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Interesting take on a pokemon rp.

Thanks! I try my best to make my RPs enjoyable.
*kicks the door down* Oooooh, looks pretty interesting!!

Hello, by the way! <3

Glad to have your interest, and hi! I remember you from Whale's RP.

Potentially interested

Our story starts in Viridian City in the Kanto region. Team Rocket is on the rise once again while the Silph Corporation is busy creating new inventions. In Viridian, the Rockets attempt to intercept a package Silph is delivering to Pallet Town. As a result, each think the other has it, but the truth is quite different than that!

In a back alley in the slums of the city, a Machop is talking with a group of Pokemon. The fighting type Pokemon has scars all over his body, giving him a scary appearance, but the ones he's with know him as a friend and respect him as a leader of sorts. That is why they listen when the Pokemon had an "exciting idea" to share.

"My friends, look at us. We live on the streets, surviving off scraps, while the humans live in fancy houses and can get whatever meals they want. Today, we take the first step in our journey towards gaining what we desire. Behold!" The Machop then pulled a curtain off of a nearby object, revealing what seemed to be some kind of humanoid robot. Male in appearance and the size of a typical teenager, it almost looked like an actual person. Brown hair, blue eyes, and what could be mistaken for white skin could be seen on the "naked person." Nonetheless, the lack of any anatomical features revealed that this was not, in fact, a real person. A Silph Corporation logo on the stomach revealed the origin of this robot as well.

"You…you stole their stuff!" one Pokemon exclaimed in disbelief.

"So what, we sell this thing for some cash?" another asked.

The Machop shook his head. "Nonono, you're all thinking too small. We're not selling this thing, we're gonna use it. We're gonna enter the Pokemon League! Think about it; these humans pay each other to have us fight for them. Why not get paid instead?" The Pokemon's excitement rose as he continued his pitch. "We can train each other better than some random person ever could! Put some baggy clothes on the bot and it'll look like any other guy, one that listens to us instead of the other way around. We go on an adventure, save some money, and live the rest of our lives in luxury!

What do you guys say, are you in?"


So the gist of this RP idea is that a group of Pokemon, living on the streets, use a robot as their trainer so they can get gym badges, enter the Pokemon League and get the money that comes with it. Along the way, they'll have to deal with Team Rocket, the Silph Corporation, and other obstacles to their success. These Pokemon are already friends (to varying extents, depending on your character; planning this before the RP starts and after your CSes are accepted will be encouraged), so they know each other. These are Pokemon just starting their journey, so think of them as being at about level five at the most to get an idea of where they're starting at.

The battles will be more along the lines of the anime where Pokemon fight in real time than the turn-based "Pokemon X uses tackle, then Pokemon Y attacks" from the games. Creativity is encouraged! I'd like a group of people who want to stay long term, contribute ideas to the story, grow their characters and have fun writing in the world of Pokemon. I'd like three to five people, not including myself, at the start. That way we can each control one Pokemon on a standard team of six. Post length should vary depending on what is needed; both long and short posts have their place, but two to three quality paragraphs per post is a good minimum to expect. Let me know if you're interested in this or have any questions! If there's enough interest, I can make an OOC thread and CS. It should be fun writing with you all!
Welcome to the site, enjoy your time here!
@CabbageFrog welcome to the site, enjoy your time here!
Welcome to the site Evergreen! Take a look around the forum, I'm sure you'll find something that's a good fit for you. Enjoy your time here!
@Dark Cloud I hope everything gets better for you soon, sorry you're dealing with that.
After Adam failed at completely listening to Zell (though he did wonder what would happen if someone snuck up on them), he was at least able to succeed in bringing food to Lillianna, who seemed to be doing okay for now. She decided to join everyone at the campsite, so he smiled and nodded, handing her one of the fish. She didn't seem to want to join MacKensie on the last shift though, so the Druid agreed to do so. Not that he minded, of course; it would be nice to get to know the Ranger better.

The man sat back next to Clive following that, happy to see everyone enjoying the fish and acknowledging with kindness the thanks he was given. He was content to stay in the background and eat his own serving while listening to the conversation. It had been a long day, so the "plant man" didn't really want to stay up too much longer. When people started going to sleep, Adam felt that was a good sign for him to do that as well, so he said good night and went to his bed roll. 

James had done a good job of setting them up; one more thing to thank him for. Less important than potentially saving his life, to be sure, but comfortable sleep was important too. With his experience camping, it wasn't difficult for the Druid to get comfortable in this sort of environment and he soon fell asleep.
Welcome to the forum @LadyAmber! There are different parts of the site with different "levels" of writing, so if you like writing I'm sure you'll find a part you enjoy.
Hello, welcome to Roleplayer Guild. I hope you have fun here!
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