Avatar of Zeroth


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20 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@Duthguy Unless they start in the dungeon, no, they'll have the same options. Unless there's a riot over that or something. I figured you guys would want them to start under basically the same circumstances you did so there wouldn't be any hard feelings about someone getting to be something that you would have wanted to be if you had the options at the time, etc. Plus they're just in a different part of the forest, so it's not like it's a completely new environment with 150 brand new Pokemon to catch.
Those that have expressed interest in joining, I know it's been a while without an update on the possibility of that so apologies. With most of the group getting into Day 5 (chronologically day 12, but we started our counter on the day they "awakened" and their bodies were mature enough to start being independent) I have been working on a modified character sheet and stuff. Within the coming weeks, I'll be posting that and include a notification to all the people who either didn't get to join before we closed, or expressed interest recently.

At the moment, the plan is going to be having the new players start in a different area of the same general region. Unless there's a big issue with it, newbies will be starting in the "Deep Forest" some distance north of the original Cave. You'll have your own Boss to deal with and several other...obstacles. ;)

The only other option besides that to make sense at this point in the story, and also keep you guys from being worlds apart with the other players, would be if you were to start inside the Dungeon itself as an Undead, under the control of the Dungeon Core. Your story at that point would become one of somehow breaking free of the Core's control before you could explore the outside world. However, that option is very limited and leaves you with pretty much only zombies, ghosts, and skeletons of various creatures to work with.
PixieSlime Party

The deer squealed when Asura drove his body, in spike form, into the bottom of its jaw. He broke the skin, and pierced deep as blood coated the creature's fur, but couldn't get into the bone. As the creature struggled to free itself it inadvertently cut its own neck further, and the bloodflow thickened as it bleated pitifully--

Luckily, Ardur cut its suffering short as he dropped like a rock from above. Right along that shaft of the morning sun, he struck precisely along the vertebrae of the Bowhorn Deer's neck and spine. With his new skill and all the momentum behind the attack, he felt it shatter under his weighty blow. The deer dropped immediately--though its legs weakly kicked, and its body shuddered with a last gasping breath, the light was gone from its eyes.

"Ahsoowa! Big fud!" Momma Slime bubbled as she let go of the deer's antlers. She rolled around to one side and immediately started to envelop one of its meaty haunches. "Ahdoo, gud!" Meanwhile, Steve reacted with something that might have been alarm, waving several legs at Momma Slime before the Oculus Spider began trying to spin a web around the front leg it had pinned. Perhaps she was afraid the big slime would eat the deer before she got a chance to do so herself.

With this threat addressed, Asura and Ardur were now free to do...whatever they wished. The cave was back to the east, but so far they hadn't heard any more of that chopping noise, or anything from those goblins. Maybe that tribe had finally moved on? The smoke from last night was all gone as well...something had put those fires out. Back to their west, there was still that mountain, and that nest of Dire Rats perhaps...Up north, they would be following the base of the mountain range, but heading into the forest. If they went south, they would have to skirt around the edges of the mountains to get over the hills and cliffs where the cave was, but then they might be able to go...who knew yet?

They had secured some food to refill their bellies after last night's rest, and they were full on their health, stamina, and magic. They had recently leveled up, and their non-human allies were still proving quite good teammates. The only thing to limit them now...was their own imagination.

Rat Party

You attempted to use Monster Analysis!
...Analysis Failed. Even with Beast Senses II, Target is still too far...
Due to the creature's size, despite the distance you can tell that, whatever it is, it has at least two wings and a long tail. Its body is very large--it seems to have at least one set of limbs.
---Analysis Failed---

You are attempting to Process an Item.
You do not have the Crafting Skill, the Item will degrade.
Gnarled Stick + Rough Stone

You have Processed the Item successfully!
Gnarled Stick > Short Cudgel!

You feel this weapon can swing slightly faster than the Gnarled Stick. However, this weapon doesn't feel very tough at all.

You used Plant Analysis I!
---Healing Herb---
This green herb does not thrive on sunlight, but on ambient Mana. With good nutrients and clean water in its surroundings, it will synthesize pure healing energy. Low-grade item.
---Analysis Complete!---

You used Crafting I!
Your method of crafting is highly advanced given the nature of your materials and species.
You possess the Dextrous I skill, increasing your ability with your tools despite your species limitations.
Crafting is boosted.

Bugward Flower + Kilm Blossom + Indented Rock + Rough Stone
New Item Created!
Obtained: Medicinal Salve!

This item has disinfectant and pain inhibiting properties, and seems to increase the natural healing rate for an affected area. Restores a small amount of HP, equivalent to half of a Healing Herb from your experience. This batch is thoroughly mixed--its healing properties are boosted.

You used Crafting I!
Your method of crafting is highly advanced given the nature of your materials and species. Your Dextrous skill increases your ability with tools. Crafting is boosted.

Medicinal Salve + Nullven Cone + Indented Rock + Rough Stone
New Item Created!
Lost: Medicinal Salve
Obtained: Antidotal Salve!

This item has disinfectant, pain inhibiting, and antitoxin properties! It seems to increase the natural recovery rate for an affected area. Cures Low-rank Poison and temporarily increases Poison Resistance. This batch is thoroughly mixed--it will also restore a very small amount of HP!

Skill Rank Up: Crafting I (1.8) > Crafting II (2.0)!
Crafting Complexity Increased. Stamina Requirement Decreased.

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

When Asteria ground the Bugward Flower against the rock, its petals were quick to fall off. The majority of the juices that mixed with the fibrous matter to make the paste came from the dark center of the plant. The body of the paste, on the other hand, came mostly from the stem. Though the plant was longer than Asteria's body, it only provided enough gooey matter and juice to make a small amount of paste--it probably wouldn't have covered more than a bandaid on a regular sized human. The Kilm Blossom's sour smelling sap mixed in easily, though as she ground the roots they seemed to be more powdery or starchy. As the two substances mixed, the paste turned a minty green color and the sour smell faded in intensity, instead turning a little sharper and more acrid, like strong toothpaste. Her tests using a small scratch on her tail, along with her Crafting Skill, told her everything she needed to know--this mixture would indeed work as medicine.

When she broke up the Nullven Cone as well, it came apart in crumbly flakes. Once these were mixed into the original salve, the minty green color began to look like some kind of mint-chocolate chip ice cream, save that the chips were purple in color. And of course, it wasn't nearly as appetizing in appearance. Again, her tests proved successful--and she got a skill rank increase to boot.

However, given that she had used only one of each plant--and only half the Nullven, at that--she didn't have enough salve to last beyond her original tests. Maybe it was better that way anyhow. She had nothing to carry such a salve in, and given how sticky it was she would probably need some kind of container that would keep it from getting mixed with dirt or any other items.

With that done, she instead spent her time trying to obtain the Meditate skill. Her Mana Sense couldn't tell her much...she could feel the energies around her like feeling water in the air after a hard rain. But the magic was just...there. No feeling of danger, yet no comfort either. There were slight differences between the Mana she felt in a breeze, or from a fresh blade of grass, and from the exposed dirt...Nonetheless, she could feel it buzzing across her skin. Rolling over her and through her, being drawn in with every breath...In this world, magical energy seemed to flow like blood through one's veins.

After Ed took his place on the watch and attempted to craft a wedge or point onto his Gnarled Stick, it seemed the system didn't think highly of his attempt. But even without a Skill it wasn't impossible--all he was doing was trying to sharpen the stick, right? Though the stone didn't have a good edge, and the knotty stick wouldn't shave evenly...It took some time, a great deal of effort, and there were a few times when the stick would crack or splinter, but eventually Ed had at least smoothed the surface of the stick out and formed a narrower edge along the striking surface. It didn't come to a point and wasn't fine enough for a blade, but it had made the stick a little smoother in the hand and better balanced for his swing. Maybe swinging it faster would help increase the force of impact, driving it into the smaller surface area along the wedge.

Your Stamina is Full.
Your HP is Full.
Your MP is Full.
You are Peckish.
You are Thirsty.

Your Stamina is Full.
Your HP is Full.
Your MP is Full.
You are Peckish.
You are Thirsty.

[[Rat Party is now on Day 5]]

Once the sun was up, the rats made their decision to investigate the village. When Asteria tried to use Telepathy and tell Mother Rat to stay in the shelter, the elder rat looked confused. She creeped out of the burrow, and put her nose to the ground. Making one circle around it, she looked back at up at Asteria and squeaked...but the other two rats were already heading off.

Mother Rat looked back the way they had come, and her ears flattened against her head. She crouched at the mouth of the burrow, watching the surroundings intently...she only paused to glance back at the bug parts that were left, sniffing at a piece of the Myrminor for a moment before she turned back to her watch. Her fur bristled.

Ed and Asteria slowly drew closer to the village. As they did, they could now see more detail about the villagers themselves...

The guards wore a mantle or cloak of some sort made from the grass of the plains, simply woven together and tied with string. A few of them wore shoes that looked to be made from straw as well, but then others wore shoes made from proper leather, even with laces. All of the guards were men, and wore pants made from canvas cloth or spun wool. Their shirts were the same, but the majority were sleeveless--only one man had a tunic that looked to be of a better material. Knitted belts wrapped around their waists, the ends hanging down in front of their groins like loincloths. Given the mixed nature of materials, the widely varying quality, and the patterns on some of their clothing...it wasn't clear whether this was a primitive village or something more advanced. Did they live out here similarly to Native Americans or other tribal peoples? Maybe they had gotten the other clothes or different materials through trade?

Most of them were deeply tanned, but their musculature tended towards lean. They were still much bigger than the two rats, but none of them looked burly. Still, they held proper weapons with steel blades--spears for the most part, and long knives.

The village was laid out in a circle for the most part. The thatched, rounded cottages were of varying sizes, but the smallest seemed to be about 10 feet high and probably about that large in diameter. Here and there wooden posts had been hammered into the ground to make rough fences, mostly for keeping in livestock--though it seemed only a few chicken-like creatures were currently poking about their enclosures. One pen a little further around the village from where Ed and Asteria creeped looked like it had been trampled recently--it was broken open and a few things that looked like tools and scraps of cloth were scattered about.

The wooden shed was a simple A-frame hut, with no walls. Its roof was made of thatched grass, and on each side reached all the way down to the ground. Its triangular shape, open at both ends, gave it the appearance of a tent. Inside, there were several stacks of firewood. They had been cut and stacked in a square fashion, each layer perpendicular to the other, so that they would dry out more efficiently and bugs or rot wouldn't get in between the logs. There were also several large clay jars, a few with lids, and some woven grass baskets. Up on a wooden shelf made from lashed sticks, there were a few rolls of something colored pale beige...it wasn't paper, but something thicker.

Ed and Asteria were able to creep up under the lip of the shed, and it seemed no one at all had noticed them...would they continue to investigate the village and try to learn more about these people? Would they attempt to steal some of these items and then head back to the burrow?

As they considered this, more villagers began to leave their huts. Several of these were women, and their style of dress was similar to the men save that they only wore dresses and skirts, no pants. They did, however, wear jewelry that looked to be made of woven flowers...and bits of bone that clattered and jangled. None of them carried any weapons either, but some had primitive brooms or other such tools.

One elderly woman with a pudgy build walked to the center of the village. Here a large dirt circle of some kind had been designated, and built upon a mound of packed earth. The circle's border was marked by thick woven rope, far too big to serve any practical purpose tying things down, so it must have been made specifically to mark out this circle for some reason. On four sides of the circle, forming the corners of a square that fit the ring in that mathematically perfect way, were small structures that seemed like shrines or displays of some kind. The pudgy woman walked around these four objects, chanting something in a low voice.

Smoke began to curl towards the sky as fires were lit, both inside and out of the houses. Fires would mean that wood was needed...But if they were getting ready to cook, that would mean food might appear soon as well...

Ghost Party

You used Monster Analysis II! You used Magic Analysis I!
Slimes are amorphous creatures more similar to undeveloped egg yolks, yet they are able to move on their own and digest prey. Their bodies are highly resistant to physical damage and malleable. Slimes can sometimes store objects inside themselves or change the shapes of their bodies. When they become too large, they reproduce by division. Slimes usually do not have any magical abilities. This Slime has much lower MP than you do and no magical skills. Its MP is currently being drained by Jason...
As a Spirit-class Monster, Jason is consuming the soul of this creature and its magical power. Without this sustenance, most Spirit-class creatures quickly pass on.
---Analysis Complete!---

You used Plant Analysis I!
---Kao Tree---
A hardwood tree common all over the world within the temperate ranges. They produce a woody nut that is somewhat edible, though it requires processing and has low nutritional value. When dried and treated the wood is very sturdy, so it is commonly used as building and crafting material. The leaves and bark of this tree contains a sort of acid that isn't harmful to most creatures, but simply deters some kinds of predators.
---Analysis Complete!---

After finally finding a safe place to settle for the night, Jason and Danny were able to get some much needed rest. Though Jason couldn't really sleep, once there were no more threats he was able to deeply submerge himself into meditation. The "trance" of sorts let him pass the time almost as if he were asleep, with just the barest sensation of awareness. There was, at different times, something unusual...a growing and sudden sense of dread? The feeling of something pressing in all around him? A pulling sensation, or a dull roaring sound? Whenever he sunk into trance and his "awareness" grew dark, he somehow knew...that black, monochrome, empty world of the void was still waiting for him. The first chance it got, it would take him back...

[[Ghost Party now enters Day 5]]

Morning came. The black slime corpse had deflated, and it looked like its own digestive juices were eating at the membrane of its body. Trying to pick it up from the bottom of the tree hollow would probaby be like trying to handle a very fragile water balloon...filled with acid. Other than that, nothing had changed for the Poltergeist and Ectoslime's little camp. The trees rustled in a gentle morning breeze. The dew glistened and dripped from leaves and branches alike. The soft, misty blue hues of early dawn brought with them a slight chill.

Jason was brought out of his last trance by an odd prickling sensation all over his body. It was like when a limb had gone to sleep, and the "static" and numbness had reached that uncomfortable point. But it was all over him, no matter what form his mist took or what he was "touching..." Right now it wasn't painful, but...was it him, or was his Mana depleting just a point or two faster? Nonetheless, he had filled himself to the brim and then some over the night, so right now it wasn't really a problem for him.

Your Stamina is Full.
Your HP is Full.
Your MP is Full.
You are Famished.
You are Thirsty.

Your MP is Overfull. Mana Density has increased.
Your Mana Burn has subsided. Natural Mana Regeneration returns to Normal Levels.
Your MP is being affected by environmental factors.
You experienced a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

A sound would immediately draw attention in the quiet forest morning. Something had come along and started to dig around the roots of the hollow tree. It was...a bug of some kind? A big black beetle, with snapping mandibles...but it looked like it had been injured recently. One of its legs dragged, and the shell over its wings was cracked. Jason could see its soul, smaller than that of the Dire Rat or the Slime...yet there was also an outline of sorts around it, as if the gray light was inside a soap bubble. As it began to chew on one of the tree roots, tearing away the bark with its mandibles, the gray light flickered like a candle and grew a little bigger within the bubble...
Monster Party

Torrent, covered in the shining aura of a boosted Shield II, stood her ground as the Giant Slime tried to crush her. Once again, she used her combined stream of poisonous fumes and flame against the creature, this time attempting to cut off the pseudopods like a blow torch. Meanwhile, Oberon and Ash both continued to use their analysis skills--Oberon targeted their enemy, while Ash was looking at Digbie's Sacred Ground spell. She was able to analyze it just in time, but she couldn't see the "shape" of the Mana through her vision, at least not clearly enough to understand it. The Demiblin had put his hands back on the ground and activated Earth Vein again, but at the same time he inadvertently deactivated his Sacred Ground--he still couldn't maintain another active skill while using Earth Vein at the same time! The temporary Mana overfill had subsided, now that he had cast a couple of spells, but the system almost immediately dinged to tell him that he was full on MP again.

You used Monster Analysis I! You have Analyzed this Monster before with a different skill!
---Giant Slime---
Giant Slimes have simply grown bigger, and their membranes have increased in strength so as to hold more mass without causing their bodies to split. Their digestive fluids also become stronger, but as a result of these advantages they require more food. Giant Slimes have little to no magic to speak of; they have only slightly above the bare minimum of Magical Power for a Monster. They have no elemental affiliation by nature, though Slimes that live in environments rich with ambient mana sometimes take on properties better suited for their habitat.
---Analysis Complete!---

You used Magic Analysis II! You are attempting to use Mana Vision at the same time!
---Sacred Ground---
Rank I. By marking an area, channel Mana create a safe zone. HP will recover slowly for allies, and damage taken will slightly decrease. This Spell consumes MP for as long as it is active. The larger the zone, the more MP required.
---Analysis Complete!---

All of this happened at once, and thus when Torrent's attack tore through one of the pseudopods, Oberon and Ash appeared to simply be watching as the other false limb came down hard on top of her before she could cut through it. The first pseudopod, as well, kept going with its built-up momentum and also struck the Lesserwurm, though not so hard. Still, Torrent was driven into the ground and felt every bone in her body shudder as the huge masses of gel pressed against her. Like a boxer that has taken a knockout blow, her ears rang and her vision swam--her limbs felt like lead and she couldn't seem to catch her breath...

She could vaguely hear Digbie calling out as he pointed at her and snapped his fingers. Another Shield appeared around her, though oddly not as strong as that last one that the slime's attack just broke. Maybe it was because Digbie was also trying to use Sacred Ground at the same time, but the Demiblin would feel the flow of mana balking within him. Almost like the involuntary halt of one's body when they run at an obstacle in an attempt to hurdle over it, then realize it is too high. Only when he finally put all of his focus on Sacred Ground could he make it work again.

Oberon had begun to shape his Fireball, attempting to make a modification using his experience with Mana Dart. Ash observed as he did so. The Giant Slime was still reeling in pain, but again it lurched towards Torrent. It rolled over her just like it had Digbie in the beginning of their encounter, causing the severed limb to stick back to its membrane and slamming her deeper into the earth. Her shield hadn't broken again yet, but from the sputtering and fizzling coming off the aura it seemed any followup blow might do it. The Giant Slime sat on top of her, keeping her pinned--without air--as it now shifted and raised a larger pseudopod in Digbie's direction...

You used Magic Analysis II! You are attempting to use Mana Vision at the same time!
The basic magical fire attack. With roughly the same power, range, and MP consumption as a Mana Orb, it has the unique property of being able to inflict a burn on the target. However, elemental properties render it harder to use in certain circumstances. Non-flammable or elementally opposed targets, for example, will be much less effected. Oberon seems to be altering this spell...
---Analysis Complete!---

This time Ash saw more. That first structure, at the very center of Oberon's fireball--a deep golden square, almost black, and two oscillating lines extending towards towards another square on each side. But this time...those squares weren't red? They were light green...and so were several other squares, appearing as Oberon poured more energy into this spell. These new structures began to orbit around the first, taking shape naturally as Oberon held the Fireball in his hands in preparation to shape it. The green squares couldn't come too close to the golden one, they were being repelled...and as they were repelled around it, they came together in clusters of three, and two of each trio would turn a light blue instead--and now they were suddenly drawn back towards the center!? The two oscillations on either side of the gold-black core now began moving at a much higher frequency! At the moment the new structures touched the old, there was a flash of neon purple and the two squares on either side of the gold one became fully three-dimensional cubes instead, once again bright red! It was at this point that the Fireball in Oberon's hand was fully formed and began to put off heat, vapor waves and colorless smoke--and then he began to shape it! New squares began to blink into existence in Ash's sight, but they were colorless and had no oscillations--

Again, she couldn't help but blink.

At the speed of thought, such things passed. The Giant Slime was on top of Torrent, pinning her down, she had been beaten hard and couldn't breathe, and now it was turning to Digbie--!

Oberon's Fireball shot through the air like a thrown javelin. It struck the Giant Slime dead center, and penetrated just a finger's length into that thick membrane. Only the tail end flash of the flame spread over its outer surface, but inside it the heat expanded and turned its orange body red, then yellow hot around that point. They could see its insides actually bubbling as the creature boiled. With a screech, it abandoned the attack on the Demiblin and now turned for the hills--it was retreating!

But it was trying to take Torrent with it, as its membrane gripped her at every point in contact...!

PixieSlime Party

You used Monster Analysis I!
---Bowhorn Deer---
This species of deer has absorbed magical energy from the forest and the plants, causing its horns to become more like saplings than bone. They're still plenty sharp and tough, but have an added flexibility that makes them valuable to bowyers and other craftsmen. As it grows older, sometimes the horns even sprout blooms or fruit of some sort, varying based on the creature's diet and habitat.

With his shapeshift ability Asura was able to dart between the Bowhorn Deer's hooves as it came back to earth. Whether it was just trying to scare him away or actually stomp him wasn't clear, but before it could do anything else he Smashed its knee--or technically, given the bone structure of most quadropeds, its ankle. There was a crunch, but it didn't sound like a breaking bone. Nonetheless, the animal stumbled and went down part of the way, as if it were bowing its front end low. At this same moment, Ardur was giving orders to the two non-reborn and taking flight. Momma Slime let out a burbling "wat?" but then headed towards the fight anyway--helping Asura had been her intention from the start. Steve understood the order through Ardur's Taming link, however, and as soon as Momma Slime was out of the way the Spider launched a Web Spit at the deer's other leg.

At almost the same time the sticky goop covered its hoof, Momma Slime suddenly lashed out with one of her pseudopods a little faster than usual. She caught hold of one of the creature's horns and pulled--at the same time drawing another pseudopod back, balling it up on the end like a fist!


Maybe she was imitating Asura or something she had seen in one of his thought transmissions, or maybe she was getting smarter again and had figured out a better way to attack. But for all intents and purposes, the best way to describe the attack was this: Momma Slime had grappled the deer, and then straight-up punched it right in the face. Blood spurted from the creature's nostrils, and it thrashed its head back and forth wildly with wide, panicked eyes--it could barely budge Momma Slime's weight, however, and while its back legs began to lash out and kick with those sharp hooves, it wasn't in much position to be any kind of threat...

From above, Ardur had a perfect shot at the creature--through the treetops above, a single ray of the early morning sunlight even fell through, putting a spotlight right on the base of the creature's neck.

Rat Party

Asteria's attempt at crafting was...not quite so successful as she might have hoped. She was able to find a fairly large rock without a great deal of trouble, but her chisel was much too small and hadn't been knapped well enough to stand up to that kind of abuse. Dire Rats were strong, but she wasn't quite strong enough to actually chip into the larger stone, even when using another smaller rock to try and hammer her blade in. The knapped stone chipped further, becoming a nigh-usless sliver. When she used her own teeth, she was able to make chips and cracks here and there and then scrape them off a little at a time...but ultimately, her attempt at making a bowl would probably take much, much longer, and either better tools or a more suitable body. Still, she had made some sort of indent. And the stone was of a size that at the very least it could be used as a cutting board of sorts--basically, it wouldn't have held water, but smashing plants into paste on top of it was still very doable.

You used Plant Analysis I!
---Bugward Flower---
These flowers produce an oily smoke that repels many insects when burned. It grows between four to thirty inches, with about one hundred ray-like petals that range from a vivid blue to darker grays and blacks towards the center. If a fresh stem is cut or the plant is mashed to paste, the juice can disinfect wounds.
---Kittail Plant---
A tall plant stalk that produces a seedy head, which are ripe when they become bright red. These cause them to hang over like the tails of a Kitsune, as their namesake. Originally imported from a foreign land, this plant can sometimes be found growing wild but more often is a food crop. The seeds can be ground into a flour and used for a variety of baking recipes.
---Kilm Blossom---
This herb produces blue and yellow blossoms in the spring. The green, unpleasant smelling sap attracts many kinds of pollinating insects. Ancient tribes used it as an all-purpose salve or to make tea, and grinding its roots releases a pain inhibitor of some sort.
---Nullven Cone---
This flower has deep purple petals that hang down, and can be between two and three feet tall. There are some anti-poison properties in its extracts, though it seems to boost a body's immune system rather than negate or destroy poisons directly. It can also treat acne, rash, and fever.
---Wasp Thorn---
This plant bears thorns of an interesting design. If you are pricked by them, it is better to disengage slowly. Some advocate running through most brambles quickly to get the pain over with, but in the case of the Wasp Thorn this causes the thorns to hook and tear painfully into whatever they have caught. A substance the plant produces causes the pain to linger for some time, possibly days if one is sensitive to it. Its leaves are also covered in thorns, but can be used to make diuretic tea.

After the rats ate their fill, Asteria would take first watch while trying to make something from these plants. While she stayed outside, that left considerably more room in the burrow, and Ed would actually be able to fit. Albeit cramped, he and Mother Rat would soon be asleep. When he switched out with Asteria, he would find that the plains seemed relatively peaceful at night...save for an occasional, distant howl from some creature or another. And at one point, a large shadow that circled under the clouds, and over the mountains to the west...

A whole new world was out there, after all. Full of unknown creatures, no doubt many of them quite threatening. But for now, the rats slept...

And in the morning, they were the first to see the sun as its gaze swept across the grass...

The village was much more visible now. The huts had a very primitive look to them, but at the same time there were definitely signs of civilization. Rugs and blankets were being aired out after they were slept on all night, and as they hung out the window one could tell from their colors and patterns that this society was far past the cave-man level.

Just like Ed had predicted, the few villagers--no more than four, perhaps--on watch were yawning and trudging along their routes. Some even leaned against walls, their heads nodding. One sat near a fire that had burned low hours ago, its coals barely smoldering. At the moment, none of them were near that woodshed over there...

Ghost Party

Danny was able to grab the black slime, and keep it from hitting him full force in the face. However, it was too heavy for him, and hard to hold onto. It continued to squirm in his grasp, once getting a pseudopod out for a hefty punch to the Poltergeist's face. Surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as it might have--his Blunt Resistance coming into play, no doubt--but it was still a hard knock that he felt deep in his newly-formed bones.

But then the creature suddenly seized in his hands--not an attempt at escape, but rather an actual seizure! Or something very similar to it. The slime let out a pitiable creening cry...but it seemed vulnerable!

Unseen by Danny, Jason had cut off his meditation early. Even as he narrowed his focus to only those two souls, the System again informed him as he rushed towards them that he had low MP. But as the warning flashed brightly in his mind, he made that last ghostly lunge and latched onto the Slime. He shoved a Transparent pseudopod into it and then released the technique, causing that violent rejection that gave him nausea but also seemed to hurt the slime. Then, trying to form his insubstantial mist into a ripping, grasping hand, he went for the Slime's soul and activated his Mana Drain--!

--Nothing nothing nothing not nothing! Thing, thing not nothing, thing good more thing some thing bad! Some bad thing HURT, thing hurt me! Me. Me not me. Me thing good good me not hurt me. Eat. Me find thing, eat thing, eat good thing, eat bad thing bad thing good me. Need eat. More eat. Hard thing. Soft thing. Warm thing. Cold thing. Not me thing. Me....I. I am Jason.

It was easy to separate the Slime's memories from his own after the first few instants--they had both begun life in that cave and made a meager living as Slimes do, simply moving from place to place and eating whatever they found while avoiding whatever presented danger. Concepts like light, heat, cold, shelter, and just about everything else were beyond the Slime, and there was almost immediately a point where Jason could clearly recognize and draw a line between their two different levels of sentience. It didn't threaten to pull away his identity the way other souls had.

The black Slime was still seizing in Danny's grip, and Jason was still draining Mana from it...
Monster Party

The near miss was so close that the wind from its passing nearly spun Oberon in place, but the Sprite managed to recover and buzz up higher, out of reach of the growling slime. The monster seemed to be collecting itself for an attempt at jumping, but before it could do so it recoiled in shock. Oberon's hand had erupted in flame, and he hurled the Fireball. The slime squealed as the magical attack struck it, short-lived flame spreading across its membrane and leaving a charred spot in its wake. The slime began to move away from the Sprite, rolling to hide its wound from the other enemies...

As Ash activated her Mana Vision, her eyes would visibly glow within their pupils. As she watched Oberon's Fireball arc through the sky, where it left its hand--the "center" of the flame--she could see a single square like those she had observed before. Two oscillating lines were connected to it, one on each side, and at their ends were other squares...It became more difficult to make out details, as the flame hurtled towards the slime. But there were a few other structures within the flame, shifting and moving and changing. The single structure she had already observed had only one other feature that stood out. The square in the center was a deep, metallic gold color--so deep in fact that maybe calling it gold was inaccurate. Was it a dark brown instead? Maybe even a black? Then why did it seem to glow like that? The two squares connected to it by those oscillating lines, however, were red and vibrant like the flame itself...

Just as the slime began to roll away from Oberon, the Sprite saw the lightshow as Ash cast Shield I on him. He had already dodged the first attack, but maybe now he could risk getting closer for a followup--

Torrent suddenly attacked from her hiding spot, completely blindsiding the Giant Slime. This attempt at a Stealth Kill caught it completely off guard, and her combined Poison Breath II and Fire Breath I unleashed a powerful blast. Thanks to her new Dual Cast skill, she suddenly found it much easier to maintain and control this attack--whereas before it didn't last more than an instant and rapidly expanded, now she could keep it concentrated just like the Fire Breath. The flames turned dark, almost purple, and actually pierced through the Giant Slime's membrane! Its insides rapidly began to bubble and steam, and the creature's squeal of pain rose to an agonized, screaming wail like that of a crying infant--and they only rose higher as Torrent immediately dove into the blast hole she had created, slashing and tearing with her claws and fangs. The slime's insides were beginning to darken as well--she had Poisoned it! With this, however, came a self-defeating side effect--the Slime suddenly reared up, then, for lack of a better word...vomited.

Torrent was thrown to the ground, covered in a sizzling concoction of her own poison and concentrated stomach acid. Her body burned all over, though not quite as badly as that time she had literally charred her entire skin--but Fire Resistance wasn't doing much to mitigate this, and she could feel her scales beginning to crack as the acid ate away at them--!

The System informed Digbie that his MP was already full as he tried to keep using Earth Vein--but it did seem that he had gained something called "Temporary Mana Overfill," and he felt full to bursting with energy--some of which he put into a Spell Chant to cast an enhanced Shield II on Torrent. She was already taking some damage, but as the Shield increased her body's natural defenses, the acid seemed to burn less and the wounds weren't progressing as quickly. Then Digbie activated his Sacred Ground ability, trying to catch the entire party in its radius. Oberon, being in the air, wasn't affected. Ash and Torrent felt the shift in the ground underneath their feet as healing Mana began to flow through them.

But the Giant Slime was desperate to survive, and didn't seem ready to give up on its prey just yet. The monster rose up above Torrent, then brought two psuedopods slamming down--!

PixieSlime Party

ERROR. You have not yet met the conditions to develop the skill Better.



As the group was quite rudely awakened, Asura was the first to act. Per his norm, the immediate reflex was to attack with all his might. Now that he had recovered his Stamina, the only limit on his Smash was the relatively small space he had in which to build momentum. Nonetheless his blow sent the creature reeling--dragging him with it as he Clung to its snout!

The creature pulled Asura out and up, shaking him back and forth. Now that he was in the light and out of the burrow, he could see what it was--a large deer of some sort? It had a deer's shape, but its fur was a grayish blue the color of twilight mist. Its hindquarters were speckled with darker spots of green and a dash of black. Its horns had an elegant curve, almost like looking at a recurve bow drawn to full tension across its skull, but they had only four points--two near the "middle" on either side of the skull, and the other two at each tip.

Ardur chanted behind Asura as the buff fairy cautiously approached. Momma Slime seemed to be having trouble getting back out of the burrow, as she had "uncompressed" in her sleep--and Steve was stuck behind her, chittering anxiously with waving legs.

With a muffled snort as Asura tried to suffocate it, the animal turned towards a nearby tree and charged, lowering its head. The red slime was slammed into the sturdy trunk with an impact that echoed like a drum beat. Even through his Blunt Resistance and Physical Damage Resistance, he felt that like he would have felt a blow as a human. Specifically, one of those blows in a boxing match that hits you right center of the face, drilling an impact that feels like it went all the way through your skull and rattled your brainpan. Such was the force that it dislodged him from the creature, and as the two separated the deer backed up, shaking its head. It reared up in a threatening display, kicking its hooves out as it made some kind of bleating sound...

Rat Party

Aside from a few scrapes due to the general roughhousing during the encounter, Asteria found herself little the worse for wear. No blood had been drawn, and the bug's stinger hadn't made contact with her. When the lights drew her attention, she tried to use her analysis and sensory skills to figure out what exactly was happening. However, the System would only inform her that, at this distance, she couldn't make out enough about the magic for the skill to draw any conclusions. Whatever it was had stopped, and in the process it had either put out or severely dampened the flames those Goblins had started. If some creature had done that intentionally, perhaps its goal was only to put out the fire before it could be whipped across the grasslands by the next strong wind. It didn't seem like any more flashes of light were forthcoming.

The humans from the village had quieted down, but they were still milling around in groups. They might be discussing what had just happened, but regardless they hadn't noticed the rats yet and likely wouldn't, given the distance and the rapidly falling night. Asteria relaxed for the moment and distributed her skill points.

Skill Gain: Telepathy I!
Channeling Mana through thoughts creates Psychic-type abilities. At Rank I, this skill can only be used when you are in physical contact with another creature. This skill can only send simple thoughts or emotions. This skill is currently only one-way transmission. This skill is an Active Non-Offensive Spell and consumes MP.

Skill Gain: Plant Analysis I!
Basic field knowledge of botany. At this Rank, using this skill only grants you "generalized" information.

After testing her new communication skill on Ed, Asteria moved over to Mother Rat in the hopes that Telepathy would finally allow her a full-proof method of getting information across to the non-human-souled Monster. Rather than any fully formed sentences or concrete thoughts, Asteria sent her mother simple, pure emotion. Affection, Calmness, Soothing, and Concern for the other beast's wellbeing. Mother Rat gave a start, hopping as her fur bristled and she turned towards Asteria. With a curious squeak, Mother Rat stood on her haunches and began running her tiny forepaws over Asteria's face and snout. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, she then ran in circles around Asteria while occasionally sniffing her. When she again found that nothing had physically changed, she squeaked again and calmed down. Mother Rat paused long enough to scratch one ear with her hind leg, then waddled over to Ed and began a similar inspection. Meanwhile, Asteria now moved to examine the dead Bloodingfly.

Though it took very careful handling to avoid pricking herself on the barbed stinger and the probiscus, Asteria was able to use her claws and teeth to pry away pieces of the insect bit by bit. When it got difficult or she didn't want to risk directly handling the body, she searched around for a bit until she found a small flat rock. With her teeth she was able to knap out a rough blade, and using this to hack off the more dangerous bits of the dead monster was much safer. Before she started another dissection on the ant, she analyzed it for more information.

Skill Rank Up: Dextrous I (1.9) > Dextrous II (2.0)
Despite the limitations of your species, you have continued to develop skill and coordination in your digits! You can now manipulate small things, relative to your size, just as well as a human hand or comparable limb with opposable thumbs. Slightly larger objects can be manipulated the way small objects could at the previous rank, but only if you have high enough physical stats to do so. Learning Equipment skills with certain weapons or tools is now less difficult despite your species' limitations!

You used Monster Analysis II!
---Dead Myrminor Scout--
Myrminors are a low-tier species of insectoid monsters, though despite this they produce several different subtypes to fulfill various roles in the species. Digging enormous underground tunnel networks, some larger than a city sewer system, Myrminors behave much like mundane ants and have only grown to such a size and threat due to absorbing large amounts of ambient Mana. The Scout Myrminor is the weakest of the subtypes, and its only purpose is to gather food, explore territory, and sacrifice itself in waves against enemies. A Scout leaves a trail as it travels that other Myrminors can follow to find resources. It has strong magical senses that lead it to Mana-rich resources.

This Myrminor Scout is dead, apparently struck by multiple blunt force blows and torn apart once a crack in the exoskeleton formed. It has been this way for less than an hour, so its trail is still fresh.

Asteria quickly shoved the various monster parts and plants into the burrow, further reducing what little room they had for Ed. The Rat Man, during this time, had to think for a few moments about his new Skills. He had saved up quite the number of points...and as the System notifications rang out one by one in his mind, he also heard the rumble of his stomach. He began to tear off pieces of the two bugs to eat, finding the flavor somewhat like shrimp or crawfish but with a slightly more acidic flavor and almost greasy texture. As he had to use his claws and teeth without any tools, figuring out how to get at the succulent bug meat inside the shells was a matter of trial and error--though, perhaps it might be useful to remember what weak points he could figure out and think about the bug's body structure...

Skill Gain: Faster I (1.0)!
Your base physical speed is increased! By gaining the skills Harder, Better, and Stronger, Skill Synergy will occur and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning.

Skill Gain: Harder I (1.0)!
Clenched muscles or hardened flesh can be an effective shield--your base defensive stats increase! By gaining at least one rank in Faster, Stronger, and Better, Skill Synergy will occurr to increase the rank of Physical Conditioning.

Skill Gain: Dynamic Eye I (1.0)!
A Special Vision skill, Dynamic Eye expends Stamina to allow the user to sharpen their kinetic vision. For a single instant, time seems to slow, granting better reactions against incoming attacks--especially projectiles traveling over a distance--or allowing the user to better respond to other things. At this Rank however, no other Skill can be used in conjunction with Dynamic Eye if it is not a pre-established passive skill, such as using a buff beforehand. It uses much more Stamina than one might expect.

Skill Gain: Smash I (1.0)!
A Physical Skill that consumes Stamina instead of MP. One blunt type attack deals increased damage!

Skill Gain: Dextrous I (1.0)!
Your practice with fine manipulation and using your forepaws, as well as the natural physical strength of a Dire Rat, has earned an unusual skill for your species! Your paws can now be used to manipulate small objects and tools, though you still aren’t strong enough yet to “wield” weapons or pick up very large things.

Skill Gain: Monster Analysis I (1.0)!
Gain basic biological information about a monster by actively observing it.

It seemed the villagers were soon heading back to their homes as the stars began to appear in the sky. A few vague figures were still moving around, perhaps watchmen. Maybe the magic from earlier had put them on alert. Would the rats decide to attempt finding somewhere among the huts and sheds to hide, or would they stay with their burrow? It still didn't quite have enough room for all of them, but maybe if Ed was just mostly hidden something wouldn't come along and bite off the exposed parts of him...

Ghost Party

Danny searched among the dark forest for a place to hide...and luckily for the Poltergeist, it turned out that not too far away was a great hardwood that, at some point, must have been split by lightning or something. This split had dry-rotted, and been worn away by time and the weather, creating a hollow opening into the wide trunk. It was just big enough for the toddler-sized Monster to climb into...except, if he attempted to do just that, a sudden black shape lurched at him!

The Slime lunged, spreading its mass wide to try and catch its prey--!

Despite wanting to protect Danny, Jason had been so weakened and disoriented by Bonie's treachery that it took him some time to even work up the energy to shout in fury. By this time Danny was gone--though it wouldn't be hard to follow his trail, since Jason could see souls. However, this ability was currently dimmed. Jason didn't have "eyes" to close, but he was focused on his Meditation. While zoned in on the task at hand, recovering his mana, he didn't have any idea where Danny had gone. As the Poltergeist traveled a short distance, found the tree, and then also found the slime, Jason spent the whole time trying to recover his power...It would be at least half an hour, however, before his MP was completely full. Not only did his state between life and death continually drain his energy, but on top of this his Meditation's effectiveness was reduced by his Mana Burn. It had taken quite a lot of Mana absorption to finally get rid of the Mana Disorder, and it would likely take a similar recovery process to get rid of the Burn...Still, by minimizing his movements and actions like this, almost as if he were sleeping, it seemed he could mitigate a great deal of the natural MP drain...
PixieSlime Party

Skill Gain: Meditate I (1.0)!
By concentrating and calming oneself, increase the regeneration of Magic Power and Stamina. This skill cannot be used in battle. Any distractions in the environment will drastically decrease the effectiveness of this skill. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with other skills.

Skill Gain: Point Strike I (1.0)!
With a discerning eye, take aim at an oppenent's weak point and concentrate your own power into a single point of attack. Slightly increase the power of any attack, and gain an increased chance for a Critical Hit. Using this Skill in conjunction with other attack Skills, however, may cause it to lose effectiveness.

Steve learned Web Spit II (2.0)!
Stamina Consumption of this skill has decreased. Range of this skill has increased.

Steve learned Thread Control I (1.0)!
Manipulate threads, wires, hair, etc with unnatural skill by channeling power through it. At this rank, only one simple manipulation can be passed through a single medium, for instance causing a strand of web to change direction once. Depending on the quality of the material, this skill may cause it to break or degrade.

Skill Rank Up: Overwork I (1.8) > Overwork II (2.0)!
Stamina consumption increased. Self-Buff increased. When Stamina is fully consumed, this Skill can be kept active by sacrificing HP. This skill will automatically de-activate when HP reaches dangerously low levels.

Skill Gain: Mental Resistance I (1.0)!
Take less damage from Psychic type spells or skills, and have a better chance of resisting mind alterting affects such as confusion or hypnosis. This counts as an Elemental Resistance for the purposes of Magic Resistance.

Skill Gain: Stronger I (1.0)!
You have grown physically stronger, increasing your base power stats!

Developing Skill: Slime Shell
This Skill appears to progress when you enter the corpse of another monster, though it may possibly have an effect when you attempt to use a hollow object as a container or shelter.

With Asura's digging and Steve's webs spread over the ceiling of the burrow, they were able to progress quite fast without worrying about collapsing the earth up above them. Momma Slime couldn't fit inside the entrance at first, but began to gather up the loose dirt the others were shoveling out and deposited it somewhere else before shuffling back to the burrow. Ardur meditated until his MP was finally restored, feeling the unique sensation of Mana in the atmosphere entering his body. It felt like fresh blood pumping into his veins, like the exhiliration of working out but without the increase in heart rate and the soreness of a muscle. It was short lived, but once he had his magical power restored he could tell a definite difference. Like breathing fresh air after emerging from the cave. Once he rejoined the digging effort things went even faster, and soon the burrow had been enlarged enough that Momma, once she used her own Limited Shapeshift skill to compress herself, was able to get in. It was still a tight fit--but maybe sleeping this close together would help ward off some of the chill from outside, as night fell deep and black. Back towards the cave, it sounded like someone was...chopping wood? Nonetheless, the quartet soon drifted off...

[[PixieSlime Party now enters Day 5]]

Your Stamina is Full.
Your HP is Full.
Your MP is Full.
You are Peckish.
You are Thirsty.

Your Stamina is Full.
Your MP is Full.
Your Mana Burn has subsided. Natural Mana Regeneration returns to normal levels.
Your HP is Full.
You are Peckish.
You are Parched.
Your Tamed Creature is Hungry.
Your Tamed Creature is Thirsty.

The next morning, they could hear the chirp of birds as they awakened. The rising sun had yet to fully emerge over the horizon, but a few rays of its golden glow spilled around the tree trunks. The air smelled clean and clear--being outdoors seemed like it certainly beat the heck out of the cave, when it came to simple pleasantries like this. As dew dripped somewhere, Momma Slime trembled lightly and then split her "mouth" wide open with a burbling yawn.

Then something big stuffed its face into the hole.

A long snout, tipped by a big black nose, poked into the burrow. Moments later a large foot, toes tipped with a hard, black covering, pushed through the dirt and began to paw and dig. Was it reaching for one of the group? The creature huffed and snuffled with the purpose of something looking for food--!

Ghost Party

"Oi, wat you be talkin' bout, Ja-Soo--"

Jason offered a prayer to the earth spirits, and focused his will. He wanted Bonie to leave--he wanted to split them apart. He wanted the earth to take her--he wanted to seal her up. He wanted to force her to pass on. He wanted her gone.

Sudden cold swept through Jason's being. The churning, nauseous sensation he felt during those moments after his death, the flash of memory as he had been tossed about between the mists of fading souls in that black and white void...it now returned with a sudden vengeance, a lightning bolt of ice splitting him in half.

The Ecto Slime's body ruptured, and from within it spilled two masses of gray, swirling vapor. Just like the forms he had seen in that realm of the dead, the forms within the fog struggled to take their own shape. An old, wrinkled arm, spattered with paint and carved with tattoos, pulled another form from the mass.


Jason drifted down against the ground, feeling as if the breath had been driven from his lungs. As if from a hundred miles away, he heard a shrill scream.

Their flesh was translucent, constantly shifting between leering skeletons and twisted imprints of their former selves. They were blurry, indistinct, and losing cohesion. Bonie held Teef by the top of her head, long nails digging into the other goblin's eyes.

"Sorry youngling, but it Ja-Soon's fault. Let's both curse him."

And she tore out the other spirit's throat with her teeth. Like taking a deep breath, Bonie devoured the wispy remains of Teef's incorporeal body, and her own form became more concrete. She had no lower body, and the details of her form were nowhere near as clear to the eye as before, when Jason met her in the cave. To describe her as a shadow would have been accurate, though her form was still silver-gray in color just like Jason's.

"Ya think ya so smart, it make ya dum, Ja-Soon." The spirit hag grinned, her eyes glinting red as she drifted backwards, away from the Ecto Slime who only now began to regain his senses. "But even old Gob like me lern a few tings. Gud luks to yas!"

And she raced off through the forest--passing through Danny as she did so.

The Poltergeist had been meditating while Jason inadvertently released the other spirits he had amalgamated into himself. He had fully recovered his MP, and looked towards the last direction he had seen Jason. Using his Magic Analysis repeatedly, he tried to detect something from the Undead without using the Source Crystal Shard...

You used Magic Analysis I!
---No Target---
You only pick up the ambient magic in the area. There are few sources of raw magic here. Most of it is concentrated within living matter.

You used Magic Analysis I!
---No Target---
You can only pick up the ambient magic in the area. There are few sources of raw magic here. Most of it is concentrated within living matter. You can sense a subtle shift in Mana somewhere...

You used Magic Analysis I!
---No Target---
You can only pick up the ambient magic in the area. There are few sources of raw magic here. Most of it is concentrated within living matter. You can sense a subtle shift in Mana. Something you can't see is happening, there is a change in ambient Mana levels...

Though he couldn't see him, he could tell from different spots that felt cold that Jason was at least around. He asked whether the spirit wanted to stay here for the night, or if they should keep moving. He had just started walking towards the East.

And then a cold gust of wind suddenly whirled around him. It felt like someone had just grabbed hold of his heart and squeezed. His body reacted instinctively, moving away from...whatever this was. Was it Jason? Was Jason attacking him? Whatever it was, it followed him--and then it was gone.

Some of your MP has been Drained.
Your MP is Low.

By this time Jason had gotten "back to his feet" and used Mana Drain on his surroundings--once again, it seemed like it was slow going to get back his MP, considering that just the act of existing as a spirit ever so subtly expended it. He saw the last flicker of Bonie's spirit disappear towards the West...

Orchid's Tribe

At Orchid's shout, Jezee and Tiddies rushed to help Bigs and Wej put out the fire on their bodies. It wasn't too bad since Crispy's explosion didn't have the kind of raw heat to make things flash-ignite, and they weren't wearing a great deal of clothing or equipment that would catch from the flames. Unfortunately it looked like Wej would finally lose that scrap of shield he had left, but other than that the two were quickly brought back to their feet.

Meanwhile, Orchid met the Armored Badger's claw with a two handed swing of her club. The creature's plated forearm clashed with the weapon, stone shards digging into the scaly hide and drawing blood. It roared as it pressed forward with its greater weight, almost overcoming Orchid's enhanced strength--

The Sigil of the Hellish Fiend lit up like a beacon, and Orchid felt its burn spreading throughout her hand. She pushed back, and the badger's stubby legs began to lose their balance. It snarled, snapping at the air in front of the demiblin's face. When she drew back her fist, it was able to press harder against her one remaining arm, and it lunged to try and tear out her throat with its fangs--

Her fist burst into flames that seemed to trail up her entire arm. Orchid's punch seemed to grow larger and brighter as it exploded forward. She thrust almost half her forearm into the beast's jaws, and even as she felt teeth scrape her arm protector and tear it, she felt the intense heat reach her own skin even through her Fiend's Protection and the thud of flesh against flesh. The Armored Badger fell back, still on two legs. It screeched and writhed in agony, front paws swiping the empty air. Flames shot out of its mouth and smoke singed its nostrils. It thrashed from side to side, but its eyes were still bright and full of rage--


Yoona darted in from the side with his Stone Knife, and its edge glinted with crimson light as he ran past the Armored Badger's back. He cut another furrow across its hide where Clod had originally scarred it, drawing a deeper spray of blood! Sqwal leaped at the badger's legs, slamming his wooden club into its knees with both hands. The creature turned to try and swipe at him, but it was too blinded by the flames still scorching its face and now spreading to its chest. It fell over, and Clod actually rushed forward and jumped on top of it, driving the breath from its belly with both feet.


He brought his stone sword down with a berserk gleam in his eyes, right down on the badger's snout. The bright red flash intensified the puff of embers coming out of its fur. The badger's last roar was cut off by a wet gurgle, and as Clod wrenched his sword free of its face and throat the blood spattered across his chest.

"WE KILLED IT! KILLED DA BADGER!" Crispy crowed, throwing up his good arm with a cackle.

"KILLED DA BADGER! KILLED DA BADGER!" The cry was soon taken up by the whole tribe. Clod held his sword by each end and pumped it up and down over his head, stomping on the corpse and screaming. Yoona jumped in circles around the fallen beast and whooped, slashing with his knife at the air. Sqwal began to beat on a tree trunk, the thumps echoing loudly into the night. Tiddies and Jezee were chanting from around the burning bush Orchid had set alight, tearing other nearby plants out of the ground and tossing them into the blaze to make a proper campfire. Bigs and Wej high fived each other with both hands in a game that soon turned into a slapfight when one of them missed.


LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Use Light Equipment (--)
Pacify Animal I (1.3)
Stronger II (2.025)
Crafting V (MAX)
Material Analysis II (2.1)
Monster Analysis I (1.3)
Smash I (1.6)
Charisma I (1.6)
Faster I (1.0)
Fireball I (1.3)
Muffle (0.9)
Deception (0.7)
Charm (0.3)
Alert (0.6)
Stone Shot (0.4)
Throw Item (0.4)
Slash (0.8)
Warcry (0.9)
Pierce Resistance (0.7)
Blunt Resistance (0.3)
Slash Resistance (0.1)
Blood Drain (0.4)
Skewer (0.4)
Mental Resistance (0.4)
Mana Orb (0.2)
Focus (0.2)
Magic Analysis (0.2)
Overwork (0.4)
Intercept (0.3)
Defender (0.7)
Rabid Fit (0.5)
First Aid (0.3)
Intimidate (0.7)
Counter (0.5)
Shield Slam (0.6)
Poison Resistance (0.1)
Fire Resistance (0.8)
Dust Blow (0.1)
Magic Resistance (0.3)
Spell Chant (0.3)
Fire Fist (0.3)

"Oi!" Bigs called out. "Any udda gob just ding!?" Affirmation followed from most of the others--Clod grew strangely quiet very quickly, looking straight up at the sky and blinking rapidly. The goblins looked among each other in slight confusion for a bit--and then went right back to screaming and dancing.

Monster Party

[[You'll each see these separately, just ignore whatever parts aren't part of the specific analysis you attempted.]]
Digbie and Torrent used Monster Analysis I! Ash and Oberon used Monster Analysis II!
Digbie used Material Analysis I!
Digbie and Torrent used Magic Analysis I!
Ash used Magic Analysis II!
Oberon used Magic Analysis IV!
Oberon used Magic Analysis IV!
---Giant Slime---
Giant Slimes have simply grown bigger, and their membranes have increased in strength so as to hold more mass without causing their bodies to split. Their digestive fluids also become stronger, but as a result of these advantages they require more food. Their general abilities are also increased, making them more dangerous than they appear as a simple evolution of a plain slime. In fact, their resistance to physical damage has become such that even a proper sword or mace might not kill them easily. A Giant Slime's slime is difficult to harvest, as when they die the nervous and circulation systems keeping their membranes intact rapidly decay. If it can be extracted before the digestive fluids destroy it, however, it has some use as an adhesive or even a culinary gelatin. There might even be other uses...

Giant Slimes have little to no magic to speak of; they have only slightly above the bare minimum of Magical Power for a Monster. They have no elemental affiliation by nature, though Slimes that live in environments rich with ambient mana sometimes take on properties better suited for their habitat. This Giant Slime possesses no Magical Skills or Spells. This Giant Slime is also not developing any Magical Skills or Spells. Despite having no real affinities or alignments, this Giant Slime is vulnerable to most forms of magic. It could be considered stronger against Earth and Wind magic, but they will still do more damage than most physical attacks. It would be weaker against Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Metal magic.
---Analysis Complete---

Digbie laying back on the ground and using Earth Vein quickly pumped his MP up, though not quite to full yet. Torrent almost immediately disappeared into the surroundings, and Oberon took flight to get some distance while he analyzed the oncoming enemy. Ash stood her ground protectively over her materials, but also analyzed the slime--in fact, everyone had attempted to use at least two analysis skills on the creature. And while they were standing there watching it, it rolled over Digbie while he lay flat on the ground. He stuck to its naturally gooey body for a single rotation before it slammed him into the earth again, and now made for the smaller target of Oberon trying to get its attention.

As it rumbled towards the smaller Sprite, three Venom Shots from Ash thup-thup-thup'd into its membrane. They left purple stains, but aside from a shiver of what seemed like pain the Giant Slime didn't react too much. When Oberon cast his Mana Slice, the creature's roll actually slowed down just before the crescent sliced into its body. Though the wound immediately suctioned back together, the Slime had recognized itself being hurt and let out a rumbling gurgle before it changed course. It was still heading towards Oberon, however, and from an angle it lashed out with a huge pseudopod to try and crush him...

PixieSlime Party

As Asura and Ardur began to smother the flames with dirt--and in the slime's case, his own body--Steve seemed to pick up on their efforts and splattered a gooier form of her webbing onto Momma Slime's body, before Ardur ordered her to keep watch. Oxygen had ignited the substance from the Flak Beetle, but upon being deprived of it the flames died out instantly. The dirt that soaked up the bug's innard-juice grew somewhat hot to the touch, like rocks stacked around a campfire, but this soon cooled with the interesting side effect of turning the rocks a lime-white color. Momma Slime seemed slightly singed, but fine on the whole--which she expressed as a loud fart-sigh.

Now that they weren't in the middle of fighting, the big blue slime was able to wriggle and jiggle her way out of the Flak Beetle's burrow. While Momma Slime wouldn't be able to fit all the way in, it was big enough for Asura to scrunch himself up alongside Ardur and Steve. They could potentially dig it out deeper as well...but now, darkness was rapidly falling and they would soon be blind.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 7! Your Max Stamina has increased (this will not recover current Stamina levels)! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Physical Damage Resistance I (1.86) <CANNOT INCREASE WITH POINTS>
Overwork I (1.8)
Blunt Resistance I (1.7)
Limited Shapeshift III (3.725)
Smash II (2.15)
Pierce Resistance I (1.25)
Faster I (1.65)
Magic Resistance I (1.1)
Harder I (1.05)
Counter I (1.25)
Cling I (1.0)
Slime Whip I (1.25)
Throw Item I (1.0)
Rabid Fit I (1.0)
Iron Gullet I (1.2)
Monster Analysis I (1.1)
Stamina Furnace I (1.1)
Earth Resist (0.7)
Mental Resistance (0.9)
Slime Shell (0.5)
Charisma (0.5)
Dextrous (0.2)
Soil Manipulation (0.5)
Stone Shot (0.5)
Slime Coil (0.3)
Magic Analysis (0.5)
Bounce (0.5)
Muffle (0.3)
Poison Resistance (0.2)
Dash Attack (0.4)
Spiritual Awareness (0.2)
Intimidate (0.3)
Stronger (0.8)
Blood Drain (0.5)
First Aid (0.2)
Acid Spit (0.2)
Skewer (0.4)
Slash (0.1)
Fire Resistance (0.3)
Water Resistance (0.0125)
Focus (0.4)
Alert (0.3)

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! Your Max Stamina has increased (this will not recover current Stamina levels)! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Shield II (2.175)
Lesser Flight III (2.24)
Minor Heal III (3.6125)
Physical Conditioning I (1.0) <CANNOT INCREASE WITH SKILL POINTS>
Fire Resistance I (1.35)
Taming I (1.35)
Fireball I (1.5)
Stronger II (2.15)
Crafting I (1.0)
Muffle I (1.3)
Inspire I (1.0)
Guidance I (1.0)
Spell Chant I (1.0)
Use Light Equipment (--)
Keen Sight (0.7)
Keen Ear (0.3)
Alchemy (0.5)
Faster (0.5)
Magic Analysis (0.55)
Mana Orb (0.15)
Focus (0.6)
Throw Voice (0.1)
Mana Strike (0.8)
Point Strike (0.8)
Charisma (0.2)
Soothe Song (0.6)
Harder (0.1)
Alert (0.8)
Reinforce (0.2)
Throw Item (0.5)
Meditate (0.2)
Stone Shot (0.5)
Iron Gullet (0.3)
Soil Manipulation (0.3)
Material Analysis (0.2)
Rabid Fit (0.5)
Lesser Cleanse (0.7)
Fire Fist (0.2)
Magic Resistance (0.2)
Minor Regeneration (0.1)
Flame Aura (0.1)
Warcry (0.1)
Immolation (0.05)
Spiritual Awareness (0.3)
Overwork (0.1)
Monster Analysis (0.3)

Your Tamed Creature has Leveled Up! Steve is now Level 2!
Your Tamed Creature has Leveled Up! Steve is now Level 3!

Oculus Spider [Steve], Level 3
Steve's Unspent Skill Points: 11

Steve's Current Skills:
Web Spit I (1.5)
Doze I (1.0)
Muffle (0.5)
Poison Fang (0.4)
Blunt Resistance (0.1)
Thread Control (0.5)
Alert (0.3)
Fire Resistance (0.1)

Steve's intelligence, ability, and physical stats are not high enough to enable Skill Teaching. Do you wish to distribute your Tamed Creature's Skill Points?

With the fire put out on Momma Slime, a new shelter against the rapidly falling night, and some new skill points to play with, what would the party's next move be? Despite having recovered enough for that short brawl, they were still quite low on Stamina...

Rat Party

The Bloodingfly accelerated as Ed acted like he was going to attack, but when the Ratman pulled off his feint the insect had too much momentum to stop. Though its wings flared out like sails, its needle-probiscus pierced into the ground rather than any furry flesh. It barely kept itself from crashing, slamming its spindly legs into the dirt with a deep buzz. The next moment Asteria was on its back, ripping and tearing at its wings and the fuzzy body underneath them. The bug thrashed, its buzz growing to a shrill creen as it tried to buck her off. A large section of one wing came off in Asteria's jaws just as Mother Rat tackled the creature from below, tearing into its side--the same side Ed had already injured. Unnaturally colored blood splattered the ground once more, and the bug pushed off to jump away. Its damaged wings couldn't lift its weight, however, and it tumbled on top of Asteria. With its belly exposed, either Ed or Mother Rat would be able to deliver a finishing blow--and it was highly doubtful either of them would pass up the opportunity.

The Bloodingfly would die with one last, drawn out buzz that turned to a whine. Its legs, however, continued to twitch for some time after its death. But just as they finished with this creature, the three rats wouldn't be able to help but notice three white flashes of light.

It came from back towards the forest. At this distance, it was little more than something like a momentary signal flare. It didn't rise very high above the ground--rather, it arced through the air, then traveled along the land. To them it seemed to only go a short distance, but if they were up close it might have been several meters.

And following it, the earth spat dust and debris. Soil was hurled upward as if by some giant plough, and the flames those goblins had started sputtered and died. By the time each light finished--they seemed to be going in different directions, but every one was followed by a wave of earth--the smoke that seemed to threaten to consume the entire plain had dwindled to a wispy cloud.

But now the rats could hear something else. From the direction of the village, it sounded like...shouts. Cries of alarm and of awe. Several figures were bustling around the different houses now...but they were watching the skies, for any other signs of the lights.

The sun had set and the grasslands, too, were falling under the cover of night. With the villagers occupied by the sight far away, maybe the rats could sneak around the long way and enter that shed Ed had spied without being seen...

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 22 ((12 unspent from before Transformation, 10 from current level up))

Current Skills:
Beast Sense II (2.625)
Rabid Fit I (1.55)
Stronger I (1.35)
Muffle II (2.025)
Use Light Equipment (--)
Alert I (1.0)
Material Analysis (0.4)
Magic Analysis (0.65)
Monster Analysis (0.9)
Faster (0.7)
Warcry (0.4)
Dextrous (0.8)
Tremor Sense (0.025)
Mental Resistance (0.9)
Telepathy (0.075)
Mana Shape (0.7)
Focus (0.8)
Shield (0.5)
Mana Shell (0.4)
Soil Manipulation (0.7)
Overwork (0.9)
Harder (0.3)
Crafting (0.25)
First Aid (0.1)
Meditate (0.4)
People Sense (0.2)
Plant Analysis (0.1)
Swift Swimmer (0.4)
Charm (0.025)
Repel (0.025)
Stealth Kill (0.3)
Blunt Resistance (0.1)
Prehensile Tail (0.3)
Smash (0.7)
Mana Strike (0.2)
Minor Heal (0.05)
Dynamic Eye (0.3)

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! Note: You are very close to another Level Up!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Beast Sense II (2.875)
Faster II (2.15)
Monster Analysis II (2.325)
Dextrous I (1.9)
Poison Resistance I (1.0)
Crafting I (1.625)
Muffle I (1.65)
Mana Sense I (1.8)
Mana Drain I (1.4)
Magic Analysis I (1.1)
Stronger I (1.2)
Prehensile Tail (--)
Alert I (1.15)
Use Light Equipment (0.6)
Charisma (0.9)
Telepathy (0.35)
Mental Resistance (0.1)
Soil Manipulation (0.9)
Overwork (0.2)
Lesser Status Heal (0.05)
Minor Heal (0.05)
Meditate (0.4)
Smash (0.6)
Mana Flex (0.1)
Scribe (0.1)
Spell Chant (0.15)
Lesser Force (0.1)
Stone Shot (0.3)
Lucid Dream (0.3)
Spiritual Awareness (0.2)
Swift Swimmer (0.1)
Suppress Presence (0.2)
Plant Analysis (0.7)
Alchemy (0.05)
Tremor Sense (0.1)
Throw Item (0.3)
Stealth Kill (0.1)

Ghost Party

"Correct, these are spells, special attacks, and so much more... Honestly Bonie, I don't belong in this world, especially not as a monster.... So I think, that in a way, the rules and limitations of species, and usage of the system don't fully apply to me."

"If ya really be human and not a slime, Ja-Soon, den da world be different to ya. Skeelz, powahs, everyting different for humans and mobs. But if ya bes a slime too...I tink tings be even more not da same."

As Jason read the Skill list out loud to the two goblin spirits, their windows continued to move around for a moment. Then Bonie's stopped, and Jason's began moving again instead. It really was like someone was clicking on a computer's browser and dragging it around the screen.

"Bonie, tell me a bit about these dreams you had, and what you prayed to while you were alive."

"Gobs in da cave not be like dat. No big temples, no sack-fices. Maybe would if dere were Big Demons, but da cave tribe stay near da cave. Udda gob tribes force us here when even Bonie was youngling. Neva prayed. Told stories. Stories bout da Old Gobs, da ones come before. How dey hunts, how dey makes tings. Gotta make sure everything member'd for long time after we gones. Dat keeps Old Gobs around, and Old Gobs makes good magic for gobs still alive."

Skill Activated: Meditate I!
By concentrating and calming oneself, increase the regeneration of Magic Power and Stamina. This skill cannot be used in battle. Any distractions in the environment will drastically decrease the effectiveness of this skill. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with other skills.

Your MP is recovering...

Even with using Mana Drain to reabsorb his attempts to cast Mana Orb, Jason's efficiency or lack thereof caused his MP to continue dropping with each attempt. What was more, ever since he had become a spirit, his MP would steadily decrease over time. It seemed to serve as both as his stamina and his HP in this form--this was probably the primary reason being an undead, spiritual creature seemed so uncommon. After all, the Dungeon was constantly creating Undead, yet besides Jason only Ghost Wisps seemed to be of the spirit class. But now that he had meditate, if he could maintain concentration without being interrupted then he could stabilize his existence...at least as long as there was ambient mana around him. Even without this skill, in the cave there had been times he was able to sense the concentration of energy. The fact that Mana Crystals grew in the cave was evidence that its magical atmosphere was thicker. Out here, in the open wilderness, the power was significantly less concentrated. He could still recover his MP...but it was a slow process. If he wasn't careful with his magical experimentation, he might end up in the same desperate struggle he had been to maintain his MP right after his original revival...

"Hey Bonie, I need you to say 'System: Describe (Better) Spiritual Awareness V, and how it was gained.' That'll give us even more information on how we can bring ourselves more fully into the real world."

"Before dat, Ja-Soon--how do I be makin' da Skeelz betta? All my Skeelz, and Teef's too, got different numbahs you was readin'. Tell me dats, and I tells ya bout da dreams, and den we figures out dat udda Skeel."

Teef was strangely quiet, but her system window was moving more erratically. It even rotated in slow circles and spun around in three dimensional space, as she were looking it over, up and down, and all around.

Meanwhile, Danny meditated calmly for several minutes. He could hear the sound of wood being chopped, but only distantly. More clearly, he heard one more rumbling sound, and there was another flash of light in the distance...The smoke coming from the grasslands grew thinner, and looked less foreboding. Whatever Zieglar was doing, it seemed to be controlling the fire if not putting it out entirely. And after that third flash, nothing else happened...would the Knight return to his apprentice?

Once the system informed him his MP was full, he recharged the Source Crystal. Doing so drained a decent chunk of his MP again, about as much as one of his spells would have. But now, as he held it up to his eye and looked at Jason through it again, when the green light began to form words and numbers he also activated his Monster Analysis. The effort of keeping Mana flowing into the Crystal was like trying to force yourself to exhale longer while not blinking at the same time--Danny felt his MP rapidly dwindling after only a few seconds, but the information he was gaining definitely increased.

You used Monster Analysis II! You used Source Crystal Shard!
---Jason (???, ???)---
Ecto Slime: An extremely rare undead monster. Spirit-class Undead are formed when a soul is unable to leave the corpse or reenter the natural cycle of life and death; composed entirely of the energies left within the body at the time of death, Spirits without Will cannot maintain a form for long. When they lose cohesion, they are returned to the world in another way that cannot be undone. Slimes do not normally have enough intelligence or magic power to revive as undead, and even when affected by outside sources they are usually extremely unstable. Like all undead, they seem to harbor an instinctive need to consume the living. Like many Spirit-class Undead, they are driven to feast on other souls even to the point of losing themselves. You know this Ecto Slime as Jason, a Reincarnator like yourself. Jason has committed a Taboo against the world by denying the cycle of life and death.

There are two other souls Jason has consumed, but they have not been completely devoured. Spirit-class monsters sometimes attempt to absorb other souls strong enough to maintain their own sense of self--as these spirits intermingle, their memories and personalities often begin to mix as well. Yet an individual can only maintain one sense of self...even a legion must move as one...

Jason currently can't interact through normal physical means with the world, but some of his skills can cause physical reactions. Due to this a direct comparison isn't available through normal means. However, your stats are currently higher than his. He currently has more MP than you; Spirit-class creatures do not possess an upper cap on the amount of magical power they can hold. In order for them to grow and maintain themselves, they must continue to amass magic. Using too many of their own spells can cut their only remaining tether to this world short.

Jason possesses the Spell Skill Mana Drain, allowing him to drain magical power from other creatures and objects. This is common among Undead creatures, as their own vitality is no longer enough to allow their existence.

Jason possesses other skills like Meditate, Spiritual Awareness, Transparency, Levitate, and Guidance. Because of his death, many of his old Skills are locked away or unusable due to his lack of a physical body.
---Analysis Complete---

The Source Crystal Shard has no charge remaining. Restoring the charge will consume the remainder of your MP. Do you wish to recharge it?

With everything that had happened today, now that the two were finally out on their own, the forest seemed very quiet. Maybe it was the large number of goblins that had passed in this direction earlier, wielding weapons and fire. Maybe it was the presence of two humans in the area. Maybe it was the nearby fires that belched acrid smoke into the air. Or maybe, now that night was falling, other creatures were also turning in to their dens. Whatever the case, Danny and Jason seemed to be alone out here in the wilderness...They had escaped the cave, the Dungeon Core, and all of the Undead. They were completely left to their own devices...but the sun had dipped below the mountains, and the stars were beginning to peek out between the branches up above...
Thanks for the praise!

It's not a sure thing at this point, but there may be opportunities in the future for a couple new shmucks chosen heroes to be summoned. I don't want to unnecessarily get your hopes up, but do you happen to have a rough summary of the kind of character you'd want to create?
Asura, Momma Slime, Ardur, Steve

You used Monster Analysis I!
---Flak Beetle---
An aggressive insectoid known for the glowing sac hidden under its shell. The shell hides a gland in the bug's thorax that, similar to a firefly, contains a substance that produces light. Unlike the firefly, the Flak Beetle can use this substance as a weapon, firing it with explosive force from either end of its body. It also has strong jaws, capable of cutting through leather given enough time. Despite its tendency to viciously attack almost anything, it only eats plants.
---Analysis Completed!---

Despite such limited confines, Asura’s pseudopods shot out and wrapped around the enemy’s segmented feet. His amorphous body and shapeshifting skills were coming in handy, giving him an almost 2-dimensional ability to move despite the ultra cramped quarters. The bug, on the other hand, had been trying to dig its way out--but now it was trapped. Though he didn’t have much room to draw back, like a boxer firing a punch from the elbow without being able to use their shoulders or hips, he risked using the Smash skill in the hope that he had enough Stamina recovered. And the red energy answered him with a crackle.

Momma Slime’s body lurched momentarily, her membrane rippling as the impact underneath her let out a dull thud. Ardur was already trying to dig through the edge of the burrow around her, and when Asura’s attack shifted her weight the buff Hipixie was able to thrust his arms deep into the ground. Grasping fingers latched onto the first thing they felt, despite not being able to see...and with a grunt he hauled the Flak Beetle out! Asura trailed behind it, still holding onto its legs, and they “popped” out from under Momma Slime before coming down in an entangled heap.

The beetle landed on its back, its soft and pale underside showing a crack in the exoskeleton where Asura struck it. With a shrill creen its legs lashed back and forth, struggling to tear off the remnants of Steve’s web as its mandibles clicked frantically. The Oculus Spider in question pounced at this moment, using several of her own legs to pin the creature before it could roll over. With a crunch she sank her fangs into the beetle’s abdomen--before recoiling suddenly. A small spark of flame singed the hairs around her head and caused her to close half of her eyes as she withdrew. From the wounds her teeth left the Flak Beetle was bleeding something that looked blue at first, before turning clear in the air almost like gasoline--and in small flashes that only lasted a moment, this substance was igniting!


When Momma Slime’s pseudopod--roughly the size and shape of a small sack of topapoes--came down on the beetle this time, it once again crackled with the light of power. But there was something else different too. When she had figured it out was anyone’s guess, but the swollen end of that extended tendril also contained a membrane pouch--which tightly held five slender, brittle needles made of bone, their tips poking out of her “fist” like a morning star.

Watching an insect be crushed to death through the lense of a blue, cloudy semi-fluid was quite an interesting experience, if one could separate their frame of mind from the adrenaline fueled rush of a battle for pure survival to enjoy it.

The following WOOSH of flames rapidly igniting, however, was less interesting and far more worrisome.

The spilling fluid of the bug was now all over Momma Slime, and as soon as she had lifted her pseudopod it had come into contact with oxygen. It burst into bright red and orange flame, and the heat all around the party soon grew palpable.

“Ahsoowa, hewwp!” Momma Slime began flailing wildly, still stuck in the hole and unable to stop the flames from spreading over her body. At the moment it seemed the beetle’s bodily fluid was still burning, like coating one’s hand in alcohol, but soon it would be covering most of the big slime, and they could already see her membrane starting to redden...

Danny and Jason

Current Skills:
Physical Damage Resistance I (1.0)(0.1)
Warcry II (2.175)(0.1)
Stone Shot II (2.6625)(0.1)
Rock Spire II (2.075)(0.1)
Tremor Sense II (2.425)(0.2)
Soil Manipulation I (1.15)(0.2)
Telepathy II (2.725)(0.3)
Material Analysis I (1.2)(0.1)
Magic Analysis I (1.55)(0.2)
Monster Analysis I (1.55)(0.2)
Mental Resistance I (1.55)(0.2)
Charisma I (1.15)(0.1)
Focus I (1.3) 0.5
Limited Shapeshift I (1.6) 0.3
Mind Wave I (1.2)(0.1)
Spell Chant I (1.3)0.3
Bounce I (1.15)(0.1)
Faster I (1.05)(0.1)
Blunt Resistance I (1.0)(0.1)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.55)
Transparency I (1.2)
Taboo I (1.9)
Levitate (--)
Guidance I (1.1)
Mana Drain I (1.15)
Wave Shock (0.1)
Aqua Sphere (0.7)
Alert (0.1)
Blood Drain (0.7)
Muffle (0.1)
Magic Resistance (0.6)
Agriculture (0.3)
Plant Analysis (0.3)
Fire Resistance (0.4)
Fortify (0.2)
Sensory Resistance (0.4)
Mana Orb (0.5)
Shield (0.5)
Alchemy (0.4)
Air Read (0.4)
Keen Sight (0.2)
Doze (0.1)
Acid Resistance (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.1)
Pierce Resistance (0.8)
Lesser Cleanse (0.2)
Dextrous (0.2)
Quicken (0.3)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Slash Resistance (0.2)
Mana Sense (0.75)
Mana Shape (0.1)
Possession (0.35)
Lesser Force (0.1)
---End Skill List---

MP is temporarily Overfull…
Your Mana Disorder is subsiding.
You still have Mana Burn. Natural Mana Recovery is no longer disabled, but is still reduced by 50%.

”Slime IS dum! Humans dum too! You double dum! Not fair, how you get so many things?!”
“Ja-Soon, are all dese...Skeelz? Like, da spells, and da speshul attacks strong monstahs got? Why DO yas got so many…?”

When Jason brought up his System window, it overlapped the other windows that had started to pop up--and several of these began to close by themselves as Bonie and Teef questioned him. But now, the System started to do something it had never done before...the mental “window” began to…”move.” To continue describing it in the terms of a computer...it was if a mouse cursor had taken hold of it, and was dragging it around the screen…

”Bah! I bets I gots more den dum slime! Sees-Tim, show Skeelz list!”
”Sis-tem, show Skeel list!”

Two of the windows floated closer in Jason’s consciousness...and by this point those strange symbols had begun to shift into letters he knew...
Elder Goblin
Job System 0th Tier: Voodooist
Unspent Skill Points: 90

Current Skills:
Use Light Equipment (--)
Smash II (2.025)
Skewer III (3.00375)
Crafting IV (4.025125)
First Aid IV (4.0525)
Alchemy I (1.0525)
Blunt Resistance II (2.00375)
Pierce Resistance I (1.075)
Magic Resistance I (1.5125)
Poison Resistance III (3.4125)
*Lucid Dream I (1.3375)
*(Better) Spiritual Awareness V (MAX)
Guidance II (2.625)
Mana Orb II (2.075)
Transparency I (1.2)
Levitate (--)
*Mana Drain I (1.15)
Slash Resistance (0.800625)
Faster (0.501125)
Mana Shape (0.0125)
Meditate (0.15)
Focus (0.7625)
Charisma (0.8965)
Intimidate (0.025625)
Deception (0.99925)
Charm (0.00525)
Material Analysis (0.5625)
Plant Analysis (0.725)

Immature Goblin
Unspent Skill Points: 5

Current Skills:
Use Light Equipment (--)
Skewer I (1.00125)
Crafting I (1.0)
Blunt Resistance (0.05)
Pierce Resistance (0.025)

”NO FAIR! Youse guys lemme have summa yer skeelz!”
“Don’t tink it be workin’ like dat, youngling...Ja-Soon, what do it say?”

Jason’s own System window wasn’t being tugged around anymore, but the other two were still moving here and there in the back of his mind...But now, he felt the sensation of eyes on him, as Danny peered at him through a shard of a Source Crystal.

You used Source Crystal Shard!
---Ecto Slime ?V50Z---
You are slightly stronger and faster than this creature. It has slightly more MP than you. You currently cannot physically interact with it. You feel uneasy around it. It seems familiar…? It is unusual.
Possesses Spell Skill: Mana Drain
Possesses Other Skills: Spiritual Awareness, Transparency, Levitate, Guidance…
The uneasy feeling is caused by Other Skill: Taboo
---Charge Empty---

You have no MP remaining with which to charge the Source Crystal Shard.

Like looking at a powdery substance dropped into a glass of water, Danny could just barely make out Jason’s form through the green-hued, uncut lens he held to his eye. To him it seemed like a misshapen, cloudy gray blob...though occasionally, it seemed to spin in place like a globe suspended in space. Instead of seeing the shapes of continents or countries, however, Danny could occasionally make out “faces.” One of them seemed almost human. Two were small, one wrinkled and one not, but both much more pointed and vicious than a human face. And the last wasn’t really a face so much as a shape--a circle and a triangle, like a pointed hat.

They could hear the sounds of chopping behind them, and further to the south they saw another brief flash of light and heard a less ominous rumble. If they kept going east, they would soon leave the humans behind...but the goblins had gone this way as well, hadn’t they…?


You have Processed an Item: Dead Hex Cat + Sharp Stone
Obtained Items by Carving: Hex Cat Pelt (Average), Raw Hex Cat Meat (12 pounds), Hex Cat Bones (Varying Quality), Hex Cat Organs (Varying Quality), Raw Oily Fat (Below Average)
You used Crafting IV!
You Processed an Item: Hex Cat Pelt (Average) + Sharp Stone
Hex Cat Pelt (Average) > (Good)
You Created an Item!
Hex Cat Pelt (Good) + Hex Cat Fang x2 (Above Average) + Raw Tendon Cord (Below Average)
Your Crafting level has prevented your item from deteriorating.
Your item’s quality has been boosted.

You created: Hex Fur Shirt (Good)!
You feel tougher wearing this equipment. Though the Hex Cat is a Cursed and Dark creature, you somehow feel less threatened by these elements.

Skill Rank Up: Crafting IV (4.735) > Crafting V (MAX)!
Stamina Depletion Decreased. Sub-Stat Enhancements Increased. Whether it be the limitation of your species in physical body, mind, or some other factor, you have reached the limit of this Skill. Some Skills may further develop into more specialized Skills...or, through surpassing other limitations, you may find a way to make this skill even Better...

With basic raw materials found in your environment, your ability to process and create items is now limited only by your imagination and the surroundings! A historian might say, you are at the peak of your personal Stone Age...but now what will you build?

Within the materials the other Goblins brought her, Orchid found a sharp stone with which to begin her gristly work. This was, of course, before the badger showed up, during a short rest. Crispy had been steadily munching on the Healing Herbs wrapping his injured arm, then rubbing the paste into his skin. The swelling had gone down tremendously, and he was even beginning to get some mobility back in his fingers and wrist. He still had quite the scabs and bruises to go with it, however, and it looked like it might leave a pretty nasty scar. He watched Orchid closely as she worked, while the others either dug some grubs or munched on Argeps. Several of them stayed alert, however, and Bigs traded Clod the Sharp Stone he had found for the Small Stones he could use in his sling. Though he had to run and find his ammunition every time he used it, his practice on a large tree nearby was starting to show some results. Jezee and Sqwal seemed almost too tired to go on, as the evening deepened and the red light filtered down through the canopy.

Cutting the cat open from its...well, rearmost opening, and traveling up through the belly all the way to the chest and under the neck on both sides, Orchid was able to start peeling away the hide. She had to slice through bits of fat and skin and the thin membrane holding it to the red, raw, bloody muscle underneath in a process that took a little time. Once this was done she still had to work the hide off of the body, making slits and holes here and there with careful strokes so as not to ruin the whole thing. Once the hide was off she threw it over a tree branch while she cut the rest of the beast up, mostly to get at the meat and bones. Its innards, too, could be removed, but to figure out what she could do with this, as well as some of the other less obvious parts of the beast, she would have to take a closer look at it and do some more thinking. When this was done, she went back to the hide and once again began the slow scraping and rubbing process, using a piece of curved tree bark as a temporary bowl to hold the growing wad of fatty, waxy substances coming off of it.

By the time she was finished the hide stank to high heaven, and it wasn’t quite dry of blood or anything else, but it was usable. Wrapping it diagonally around herself, she draped the head over one shoulder. The main body went over one shoulder and across her back, then wrapped under her arm to cross her chest, for the first time giving her a proper sense of modesty unlike that strip of Dire Rat fur. A little bit of the body section was left to go to the middle of her back in a second wrap, and past that she had to stretch the rear legs around, tying them with the tail to make a sort of triple belt around her midriff. The forelegs came down diagonally across her chest to tie into this belt, giving her a place to possibly hang more pouches or help support the weight of any weapons hung at her hips. Despite the gamey smell and a few wet, clingy spots here and there...it actually felt fairly cozy.

“Oi! Lotsa berries ovah here!” shouted Wej, and the other goblins hurried to grab some of the Blue Argeps he pointed out. But as they gathered around the bushes, a deep growl came from the shadows of another tree…

“ARMOR BADGER!” yelled Bigs, pointing frantically.

Naturally of course, peaceful times would not come so easily. This was a forest after all. One of the goblins alerted her of the presence of an old adversary. Orchid grumbled and stood up, heading over to the growling beast while growling herself. ”Back off everyone! Might be more around here. Watch my back and more importantly watch your ass!” Armed with her Sharp Club and a torch Orchid squared off against the badger. She roared at the beast as she shook her Sharp Club wildly, trying to intimidate it with her animal pacification. And just to make a point she casually set a bush on fire, just to show the extent of her destruction. ”Bring it, bitch! I’m hungry and I’ll eat your face!”

This time, Orchid didn’t cower behind a shield to make herself look smaller. She roared, she waved her weapon, she stared the beast down. She even moved closer to it, a clear sign of threat. The Armored Badger actually backed up a few steps, baring its teeth and snarling. When the Demiblin lit the bush on fire, the creature circled away from the blaze, but kept its beady, glittering eyes on her at all times. It wasn’t quite what one would call “pacified,” but it couldn’t seem to decide whether or not to actually fight…

“It’s scared, kills it!” Bigs crowed, whirling his sling and letting fly. The stone pinged the badger right on top of the armored plate on its head--and actually made the creature yelp in pain! The multiplicative force of such a weapon, even when made from plain braided grass fibers, was not to be underestimated.

Neither was an angry badger. The creature let out a roar and charged Bigs, who immediately let out a high pitched scream and ran behind Wej as the stouter goblin raised his shield--revealing his knees as they knocked together and he, too, screamed.


Crispy had a good shot at the creature, and not only was it too heavy to dodge like the Hex Cats, it was also too focused on eviscerating the minions to even think of such a thing. But the bright flare made it clear that this was Crispy’s trump card, Fireball II. As did the explosion on impact, which caught Wej and Bigs in its crossfire. Both of them yelped and threw themselves to the ground, rolling to put out what few flames had caught their hides. The Armored Badger had been knocked to one side, and shook its head with a low groan as it blinked its eyes against the intense light.


Clod came down on the creature from a blindspot at its flank, swinging his Stone Sword with both hands. The heavy blades had been sharpened to an especially keen edge--Clod had spent most of the day working on it before they left the clearing, after all. The weight of the weapon, and all Clod’s scrawny strength, focused into such a blade was surprisingly effective, actually cutting through the scaly hide that armored the monstrous beast’s tail-end! It stumbled forward with the force of the blow, towards Orchid. It roared in fury, and raised one broad paw tipped with hard black claws--!

Monster Party

By taking to the air, Oberon would quickly find Torrent and Digbie as the latter crossed the stream. After all, down the stream bed and along its banks, the landscape was fairly clear save for the intertwining treetops overhead. With his Keen Sight, despite the two being a few minutes’ walk away he immediately spotted them. Slightly glowing with the aura of his Shield, his wings fluttered and he took off. By the time he got to them, much faster than if he had walked, Digbie had completely healed Torrent with his Sacred Ground spell, though it had drained a good chunk of his MP. Torrent’s Meditation had recovered a good chunk of her own magical power, but not all of it quite yet.

As the three got each other caught up on what they had been doing, they soon felt a rumbling in the earth. Digbie, being the most sensitive to vibrations within the ground, would be able to tell that someone--probably Ash, since she also had the skill--was causing these tremors. And by simply following these for a short while, this hypothesis proved correct. Ash’s Tremor Sense was easily picked up on, and once they found her the situation was rather self explanatory. Or rather, it explained one of the tremors, from a particular direction. Because from another direction, there was another set of tremors. These, however, were not like radar waves or a magical pulse.

From over a hill, and now rumbling down towards the monsters, came an autumn-orange Slime! But...Slimes weren’t supposed to be that big, were they? Even that blue one back in the cave had only been half this size! This one was a Giant...and it was headed right for them!
Ardur, Asura, Momma Slime, Steve

Current Status:
Level 5
HP: 100%
MP: 0%
Stamina: 50%
Mana Burn - Natural MP Recovery slowed by 50%.

Mana Burn
Mana Burn is a condition caused from the backlash of overusing magic. Entering a state of deficit, the body's recovery of Magical Power is slowed as the over taxed Meridians recover. Continuing to use magic in such a state can cause even greater damage over time, prolonging the recovery.

Despite Asura's lack of focus on stealth skills, like Muffle, given the distribution of his weight, his amorphous form, and his Limited Shapeshift ability, he was actually able to move without making much noise at all. Slimes don't have foot steps, after all. Going downhill helped his speed somewhat, but regardless it didn't seem like the bug was going to notice him immediately. It was still scraping around inside its burrow, wriggling its back end from side to side and occasionally kicking out its back legs...

Ardur, meanwhile, used his own stealth skill--low as it was--to creep around and down the slope from a different angle. Closer, closer...as his body tensed and a single bead of sweat dripped down his brow, he watched the insect's every movement. With baited breath he saw Asura slither down towards the opening of the burrow, almost under the creature's belly...

With a sudden charge, propelled by his unreasonably toned calves and thighs, the Hipixie lunged forward. The beetle seemed to notice something was happening, as it froze, but before it could turn he had grabbed it by two of its segmented legs. As he leaped across the creature's low body and dragged it, the bug pulled back surprisingly hard--Ardur wasn't able to flip it over, but he did expose its underside. There was a sharp snapping sound towards the insect's head, and its wings began to buzz--there was something that glowed a luminescent blue underneath them--

A gob of Steve's webbing struck the beetle from behind, gluing its wings shut and sticking one of its other legs to the ground. Asura's crimson body shot up, delivering a blow to its underside that lifted the creature up out of the burrow, but thanks to Ardur and the webs holding it down it soon returned to earth with a crash. This crash was followed by a rumble--and then a rubbery thump, from the direction of the hillside. A large shadow appeared over the burrow.


Momma Slime's bulk came down hard enough to actually sink her into the hole the creature had been digging. Now apparently stuck half in the ground, her upper body slightly puffed out along the edges like the top of a cupcake, she slowly "turned" towards Ardur, then Steve, then...


If Ardur looked into Momma Slime's cloudy body, past the membrane pockets holding what was left of the Fanged Lizard and the Poison Bone Needles, he would see--pressed flat against the dark earth--both the beetle, and a red splat that could only be Asura.

Asura hadn't taken a direct hit, as the beetle had absorbed the majority of the impact. In terms of damage he was fine. However, he was now pinned on Momma Slime's underside, as was his opponent. It couldn't open up its wings, but it could wriggle its legs, and as it did so it began digging out more room to move. Asura himself, being mostly liquid in this form, might be able to do something as well, but could it do it faster than the bug?

And how were they going to get Momma Slime out of the hole?

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

You used Monster Analysis II!
An insect monster often mistaken for a butterfly from a distance. Rather than pollinating flowers and drinking nectar, however, this predatory creature specifically targets others doing the same. Preying on herbivores drawn to strong smelling or colorful plants, the Bloodingfly swoops down at great speed to pierce a target with its probiscus. It can also draw blood with its claws, enabling it to track prey for miles with a sharp sense of smell. Its multiple compound eyes allow it a very wide field of vision, making it hard to sneak up on. Finding a shrunken or mummified corpse near flowers is a good sign that a nest of these creatures may be about.
---Analysis Complete!---

As the strange bug headed towards them with ever increasing speed, that needle-like probiscus glinted in the fading light of the setting sun. Ed stared it down like the barrel of a gun, hefting his weapon as he sharpened his vision...The Beast Sense seemed more like it was supposed to sharpen one's vision in terms of distance, or of detail, but maybe he was unlocking something else...or just hyping up his own adrenaline...Like a major league player with his eye on the fastball pitch, he "felt" more than predicted the bug's speed and its trajectory...time seemed to slow...

The bug picked up on what Ed was doing as he drew back his club, however, and made to adjust its trajectory--only for Asteria to peg it with a rock this time. It tried to dodge out of the way again, but its own speed allowed her projectile to at least clip it--which distorted its flight path. It couldn't pull up in time!


Ed's attack slammed into the bug's thorax, eliciting an odd buzzing screech from the creature as it was knocked to the ground. Mother Rat immediately leaped on it, biting and tearing--but when its stinger jabbed at her, she was force to back off. The creature pumped its legs like hydraulic pistons as it rolled over. It launched back into the air, its fuzzy body darkened in places with oozing blue fluid, and circled around the rats again.

This time, it dove down directly at Ed but from above. He might be able to thrust up with his club, but without the kind of baseball style swing he did before he might not be able to generate enough power to stop the creature--launching a vertical attack would be hard in his position. On the other hand, with both its wings and momentum behind it as well as gravity, that bug was coming down like a missle tipped with a razor sharp spear...

Jason and Danny

ERROR. Invalid Command.

"Sees-tim? What...waitaminute, I seen dis afore..."
"Teef seen it too! How dumb Slime see what Teef see?!"
"And...Ja-Soon...ah! Ja-Soon knows what it say, cause he can do what Ventures call, "reading!"

Jason had only given the system one command--but suddenly his mind began to crackle with an odd static, and he was mentally "seeing" several System windows start popping up. But they weren't readable to him, not at first...just like those windows that had shown him each species the Demon King allowed him to choose from. And like those sigils he had seen in his magic spells when he chanted. But before he could give these other windows a closer look, another one of his own popped up:

Your MP is Overfull.
Your Mana Disorder is beginning to fade, but recovery is not complete...

Meanwhile, as Danny left young Trent behind, he could still feel some of his Mana seeping away. Using what was left of it to recharge the Source Crystal Shard, he got a message of his own.

You have no MP remaining.

Assuming Jason would follow Danny, given the confusion jumble going on in his head, the two would soon disappear into the forest. Trent watched them go...and only once they were completely out of sight, did he turn to the nearest tree. He sheathed his sword and picked up the hand axe, before beginning to chop. Behind him, the cave lay ominously silent, and dark...

And past that treeline towards the south, in the direction of that fire the goblins had apparently caused, there was a bright flash of white light, followed by a deep rumble like low rolling thunder and a tremor in the earth. The smoke lessened somewhat...
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