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@pkken okay, though it will most likely be a while before I make a thread so I apologize in advance if I forget. My specific One Piece RP is an interesting one, there are just things that would need to be in place for it to succeed, and I don't think they're there yet. I appreciate your interest though, it's a fun setting for sure and I'd like to write in it someday!
The GM hasn't been online in a week, so who knows (although I can't speak for them). I may have an idea for a One Piece RP (with a more cohesive group dynamic), but I have another unrelated RP I want to run as well and I don't know if it's best to start two of them at the same time. I'm on vacation anyway, so if I did anything I'd only post an interest check right now.
@Zool lol, that is fair! I knew his last name before his first name; it just felt like it'd be a good fit for the character, no real reason beyond that.
I will watch this thread as it'san interesting idea, but I don't know if I'll be able to think of an idea for a character. I'm on vacation anyway, so please don't wait on my account.
@Zool I'm wondering, did you research any of this or did you know it all ahead of time?
Adam has a bone to pick with the ogre, but hopefully his actions were helpful.

I got my post up! I'll be flying in a few hours, so I'm glad I won't be keeping people waiting this round.
Adam watched as his plan succeeded; not only did the larger skeleton have to spend its time fighting his vines, it actually got crushed by one of them! Fantastic, he thought, but as he saw the fancy cube appear within the remains of his opponent, the man's happiness turned to wary curiosity. Is this a trap? Maybe I should-

The nature manipulator was interrupted by a flash of purple light which seemed to be scaring off the skeletons. Something that helped his side could be trusted for now, right? Maybe it could even stop the ogres. Adam examined the object, looking for clues, but got exactly nowhere with his search. And with his allies fighting as the seconds passed, the man knew he couldn't sit on the sidelines forever, so he hid the cube in his pocket. Maybe this interesting item could help later, but for now, whatever function it served would have to wait.

Adam wanted to help, but what was the best way of doing so? It wasn't an answer, but seemingly in response he did hear the roar of pain coming from the armored ogre. The plant controller wasn't sure how someone - the guy's name was Zell, right? - got on its shoulder, but Adam hoped the guy would be okay after the swordsman got removed from the brute's body. Another noise commanded the man's attention immediately after this; the sound of another coffin crashing beyond what was left of the walls. Since he lacked x-ray vision, Adam had no way of knowing what was inside it, but he guessed it was someone like himself and everyone else who showed up in this strange world today.

Can't think about the coffin. I need to be sure everyone's okay first.

But no, everyone was not okay. In fact, the ogre had just struck the "commander" to near-death. Not good, even if this so-called authority figure wasn't his favorite person. The man had no clue what to do, but seeing as the ogre was charging at him, he'd have to do something!

Adam was able to dodge the creature's first attack, but the second one struck successfully, sending him flying a ways back. Being hit by a creature more than twice his size was something the man had never experienced, and with any luck, he'd never have to do so again. It was painful. But upon reflection, it could've been much worse. It didn't feel like anything was broken and the nature magic user could breathe normally. Was this the "hocus pocus" James had talked about earlier? He'd have to thank him later.

The ogre was charging at him again though. This time, Adam would need a plan, and fortunately for him he had one. The man waited for the monster to get closer, them timed his magic so a large group of vines rose from the ground right as the ogre was on top of it. Ideally, this would trap the enemy in a group of powerful plants. If so, Adam would focus on using the vines to crush the ogre like a snake would its next meal, particularly around the creature's neck.

Whatever happened, Adam hoped everyone else was alright.
@Dark Cloud @Saiyan those skeletons are boned :P
@Saiyan thanks! It's exciting going some place I've never been before.

Good timing on the new post - I was able to make an outline of a post of my own. I'll be in the sky later tonight, so ideally I'll be able to post before then.
Thanks @Zool! @Dark Cloud Zool is right, we're waiting on those two. The GM does have a one week time limit for posts, so it shouldn't be too much longer either way before another round of posts begins. I'm looking forward to after the battle when our characters can interact more, personally.
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