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Yeah, part of me was wondering if I was posting too much. Sorry @Saiyan @Zool and anyone else that I made feel excluded, that wasn't my intent, I wanted to be inclusive when I wrote. I'll try not to write so much in the future.
"Bring that fish over here partner, smoked fish ain't made in tobacco smoke."

Adam agreed with the farmer. He was actually about to do something similar before the suggestion, but it wasn't like Clive could have known that. The Druid sat next to the guy and began "gutting them fish." The farmer seemed friendly enough, which was good, and his mood seemed to match that.

"Anyone wanna tell the little lady or should we just let that girl make us a fancy cottage?"

Adam chuckled awkwardly at that remark; he knew Clive wasn't being malicious at all, but the Druid's concern earlier was only intensified by that statement. "I'll check on her after I finish cooking these fish," Adam responded, his tone serious as he focused on his task. Having done this many times in the past, the cooking was almost automatic to the man. He briefly glanced up and smiled at MacKensie and Fenna upon their return, then paid attention to Zell's speech while finishing the cooking. All in all, it was a solid idea, though it left Adam even more perplexed about the man. He had made the comment about death, had fallen off of an ogre or something, and was now planning strategy (though his expression at the end suggested he didn't care very much about it). Just who was this guy? The Druid would have to talk to him at some point to get a better sense of him. That would have to happen later though; too much was happening right now and Adam wanted this plan to succeed, so he made his own contribution.

"Sounds good, though I'll need to coordinate with the people in front about directions so we don't get lost. That shouldn't be a problem, right?" The question was directed at Clive, as he was the one sitting next to him. After listening to the farmer's answer, Adam would take the cooked fish from the fire, dividing them into even portions so everyone could have some and using the sticks someone had prepared as impromptu plates for the meals. 

"Please, help yourselves!" After inviting everyone to grab a meal, Adam took two of them and stood up. "I should check on our newest teammate." This last, he said at a lower volume, though still with the kindness of the statement before that. It was good timing as well; the Druid heard the mage's stomach rumble, so she would probably appreciate the meal.

Adam walked the short distance between the fire and the new cottage and knocked on the wall. He wasn't sure if it was strictly necessary since it was so close to everyone, but it felt like the respectful thing to do. "Lillianna, I made some fish. Do you want any? I can set it here if you'd rather eat alone, or you can join us by the fire. Or I can join you in there, whatever you want." The Druid would do whatever she wanted here; that was the respectful thing to do, after all.
Why do we gotta ruin a pleasant evening with planning. Sheesh. 😠

Adam had been planning a route all day, it was time for someone else to make a plan of some sort :P
@Dark Cloud I'm at the three post limit and I assume Xenon is posting today or tomorrow anyway, so I can't reply to Clive until the next round if it's necessary. I think it's safe to assume Adam isn't cooking the fish in tobacco smoke though :P Maybe he'll interact with Lillianna next round, but that will depend on what xenon writes and what @Crusader Lord does also. (For example, if it's tine shipped to where everyone is eating together, there's less opportunity for two characters to talk alone.)
"And I think we're fine for food, a mighty fine catch there boy!"

Adam had not interacted with Clive much, so he didn't really know what to expect from him. Even so, the back slap wasn't something the Druid was anticipating, so he flinched slightly out of surprise. This only lasted a moment though, and the man smiled at the praise from him and Zell. Odd how only a few hours ago, the latter had the opposite effect on him by talking about death so casually. Now here he was, being helpful and nice. Maybe Zell was just odd in general. Best not to dwell on it now though.

"If you're happy now, just wait until it's ready to eat," Adam responded, his tone suggesting that it would be delicious. Upon briefly reflecting on it, he didn't think anyone had thanked him for navigating yet. Their minds were probably preoccupied, having been through a lot today, so the man didn't hold it against them. He just found it kinda funny how food could bring out the best in people at times. And as his father had told him, you did the right thing for its own sake, not so you could be praised.

Joji then asked if he could help cut the fish. Adam was about to reply, but the new tobacco in the air had other ideas on how the Druid should respond, and he spent the next fifteen seconds coughing instead. As he finished, the man thought about the request. It was nice that this guy wanted to help, but Adam didn't think Joji had the outdoors experience that the Druid possessed, which guided his answer.

"Thank you, but I should prepare these myself. My father taught me how to get these fish ready without wasting much, so that'll help us stretch out the provisions we were given longer." The man glanced over at Lillianna, who seemed to have turned part of the campsite into a construction site, and pointed in her direction with his thumb. "And I suspect she'll want some extra food after all her work, so we shouldn't waste anything." He said it lightly, but underneath that tone, there was concern. "She knows we're only here for one night, so why put in all that effort? I'll have to try talking to her at some point." That point would have to be some time later though, as right now Adam still had to make fish for everyone, and he wanted to be done when they were all back by the fire.
@Teyao I didn't get all the references, not being familiar with Fate, but the effort you put into it is cool. Nicely done!
@PastelScoops sure, there's only been one CS so far so I'm definitely open to more. I see you're new as well, so welcome to the site!
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to explain that my newest post was for the purposes of illustrating Adan's grief while allowing for a transition to either a character interaction or the group eating, whichever makes the most sense.
"Good catch, son!"

Of course, Adam's father wasn't really there, but the man imagined that's what he'd say after the Druid caught his fourth bass of the day. Tears rolled down his eyes; not because of the fish, of course, but because Adam felt he'd never get to see his father again. He'd never get to thank him for always being there when something was wrong or teaching him the skills that were now helping to potentially save this new world he was now in. He'd never get to see his mother again either or thank her for showing kindness towards everyone, even the people that some would look down upon. Or his brother, who was always quick with a joke, even if it was about some video game the Druid had never heard of. Adam smiled a little at the thought; Eric would probably have quoted that "Animal Crossing" game right about now. It was funny how the younger brother would get all the fish for the museum, but lacked the patience for-

Adam felt the line start to tug once again and he worked on pulling in fish number five. It was remarkable how many he had been able to catch. Was it because of his magic, this particular river, the fishing pole, or maybe something he was overlooking entirely? Whatever it was, the bass was successfully caught. Despite everything that he had lost, the man was grateful that he would be able to help feed the group he was in, the group that might be helping save the world. There was something comforting in knowing that they were all in this together. No, they weren't family, but they all had fallen from the sky and they had all chosen to help get the cube to Valheim. Maybe they'd still be a team even after their mission was complete. However long their team would last, Adam would do his best to contribute to their cause.

The Druid stood, wiped the tears from his eyes, and spoke to himself. "Father, mother, brother…whatever you're doing now, I hope you're okay. I promise I'll do my best to make you proud, and hopefully someday we can see each other again." The grief he felt was not gone, and Adam knew it would never subside completely, but he knew he had a way forward. A way that meant doing the right thing, both for his team and for this new world he was in. And right now, the way forward involved ensuring his group didn't starve.

It was time to cook some fish.
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