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James cracked a grin at Lucy's stories of young Barracker, they were surprisingly... 'wholesome' was the word he wanted to use but taking into account that they wanted to 'give a lift' to some orcs perhaps it was not the most appropriate word, still, he could almost imagine tall and broody by his side and his little gaggle of friends asking those same questions.

"Ya know? It is reassuring that you vouch for him so much, we already had accepted him but getting the guild master's approval is a hell of a recommendation." Turning towards his quiet companion he extended a hand "Well Barracker, welcome officially to Second Chance, hope you love your stay" Looking once more at the Guild Master he bid his goodbyes "Welp, thanks for everything Lucy, I will get our of your hair now, see you later"

“So, what's the next mission?”
Barry? No, Cracker? No!, Barrack?... Obama!? Nah that was just silly

"Right you still don't know" He mulled the words on his mind for a second "We are trying to rank up to Silver as quick as possible so we were given a choice between several options, we after careful instrospection we setled on a Gold contract, we leave in a couple of days towards the Temple of Hades to kill the Greater Wraith thas has nested there so if you need to make any preparations I suggest you use these days to do it" Saying so he decided to say something semisirius for once, laying a hand agaisnt the taller man's shoulder he started "Thank you for joining us Barracker, truthfully I feel more at ease knowing we have another able person on the party" He patted the other man a few times before retracting his hand "Well I am going back to The Mended Drum if you wanna meet the party or just hang with us you know where to find us"

Satisfied with his interpersonal interaction he started walking towards the inn before a thought crossed his mind, he... had forgotten to tell Barracker about the fact that they were from another world which was a HUUGEEE oversight if he was being honest, best to take care of that before doing anything else.

Stopping his walk he turned his torso towards the Vampiric Paladin "Oh right, another tiny, almost insignificant detail I forgot to add... We Second Chance come from another world" He waited for barely a second before giving a wave with the hand and resuming his walk "Till later dude!"

Nailed it.


Returning towards The Mended Drum might not have been the most Logistical sound decision but in his defense the journey to the Guild and back was halfway through the city so he felt justified in taking a breather on a familiar location before setting off again.

Entering the establishment he noticed a distinct lack of his party members.

Shrugging his shoulders he went to Frederick the innkeeper and sorted his meal, before long he was seated and about to gulf down a hearty mix of eggs and bread with some meat he guessed was beef thrown in. The only thing stopping him was the figure of Adam going coming down the stairs, this was a prime opportunity to talk with the younger man, the second person he really need to talk more to (Fenna was the first) "Hey Adam! Here! Wanna join?"

I think Sillagy is playing tricks again :P

James: Detailed explanation of why they took a gold contract and when they're leaving.
Also James: bythewaywe'refromanotherworldokbye

Our characters haven't interacted much, should be interesting.
Oh, because I forgot to post this earlier:

Some adventurers were gifted with the Fire Domain. Some Light. Some Water. MacKensie's Domain was Retail.

The water ninja appears to attack Second Chance
MacKensie: this scarf matches your eye
Water ninja: explodes
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Tangling thorn bushes as like 3x3 ft traps or even rows. Hinders the enemy, slows them down

Giant Venus flytraps

Poisonous bulbs that burst with dust clouds of sleep posion or death poison or pepper spray when the enemy steps on them

Tree trunk spears. Grow a tree trunk, grind it like a pencil sharpener against rocky surface until you have a sharp point. Throw it at the enemy

Flowers that make animals go berserk. Grow them in the right environment, lure the beasts and cause chaos

Grow some bark gauntlets, stick hands in, break them off the ground and start swinging

Thats all I got for now

Great ideas! I was thinking some kind of poisonous dandelion-esque thing actually; instead of making a wish, the seeds damage enemies :P A bulb might work better instead though. Either way, the visual is helpful and I like your ideas.
I couldn't think of much, so hopefully today's post is enjoyable all the same. The end was inspired by @Crusader Lord lol
The woman nodded in response as Adam looked through the pile of books she had given him. After getting a few more in line with the older Druid's recommendations, the man left the library and headed for his next destination. Fiona had been very helpful, judging by the fact that the red-eyed nature magic user was walking towards the hotel using both of his hands to carry his newfound literature. A recent snippet of a conversation played out in his head as he did so.

"When should I return these by?" Adam had asked, having no clue how libraries handled late books in Mytheria. 

"Oh, whenever you can. If you want. Glee vouched for you, so you're good." Even the younger Druid, oblivious as he could be around women at times, could tell the librarian had some sort of fangirl crush on the half-orc.

Not that he had anything against her, but Fiona's feelings weren't why he was thinking about that. The fact was that Glee seemed to be quite fond of him, which was quite a contrast from how the red-eyed man felt about himself. Maybe it was that Glee didn't know about what had happened at the Hillocks, though he probably had been in similar (or worse) situations with his team. It was something to think about, along with-

The Mended Drum appeared before his eyes though, interrupting his thoughts and changing them to "how am I going to open this door while carrying all these books?" Just then, a helpful employee opened the door from the inside; she seemed to be an ordinary human woman, a little surprising after seeing orcs and elves everywhere. "How can I-oh, you checked in last night. Can I help you with those?" 

Adam nodded, asking her to help with the doors while he carried the books to his room. It was more the logistics of moving the items that was the problem, not their weight. Even though she wasn't out of shape, lifting Lillianna to Valheim the day before had made this seem much easier in retrospect.

After the literature was safe in his room, the Druid thanked the girl who went back to her normal work. He wondered what he should do next before his stomach decided to make that decision for him, grumbling to indicate that he should probably get something to eat.

Food sounded like a good idea, yes.
@Saiyan unfortunately it does seem like the RP is dead. I appreciate the effort everyone brought to this story, maybe we'll write together again elsewhere.
By the way, if anyone has any cool ideas for plants that would be useful in combat, let me know! Adam will be looking into these (see my last post for the set up) and any inspiration would be appreciated!
Little post to keep things rolling

I liked it, but I'm curious; was the purple text intentional?

"Wait! Are these guys like, racist?"

James asking the real questions :P
I posted the mostly-end (because there's a little part at the end I'll expand upon, per xenon's suggestion) to the collab! Please don't feel pressured to rush any character interactions or story ideas because I have a small timeskip in my post.
Glee stood up and walked tentatively over, casting a glance over the empty patch of dirt where the Firaga Rose had been, then back at Adam with narrowed eyes.  This was fascinating.

“Glee John Artorius - of True Grade,” he said, offering to shake hands.  “You really thought that just any old Druid can grow plants they haven’t studied or felt, smelled… tasted?  You’re either lying through your teeth or incredibly oblivious to your own talent.  I’m not sure which would be worse.”

He blinked several times.  It was his way of laughing at his own jokes.  He could laugh normally, but he always delivered his own jokes with a straight, dry tone. A weird quirk.

"Adam Phillips. Uh, of Second Chance" the not-old Druid hastily added, not used to introducing himself that way, though he did respond to the handshake in kind. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Completely missing the joke, the man continued. "And yes, I did think that, though I suppose I've never met someone else with my class." He was skeptical that there was anything special about him, but this stranger probably wasn't there to hear him agonize over his lack of special ability, so he went on.

"I'd also rather not taste a torch flower if I can help it, getting burned isn't something I'm fond of." The man chuckled slightly, a more typical indicator of humor than what the experienced adventurer did. 

“Haha! That’s fair enough,” Glee replied.  Strong handshake and a sense of humour.  The half-orc liked him already.

More seriously now, Adam added "are you a Druid?"

“I am.  Come and have a seat.”  They went over to the table and Glee took a seat.  “So, you are talented but dumb as an ox to the whole Druid schtick.  Interesting.  How long have you had that crystal, there, in your hand?”

The less experienced Druid joined his senior counterpart at the table. "Dumb as an ox," with his Druid abilities, huh. Yeah, that sounded about right. The guy wasn't malicious though; quite the opposite really, and he was a Druid. Maybe he would be able to help with this magic. "About a day. There's so much I don't know about all this, yeah. I only learned an hour or so ago why the crystal turned purple after our team apparently got a bounty." It was best not to go in depth about this and mention Aurok; Glee might think he was just bragging or lying, not to mention the red-eyed man didn't want to explain how that fight went if he could help it. 

About a day! Glee screamed in his head.  I’d scream out loud but this is a library.  The half-orc blinked a few times as he listened to Adam speak.  “I’m pretty sure I should be angry right now." When he said this, the red-eyed man's face indicated he was worried he offended the man, but before he could speak up the half-orc continued.

"Most Druids require months of practice to come that close to correctly growing a Firaga Rose.  Lotsa hard work, study and discipline.  And here you are, one day in, and you’ve almost got it.  And have the cheek to act like it’s nothing.”  Glee smiled at him.  “Luckily, folks have always told me I’m not right in the head.” At this, the younger Druid looked relieved, grateful he didn't actually offend the older one. Maybe "I'll have to use that 'not right in the head' thing with our 'party idiot' someday," Adam thought, his expression now matching Glee's.

"Do all Druids have the same two spells?"

“Most, yes.  Plant invigoration and manipulation.  Not all though.  There are some unique sub-classes that The Source might bless one with, where plant control comes later in their journey.  But all the best Druids in history start with plant control.  You’ll find that mastery of those two spells will make you more useful to your party than all those other fancy high-power wizards.  The skill ceiling is extremely high.  The most expert Druid alive today no-doubt still has much to learn about these two spells alone.  Nature is ever-changing.  Life is complex.  There are several thousand species of plant, tree and flower out there in Mytheria.  All have a use.  And more than half will be very useful to an adventurer.  You just have to know what they are.  And know them well.  I’ve been at this adventuring business for eleven years now.  I’ve been up and down the continent, from the sky cities of Cloud elves to the underworld of the Dark elves.  Even with all I’ve learned, I mostly use those two spells.  There’s no end to what you can do with them.  It’s all about what’s up here,” he finished, tapping his temple. “Books are your friend.  Experience is your family.”

Glee was so eager to find out more about Adam, to try and figure out if there was a reason this man was so insanely gifted, but then he was also foaming at the mouth to teach him everything he knew all at once!  He’d always been helpful to others, Druid or not - adventurer or not - but he’d never met anyone he wanted to mentor before.  Pity he wouldn’t be in Valhiem long as True Grade was leaving for the frontlines tomorrow afternoon.

Adam sagely nodded to Glee, his expression thoughtful. There were many things this man spoke of that were new and revelatory, but the plants were of course the nature magic user's focus. More than half?! Yeah, it seems I was on the right track. "You're absolutely right. I was actually here to-"

"Get those books!" Fiona interjected, having still been there the whole time, and perhaps a little more loudly than she should have. Her face red from her excitement, she hastily added "I'll go find those" before quickly disappearing back into the shelves of the library. The Glee was very interested in this boy. The elf followed all the famous adventurer parties, but True Grade was one of her favorites. She would have helped this kid either way, it was just more urgent now.

"That, yeah," the red-eyed man said, "I'm not from here, so there's so much I don't know. I want to learn everything I can. Our group lost a few good people recently and I don't want that to happen again." His tone was sad, yet determined; that of a man who knew what needed to be done and was certain that he would do his best to accomplish it.

Glee knew that look.  He felt his pain.  Druids were often sensitive souls, so connected with nature and life that perhaps death took an extra toll on them.  Who knew?  Whatever the reason, it was like looking into a mirror.  The humility, the talent, the determination to look after his allies…

“It can be tough at the beginning.  Mistakes abound, party not in sync.  And it’s never easy to lose an ally or a friend.  All we can do is be the best version of ourselves and hope that it’s enough.”  Glee leaned across the table and patted the man on the hand before getting up.  “Come.  I’ll show you a few things you can work on to practice your finesse in manipulation.”

Glee stayed with Adam for a couple of hours, showing him some of the finer points of the foundational Druid spells.  He also recommended particular books and plants to research, and taught him about what patterns to look for in enemy hordes that a Druid might be able to capitalize on.  Time flew by so fast, that when Glee had to go, he realized that he’d not probed about Adam’s past at all like he’d wanted to.  A travesty, in of itself, but he had to go.

“Adam, it’s been an honor and a pleasure to meet a man as talented as you, with a soul as nice as yours.”  Glee shook his hand once more.  “I expect great things from you and hope to see you again.”

"Thank you so much for all of your help," the younger Druid replied, grateful for the advice that he felt was useful for more than casting, "I'll be sure to put all that you taught me to good use; I'd like to meet again as well."  After graciously accepting the red-eyed man's appreciation, the half-orc took his leave.  “Oh, before I go,” he suddenly added, turning back around.  “Kragstone Peak is a small mountain, just outside the city, to the north.  There’s an old Druid who lives in a shack up there.  Go to him, when you get a chance.  Elven chap.  Very grumpy.  But he specializes in Shapeshifting - an extremely difficult technique to master.  Usually for high level Druid’s.  But your talent is beyond anything I’ve ever seen.  I think he’d give you a chance.”  Glee nodded, then left Adam.

“Until next time, Fiona,” he told the librarian as he passed her.  “Look after him.  He’s one of the good ones.” 
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