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@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Hyde you are next!
Rainbow’s vision was blurry, but after what had happened before he was knocked out, this was understandable. Wait, what was it that happened exactly?

“You there! Rablin! How dare you steal from me!” yelled the familiar voice of a lizardwoman he was despising more and more by the second. Oh right; Rainbow teamed up with an old gnome to get the pearl back, but ended up getting knocked out instead.

“Yeah, I’m really in a position to steal right now,” the rablin sarcastically replied. His vision was getting clearer; Liz was standing next to him with her two daggers drawn while her two lizardman goons watched the door.

“Oh, shut up. Now tell me what I want to know or I’ll kill you!” the enraged Liz screamed.

“How am I supposed to do that if I’m not talking?” Rainbow knew he wasn’t helping his own cause at this point, but he was really annoyed at this point. He figured this woman was going to kill him as soon as she got what she needed anyway, so why not annoy her fi...wait, what was that?

As he had to deal with the shrill voice of the lizardwoman who was yelling at him again, the rablin noticed other voices too. And these weren’t lizardman voices either; mostly humans, with a boarman and an elf thrown in as well. It was somewhat difficult to make out what they were saying, but the words “strike,” “thief” and “prisoner” were discernable. Whoever these people were, they were on his side by virtue of being against the lizardwoman.

The ear on his head really wasn’t just for show.

“...and you’ll tell me NOW!”

Oh right, Liz would kill him if he didn’t start sharing something of use. Time to calm down and play along until help arrived. Well, the gnome had betrayed him, so he deserved whatever Liz would do to him and then some.

Rainbow started. “Well, this old blindfolded gnome man-”

Liz interrupted him “With a walking stick?”

“Yeah, he was a real-”

Even with the events that had preceded this interrogation, this new piece of information made Liz even angrier than before. In her most disdainful tone yet, she uttered a single name: “Scer’Pi’Kenes.” The lizardwoman didn’t really have time to say anything else as the Thorn City Army charged into her base immediately after that. Between their training and the lizard leader’s yelling, the Army had done a good job of gaining the element of surprise.

Liz could see that she was outnumbered by at least five to one, so she ran to a trap door and escaped, but her two comrades were not so lucky. Try as they might to fight, they were caught by surprise and overwhelmed, so they were killed by the Army in short order. Rainbow found it very satisfying to watch.

One young man who was with the group noticed the injured rablin and yelled to his leader. “Captain! Come quick, there’s an injured rablin here!”

A man who was apparently the leader of this squad made his way inside the treehouse. “A rablin? No way, I’ll believe it when I...”

And as the rest of that saying goes, he did see it, so he believed it. “Wow, you weren’t kidding! A rablin, way out here, whodathunkit. Alright son, you and Johnson help the rablin and get whatever info you can from him. Everyone else, follow me!”

The soldiers did as instructed, following their leader out of the base and out of earshot.

“Are you okay, sir?” the soldier asked as he untied the rablin.

“I’ve been better, thanks for saving me” Rainbow responded.

“No problem. Can you tell me anything about Liz or what was happening?”

“Of course, but can we do it while we move? I really could use a doctor right now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” the man responded, flustered at his own apparent insensitivity. “Here, I’ll carry you. There’s a hospital nearby I can take you to, if you’d like.”

“Thanks,” Rainbow replied as he got picked up by the man, “but I know a better place. Can you take me to 182 Blossom Street instead?”
I'm bumping this again.
@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Hyde you are next!
In the Thorn City Chambers, the five members of the Thorn City Council are gathered, listening to a presentation about the anti-gang war. In attendance are:

-Dara May “Darmae” Rose, the oldest and longest-serving member of the council, an elderly human woman.
-Wally Rose, a middle-aged human male who has been on the council for about 15 years and runs the local publishing firm.
-Gabriella Spencer, a middle-aged human woman who has been on the council for almost a decade. She also is head of the Druid Guild.
-Justin Rose, a 35-year old human man who is known for being extremely dour.
-Mason Treling, the youngest member of the council ever, a lanky human man of 23 years with shoulder-length red hair. Even by Council standards, he is a skilled druid. Rumors have it he has great ambitions for his family, which has declined in influence over the years. He has only been on the council for a year now.

Speaking to the Council is Gordon Rose, General of the Army. An elderly, gruff man decorated in full Thorn City Army uniform at all times, he is well known throughout the city for keeping the Army free of corruption and gang influence.

“and so, to summarize: we assassinate all the leaders, and then while their ranks are disorganized, we kill them. Any questions?”

“Yes,” Wally spoke up, “do we have enough men to take them on at once? If this fails, our city-”

Darmae rolled her eyes, interrupting the man. “Enough of your whining, Willy. We have the men and we voted to kill the gangs 4-1. If you’re going to make sour grapes, turn it into wine instead of whining.”

“Besides, if the troops die, we can get more,” Justin added.

The elderly woman nodded. “See? So quit-”

A knock on the chamber’s doors were heard, then a man opened them up. A young army cadet with paper in hand, from the looks of it. “Sorry to interrupt, lords, but this is urgent. Liz escaped from prison just a short while ago.”

“See? SEE!?” Darmae exclaimed. “This is what happens when we don’t take down these gangs.” Nods and affirmations were heard from the other council members except Wally, who looked nervous. “Get on it, Gordon.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the old soldier responded with a salute. There would be a lot of casualties today, but they were protecting the city, right? That’s what the Army is for, after all.


Darmae Rose returned to her chambers in the Rose Palace exhausted, but glad this plan was finally moving forward. Best to get it over with. And of course, Scer'Pi'Kenes was there waiting for her.

“It is done?” he asked.

“Yes. Gordon’s going after the leaders first, then the ranks” the lady responded.

“Good to know. I’ll tell John to lay low; I’ll need him alive for the next phase.”

“Can we trust him? He’s pretty tight with the Oceansiders.”

“Oh yeah, he’s the one who told me how to get past Liz’s traps in the first place. Anyway, I’ve gathered my fellow gnomes. Once the gangs and Army are weak, we’ll kill the other council members and rule the city. Is the Greater Silence spell ready?”

“Yes. When the time is right, I’ll call the special meeting. Be ready to overpower them with those rings of yours.”

Scer smiled an evil smile. “Of course, Darmae. I’ve been ready for 20 years.”
Bumping. Still need more players.

What Hyde said.
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