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Adam met MacKensie's eyes. So determined, so lovely. Just like always. She was handling the events of yesterday better than he was, anyway. She didn't cause a woman to be electrocuted though-don't think like that right now. Instead, he nodded and smiled when MacKensie voiced her appreciation and  desire for him to see her family again.

"We will find a way home.  All of us.  Even if I have to grapplehook us all the way across the universe," she added with a chuckle.
MacKensie Trydant

The man responded in kind. "Right. Considering the magic here, I wouldn't be surprised if that was really possible" he said, partially because it was true and partially as an attempt at humor. Shortly after this, Zell and another big guy showed up. The latter introduced himself with a salute as Barracker, the newest member of their team. Adam returned the gesture, not wanting to be awkward. "Nice to meet you, Barracker. Welcome to Second Chance." 

The Druid stayed with the newly-formed table of four for a while before realizing I should probably get going before the stores close unless I want to starve on my hike. After apologizing for needing to leave ("I have errands to run before our mission" was true without getting into the details of his trip), the red-eyed man thanked Barracker for his help on their future mission and went on his way.

"Great guy," Adam thought in reference to the claymore wielder, "and he's probably good in a fight also. I wonder if he's better than Zell? Whatever "better" meant, in this context. Not that it mattered, really - a fight without purpose was pointless to the Druid. A more relevant question, he realized after walking around for about ten minutes, was "is wandering around at random really the best way of finding a store?" He had just navigated the team through the Mazy Hillocks! There had to be a better way of-

Before the man could act upon these thoughts though, he stumbled upon a place; Green's Grocery, which looked like an old-timey general store if it was in medieval times. Upon entering, he was greeted by a half-orc clerk who then asked if he needed any help.

"Yes please. I'm looking for some shelf stable food, some clothes - similar to what I'm already wearing, nothing fancy - and a bag to carry it all in. Maybe one that can hold an infinite amount of stuff, if that's possible?"

The worker chuckled, then explained himself with a "customer service" tone. "Sorry sir, those are 250 gold a piece. We don't carry those here. You could try the magic shop down the street though? Or we have a nice leather bag that will reduce the weight and dimensions of what you put inside, within reason. Would that work for you?"

"That will be fine, thanks." After trying on the clothes to be sure they fit, the red-eyed man paid for everything and was on his way. He decided he would take the long way back to the Mended Drum, though he wasn't sure if it was because he wanted to see the city or if he felt he didn't belong with the rest of the group. Nonetheless, Adam would end up talking with someone in Second Chance later, but of course had no way of knowing this at the time.
MacKensie: I'll never use my grappling hook again
MacKensie like an hour later: I'll grapple our way across the universe!
@Jay009Good timing Jay! And when isn't that man on holiday smh kick him out Xenon xD

If you want people kicked out for vacations I'll have to leave too, I've been on a few trips this year and am planning another one :P
@Jay009 that is good to hear, he usually isn't offline so long so I was a little worried.
Adam could not help but notice the way MacKensie seemed to enjoy hearing about what was, to him, just things focused on himself. Useful to be sure, but nothing worth listening to. This made the man's mood improve to match hers, even to the point where he noticed her increase in energy when he complimented her tunic. So she doesn't find it weird that I liked her clothes? Does she like me that way? Probably not, don't be arrogant Adam. He continued listening to her, thinking now about the questions she brought up instead of his own inadequacy. The fisherman had been focused on Druid stuff and his own failures at the Hillocks, so he really hadn't thought about the message. It was a worthy topic of conversation for sure.

"Who could have sent that? Vadim, perhaps? Checking to see if we completed the mission? Hmm." After a moment of silence, the Druid continued thinking out loud, answering his own question. "He was trigger-happy at the start - not fun, by the way, - but he seemed like an alright man. Willing to die for his people is brave. However…considering he told us to go through the Hillocks to get here…he probably isn't smart enough to use the mail system. I mean, it's possible, but unlikely. You're probably right; whoever brought us here wants to tell us something, and that something will be important."

Adam took a moment to think about their resident Dutch woman. "And you're right about Fenna also. She was so brave yesterday. She could've ran from that wolf, but chose to charge at it anyway. Braver than I am." Knock it off, Adam, this isn't a pity party. "I hope she can reunite with her kids someday." After a split second of thought, he added "and I hope you can see your family again also." 

Adam wanted to see his own as well, but part of him felt he didn't deserve that. Better that people like Fenna do so, if they had to choose.
I've had parts of ideas pop into my brain, but nothing resembling a full CS, so I unfortunately have to withdraw my interest from this. Best of luck to everyone here, this is a fun concept!
I was making some edits to my collab with Crusader Lord and had a thought; if anyone wants to write one with me, send a PM and we can talk about ideas! No pressure of course. As always, it is fun to write with you all!
Lots of interesting characters! @Red Wizard I almost never include images with my character descriptions since it's tough for me to find them, so if I can think of a good character I hope this isn't a problem.
@Red Wizard that does help, yes. Thanks!
This is an intriguing concept. I can't promise I'll join (I don't know how much time or energy I'll have) but I do have an idea for a powerful cleric-tyoe character sent to the maw for opposing the state religion. How does magic work in this RP?
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