Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

20 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

Yep, looks good, put him in the IC! Let's see how long it takes our Young Master to cultivate to the Peak of Mana Foundation!
How interesting, that in such a technologically advanced world with no magic, there are still pockets of savagery like this. Almost makes me wonder if your world's Humans have a little bit of Orc in them. Or Demon. Yet these lands of sand aren't cursed, they didn't "magically" become hellholes like these for no good reason, now did they? No, for good and bad, for evil and for justice, these lands are what their people make of them. And these people are what they choose to be, whether it be backwards barbarians or naive fools who defend and enable that barbarism.

Caught between two sides, what kind of person will you be? I can't wait to find out.

Skill Gain: Monster Analysis I (1.0)!
As a butcher, you dissected many forms of animal and gained knowledge and experience with their anatomy. With this skill, gain basic biological information about any Monster or similar creature. [Past Life Skill]

Level Growth: At some point when you leveled, your Max MP increased! ["His meditation focused on trying to accelerate his ability to regenerate mana and increase his capacity."]
Your math checks out and everything's good, you can put Nira and the voice in her head in the Character Tab as soon as you take this into account:

The mind is a fickle thing, yet it's been placed in charge of everything these sacks of meat we call bodies experience. Yet poor fools that we are, we trust the chemicals in our minds to tell us they are such. Pay attention to the voices, little girl...especially when they tell you things you don't want to hear.

Skill Gain: Alert I (1.0)!
Though this skill is limited by the strength of your senses, and does not sharpen your senses on its own, it allows you to become more aware of your surroundings. Without conscious effort, you will pick up on signs in your environment more easily, especially if they present some form of danger to you. Essentially this is an anti-ambush skill. [Past Life Skill]

Developing Skill: Stealth Kill (0.2)
By concentrating your Stamina at the moment of a sneak attack, you can (without sound or visual effects) increase the power of a single blow. A target's active resistance against you will disrupt the various forms of breathing, focus, movement, etc. required to focus Stamina into this technique, so it will not work in open combat. ["Soon she learned that she would need to rely on surprise attacks if she wanted to hunt and eat..."]

Welcome aboard!
That's the general idea, but there's no need to try and novelize all of it since some of their backstory can be fleshed out IC as well. For instance, if you're a Pixie and you decide you wanted to put some Skill Points into Fireball, maybe give a blurb about trying to test out different magic and being inspired to try harnessing the fire element because you saw the goblins making fire with drill sticks. If it's something simpler, like Smash or Crafting that you might get just over the course of fighting or working on various things, don't feel like you HAVE to add a lot of detail about it in your backstory.

Basically, I want a gist of what the character has been doing in their new life, but you don't have to try and cram 50 pages worth of RP into it.
A Tier 2 Skill will cost twice as much. A Tier 1 Skill that has reached Rank I and is being pushed towards Rank II would cost the same.

So when you spend 1 Skill point on a Tier 1 Skill that hasn't reached Rank I, you would get 0.1 Skill Progression per Skill Point. So getting Crafting I right off the bat, that would cost 10 Skill Points.

When you spend 1 Skill point on a Tier 2 Skill, or a Tier 1 Skill that has reached Rank I already, you will get 0.05 Skill Progression per Skill Point. So if you spent 10 points to get Crafting I, then spent more on it to get Crafting II, you would have to spend another 20 points. If you wanted to get Fireball to Rank I, that would also cost 20 points.

Since you only have 30 to work with right off the bat, it probably seems like there aren't enough skill points to catch up with most of the other players. However, you could potentially just spend 1 or 2 points per Skill so that they're on your UNUSABLE list--and then, by practicing in-game, accelerate the progression of those skills. It's up to you guys whether you would like to have one stronger skill added to your abilities, or if you want to spread out so that you have a variety of skills later on.

Also, remember that your Species Skills are a little different. Since you're a Wisp, you would automatically start with Mana Orb at Rank I. Getting Mana Orb to Rank II would actually only cost you 10 Skill Points, though after that it would cost twice as much like the Tier 2 skills. So if you wanted to be an uber-specialist, you could potentially dump all your points and start out with Mana Orb Rank III. It would probably spend all your MP every time you used it, but it would also one-shot any other NPC Wisp or Pixie and do SIGNIFICANT damage to any other creature.

Whatever you decide to do, think carefully! ;)
A year after this RP began, there are still those who express interest in joining. In the interest of fairness, this post also goes out to those that didn't get a chance to complete an application before the RP closed, those who expressed interest but had to be turned away immediately after the RP got started, and those who might want to return after joining and then taking a break. This is a special invitation, and not a complete re-opening of the RP, so depending on crowd size once word gets out please contact me via PM if you're not one of the names mentioned here. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone. If you're no longer interested, hopefully the ping doesn't bother you, sorry!


Collector, if you'd like to resume using your original character, send me a PM and we'll figure something out to catch him up.

The following Hiders should contain all necessary info, and should be considered as a sort of secondary Opening Post.
  • NARRATIVE 1 contains a second version of the original Interest Check post, explaining the basic concept of the RP and introducing the Demon King. Can you spot the differences between this and the original? ;)
  • NEW CHARACTER SHEETS contains both a Code CS that can be copy pasted, and an in-depth CS that has an explanation of different parts. There's no Example Sheet this time, so if there are any questions let me know.
  • NEW PLAYER SKILLS includes a blurb about the new mechanics that will be used ONLY for this instance, for the sake of New Players only. Read this carefully, then use the TIER ONE AND TIER TWO lists of skills at the bottom of that first Hider to make your choices.
  • NARRATIVE 2 contains the second version of the original IC post, assuming that New Characters are all on DAY 5 and have thus had their own little adventures in the backstory. Pay close attention to all the differences in your new environment! ;)

And now, to set the scene. As the second group of Damned Heroes, for some reason the Demon King has seen fit to drop you somewhere else...

Please post new character applications in the OOC first, and after I check them out I'll let you know when they're approved for the CS tab. The Discord link has broken, let me know once you're sure you're going to join up and I'll PM you a new one. If you have any other questions, let me know.

And welcome, one and all, New Mooks. Lucky you, you're a half-step from the bottom rung unlike those other shmucks. How's that for your Isekai Cheat?
Monster Party

Skill Rank Up: Lesser Flight II (2.65) > Lesser Flight III (3.05)!
Stamina consumption decreased. Flight speed increased. Carrying capacity increased.

Skill Gain: Faster I (1.0)!
Your base physical speed is increased! By gaining the skills Harder, Better, and Stronger, Skill Synergy will occur and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning.

Skill Gain: Minor Heal I (1.0)!
The most basic of healing spells. In most cases, only surface level wounds are affected. Cannot cure diseases. May even accelerate certain conditions not healed by the body's natural recovery. Cast upon a single target within eyesight.

Skill Gain: Guidance I (1.0)!
Your pleas have been heard. Offer up a portion of your MP in prayer, and gain a chance to receive supernatural guidance. The effectiveness of the teachings depends on your faith--and your ability to read the signs. Does rustling grass along the path show your way, or reveal danger? Was that a whispered voice, or just the wind? Your faith will shape your journey. The better your relation with a particular deity, the more likely you are to receive their guidance.

You used Plant Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I! You used Material Analysis I!
---Blessed White Yill Flower---
The White Yill is a species of yill flower, a common variety of blooming flowers that grow in many habitats. While often considered pleasing to look at, it doesn't have much use. It is perennial, and its seeds ripen towards the end of summer. It normally has no magical properties to speak of, but does have a higher capacity than other plants to absorb mana. Thus it can easily be made to conduct mana or take on magic properties, so Yill flowers sometimes change into other Magical Plants depending on their environments. This one has been Blessed. It may ward against misfortune or provide needed guidance to those in need of forgiveness. This White Yill has been given a small amount of MP with Healing properties. This White Yill has been given a small amount of neutral MP. It has taken on a Positive Mana charge, and may be useful as a component in Crafting, Alchemy, or other processes. It is Organic, Fibrous, Weak, Edible, Non-toxic, and Low in Nutrition.

You used Monster Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I!
You are Digbie. You are aware of your own properties and capabilities. There are currently no unusual status effects or other anomalies you are aware of. Your health seems fine.
---Analysis Complete!---

With everyone present, it was easy to gather up all the materials Ash had dissected from the Rubber Frog and head back towards the campsite. Between the Pygmy Drake and Lesserwurm's successful hunts, and what little was left of their forage from the previous day, they had enough food to suit them for now. If they wanted to cook or prepare it in more detail, however, that might take a bit of setup. They had the stream for clean water, or at least drinkable water, and once they were together as a group again it seemed like most creatures would give them a wide berth.

Oberon's new skills ticked over, as did Digbie's. The Demiblin used his analysis on the flower in his hair, as well as his new Minor Heal spell. The White Yill seemed to perk up, though it didn't grow back any of its old petals or really change. It just looked fresher, and less dried out. Digbie's other attempt at analysis didn't really tell him anything, although from the wording maybe it would have told him something under different circumstances. As he prayed in his mind...He heard nothing. No voice, no vision like before in the cave. Just the sound of his friends tramping through the woods, and the occasional easterly breeze rustling the leaves.

Once again, the group had completed their objectives for the moment. With new supplies, their camp was safe and secure. It was still early in the afternoon, somewhere between one and two o'clock perhaps if they could judge by the position of the sun. They had quite a few hours to kill until evening, and Rags Nar wasn't supposed to come back with his cronies until the next day...

Rat Party

Despite the weight they carried, the Rats pushed themselves. Harder, faster, adrenaline pumping through their veins, their paws pounded the earth. Mother Rat's squeal sounded out again, and now they could hear sharp clicking and scraping...

Skill Gain: Overwork I (1.0)!
Push through, break the limit, and--probably need a nap later. Expend Stamina to increase physical abilities. At this Rank, skill auto-cancels when Stamina is empty.

As the two rodents burst through the grass, they saw three more enormous insects engaged in battle with their packmate. Two of them looked the same as the creature they encountered the previous afternoon--the Myrminor Scout. The third, however, was slightly larger and darker in color. Its chitinous armor was thicker, bulkier, and its first set of legs had discernable claws at their tips that looked strong enough for gripping.

Mother Rat was caught in the middle of the two scouts as they worried her from either side, but despite their positioning she was more agile. As one snapped at her, she leaped up and over its head, coming down on its back before scampering and leaping away. But there was blood on one of her rear legs, and in the thick mane of fur around her neck. One of the Myrminor Scouts had a single leg that was broken, bent at a wrong angle. The other had some scratches around its head, but there was blood and fur on its mandibles. The bigger one didn't seem hurt thus far--but after hanging back for a moment, it now lunged forward as Mother Rat hit the ground, and grabbed at her with its forelegs. She fought back with her front paws, rearing up on her hind legs and swiping at the insect's limbs to keep them from getting a grip on her--but with its bigger body it could easily bull forward and knock her over--!

Ghost Party

"Mana Orb Deluxe!" Danny's words brought forth a bright light right in front of him. As the Mana Orb formed, a halo formed around it as well, like a miniature model of Saturn and its rings. With this short but partially effective chant, he blasted the frog with all his might! The crackling blast drove the creature back into a tree, hard, but Jason managed to keep his hold on it. As it took damage from the spell, Jason would notice the gray light of its soul shrinking significantly in size, leaving behind that strange bubble again. The bubble was the size the soul had originally been, but between Jason feeding off of it and Danny reducing its HP, the gray flame was dying.

You have no MP remaining.

Jason used Transparency first, getting a good grip on the amphibian's soul. When he began using Mana Drain, the creature thrashed as if it were having a seizure, and once more its memories flooded the Ectoslime. An animal's memories were like living one's life on autopilot--the kind of monotony that came with a 9 to 5 office job, waking up, eating, working, commuting, sleeping, day in and day out with no social life, no family, no values. Joy came from physical sensation, from eating and being warm and mating. The time frame he experienced could confuse Jason, could cloud his mind, but he knew he was a person and he knew he had a personality and goals and distinct memories.

Your MP is Full.
Your enemy has no MP remaining. Mana Drain canceled.

The frog was still alive, but its soul flickered and smoldered now. It began trying to pull itself away from Danny, barely able to work its limbs as it croaked pitiably...
PixieSlime Party

"Wut heel?" Momma Slime started to ask, but Ardur was already experimenting with the mandible of the Flak Beetle. When he cast his Shield I spell on the object, the aura surrounded it just like it normally would any other target. But as he focused, the aura seemed to compress until it was only skin-thin, yet highly concentrated around the mandible...and as he envisioned the mandible's structure growing harder, its edge sharper, the energy of the shield seemed to just...sink into the black, chitinous matter. But other than that, he couldn't really tell if it had made any other difference in the mandible's cutting ability...

While he chewed on various pieces of meat he could strip from their kill, however, the System informed him that he was, somehow, at least learning something.

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

Asura reached out with a stretched tendril to relay new information to Momma Slime, who gurgled thoughtfully in response before she rolled over towards the beheaded body of the deer. Steve had succeeded in liquifying one of the front legs enough that she had now taken it off completely and wrapped it in a bundle of webbing. She was beginning the process on the other front leg, though she couldn't wrap it as far up because the body was turned on that side. As Momma Slime rolled up to the corpse, the spider stopped to watch warily.

With a "schlurp," Momma Slime tried to attach herself to the neck stump. Her blue body soon turned purple as she began draining the Bowhorn Deer of all its blood. Steve made a slight hissing noise, then ran over to Ardur. With her furry forelimbs she began to tap on his leg, pointing with the others at what Momma Slime was doing, then indicating the other leg she hadn't yet been able to separate from the body.

Meanwhile, Asura continued to try and improve his Slime Shell. He used his own body first, attaching to the jawbone underneath all of the flesh, and found he was able to work the hinge simply enough. It took a concentrated effort, enough so that he probably couldn't move or fight while doing this, but he was definitely able to move the jaw in a simplified up and down, open-close motion. However, when he began testing the muscle fibers he found them...difficult. For one thing, they seemed like they were hard to stick to for some reason. Maybe it was the blood, fats, and natural oils of the flesh. For another thing, there were too many of them. He couldn't pull on just one and make the whole thing work, the muscle had to work together as a single mass. And lastly, he just didn't have much room. Even with better shapeshifting it was hard to get between densely packed fibers in order to manipulate them--like not being able to reach a piece of machinery you were working on because your fingers were too fat. Compared to the solid jawbone, which he could adhere himself to almost like glue, trying to use the muscle fiber seemed inefficient...

Ghost Party

Normally, Danny wouldn't have stood a chance against this larger creature in physical combat. However, unlike the Wisps in the cave, he had Transformed into a Poltergeist--and compared to a "natural" Poltergeist, he had the Faster skill. His dash surprised the frog, and as he used Point Strike to drive his sharpened sliver of stone right into its eye the attack took on a crackling red glow! In a spray of dark blood he plunged the sharp stone, and his fist, deep into the frog's eye! Its mouth opened on reflex, but it hadn't finished preparing its attack in time and the liquid poison dribbled down its front to burn away the grass beneath their feet. An instant later, Jason shoved invisible appendages into its eyes as well. When he released his Transparency ability--which was accompanied by a LOW MP Warning--the recoil caused him a slight pain but obviously did much more to the huge frog. Being punched in the eye from inside one's own body had to be a whole new level of pain, especially if one of the eyes you're being punched in has already been carved out by a jagged, sharp rock.

Blood spattered the Poltergeist's tiny fist, and the frog went down on its back. It thrashed blindly, one eye completely gone and the other currently damaged. Its croaks became much higher in pitch, almost pitiable. Jason seized on its soul, and its thrashing grew more intense.

Dark, warm, tight, too tight, had to break free. Eggshell. Danger, scatter! Sand, hide! Prey, bite! Wait. Prey poisoned. Prey paralyzed. Feed. Eat. Hunt. Find shelter. Find water. Find mate. More eat. More hunt. Defend territory. Stronger. Grow. Change. New form. Not enough food in cave. Into the forest. Find food. Find shelter. Find water. Find mate. More eating, more hunting. Day after day...I am Jason.

But Jason didn't find this target so easy to devour as his others, even if he resisted the pull of its personality. It was too strong, too healthy--he was taking bites out of it, but the creature now flopped back over onto its belly and got its legs under it. It started to turn towards Danny, once again spitting out a huge glob of purple acid at the tiny magical monster--!
Rat Party

Obtained Loot!
Flint and Striker x1
Greatclub x1
Hand Hatchet x1
Clay Jar x1
Tanned Leather x1
??? Eye x1
??? Horn x1
System:Rat Party

The rats chose to take everything with them, but at least they made the choice quickly. With all this weight they couldn't move very fast at all, and were slowed even further by the need for Stealth. However, it seemed they might make it yet...

Until Asteria paused for a moment.

You used Monster Analysis II!
---Elder Human Female, Magic User(?)---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races, highly evolved creatures considered truly sentient, though this may depend on definition. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with a fully functioning civilization, a varied history, and distinct cultures. This one is an elder, and appears to be performing some activity of magical or religious significance...WARNING! VERY DANGEROUS!

The pudgy woman had completed her walk around the packed-earth circle, and stopped her chanting. She stooped down at one of the little shrines, and there must have been a striker or flint or something because she soon rose with a burning wick made from oiled rope. Using this, she light a small opening at the top of the shrine. As smoke slowly curled into the air, she began to repeat her circling, with new lines of chanting...

"Hey, what was that?"

Time to go. The Rats, with their bounty in tow, Muffled their way into the long grass...

"What was what?"

"Thought I saw something moving over near that shed."

"Moving as in, something we actually need to worry about, or a loose Cluckel? Don't freak out just cause you've been up all night."

"Well I don't know then! Go check it out."

"You saw it, you check it out."

By the time the human guard approached the shed, the rats were a good distance away. He entered, and of course not being the one who owned the shed or put the items there, he didn't have any idea of what might be missing or out of place. So he turned and began to leave...but then?

The rats didn't have the time nor the inclination to turn back and look...or did they? Would they just continue on and hope they hadn't been spotted, or turn back and risk discovery to satisfy their curiosity? By this point they were far enough away that their Beast Senses weren't picking up any more voices, or footsteps...

They did, however, pick up the sound of something up ahead crashing through the grass, around their camp. And a shrill squeak.

Ghost Party

You used Monster Analysis II!
---Flak Beetle---
An aggressive insectoid that emerges after a Lamp Worm molts, known for the glowing sac hidden under its shell. The shell hides a gland in the bug's thorax that, similar to a firefly, contains a substance that produces light but is also highly flammable when exposed to open air. Unlike the firefly, the Flak Beetle can use this substance as a weapon, firing it with explosive force from either end of its body. The amount of fluid used, and the amount of pressure it is under, affects the strength of the blast. It also has strong jaws, capable of cutting through leather given enough time. Despite its tendency to viciously attack almost anything, it only eats plants.
---Analysis Complete!---

Skill Gain: Mana Vision I (1.0)!
Concentrate MP in your eyes to see the fluctuations of Mana. The level of detail and other qualities of your Mana Vision depend not only on the Rank of this Skill, but also on your physical sense of sight. Depending on the strength of your concentration, having a lesser sense of vision may also consume Stamina when using this Skill. At your current Rank, you can only see strange fluctations of magic energies and shapes that are not easily understood...

Skill Gain: Point Strike I (1.0)!
With a discerning eye, take aim at an oppenent's weak point and concentrate your own power into a single point of attack. Slightly increase the power of any attack, and gain an increased chance for a Critical Hit. Using this Skill in conjunction with other attack Skills, however, may cause it to lose effectiveness.

Skill Gain: Muffle I (1.0)!
This skill grants you the ability to be just a little bit better at being stealthy, with a focus on reducing the sound of your movements.

You are attempting to Craft without the requisite Skill.
Your crafted items are heavily degraded.
Processing Items: Sharp Stone + Hard Stone
Sharp Stone's cutting capacity has increased, but its durability has heavily decreased!
Hard Stone was destroyed in the processing!

Skill Rank Up: Spiritual Awareness I (1.75) > II (2.05)!
Your awareness of the duality of this world grows. -You are Undead, which changes the nature of this Skill. Under these conditions, at this Rank you can expend MP to detect the influence of other Spirits-.

Skill Gain: Mana Sense I (1.0) > (1.25)!
You have sharpened your mental and spiritual senses! By focusing upon a single creature or object, you will be able to sense its magical nature in some fashion. Different creatures may perceive this in different ways--some may see a colored aura, others may catch unique scents, etc. This is not an Analysis skill, though it may synergize with some of them. The range of this skill is limited to that of your other physical senses, though in some cases a mana signature may become easier or more difficult to detect depending on factors such as strength, amount, etc. By touching an object or creature, even if they are somehow suppressing their magical power, you have a chance to learn whether or not magic is present. At this rank you must activate this skill in order for it to take effect. While active it will consume MP.

Skill Gain: Shield I (1.0) > 1.05)!
The most basic of defensive support spells. An aura effect reduces incoming damage, but no physical barrier or counteractive forces are generated. Only natural resistances to damage are reinforced. Can be cast on objects.

You used Shield I on yourself! Defenses increased!

You used Mana Sense I!
---??? Tree---
You feel a growing, natural Mana and a rigid, woody Mana, and it is fairly strong at least compared to your own MP.
You feel a constant fluctuation of an amalgamation of Mana. It is vast, but you cannot reach even a portion of a portion of it--what you feel is less than a particle within the universe.
You feel a faint, wispy, light Mana. It burns you, it rejects your being.
You feel an empty, void Mana, but it really isn't Mana. Yet as a vacuum is a lack of matter and still creates forces within spatial existence, this Mana applies the "force of lacking."
You feel a solid, heavy, earthen Mana. It tends to remain, not move, to collect and to withstand. It is vast, but you cannot delve into its depths. What you feel is less than a pebble upon a mountain.

You used Mana Drain I!

You attempted to use Monster Analysis. Attempt Failed. Monster Analysis is currently Locked.

Danny had to search for a bit, but was able to dig up a Sharp Stone and Hard Stone in their surroundings after several minutes. Unfortunately, between a lack of coordination and strength, his attempts to hone the edge of the Sharp Stone were less fruitful. The Hard Stone cracked, crumbled, and finally broke apart into little more than dust and gravel bits, and while a few flakes broke away from the Sharp Stone, it also didn't have much of a handhold left either. Plus, the blade was actually so razor-thin as to be more fragile than glass. This wasn't obsidian either, so it wasn't like he had a self-sharpening scapel...just a very sharp, very brittle, chunk of rock that likely wouldn't last too long.

Using Lesser Force II, the Poltergeist had a little more luck than just using his bare hands. Still, he couldn't quite get the force necessary to cut into the Flak Beetle's shell. He was able to cut out its exposed underbelly, opening it up so that the rest of it could be scooped out, but if he wanted to break apart the actual shell or break off the bug's mandibles, he would need to figure out another method.

Jason's experiments with his new abilities were enlightening in some respects, as he learned more about the Mana around him. When he cast Shield, the pain indeed seemed to go away...but he was still no more visible to Danny than before as of yet, and he could feel that the Shield spell was being whittled away at a slow, yet constant rate. Casting it had also cost him more MP of course...as did every usage of his Mana Sense. Combined with the new shield, that was six spells he had cast in rapid succession. The system notified him that his Mana Overflow had ceased, and his Mana Density was back to a "normal" level, whatever that meant...and he could feel that he had spent a large chunk of his energy, though not quite enough for the System to get him a Low MP warning. Staying still and using Mana Drain...wasn't as effective as he had hoped it would be either. Using Mana Drain seemed to be like trying to draw Mana into himself via a straw. On a closed container of sorts, like another Monster whose body contained its magical energy, it was quite useful. On the ambient energy all around him, however, it was like trying to use that same straw to draw water out of a cloud. There was a difference between Mana Drain and Meditate, then, and they couldn't be used at the same time...but, if he Meditated again, would he lose sight of Danny like before?

As Danny went about harvesting the Flak Beetle, however, something rustled in the bushes. Undaunted by the presence of the Poltergeist, a large creature suddenly bounded out of the underbrush and croaked. A frog. However, no bull toad on Earth could ever reach this size--the creature's dull blue and gray speckled coloration gave it the appearance of a stone, and it was big enough to pass for one too. It was probably the size of a medium dog, but much, much fatter and stockier. Its enormous legs still seemed to possess enough power for it to hop. Another odd feature was that it had a tail--a stubby one, but a tail nonetheless.

The frog looked at Danny, and blinked one eye at a time with three different eyelids. It then tilted its head to look at the beetle, and repeated the blinks but in the opposite order. Its throat sac bulged, and became a dark purple color.
Monster Party

You used Magic Analysis I!
---Minor Heal I---
The most basic of healing spells. In most cases, only surface level wounds are affected. Cannot cure diseases. May even accelerate certain conditions not healed by the body's natural recovery. Cast upon a single target within eyesight.
---Analysis Complete!---

As Digbie analyzed Ash's spell, the Pygmy Drake sent forth the healing energies to Torrent. Somehow they found the Lesserwurm despite her constant movement as the Giant Slime rolled, and the System informed her that her HP had fully recovered--at least until the next rotation. Oberon began to channel his Mana, again shaping a Fireball into something more like an arrow or javelin, but in the time it took him to do this Digbie ran towards a higher vantage point and Torrent made her own move. Again the Fireball blossomed into being--around the reptile's body. She pushed and it expanded, but the Fireball was already in contact with the Giant Slime. As Torrent went around one more time there was a WHUMPH underneath the slime, and the blast threw it off balance. It lurched to one side, just as Digbie's Earth Wall sprang up to stop it cold.

Almost simultaneously, Ash and Oberon let loose their attacks. Venom and flame pierced the gelatinous membrane--luckily missing Torrent--and the creature let out one last screech as its acidic innards leaked from the piercings like blood. The Giant Slime "let go" of Torrent, as its entire membrane began to lose cohesion. It began to deflate with a sizzling sound, its color growing dull and dead just like autumn leaves...

Skill Rank Up: Sacred Ground I (1.9) > Sacred Ground II (2.1)!
HP Recovery Speed increased. Enemy Damage Resistance Increased. This skill now also slightly boosts resistances to Status Effects.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 8! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you like!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
**Use Light Equipment (--)
Tremor Sense III (3.2125)
-Soil Manipulation II (2.8)
Stone Shot II (2.0)
Taboo I (1.0)
*Stronger I (1.5)
**Sacred Ground II (2.1)
Rock Spire II (2.2)
Earth Affinity I (1.3)
Meditate I (1.5)
Earth Vein II (2.25)
-Spell Chant I (1.025)
Monster Analysis I (1.075)
Material Analysis I (1.125)
Plant Analysis I (1.1025)
*Mental Resistance I (1.0)
Fortify I (1.1)
*Mana Orb (1.5)
**Shield II (2.25)
Overwork I (1.75)
Mana Affinity I (1.0)
Magic Analysis (1.275)
Analysis (--)
**Earth Wall I (1.8)
Quake (0.5)
Crafting (0.5)
*Point Strike (0.6)
*Smash (0.6)
Throw Item (0.2)
Charisma (0.1)
*Mana Strike (0.3)
Focus (0.1)
Stone Fist (0.6)
*Stone Breaker (0.2)
Intimidate (0.2)
-Scribe (0.2)
*Fire Resistance (0.3)
Demon Affinity (0.25)
Underground Movement (0.5)
Guidance (0.8)
**Use Medium Equipment (0.1)
*Minor Heal (0.4)
Faster (0.1)
Alert (0.1)
Dual Cast (0.1)

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 8! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you like!

Unspent Skill Points: 12

Current Skills:
Minor Heal III (3.0)
Lesser Flight II (2.65)
Shield IV (4.02)
Magic Analysis IV (4.27)
Mana Orb II (2.55)
Mana Shape II (2.75)
Lesser Status Heal (1.2)
Mana Dart I (1.55)
Alert I (1.65)
Monster Analysis II (2.5)
Meditation III (3.07625)
Light Ring I (1.25)
Gather Light I (1.75)
Fireball I (1.7)
Plant Analysis I (1.0)
Material Analysis I (1.0)
Sacred Ground I (1.0)
Mana Slice I (1.05)
Overwork I (1.75)
Keen Sight (1.1)
Minor Heal All I (1.0)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.0)
Minor Regeneration I (1.0)
Spell Chant I (1.1)
Focus I (1.1)
Mental Resistance II (2.25)
Sensory Resistance I (1.0)
Wall (0.6)
Faster (0.5)
Charisma (0.9)
Light Affinity (0.8)
Fire Resistance (0.2)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Mana Puppet (0.5)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Aqua Sphere (0.3)
Mana Drain (0.1)
Wind Break (0.1)
Flame Lance (0.6)

PixieSlime Party

With the Bowhorn Deer slain, the party began to divide the spoils. Momma Slime slowly ate her way through the connection of its back leg while Steve injected her webbed portion with her spider-venom. It wouldn't spread to the rest of the body, since the creature's heart was no longer beating, but its purpose wasn't really to poison the meat anyway. It would break down the proteins and reduce the flesh to a type of mush, which the arachnid's mouth parts could then slurp out through the holes her fangs made in the webbing. When Asura began chopping off the head, however, Steve shrank back to a safe distance and tilted her head. Momma Slime had weakened the back leg enough that she began to pull it the rest of the way off, with a loud meaty crunch and tear. Storing the back leg inside her membrane for later, she watched as Asura finished cutting off the head then turned towards Ardur.

As Ardur healed up Asura, restoring the red slime's HP to full, Momma Slime lurched over slowly. She seemed curious, but also wary.

"Ahdoo. Wat dat? Wat do Ahsoowa?" the monster asked the Hipixie while he began to carve the deer with a broken mandible from the Flak Beetle. It was rather hard to do--the mandible was sharp, but also brittle and not really designed for this kind of work. He would have to small cuts over and over again, "digging" deeper into the hide and meat before he could make any real headway.

If the fairy chose to explain his spell, while he was doing that Momma Slime took the opportunity to quickly grab whatever intestines and other organs he removed from the deer. She didn't seem disturbed by the smell and if she could taste anything within the offal it didn't seem to bother her. Steve went back to her poison leg "smoothie" while Asura began forcing himself into the Bowhorn's skull.

The Amorphous Slime's liquid body made use of his Limited Shapeshift skill much more fluidly than he had before, when he tried to use a Dire Rat's corpse as a hiding place. Surrounding tendons and muscle, working his way between flesh and bone, his body itself almost became a mold for the material under the deer's hide and allowed him to better understand its structure. He stuck himself to the severed ends of every blood vessel and began to drain it all out--the innards of the deer shrank as they were emptied out completely. Red flesh became a much lighter pink, and the hide just below the fur began to sag. But what Asura had taken in he replaced with himself. The head filled out again, even bulging in places as he worked his way in. But even with Limited Shapeshift increased in rank compared to his previous attempt, he just wasn't able to force all the mass of his body into such a limited space. The smaller veins and capillaries would simply burst. He was able to work extensions of himself into the major arteries though...and once he had traveled through those, reaching the brain and eyes, he ate his way through and cleared a path to the brainpan.

Pseudopods wrapped around the tendons of the jaw like rubber coating on copper wires. Muscles couldn't push, they always had to pull. They had to be anchored on the bones. And when one set of muscles pulled, the opposing set had to relax...

Skill Gain: Slime Shell I (0.7) > (1.0)!
A skill Unique to Slimes that have gained a shapeshifting skill. By forming themselves into an appropriate shape, they can infiltrate some of the oddest objects and use them to protect themselves. Much like a species of crab may force a mollusk out of the shell, then use it for itself. As this skill increases in Rank, the complexity of the shell and the strength of the Slime's bond to it grows. Currently, you may have only one Shell of relatively simple design. You possess the skill Cling I--the strength of your shell's bond is boosted.

Slime Shell Acquired: Bowhorn Skull
The decapitated head of a Bowhorn Deer. It has one remaining joint: Jaw. Operation of this joint is not fully functional at this Rank, it grants no Sub-Stat Enhancements. This Shell has not been fully bonded; you feel tougher when wearing it but it is slowing you down. Fully bond the Shell to remove Negative Sub-Stat Enhancements and increase the effectiveness of positive Enhancements.

Ardur tossed Asura the liver of the deer just as he was figuring out his new skill. If Asura watched, he would join Momma Slime and Steve as witnesses to a gruesome scene. Ardur cut out the deer's heart, an organ almost as big as the Hipixie's own head. In imitation of some grisly ritual, he drank its blood and held it up to the sky as he began to pray...

"“An offering to those that helped us. To those who we met and are now gone, to those who made us stronger and survive, to those that watch over us, I praise." Somehow the silence seemed deafening. Like when one tries to speak in a crowded room, yet for some reason all conversation suddenly stops the moment they begin to shout over the volume. "For the protector, who helped us defend our home from the unknown." The blue light of dawn was fading. The sun rose, and its rays spilled over them as they stood around the corpse whose heart Ardur held aloft. "For the king, who helped us lead and work together." The warmth of these new yellow and red rays tickled the skin. A southerly breeze began to blow. "For the mother, who has rewarded us with a fine gift." A stray cloud, blown by the wind, passed over the sun. But soon it had moved on, so the light merely blinked for a short moment. "I praise you and offer this sacrifice. The heart of the beast, may you take its strength and let it join you to find peace.”

The wind picked up. The cloud was driven further away. The sun's light seemed brighter in the now-clear blue sky. Ardur focused on his hands and cast Fireball I without the intention of letting it fly but simply to burn the offering in a sort of ritual sacrifice. The heart, being fresh and full of fluid, steamed and sizzled as it began to char and blacken. The smell was like cooking pork, and it began to drift up on thick smoke. The breeze carried it southward, a trail of succulent scent. The morning light was now catching the snowdrifts atop those high mountains, reflecting in some places along the western slopes like glittering gemstones. But these gems were set high, high atop the mountains, in the snows that ringed their peaks...like crowns of wrought ivory reflecting a fiery light. And like the wind, the sunlight's refraction seemed to bounce away among the rocks and crags to the south...

Rat Party

You used Monster Analysis I!
---Adult Male Human ???---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with civilization, history, culture. WARNING: DANGEROUS!
---Adult Male Human ???---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races, considered truly sentient. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with a fully functioning civilization, a varied history, and distinct cultures. WARNING: DANGEROUS!
---Analysis Complete!---

You used Monster Analysis II!
An interesting example of a Monstrous Beast that has been Domesticated, and thus degraded somewhat to a more Mundane creature. Some say that Cluckel's primitive ancestors were actually related to the Cockatrice or even other Avian-class Monsters like Rocs. In truth, this could be the case for either ancestor depending on what subspecies of Cluckel one is talking about. Humans raise Cluckels for their feathers, their meat, and their eggs.
---Analysis Complete!---

As the rats searched the woodshed, they would find a few items left here for the sake of storage, but nothing incredibly valuable...well, unless they could make something of it for themselves, perhaps. Ed found a small wooden box on top of one of the jars that contained a piece of flint and a piece of steel, as well as some woodchips and grass--a flint and tinder box. And he also found a weapon, perhaps intended as a spare or in case someone was out at the shed at night and suddenly got attacked. It was about four feet long, made of hard wood, and while the first half of its length had been sanded down smooth and wrapped with leather strips, the latter half remained about as big around as a baseball bat and had been studded here and there with bits of metal. The Greatclub actually wasn't too heavy for Ed to be able to lift...but given its length compared to his height, even with his enhanced strength stats he just couldn't seem to hold it well enough to actually use it. Would he leave it, or risk dragging it with him if it meant possibly learning to use it later?

Asteria got luckier, as the jar she grabbed and stuffed the scroll into also seemed to have something else already in it. What was more, the scroll wasn't a scroll of parchment--it was a tanned leather hide that hadn't yet been put to some sort of use. The material seemed relatively freshly dried, so it was still quite flexible, but hard and thick enough to serve any purpose that leather could be put to--so long as there was enough of it for the given task. The other items in the jar were some kind of antler or horn from some creature--it was an unusually vivid purple color, and Asteria's nose picked up an unpleasant odor not unlike the Fanged Lizards from the cave. There was also what looked to be an actual dried eyeball of some kind...or maybe it was a bead, given how it rolled and rattled inside the jar. They might have to examine these objects more closely to really understand what they were...but for now, they wanted to move.

Asteria wanted to find some sharp tools if possible, but as the rats prepared to grab their loot and go, it looked like one of the guards was coming too close to the destroyed pen to risk it. That pen was also further inside the village as well, in plain view from several huts, so right now it wouldn't be prudent to risk it. Here inside the shed, only one tool could be found besides that Greatclub Ed had found.

It was a small hatchet, even smaller than what one usually thinks of when they think of a small one handed axe used for wood cutting. Maybe its shaft had broken off at some point, or maybe it was only meant to split really small wood for kindling. But even a human child could have easily handled it. Its head was made of stone, however, and not iron--it would be somewhat heavy.

If they left immediately they could probably make it out unseen, the same way they had come in--but would they take everything and risk being slowed down? Or would they quickly select the most valuable items? The lightest? The ones that would make the least noise? They had only moments--!

Ghost Party

Physical Damage Resistance I (1.0)(0.1)
Warcry II (2.175)(0.1)
Stone Shot II (2.6625)(0.1)
Rock Spire II (2.075)(0.1)
Tremor Sense II (2.425)(0.2)
Soil Manipulation I (1.15)(0.2)
Telepathy II (2.725)(0.5)
Material Analysis I (1.2)(0.1)
Magic Analysis I (1.55)(0.4)
Monster Analysis I (1.55)(0.2)
Mental Resistance I (1.55)(0.4)
Charisma I (1.15)(0.1)
Focus I (1.3)(0.5)
Limited Shapeshift I (1.6)(0.3)
Mind Wave I (1.2)(0.2)
Spell Chant I (1.3)(0.3)
Bounce I (1.15)(0.1)
Faster I (1.05)(0.1)
Blunt Resistance I (1.0)(0.1)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.75)
Transparency I (1.25)
Taboo I (1.9)
Levitate (--)
Guidance I (1.15)
Mana Drain I (1.45)
Meditate I (1.6)
Wave Shock (0.1)
Aqua Sphere (0.7)
Alert (0.1)
Blood Drain (0.7)
Muffle (0.1)
Magic Resistance (0.7)
Agriculture (0.3)
Plant Analysis (0.3)
Fire Resistance (0.4)
Fortify (0.2)
Sensory Resistance (0.45)
Mana Orb (0.7)
Shield (0.5)
Alchemy (0.4)
Air Read (0.4)
Keen Sight (0.2)
Doze (0.1)
Acid Resistance (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.3)
Pierce Resistance (0.8)
Lesser Cleanse (0.2)
Dextrous (0.2)
Quicken (0.3)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Slash Resistance (0.2)
Mana Sense (0.8)
Mana Shape (0.2)
Possession (0.35)
Lesser Force (0.1)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Curse Word (0.1)

Mana Density: The degree of compactness of a given amount of magical energy in a container of a given size.

As Jason lunged at the beetle, upon thrusting his essence into its body and seizing hold of the soul inside he found that the "bubble" didn't pop. Rather, he felt it as if he were holding onto a water balloon only partially filled. The gray light within the beetle surged as it seemed to detect that something was attacking it--without knowing, without seeing, the insect began to buzz angrily and tried to open its wings. Danny, from his perch on the tree, could see a soft blue glow coming from underneath the creature's abdomen. He prepared a Mana Orb, and the projectile crackled with more powerful surges of magic with its second rank. The beetle looked up and suddenly paused, as if it had just realized Danny was even there.

Jason's misty pseudopod fully engulfed the beetle's soul. Its memories flooded him--

A worm, digging in the dark and the wet. The sun, bright and blinding. Plants, roots, life giving water...Growth. Feeling tight and restricted. Growing too big. Curling up. The skin hardened. Organs liquified. Sleep. A long sleep. Cracking. Breaking free, in the dark and the wet. The sun, bright and blinding. Plants, roots, water, smaller insects. Burning inside. Using this. Attack the not-me. Eat. The pull of nature. Seeking a mate...Fighting for food. Fighting for territory. Fighting for mates. Predator. Pain. Injured. Need shelter. Need food. I am Jason.

Like the slime, this creature had no real sentience. Its intelligence was entirely limited. The experience of being this creature confused and consumed Jason, almost as if his own will had been temporarily stripped and he had been reduced to a machine that simply made conclusions from information. But ultimately, it was shallow. It could not drown him. He emerged, still himself.

But as he was draining the last of the Beetle's soul, the creature itself was not going down without a fight. Looking at Danny, the only other creature nearby and thus the only creature that might be attacking it right now, the beetle opened its mandible. Something bright and fiery burned in the depths of its mouth--so, seeing that it was about to attack, Danny would launch his own. The Mana Orb crashed into the bug's face with a bright flash. Jason "felt" its soul go limp in his grasp.

The Ectoslime devoured his next soul, and felt his mana grow. Danny watched the bug's body twitch as its mandibles cracked, and it flipped over onto its back. It seemed to instinctively curl in on itself, much like a spider, as it died.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 8! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you like!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Physical Damage Resistance I (1.0)(0.1)
Warcry II (2.175)(0.1)
Stone Shot II (2.6625)(0.1)
Rock Spire II (2.075)(0.1)
Tremor Sense II (2.425)(0.2)
Soil Manipulation I (1.15)(0.2)
Telepathy II (2.725)(0.5)
Material Analysis I (1.2)(0.1)
Magic Analysis I (1.55)(0.4)
Monster Analysis I (1.55)(0.2)
Mental Resistance I (1.55)(0.4)
Charisma I (1.15)(0.1)
Focus I (1.3)(0.5)
Limited Shapeshift I (1.6)(0.3)
Mind Wave I (1.2)(0.2)
Spell Chant I (1.3)(0.3)
Bounce I (1.15)(0.1)
Faster I (1.05)(0.1)
Blunt Resistance I (1.0)(0.1)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.75)
Transparency I (1.25)
Taboo I (1.9)
Levitate (--)
Guidance I (1.15)
Mana Drain I (1.5)
Meditate I (1.6)
Wave Shock (0.1)
Aqua Sphere (0.7)
Alert (0.1)
Blood Drain (0.7)
Muffle (0.1)
Magic Resistance (0.7)
Agriculture (0.3)
Plant Analysis (0.3)
Fire Resistance (0.4)
Fortify (0.2)
Sensory Resistance (0.45)
Mana Orb (0.7)
Shield (0.5)
Alchemy (0.4)
Air Read (0.4)
Keen Sight (0.2)
Doze (0.1)
Acid Resistance (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.3)
Pierce Resistance (0.8)
Lesser Cleanse (0.2)
Dextrous (0.2)
Quicken (0.3)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Slash Resistance (0.2)
Mana Sense (0.8)
Mana Shape (0.2)
Possession (0.35)
Lesser Force (0.1)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Curse Word (0.1)

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you like!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Mana Orb II (2.475)
Lesser Force II (2.825)
Levitation (--)
Monster Analysis II (2.75)
Meditate I (1.4)
Mana Shape I (1.3)
Aqua Sphere I (1.2)
Magic Analysis I (1.7)
Mana Dart I (1.05)
Blunt Resistance I (1.05)
Focus I (1.0)
Faster I (1.05)
Plant Analysis I (1.05)
Mana Strike (0.5)
Mana Shell (0.1)
Point Strike (0.8)
Suppress Presence (0.8)
Muffle (0.7)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Aqua Stream (0.1)
Magic Dash (0.2)
Spell Chant (0.1)
Material Analysis (0.5)
Mana Drain (0.1)
Alert (0.2)
Fire Resistance (0.1)
Charisma (0.2)
Spiritual Awareness (0.6)
Mana Vision (0.5)
Stronger (0.1)

With the Beetle dead, it seemed like nothing else was around to disturb the ghostly slime and the Poltergeist. They couldn't hear Trent chopping trees anymore...in fact, something, maybe their animalistic senses, told them that the humans probably were not nearby anymore. They knew that the goblin tribe had gone to the east--but who knew how far they had traveled by now? They might risk going back to the cave, if they wanted to try running in and out of the dungeon video-game style to see what loot or experience they could get. But they could also go west to the mountains, or east to...whatever was out there. Maybe south. Anywhere they desired, really...what were their goals, from here on out?

Orchid's Tribe

”OI! Quit hollaring! So you all got stronger. What of it? We still gots lots of work to do if we wanna survive out here. Hunters, make sure you get skills that’ll help you fight. I’m sure some of you might be tempted to pick something like smash or slash, but if you can get something that’ll help you throw or shoot. Being goblins, the chances of us surviving a fight against a big monster ain’t big, even if we’re working together. Better that we can hit em hard from afar.”

Orchid's goblins stopped celebrating as she raised her voice. And as they processed what she said, they began to look confused...all except for Crispy.

"Get skillz? How we do dat, Boss?" Bigs asked, scratching his head.

"Yeah, ya can't just pick skillz!" Wej said, nodding like someone who doesn't really know but wants to look smart anyway. "Everybody knows, skillz is da blessins from da Old Gobs! Dey just shows up when dey shows up! Is all misty-airs!"

”Crafters need crafting skills of course. And learn more about what you’re working with, whether it’s plants or monsters or what. And gatherers need similar skills, maybe something that’ll also help you move faster or stronger so you can carry more stuff. If you can learn magic then do it.”

"M-magic?" Yoona looked at Crispy, then at Orchid, then down at himself. "B-but, we can'ts do no magic! Only yous and Crispy got it, and yous da only one talked to Big Demons! Crispy just got burnt! I dun wanna get burnt!"

"OI!" Crispy broke in, shouting over the others before any more protests could be made. "Da boss means, go practice yer hurtin'! See who can make da loudest bang on da trees wif yer clubs, or who can stick the most leaves on da enda dey spear when ya stabs it! Ya buncha dums!"

Given the look on his face, the other goblins scurried away from Crispy and left Orchid to her crafting and cooking. Jezee began gathering up wood for the bush-turned-campfire, but she wouldn't go out of sight of Orchid and kept looking around the dark woods nervously. Clod sat down with his back against the tree and began examining the stone blade of his sword for any chips or cracks. If he found them, he used some of the stones that had been gathered during the trip to try and hone the edge. Sqwal had run off with Wej and Bigs, and their arguments over who was better at what could be heard by the rest of the group. Yoona helped Crispy re-apply the last of the healing herbs to his arm, solely because the other goblin ordered him to...although, Yoona seemed a little out of it. Whether he was just tired, or something had happened during the fight, he had grown sluggish and drowsy.

Tiddies sat down not far from Orchid, but also kept her back to a tree. Like Yoona, she seemed to be crashing...but she kept her eyes locked on Orchid, carefully watching what the other goblinette was doing with all the parts of the Armored Badger and the food.

Skill Rank Up: Charisma I (1.6) > II (2.0)!
Your ability to convince others has subtly increased. This Skill still won't work on those with strong Wills even if they're below your level. The effectiveness of leadership-type buff skills will be boosted by Skill Synergy.

Skill Gain: Warcry I (0.9 > 1.0)!
In the heat of battle, you can unleash an echoing roar of fury. At this rank, it might hurt someone’s ears, but its real effect is to cause enemies to focus on you for a short amount of time.

Skill Gain: Fire Resistance I (0.8 > 1.0)!
This damage resistance skill applies to both magical and natural flames, as well as higher temperatures in general. If other elemental resistances are gained, skill synergy may occur. Having this skill may make using certain types of fire magic or other fire oriented skills easier. - You possess the Hellish Fiend's Protection (Petty). Your total Fire Resistance is Rank II -

Skill Gain: Defender I (0.7 > 1.0)!
Expend Stamina to harden the muscles in the body and reduce damage taken while blocking an attack. If used with a shield or armor, the effect is boosted. If used without a solid footing, the effect is diminished.

You looted the Armored Badger!
Obtained Items:
Badger Hide (Bad Quality) x1
Tough Hide Plate (Poor Quality) x3
Fresh Badger Meat (30 pounds edible)
Fresh Badger Offal (9 pounds)
Small Monster Bones (Average) x4
Small Monster Ribcage (Average) x1
Small Monster Bone Plates (Average) x4
Small Monster Spine (Average) x1
Armored Badger Skull (Poor) x1
Armored Badger Fangs (Average) x2
Armored Badger Claws (Average) x8

You used Crafting V!
Green Switch + Fresh Badger Meat + Fresh Badger Offal + Fire
Repeat Process x9

Fresh Badger Offal + Blue Argeps + Green Argeps + Fire

You created Badger Kebabs (x9)!
Made with chopped up bits of liver, kidney, and the gamey, earthy meat of an Armored Badger roasted over an open flame and speared with a fresh green piece of wood, this is a surprisingly filling meal for such simple fare.

You created Badger Berry Tripe!
By putting fresh Argeps into an Armored Badger's stomach sac, the acidity of the berries helps tenderize the leathery membrane and their sweetness overcomes the powerful offal flavor. Once roasted over the fire, it's a chewy meal that bursts with fruity flavor in every bite!

21 pounds of Fresh Badger Meat remain.
3.5 pounds of Fresh Badger Offal remain.

The smell of cooking food soon drew the other goblins back to the fire, and several of them were yawning now as well. The sun was good and truly down now, and the stars were twinkling up above. As the goblins finally made to settle down in their little camp, Orchid spoke up again.

”Didn’t get much done as far as weapon crafting. Fuck, took us the whole damn day just to make some goddamn rope and one spiked club. I can’t be da only one crafting if we wanna raid the farm with more than just twigs and bushes. Wej! Crispy! Tomorrow we’re gonna focus on making shit for the tribe. Ready or not we’re gunna attack the farm at night, when they least expect it. Hunters, make sure you get us food and learn how ta hit hard with whatever ya got. Gatherers, get rocks and sticks wherever you can. But for now, we eat!” Orchid proudly displayed the badger kebabs. They weren’t anything too fancy, but a step up from eating raw fruit and meat. The goblins looked at them in awe for several moments before finally digging in--and once the first batch of kebabs had disappeared, everyone wanted to make their own. As most of them didn't possess Orchid's skill or "sense" for what cooked food actually was, their own attempts mostly consisted of finding a tree branch, spearing some of the badger meat or offal on it, and then holding it in the fire until they either couldn't stand the tasty smell anymore, or noticed that it was starting to turn black. The new battle cry of "HASHAFASHASASH" was heard several more times that night as the goblins tried to stuff themselves before the meat had even stopped burning. Orchid had used a good deal of the meat herself, but by the time everyone had eaten their fill only 10 pounds of Fresh Badger Meat was left, and all the Fresh Badger Offal had been eaten.

”After we done eating we’ll go to sleep. Biggs, you got first watch. Den Sqwal. Third will be Wej, den wake me up so I can get the day started for us.” Now that they were truly full and satiated, for possibly the first time in their entire lives, the goblins brooked no argument with their new boss. Even Crispy had nothing to say as he settled down on a pile of leaves, carefully adjusting his injured arm. Clod had fallen asleep before he even finished eating, his last kebab clutched tightly in his hand with only half of it bitten off. Tiddies, too, was in a deep, heavy slumber, as if she were dead. Yoona had curled up in a fetal position up under a bush, and though the ground was cool the brush kept the wind off of him and the fire's warmth was nearby.

The night passed...

[[Orchid's Tribe enters Day 5]]


The sun hadn't come up yet, everything was still blue and misty and damp and chilly. But when Orchid told Wej to wake her up, she was pretty sure she hadn't told him to do it by screaming his head off...yet here he was.


Jumping up and down and pointing, the fat goblin gestured until Orchid was on her feet. Then, holding his spear in trembling hands, he slowly edged forwards toward the tree and reached out with the butt of the weapon.

The sleeping Redcap dropped his badger kebab with a snort, and without opening his eyes groped out and pushed the spear away. Wej poked him again, and the Redcap rolled over with a grimace. A third poke provoked a snarl from the monster, and he grabbed the stone sword lying next to him and whirled. Wej squealed as his weapon was knocked from his hand, and the Redcap stood to a full height just over four feet, but fairly broad of shoulder and chest even compared to the pudgier goblin.


"What's goin' on, shaddup all dat fuggin noise!" Crispy stood up, wincing as his arm throbbed after not moving all night. And behind him, two other figures jumped up on unsteady feet. They each stood at four and a half feet, and their skin was a darker shade of green. Their proportions, and their facial features, had become much more sophisticated. Their ears were still long, and they still had sharp teeth, and their noses were still thick. But their hair had grown and their bodies had developed. To someone who couldn't see skin color, they might have passed for stunted, extremely ugly, human teenagers.

"...Why errybody smalls?" asked the male, as he looked around and blinked with wide eyes--then gasped and jumped in shock when he laid eyes on the other Hobgoblin. "T-t-t-TIDDIES!?"

"Yoona, dat you? And...dat red gob over dere, dat's Clod?" Tiddies' hair, especially, had lengthened significantly and her proportions had grown more noticeably than Yoona's. They were likely the oldest goblins in the group besides Crispy, but unlike him had not transformed up until this point for some reason. As the now much more mature looking female looked over at Orchid, Tiddies seemed both confused and thoughtful. Gears were definitely turning in her head. The other goblins also turned to Orchid, but they didn't seem to know what to think at all.
@Lucius Cypher Sounds like someone wants all the Damned Heroes to only have Fire/Fighting evolutions from now on.

@ReusableSword How dare you.
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