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@Hyde you are next!
In the Thorn City Chambers, Darmae had made short work of Mason’s mushroom men. The man was about to cast his spell when she knocked his sword away with a magical blast from her left hand. She aimed her other one at Mason, telling him “you failed again, Treling boy.”

Just as she was about to execute her latest spell, the doors at the entrance slammed open; a small green rablin ran in first, followed by a young boy. And was that John Jr. in the distance? Out of instinct, she shot a blast of magical energy at Rainbow, who was able to dodge it fairly easily.

Mason took full advantage of the distraction; in a split second, he noticed that the kid behind the rablin had a dagger. Now his spell wouldn’t be wasted. With no time to waste, he said the magic word: “amanita.” With that, Caleb was startled as he saw white spores magically appear and cling to the sharp part of his weapon.

The druidic man began to yell. “Stab her with it, boy! The poison-” He did not get to finish his thought though; at that moment, an infuriated Daemae shot him with another blast of energy, knocking him a ways away and out cold.

Looking back at her three opponents, the angry elderly woman asked a question: “so, who wants to die first?”


“Oh, that’s not good” Roger said with concern in response to Edward’s news. After thinking for a moment, he said “Edward, go get Sara please, we may need her for what comes next. I can help in the meantime.”

“Okay, Mister Roger!” Edward said as he took off running again. Roger took off his stethoscope, put it in his bag, and ran with Ribbon to the Great Oak. He slowed down just before he got there; he saw about nine or 10 gnome warriors advancing to the tree and he knew he would need to stop them. The skeleton doctor coughed a few times, adjusting his pitch as he did. It had been a few years since he had used his “dark undead” voice, but right now it was precisely what was needed.

Walking towards the armed enemies, Roger spoke. “Halt! I am the great and powerful Deathbone Skullcrusher, skeleton necromancer to the almighty dragon Lord Blackflame Inceneratus of the Empire! He desires the Great Oak for himself. Leave now or I will enslave you all to do his bidding!”

This pronouncement achieved the desired effect amongst the gnomes; most were scared, although unfortunately a few were still skeptical. One thought to ask “what could a dragon want with the tree?”

Roger replied, not missing a beat. “If you want to know so badly, I can take you to the Empire, where you may ask him yourself.” After saying this, he shot a blast of dark magic up in the sky. Once the spell was cast, the skeleton doctor got what he wanted; all of the gnomes ran away in terror, some even dropping their weapons in the process.

After waiting a few seconds to make sure they were all gone, Roger laughed, all signs of darkness as gone as those gnome’s courage. That spell he casted wasn’t even strong enough to tickle those enemies, much less hurt them. Looking at the sky, he couldn’t help but think of his departed friend John - he would’ve been proud of that bluff. He walked over to a sword and picked it up, then started to walk towards the Great Oak’s entrance. Ribbon dutifully followed behind him, with both of them steeling themselves for what might happen next.
@Dusty you are next!
@Hyde well no, because I did it :-P Really though, I just do that for everyone as a courtesy.
@Hyde you are next, like I told you not even a minute ago!
“That TRAITOR! Darmae, help Jaron kill John and his friends,” Scer’Pi’Kenes rumbled with disdain from within the tree as he continued his work. Darmae sighed, saying “yeah, okay” before getting off her throne of corpses to walk to the hallway where the conflict was taking place. As she walked, she thought she heard something, then suddenly something wrapped itself around her ankle and tripped her onto the ground.

Just as she looked behind her to see the vine that tripped her, Darmae heard Mason’s distinct voice say a single word: “regrowth.” Suddenly, the mushroom men that had been killed were rising from the dead! Darmae scowled as she yanked the vine from her ankle and watched the red-haired man roll down from the pile of corpses.

Mason grabbed a sword from one of the bodies, taking a defensive kneeling position behind the bodies. “I’ll finish you for good,” the elderly woman said with contempt, “these mindless golems won’t stop me.” Seemingly in response, Mason coughed up blood; the man knew he wasn’t in the best of shape, but he hoped his mushroom men could hold off Darmae until he could finish his next spell. As they began surrounding her, Mason began chanting in a hushed tone of voice, putting all of his energy into the effort.


Outside the Great Oak, Jake and Edward were vigilantly on guard against potential threats. Not only were they protecting Caleb, Rainbow and Flower, now they were protecting Byures as well. Even though John Jr was with them, they wouldn’t let down their guard. Suddenly, they heard a voice - probably the gnome the younger John was with - yell. “Ah hell, BOLTS LOOSE!” This startled the pair, who were wondering what exactly was going on. “Should we help them?” Edward asked. Jake responded in the affirmative: “yeah! Let’s go!”

Just as they were about to ride in though, they were seemingly suddenly surrounded by a dozen armed gnome warriors. Apparently the pair weren’t as observant as they thought.

One of them spoke up. “You aren’t going anywhere, kid.”


Meanwhile, at Darmae’s original destination, there was chaos and Jaron was absolutely livid. How dare that upstart Nieve boy betray them like this? Scer had done so much for him too. This would not stand. If nothing else, Jaron vowed to himself that John Nieve Jr. would die today. He pressed a button hidden under his chest plate, causing his armor and sword to glow a deadly shade of gray, then advanced on the traitor to slash him with his sword.

At the same time, Byures was angry as well, although for different reasons. One of the poisonous arrows had actually hit him and he was not interested in being poisoned to death today. Even so, he took a moment to analyze the situation. No use in charging in foolishly to die, after all. Caleb was trying to help the city from whatever these gnomes were doing, so they could work together to stop the gnomes. The potioned man apparently knew Caleb and had saved him, so he was an ally as well, at least for now. And the little green man had come in with Caleb, so he was a friend, plus he had a way to stop whatever was happening to the Great Oak. Therefore, protecting Rainbow and Caleb was the first priority, and that meant stopping those aerial gnomes from taking more pot shots at them. The witch and the poison could be burned later, in that order.

Based on the directions the arrows came from and the sounds emitted from the ceiling, the Hunter knew where his prey lied. He didn’t have any projectile weapons, but anything thrown hard enough would be projectile enough for his purposes. So with as much might as he could, Byures threw his poleaxe in the direction of the formerly hidden gnome assassins.

This was clearly not something the gnomes had expected, based on their panicky reaction. “What the-” one started to say before he was literally cut off by the sharp part of the poleaxe. And while they were preoccupied with his weapon, the alligatorman was climbing up the tree to the rafters where the remaining five gnomes and the poleaxe were.

So much for having “spilt enough blood.”


Caleb was just shocked at what was unfolding; John was his enemy, then he wasn’t and he saved his life. The boy couldn’t figure out what to do right now as the chaotic situation unfolded. Rainbow, on the other hand, did not have that problem. He saw the gnome Byures kill drop a knife; he ran to pick it up, and then ran back to Caleb to snap him out of his daze.

“Caleb, come on” Rainbow told him in a hushed tone of voice as he gave him the knife, “while everyone’s distracted, we can go to the Chambers and get this spell cast.”
We're a pretty knit tight group that dresses in neon and wears stiletto heels on Tuesdays.

For the record, Hyde is the only one that does that :P

Also, I'm bumping this IC thread so more people can see it.
We're a pretty knit tight group that dresses in neon and wears stiletto heels on Tuesdays.

For the record, Hyde is the only one that does that :P

Also, I'm bumping this IC thread so more people can see it.
@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
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