Avatar of Zeroth


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20 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@DuthguyYeah I used SMT as the example because getting the Ally NPCs, or really any creature you encounter that you can figure out a way to communicate with, all depends on negotiation. I'm honestly surprised more people besides Ardur haven't tried monster taming.

Not that I'd make it easy of course. >:)
Monster Party

Skill Rank Up: Mana Orb I > Mana Orb II (1.9 > 2.05)!
Magic Damage Increased. MP Cost Increased.

Your Skill Progression is slightly faster than normal.

The "dense" Mana Orb as Ash had designated it, shot into the wall with about the same amount of speed and the same pseudo-lightning glow. But it seemed to dig just a little deeper than usual, and left a more concentrated char mark.

When she attempted the same process a second time, there was a slight change. The System had informed her that her Mana Orb had ranked up, and before she even had to alter it, when the new Mana Orb took shape it already had the single nucleus. This time, the other square particles had stopped their expansion on their own, and none of them had taken on any colors at all. So a second ranked Mana Orb seemed to naturally have more energy, and concentrated that energy in a denser fashion? And once it had a nucleus, these other...magic atoms? Whatever they where, they formed a cloud of sorts like electrons. So what caused the color changes? Was it related to the colored particles she had seen when scanning other spells?

Meanwhile, Torrent continued to practice her new project. Compared to the grinding she had done to get Poison Breath and how long it had taken, she took this much more slowly and tried to actively think about each step and visualize the results she wanted.

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.
You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

You used Magic Analysis I!
You seem to be developing a water spell that concentrates water into a pressurized stream...
---??? Breath---
You seem to be developing a breath skill that disperses the element of water in a cloud of vapor...
---Analysis Complete!---

Her first attempt in this second set seemed like a...mana charged spit? A stream of water simply arced out of her mouth about five feet across the stream. The second time, when she pushed harder and swirled water and air, it all came out at once. Like filling your cheeks, then slapping both hands over them. The spray came out in a thick cloud, though it only traveled a short distance.

But she could feel the different ways in which Mana flowed, and combined with her Analysis it gave her an idea of what was happening. The next question would be, how could she use it, and how much more would it take to fully activate these abilities? It seemed like Oberon was doing a Water-related spell as well, could she learn anything from him or mimic it?

Oberon concentrated, and condensed the Mana as water was drawn around it. The water followed the flow that was created, the space left by the shrinking Mana Orb was rapidly filled, and once Oberon had it within his "grasp" he applied even more pressure. When he pulled it from the water, it maintained its shape--a glowing ball of blue, like a bubble that had solidified, a snowglobe without any scenery inside it. He hurled it at a tree...and was rewarded with an explosive splash that tore off a chunk of the trunk's bark covering.

You used Magic Analysis IV!
Torrent seems to be developing a water spell that concentrates water into a pressurized stream. It actually seems like a variant of the Aqua Sphere spell you're trying to use. Her Mana serves to pressurize and propel the water, but the level of control is more important than the power output. It also requires a larger amount of water.
---??? Breath---
Torrent seems to be developing a breath skill that disperses the element of water in a cloud of vapor. Mana is solely used to propel the moisture, with hardly any condensation. It doesn't seem to have enough charge to do damage, so its purpose at this point is unclear.
---Analysis Complete!---

Skill Gain: Aqua Sphere I (0.8 > 1.0)!
By charging a small amount of water with mana, create a sphere of pressurized liquid to be launched at the target. While it does not require ammunition so to speak, this spell works better if there is water in the environment or in heavy humidity. Its range, damage, and MP cost are virtually identical to Mana Orb, but its nature as a Water spell varies its power based on elemental properties of the target.


Obtained Item: Leather Satchel (Average, Slightly Damaged)
Can contain 10 Small Items, or Medium/Large Items equating that capacity.
-Organic, Processed, Hydroproof, Durable, Inedible

Obtained Item: Common Prayers to Jehanne (Poor, Heavily Damaged)
A book containing standardized prayers and some liturgy as relates to the Forgiving Maiden...
-Organic, Processed, Absorbant, Fragile, Bloodstained, Enchanted
--This is a religious text, soaked in the unique magic of faith yet tempered in fire.

Obtained Item: ??? Mushroom x5
-Organic, Fungi, Sporific, Nutrient Rich, Edible, Partially Toxic, Toxin level High.
--Cushiwog Mushroom. This mushroom grows in areas with many impurities or toxins, but has adapted to use them for nourishment. In the process, it "sweats" a slime-like substance that collects into the green spots on its red cap. This gel is an effective pain inhibitor and very nutritious to most other creatures that don't share the Cushiwog's unique ability to thrive off poison. It is often combined with other plants to produce medicines. The lower end of the stalk, where toxins are still being refined, is highly poisonous.

Obtained Item: ??? Flower x3
-Organic, Flowering Plant, Seed Bearing, Magically Charged, Restorative, Reactive
--Blue Yill Flower. The Yill species of flowering plants are adaptable and conducive to magic, so depending on where they grow and what kind of ambient energy is present they often change forms. The Blue Yill has absorbed a great deal of raw mana, and thus is an excellent restorative source. It is often combined with other plants to magically enhance their properties, or to make mixtures that restore Magic Power.
---This plant is filled with magic, rather than nutrients made through photosynthesis. It could even thrive without light if there were enough Mana in the surroundings. The Magic is non-elemental in nature.

Obtained Item: Woven Sandals (Above Average, Slightly Damaged)
-Organic, Fibrous, Slightly Durable, Water Absorbant, Flammable
--These sandals were woven from straw and plant fibers wound together and threaded in a pattern. They're a little coarse on bare feet, but with their protection one can walk freely over rough ground. They will fray fairly easily, however, and don't provide much in the way of armor or environmental resistance. They also burn quickly. You feel you can move faster now that you have something protecting your feet.

You Crafted an Item!
Your lack of Crafting Skill has degraded your Item.
Obtained Item: Makeshift Robe (Below Average)
-Fibrous, Processed, Slightly Durable, Water Absorbant, Flammable, Insulating
--This scrap of cloth is big enough to make a shoddy robe for your scrawny gobbo frame. It doesn't provide much padding against blades and isn't particularly magic resistant, but it'll hold up well enough against the weather. Just not feeling naked makes you feel a little tougher.

Obtained Item: Wooden Shield (Average, BROKEN)
-Organic, Processed, Durability Reduced, Fragile, Flammable
--This shield has basically been shattered by repeated impact, it's little good for anything but scrap and kindling. Maybe it makes you feel just a smidgeon tougher?

Obtained Item: Stone Axe Head (Below Average, Dull)
-Inorganic, Mineral, High Hardness, Low Brittleness, Durable, Earthen, Heavy
--This stone has been chiseled and knapped into a shape that can hold a decent edge. It's been broken away from its wooden handle, but was clearly used as a tool or weapon.

Obtained Item: Maiden's Effigy
-Organic, Semi-Fibrous, Flammable, Blessed, Enchanted, Restorative
--A wooden carving in the image of the Maiden Jehanne, the Spirit Saint of Forgiveness. It is blessed to act as a ward against misfortune, and often used in rituals and prayers to Jehanne. The effigies are always made of wood, as one common method of using them is to burn them in an act representative of sacrificial renewal related to Jehanne's history. It is plain and unpainted, untouched by other influences...

Obtained Item: Assorted Coins.
Copp x8, Sil x2, Gol x3
-Inorganic, Mineral, High Hardness, Very Low Brittleness, Malleable (Heat, Pressure), Alloyed, Durable, Heavy, Semi-toxic (Ingestion), Inedible, Varied Mana Conductivity
--Coins used as currency across Viskard, commonly accepted in other nations. Viskard stamps them with distinctive processes that aren't easily emulated, and in treaty with other kingdoms uses this to trade back for their own currency so as to prevent the flow of their own wealth.

Obtained Item: Iron Shortsword (Well-Made, BROKEN)
-Inorganic, Mineral, High Hardness, Low Brittleness (Increased), Low Malleability (Heat, Pressure), Below Average Flexibility, Alloyed, Durable (Decreased), Very Low Mana Conductivity
--A Type XIV model sword, originating smith currently unknown. Seems to be wrought iron mixed with lower quantities of low-carbon steel to form a serviceable alloy, thus likely of low monetary value relative to other swords. This one's edge has been chipped in several places and the blade has bent and warped badly. It is very Fragile and will likely not hold up in battle. Its guard seems to be of hardened brass and its grip is hardwood with a leather wrap. Due to its materials, it has a very low level of Mana Conductivity. Unless it is in direct contact with a caster, enchantments on this weapon will be reduced in effectiveness and require more Magic Power to charge. The only Element it synergizes easily with is Metal.

Non-Equipped Items: 12
Storage: Ratskin Pack 7/7 FULL, Leather Satchel 7/10

As Digbie gathered the different things, the wind suddenly died down. The sun seemed to shine a little brighter through the canopy of the trees. In the quiet left behind by the breeze's departure, the Demiblin heard another noise--something big, coming through the bushes.

Into the peaceful clearing on either side of the eastward stream, a large creature stepped out. It was the same kind of deer Digbie and the rest of his party had seen, the one whose ass-hair Mourningstar had made a temporary hat out of. This one was obviously a different specimen, however, as it was larger and thicker of body. An older male, it would seem. Its horns, reminescent of bow limbs, still didn't have many points but were much thicker and darker in color. It saw Digbie, and stopped dead in its tracks...but did not immediately turn and run. It eyed him with a gaze that was not afraid. One of its forelegs shivered. Embedded in its shoulder was a dart--a stone arrowhead set into a small wooden shaft, and fletched with a few brightly colored red and black feathers. The creature's broad chest rose and fell for several breaths...then, slowly, it put its head down and started to walk towards the stream, keeping one eye on Digbie the whole time...

PixieSlime Party

Asura did not have the Material Analysis skill, so his observation of his own work on the bones was limited solely to what his physical senses and his active mind could deduce. Obviously, bone was a little harder to work with when it came to building weapons or armor due to its brittle nature and its inability to hold an edge on impact. Primitive cultures didn't use the best material available, they used what was most convenient. Any ancient society that made tools out of bone and stone never had truly "good" weaponry, just the best they could manage with what they had. However, if the bones were breaking down when he held and worked on them inside his body...maybe it would be better to hold them "with" his body? What if he were to use Limited Shapeshift to create a limb of some sort, and try to manipulate the tools that way?

When the mountain exploded, he and Ardur bolted for the treeline, somewhat to the north and east of their current location. The direction didn't matter, only that they had some tree cover from flying rocks. Before the Hipixie ran, he looked out over the distance and tried to take it all in, figure out just what was happening. The thunder, the dark clouds, the tension in the air, the blue light...and the blast itself. What in the name of any gods was that!?

Skill Gain: Keen Sight I (0.9 > 1.0)!
Expend stamina to increase the range and clarity of physical sight. At this rank it is only barely superhuman but not above that of say, an animal. If all Keen Senses are acquired, they raise the rank of Beast Senses.

Asura rolled into the woods at top speed, his new shell throwing him off course slightly as he hadn't adjusted to spinning around with it attached to him yet. There were a few rough bounces before he came to a stop in the shelter of a tree with a thick canopy. Ardur trailed behind, carrying the meat he had harvested from the Bowhorn Deer, and Steve seemed to sense his distress at leaving the rest behind. Sticking a bundle of web to the bones and tendons, she scuttled after her master with the objects trailing in tow--though it seemed quite hard on her to drag all of that.

Momma Slime lumbered behind, even more slowly due to dragging the corpse of the deer. For now, however, it seemed Asura's fear of shrapnel wouldn't be so urgent as he thought--they could hear dust and small pieces of rock settling all over the forest around them, but so far no huge, meteor-esque chunks had threatened to fall on their head. They could, however, hear the distant rumble of the avalanche...and the chaotic stampede erupting from deeper in the forest.

All around them and even above, shadows and sounds moved through the trees and brush. Twigs underfoot snapped, leaves rustled, creatures squealed or cried out. Such a huge event had stirred the whole woodland into a frenzy.

Your Stamina is Full.

Just as the Hipixie, Amorphous Slime, and their partymates had settled into the roots around their shelter, three creatures emerged from a bush and began hopping straight towards them. It was three large, green and melon-sized frogs with bulbous eyes. They croaked loudly, and upon seeing the group they opened their mouths wide. As they sucked in air, they began to inflate over ten times their normal size! They continued to charge forward in this threatening display--were they going to attack, or just barrel through the group?

Rat Party

Asteria rushed to help Mother Rat, using half of a Healing Herb. Ed rushed after the Myrminor Worker, eyes blazing as froth began to drip from his snout. Mother Rat's breathing was shallow and rapid as Asteria force fed her the medicinal plant, but she seemed to understand the other Dire Rat's Telepathy and chewed without protest. As Asteria dashed away to try and find the necessary plants for a cure, Ed met the charge of the Worker head on--!

Ed's Dynamic Eye sharpened his pupils to arrow-head slits, and time seemed to slow around him. He could see the creature in front of him raising its head, mandibles ready to snap. The System's warning blared in his head. His Stamina was Low. Overwork had stopped working. He felt his muscle straining, screaming.

He forced himself to go on, demanded that his Overwork Skill keep going. At three-quarters the normal speed, he saw himself use that extra bit of time to get out of the way of the Worker's snapping jaws by the barest of margins--the mandibles actually snipped off the tips of fur along his arm. His HP was Draining. His other arm swelled, veins and sinew standing out beneath his pelt. He felt his knuckles pop as he clenched his fist. He felt his Mana flowing. He felt his blood pumping. He felt his rage boiling over. All of it, into this blow.

Before its head could withdraw from the piston motion, before it had recovered from its attempt to bite the Rat Man, like a boxer who couldn't pull his right straight back fast enough, the Worker was left wide open. Ed had already clocked it in the head once, and now a second impact struck directly under its chin.

With a force that almost lifted his own body off the ground, Ed's blazing red Smash drove the insect into the air. One of its mandibles snapped in half. Its neck stretched out with a pop. The exoskeleton helm cracked and split. Dark blood issued from its mouth. Compound eyes bulged. It flipped once in the air, then came down on the flat of its back with a heavy thud.

Ed suddenly felt very weak. His Rabid Fit, his Dynamic Eye, his Overwork, everything seemed to shut down at once. He no longer had any Stamina at all to keep it going, and his HP Drain was progressing faster than usual due to how far he had pushed himself. Even if he tried to force it now, he couldn't--and the blood pouring from his wounded haunch was making him lightheaded.

The Worker kicked its legs, rocking back and forth before it righted itself. It was clearly on its last legs, but still in the fight--and without his boosts, could Ed get through its armor again? The creature rushed him again, this time raising those barbed claws--!

Meanwhile, Asteria had searched for three of the various flowers she found earlier. She soon spotted two of the bright colored Bugward flowers, and three of the sour-smelling Kilm blossoms...but she couldn't find any Nullven! Those huge cones would have stood out easily among the grasses, but she couldn't see any in the immediate surroundings. There wasn't time to go further! With one of each plant she had found thus far she was able to create the Medicinal Salve, and applying it to Mother Rat's wound added onto the Healing Herb. The elder rat's breathing had calmed somewhat, and her bleeding didn't seem so bad anymore--but she still looked sickly and in pain, and was having trouble moving. Was that an effect of the poison, or the injury to her leg? Or maybe she was running low on Stamina too?

There were two and a half Healing Herbs left, one Bugward flower, and two Kilm blossoms. At this point, could Asteria be sure that she had restored enough of Mother Rat's HP to hold the elder over until Nullven could be found? Should she just use the Herbs to buy more time and hope the poison ran its course, or that she could make more of the Salve? And what about Ed and the Worker?

Ghost Party

---Ghost Touch---
This skill seems to be an attack of some sort. It began to develop in your recent battles, and has some relationship to Transparency.
---Wave Shock---
This skill may be a spell of some sort. It has been a long time since it began developing, when you were near the pool in the cave. It is likely related to water.

EXP: 85%

Jason quickly began to devour the Tailed Frog, dragging its large corpse back to the hollow of the tree. Getting it inside was difficult, and only managed after he had already eaten a large chunk of it and spent a great deal of stamina hauling it up. Only after he had consumed the entire body, holding it inside his acidic membrane and breaking down skin, flesh, and even bone, did he get another message from the system. His "Ravenous" state had now been replaced by "Starving," but his HP Drain had only slowed--it hadn't completely stopped! The frog corpse would be digested down to the bone soon, he would need more food as soon as he could find it. Danny had cut several pieces of shell off that Beetle, maybe he could eat it too? Or maybe Danny could cut off just a piece of himself, or let Jason drink some of his blood...

Speaking of Danny, the Poltergeist put his butchering aside for the moment and focused on listening to what was going on. It seemed like that explosion had set off a flurry of activity around the forest, as various animals and monsters ran from the source of the noise and light. The black slime Danny and Jason had killed before now seemed to have revived somehow.

You used Monster Analysis II!
Roughly the same in all categories as a normal slime, a Necroslime is a rare form of Undead. It does not usually form naturally because of a Slime's lack of intelligence and will. It is of limited use to any intelligent necromancer, save perhaps as a trap on the ceiling or fodder. Its body swells with the gases of decay and its internal acids become even stronger as bacteria and rot fester inside it. Like other Corporeal-class Undead, they require enormous amounts of food or life force to sustain themselves. Combined with a slime's normal level of appetite, they are quite resource consuming. You have analyzed Jason before, his spirit seems to have possessed this body. It does not feel safe around him.

Just then, something slammed into the tree from outside. Something fairly big, compared to most of the other monsters they had seen. If either of the two looked, they would see a large goat with grayish fur covered in purple splotches. It had apparently been running, like many other creatures in the forest, but had either been too panicked to see or in too much of a rush to care about the tree. Its purple horns, branching out into four vicious points, had left large scratches across the dry rotted bark that dripped something purple...


As @StabbyNira stealthily positioned herself above the Dire Rat and then dove down, she put all of her negligible weight behind a punch. Thanks to gravity and momentum, as well as the element of surprise, despite the Pixie's lack of physical prowess she was able to drive a heavy impact into the creature's spine. The rat let out a shrill squeak as it was knocked over, but before it could kick back to its feet and snarl at her Nira had risen up again. She cast her Shield spell, and was immediately covered in its glittering aura.

And as she cast that spell, the blue flower she had grabbed suddenly began to wilt. Its petals lost their luster and had soon grown dull and lifeless.

Your MP is Full.

But though she had flown up in the air, she wasn't quite out of danger--with rodent agility, the Dire Rat leaped up the side of the tree! In just a step, it bounded off at an angle, and now soared at the Pixie with its jaws opened wide--!

Your MP is Full. You have Temporary Extra MP.


You used Monster Analysis I!
Pixies are a tiny humanoid Fey-type Monster. While somewhat intelligent, they lack empathy towards one another even compared to beasts like Goblins. Capable of flight and healing magic, but not physically strong or skilled enough to fight or use weapons well. This one is unusual.

Before the Dire Rat could clamp down on Nira, a crackling orb of energy slammed into its side! The varmint was blasted back into the tree, and tumbled down the ground with a squeak. It seemed somewhat dazed, but was still alive and in the fight...but now, Nira seemed to have a competitor. Who was that @HaeoWisp that had attacked the Dire Rat? Was it just trying to steal her kill?

Meanwhile, @RC3Sato was one of the first goblins to react as the various monsters charged through the area. Despite the fact that the Bowhorn Deer was clearly much larger than him, and in fact he had probably never seen that type of monster before, he immediately seized the opportunity where he saw it. It had charged through the brush and simply leaped over the Boss, but Sato immediately grabbed up his club and swung for the fences. A crackling red light erupted from his weapon--and as the deer came down, unable to change course in mid-air, he landed a powerful blow on one of its front legs! He heard a bone pop, but it didn't sound quite like a break. Still, the creature bellowed in pain, and the impact kept it from making a clean landing. It stumbled and fell--right on top of Sato. Its huge bulk drove him to the ground, knocking the air from his lungs.

As it struggled to get up, the deer kicked wildly. The Boss and the Redcap were already busy with their own kills. A sharp hoof barely missed Sato's face--


Goblins normally stood at about three and a half feet, or shorter. The Boss and Redcap were both bigger than that, at about four and a half feet and about four feet and three inches, respectively. This goblin, however, was at least three-foot-eight, and even more brawnily built than Sato. On his chest and forearms, bristly black fur stood out against the green skin. And unlike the vast majority of goblins, he had a full head of black hair like stiff, spiky dreadlocks cascading down to his shoulders. He also had a large chunk of tree bark strapped around his chest with vines, and a loincloth made of ragged Dire Rat hide. This was the one goblin that, despite all his training to become stronger, Sato had never been able to defeat in a contest of brute strength. Sato had nicknamed him Burley-kun, since he wasn't really familiar with the thick and unintelligent accent the goblins used yet, but that wasn't his name.


The brawny greenskin swung a two handed club over his head, but even calling it that was a bit of a misnomer. It wasn't just a tree branch broken off the trunk or picked up from the ground. This huge, dried out, gnarled and knotted piece of wood was at least two feet long and had a tapering width. It was skinny enough to grip at the bottom, but its top was almost a foot in diameter. And like Sato's earlier blow, it crackled with red energy--only much brighter.

This time Sato did hear a bone break, as one of the Bowhorn Deer's ribs gave way. The creature thrashed with a agonized bleat, but Ballz began to froth at the mouth as his eyes went so bloodshot it was like his sclera had turned red. Unheeding of Sato's position under the herbivore, he continued to Smash it while screaming a bloody rampage.

A hand suddenly gripped Sato's shoulder, and he was yanked out from under the deer just as another goblin joined Ballz in trying to end the creature. The other two captains had joined the fray! Sato's savior was a normal sized, and almost slender goblin with what could almost be called handsome features...if one were to lower their standards from 7s and 8s to, like, 3s and 4s. Like Ballz he actually had a full head of hair, though his was more maintained and tied back in a pony tail. He held a carved piece of wood in one hand--Sato actually recognized its shape immediately, given his country of origin. Of all things, this goblin seemed to be holding a bokken, a wooden sword used in martial arts practice. It was roughly shaped and splintered in places, and didn't have quite the right curve, but that was clearly what it was, and the thing actually had a decent edge.

The other captain that had joined Ballz took a direct hit from the Bowhorn Deer's swinging horns--but the goblin didn't instantly die. Like the burlier goblin, this one had some kind of hastily cobbled together armor made from tree bark and vines. Three pieces of bark had been threaded into a kind of loop, with another piece on top, and a fourth piece cut in half to create a sort of bucket shaped helmet that covered the captain's upper facial features. A piece of armor for the torso had been created in much the same way as one of those advertising signs employees had to wear while they stood out on a street corner. Even a pair of bracers had been crafted by wrapping bark and vines around the goblin's arms. Like Sato's rescuer, they also had a wooden sword, but it had been made in the typical double edged fashion. Somehow, it too had been sanded smooth enough to have an actual edge, and even seemed to have been polished.

Shrugging off the blow that cracked against its armor, the third captain raised its sword and let out a gutteral cry before thrusting the weapon straight down. Its tapered point staked the Bowhorn Deer right in the eyesocket, and drove in deep. Ballz gave another roar of his own and slammed his club into its ribs a few more times with heavy, meaty crunches.

"Did gud, Sore-Toe." With just that whisper, Sato's rescuer moved silently behind a tree--for a goblin, he was quite sneaky it seemed.

"Oi, Lansa!"

The Redcap called out to the Hobgoblin as they piled up more kills. The original Pixie and Dire Rat had now been joined by a Fanged Lizard, and a second Pixie that the Redcap had killed. But by this point the stampede was starting to die down, and any creatures still running were giving the obviously bloodthirsty goblin tribe a wide berth. A few of the other goblins, those who served as soldiers under the command of the higher ranks, had managed to bring down a few prey. One unlucky fool had been trampled to death.

"Make 'im stop afore he ruins da meat! Can't eat it wid all da little bone chunks errywhar!"

The Hobgoblin--Lansa--walked right up to the snarling, rabid mass of muscle and poked the goblin in the forehead with his spear-butt.

"Ballz! Ballz Acker!" The brute stopped, but was still breathing so hard it was like steam came out of his nostrils. He slowly turned to the Boss. As the two stared each other down for several moments, the armored captain looked around to find Sato.

"Oi! Help me drag dis overe dere!"

"Get da cooks to cut it up, Say-Bah." Lansa didn't take his eyes off of the raging goblin, but slowly Ballz began to back off.

"Ya Boss." The other goblin's armor clanked, and though Sato couldn't see any eyes through the helmet he would probably feel like the captain was giving him a good look-over. "Hmph. Ass Slashin done poofed ag'in. He never round when we does heavy werk."

"ERRYGOB, C'MERE!" The Redcap left the Boss staring down the madgob, while he jumped on top of the pile of monster corpses. "TONITE, WE'S GONNA HAVE FEAST! EAT UP BIG, SO'S TOMORRER WE GONNA GO GET DOSE BROKED TOWER GOBS--"

"Ahcha! Shut it!" The Hobgoblin shoved his rival off the hill, and Ballz grabbed the second-in-command by both shoulders before another fight could break out--though the thuggish goblin and the Redcap engaged in another staring contest of their own.


While the rest of the tribe erupted into commotion, Sato and Say-Bah finished hauling the Bowhorn to the elders in charge of dressing and cooking the animals. Before the reborn Goblin could do anything else, he found himself approached by none other than the boss.

"Oi. You's Sore-Toe, right?" Lansa asked. He had his arms crossed, and though he was still cradling the spear in the crook of his elbow he didn't seem like he was going to use it. His eyes were sharp as he looked Sato up and down.
I love how giving people a possible Shin Megami Tensei style recruit for the tutorial level turned into love and friendship.

And gives me an instant character development button ;)
@RC3 That's why the Demon King said "you didn't die the way they told me you're supposed to" XD
Monster Party

As Ash willed the tiny particle within the Mana Orb to move, this one that she grabbed at random had taken on a red color...But as it moved back towards the center of the orb, it lost its color and became clear again. Ash placed it within the center of the model, and concentrated...

The Mana Orb crackled, and shrank down. Its light became brighter, even though its size became smaller. Ash didn't feel any more of her MP drawn out into the spell, but somehow it just felt heavier. It had grown denser, more compact. Something told her that if she fired it, this Mana Orb might hit just a little bit harder. But otherwise, it didn't change.

The excess particles that had hovered around the edge now stopped their expansion, and instead began to orbit. They had stopped changing colors too...some of them still had different hues, but they were very light and translucent...

Skill Lost: Poison Breath II
Skill Lost: Fire Breath II

Skill Gain: Wurm Breath I (1.15)!
Unleash a burning miasma that inflicts Fire Damage, and has a chance to Poison the target. Or, unleash a searing stream that inflicts Acid Damage, and has a chance to Burn the target. Unlike other breath types, this breath cannot yet change its shape, but instead changes its elemental properties. The default form is a condensed stream, with a range of 10 feet. Its Fire Damage is slightly greater than Fire Breath I, and if Poison is inflicted its Rate of Damage is slightly greater than that inflicted by Poison Breath I. Its Acid Damage is slightly greater than Poison Breath I, and if Burn is inflicted its Rate of Damage is slightly greater than that inflicted by Fireball I.

You used Magic Analysis I!
---Wurm Breath---
A True Hybrid Skill. Hybrid Skills or Spells may combine two different elements, qualities, or abilities. True Hybrid Skills make use of Mana and Stamina simultaneously, but are typically stronger than a Hybrid Skill due to this increased cost. This Skill can cause Fire, Acid, and Poison Damage. The flames are magical, but the Acid and Poison are physical. It consumes more MP than Fire Breath I did, and more Stamina than Poison Breath I, at the same time.

When Torrent took a deep breath and unleashed her new skill into the stream, the flames were a dark purple in color and seemed...heavier. There were some fumes mixed in with the burning miasma, but they rolled along the ground like dense fog rather than dissipating in the air, and smelled of sulfur and methane. This thick stream of poisonous flame hit the stream water, and caused a huge cloud of violet steam to rise and carry eastward with the wind. It was lucky Oberon had moved further upstream and Digbie had, at this point, headed back to the base. The water boiled for a bit until Torrent halted her technique, and doing so left her slightly light-headed due to the double drain on her MP and Stamina.

Once she had gotten her breath back and thought about what to try out next, she drew some of the now-slightly-tainted water into her mouth. She could feel what was left of her mana circulate as she concentrated. The inside of her mouth grew warm. She visualized her goal, focused her power, then drew in more air before spraying the water between her scaly lips. It went further than she might have thought it possible for her to spit, and the water did seem to be slightly more pressurized. And she could feel her Mana draining, just slightly, so it was highly likely some form of skill was developing...but to what degree? As always, it seemed more practice, possibly with a different method, would be in order.

You used Magic Analysis IV!
---Wurm Breath---
A True Hybrid Skill. Hybrid Skills or Spells may combine two different elements, qualities, or abilities. True Hybrid Skills make use of Mana and Stamina simultaneously, but are typically stronger than a Hybrid Skill due to this increased cost. This Skill can cause Fire, Acid, and Poison Damage. The flames are magical, but the Acid and Poison are physical.

Unleash a burning miasma that inflicts Fire Damage, and has a chance to Poison the target. Or, unleash a searing stream that inflicts Acid Damage, and has a chance to Burn the target. It seems like it only reaches out about ten feet. It's clearly stronger than some of the other poison or fire related abilities you've seen. Water or Earth spells would be the best at cancelling it out or blocking it, whereas Wind spells might help dissipate some of the poisonous fumes. It would likely be very effective against Ice and Metal elements.

When Oberon used the standing pool off to one side of the stream, he found that the Mana Orb no longer dissipated in his hand. It collected the energy from within the water just as he wished, and the magic took on a more solid blue color. However, it seemed...light. Water had weight to it, just like earth did. The Mana Orb was too floaty, too nebulous, to behave like water. Before Oberon dismissed it and went over to analyze what Torrent was doing, the sensation of the partially formed Aqua Sphere might remind him somewhat of his attempts to form the Mana Dart. It seemed like so long ago now, back then in the cave.

Meanwhile, Digbie satisfied his hunger and thirst, then set off to the east to follow what he thought were the signs of his supernatural Guidance. He would be following the stream for the most part, it seemed...Back to where the group had first found those Rubber Frogs, and heard that growling from a nearby den. He didn't hear it this time--it seemed he had lucked upon this creature's territory while it was either out hunting, or perhaps sleeping off its lunchtime meal.

Further, and he came upon the charred remains of a large plant. This had a certain reptilian lady's handiwork all over it. The dried remains were little more than ash in the wind at this point, though--and they still floated to the east.

Digbie went on further, and suddenly his Alert skill sent a chill down his spine! Assuming he hid himself in the bushes, behind a tree, or whatever he could do, he would see another new creature of the woods...

It looked like a babboon, but the exposed skin of its face, hands, and buttocks were bright red. And instead of thick fur, this creature had broad, leaf colored scales all over its body. They didn't look like the reptilian scales of lizards either, but more like the hide of...what was that weird little creature from Australia called in his Old World? A Pangolin? In any case, the creature had a long tail that it used along with its hands to move through the trees...but it seemed injured. A deep, bloody gash had been carved in one of its legs, and it looked to be infected if the swelling and pus was any indication. The creature continued on, having not seen the Demiblin.

The wind rustled the trees again, and still it blew to the east. Digbie continued, holding the White Yill like a compass.

And several more minutes passed before he came upon a horrifying scene.

Bodies, stripped of the majority of their belongings, among the scattered and torn remains of what had been left to them. They looked like they had been here for a couple of days. At least a dozen of them, goblins. And three human bodies.

One of them was a young man, at least 20 or so just by looking at his facial hair. A sword, its blade chipped and bent after being battered with something hard and heavy, lay next to his outstretched hand. All of his clothes had been taken, but a ring of interlocking chains still dangled around one elbow. So he had been wearing chain link armor at some point, but in the process of stripping it off of him, or maybe during battle, it had broken? One of his feet had been chopped almost in half as well--his toes still had a portion of a leather boot on them. A splintered wooden shield was still strapped to his arm, and it still had a stone tomahawk's head sticking out of it though the handle had been broken. His features were unrecognizable--the body had been beaten and mangled to a bloody pulp, and it looked like even a few bites had been taken out of him in places.

The next was an older man, and he had been wearing a simple brown robe of some kind. But now all that was left of it was tatters. A thin chain that once held something around his neck had been snapped and broken. A leather satchel had been dumped out on the ground and tossed aside afterward. A stick of charcoal had been snapped in half under foot, a loose piece of parchment had been speared by a small wooden dart of some kind, and a leather bound book had several of its pages ripped out and was spattered with blood. Whatever weapon he had once used seemed like it had been stolen--it must have been something heavy, as there were drag marks leading away into the bushes. Unlike the other man, at least this fellow had been left with his underclothes. And his woven straw sandles were still on his feet as well. One of his hands was outstretched, as if reaching for something. A little wooden carving, of some sort? Like the other man, he had been beaten badly, but there was a sickly, splotchy discoloration to his skin...and it looked like there was a piece of vine looped around his ankle? It had been sawed through, but a few steps away another frayed piece of plant fiber snaked away into the bushes. A snare trap of some sort?

The last human looked to be barely more than a teenager. Unlike the other two, it didn't look like he had put up much of a fight at all--none of the goblin bodies were near where he had fallen and the ground wasn't so torn up. The torn fabrics left on him seemed like they were higher quality, silks and spun cotton. Like the old man, his skin looked sick or infected. A wooden chest, with framework and straps to let it be carried on one's back, had fallen off of him when one strap had been cut. Its contents had been rummaged through, but a few things remained--some shattered bottles with a bit of different colored liquid, a few mushrooms with bright red and green spotted caps, and some blue flowers that had now wilted somewhat. As the eastern wind breezed through, it overturned a few leaves nearby and revealed a handful of scattered coins.

The trees still rustled along the path as the zephyr snaked through them. But a single white petal fell from Digbie's head, and fell upon the body of the old man.

Rat Party

((OOC: I didn't forget to do your Mana Sense and Mana Drain last turn, shut up >_> ))
You used Mana Sense I!
---Myrminor Scout---
You feel the presence of Magical Power, but it is very unpronounced despite being present in an amount greater than your own. It feels neutral and natural to this creature's being; it is not being shaped.

Your MP is full. You have gained Temporary Extra MP.

Skill Rank Up: Mana Sense I > Mana Sense II (1.9 > 2.0)!
Though this sense is still limited by the strength of your other senses, and it still interpreted in some way similar to the other senses (seeing auras, smelling traits of elements, etc), it is now a full sense in and of itself--even if you are blinded or deafened by some circumstance, Mana Sense can be used. Touching an object or creature under the effect of magic, whether its own or from some other source, is no longer required to sense the presence of that magical effect so long as the target is within 5 feet of you. Touching the target will still grant a greater level of detail.

Skill Gain: Use Light Equipment (--)!
Unranked Skill. Allows the use of smaller weapons, tools, and other items with a degree of proficiency. Requires opposable thumbs or some other method of actually holding the object. Size limitations may be relative.

The injured Scout turned to attack Asteria, but the Dire Rat was too fast for it. She ducked away from its snapping maw and battered at it with her tail, attempting to drive the Bloodingfly's probiscus in like a nail. The ant tried to bite her tail, but she avoided it again and pounced on the creature's back. As it bucked and twisted, unable to throw her off, Asteria tried to crush the creature. Then, she used her Telepathy in a new and unexpected fashion. As she forced her hatred, her rage, and even her fear through the insect's mind, it suddenly went stock still. Its antennae extended straight up, and the creature's legs simply buckled under it. It didn't seem damaged, really...but it was like Asteria had interrupted some kind of...connection?

Bunching up her tiny paws into fists, she hammered the needle in further. With a crunch it broke the rest of the way through the exoekeleton, and came out at an angle piercing one of the bug's huge compound eyes. With a squeal, the creature went down and began to twitch in its death throes.

Meanwhile, the big Myrminor heard Ed's roar and turned, raising its clawed arms to catch the Rat Man's powerful fists. The Worker was strong, stronger than expected, but Ed's rage still drove his blows through its guard. He managed a glancing blow on its head, knocking the creature back a few steps. Then, with a yowling cry, Mother Rat dove onto the insect's back! She began biting and tearing at its neck, and though the Dire Rat was smaller, the species' characteristic strength in its jaws proved enough to crack open the chitinous hide. Blood poured from the wound--but with a mighty jerk, the Worker was able to swing her off! While it was distracted though, Ed would be able to get another hit on it--no doubt by this point his rage had consumed him, so it was a sure bet he would be coming in swinging. The Ratman's crushing blow knocked the worker flat on its back, but when Mother Rat tried to capitalize on this, the bulbous stinger flexed up at her! She avoided taking a clean hit, twisting in mid-leap, but the stinger still caught her side! Blood flowed, mixed with something green, and Mother Rat screeched and whined in agony when she hit the ground. She kicked her feet, but couldn't seem to get up--!

The Worker's powerful mandibles snapped as it charged towards Ed, its greater weight turning it into a freight train of armor with sharp fangs...

Ghost Party

You attempted to use Magic Analysis I and Mana Vision I!
The target is too far away!
The target is using extremely powerful magic, you can almost sense it from here...
---V_r__l W__e---
Hi_g_l_ _dv_n_ed sp__l us_d by ch_n_e_li__ m_gic th_ou__ a w__p__. Req_ir_s ex__e__ raw p_we_ but a___ pr_c___ c_n__ol, a__ is _ore _i__i__l_ to _s_ w___o__ a b_a__d _d__. At _h__ lev__, it m_st __ __ t__ hi__e__ of __nks or su__a__ed the __m__.

Danny was able to eat the flesh of the Flak Beetle, though it had a bitter taste and an acrid burn going down the throat. His Aqua Sphere drew enough water from the air that he could get himself a drink, though it was little more than a gulp. Maybe if he attempted this same strategy on something full of moisture he would have better luck, but for now it would do.

When he tried to see the cause of the huge explosion, he could only catch the barest tail end of the blue light. What his skill told him, however, was garbled and unclear.

Moments later, the dark clouds that had gathered somewhere north by northwest of them cleared away like they had never been there. But now, sounds were alive throughout the woods...Danny could see, between the trees, several different creatures all running away from whatever that had been. They weren't hunting or invading territory, they just wanted to get the hell out of Dodge. A harried looking pixie flew up through the treetops over them, not paying any attention at all, and the shadow of something bigger trundled off through the trees about fifty feet to Danny's right, heading south. The local ecosystem might be in some chaos for a while, after something like this...

Meanwhile, Jason continued to try and possess the slime's corpse, though he could feel his MP starting to drain faster again. His mind raced. He was experimenting, yet going with the flow at the same time. He had no guarantee this would work...what if it left him off worse than before? Then that explosion shook his concentration, and the bite of fear ate away at him. He pushed again, not just allowing the tendrils of his form to fully invade the corpse, but trying to push his essence into the body with sheer force of will. The Shield contained him, it seemed, forming another anchor within the Slime's dissolving innards...

That black and white world pushed at the edges of his vision. The tunnel got smaller, and smaller, and tighter...


He could feel pain!

Skill Gain: Possession I (0.8 > 1.0)!
Spend a variable amount of MP, then "lock" a separate amount of MP in the necessary bindings to possess a body. A spirit-class only Skill. The initial MP cost differs based on the strength of the target, the difficulty of possession, and other factors. This skill may not work at all on creatures of sufficient strength, or magical defenses, or other circumstances. The amount of MP necessary to bind the body differs based on the size and other qualities of the body. At this rank, you can only possess deceased bodies. If your new MP Total, the amount left after locking the body, is drained completely then the Possession will be canceled. If your body is destroyed or reduced to 0 HP while you are in it, your spirit will be ejected and you will lose MP based on the extent of the damage, possibly destroying any spirit form you possessed as well. The suitability of the body will determine how well you can manipulate it. At this rank you are unable to use or to unlock any skills the body formerly possessed. No matter what the species of the body you possess, it will become a Corporeal-class Undead.

Skill Rank Up:Taboo I > Taboo II (1.9 > 2.0)!
The seed of evil grows within you.

Ectoslime > Necroslime!
Necroslime - Roughly the same in all categories as a normal slime, a Necroslime is a rare form of Undead. It is of limited use to any intelligent necromancer. Its body swells with the gases of decay and its internal acids become even stronger as bacteria and rot fester inside it.
Your base stats have returned to normal levels!
Locked Skills have increased! Certain skills are now usable again! Certain Spirit-class skills may not function the same way or may be decreased in effectiveness.
Your Max MP has decreased due to Possession Lock.

Current Skills:
Physical Damage Resistance I (1.0)(0.4)
Warcry II (2.175)(0.4)
Stone Shot II (2.6625)(0.3)
Rock Spire II (2.075)(0.3)
Tremor Sense II (2.425)(0.5)
Soil Manipulation I (1.15)(0.4)
Telepathy II (2.725)(0.8)
Material Analysis I (1.2)(0.3)
Magic Analysis I (1.55)(0.8)
Monster Analysis I (1.55)(0.5)
Mental Resistance I (1.55)(0.7)
Charisma I (1.15)(0.3)
Focus I (1.3)(0.7)
Limited Shapeshift I (1.6)(0.6)
Mind Wave I (1.2)(0.5)
Spell Chant I (1.3)(0.5)
Bounce I (1.15)(0.4)
Faster I (1.05)(0.4)
Blunt Resistance I (1.0)(0.3)
Spiritual Awareness II (2.25)
Transparency I (1.5)
Taboo II (2.0)
Levitate (--)
Guidance I (1.15)
Mana Drain I (1.7)
Meditate I (1.7)
Mana Sense I (1.25)
Shield I (1.1)
Possession I (1.0)
Wave Shock (0.1)
Swift Swimmer (0.1)
Aqua Sphere (0.7)
Alert (0.2)
Smash (0.5)
Cleave (0.3) <UNABLE TO BE USED>
Blood Drain (0.8)
Muffle (0.1)
Crafting (0.3)
Magic Resistance (0.75)
Agriculture (0.3)
Plant Analysis (0.3)
Acid Spit (0.8)
Fire Resistance (0.4)
Fortify (0.2)
Sensory Resistance (0.6)
Mana Orb (0.7)
Alchemy (0.4)
Air Read (0.5)
Keen Sight (0.2)
Point Strike (0.2)
Doze (0.1)
Acid Resistance (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.4)
Pierce Resistance (0.8)
Lesser Cleanse (0.2)
Dextrous (0.2)
Quicken (0.3)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Stone Breaker (0.1)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Slash Resistance (0.2)
Earth Vein (0.6)
Mana Shape (0.4)
Lesser Force (0.3)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Curse Word (0.1)
Light Resistance (0.0125)
Ghost Touch (0.3)

You are Ravenous. HP is Draining. You need Food.
You are Ravenous. HP is Draining. You need Food.
You are Ravenous. HP is Draining. You need Food.

"His" new stomach gurgled impatiently. "His" pseudopods reached out, grasping the edge of the hollow tree. He felt sunlight burning him, the pain of opening one's eyes to a too-bright sight but all over his body. But he was ALIVE! He was JASON!

Echoing up from the depths of the tree, Danny heard it. Choking, gasping, blurbling laughter--like someone laughing through a mouthful of their own blood. When the voice spoke, the voice was full of phlegm and had no tongue...

"Yeessgh...yessshh! YEEEESSSSSSSSSSH!" The black, noxious, gurgling slime rose from the depths...



Leaves rustle. Strange blue flowers glitter, as if covered in morning dew no matter the time of day. To the northwest, and to the east, if one travels far enough they can hear the rush of twin rivers. Moss creeps here and there, only where the pale fingers of sunlight poke through the canopy to reach the hard ground below. Though it seems quiet, in reality a tranquil harmony has formed between all the instruments of the forest. Birds, insects, shivering blades of grass, and the creaking boughs all meld into the orchestra of nature. But there are other creatures here as well...

And they are many. Almost too many for this much space it seems, despite the lush resources of the deep wood. Creatures of all shapes and sizes, reptiles and mammals and flying things. Yet to call them beasts would be too simple. They are too varied in form to be classified by the same typologies one would use for nature--they do not follow the same rules in their beings, nor in their interactions. They are...aberrations? Deviations?


Different pairs of small, humanoid figures with gossamer wings and brightly colored hair, flutter in and out of hollows in the great trees. The Pixies giggle and buzz among themselves, every so often drifting down towards the ground to pick the strange blue flowers. Occasionally, as one draws too close to a hollow log, or a burrow hidden between rocks, a growling Dire Rat or hissing Fanged Lizard lunges out with teeth bared. An unwary Pixie could even find itself attacked by rotund balls of moving goop. The Slimes had plenty of plantlife to feed on here, and often grew large and slow...but if they waited, carefully slithering and hiding in places that solid-bodied creatures couldn't fit into, they could make quite the ambush predator. Spheres of glowing light, feather soft around the edges and leaving trails of shimmering ozone, rise up through the tangled network of the treetops. Every so often, one crackles angrily and zooms down at some unlucky creature, launching sparkling displays of magical fury.

But despite how many creatures lived together in this ecosystem, they seem wary to venture too far from their dens, or to forage overmuch for food and shelter. Why? It likely has something to do with the worn trails one finds here and there. Though never traveling in a straight line, and never in an orderly fashion, the trail makes a rough circle of sorts that winds for a long, long time around this area of the woods. And the creatures that made this trail often patrol it, searching for anything they can find to slaughter and devour. The weaker creatures have learned to avoid them. Though they too are weak, they have numbers, and weapons. The stronger monsters have either been brought down--though not without casualty--or simply avoid the territory. The weaker monsters are trapped within it, for they dare not risk crossing the trail overmuch and running into the hunters.

These hunters, of course, are the last of our many basic monsters--the Goblins. There are many, far more than their rivals in the cave a day or so's journey away. Up until recently, they were quite successful...but, long unbeknownst to the forest's new arrivals, this was the doing of the previous generation. Those Goblins are gone now...though they leave quite the legacy behind. Still, the greenskins are nothing to scoff at for other weakling monsters. Especially not their two leaders...the Hobgoblin and the Redcap.

The Hobgoblin has sharp eyes, constantly watching, constantly planning. He wears armor all over his body, made from the bones of various creatures strung together with bits of twine and sinew. Necklaces and bracelets of claws and fangs adorn him. Standing at four and a half feet tall, he towers over many of the goblins. His build is more muscular than theirs as well, but more impressive is how leanly toned he is; his face, too, is more refined. Though his ears are still long and his nose still pointy, and two fangs jut from his lower lip, he has much more hair than other Goblins to soften these features. It is so black that it appears blue, and roughly spikes about his head like a wild mane. His skin is a much darker shade of green, less saturated, but he has painted himself with various blue and white tattoos using dyes likely made from plantlife. He carries a spear, holding it close as if afraid to be without it for even a moment. Its haft is made from a sturdy branch, not the gnarled things many other goblins cling to, and its point seems to made of a purple, jagged horn that comes to a devious tip. Yet near its base the horn branches somewhat, more like an antler...and skewered through two of the small points near its base, four on each side, are eyeballs that have somehow hardened and now shine like red and orange gemstones.

The Redcap's skin is his namesake's color, and while he too has a full head of hair it is solid white. There is much less of his build to be seen, though it is slightly broader and more muscular than his companion's if not as tall. He wears dark furs, blacks and greys, fashioned into a long shirt and pants--even a cloak. He too wears accessories made of small bones, fangs, and claws strung together with vines. His weapons look simple at first glance, knives made out of stone--but they are larger and sharper than most of the other stones in the area. The mountains are far to the west of this tribe's territory. Did he brave all that way, all the challenges along that road, to find those stones and make better weapons? Like the Hobgoblin, his features are less grotesque than the other Goblins...but his scowl and glare have a palpable cynicism.

It is a common sight to see these two fighting amongst themselves. The other Goblins, especially three larger ones who can be seen barking the orders when these two are distracted, often circle up and chant or cheer. The Redcap is always the challenger, the Hobgoblin always the defender...and the victor. When the tribe unites for some other purpose, however, the Redcap seems to begrudgingly obey. No matter their rivalry, the Goblins always stick together. Thus, the Hobgoblin is their Boss from now, until the day he allows himself to be seen as unfit...and he is too crafty, too determined, for that.

Thus far, this is all you have seen...

It has been 12 days since your new life began. Or at least, that’s what you believe based on what natural light you see and the apparent sleep cycles of other creatures you’ve observed. For some of you the first week was as if coming out of a deep sleep. Groggily, you acted on auto-pilot until those first few primal needs were met, but now you have truly awakened to your predicament. Some of you had to grow a bit before you could really accomplish anything. Some of you had to find a place to hide, or a source of easy food and water, before you could relax and really begin to examine your surroundings. But now you think you’ve got the hang of it. You’re probably not fully grown yet, but all of these creatures are the type of lower life forms that live fast and die faster, so your maturation rate matches that pace. And now, with an understanding of what you are...it seems like it’s the right time to figure out where you are, and where you’re going from here…

Of immediate note in your surroundings are four things: The strange blue flowers, which pop up here and there in clusters among the rocks or catch the eye every so often from vines crawling up the trees; the green herbs growing so thickly in one large, peaceful clearing that many creatures avoid due to its lack of cover; the large, elder tree that climbs higher than any of the others, being so large that six goblins can't wrap their arms around it; and finally, the ramshackle lean-tos around which you see the shadows of a few goblins...

Oh, and just now there was that HUGE EXPLOSION from the mountains in the distant West...

"Da FUGG was dat!?" Long stone knives met the wooden shaft of a spear as the two goblin leaders dueled. The one with blue paint jumped backward, glancing towards the cloud of debris in the distance. The one in the dark fur stayed where he was, but turned all the way around to look. The Hobgoblin could have ended the fight then, but they were both too drawn to what had just happened.

"Big magic! BIIIIIG magic!" From the crowd of goblins gathered around them, an Elder shuffled out, using a Gnarled Stick as a cane. This goblin, a male, bore the wrinkles and droopy ears of a long life, and his rheumy eyes had seen a great deal. He was no longer strong enough to fight, but his experience was invaluable--all fifteen years of it. "A Big Demon, or sum udda real-strong ting, has come to da forest!"

"Does we needs ta run, Boss?!"

"Wut we gonna do!?"

"Why dey comin' here?! We didn't do nuttin' to no big demons!"

"Shaddup!" It was the Redcap that silenced them, while the Hobgoblin leaned on his spear and seemed to be considering the situation. "Dat big boom come from over near da Broked Towah gobs! I bets Rags Nar just got his poop pushed in!" He turned to the Boss. "No need ta run! Let's go kick dey butts now dat dey weak!"

The Hobgoblin opened his eyes suddenly, and pointed his spear back towards the lean-tos.

"Everygob, get to da camp! We talks later!" When the others didn't move, he snarled at them and swung his spear for emphasis. The crowd started to disperse in a chaotic mess. Just as they were getting out of the way, however, a multitude of creatures suddenly came flying out of the bushes!

A Bowhorn Deer leaped clear over the Hobgoblin, and he crouched down and prepared to strike. Behind the deer, a big green slime rolled on through, and after that came a Wisp. The Hob still stood his ground, and every creature parted around him. They were running scared, afraid of whatever had caused the explosion. The last to emerge from the bushes was a neon-blue haired Pixie--which gasped just once before the tip of the spear impaled it, all the way through. The Hobgoblin pulled his weapon out and turned around. The Redcap smirked as he held up a beheaded Dire Rat he had caught by its tail, letting the blood spill onto the ground.

All around the forest, creatures were high-tailing it despite their fear of goblins, or the smell of other monsters' territories. For the creatures hiding in the trees, they passed below harmlessly. Those who were smart among the predators, as well as the goblins, would soon figure out that while the danger wasn't immediate for them, it presented a unique opportunity in which the prey came to them...
Hey there, nice to meet you. We still haven't had a lot of previously mentioned folks show up so I don't mind accepting a few more people, but I'd still rather it not be considered a true "reopening" of applications, for anyone else reading at the moment. As for your App, it looks good! Once you take the following into account, you can add Sato to the IC!

You are the second person I've met thus far from the "Jay-pans," yet neither one of you have died the way all those stories told me you were supposed to. I desire to meet this murderous monstrosity known as "Truck-kun." I suspect he would make an excellent addition to my Dark Generals.

Skill Gain: Iron Gullet I (1.0)!
You gain the ability to eat the majority of "normal (relative)" foodstuffs even if your size, teeth, or other factors would have made this difficult. You also don't suffer nausea or other side effects of bad tastes. You have a lower chance of being damaged or placed under status effects when eating tainted foods. You may swallow small non-edibles without issue, but you gain no nutritional value. [Past Life Skill]

Level Growth: Stamina Up!
At some point during your leveling, your Max Stamina increased! [General description of life as a goblin]

Something else to take note of: Since Sato has been growing so quickly and is stronger than a normal goblin, he has been noticed by the upper ranks of the tribe. The Hobgoblin Boss and the Redcap second-in-command, as well as the three "captains" within the tribe. The captains, especially, are beginning to feel threatened by his presence and may take steps to either make themselves stronger, or keep him under their thumb. One particular captain, whom you'll meet once you start posting, is very similar to Sato--a bigger goblin than usual, with longer, rougher black hair on his head and even his chest and forearms, this captain uses pure brute force and intimidation to keep the goblins under his command in line. Up until reaching Level 4, any time Sato competed with this burly goblin would have resulted in a loss. Arm wrestling, regular wrestling, pick-up-rocks, punch-say-ow, etc.
@Vinsmoke Goji
That'll work. Feel free to submit an app, we'll see what happens from there.
Monster Party

Skill Gain: Prehensile Tail (--)!
Your tail has developed enough muscle and coordination that you can use it as if it were a fully functional limb--minus fingers and toes of course. Any stats, skills, items, spells, etc that could be used or applied by your limbs can, with a few exceptions, also be used by your tail.

As Ash carried on the variety of exercises, using different muscles and attempting to manipulate her tail with varying levels of precision, strength, explosive movement, and sustained effort, it all finally paid off. The stinger-tipped limb wasn't so stiff anymore either, though when at rest it still made that curving arch like a scorpion's tail.

With that turn, she could turn to her next experiment. She had actually done this before, but at that time her Mana Vision and Mana Sense hadn't fully formed. She formed a Mana Orb in her claws, letting it hover above her palm--it seemed to do this naturally without a need for something like a levitation spell or Lesser Force.

The shape that was like a Rutherford Model, but without a nucleus, appeared again. This time the lines were clearer, and as they fluctuated Ash realized that she couldn't exactly count how many lines there actually were. Nor could she correctly identify their true "shape," as it was like looking into one of those "gif" (pronounced with a hard G) things from the internet back in her old world, specifically an image like a snowflake, or a human hand, that turned into more snowflakes and more human hands in a never ending zoom-in loop. The circles turned into squares turned into triangles turned into chilliagons...

But while the Rutherford Model did not have a nucleus, it did have those squares. They were just hard to see, because they were colorless and massed together, yet they seemed to be expanding--only once they drifted to the outermost edge of the fluctuating mass of lines, they began to take on various hues, like light hitting a soap bubble in reverse.

You used Mana Sense I!
---Mana Orb---
This Mana has no Element. It is concentrated, and harmful, but not to you. It is your own Mana. It feels incomplete.

Meanwhile, Digbie and the others were outside the cave. While Oberon and Torrent practiced their magic, Digbie grabbed some grass and leaves and set about trying to make himself some clothing.

You are attempting to Craft an item. You do not have the required skills. Your item will likely degrade heavily.
Thin Grass + Long Grass + Large Leaves

You have crafted an Item. Your Material Analysis tells you its Quality is Poor.
Obtained Item: Grass Skirt!

Digbie didn't quite go into a lot of detail, thinking about the structure of what item he wanted to create. He just wanted something to cover his gobby bits. So he made a ring first, like when small children make flower crowns. When this ring was large enough to tie around his hips, he began tying the foilage to it so that the blades of grass and leaves would hang down. The result was a simple, thin, slightly too short, grass skirt--like the most discount of discount Hawaiian luau souvenirs. Still, at least he wasn't completely naked anymore...at least not fully. A few leaves fell off the skirt as soon as he stood up.

But, not to be discouraged, the Demiblin began to pray again. And again...nothing. That soft breeze was still blowing, in the same direction as before, and the light rush of the wind was all Digbie could hear as he reached out for someone, anyone, to help him. As he looked pleadingly at the White Yill, all he wanted to know was the first step to rid himself of the Taboo. He hadn't really done anything that bad, had he? He had just put points into it out of curiosity. He had chosen to embrace that uneasy feeling, at least temporarily...was it just because he truly didn't know better? Well, now he did. He didn't want that anymore. He had heard the voice, seen the light, when he evolved before. It had told him he could have forgiveness, he could turn away...but what did he need to do in order to obtain that? He was asking this question desperately, yet...why wasn't anyone answering?

The breeze picked up, and Digbie lost the White Yill! It was plucked up out of his hands and fell in a slow spiral towards the stream, drifting east along the wind--but he could still catch it, if he hurried--!

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression

As Oberon repeated his earlier experiement, much the same thing happened. Now that he knew what to expect, he was able to hold the Mana Orb a little more firmly so that the power wasn't getting drawn away down the stream quite so much...but it still didn't seem to want to stay in one place. When he closed his eyes, he could definitely feel the Mana Orb drawing the Mana of the water into itself...but he could also feel an exchange taking place. The Mana Orb's original Mana was being displaced by the Water Mana in some fashion, and as the Mana Orb lost its original energies, carried away by the stream, it lost more and more cohesion.

What could he do to expose the Mana Orb to the water, without losing it to the current of the stream?

Meanwhile, Torrent moved downstream from the rest of the group. A safe bet, given her ability's destructive nature. She began to practice what was rapidly becoming her signature move now, the combination of Poison and Fire Breath. Once again, the fumes were lit by rapidly expanding flame, but by controlling her own output she condensed that explosion into a flamethrower's projectile. And now she put even more uumph behind it. Indeed, she was able to increase the strength--it went further, it flared brighter, and the heat rippling the air grew hotter. As for how long she could hold it...she could feel her MP rapidly draining, along with a little bit of her Stamina. She couldn't see numbers going down, but had cast enough spells and spat enough poison to recognize the sensations...

Skill Rank Up: Fire Breath I (1.95) > Fire Breath II (2.0)!
Range increased to 15 feet. In addition to the cone of fire, this Skill can now be focused into a denser stream. Its range stays the same, but it no longer affects multiple enemies; on a single target at a time, it may have better penetration against defenses.

-Due to your unique methods, combination of skills, individual growth, and the qualities of your species, you have unlocked a new path for your skills!-

Do you wish to merge Fire Breath II and Poison Breath II into the Hybrid Skill, Wurm Breath?
---Wurm Breath---
Unleash a burning miasma that inflicts Fire Damage, and has a chance to Poison the target. Or, unleash a searing stream that inflicts Acid Damage, and has a chance to Burn the target. Unlike other breath types, this breath cannot yet change its shape, but instead changes its elemental properties. The default form is a condensed stream, with a range of 10 feet. Its Fire Damage is slightly greater than Fire Breath I, and if Poison is inflicted its Rate of Damage is slightly greater than that inflicted by Poison Breath I. Its Acid Damage is slightly greater than Poison Breath I, and if Burn is inflicted its Rate of Damage is slightly greater than that inflicted by Fireball.

The Hybrid Skill will CONSUME the two source skills, and they will no longer be available. The Hybrid Skill's Rank will be I at (1.15). Dragon Affinity will increase by 0.1. The method by which you are using Poison Breath II and Fire Breath II together will no longer require Dual Cast when using Wurm Breath.

PixieSlime Party

Obtained Items:
Medium Monster Bone x4
Small Monster Bone Plate x2
Tendon Fibers x6
Bowhorn Venison, 20 pounds edible

Using the Flak Beetle's mandible and his own significant strength, Ardur was able to cut the remaining two legs of the Bowhorn Deer free. When he began dissecting them, Steve watched patiently and rubbed her forelegs together. Momma Slime only waited for Ardur to do exactly as he said, taking the legs off, then almost immediately began consuming the deer's body, starting at the stump of the neck and working her way down.

When the Hipixie had taken out the bones and separated them, he had the lower and upper leg bones that were each of a decent length and thickness--almost too much for him to lift. One of those goblins could have made a very nice club out of something like this. The deer's "shoulder" and "hip" bones made wide, relatively flat plates, big enough that Ardur might be able to use them as shoulderpads, or if they were somehow bound alongside each other they could cover his upper chest, or his own shoulder blades all the way across his back. The tendon fibers were, when fully stretched, about a foot long or so. Right now, however, they were still full of blood and fresh. As they dried out, they might not last too long unless he found a way to preserve them.

You are attempting to Craft an Item. You do not have the relative skills. Your Item will likely degrade heavily.
Your crafting method is advanced compared to your materials. Item's quality may be boosted.
Your material quality is advanced compared to your skills. Item's degradation may be slowed, but your ability to craft may be more limited.
You are attempting to process an item for crafting.
Small Stones + Slime Acid + Half Bowhorn Jaw x2

One of your items was destroyed during processing!
One of your items was destroyed during crafting!
You crafted an Item! However, due to lack of skills, you cannot predict its quality.

Obtained: Jawbone Club x1

As Asura worked with his slime and a few stones on the deer's skull, he was able to take off the lower jaw and split it in half. After eating the rest of the muscle out of the skull, his Shell now sat comfortably over his body, and where it touched him he was able to adhere to it well enough that he didn't even have to concentrate, like he usually did with Cling, to keep it there. It seemed like his Slime Shell had been officially completed. His idea for items, however, was another thing.

He drilled and honed a little too hard on one of the jawbones, which was already getting very weak and brittle as his acid not only served to make the stone a whet stone, but also ate into the bone itself. He would have to figure out a better way to adjust its exposure to his acid, manipulating it with his membrane. But not only did the stone crack and shatter--so did the sharp shard of rock he was using to drill and whittle at it. By grinding the other rocks together inside his body, he was able to reproduce another sharp stone shard. With what he learned from the first attempt, the second went a little more smoothly. However, by the time he spat out the completed item, his acid had produced a skimmy layer over the bone. It could simply be wiped away, but how much of the bone had been eaten away by the acid? And he had completed his drilling, but for what purpose? And how much would it weaken the integrity of the item against impact? As for the jawbone himself, he hadn't really "sharpened" it, but he had created a smoothed wedge that would concentrate more force into a blow.

Both Ardur and Asura took some time to complete their tasks, given what little they had to work with. The sun steadily got higher, their surroundings brighter. But aside from a few birds and insects around the woods, it seemed like they were all alone with the quiet...

Until the mountain exploded.

Their first hint that something happened was a distant boom. It was like thunder but...not quite. More sudden. And where had those dark clouds come from so suddenly, to the northwest? Yet as they pondered this, a blue flash of light flew over the tree tops. It arced through the sky, a whirling crescent moon of crackling energy. It struck a mountain peak in the distance. The blast crumbled rock like powder, and the distant roar of an avalanche washed over them several seconds after they actually saw the chunks breaking away.

"WUT DA FUGG!?" Momma Slime was the first to react. Now where had she heard that language?

Rat Party

You used Monster Analaysis II!
---Myrminor Scout---
Myrminors are a low-tier species of insectoid monsters, though despite this they produce several different subtypes to fulfill various roles in the species. All subtypes follow the orders of a Queen. Digging enormous underground tunnel networks, some larger than a city sewer system, Myrminors behave much like mundane ants and have only grown to such a size and threat due to absorbing large amounts of ambient Mana. The Scout Myrminor is the weakest of the subtypes, but also the fastest, and its only purpose is to gather food, explore territory, and sacrifice itself in waves against enemies. A Scout leaves a trail as it travels that other Myrminors can follow to find resources and bring them back to the Queen. It has strong magical senses that lead it to Mana-rich resources by using its antennae. It can also feel tremors in the earth with its feet.

Asteria dropped her items and Analyzed the first monster. Ed dropped everything but his new weapon and charged with a snarling shout.

You are attempting to equip a weapon that is too large for you!
Use Light Equipment is relative to your size. This weapon is too large.
You have not fully developed Use Medium equipment. This weapon is too large.
You do not have the appropriate Skill to use this weapon. It is too large.
You have the Skill Stronger I, your Use Light Equipment Skill is slightly boosted. This weapon is too large.
You have the Skill Dextrous I, your Use Light Equipment Skill is slightly boosted. This weapon is slightly too large.

Rabid Fit activated passively! Your physical attacks and associated stats are boosted but you are more vulnerable to damage. Your current weapon is suffering penalties to its usage due to not meeting the stat requirements.

Overwork activated passively! All physical stats boosted at the cost of Stamina. Your current weapon is suffering slight penalties to its usage due to not quite meeting the stat requirements.

You are rapidly consuming Stamina!

He could barely get the greatclub over his shoulder, but adrenaline and rage and the urge to crush these insects were driving him on. But if he could just get it raised up high enough, its own weight and gravity could do the rest even if his strength wasn't quite enough--but it HAD to be enough! Ed focused everything he had to offer into this one hit of his greatclub. Absolutely everything. Forgoing his own safety just to ensure that Mother Rat would be saved. He placed his whole body weight behind the swing!

However, the Myrminor Scouts weren't just sitting there passively. One of them saw Ed coming, and moved to get between the Rat Man and its fellow. The other turned as its comrade rushed at the giant rodent, and saw the not-quite-as-large Asteria as she was Analyzing them. It headed towards her, mandibles clicking.

Mother Rat and the larger Myrminor subtype were still struggling--

Ed's attack came down. The scout in his way had prevented him reaching his target, but he was already in the arc of the swing, his eyes blazing with fury. His Dynamic Eye saw the creature try to snap its mandibles shut on his extended arms--but the Rat Man's attack, even though he could barely hold his weapon, was just fast enough, and with his boosted vision he had enough reaction time to subtly shift his arc. The red light of Smash surged along the greatclub's length like crimson lightning. It slammed into the insect's chitinous head--and through it. Gravity, momentum, weight. Hard wood studded with iron. Power.

The Scout's shell shattered, its brains pulped, its blood spattered the ground. Ed had forcibly decapitated it and crushed what was left like a summer melon. The vicious display sent a ripple through the battlefield. The other Scout and the larger Myrminor grappling with Mother Rat both twitched their heads and antennae, turning towards the raging Rat-Man.

All in the course of seconds.

You used Monster Analysis II!
---Myrminor Scout---
Myrminors are a low-tier species of insectoid monsters, though they can be considered stronger than "basic" low-tier creatures. They produce several different subtypes to fulfill various roles in the species, and some types are significantly stronger. All subtypes follow the orders of a Queen, who is even able to control them at a distance. Digging enormous underground tunnel networks, some larger than a city sewer system, Myrminors behave much like mundane ants and have only grown to such a size and threat due to absorbing large amounts of ambient Mana. The Scout Myrminor is the weakest of the subtypes, but also the fastest, and its only purpose is to gather food, explore territory, and sacrifice itself in waves against enemies. A Scout leaves a trail as it travels that other Myrminors can follow to find resources and bring them back to the Queen. It has strong magical senses that lead it to Mana-rich resources by using its antennae. These resources, such as Mana Crystals, are brought back to the nest and used as sustenance by the Queen. Most subtypes can also feel tremors in the earth with their feet, and are even able to "see" in darkness.

Asteria finished scanning the second Myrminor and now turned towards the third. The second Scout made an about face and attacked Ed from behind, before he had finished picking the greatclub back off the ground. The massive ant sank its mandibles into the flesh of his haunch, drawing blood and sending pain like Ed had never felt shooting through him. With all six legs planted on the ground, the creature began to pull the Rat Man down--could he keep his balance?!

Mother Rat managed to escape her opponent in the instant it was distracted by Ed's kill, and she leaped away from it. Seeing her packmates, she let out a terrified series of squeaks and ran towards Asteria, ears flat against her head. The bigger Myrminor didn't want to give up on an already weakened opponent and chased after the adult Dire Rat--surprisingly fast given its size. It might catch up at any moment, especially once Mother Rat reached Asteria and no doubt stopped to try and communicate. What was she trying to do--get them to run, perhaps?

You used Monster Analysis II!
---Myrminor Worker---
This subtype of Myrminor is bred to work in the tunnels and to transport resources once they are identified by a scout. Its bigger body and thicker shell make it strong and tough, but its speed isn't as impacted as one might think. The gripping claws on its first two legs allow it to shift rock and rubble, and also to get a strong grip on food items larger than itself. A Worker is a decent fighter if forced to engage, and its jaws are more than strong enough to tear through leather and even break weak chain links.

The battle would wait for no one--Asteria rushed to help Ed, snatching up the Bloodingfly's Stinger in her Prehensile Tail. From behind, she managed to stab the creature right where its head met the next section of its body. The first few jabs scraped off the exoskeleton, though they left sizeable scratches. The creature's grip on Ed loosened as it realized something was attacking it, and the Worker turned its head Asteria's way as well. Would it pursue her, or Mother Rat instead?

Skill Gain: Use Light Equipment (--)!
The use of small tools, and lighter forms of armor, weaponry, and other items. --Due to your size and limbs as a Dire Rat, even some Small items may be too large or heavy for you to use effectively.--

Asteria slammed the needle like probiscus into the gap in the ant's armor. The makeshift weapon stuck fast in the side of its neck, and the creature let go of Ed and reeled away with a creening squeal. Asteria lost her grip on the needle as the Myrminor twisted and jerked. It still had fight left in it. A short distance away, Mother Rat hissed and snarled as the Worker closed in on her again--she clearly wanted to evade it, but didn't seem willing to leave the pack behind...

Ghost Party

You used Monster Analysis II!
---Tailed Frog--
Tougher than the average amphibian, these slimy creatures are not to be underestimated. In addition to poison, their hefty bodies pack quite a wallop and aren't as vulnerable as one might think. They often hide in water, then pop up at a distance to lob their poison at unwary adventurers. They can be found in other environments too, but in the water they are at their biggest advantage. Some specimens may also possess paralyzing venom in a hidden pair of fangs. Supposedly if the poison glands can be removed, their legs can be fried as a sort of delicacy.

Danny settled down to Meditate for several minutes. Jason slipped into the shade of the hollow tree--just in time too, as the morning sun grew brighter by the moment. He soon found the body of the dead slime, and after spending a moment to visualize his goal he attempted to slip inside it. There weren't any open wounds on the slime's membrane, so he had no choice but to use Transparency. At the current rank of that skill, it seemed difficult to get his entire body to phase through something...but compared to every other creature he had drained of its mana, or devoured a soul from, there was almost no resistance from this body. It still felt like trying to force one's hand into gelatin, but the further Jason got the easier it became.

When Jason found the "emptiness" at the core of the Slime's being, he suddenly realized the blackness around him was no longer the Slime's body. He was back in that odd limbo world? How? When? Yet, nonetheless, there was an "essence" here and it was "missing" something. Jason willed himself to move towards that empty space, to fit his misty, immaterial form into it. With one more push, he broke through...something...and he was in! ...But then he started slipping "back?" What? Why couldn't he...it was like he couldn't grip it, but that didn't make any sense...

The Ectoslime cast Shield, and the image in his mind was like that of the bubble he had seen that seemed to contain the souls, or at least showed the maximum "capacity" for the spirit to fill the body. The aura around him glowed, the only source of color in this monochrome world...

Was that just his imagination, or did he not feel alone anymore?

He attempted to suffuse the body with his spiritual being, to become like blood beneath a delicate skin. To make this body his own.

The limbo world suddenly disappeared. Jason was inside the dead slime, and it felt...it felt...


What was Transparency's description about again, the recoil caused by phasing into an object? Jason suddenly felt weight bearing down all around him, he felt heavy like lead, like his entire body--even though he didn't even have one yet--was numb and lifeless, paralyzed, out of breath...

Yet, there was...something else.

Jason knew what it felt like to be a Slime. He knew what it felt like to have no limbs or organs. To move a body made of amorphous jelly. To shape it. But now, despite the shield, he felt himself...leaking? He had tried to cement himself, to make himself the new core of this body, yet now his misty essence was trying to...spread out? Like water, trickling down into streams, splitting and forking into hundreds of droplets that criss-crossed each other...What was happening!?

His instincts told him to use Transparency again and get out of the body. Yet...what would the rest of him say?

After some time, while Jason was doing...whatever he was doing in there, Danny had recovered his MP. Peering into the hollow tree, he now activated Mana Vision I...

And for the first time, he witnessed Jason's spiritual form. It was...foggy. Like steam on the bathroom mirror. Barely recognizable. Even less clear than when he had used the Source Crystal Shard as an eyepiece. But because he had seen it through that before, he could recognize it. What was more, he could see the aura of the Shield spell around Jason in more detail...and the strange, sparkling veins spreading out from Jason into the black slime he had somehow gotten inside.

He turned back to the Tailed Frog as well, and analyzed it. Then, knowing that there were other tasks to attend to, he went back to try and harvest the parts of the insectoid. He managed to cut the sac with the flammable fluid away from the body, and then cut away the two sections of exoskeleton over it. The sac itself, then, seemed rather vulnerable compared to the rest of the creature's body. This became even more evident when, as he jammed the Sharp Stone Shard under the beetle's thorax shell, the brittle stone snapped in half. Now it was too small to get any use out of whatsoever. He would need to find another rock, a bigger or better one, or else figure out some other method of harvesting the rest of the beetle...

By now, some time had passed, and the morning was pressing on. Yet as Jason and Danny went about their tasks, they were suddenly interrupted...

Because the mountain exploded.

Their first hint that something happened was a distant boom. It was like thunder but...not quite. More sudden. And where had those dark clouds come from so suddenly, to the northwest? Yet as they pondered this, a blue flash of light flew over the tree tops. It arced through the sky, a whirling crescent moon of crackling energy. It struck a mountain peak in the distance. The blast crumbled rock like powder, and the distant roar of an avalanche washed over them several seconds after they actually saw the chunks breaking away.

Obtained Items:
Flak Sac x1
Broken Flak Shell x1
Flak Shell x1

Orchid's Tribe

---Job System---
You have selected Voodooist as your Job class.

Voodooist - Primitives don't understand the subtle complexities of magic or have the sophisticated higher thought for religions and morality. They are, however, a superstitious lot. A Voodooist attempts to put curses on their enemies in the form of offensive magics; they aren't scholars by any means, but through their experiences they become somewhat learned about the arcane. Skills with * are boosted by the Job's focus, skills with - are instead hindered.

Skill Suitability:
*Use Light Equipment (--)
Pacify Animal I (1.2)
Stronger II (2.025)
*Crafting V MAX (5.0)
Material Analysis II (2.125)
Monster Analysis I (1.3)
-Smash I (1.6)
Charisma II (2.025)
Taboo 0 (0.3)
Faster I (1.0)
*Fireball I (1.2)
Warcry I (1.0)
Fire Resistance I (1.0)
-Defender I (1.0)
Muffle (0.9)
Deception (0.7)
Charm (0.3)
Alert (0.6)
*Stone Shot (0.4)
-Throw Item (0.4)
-Slash (0.8)
Pierce Resistance (0.7)
Blunt Resistance (0.3)
Slash Resistance (0.1)
*Blood Drain (0.4)
-Skewer (0.4)
Mental Resistance (0.4)
*Mana Orb (0.2)
*Focus (0.2)
*Magic Analysis (0.2)
Overwork (0.4)
Intercept (0.3)
Rabid Fit (0.5)
-First Aid (0.3)
*Intimidate (0.7)
-Counter (0.5)
-Shield Slam (0.6)
Poison Resistance (0.1)
Fire Resistance (0.8)
Dust Blow (0.1)
*Magic Resistance (0.3)
*Spell Chant (0.3)
Fire Fist (0.3)

Equipment Suitability:
*Hex Fur Shirt
*Raw Dire Rat Hide
-Sharp Stone Club
Vine Bracer
Bloody Garrote

Job Suggestions:
A magical focus, such as some sort of staff, wand, amulet, etc made of Mana conductive materials, can increase magical ability.
Magic that debuffs a target allows the Voodooist to defend themselves more effectively if they are forced into close range.
If armor is made from materials that are more conductive to offensive magics like fire, lightning, etc. it may impede the Voodooist's casting or make them vulnerable to other casters.

Despite doing little else after eating the previous night, the goblins had awakened hungry--especially those that were now evolved. They eagerly took Orchid's offers of the badger kebabs, and by the time the breakfast vittles had been spread out among everyone, there was little but scraps left of the Badger's meat. They still didn't seem to understand Orchid's way of thinking, but all they knew or cared about was: They were surviving. They were getting stronger. They were eating better. Even Crispy seemed to be regarding Orchid once again with less fear, and more of that strange thoughtful expression he sometimes had. His wounded arm was moving a little bit better now, but it was clear it still hurt--and some of the swelling had come back.

Orchid gave out the orders. Biggs, Clod, and Sqwal headed out to hunt--the Redcap and the other goblin had a very short argument, which ended with Clod leading the team first with his shield and stone sword--he could now wield the weapon one handed, which allowed him to return to the original sword and board style Orchid had trained him in. Biggs followed afterward with a sling, and Sqwal followed him ready to rush in and try to club whatever they found. Now that one of her Midbosses was now outranked by his evolved compatriate, Orchid might need to rethink her promotions.

Yoona, Tiddies, and Jezee went off to see what they could find in the way of materials. Meanwhile, Wej and Crispy hung back with Orchid to take stock of what materials they still had.

"Oi, Boss." Crispy said, as he massaged another healing herb paste into his arm. "If uh, if ya wanna do what ya said about makin' sure we gets good stuff, Crispy might has an ideer!" He glanced at her face, no doubt trying to read her expression. "Back at da cave, we had all da healin' herbs, but they harder to find out here. One time, tho, my muddah told me bout udda stuff dat makes ouchies go away!" He held up his hand and started counting off as he spoke. "We still gots just a few herbs, maybe like this many." Three fingers. "But dere's a flower, called uh...Bugwad, or sumtin. It stinks, so bugs and stuff don't go nears it. And anudda flower dat smells bad too, called Kilm. Den ders two diffent kinda mushrooms, I forgets dey names but I knows 'em if I sees 'em. If ya take dose blue berries we finds lots of round here, and all dem udda tings, and mixes 'em togedda, my muddah says makes good strong stuff for ouchies!" He nodded, proud of himself for remembering all of this information. "And, and uh, she also said, if ya can kill one o' dem beetles dat makes fire, you can squish its guts up, and dey good for ouchies too! I bet if ya mixed it all up it'd be even betta!"

As Orchid pondered this or gave her own reply, whatever she chose, eventually the gatherers were the first to return. On their way to this campsite, before they encountered the Armored Badger, the group had found a few things. Some of these had been used up by now. But now the gatherers brought a new bounty to add to this...not that it was very, well, bountiful. They could probably go looking again and find more, but at the moment they had filled their hands up and come back to dump it off. All in all, the goblins currently had this to work with: Two Antidote Ferns, two Curved Sticks, three Hard Stones, a Green Switch, a Pointy Stick, and two Thick Vines. There were also nineteen Blue Argeps gathered.

Now that the gatherers had brought resources, the Crafters took on their duties. Crispy was limited in how well he could work, given his arm, but given that Orchid had seen him craft better things than most of the others it looked like he wouldn't be too badly impacted--especially when he bullied Wej into doing certain parts of it for him. First, under Crispy's instruction--he seemed to have gotten some harebrained scheme--they stripped the Thick Vine down. When split in half, it was about the size of the vines Orchid had originally given them to make rope. So these again could be split in half to make the fibers. These fibers, a pair at a time, were wound into Fiber Cord. Crispy now managed to use his feet to hold the two cords, and his mouth and good hand to entwine the two. Thus, two Fiber Cords became an actual Fiber Rope, wound tight enough and thick enough that it actually looked solid and sturdy.

Using one of the Hard Stones against another to make a Sharp Stone, Crispy now set to whittling the two Carved Sticks. He made notches in their middles, and then began sharpening their ends until he had a point almost like that of a spear. He held these near the fire, even using some of his own, until the tips had been hardened. Then, fitting them together by the notches, he used the rope to tie them together. The end result was a swastika-shaped, wooden, pointy throwing star of some kind, which Crispy displayed proudly before he began practicing his toss at a pile of leaves he raked together.

Wej, now left to his own devices since Crispy didn't need him anymore, mimicked the older goblin's methods. He used the leftover Sharp Stone to split the second Thick Vine, and made a less appealing, but still functional, pair of Fiber Cords which were then wound into a Fiber Rope. Using this, the Pointy Stick, and the Sharp Stone, he soon had a brand new Stone Spear, and it didn't look too shabby...But then, as he watched Crispy throw his weapon, it seemed like the fat, thick headed goblin actually had an idea. He picked the Green Switch up and began to bend it, then let it go and watched how it sprang back. You could practically see the gears turning in his head as he launched a small pebble off the end of the switch, like a child catapulting green peas out of their spoon. Once, he caught his finger on a small outcrop at the end of the switch, and hissed in pain. But while licking his finger, he looked at the forked piece of wood...then looked at his spear.

With just a little work, tapping the Hard Stone against the end of the spear, he made a small groove. He fit the Green Switch's tiny, branching outcrop--probably an old bud for a new branch--into the groove. It took him a while to get the hang of only holding the Green Switch and not the spear...but then, sticking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth in concentration, Wej took aim and let fly.

The spear flew right past Crispy, nicking his ear. It pierced deep into the leaf pile, but Wej's cry of celebration was interrupted Crispy's foot in his mouth.

Before Orchid could break up the squabble, however, the hunters returned.

"Boss, look what we's got!" Clod said proudly, throwing the corpse of a Hex Cat off of his shoulder. The other goblins began to ooh and awe, and it looked like they were on the verge of starting their Kill Dance again--

Then the mountain exploded.

Their first hint that something happened was a distant boom. It was like thunder but...not quite. More sudden. And where had those dark clouds come from so suddenly, to the northwest? Yet as they pondered this, a blue flash of light flew over the tree tops. It arced through the sky, a whirling crescent moon of crackling energy. It struck a mountain peak in the distance. The blast crumbled rock like powder, and the distant roar of an avalanche washed over them several seconds after they actually saw the chunks breaking away.
@Vinsmoke Goji
Knowing the whole "plot" isn't a big issue since, in the grand scheme of things, the big "narrative" right now is just surviving. What I mean is more along the lines of, are you familiar with any of the influences and staples of the RP, things like the Isekai/Reincarnation genre, JRPG tropes and cliches, Dragon Quest, monster raising games that aren't just Pokemon, and so on and so forth? Do you have any idea what kind of character you'd like to make, what their goals would be, etc?
@Vinsmoke Goji
Not as many of the mentioned people have replied yet, and it seems some of them haven't been on the site for a long time. So for right now, I don't suppose it would hurt to let you put in an app. Are you familiar with the RP and its conventions, etc?
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