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"Saving the world? Alriiiight," he interjected, inserting himself between the farm man and the European woman whose accent he still couldn't place. He put an arm around each of them to rest on their shoulders and gave them both a grin. "Road trip. Let's do it. Anything to take our minds off being kidnapped by another dimension or whatever... I'm down."

@Saiyan I'm guessing you mean MacKensie, but Fenna is also European, so do you mean her? I could be overthinking it though since I just got off the first part of my flight to home.
In Sup 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello and welcome to the site!
@xenon thanks! Mostly I just can't seem to find RPs that'll be good for me to re-use my characters in, so if one interests me usually I have to make a new character for it. Interestingly enough, there is a RP Idea I have that will let me use a modified version of a character I made 5-6 years ago, but not everything is in place for it to succeed yet, so I haven't made the RP yet.
It must be nice having a go to character, I just make a new one each time like a chump :P

Incidentally, the term Pennsylvania Dutch came from Pennsylvania Deutsche, so Zool wouldn't be the first one to do something like that.
@xenon makes sense to me! I don't think I should post again right now unless someone wants to talk with Adam (and a collaborative post might work better there anyway), but once everyone is hiking I think there'll be plenty of time for character interactions.
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

lmao it was like 4am while I was writing that! I wish I hadn't posted it until I'd gotten some shuteye. I would've changed a lot.

Online at 4 AM, that sounds like me when I was in college :P
That ended up taking less time than I expected! The travel should be a change of pace from fighting skeletons :P
"Adam, no!"

As Adam heard that, a part of him wasn't surprised that MacKensie was the first person to react to him being struck like that. He didn't really any of these people, but so far she seemed like the nicest one there, and the man admired her aim with those arrows at that particular moment. "Thank you," he said with a smile, appreciative despite his current pain. Maybe after the battle he could talk to her more and- not now, focus, Adam…

The townsguards were giving it their all, helping to strike and remove the ogre's armor, and the vines seemed to be serving their intended purpose. The final attack from who Adam guessed was the guy in the newest coffin to arrive was an impressive way to end the fight. It was a violent battle, especially towards the end, but the man was happy it was all over.

The nature magic user wanted to talk to the others who arrived here like he did to be sure they were alright, but Vadim seemed to have other plans.

"You… Druid... come here."

Adam had heard him fine, but didn't know that he meant him until a guardsman had directed him to do so more loudly. A "Druid" - is that what he was now in this new world? Something to think about later, the man supposed. At least the "commander" was okay enough.

"That thing you picked up... the heart of the Skeleton Leader..." he wasn't even sure what it was. "The purple light that came from it... caused... the other skeletons to flee…"

A heart? It's made of metal, but then again I can't really make assumptions about a place I've been in for maybe an hour. Adam just barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the last sentence. I was there, yes. An understatement, considering his role in getting the object, but it wasn't like anyone could read his mind to point it out to him.

The stuff about a war, a Witch Queen and something called a "Quinity" was definitely new information though. This "commander" did not impress Adam in the slightest, but at least now he seemed to be serious instead of threatening random people for no reason, so that made the nature manipulator believe him. An honest fool was still honest, he supposed. And the stuff about the undead and destroying the world? That made Adam think about his brother and the fantasy games he'd like to play. His brother that, for all he knew, he'd never see again. A miserable thought, just like the one of countless families in this world losing who they cared about because of this Witch Queen.

And that was why when the "commander" offered 1,000 silver pieces to get the cube to Valheim, the Druid knew his answer already.

"I can't speak for everyone else, but I'll do it. There's too much at stake to do anything else. But I want to be sure everyone's okay first." Saying this, Adam glanced at his fellow crystal bearers. A few looked like they could perhaps need some rest, so leaving now might not be realistic, even if they all agreed to this mission. Again though, the man wouldn't speak for anyone else. "And we'll need supplies. A map, compass, food, water, that sort of thing so we don't get lost or die." Adam had a feeling this wouldn't be as simple as getting in the car and driving to the grocery store, so he wanted to be prepared. A two day's hike right after a huge battle (one that he could still feel the pain from) was not something to be taken lightly.
Guardsman - "Wake up, adventurer. The battle isn't yet done."

Two lines later - the battle is over :P

Anyway, since Vadim is talking to Adam, I'll do my best to get a post up. There's a lot to cover though so I don't know how long that'll take, but I'll do my best. I have an outline in my head, but I don't know how it'll translate to actual writing.
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