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@Zool I'm going to Dubai! I'm looking forward to it; I've never been there and it should be a fun trip!
I'mfollowing this because I like One Piece, but I agree with @Viv regarding focusing on one group. I'd also have to see your finalized idea in the OOC before committing to anything, so for now I'm just keeping an eye on this thread.
@Ambra I can't think of any ideas that aren't already claimed, so I'm going to bow out of this RP. Good luck to everyone involved though!
I just wanted to let everyone know that starting Sunday night through the 14th, I'll be on vacation. I'll still have internet access and will be keeping track of this roleplay, it just means that I might post slower than I have been. That being said, I'm enjoying the roleplay so far and seeing the posts that are in it!
Oops when I said messages I meant mages, heh. You're more than welcome to make a character.

As for offensive mages, we already have a black mage and red mage in the works. If there's anything we need, and of course if you're up for it, it's the physical classes ^^

That makes sense. If I can think of a physical class sort of character, I'll submit a CS.
@Ambra I meant priest or cleric in terms of religious affiliation, not in terms of the type of magic. I was thinking more offensive magic rather than healing, actually. Although maybe he can throw snowballs at people to heal them :p

Jokes aside, I wasn't trying to steal your white mage idea, and I can bow out if there's not enough space in the roleplay.
@Ambra I'm brainstorming ideas and the only idea I can think of thus far is a mage who only uses water and ice magic out of devotion to Danube. Since there aren't any priest or cleric sort of classes, I'm wondering if that's okay? I'm thinking though a series of events, my character is convinced that Danube has helped him and his family (whether real or coincidental is in the air) and so he feels he must live his life with devotion towards the God.

Also, I am awful at finding pictures for my characters, so would a written description be okay?
I'm really confused... did I miss the lore? How do you guys know what classes are available?

I'm kind of in the same boat; are people just saying what they want to play as or did I miss something?
@ZapdosMy post will be better if I know what Zell is up to. I can work in and around a player's post just fine, there's usually room to fit my character in the gaps of the narrative. I can lead, but in this case, with how he left it, I think he'd be better going before me this round. He seems a good enough player to take point on this one.

That is fair! Enjoy waiting for his post :P
:( Wanna post but locked behind @Saiyan and whatever stunt Zell is about to pull lol

I read @Saiyan's post as Zell asking MacKensie to protect him while he does that stunt, so you could write her crushing skeletons around them for that purpose. (Reluctantly maybe, so she doesn't make him think she likes him :P) I'm also not sure how Saiyan would write his post without you establishing something anyway.

I could be wrong though, that's just my take on it.
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