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"I don't know dude, a week ago I didn't think I would ever visit another world, and look at us now, who is to say something like that doesn't exist?"
James Sirius

Adam considered James' words. He couldn't find fault with his logic, really. Of he could ask people which way the sun rose, he could ask about a magic bag. "I'll keep an eye out for that," the red-eyed man responded simply, nodding when the Cleric mentioned the vegetables. The Druid resumed eating his meal, noticing that the team leader was just sitting there without saying much. Not wanting to keep him waiting, the former finished the rest of his meal quickly.

After finishing his fare, Adam listened when James said he was leaving, thanking him for the offer but declining, unable to think of anything he would need. It is true, even if the Druid was going to shop for himself anyway. He was going to stand up and leave himself, but he saw MacKensie approach and decided to wait instead. No sense in being rude was what he told himself over his objections of you don't deserve to talk to someone like her.

At her question about his day, Adam responded similarly to how he described it to James. The red-eyed man mentioned the library, being taught new things by a new friend, and getting some books before going back to the inn. And like his accounting to the Cleric, the Druid left out his trip up the mountain, for the same reason he chose to do that before.

The man was surprised that MacKensie seemed to be interested in these things, and moreso when she said she was glad he was with the group. What would he do without MacKensie and the others? Despite James' reassurances, the Druid still felt responsible for getting a mage electrocuted while fighting a water ninja, at the very least. Those were things he could think about later though. Now he would focus on the beautiful woman in front of him.

"You too, MacKensie" was his response. Wow, you're so eloquent, Adam. Say something else.

"I like your new tunic."

Too forward! Dial it back a notch.

"It was smart of you to get some new clothes. I just have the one outfit still."

That's good enough, I guess.
Zell: Well fuck - have I got a story to tell you, mate. Pack a lunch and buckle your seatbelt. Explains everything about Earth, how they got to Mytheria, and what they were doing until now.

Barracker: So many questions...like "what the heck is a seatbelt?"
Adam ate his meal as James spoke, listening to the man as the former's supply of eggs got transferred to his stomach. It was good fare, not dissimilar to what he might have had back home. His mother would often trade her surplus vegetables for eggs from local farmers, so the Druid was acclimated to fresh ones. When the Cleric finished describing his own magic, the 18-year old nodded and spoke.

"That makes sense. I feel like I improvised most of my attacks that day. Now I think I'm more competent with my abilities." Glee seemed to think he was some kind of prodigy. Adam wasn't sure how much he bought that line of thought considering yesterday's events, but James had asked him to stick around so he wouldn’t debate that out loud. Instead, he continued eating his eggs, appreciative of the Cleric's sentiment towards him. 

"That is appreciated. It was the right thing to do, anyone else would've done the same. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to read yet, but I gained some great insights into my class - or whatever you call it - from my friend and he recommended some literature as well." Adam lifted the book he had with him up to quickly show it to his team leader before setting it down and continuing. "I think it helped a little that the librarian had a crush on him." The man couldn't help but chuckle a little, both for how obvious it was and the parallel to his own feelings for a certain member of Second Chance. 

Finishing his eggs and beginning the meat, the man listened as James asked about what he could grow. He considered the Cleric's idea, wanting to give a thoughtful answer. "I could grow edible plants, yeah. My family had the best garden for miles, so I think I'd be familiar enough with that sort of thing. I could probably even grow many, if not most, of the edible plants from our world I know about without seeds if they work the same way the trees do. We shouldn't rely entirely on that though. I'm sure my magic has some kind of limit, and if I use it all in a fight or something we won't have anything to eat. Being aware of what we're carrying makes sense though. I need to buy some kind of bag that can carry my books, like what MacKensie has, to magically shrink them or however that works."

And as if she were summoned there by his mention of her name, the Druid saw the Ranger say hi to the both of them. She seemed to be in a good mood from a distance, but disappeared before Adam could do more than wave and respond in kind. He wasn't sure if he deserved to talk to someone as upstanding as she was, but he certainly did want to. And he felt better about the idea than he did five minutes ago. And-oh right, him and the Cleric were talking about something else. Best not to ignore James.

"Anyway, I need that bag regardless, so I'd be happy to store some supplies there when we leave on our mission." That last part was important; he had to be ready for his hike, after all. "If only there was some way we could just carry everything at once though; that would be easier. Too bad something like that doesn't exist."
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If it makes you feel better, they're probably bots. I have seen the occasional user outsider of this RP here though.
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

It took me a minute to remember... Adam has been waiting for what seems like forever to thank James for the first battle.

<Snipped quote>

This is from Page 3 - 7 months ago! And I'm pretty sure there were other mentions of Adam wanting to thank James for this moment, later in the story.

I'm proud of Adam for getting around to it! In context, it was only 72 hours ago for the characters lol.

Well, to be fair it was an eventful 72 hours lol
And that thing Adam had talked about doing for a while is finally done! I didn't think it would be over lunch, but I'm happy with it.
Adam had expected the worst. He expected to be yelled at, kicked off the team, and sent packing before he could even finish his lunch. What happened instead was quite different. Instead, James started telling the younger man about his life in HR. When he mentioned the guy watching Dragon Ball in the bathroom, Adam couldn't help but laugh a little.

"That sounds like something my brother would do," the Druid responded after that. Eric did have a habit of hiding to avoid chores when he was younger. Adam let the Cleric continue talking after this, listening intently as he proceeded to try reassuring the red-eyed man of his place on the team. The logic did make sense, but he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't still feel somewhat guilty over the events of yesterday. Still, James was the leader and nobody had confronted the Druid yet, so it was fair to at least try moving forward.

"That is appreciated, I will do that" was the simple yet sincere reply Adam gave to the Cleric's request as the former's food arrived. Deciding to start with the eggs, the Druid ate a little as James described his day. A new team member was a good idea; they had lost two people (thanks to himself, Adam felt) and someone who could work together with everyone was welcome. Swallowing his food, the red-eyed man answered the question he was asked.

"Kind of eventful. I went to the library for books and met a new friend who taught me some things. Then I came here to drop off most of the books. And here I am." The Druid decided to skip talking about his trip up the mountain, thinking James might misinterpret the intent. There would be time to mention it to someone on the team later anyway. Right now though, it was time for something he had been meaning to do since the group's first battle together.

"Oh, I've been meaning to thank you for your spell back in Hommas with the ogres. One hit me pretty hard and I might have died if that wasn't there. So, well…thank you." It didn't feel eloquent to him, but Adam was glad to have said it.
Saiyan: Probes GM for something to do.

Xenon: Sets up some interaction.

Saiyan: Runs off towards Jay009.

@XenonThat was a longer post than expected lol let me know if any edits are needed

I have an imitator now lol

Adam: makes a half-orc friend in a calm library
Zell: goes to a seedy bar and meets a thug
He wasn't great in social situations. Fighting the fiercest monsters was nothing compared to being in a large group of people where casual conversation was expected.

This is too relatable lol

Adam had kept one book on his person as he walked downstairs. He had planned on finding a place with a cheap meal and reading; the man didn't know if he would even be in Second Chance after everything that happened, so it was smart to be frugal. Not that he was really a big spender anyway; his father's degree was in accounting and the parental figure had passed on at least a little knowledge of numbers to his children. The plan changed though, thanks to five words from the team's leader.

"Hey Adam! Here! Wanna join?"
James Sirius

The truth was, Adam wanted to be alone as he felt he didn't deserve to talk to anyone on his team at that moment, but he felt ignoring James would be rude. He forced himself to smile and nodded, joining the Cleric at the table. At least now he'd know if he was still in the group. The Druid was about to speak when Frederick asked if he wanted anything. Not wanting to delay the inevitable, the younger man simply ordered what James was having. With that out of the way, Adam directed his attention to his (maybe nor for long) leader and politely spoke.

"What's going on?"
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