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@ZoolI herd you're trying to stop the puns. That's pretty foal, dude

Don't worry, if Zool tries anything, I'll gallop to their defense. I'm sure others would hoof it also.
@ZoolYep, you're saddled with us, I'm afraid. Try to stay emotionally stable

Better than Zell being saddled to a horse :P
OMG I have to deal with Zapdos and Xenon's puns in the group PM. And now there's three of them smh -_-

You cannot escape the puns :P

I'm usually pretty restrained in the RP itself, but there's a few of them in the post where Adam goes to the store.
<Snipped quote by Zool>

I'm not not planning for them to steal a horse :)

<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Nay, good sir. And it would behoove you to quit with the puns

Hay, I was barn for this, so I'll make as many as I can think of
lmao @Teyao you really gonna make me do this!? cuz I'll do it bro ...lol fine, I'm doing it!

O_O You're planning to steal a horse, aren't you? <face palm>

Saiyan, quit horsing around :P
I am watching this thread and will look at the OOC!
It was an odd sort of peace felt by Adam Phillips after gaining the power to shapeshift. And pain. Yes, the pain was still present also. Something greater than either of those feelings emerged though when the object of his affections ran over to him and kissed him, telling him how he did great and that he needed to deal with his wounds. All he could do was smile and nod as she helped him walk. A few significant questions had been answered just now, and now he felt this whole ordeal had been worth it even if he had never learned the magic he had just been taught.

MacKensie spoke as she cleaned the younger Druid's wounds. "You were so brave out there.  To fight a bear...?" She shook her head, at a loss for words.  "I cannot believe what I just witnessed." 

"Part of me doesn't believe everything that happened either," Adam responded. And more than you'll ever know, he thought before speaking once more. "It was quite an experience. It's tough to put it into words just what it was like. It was terrifying, yet it kind of felt like…fighting myself? And now I feel more complete, if that makes sense?" He shook his head before continuing, this time speaking with absolute conviction. "Tough as it was though, it had to be done. There's too much at stake to sit around while people are in danger." When the Ranger finished her work and handed him his clothes, the red-eyed man smiled serenely as if he hadn't just been in danger of losing his life. "Thank you MacKensie. I couldn't have done it without you."

And the mood of the place did a total 360 thanks to the old elf that lived there. "Don't even think about asking to stay the night because it's not happening. When you're hale enough to walk your skinny little behinds back down my mountain, you can scram."

"...of course," the younger Druid evenly replied as he put on his clothes. "Before we leave though, could I ask you a few questions?" Gilligan obliged, telling Adam about various things he should know about his new ability. It was concerning that he wouldn't be in his right mind the first few times he used this power, but if he could fight the bear physically, he could do so mentally. In the end, the grumpy teacher complimented his student, prompting the latter to thank him. "I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I'll be sure to use this ability for good." And with that promise, Adam was ready to leave the mountain. Unless MacKensie needed to do anything beforehand, she and the red-eyed man would proceed back down the trees and start walking back to the city. "You might need to guide me a little this time. I've had a busy day," he said with a chuckle as he pointed to where the bear had slashed him.
Welcome to the site, enjoy your time here!
Adam immediately took advantage of the bear's vulnerability, punching it a few more times on its now-exposed stomach. Literally not taking this assault lying down, the beast proceeded to flail, smacking the younger Druid and tripping him onto the ground. Taking advantage of the now-stunned man, the creature recovered quickly and lunged at Adam. The latter realized what was happening as it happened; his opponent had managed to bite his midsection, and it was even more painful than the last attack.

The red-eyed man wasn't going to just sit there and die though. Instead, he used the bear's proximity to himself to his benefit and forced his fists into his enemy's eyes. Roaring in agony, the animal pulled back, giving the nature magic user the chance to go on the offensive. And that he did; Adam proceeded to charge at the beast, assaulting him with a relentless flurry of fists, using his pain as fuel to finish this fight once and for all. At some point, the fisherman suddenly stopped his attack. The bear was still alive, but the younger Druid knew he was no longer in danger and pulled back. 

The bear submitted, staying its hand. It stood on all fours, looking at Adam. The bear then bowed its head in respect and went over to its master, licking his face lovingly. The red-eyed man smiled, knowing that the creature was sincere. After that, it turned back into a ghostly spirit form, and Adam felt the spiritual power surge within him as his body absorbed the Black Bear spirit animal. He had completed the trial. He now had the power to shapeshift. Gilligan also bowed his head in respect. "It's done," the old elf said softly.
Oh, I thought he lost, so I was writing that he started the tavern brawl as a way to avoid paying the money lol I'll change it up

The next day, the real MacKensie is questioned by the police regarding a certain brawl...
MacKensie: God damnit Zell
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