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@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Hyde you are next!
Darmae, seeing the number of hostile combatants, realized it was too much for her. Even if she killed John in the next few seconds, she’d have an alligatorman and skeleton to deal with. This was all John’s fault, she seethed angrily. If he had just taken out the gator like he was supposed to, a boy and a green thing would be no trouble at all. Now all his power would be used against her...oh! That power could be used against him instead! The elderly woman spread her hands out and lifted her arms into the sky, as if she was carrying a giant ball. She yelled a single word: “amplify!”

Suddenly, a bright white light briefly blinded everyone in the room for a moment. Caleb was briefly disoriented, Rainbow was confused, and John felt powerful. Even with these drugs, this much power shouldn’t be possible. This was how he would kill Darmae! Or it would have been, if he didn’t feel a sudden spike of pain as well. At that moment; John realized just what the old woman’s spell did; it boosted the effects, both positive and negative, of any substances or magic in their bodies. He would have to fight the pain though, for Caleb’s sake.

Byures must have figured out what the spell did as well, as the massive creature was roaring in pain. “Please help him!” Caleb shouted to Roger as he briefly stopped to look at his pained forest companion. In the heat of the moment, Roger nodded, digging through his medical bag for ingredients. Based on the troops he had scared earlier, it had likely been gnomish poison that had struck the alligatorman, so this would be his best chance of survival. Gathering and mixing the various herbs and flowers from his garden with a mortar and pestle, he instructed Byures to lie down.

“No! Not until she’s dead!” Byures exclaimed despite the pain.

“Please! I’m a doctor, this will save you” Roger responded.

The alligatorman looked over at Caleb, who had asked the skeleton to save him; there was no reason for him to lie about something like this. Despite himself, Byures did as he was asked. Roger wasted no time, asking the titanic creature to eat the creation that the doctor had just made for him. The alligatorman assented, eating the powdery substance; he was amazed to feel the pain decrease only a few seconds later. That boy had good people with him...but why was he tired? Byures yawned, leading Roger to quietly inform him of what was happening. “I truly am sorry, but that medicine will put you to sleep for a while. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay.”

Byures lacked the energy for anything more than nodding before he dozed off. Roger grabbed his sword and stood up again, ready to defend or attack as needed. Most likely it would be an attack, as he saw a horrifying scene; Caleb had tried stabbing Darmae with the dagger, but the old woman was holding him up by his stabbing arm with a vice-like grip strong enough to make him drop the weapon. Her other hand was aimed straight at the boy’s face, with her hand just about to unleash a spell upon the child...
@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Hyde you are next!
In the present day, as Sara ran towards the Great Oak, she couldn’t help but think of her departed husband. Today, she was going to help stop a crime, while in the past she was the one who needed to be stopped. In fact, that was how she met the love of her life.


Many years ago in the shopping center of the Human District of Thorn City, an 18-year old John Nieve was with his Captain. No, he was not working on a ship yet; the future John Sr. was still a Cadet in the Watch helping his team search a group of possible crime suspects. A valuable gold, diamond-encrusted watch was stolen from a wealthy family and these people were probable suspects. Among these people was the future Sara Nieve, who had been in the area when the watch disappeared.

Even though the Watch searched every person who was gathered, the other watch was still unaccounted for. “Alright men,” the Captain told his assembled subordinates, “we’ve done all we can for now. Dismissed.” All of them, including John, saluted him and went on their way. After the Captain dismissed his troops, he let the suspects go as well.

Sara took the opportunity to leave as well, beginning her trip back home to the Northern Border District. She smiled, enjoying the nice afternoon walk home, until she heard a voice call out to her: “great day, isn’t it! Can we talk for a minute?” It was the Cadet - she had overheard someone call him John - and she wasn’t really in the mood to deal with the Watch any more than she already had today. Still, Sara knew not to get on the wrong side of the government, and so acted nice for now.

“Sure! How can I help you?” she sweetly asked.

“Well, you can give back the watch that you stole, that’d be a great help,” John replied.

“I’m sorry sir, but I can’t give you what I don’t have. I was even searched earlier and nothing came up,” Sara responded, maintaining her nice facade for now.

“True, but the Captain didn’t look in the secret compartment you have sewn onto that jacket of yours,” John said, watching as Sara’s face revealed that he was right, “so please, return it and we can forget all this ever happened.”

Sara blushed; this is the first time anyone has caught her red-handed. “But how?” she asked as she handed the Cadet the watch, as curious as she was embarrassed.

“Easy, the watch was visible in the store window’s reflection of your jacket. I’m not sure why nobody else noticed.”

“Okay...but if you knew that, why wait until now?”

“Part of it is that you’re armed - a friend of mine has told me how skilled you are at fighting. I didn’t want to threaten innocent people.”

Sara’s shame turned to outrage. “I’d never do that! Just who do you think I am?!”

John smiled in response. “Oh, good. That’s what my friend told me, but I had to be safe. Also, it’s hard to go out on a date with someone if they’re in jail.”

“You won’t blackmail me into a date, John.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean it like that!” the blushing man replied, “but I did want to give you something.”

The woman rolled her eyes; the man thought to win her affections with some fancy roses, maybe? Or some cheesy heart-shaped chocolates or perhaps...a sandwich? She was confused, examining the food as he held it out to her.

“This was actually my lunch, but work was busy, so I didn’t have time to eat. I’d like you to give this to your little sister; I know things are a little hard right now.”

Sara wasn’t sure what to say, so John just explained more. “I met her a week ago during work; she told me about you and how you were taking care of her. It’s nice of you to do that; I wouldn’t want a child to be out there alone.”

Now the woman was beet-red. Despite everything in her head telling her not to do this, she had to ask: “do you want to go out tomorrow, say at 6?”

The Cadet smiled again, responding “sure! Meet me in the Dock District by the old clock tower?”

Sara nodded, so John added “great, I’ll see you then” as he waved and took his leave.
@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
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