are on your vay, ja?” one of the patrons called out the woman by her name, ‘Ines’, and that called seemed to be the trigger for her to remember something, “Oh, ja, Herr Dubosque has called for vu in zee Church.” she reached for a used envelope and wrote something upon it. Although, instead of anything helpful, it was a bill. 2 incantors worth to be precise, but with the currency of Kerremand, “Pay py zee hour of Dami, ja? Talk to Leonhardt at zee parracks if vu haffe ein broblem. He's zee man zat prought vu here.”

What a start! Instead of being greeted in this town they were meant to help, they were summoned to a Church with little help in terms of getting leads. Mandelein was no city, but it wasn’t some small village either, being home to 673 people, making it a potentially daunting task to get information without carefully considering where one’s efforts are put. The weather did improve, but rainfall persisted with only mild winds and precipitation being nowhere near as intense as the previous day.

By speaking with Ines (and maybe greasing her palms a little), she would inform those that ask nicely of places of interest to visit, as she does love to talk about Mandelein, the only place she’s even lived in.

The Church - Where some of you are summoned. It is big enough to hold two-thirds of the town without being a Cathedral.
The Castle - Little is known about it and is a decent walk away from the village. Its gates appear to be closed.
The old Trade Guild - Defunct trade guild serving as a gathering hall for the citizens and other activities that the Church cannot house. Also serves as an archive.
The Barracks - Where Constable Leonhardt and his subordinates keep their weapons, goods and prisoners. Near the entrance of town with a small tower connected to it. The Highwaymen are kept there.
Müder Baum - The inn they are staying in with a few interesting patrons and an innkeeper that knows quite a bit about the town beyond just the sights. One has been seen in Ersand’Enise before.
The Square - Many commerces and homes surround the spacious square. An inactive fountain rests at its centre with a nearby well being the main source of the town’s water.
Webers-Tappisserie - A dyeing business. The storefront looks new but the building is old. Overall unnoticeable to those without a need for tapestry weaving and dyeing.
Spice seller - Want some unique spices and plants from the region? You come to the right place.
Herbalist - Local healer that can help with niche problems native to this land.

The Farms - At the outskirts where the land is more manageable. Supposedly there’s a beast roaming this land. If so, how does livestock fare? Farmers may have seen things most wouldn’t and clues would be abundant in feeding grounds.
Teufelssumpf - The surrounding woods of Mandelein. Massive thicket that is the most likely prowling grounds of a ferocious beast. A LOT of ground to cover with plenty of hostile fauna along with questionable flora. Not to mention all the mud.

Assani 15th

Location: Torragon, Refuge of St. Agustin - The Desert.
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: Morning
Characters: Zarina, Ayla @Ti, Jocasta @Force and Fury,
Yalen @Pantothenic, Isabella, Amanda, Marceline, Rangers,
Riesco, Nibbler.

Dawn arrived with Amanda briefing the group. The platinum warrior prepared Riesco and her gear for an inevitable life or death situation that these missions seemed to entail.

Then, they set off. This time without any dromedaries as portals were all the rage. Except, of course, for Zarina herself and her heavily armoured steed she seated herself over. And there was Nibbler, wearing his thermal sweater levitating seamlessly over Zarina’s head. Marceline was left behind, leaving them with a squad of five, soo to be four meant to meet up with the rangers.

But they were gone. Nowhere to be found by their Tethered duo within the ruins. However, Jocasta was quick to warn the group of a familiar foe, albeit this time an alpha, “Starting with a callback for this sequel, huh?” she remarked as she slid her silver helmet over her head, completing her set, “We did this once before. We’ll do this even better.” Nibbler braced himself onto her helm while Riesco neighed as he charged into Jocasta’s portal.

A scorching storm greeted them with the almighty blonde taking in the bulk of it before it could incinerate all within the massive area. It wasn’t enough, and soon they would all die. Zarina’s left arm appeared to expand, taking the form of a large greatshield resembling the head of a dragon with a cannon within its maw. Riesco stomped the sands, grounding himself thanks to his magical horseshoes in front of Jocasta, allowing Zarina to lift her shield and taking in the descending shower of pure, white death. The shape of the shield expanded as if it were melting, covering them as much as possible.

“C’mon you bitch.” Zarina growled inside her helm, “Take. It. ALL!” her idle hand pressed to her forearm to add some stability to her shield, but it would be thanks sand, crag-like formation adding to the shield’s scales and an invigorating warmth filling Zaz that she could eventually deflect the remained of the wain of death with a mighty roar of exertion.

“Nibbler!” she called out to the critter that remained on her head as Ayla seized her opportunity. She too felt empowered, potentially strong enough to even influence an alpha Royal Sand Wyrm.

Assani 15th

Location: Wánggǎng, ReTan
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: Early Evening
Characters: Abdel, Maura @Ti, Ingrid @dragonpiece, Niallus @McKennaJ71,
Yalen @Pantothenic, Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Rikard @Force and Fury, Kaureerah,
Loads of ReTanese folks, Jianhong, Xiulan, Wu Long, Captain Khu, Dayanara, Qadira, Zorayas

Their arrival in the gargantuan nation went without a hitch, if the eerie appearance of Yalen freaking out Abdel a little didn’t constitute a hitch, anyway. He didn’t overreact, just a long, rude stare as he wondered if he was seeing things. Perhaps this staring was one of the causes for Yalen being designated as the de facto leader of the group, much to Abdel’s girlfriend’s disappointment. And boy did she make her disappointment known in her own way.

The tedium that was introduction customs were made known quickly to them, prompting the younger Tethered boy to shift his attention to the lavishly clothed entourage of the deputy head governor. Abdel formed a fist with his right hand and rested his flat left hand over it, offering brief bows as he saluted each with the gesture. “Investigator?” he sheepishly asked with a smile, “我只是找人.” he clarified, shaking his head in light embarrassment.

The nearby guards took Dayanara and Qadira by the bridles they wore, much to their complaining, although Abdel made sure to sedate them. Still, he didn’t feel alright letting these non-native creatures be handled by beastmasters that don’t even know what they are. He made sure to keep track of them with his range, if only to temper their moods. Meanwhile, Zorayas was dormant inside his tunic, its presence reduced to almost nothing and its body flattened enough to make it seem like there was just a bend in his tunic. The critter was a bit scared in this new environment, probably.

Colourful individuals passed and they were left with an armed entourage and a guide to keep them leashed for the time being, “Hey,” he whispered to Maura “Isn’t governor something like 省长, kind of like your title on that island?” he kept his eyes on his guide, careful to not blurt out his very accented ReTanese too loudly, “And that Wu Long guy, his titles sounded like some Pentad names we learned in our fir-” then an interruption.

Abdel reached out with the gift in an attempt to find out what was going on without really thinking of the consequences of being a little too inquisitive. Not that any of them knew he was Tethered. The young Virangish smiled at captain Zhu, “望岗,” he hummed a moment as he tried to form a somewhat coherent sentence, “就像街上的大动物?” he spoke with as much of an accent as the guard did in Avincian - an attempt to show as much effort as he did toward them. Locals liked that, he had learned.

Afternoon of Assani 15th - 3:00 HE

6 Days Remain

Present: Ashon’amar’loiyang @Ti, Cal’tuuro’jaros @Suicharte, Casii’fyret’alan @Pirouette, Dorothea Hohnstein @Jasbraq, Ismet’ych’lahiin’dichora @Force and Fury, Kaspar Elstrøm von Wentoft @Wolfieh, Edyta Łaska, Manfred Hohenfelter, Qasem Laghmani @Tackytaff, Ymiico’luun’yoru @Salsa Verde

Mandelein's Location

Altogether, they stepped into a faraway land most had never seen, but a few have, and even some could find familiarity in. The smell of wet soil predominated over the bright, grey glare of light coming from the covered skies. Then their feet felt cold, wet and bogged down by the mud beneath. A drizzle greeted the group in what was once a dirt path passing through thick wood, now an accumulation of puddles that didn’t properly empty into the gutters, although they also seemed quite full too. The winds were, surprisingly, not too strong.

The common yew trees did little to help against the downpour, if anything the dangling parasitic vines and plants added to the wet hazards the group had to deal with, but the frequent birch trees offered some solace to those unequipped. The group could choose to deal with the abundantly wet path, or stick to the trees for better cover, although puddles and mud traps were to be expected regardless.

The Stresian months and the first major rainfalls ushered in the awakening of new or slumbering life. There were many plants that began their life cycles during this season, with some of the most notable being pitcher plants of various sizes, and even more notable among them were considerably larger carnivorous flora - big enough that one could believe it’d downright swallow an infant if it could. Most had vivid colours and a pleasant scent, likely as lures for prey. What was even more noticeable than flowers, however, were mushrooms. Yes, with such a damp environment, it’d be no surprise that the group could come by many, with quite a couple of large ones standing out: A flat, gold-brown with white sides that grew in patches near trees with some getting as big as dinner plates, and then were were beautiful, red fungi with white-gold sunburst patterns on them. The latter type wasn’t nearly as big as the first one, but certainly outdid all the more commonly seen plants.

Clinging to a birch tree’s bark was a squirrel with its cheeks filled with something, rapidly shifting its attention in multiple directions as it heard the approaching travellers coming. Its big, fluffy tail inflated a little and its cheeks tightened. Then, a few stirs from a nearby puddle had it quickly rush up to the tree. The thunder didn’t instil its flight response as much as what emerged from the puddle: A salamander! It lazily emerged from the puddle, still covered in a thick coat of mud and mucus and just floated there, staring at the visitors with its wide, black eyes. They didn’t just emerge from water, as Qasem, the man likely the least in his element, would find out. Right by his foot emerged a young one, very much harmless attempting to slap his ankle with its underdeveloped tail while keeping its mouth agape as if it was shouting. Some of the Yasoi could maybe feel a little more at home here.

It was, overall, a peaceful trip through a path leading ever so slowly toward Mandelein. About an hour in, and they could see through the rain-induced fog signs of civilization on the horizon. They were getting close! And with such good news came a bellowing, distorted roar that reverberated through the trees, best described as inhuman and almost even unnatural. There was nothing of note in their drawing range, however, and nothing else like it occurred afterwards.

They would also encounter a very familiar animal at the distance: A human. A mere shadow at this current distance and out of drawing range for non-tethered. Just as they would notice it, the figure waved at them in what looked to be a friendly manner. They knew the group was there. And behind that figure were two more silhouettes. As they came closer, their features were more distinguishable, with all of them wearing rain cloaks, although one seemed content with a simple tricorn hat.

Hast du dich Verlaufen, alter?

The voice of a woman called for them as she waved once more. She was close enough for them to notice her face through the rainfall. She stopped about thirty metres away from them, one hand on her hip and the other rubbing her chin. The dark haired woman was studying them, taking particular interest in the Yasoi and the Darhannic. She grinned. The other two, one man and one woman, looked toward her, as if waiting for her to say something.

“You lost, friend?” she inquired with a thick Kerreman accent.

And at that moment, they could sense presences entering their ranges: Three from where these strangers came from, three behind the group, and one closing in from each side. They were all running into position, while the three that showed themselves stood in the way, Fünf Affen, ein Wüstenaffe, eine Nonne und drei andere. she tilted her head to address the man behind her with a scarf over his mouth and nose, Was denkst du? the man took no more than a few seconds to size up the group, Nicht von hier. Auch nicht mit ihnen. he answered, to which the ringleader chuckled.

The group could see the converging individuals ready themselves, some at range with what were likely rifles, some others were closing in still, “Gut, gut.” she nodded and drew her sabre - quite the beauty, definitely beyond her birth right, especially compared to the flintlock on her off-hand or the muddied and ratty clothing all of them were wearing - and waved the tip toward the Dorothea's direction, paying particular attention to that illustrious crown of her's, “Welcome to Kerremand! Welcome to Mandelein, where there is only one rule ...” she articulated that one well, as if she had rehearsed it many times before. The tricorn-wearing man drew his own, shoddy rifle and the girl a rusted cleaver. If it wasn’t obvious already, this was an ambush.

“Hand over your shit, or we will fuck you up.”

The Gods were mere people with too much power. The great Vashdal some demystified frosty entity that walked among men with the powers of a God, but not an actual God.

Blood stained Zarina’s hands and now she was to be wrangled by the one she considered a close friend, and yet was the most cautious of.

What she saw through the eyes of the giver of choice was both glorious and terrifying. An empire reaching its apotheosis. Whether it’d be her coffee business, or a violent uprising spearheaded by that monster she and her friends unleashed. With Zarina standing complicit in both.

All of this was enough to be content with their own misery and permanently withdraw without having to put effort outside of their own little bubble. While Zarina Al-Nader did withdraw into herself, the home and relations she had cultivated prevented the easy way to be taken. No, she had far too many things that mattered in her life, like the blue Monkeybird nestling on her lap as she worked on number crunching. There were so many creatures she had given a home to and looked up to her for care.

And then there were her friends. Ayla, Yuliya, Yalen, Kaspar, Jocasta, Marceline, Maura, the Tethered and even her own sister Ysilla. They mattered too much to just sideline, and they wouldn’t let her get away with it. To reconcile all of these with a need to keep herself in a den for most of the day, Zarina purchased a home almost on a whim - although her knowledge of markets had grown enough to make one wonder if she did this all on purpose.

A comfortable home with multiple bedrooms, stables, spacious rooms, etc. Everything one would need for a menagerie and to live with multiple people. As well as a backyard with plenty of open fields and a barn, made by Abdel as part of his renovation project, that housed Zarina’s growing dragons. As she went to feed them and cleaned their den, she’d find a note like so many others have. An invitation to the Forked Tower, not all too dissimilar to something that happened a year ago …

With a few of her friends, she set off on Riesco, clad in her platinum armour with only her helm removed and her main weapon locked onto Riesco’s plated saddle.

Characters Involved: Amanda @Force and Fury, Jocasta, Ayla @Ti, Yalen @Pantothenic, Isabella, Marceline, Nibbler, Riesco.

After a set of games more complex than the first one by Hugo and the group being divided, they would all end up in Zenith Upta’s chamber. A briefing had the summoned group split into two groups, with Zazzy’s being composed of: Jocasta, Marceline, Isabella, Ayla and a temporary Yalen. The details were vague and the undertones of the Refuge being in potential danger prompted pessimism from Zarina, but she kept it to herself, opting to instead offer a comforting hand to Marci in her time of worry.

As they stepped into the portal, there wouldn’t be a Royal Sand Wyrm to greet them like before. No, instead there were Froabases hovering the land as if surveying it. Intimidating to some, but for Zarina and like the others that had been here before they were very recognizable. Enemies turned tamed guards of the territory with the Alpha female roosting on a small plateau near the Refuge itself.

Once in the Refuge and the animals parked with the dromedaries, they would be greeted with curious ‘eyes’ of the residents. All drawing to get a view of the newcomers, a good majority of which was recognized by the little denizens. Zarina mustered a chuckle in response to Jocasta’s remark on the snooping.

They congregated in the warden’s quarters, only to be greeted not by Manuel Escarre, but the daughter Escarra - Amanda. Alive and her body functioning beyond what was normal of a Tethered. It was as Zarina’s friends said, the white aberrations worked and practically brought Amanda from death. Nibbler hopped off Zaz’s pauldron to explore the warden’s desk and take a few sniffs from Amanda. Zarina expected the worst, and it seemed fate wasn't going to be cruel to them today. She smiled briefly at this reunion.

“Ruins of old Zaqhoria.” Zarina spoke up once Amanda had briefed them and instructed them on their roles, “We’ve seen this before.” her eyes purposefully shot glances at both Jocasta and Ayla. The armoured Virangish crossed her arms in metallic clangs, “And I will warn you all again: Nothing but death awaits in these ruins. Expect only horror in lands where the dead cannot truly find rest.” she solemnly warned, “Not just to the trespassers, but as the words of old say, to the whole world.” she did not need to say more. They had seen the undead, the emaciated bloodsuckers and the monster that cursed Zarina.

Still, as final as her words appeared, she continued after a sigh, “But your father probably knows this better than anyone else. So, if he thought it wise to take the risk …” the Al-Nader gritted her teeth, clearly hesitant, “We may as well be the ones to go there. However-” her tone rose significantly, “I fully endorse condemning such ruins when we're done.” they’ve already let one monster out.

“Who do you want here, right now? Ayla and Jo’ are best suited to come along to the ruins.”

by Stefano Deltori, Head Editor in the Innovators’ Exchange
Zales 15th, DZ54

The Innovators’ Exchange is excited to present this year’s final monthly report on business-related activities from students of Ersand’Enise School of Thaumaturgy and the externalities that may impact the underlined business ventures. As is tradition, the Zales report will present a retrospective of the year, put forward the highlights of the year and their current situation and present our predictions for DZ55.

It has become somewhat of a trend that the beginning of every cohort comes with great potential. However, it is rare that we see this potential shine so bright with promise in the first year! Even as we hit the end of Zales, grand ventures we are keen on analysing are presenting themselves.

Despite this, the start of the school year did not wear such a bright halo. Quite the contrary, expectations of potential trade recessions and wartime economic shifts were all but a guarantee in the author’s opinion, and yet we have no such thing to report on. Although, to cut oneself some slack, a lot of what made this year shine were nigh unpredictable without keen insider knowledge.

Following an extremely heated entrance day that led to massive political fiascos and the assassination of Belzagg’s late Emperor, the grim realities were only exacerbated by the Lorentine Queen Crisis in Dami’s Eye, credited to Traveller agents that have been a big source of uncertainty for large business endeavours. The Northern Seas were also a point of tension with piracy reaching all-time high despite Revidia’s attempts at maritime strangleholds near Segonia with conflict on the horizon.

And of course, let’s not forget Bloody Victendes, leading to the mightiest pillar of Ersand’Enise, Paradigm Hugo Hunghorasz, and the theft of the traditional Victendes (odd pattern, if you ask me!) auction that had never been recovered. All of which culminated in sky-high tensions with the Workmans’ Quarter and the rest of the city. And yet, here we are today with flourishing businesses and high hopes for the future.

With the Trials passing without a hitch (for the most part), it was a relief to many that the summit of world leaders concluded with a cooling of the current Perrench-Revidian conflict, and essentially diffusing powder kegs scattered throughout the Twin Continents. An unexpected surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

Most importantly, the Silk Portal’s opening has catapulted Ersand’Enise from major trade hub to the world’s unavoidable canal to international trade. If one wishes to create something serious on a scale beyond local, the Silk Portal is a must as we’ve underlined in our Ardanes article.

With that, the land had been tilled and made fertile for small, student-made businesses to grow, some of which boomed! We will see how they are doing today and share our hopes for them in the coming years.

You heard right, one of the most successful business ideas of this year simply involves baking a soft bun that can fit a sausage within itself along with a sauce. How is this possible? Well, it isn’t so much the product (although it definitely helped!) as it is the way they’ve approached it. Kaspar Elstrom is credited with the initial idea, but it is with avid Business Investor Ingrid Penderson that the business took flight.

The method they’ve employed is a simple one: They took Zenobucks’ model and applied it accordingly to their own product. Now, hot, meat meals are available on the go and at convenient locations! I must say, the sauce they use is also something to behold and I am definitely not the only one that thinks it. Nothing indicates any potential drop, although we have yet to see any push for expansion from the group. Perhaps they are taking it slow and playing it safe?

You’ve likely seen that green, almost sassy face on a mug somewhere. Indeed, as we’ve covered Zenobucks more than once in our past articles we had been able to get to know both co-founders, Zarina Al-Nader and Marceline Hohenfelter, and get a better understanding of their revolutionary method of providing both a recently scarce delicacy and making it rapidly available to all. To say they haven’t been of consequence would be pure dishonesty.

However, as they’ve grown to hold over twelve employees and opened multiple outlets, a glaring issue has been remarked by quite a few: Where is the girl on the mugs? She was, after all, at least around from time to time to survey the kiosks and greet customers with a flying blueberry dragon or a monkeybird, but now we’ve only had the most deafening of silences. And with that silence came a slight slowdown in their expansion. Does this warrant worry? We don’t think so. Not yet, anyway.

We reached out to Marceline to better understand the situation with Zarina, however no commentary was made. As of now, we can confirm that she has NOT disappeared and is still attending classes on the regular, but it has become impossible to get a hold of her. Even more so as she’s made a play by purchasing a home by the Godsroad, leading the Innovators’ Exchange to speculate on a potential manoeuvre involving Mudville’s changes and the rapid growth of the city as a whole. But we can only speculate.

One thing is for certain, and is applicable to Mcboller too: Competition is VERY easy to generate with this model. It is important to keep one’s A-game at the risk of succumbing to others' ambitious minds. We believe that the key to success in this case is none other than the Supply Chain. He who controls the mightiest and most convenient Logistics rules this market of easy and accessible delights.

Where does Kaempe Ko Milk come from? Eskand, right? How about Sea Goat Milk? Of course, most of it is from Thalakos and the nearby regions!

Well, think again. Miatto has been the primary producer of the creamy and minty dairy goodness to the growing and popular enterprises in Ersand’Enise. You have a single clergyman to thank for this: Yalen Castel, Lord of his hometown and despite lacking any sort of business acumen has managed to somehow pierce right through the dairy market. A promising opportunity for Miatto as a whole, but will other producers stand idly and late this neophyte take all the glory?

Initially, I had written off BFA as yet another weaponsmith destined to be swallowed by the Virangish and Perrench State-sanctioned beasts, and it was most certainly going to be the case the moment it would gain any sort of traction. However, the Silk Portal has changed everything and the head of the group, Desmond Catulus, seized an opportunity when Hohg Muhnkalad became available by taking a few steps into a big circle.

With a still unknown accord between the smith and undisclosed Hegelan guilds, wealthier individuals can have Mana-infused gear designed and tailored to them through BFA’s connections and know-how. It is reassuring that a human is providing a grounded perspective for customers still completely blind to the customs of the mountain dwellers. High hopes are placed on BFA should this be the direction the group takes.

Zales has brought in an interesting new dynamic, however. With Mudville undergoing considerable changes after the Moli incident, a new challenger steps into the territory and threatens to shake the foundations of the location. Wages are expected to skyrocket and the population to shift with the recent laws regarding land ownership. Will BFA be able to maintain its model in the near future, or concede to the immense amount of money being poured into Mudville?

While officially still an enigma to most, we have reported last month on the various promotions put forward by the singular Vossoriyan student, Yuliya, and concluded that this would indeed be a fashion brand. Additionally, it was made public of Isabella Lowell’s direct involvement and investment in the group.

A considerable amount of money is flowing into this project with job offers already being made to defeat all other wages available to the average Mudville denizen. This is a phenomenon we haven’t yet seen … Anywhere! But we predict an inevitable shift in the existing population, as the existing one will likely be unable to afford the new prices that’ll come with the wage increases. Additionally, it’ll attract more business seeking to capitalise on these virgin grounds. That is to say if the population accepts or lets all of this happen. My money is on, well, the money. From Revidia to Vossriya and back to Perrence, big investors are keen on making this work.

As of now, a raffle is currently underway for Ersand’Enise’s very first Iceberg Party to inaugurate the opening of Pelova Fascino. Make sure to sign up, it is said to be a once in a lifetime experience! And, of course, this humble author must report on it, integrity of our press and all …

The small businesswoman who could, making a name for herself among the established fleets that bloated themselves on the powdered gold. Ingrid Penderson has managed to defy the odds and not only withstand the wave of piracy that has plagued the last decade but also established her niche through networking.

Still, with the advent of portal commerce and accessibility to Callanast made available to some of her peers, it is interesting to see how Ingrid’s Logistics plan will survive the test of time now that we’re seeing a dramatic shift in means of transport and ease of travel through ReTan. Considering Lady Penderson’s inclination to dip herself in many different businesses, she has wisely put her eggs in other baskets. This author hopes that her business acumen remains consistent!

For those aware of Torragonese politics and old names, it’d come as a surprise to see these two names so close together in a business venture. And yet here we are. With Maura Mercador’s acquisition of Longwan, a small island in the middle of the international trading lines, and a sub-maritime vessel, she has capitalised on an opportunity to take international trade by storm with the help of Arslan money and political backing. Indeed, with recent changes in the Torragonese’s monarchy, the Arslan clan fully secured its hold on the economic capital and holds the perfect position to back such an ambitious project.

Still, the Silk Portal remains an omnipresent competitor that bypasses the challenges of travel, but one can also consider the magnitude of goods passing through constantly in this trade route the Arslan-Mercador alliance is trying to build. Besides, nothing stipulates they cannot utilise both means and essentially secure both ‘routes’ according to convenience and urgency.

As of now, the foundations have been laid down but there haven’t been genuine results as of yet, leaving us to withhold on reaching predictions. Although we still ask ourselves if Longwan can be maintained with such traffic planned to go through it? Considerable investment in security and infrastructure is to be considered and perhaps far earlier than they may realize.

The inevitable counterpart to such a massive endeavour. If one side finds such a goldmine, the other will attempt to mirror it rather than innovate. It is, after all, far easier and at the very least ensures this Perrench-owned group keeps up with the Torragonese. Built by de Perpignan alumni (currently in the Tan-Zeno Program), we have yet to see how they intend to match up to the Arslan-Mercador effort. Although some sources speculate there might be some coordination between the groups when it comes to Longwan’s strategic positioning and use.

Looking for someone you’ve lost?
Trying to reconnect with an old flame?
Want a criminal found?

Look no further than Abdel Varga, independent investigator and bounty hunter for petty criminals. He is impossible to miss with his two Skuggvars he drags around when on the prowl (Yes, they do bite). All of his business has been with the Century, however he has informed us when we reached out that he is indeed taking individual jobs as well. Don’t let his age fool you, as he’s one of the scholarship holders of the Tethered Refuge, the same place the entrepreneur Isabelle Lowell hails from. Many golden eggs to be found there to be sure.

Personal portals sanctioned by the school of Ersand’Enise. There is nothing more to say - it’s the most convenient means of travel you’ll ever find. The pricing, however, is considerable. Additionally, it is not a truly independent business, being essentially the school’s operation. But, let’s not forget that she was the one to start it from scratch! Always worth a check if you are in a hurry to go to the other side of the world.

Fellow readers, we finally reach the end of the year, and with that the end of this exciting chapter for the Innovators’ Exchange. With the never-before-seen changes we’ve witnessed and the considerable externalities to consider, we will offer a brief listing of our predictions regarding world economics and the student business in Ersand’Enise:
  • Mudville will experience a massive shift in demographics, potentially leading to unrest.
  • The Traveller will become a more virulent obstacle for growing businesses, especially those interacting with common folks.
  • Traditional trade will become more limited as portals develop. Piracy will consequently dip in activity.
  • Many competitors will imitate the new methods we are seeing, from means of selling to optimising trade routes.
  • The risk of war will emerge later in the year, limiting aggressive pushes to grow and forcing businesses to recoil in anticipation.
  • A shift in worker treatment and prices following social pushes from Traveller-related groups and resentful citizens ousted due to, what we’ve dubbed, “Gentrification” (such as with Mudville).

Early Jores

Location: Borderwood - Ersand’Enise
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: 1:XX HE
Characters: Abdel, Young Female Target,
Dayanara, Qadira

“Good work, Qadira.”

Abdel tossed a piece of meat toward the maw of a large, reptilian creature which the snout already met his neck. The adolescent Skuggvar’s muzzle was opened for this brief reward and closed right after the creature had swiftly caught the portion of venison. It munched away while its twin sibling looked at the tall tanned boy expectantly, “You too, Dayanara.” and as he took out the treat, the animal nearly lunged at the naive little master, ready to aggressively snatch it off him.

And then it froze, its clawed paw mid-motion as if it had been literally frozen. Abdel adamantly glared at the animal, “No!” he pointed right between her eyes as it was forced into her underbelly, “That’s a no-no.” and now it was deprived of its treat as punishment while the sister gleefully swallowed the chunky, raw steak.

Abdel sighed and turned to the young woman with her arms bound behind her. She was a dirty blonde, wore tethered grey clothes with a light cut on her forearm and had her once scornful glare turn into a wide-eyed look of pure anxiety as she saw the beasts get handed. “Can you walk? I don’t think it’s a good idea that I have one of them carry you.” he asked, not looking too confident himself, “Y-yes.” she nodded as Abdel rested his hand over her shoulder and began escorting her out of the hideout she had been found in the Borderwood. “Good! I’ll say you cooperated. Might help with the sentencing, I think.”

The perpetrator, wanted for connections with some Traveller-related activity, was delivered to the Century, and in turn Abdel was graced with 15 Magi for his efforts - part of which was subsidised by more than just the school and the Century. Not that he knew or cared, for he had finally gotten his first paycheck!

“Look at that!” the lanky teen shook the pouch of coins before his two massive hunters. They hardly paid any attention, but they obediently followed him without even a leash tied to them (although they did have a bridle connected to their muzzles), “Now …” he counted on his fingers, “You girls get about five for food this month …” she pursed his lips and then nodded happily, “About four for me. Leaves me with six to do whatever in the month!” he kept speaking to the beasts even as they hardly reacted, raising his arms up in celebration.

Before he returned home, he stopped by a florist. Being the rough young lad, his tastes for the delicate and beautiful were not very refined. And so, he opted for the Red Rose. A nice bouquet for less than three incantors, with an added blue one in the centre. He hummed to himself on his way back with infrequent abdominal hissing from the beasts behind him.

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