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@Hyde you are next, as I just told you in the Discord!
As Rainbow watched everyone’s interactions (or lack thereof) with Hazel, he wondered if anyone was going to do anything about the threat to the city Marrathew had just described. Humans were strange sometimes, but if they weren’t going to do anything, he would; this was Captain John’s beloved hometown, after all.

The rablin then snuck over to the scroll that Sara had set down, walked a little ways away so Hazel wouldn’t see it, and opened it up. The scroll was a complicated, beautiful mess of druidic words; all at once he could feel an old, natural and familial power. This was a spell that Rainbow knew was far beyond his ability to make, and yet he knew he could cast it as easily and intuitively as he could walk. With the power of the scroll, the rablin was certain he could go inside the Great Oak, defend it from the gnomish threat, and ensure that the coup’s ringleader would never be able to attempt such an action again.

How Rainbow could comprehend all of this was beyond him; the rablin had never even read a scroll in his life, let alone one as incredible as this. But he did know that this wasn’t the time for idle thinking - this was the time for action. Based on Sara’s tone with her and listening to Caleb’s still-ongoing conversation with Kayden, Rainbow knew this Hazel woman was trouble, so he decided to be careful. Using a subtle illusion spell, he made the scroll invisible so he could keep it on him without anyone noticing.

He was going to talk to Sara about what to do next, but his rablin ear heard something that caused him to look at Caleb - first the boy was slapped and yelled at by Kayden, then he was grabbed by the witchy woman. Seeing the latter made him livid, and at this point, everyone else was paying attention to the scene as well. Rainbow was going to act, but Sara beat him to it.

“Roger, could you please make sure Caleb is okay?” Sara asked in a tone of barely restrained contempt, “apparently I need to show that thing what happens when they mess with my family.”

“Of course,” Roger responded, almost feeling pity for Hazel as he checked on Caleb’s wounds and re-dressed some bandages that were impacted by the slap.

Knowing that Caleb was safe, Sara walked away in the witch’s direction. Awkwardness hung in the air immediately after that; apparently nobody knew what to say. Nobody except for Rainbow, who had become even more irritated at the whole situation.

“Are you all kidding me right now?” Rainbow asked with contempt, “the city’s in danger and you’re all just standing there? Caleb’s hurt, so I get that, but this is the best you can do? The Captain would never-”

“Wait,” Caleb said with alarm, “what’s going on?”

“Some dumb gnome and his friends are trying to take the city,” Rainbow matter-of-factly responded, “we have the means to stop them, but it’s all for nothing if we just stand here.”

Caleb stood up. He knew what the right and knightly thing to do was. “Then let’s get going then.”

Roger spoke in response. “Caleb, even if it were safe, you’re still injured. The potion would-” he cut himself off after that, looking like he immediately regretted what he just said.

“What does it do? Will it help?” Caleb asked with a fierce determination.

The skeleton doctor sighed. “It won’t heal you - those kinds of potions don’t exist. But it will delay your fatigue. Basically, it will let your body pretend your wounds don’t exist for a day.”

Having heard what he needed to know, the boy drank the potion right away. “We should get going,” Caleb told Rainbow, feeling newly energized as the drink started affecting him.

Rainbow smiled and nodded. “Yeah, but you’ll need a weapon though.” Looking over at the twin swords hanging over the mantle, he then asked “could you grab those swords for us, Jake?”

The Nieve adults were startled and confused, but the rablin had noticed the kid sneaking in and hiding behind the drapes a little while after Caleb got slapped. Jake, to his credit, did not hesitate and swiped the blades from the mantle immediately and started running in Edward’s direction. Caleb and Rainbow, figuring out where Jake was going, followed him as well. The group of three was joined by Flower, who perched herself on Caleb’s shoulder and had been resting on the azure couch before that.

“Edward, we need to get going!” Caleb loudly yelled at the hippocampus, who was just finishing drinking a blend of salt and water. Edward complied, bending himself so the two boys, bird and rablin could get on him. The Nieve adults tried catching up to them, but they were too slow and Edward successfully rode away.

“Where are we going?” Edward asked Caleb. The boy pointed towards the big oak tree they could all see in the distance; the hippocampus nodded and went in that direction as Rainbow explained the situation again for Edward’s benefit.


Back at the Nieve household, Roger gathered his medical supplies. “Mary, Marrathew, please watch Skyla and Kayden. I need to make sure those two boys are alright.” Sara’s children nodded, so Roger took his leave. Leaving with him was Ribbon, who knew where she needed to be as well.
@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Hyde you are next!
Marrathew looked around the area while walking to work at the Great Oak; there were a lot more gnomes in the area than usual. Perhaps there was some kind of holiday going on? In any case, between the ceremony he just partook in and the newspaper headline of the day (“Hunter Decimates Army Base”), the young man’s thoughts were too scattered to really focus on anything too much. Maybe work would provide something to focus on today.


Meanwhile, at the Thorn City Chambers in Marrathew’s destination, the five members of the Thorn City Council once again gathered to discuss city affairs. Darmae was at the central speaking podium while the other four were in their seats. This time, however, the elderly lady brought an unusual guest who was standing next to her; an elderly blind gnome.

“Dara, who is this?” Wally asked.

“This is Scer’Pi’Kenes, he has something very important to contribute to our meeting, Willy” the elderly lady responded with disdain. Mason glanced at the gnome as if he recognized him from somewhere, but nobody said anything else, so Darmae went on.

“I’d like to start today’s meeting by reading from a relevant work. I think you’ll all find it to be quite compelling.” She smirked and took out a scroll; as she read it, Mason’s eyebrows arched up and he muttered something under his breath.

“Silence!” the elderly woman proclaimed.

At this, the other four councilors rose up with alarm as they felt their mana being blocked. “What is the meaning of this?” Wally asked, this time much more urgently than before.

“This is a new era for our city,” Darmae responded, “now be good and die for the new order, everyone.”

“No, I don’t think we will,” Mason stated as he reached into his pockets, grabbing handfuls of white mushrooms in each. “Cultivate!” he exclaimed as he threw them around him, surrounding himself and the other three councilors with the fungi. As they went into the air, they started expanding and taking on a more humanoid form, looking like living half human/half mushroom beings in the shape and size of children by the time the process was completed. “I’ll hold them off, you three get help!” Mason yelled.

Darmae was livid that the youngest council member had found a way to block her spell’s effect on him, but she knew that her side had ways to counter it. “Now!” she yelled; in response to this, several gnomish warriors charged into the council room to fight the mushrooms. At the same time, Scer had transformed into a black, shadowy form; similar in size and shape to his gnomish body, but with red glowing eyes in place of the blindfold. He extended his right arm as if to punch the air in front of him, but instead of that pointless task, the arm expanded across the room and went right through Justin’s heart. At the sight of the councilor dying immediately, Wally and Gabriella decided to attempt to escape as Scer’s shadow arm retracted back to his body.

The only entrance to the Chambers was currently occupied by gnomes that were fighting the mushroom men, so Mason decided it was time to make another path. “Vine!” he exclaimed, and a large vine came spouting out of the ground to a nearby window. Wally started climbing it first, followed by Gabriella, but neither of the coup’s ringleaders wanted these people to be free.

“Willy is mine,” Darmae said with obvious hatred as she prepared a spell. Meanwhile, Scer once again extended his shadowy arm, this time aiming for Gabriella. The woman, rather than dodge the assault, took out a scroll and tossed it to Wally. “Save the city!” she exclaimed before she got pieced and killed by the shadowy gnome. Wally momentarily looked at the scroll, understood what he needed to do, and continued climbing. The elderly woman finally finished her spell. “Charge!” she yelled, shooting a large blast of energy at the man on the vine, but it was too slow; just moments before the spell hit the window, Wally had went through it, falling to the ground below. The spell simply singed the walls of the tree, leaving a black splotch in its place.

“After him!” the elderly lady yelled. “Wall of vines!” Mason casted, creating a mass of vines to block the door out of the Chambers. “If you want to get to him, you’ll have to go through me first,” the young druid retorted.

“Forget the old man for now,” Scer told Darmae, “kill this kid first. Once we have the Oak, all opposition will be pointless.” Saying this, the shadowy gnome slowly sank into the tree’s floor, starting the process of controlling it himself.


Thankfully, it wasn’t a large distance to the outside floor, so Wally only got minor injuries from the fall. He started getting up when he noticed a familiar man offering a hand of assistance; it was Marrathew Nieve, a prosecutor for the city. Although he had only been working there for about a year, he had established a reputation as an honest, hard-working and persistent lawyer. “Are you alright, sir?” the young man asked as he pulled him up.

Wally took a moment to think, then responded. “No, actually. Say, how do you feel about Thorn?”

Marrathew thought it was kind of an odd question considering the circumstances, but responded honestly. “I love it, sir. It’s home.”

The older man smiled, then took out the scroll he had received moments before. Speaking quickly in hushed tones, he explained the situation. “Listen. Please take this and get it to someone who can use it. We’re in the midst of a coup by Darmae and an old gnome and I think they’re trying to take over the tree. If this scroll’s spell is cast, the gnome behind this will be blocked and can be fought like any other man. They’re only after me. Please, get help.” Finishing his thoughts, Wally handed the scroll to the younger man, who simply nodded and took off running.

Marrathew knew where to go, too. 182 Blossom Street would have everything he needed. After all, Nieves weren’t known for backing down.
@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Hyde you are next!
Somewhere in a dark, dingy room in the Northern Border district, John Jr. was meeting with one of his bosses, a fact he was not happy about. “Can’t we talk later? I need to make sure-”

Scer’Pi’Kines cut him off. “No. This is urgent. Read this.” The elderly gnome said, shoving a newspaper towards the injured man. While wondering in the back of his mind how Scer could read while blind, the younger John did as he was told.


Thorn City Army Crushes Gangs, by Walden Rose, Thorn City Times Special Edition:

Thanks to the new anti-gang law passed by our wise City Council and the efforts of our great army, the thugs that have populated Thorn City have been wiped out. The foot soldiers of these criminals have been almost decimated and of all the major leaders, only the one known as “the Hunter” remains at large. Please note, he is considered to be extremely dangerous. If you see him, notify the army immediately.

“It is good that these gangs are no more. Now they and anyone who idealizes them know what fate awaits them if they resort to criminality again,” General Gordon Rose was quoted as saying from his hospital bed in Rose Hospital. The General bravely fought and killed the leader of the Oceanside Gang earlier today, and though he is now quite injured, he is expected to make a full recovery.

In related news, the Thorn City Army is celebrating its victory over the gangs by offering an unprecedented sign-up bonus for new recruits. They are hoping to get at least 2,000 new patriots signed up to defend our great city in the next week. Please see your local recruiting station for more details.

Also, Darmae Rose has called a special meeting of the Thorn City Council. They will meet early tomorrow morning in order to plan the city’s next steps. As always, the meeting will be closed to the public, but this writer can say that our leaders will undoubtedly be hard at work to capitalize on the opportunity the gang removal has created for our great city.


John took a moment to mentally digest the article and its implications before asking Scer “so it’s happening, then?”

“Of course,” Scer’Pi’Kines responded, “and you’ll have a part in the coup. What I need you to do is...”


“Please note, he is considered to be extremely dangerous.”

Byures chuckled when he re-read that part of the paper. Of course, the decimation of the Smugglers wasn’t funny, but at least he was being taken seriously. And that wasn’t even the funniest part; what was hilarious was how short-staffed the army was. When did they ever offer sign-up bonuses? Gordon was not only famous for his anti-corruption stance, but also for being a miser. The Hunter knew that the Army was weak, so now it was time to go hunting.

He got up from where he was sitting; it was a nice spot, by a pool of water that he had previously shown to a young boy and hippocampus. Tonight, Byures would swim to the water plant using the aqueduct, then walk to the Army base and avenge his men.
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