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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jay009


Member Seen 2 days ago

"Too good for me, mate," the stranger said. "Virtue and honour in human form.”

Barracker gave a grunt of approval, he felt the same when it came to Evelyne.

“Stiff as a plank of wood…"

Barracker shared a chuckle with the man. It was a funny way to describe someone you fawned over.

"...But that's part of her charm. Underneath that she's steadfast, fierce, brave..."

Remarkably similar to Evelyne, he thought. "She must be quite the woman,” the paladin commented.

"And christ; she's hotter than a furnace in a volcano," the stranger blurted out loudly. "Slap-bang in Hell in the middle of a heatwave."

Barracker could not remove his smile from his face. He felt the same and also found it quite funny.

"Bloody gorgeous." He shook his head, disappointedly and with a smile. "Fuck - look at us two, eh... hopeless. Give me Aurok the Maneater and a sword - let a simple frontliner do his job," he joked.

The stranger’s words hit home quite deep, Barracker would not have thought he would be sharing such a moment with a stranger, never mind one that would feel the same thing like unworthiness and hopelessness.

"Speaking of swords: That's a beauty right there.”

Barracker felt this was a welcome change of topic.

"Claymore, right. I'd guess about ten pounds, but that looks heavier than most."

“Correct.” Barracker nodded proudly, “While the half orc race are known for great blacksmiths, the mindless beasts of the wildlands, mountains and swamps tend to craft their weapons from low quality steel or just iron ingots. Some will even hammer a piece of metal flat, and just sharpen it. Picture my surprise when I took this finely crafted orichalcum claymore from the corpse of an orc captain. It would have had to have been orcish made, as it was relative to the size and strength of the beast. Bigger than anything you can buy in the dwarven or the half orc domains.”

"You've gotta be packing some kinda muscle to wield that one-handed while rockin a tower shield."

“One of the few perks of being a vampire.” Barracker trailed off. Also the cursed price does outweigh the benefits.

When the stranger offered his own sword to show off, Barracker didn’t hesitate to have a look. “Steel-banded into the leather, nice.” As the paladin drew the katana a third of the way, he blurted, “what in Hades name…” Barracker trailed off, simply staring at the black steel blade, rubbing his fingers across the exposed flat of the blade. He could not quite tell where this was made. Elvish? No it couldn’t be. “That's a fine piece of craftsmanship,” he complimented as he handed it back. “That is rarer than any sword I have seen.” The paladin was more than intrigued, and was about to ask about where the sword came from, but was interrupted.

"Where are my manners… We haven't even been introduced properly. Zell Brooks."

Zell offered a hand to shake and Barracker obliged, clasping forearms in a warriors’ greeting.

“Barracker Kassel, of…”

"...Of Second Chance."

They both spoke at the same time, prompting Barracker to draw back in surprise. Barracker felt good to bond but would have preferred to never see the man's face again. As was the reason in his mind to open up about his feelings about Evelyne. Barracker made a “hmph” with half a chuckle mixed in.

“I have met with the leader, James. I did not know that I would have been meeting another companion until arriving at ‘The Mended Drum’. What brings you around these parts?” he inquired but suddenly remembered the insane piece of information that filled his mind with unanswered questions. “Wait, James said he was not from this world. How is this even possible?”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Alright, let's go there next."
The Felicitous Friendly Fenna

Thank goodness, it didn't seem too bothersome to ask the others to go with her at least. Well, Fenna and MacKensie in this case really. In truth the mage did want to learn more about the individual spirit who had saved her life from a wolf. The same had also warned them of some kind of danger approaching, which had at least allowed them to make a stand against the Dire Wolves as well before that. It felt somehow...unfitting to not be curious about such a person, perhaps, who was willing to help others like such even after death. Though why his spirit was bound to such a place as the Mazy Hillocks was certainly concerning as well.

Fenna noticed the mage shudder while being deep in thought. "Are you okay?" she asked Lilliana.
Fenna the Fabulous Friend

"Just...a sudden thought I'd rather have not ever had go through my head, really, breifly running through my mind. Ah, please do not worry about me! Think nothing of it, please..."

The mage tried to brush off the worry over her, somewhat lightly nervously so, as she tried to keep her eyes forward on the path ahead. They still had to get to the Church of Iris in decent time, after all, and hopefully whatever answers she sought would be found on the other end. Or at least a way to those answers, if nothing else, if the full story couldn't be found there. Anything to sate that curious itch she felt about the whole matter, and see where it led her in the end really. Even so, the general topic did get her thinking in another things as well in the meantime.

She'd no idea if there was a God or Goddess of Death still around here, and she couldn't recall anything distinct or 'divine' from when she'd been dying on the ground back in the Mazy Hillocks. Maybe she'd have to ask James, after asking at this Church about the matter on the side as well perhaps, and see if the group cleric had anything to note on the matter from that time for all she knew. None of the rest of them among the living party members, for all she knew, had any sort of divinity-related abilities or such. But would such a deity even respond to someone like her, even in this world? She had no clue...no clue at all really.

Still, she had to tackle one thing at a time as it were. Besides, they were going to be coming around the corner to the Church of Iris any second now if the last local they'd talked to gave the right directions.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by xenon
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'Around the corner, any second now' might perhaps have been a tad hyperbolic. Or perhaps the local just meant that it would be easily visible as soon as they turned the corner. Either way, the Church of Iris stood out clearly all along the western stretch, just outside the city limits.

There were many smaller churches in Valhiem in addition to The Temple of the Quinity. Some were devoted to just one diety. Some devoted to more than one - usually connected siblings. One Church in the rich, southwestern quadrant, was devoted to Iskara and her three children; Kyrious, Barash and Taosi. But of all the churches, that most notable was the Church of Iris. On any given Sunday, the crowd of citizens gathered for sermon could consist of men, women and children of all classes from all parts of the city. Mother Iris, the first being of The Source, was loved above all.

The Sisters of the church were tending to various duties while the Church was not busy. Sister Anne and Sister Idril were busy with administration in the main office. Sister Liriel, Gozar and Tifali were out procuring goods for living. This left the bubbly, clumsy delightful disaster that was Sister Juliet on cleaning duties.

She was outside, on a small step ladder, washing the stained glass windows of the front entrance. The women approaching would be just in time to see Juliet bend down to soak her sponge in the bucket and wobble the step ladder into chaos. "W-w-waaaagh!"

Her feet flew out up into the air. The step ladder flew away. The bucket hit the floor, soapy water everywhere. All before the poor Sister landed flat on her back in the wet.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

When Lillianna had brought up the Church of Iris, MacKensie had immediately remembered the wizard's persistance at the Adventurer's Guild. She should've guessed that this was the place she'd wanted to visit, but the frenchwoman was wrapped up in her own self-involved mission of trying to mentally get away from the madness for just a day. Lillianna's desire to repay the debt of honour to the ghost who'd helped them was admirable, which made MacKensie feel even worse.

In the quiet walk through the city streets, MacKensie felt the build-up of stress, tears and racing thoughts that had visited her in every quiet moment she'd had since her first day in this world. The build-up was slow, so she managed to take action before it hit the surface.

"Oh, these bags," she moaned as they got to the city gates, grabbing the attention of her friends as she slowed down and fussed with her grip. "They are so cumbersome and I am wearing thin." It felt bad to lie, but she had to get away. "I will take them back to the Mended Drum. I am so sorry I cannot come with you. Here; let me take your things back for you."

She kept it short, took any bags they wanted to hand her and gave each of them a quick hug with a friendly (and pretentiously posh) air-kiss. "I hope you find the answers you are looking for, Lillianna."

And she was gone. Down the road, taking two corners to make sure she was alone, she sat down on a convenient street bench and burst into tears.

The trauma of her own terrifying death and radical change of destiny - the idea she'd never see anyone she ever knew ever again? These things were not even top of the list of what haunted the back of her mind anymore. Clive and Arthur - two men she didn't even know in any real sense - seemed to hang in the air over her, and knowing that it was probably the same for everyone else in the party, didn't make her feel any better. How painful and tragic it must've been for them to experience death yet again - to have been ripped from a second world in a matter of days. Lillianna had almost joined them too. Even with Zell almost killing himself to save her, had James made a single mistake, wasted a single second, she would've surely bled out.

And this led her thoughts from the traumas of the last few days, to the terrifying prospect of what was to come in the future. All any of them needed to do was be a little slow... a little late... make a single mistake... and it would be over for them. It might be over for all of them at once - their mistakes would affect the whole party. What was she thinking, flying around with her magical gauntlet like that!? Barely any practice at all and she was taking to the heights of the tops of trees, executing acrobatics off of instinct, relying on inhuman coordination and perception. What was she thinking, shooting that crossbow bolt right by Zell's ear in their first battle!? She could rely on her accuracy with a stationary target, sure, but what if he'd moved a muscle or even flinched?

She would have to be more careful. Anything beyond her shooting accuracy, she would have to be so very sure of her actions. And the grapplehook was too out of control. She wasn't sure she could bring herself to make much use of it anymore. She was also one of the ones who'd pushed the party to take the gold contract. Any deaths on this next mission would be on her conscience.

She cried, despaired and wallowed for maybe a halfhour. Then she wiped her eyes and went back to the Mended Drum.............

"Hiiii," was her overly cheery greeting from across the room. She was far enough away from Adam and James that she could beam a smile at them and head upstairs without them noticing anything was wrong.

After she put any shopping bags in the appropriate rooms, she went and washed her face, then sat in front of the mirror in her own room.
She tried out the new face cream she'd bought, and then spent an inordinate amount of time combing her hair while she mentally recovered and re-strengthened herself back to her usual upbeat and positive form.

"Stiff upper lip, Mac," she whispered at herself in the mirror. "You are fine. You are strong." She gave herself a reassuring smile. "You are a Trydant."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 2 days ago

Fenna walked along with her female companions until they reached the gate and MacKensie fell back. She turned to see if she could help the young woman, but she seemed to manage. The following goodbye happened suddenly and there was no stopping her, so Fenna didn't try. "Alright, take care. We'll return to the Mended Drum when we're done here." The fumbling with the bags, the expression, the abrupt departure, it was enough for a hint of worry for the young woman, but it wasn't enough to go after her. Maybe being alone was what she needed. She watched MacKensie walk away until she rounded a corner and then turned to Lilliana. "Let's go to the church, we're almost there."

On the other side of the gate, Fenna glanced at the sky and noticed some birds of prey in the distance, but none of them were Sil. She wasn't sure how she could tell, but she knew the falcon was closer than that. She didn't know exactly where Sil was, but somewhere in or near the city, she was certain of it.

Once they reached the church they were just in time to see one of the sisters fall down. "Oh dear..." Fenna muttered and she rushed to the sister's aid. "Are you okay?" At first glance, the sister didn't seem to be injured. Not externally anyway.

An overhead shadow made her divide her attention for just a moment and she knew, just before looking up, that it was Sil. The falcon went to the tower where she would land and Fenna smiled as she would when she'd meet up with a friend; seeing the falcon gave a similar warm feeling as well. Although it made her wonder, earlier that day she had also thought about the falcon, wondering where she was, and moments later Sil had joined her. Did Sil somehow pick up on being wanted or needed?

Thoughts for later, she turned her attention back to the sister to see if she could help her in any way, offering a hand if she was trying to get up.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam ate his meal as James spoke, listening to the man as the former's supply of eggs got transferred to his stomach. It was good fare, not dissimilar to what he might have had back home. His mother would often trade her surplus vegetables for eggs from local farmers, so the Druid was acclimated to fresh ones. When the Cleric finished describing his own magic, the 18-year old nodded and spoke.

"That makes sense. I feel like I improvised most of my attacks that day. Now I think I'm more competent with my abilities." Glee seemed to think he was some kind of prodigy. Adam wasn't sure how much he bought that line of thought considering yesterday's events, but James had asked him to stick around so he wouldn’t debate that out loud. Instead, he continued eating his eggs, appreciative of the Cleric's sentiment towards him. 

"That is appreciated. It was the right thing to do, anyone else would've done the same. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to read yet, but I gained some great insights into my class - or whatever you call it - from my friend and he recommended some literature as well." Adam lifted the book he had with him up to quickly show it to his team leader before setting it down and continuing. "I think it helped a little that the librarian had a crush on him." The man couldn't help but chuckle a little, both for how obvious it was and the parallel to his own feelings for a certain member of Second Chance. 

Finishing his eggs and beginning the meat, the man listened as James asked about what he could grow. He considered the Cleric's idea, wanting to give a thoughtful answer. "I could grow edible plants, yeah. My family had the best garden for miles, so I think I'd be familiar enough with that sort of thing. I could probably even grow many, if not most, of the edible plants from our world I know about without seeds if they work the same way the trees do. We shouldn't rely entirely on that though. I'm sure my magic has some kind of limit, and if I use it all in a fight or something we won't have anything to eat. Being aware of what we're carrying makes sense though. I need to buy some kind of bag that can carry my books, like what MacKensie has, to magically shrink them or however that works."

And as if she were summoned there by his mention of her name, the Druid saw the Ranger say hi to the both of them. She seemed to be in a good mood from a distance, but disappeared before Adam could do more than wave and respond in kind. He wasn't sure if he deserved to talk to someone as upstanding as she was, but he certainly did want to. And he felt better about the idea than he did five minutes ago. And-oh right, him and the Cleric were talking about something else. Best not to ignore James.

"Anyway, I need that bag regardless, so I'd be happy to store some supplies there when we leave on our mission." That last part was important; he had to be ready for his hike, after all. "If only there was some way we could just carry everything at once though; that would be easier. Too bad something like that doesn't exist."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Saiyan
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"Ha! You have got to be kidding me," was Zell's delayed reaction after freezing for a second. "What are the chances? Small world, ain't it."

So this was Barracker Kassel. A vampire with a strong handshake, the love of a good woman and a sword that could cut an elephant in half. Well, after being surprised, Zell found himself more than happy with James' recruitment skills.

“I have met with the leader, James."

"My best mate, that is. James is alright. Proper geezer."

"I did not know that I would have been meeting another companion until arriving at ‘The Mended Drum’. What brings you around these parts?”

Zell shrugged and looked around at the serene environment, about to answer that he was just taking in the city, but Barracker drew his gaze with another question, that would require a far more exact answer.

“Wait, James said he was not from this world. How is this even possible?”

"Well fuck - have I got a story to tell you, mate. Pack a lunch and buckle your seatbelt." And Zell proceeded to explain everything, right from the very beginning. He started by stamping his complete certainty on the matter, that they had indeed come from a completely different universe. That there was no such thing as magic in their world, except in works of fiction. That there were no other species except humans who talk, build tech or create civilisations, in their world. He explained that some of them had died in their previous life before waking up here, and told Barracker in great detail his memory of his last moments on earth (which actually felt good to get out and crack jokes about.) He told them about how they apparently crash-landed from Mytherian sky to land in Hommas, how they awoke from large stone coffins with Source crystals already embedded in their hands, and how no one including the town's commander (who was about to arrest them) had any explanation as to how, why or who was the reason for them being here. And from there he brought Barracker up to date on the party's exploits of the last few days.

It sounded even more ridiculous out loud than it did in his memories.


After the rather long tale of the party's first few days in Mytheria, Zell had suggested that they head on over to The Mended Drum together, so they were walking up the street when Zell was deciding whether or not let the vampire know that they should keep their little heart-to-heart just between themselves. He decided that such a request was not necessary - Barracker didn't seem the type to gossip - but also, he would've looked like a right melt. Instead, he spoke on a completely different matter.

"Hey Barracker," he started, tapping the man at his side with the back of his hand. "You know; vampires aren't real in my world. We just have them in stories and mov- err, theatre productions and stuff. They're usually pretty scary fuckers, drinking blood and kidnapping women. There's some pretty-boy teenage-girl's fantasy types. But there's one vampire that I bloody loved... his name was Blade." Zell suddenly got animated as he talked, his excitement clear as he regressed about 8-10 years in age, talking about one of his favourite movies of all time. It actually may have been less than a year since he'd last watched Blade 1 and 2. If memory served, he and the lads may have watched them both on a long and boring night when no one could be bothered to move from the dorm. "This dude was a total badass. Sunlight didn't affect him, he had a silver sword, a bandoleer of steaks and he hunted the bad vampires to protect humans. Wore shades, a bullet-proof vest and a trench coat, rode a motorbike. Kicked the shit outta everyone. Not to be messed with."

Zell laughed and sighed. "What. A. Film. If I could tell my mates I'm now fighting side by side with a badass vampire, they'd be jelly ay-eff, I swear. Ha!" After that, the englishman inquired about Barracker's recent past. "So, what have you been up to in your time as an adventurer? What did you do before this?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jay009


Member Seen 2 days ago

"Well fuck - have I got a story to tell you, mate. Pack a lunch and buckle your seatbelt."

Barrackers’ mind grew weary from the explanation, it was a lot of information to process. Another universe. It was hard to comprehend. Would Hades have known of this, all this time? Surely Hades' power reaches where they are from, maybe he is called another name there? Are the Quinity behind these people arriving in this world? But no… No magic, means no Source. But how can a world exist without Source? the paladin thought as the rabbit hole just kept getting deeper.

The events of their journey so far were hard to follow, because of the weight of implications of this other universe, but Barracker managed to keep up with Zell. In just a few days, without even knowing anything about the world they were in, their path had been riddled with danger. Suffering two deaths within their group, hunted by WitchQueen agents and stumbling into the grasp of ‘Aurok the man-eater,’ of all creatures to meet in this world. That atrocity of a beast would’ve probably killed a full party of adventurers of my strength, nevermind me on my own, he thought as a monster hunter himself. Mother Iris must’ve been on their side for even a single one of them to have survived.


"Hey Barracker,"

Suddenly Barracker was dragged out of his deep thoughts by his companion, but whatever he started talking about was difficult to concentrate on, as he was still quite bewildered and occupied by what he had been told in the park.

"You know; vampires aren't real in my world. We just have them in stories and mov- err, theatre productions and stuff. They're usually pretty scary fuckers, drinking blood and kidnapping women. There's some pretty-boy teenage-girl's fantasy types. But there's one vampire that I bloody loved... his name was Blade."

These people from another universe, where Source did not exist, had the gift of the Source crystal from the start. And the source had blessed James as a cleric with divine connection to the entire Quinity and all fifteen of the smaller gods. Did Areleth know the extent of ‘Second Chance’s’ importance? Was his destiny to join them truly part of Hades’ plan for the paladin? He was now feeling an added pressure to do his part for the team and keep them safe. Something deep in his gut told him that this would be a tall task.

"This dude was a total badass. Sunlight didn't affect him, he had a silver sword, a bandoleer of steaks and he hunted the bad vampires to protect humans. Wore shades, a bullet-proof vest and a trench coat, rode a motorbike. Kicked the shit outta everyone. Not to be messed with."

Barracker gave a vague smile to disguise the fact he hadn’t fully heard or understood what the other fighter had been rambling on about for the last minute.

"What. A. Film. If I could tell my mates I'm now fighting side by side with a badass vampire, they'd be jelly ay-eff, I swear. Ha!"

Get yourself together, he thought to himself.

"So, what have you been up to in your time as an adventurer? What did you do before this?"

Barracker rubbed the top of his hooded head. As he replied he could be heard perfectly well from behind his enchanted mask. “I spent my teenage years serving in the ranks of the military. First as a squire, then as a soldier. Then the gift blessed me as a paladin. But I became a monster hunter rather than joining an adventurer party. I have been doing that until now, the high septum Areleth thinks your party of great importance, and now do I come to the same conclusion,” the paladin spoke with a strong belief on the matter.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

James watched as Adam returned his glance towards himself rather than towards the stairs MacKenzie had just used, he didn't manage to get a good look but she appeared to be pressured to go to her room, probably because of the bags she was carrying, he would have offered help but she ran before he could,

"I don't know dude, a week ago I didn't think I would ever visit another world, and look at us now, who is to say something like that doesn't exist?" There were enchanted objects so that wasn't out of the question, Ar-his anchor and Fenna spear were proof enough that spells or something similar could be placed on objects so who was to say that Adam ideal bag was impossible "But it's nice to hear that you can take care of our veggies needs, that takes a huge load off my back" There goes the need to worry about buying dried or preserved vegetables, just pop some fucking seeds and BAM! full salad, man he was glad he could get that off the list now.

Finishing his meal, he stretched, despite how he complained the meal was a certified 'Will eat again' out of 10, he would have to bug Freddo about the recipe when nobody was looking, idly he waited for Adam to finish his own meal in comfortable silence, Mama didn't raise no rude person (on the table) and he wouldn't disappoint now, instead he started to organize a mental list of what he needed to do.

Which as far as he could tell was:

  • Get some spare weaponry for everyone, knives or small daggers preferably
  • Get a blacksmith to make a damn strap or something for the heavy anchor he had to carry with fucking chains
  • Track down the local supplier of coffee
  • Buy good cooking equipement
  • Buy seeds for Adam and dried meats in case of emergency
  • Seek if anyone around here sold Chile or spices, preferably both
  • Grab his new shawl
  • Have at least one conversation with Fenna
  • Visit the Academy
  • Re-estock on medical supplies
  • Learn common medical procedures he wasn't aware of
  • Taste the local cuisine
  • Visit the local tourist spots
  • Be social with as many people as possible
  • Have a conversation with Lily that didn't end with her getting traumatized
  • Get drunk after the conversation failed
  • Fuck around with his new spells
  • Learn to use the damn anchor
  • Convince the authorities he was practically the Pope so he shouldn't get jail time
  • Fight the local authorities
  • Convince whoever busted him out of jail that everything was part of the plan
  • ...Profit(?)
  • Seek more things to do

...Maybe Pedro had a point when he told him he sucked at making lists.


He got to his feet once they finished their meals "Well, I don't know you Adam but I got a few things I gotta take care of, mostly buying things for our quest, so if you got anything you want me to keep an eye for I am all ears"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Had there been a window in the room, MacKensie might've stayed put a while longer, but there was only so long she could sit and stare at herself in the mirror. The problems and obstacles in her mind could not be willed away, but she would not be defeated by them. The only path was forward, and right now; that forward path involved going downstairs and sitting with her friends ere the four walls of her room started shrinking to form a prison.

Taking a deep breath, she stood up and left.

She'd been a while upstairs, but had come down just in time to see James take his leave. "Leaving so soon James? My, you have been busy today." When she learned that he was setting off to buy some things for the misson, she chuckled. "I should have probably been doing the same, today, instead of purchasing outfits." She took some money from her purse and handed it to the Cleric. "If you see any special kinds of crossbow bolts on your route, perhaps you could get them for me? Just anything that might be more effective than ordinary ammunition. I trust your judgement. Thank you, James."

When he left, she said goodbye and sat down at the table with Adam.

"How was your day, Adam? Did you do anything interesting?" She was honestly just hoping to hear that he hadn't been in his room all day, but judging by the book he was reading, he'd likely been somewhere to acquire it. His mood appeared to be much improved also, which was good to see. She didn't want to reopen any wounds as much as she wanted to ask about how he was feeling in regards to his words after the battle in the Mazy Hillocks - perhaps there would be a more suitable time for such a conversation - but she had to say something.

"I am grateful you are still with us, Adam," she suddenly said, after listening to him talk about his day. "I am honestly not sure what I would do without you all."
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Oh, these bags," she moaned as they got to the city gates, grabbing the attention of her friends as she slowed down and fussed with her grip. "They are so cumbersome and I am wearing thin." It felt bad to lie, but she had to get away. "I will take them back to the Mended Drum. I am so sorry I cannot come with you. Here; let me take your things back for you."

She kept it short, took any bags they wanted to hand her and gave each of them a quick hug with a friendly (and pretentiously posh) air-kiss. "I hope you find the answers you are looking for, Lillianna."
The True Heir of the Goddess of Shopping

Eh? MacKensie was leaving already? She'd seemed to have plenty of energy along the shopping spree and their trip toward the Church of Iris thus far. Then suddenly she was too tired and moaning? The Frenchwoman seemed to be in a hurry to leave them, as well as take their remaining bags back, though while friendly it all felt slightly concerningly 'suspicious' to the mage. How so, though, she couldn't really tell. Was just a gut instinct at this point. At the same time, however, she didn't try too say or do anything about it and instead let MacKensie do as she wished before disappearing into Valhheim once more among the people and crowds and the sort.

"Alright, take care. We'll return to the Mended Drum when we're done here." She watched MacKensie walk away until she rounded a corner and then turned to Lilliana. "Let's go to the church, we're almost there."
Felicitous Fenna the Friend

Suddenly snapping out of where she'd been starting off at the direction MacKensie had left in, Lillianna would lightly clear her throat and gently nod back at Fenna in turn. She was right, they needed to get to the Church while they still had the chance. After that? Well, perhaps they could look for MacKensie again to make sure she was ok. Or, er, well, something of the sort at least. Maybe.

"Yes, we should be close if the directions were correct."

Indeed, though, as they rounded the corner the building itself became suddenly and overtly obvious for them to see. If it was the correct building, that is, then it made enough sense to keep it visible on the city's outskirts. Yet as they got closer the mage would absorb herself in examining and taking note of its features along the way.

The building was tall enough to stretch up over the tops of most buildings around it for certain, and surprisingly the style of it seemed to be very 'gothic' in nature. Not as in the sterotypically-pictued 'edgy, black-colored-clothes-wearing, listening to Welcome To The Black Parade' type of 'gothic' course, but rather the style of architecture. Like it was made to be some kind of humble but well-made cathedral, it seemed to her eyes, and on their approach she thought she could see the glint of light and colors in its its windows somewhat as well. Stone bricks seemed to have a nice lighter color to them on first inspection from afar as well, which were fitted tightly to compose a stable stricture yet seemed to be arranged almost as 'smooooth as silk' from the outside according to her same glimpses at the building to boot.

And yet-

She was outside, on a small step ladder, washing the stained glass windows of the front entrance. The women approaching would be just in time to see Juliet bend down to soak her sponge in the bucket and wobble the step ladder into chaos. "W-w-waaaagh!"

Her feet flew out up into the air. The step ladder flew away. The bucket hit the floor, soapy water everywhere. All before the poor Sister landed flat on her back in the wet.
The Sound of Music 2: Electric Boogaloo

Someone fell! Or, well someone who had been trying to wash the front stained glass windows at the entrance. Her outfit seemed similar to that of a nun from back on Earth, to draw what comparisons she could, though also seemed different as well in such a way as to indicate a differing religion of course. Regardless, as the mage was shocked back into reality by the incident and was momentarily stunned Fenna seemed to move in ot try to assist. Right afterward, the mage would likewise hurry over to the fallen woman's side.

Once they reached the church they were just in time to see one of the sisters fall down. "Oh dear..." Fenna muttered and she rushed to the sister's aid. "Are you okay?" At first glance, the sister didn't seem to be injured. Not externally anyway.
The Nun Can't 'Fenna-d' For Herself Right Now, It Seems

Lillianna would without thinking try to help the poor sister sit up, at least, if the help was accepted. Though sparing a glance at the poor now-fallen-over ladder the woman had been on, she could see that it didn't seem the most stable-looking thing. Then again, a wrong shift in weight on even a good ladder was always a risk perhaps. Her father had learned that first hand before, luckily on a small-scale like what had happend to this poor woman here.

"That was luckily not much of a fall it seems.

Actually, we came here to ask about something at the suggestion of Lucinda. You see, there's a dead adventurer I...well...could see back in the Mazy Hillocks. His ghost I mean. Talked to him and- waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!"

Soapy water under the mage's feet, which was atop the stones on the ground forming a small path to the entrance, suddenly decided to ruin the friction between her feet and the ground. Which is to say, while trying to help and not paying muchh attention to where she was standing Lillianna managed to slip. Falling to her right, and trying to throw herself toward the grass as she did so, the top half of the magic caster;s body would thankfully fall onto the grass as the rest of her hit the stones beneath. It was enough to make her hips hurt that she knew they'd feel sore later, that much would be true, but at least the grass was itself softer to the side...and prevented a head impact if nothing else.

"Uuuuh....should have seen that one coming."

Even on the ground she'd admit that one, even after a light moan of soreness and such caused by her fall. Should have looked where she was stepping before stepping too quickly. But the very power of gravity itself, much like a predator waiting for its prey to come into view, had been merely lying in wait for an ambush against her once more.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Saiyan
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Jeez, that face-mask is so bloody cool.

"A monster hunter, huh? Sweet," Zell commented, impressed. As they walked through the Bazaar, on their way to the Mended Drum, Zell gave glances around at the market stalls and gave the occasional nod or 'Hi' to a passer-by. "We could've done with your expertise in the Hillocks. Glad to have you aboard, pal." On the subject of this High Septum's appraisal of their party; "I definitely feel like someone or something brought us to this world. And whatever the reason - it's important." He gave a one-sided grin to the vampire. "Just a feeling though. I tend not to think too much."

As they neared the inn, Zell saw a familiar face. "Alright Will, my mate."

"Zell," Will greeted as he slowed to a halt in the street. Will was one of the group of friends that Zell was drinking with the previous night. "You drinking in The Drum tonight?"

"Core-blimey, you've got no quit in you," Zell laughed. "I dunno, I might have to give it a miss. I was a right state, this morning, you shoulda seen me."

"Haha, I didn't take you for a lightweight!" Will slapped the Englishman on the arm and laughed heartily. "Youth is wasted on the young."

"Give me a break, mate. I might come over to your table for one."

"Just one? That's how it always starts!"

Zell saluted as Will went off down the street, watched him for a moment, then turned to Barracker. "Christ, you can swap universes and the big drinkers are still all the bloody same. Ha!" He nodded pointedly down the street where they were heading. "Come on."

Outside the The Mended Drum, they came across James who was heading out the opposite way. "Hey James," he greeted, then pointed a thumb at Barracker. "Look who I bumped into whilst taking a walk in the park." The swordsman came to a stop next to James. "You off out? Cleric business or something?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I don't know dude, a week ago I didn't think I would ever visit another world, and look at us now, who is to say something like that doesn't exist?"
James Sirius

Adam considered James' words. He couldn't find fault with his logic, really. Of he could ask people which way the sun rose, he could ask about a magic bag. "I'll keep an eye out for that," the red-eyed man responded simply, nodding when the Cleric mentioned the vegetables. The Druid resumed eating his meal, noticing that the team leader was just sitting there without saying much. Not wanting to keep him waiting, the former finished the rest of his meal quickly.

After finishing his fare, Adam listened when James said he was leaving, thanking him for the offer but declining, unable to think of anything he would need. It is true, even if the Druid was going to shop for himself anyway. He was going to stand up and leave himself, but he saw MacKensie approach and decided to wait instead. No sense in being rude was what he told himself over his objections of you don't deserve to talk to someone like her.

At her question about his day, Adam responded similarly to how he described it to James. The red-eyed man mentioned the library, being taught new things by a new friend, and getting some books before going back to the inn. And like his accounting to the Cleric, the Druid left out his trip up the mountain, for the same reason he chose to do that before.

The man was surprised that MacKensie seemed to be interested in these things, and moreso when she said she was glad he was with the group. What would he do without MacKensie and the others? Despite James' reassurances, the Druid still felt responsible for getting a mage electrocuted while fighting a water ninja, at the very least. Those were things he could think about later though. Now he would focus on the beautiful woman in front of him.

"You too, MacKensie" was his response. Wow, you're so eloquent, Adam. Say something else.

"I like your new tunic."

Too forward! Dial it back a notch.

"It was smart of you to get some new clothes. I just have the one outfit still."

That's good enough, I guess.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Sister Juliet hadn't even realised anyone was watching, so she went from in pain to squeaking with alarm when Fenna and Lillianna appeared by her side.

"Oh, thank you, thank you," the servant of Iris responded as she allowed the women to help her to her feet. Halfway up, she paused, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Lucinda?" Who was that? She couldn't recall anyone by that name. But on Lillianna's revealing that she could see ghosts, the Sister realised she was dealing with someone gifted in...

...gifted in slipping and falling too. "For the crystal tears of Mother! Sorry!" Still in Fenna's grasp, she managed to stand up straight. "Thank you," she said to her, then looked back at Lillianna with a frightful expression. "I am so sorry."

Tentatively stepping from out of the wet floor zone, she looked around to make sure none of the other Sisters had come and seen the mess she'd made, then helped Lillianna to her feet. "I am extraordinarily sorry."

She looked about the young woman to make sure her clothes were not ripped and she wasn't hurt, residual pain on her face amongst the worry. Then she rushed around the wet zone to fetch the ladder and bucket and put it to one side. After that, she looked at the wet floor, biting her fingernails with that same look of worry she always wore when she knew she was close to getting into trouble.

"I should..." she went to run into Church, then paused, looked back at Fenna and Lillianna, her eyes bouncing from one to other. "You said you were here on behalf of a Lucinda? About a... ghost?" With a look up and down Lillianna to reconfirm that she wasn't scuffed or bleeding or anything, she added a final mouthed, "Sorry."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Leaving so soon James? My, you have been busy today. I should have probably been doing the same, today, instead of purchasing outfits. If you see any special kinds of crossbow bolts on your route, perhaps you could get them for me? Just anything that might be more effective than ordinary ammunition. I trust your judgment. Thank you, James."

"Nah, if anything I feel like I have barely done anything today" Grabbing the money he pocketed it on his own pouch "I will see what can I get ya, with some luck I find some really zany stuff for the next ogre fight"

Turning to Adam he received the other man's refusal, shrugging his shoulders he bid the two of them goodbye and exited the Mended Drum with the market in mind. Just in time to come across two familiar faces.

"Hey James, look who I bumped into whilst taking a walk in the park. You off out? Cleric business or something?"
[@Big Z]

"Somehow it doesn't surprise me it was you who found him" It was relieving, Zell and Mac were the most outgoing and friendly members of the party so that was a good first impression "And hello again Barr- Kas!, you are part of the party after all, and that means a nickname" It wasn't the most imaginative one but it was good enough, it was either that or Bar and he didn't think the calm man would appreciate being called that "But nah, it's not 'Cleric bussiness', I am just going to run some errands that I want to get done before we depart" They came from that direction but it would be polite to ask "I will visit the market, do either of you need anything?"

Saying his goodbyes he continued on his merry way, the day was not over.


Thank God the day was finally over

Having bathed and eaten dinner there was nothing he wanted more than just sleep, the visit to the marked had gone reasonably easy, he had managed to buy the medical supplies from a local merchant as well as a set of eight daggers (that he still had to deliver) from a blacksmith and some seeds from vegetables and fruits that grew in the surrounding area plus some exotic ones (and he found a local coffee beans supplier) from a farmer, he had even managed to corner Fred to 'negotiate' his beef and eggs recipe from earlier, that was a few articles off the list let's go! now he just needed to sleep and everything would be alright until the next day.

Yeah he just needed to fall asleep.








In hindsight he may have gone too crazy with the coffee but he couldn't be blamed! They literally had blends he had never even heard about! He knew people who would commit questionable acts for such a thing. Ah whatever, he still had to read through the theology book he had on his pack.

Grumbling he got out of bed.

A few minutes later he was seated on the bed reading through the thick book, at the very least the book was entertaining and informative, as well as a little baffling, he wasn't the best read individual but he knew some of the godly tales from back home so the stories he found on the book were... surprisingly humble? no, humble was not the correct word, more like grounded, down to earth, while there were tales of extreme power (especially from the big five) most of the tales focused on interactions with mortals, not necessarily nice ones but they weren't as petty as he was expecting, seemingly the gods here were more focused on their domains and expressing themselves through those. Shit was interesting nonetheless.

He kept reading until he finally fell asleep.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"You too, MacKensie."

MacKensie pursed her lips in an encouraging smile, happy enough to get that out and hear his response. Moreover she was delighted to hear of his day, noting with amusement that here she was worrying about him possibly being in his room all day and yet he'd been more productive than her. When he complimented her top, her energy stepped up a notch. "Thank you so much," was her bright response. "I fell in love with it as soon as I put it on. Very-much my kind of style, back in our world." At his approval of her decision to acquire new clothes, she shook her head. "I think you made smarter use of your time, learning new things from your Druid friend. Honestly, I simply needed to waste a day, to reinvigorate myself." In this context, MacKensie knew she might need several weeks, let alone one day, to get over the events of the Mazy Hillocks, but she would not admit this to Adam. "I will be more studious tomorrow - in preparation for our mission as adventurers. I am so very desperate to find out what that message is in our Source Comm. It has occured to me that this message is, without a doubt, connected to our arrival here in this world. How can it not be?" She crossed her legs and leaned forward, an elbow on the table as she prognosticated. "Lucy said it herself; how can there be a message waiting for a party that has not yet even been registered? But furthermore; even if there was someway to track an unregistered party - we had only been in Mytheria for two days... who would know of our presence, in order to send such a message? It has to be the one who brought us here. A powerful wizard perhaps?"

Or the Witch Queen herself. But that was best left unsaid.

MacKensie sat back once more, a shake of her head to signify her lack of answers to these questions. "I must know if there is at least a way to get those of us home who didn't die in our world. Like Fenna. She has two children who must be devastated right now." She sighed at the thought of what the role-model of a woman must be going through mentally. "She is so strong. She has endured all of this with such dignity and resiliance."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 2 days ago

Fenna had compassion for the sister who obviously felt bad about what happened, but it also didn't seem like she could help them any further. Once sister Juliet confirmed they had indeed come from Lucinda and on behalf of a ghost, she went inside, leaving Fenna and Lilliana outside.
Was the sister going to get someone that could help them or were they supposed to follow her? The sister hadn't asked them to wait there.
"I suppose we'll follow her," Fenna said. She was curious as to how it would look on the inside and she saw two people who looked to be commoners exit the place, so she assumed it was open to the public. And they had just announced their business here.

Similar to religious buildings back home, the inside of the church was built to impress the people, with high ceilings and impressive architecture. Fenna recognised some of the building styles that had been used at the academy as well.
There wasn't much time to gaze at what was around them, as another sister approached them and told them she had heard from sister Juliet something about Lucinda and ghosts and that she knew Lucinda, but that she could use more information about the ghosts.

The sister looked old and wise enough to know about the things Lilliana needed to know, and kind enough to show them what needed to be shown. For the most part, Fenna took the time to appreciate the inside of the building while Lilliana did what she came here to do.

Outside Sil had watched them go inside and waited for their return. If it was possible to know the thoughts of a falcon, it was possible she'd muse about the inability of humans to deal with gravity, or their strange desire to be surrounded by wood or stone on all sides when they could be outside with limitless space and food.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam could not help but notice the way MacKensie seemed to enjoy hearing about what was, to him, just things focused on himself. Useful to be sure, but nothing worth listening to. This made the man's mood improve to match hers, even to the point where he noticed her increase in energy when he complimented her tunic. So she doesn't find it weird that I liked her clothes? Does she like me that way? Probably not, don't be arrogant Adam. He continued listening to her, thinking now about the questions she brought up instead of his own inadequacy. The fisherman had been focused on Druid stuff and his own failures at the Hillocks, so he really hadn't thought about the message. It was a worthy topic of conversation for sure.

"Who could have sent that? Vadim, perhaps? Checking to see if we completed the mission? Hmm." After a moment of silence, the Druid continued thinking out loud, answering his own question. "He was trigger-happy at the start - not fun, by the way, - but he seemed like an alright man. Willing to die for his people is brave. However…considering he told us to go through the Hillocks to get here…he probably isn't smart enough to use the mail system. I mean, it's possible, but unlikely. You're probably right; whoever brought us here wants to tell us something, and that something will be important."

Adam took a moment to think about their resident Dutch woman. "And you're right about Fenna also. She was so brave yesterday. She could've ran from that wolf, but chose to charge at it anyway. Braver than I am." Knock it off, Adam, this isn't a pity party. "I hope she can reunite with her kids someday." After a split second of thought, he added "and I hope you can see your family again also." 

Adam wanted to see his own as well, but part of him felt he didn't deserve that. Better that people like Fenna do so, if they had to choose.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"I should..." she went to run into Church, then paused, looked back at Fenna and Lillianna, her eyes bouncing from one to other. "You said you were here on behalf of a Lucinda? About a... ghost?" With a look up and down Lillianna to reconfirm that she wasn't scuffed or bleeding or anything, she added a final mouthed, "Sorry."

"No no no, I'm sorry for not being rather clear in what I said. That and not watching for the potential to slip there..."

Yet as the poor sister would seem to dismiss herself to go inside, the mage would nod at Fenna's suggestion to follow her in. Certainly wasn't a bad idea at the very least.

Though as they walked in, it certainly was a sight. The gothic style seemed to continue its prevalence even within the hallowed halls of the building, with high cielings and grandiose architecture within. The stained glass windows even seemed to shine with a clean polish, depicting scenes of what were perhaps legends as well as a seemingly three or four different individuals within them. Saints? Deities? Heroes of old? She had no idea, but it felt as if someone had taken a bit out of old mythology and slapped it into stained glass windows almost at times. Likewise the stone of the floor and the wood of the hewn pews within the grand main hall of the building seemed to be just as neat....and actually simpler as well. More humble, really, but even so wrought with what seemed to be a handcrafted and polished style that felt reminiscent of modern day Earth.

It overall felt as if placing one in the center of something 'grand', something special that was grand in its style and yet not excessively flashy or the ilk. It certainly reminded Lillianna of the architecture and styles seen at the Academy as well, though the manner of presentation felt different to her at the same time.

There wasn't much time to gaze at what was around them, as another sister approached them and told them she had heard from sister Juliet something about Lucinda and ghosts and that she knew Lucinda, but that she could use more information about the ghosts.

"Ah! Yes. Well, I and my party not too long ago had to traverse the Mazy Hillocks. It was there I learned that, well, I am able to see the spirits of the dead. In particular, however, there is a deceased adventurer's spirit back there I am seeking to find out more about in particular.

He died back in the Mazy Hillocks, but he helped save our skins and even helped save my life from a rather menacing direwolf to boot back there. I wanted to see if I could find out more about him, if possible. Though as for details, he was a gambeson-wearing halberdier. Had a fair bit of an accent, came from a small rural village, and said his sister could see the dead as well and was trained at their local church. Had sandy brown hair, messy and roughly-cut short, but he seemed to usually keep it under a helmet."

That-....well, that honestly had been all of the information she could get about him back there, given the circumstances. In hindsight the mage felt a small pang of regret for not asking more, but likewise they had all been forced into a fight immediately afterward to boot. Then the nearly dying part, etc, and waking up to nearly blowing up a hospital room and the male nurses who had apparently been watching over her recovery. It wasn't much to go on, but perhaps it might ring a bell of sorts no pun intended given the setting in the sister's mind. Or, well, perhaps it could get her sent to another person who might have more specific information at the very least.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jay009


Member Seen 2 days ago

"A monster hunter, huh? Sweet,"

Barracker could hear in Zell’s voice that he was impressed. Barracker felt good to be acknowledged by a fellow swordsman but had to be humble about the reality of the job. “There is less glory in it than it sounds.” The job entailed getting rather messy and messed up. “Alot of blood, filth and saliva. Anything but sweet,” he chuckled.

"We could've done with your expertise in the Hillocks. Glad to have you aboard, pal."

Barracker placed a hand on Zell’s shoulder blade, briefly, as they walked. “I appreciate the words friend.”

“I definitely feel like someone or something brought us to this world. And whatever the reason - it's important." Zell grinned at him. "Just a feeling though. I tend not to think too much."

Barracker noted the swordsman grin, then looked around as he thought about the words. “I would not be surprised if The Quinity had a plan for you. Fate often has a hand in directing us to the choices we must face. How you choose, will be up to you.”

When they came upon Zell’s friend, Will, Barracker stayed silent throughout the conversation. He was surprised that someone who had only been in the city two days had made himself a drinking buddy. He imagined Krillen would be rather similar in a new city.

When Barracker and Zell approached ‘The Mended Drum’, they both bumped into James. The paladin took off his mask and gave a salute to the leader of his party.

"Hey James, look who I bumped into whilst taking a walk in the park. You off out? Cleric business or something?"

"Somehow it doesn't surprise me it was you who found him"

Barracker gave a nod, greeting the cleric, “hello James.”

"And hello again Barr- Kas!, you are part of the party after all, and that means a nickname"

The paladin laughed, “I guess that is a new one, my best friend calls me Barri.”

"But nah, it's not 'Cleric bussiness', I am just going to run some errands that I want to get done before we depart"

"I will visit the market, do either of you need anything?"

Barracker shook his head. Although he did need some ingredients to create a blade oil specific to spectral entities, he would get that himself tomorrow. “No thank you”. As James left Barracker said, “Take care.” Then looked at Zell and gestured towards the door, “after you.”
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