Avatar of Zeroth


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19 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

Monster Party

As Torrent repeated her earlier process, and this time added her intent of fire to the magic, she could feel the light within her mouth intensify. The warmth increased. Fire was an element that was growing familiar to the Lesserwyrm at this point, given the number of skills she'd been learning with it and her constant self-exploding experiments. She felt the power building up inside, then let loose one more attempt and analyzed her developing spell.

You used Magic Analysis II!
---Breath ????---
You seem to have created a focused beam of stimulated light using your magic. Gathering more power has improved its development. Focusing its power into a smaller area has improved its development. Stimulating the energy with higher levels of heat has improved its development. In order to accomplish the desired affect, however, it seems to lack consistent application...

This time, the beam made a distinct sizzling sound. A yellow-white streak left Torrent's mouth and hit the brook passing through their camp, producing a tiny wisp of steam. However, the magic had launched like a singular arrow, leaving her mouth, striking the target, and dissipating. Did "consistent application" mean she would have to hold the output somehow...?

As Ash straightened up to her full height and spread her wings for the first time, she heard an unpleasant ripping sound. The strips of sinew and flesh she had been carrying for a few days now, having dried thoroughly in the sun and, over time, begun to subtly decay, now ripped in their entireity. Her Rawhide Backpack fell to pieces, but at least she hadn't been carrying anything at the moment. But this was of little concern in the face of restoring the energy she had lost in her Transformation--which seemed more severe than the last time she had changed her body for some reason. As she drank from the stream, it took the edge off of her thirst--but the first few gulps didn't restore her entirely. Of course, since the water was right there, it was easy to continue drinking until she was satisfied. The rat meat, too, was still plentiful although it was starting to turn a little dark around the edges. The 26 pounds of it they had originally procured had been reduced to 17 the previous night and this morning, since everyone had gathered around the campfire and had also consumed some throughout the night if they stayed up late to experiment along with eating some of it for breakfast. Ash now devoured it with gusto, and for a relatively small creature compared to a human she could really pack it in. Her body didn't seem to react too negatively to the raw meat, and her newly formed snout and fangs seemed made for it in typical reptile fashion. By the time she was completely full, the provisions had been reduced to 14 pounds.

Current Skills:
Stun Fang II (2.1)
Poison Spit II (2.025)
*Alchemy II (2.875)
Overwork III (3.3125)
*-Charisma I (1.65)
Venom Shot II (2.0)
*Crafting I (1.8)
Lesser Force II (2.225)
*Magic Analysis III (3.2125)
Alert I (1.35)
Lesser Flight I (1.5)
-Muffle I (1.65)
Monster Analysis II (2.825)
*Material Analysis II (2.975)
*Meditate II (2.35)
Poison Glob I (1.2)
*Poison Breath I (1.05)
*Plant Analysis I (1.15)
Tremor Sense I (1.05)
**Mana Orb II (2.55)
*Shield I (1.05)
**Mana Slice I (1.7)
Mana Shape I (1.6)
Analysis (--)
-Rabid Fit I (1.05)
Mental Resistance I (1.75)
*Mana Vision I (1.8)
*Mana Sense II (2.075)
**Minor Heal I (1.2)
Prehensile Tail (--)
**Poison Splash I (1.3)
**Dual Cast I (1.2)
Mana Control I (1.2)
--Stronger I (1.35)
*Intimidate I (1.0)
Memor Eyes I (1.25)
Blunt Resistance (0.2)
*Scribe (0.6)
--Faster (0.3)
Acid Volley (0.1)
-Venom Claw (0.4)
--Slash (0.5)
**Fireball (0.2)
Dextrous (0.8)
**Mana Dart (0.4)
Use Light Equipment (0.7)
**Minor Heal All (0.1)
Iron Gullet (0.9)
**Poison Slash (0.2)
*Mana Drain (0.6)
*Lucid Dream (0.2)
--Skewer (0.4)
**Stone Shot (0.1)
*Dragon Lung (0.1)
*Deception (0.2)
-Stealth Kill (0.1)
Mana Affinity (0.5)
*Focus (0.5)

You are Thirsty > Parched > Dry Throat > Hydrated > Well Hydrated
You are Famished > Very Hungry > Hungry > Peckish > Satisfied > Fed > Well Fed
Stamina Recovery is boosted for the next six hours.

--Job System---
Witch: Witches are primitive magic users that have not only begun to harness the energy within themselves, but discovered that various plants and materials also possess this energy. They brew potions, mix poultices, and crush powders with simple tools like mortar and pestle for a variety of effects. As a specialty of the Voodooist Job, their magic is just as strong as that class, but thier utility skills also increase in effectiveness. Skills with * are boosted, while skills with - are instead hindered by this Job (See Skill List).

Equipment Suitability:
*Mana Bone Spear
-Vine Greaves
-Vine Bracers
-Broken Haubergeon

Job Suggestions:
Keeping the limbs and face free or uncovered may often assist with different components of magic.
Magical foci are preferred to direct weapons.
Magical substances used on both enemies and allies can provide a wide array of effects.

Drake Tongue: [Winged] Kobolds are considered inheiritors of Draconic power among others of the species, and are typically treated as a higher caste. Many tribal societies have Shamans who learn ancient lore, for the sake of guiding the tribe as well as keeping its history or rituals alive. The Drake Tongue is a special variant of this. The power they possess increases the split focus of the normal Shaman Job, heightening both its Offensive and Supportive magics. Skills with * are boosted, while skills with - are instead hindered by this Job (See Skill List).

Equipment Suitability:
*Mana Bone Spear
Vine Greaves
Vine Bracers
-Broken Haubergeon

Job Suggestions:
The vitality of dragons keeps these sub-Shamans strong, they aren't dragged down as much by lighter armors.
Magical foci, or channeling objects for a patron's power, are preferred to direct weapons.
As a higher caste of Kobold, this Job may allow one to use their underlings for tasks as well. Good leadership can overcome many individual weaknesses.

After checking in with the System, she turned her attention to watching Torrent. Through her Mana Vision, she could see several yellow particles, along with very light blue ones, collecting on the lizard's skin in layers. Then they would disappear into Torrent's body. When the Lesserwurm released her new spell, the yellow particles had been joined by red ones. All the yellow particles moved in a straight line, but the red ones wrapped around the line like a double helix.

As Oberon forced more Mana out through this "phantom limb," he gave a hard tug. And, for once, the magic behaved exactly as he wished--the pebble suddenly pulled forward, flying to his palm where he easily caught it. While he contemplated this success, he turned to see Ash the newly Winged Kobold approach.

Skill Gain: Lesser Force I (0.8 > 1.0)!
A conversion of Mana into physical force. It has a short range and is relatively weak at this rank, but allows one to pick up small objects without using a limb.

You used Magic Analysis IV! You used Monster Analysis II! You used Magic Analysis IV!
---Ash, (Adolescent) Mystic [Winged] Kobold---
Small, reptilian creatures with odd primate characteristics like upright spines and grasping limbs. Quite similar to Goblins, often competing with them for the same territories and resources. Kobolds on average are more intelligent than goblins, but if goblins lack empathy and impulse control, Kobolds are much more lacking in emotional content and personality. Some individuals have other characteristics--the Winged Kobolds are often said to have Draconic power in their veins, and are often revered in their tribes. Ash has gained the Mystic variance, increasing her affinities for various magical skills. She has many magical skills, some of which you also have, and several of her skills use Poison. Most of her magic is attack oriented, though she has a few defensive and utility spells or magically oriented skills. She is developing Dragon Affinity and Mana Affinity. Kobolds as a whole are somewhat more resistant to Fire, Poison, Wind, Acid, and Water. The vast majority of other elements are normally effective on them. Their major weaknesses are Ice, Metal, and Lightning.
---Analysis Complete!---

LEVEL UP! Your learning experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 10! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 14 [[OOC: 3 left over from last level up, +5 normal level up, +5 for Christmas/New Year Bonuses/Hiatus Bonuses, +1 for 1500 posts bonus]]

Current Skills:
Minor Heal III (3.0125)
Lesser Flight III (3.1)
Shield IV (4.045)
Magic Analysis IV (4.50625)
Mana Orb II (2.775)
Mana Shape III (3.125)
Lesser Status Heal (1.2)
Mana Dart I (1.6)
Alert II (2.1)
Monster Analysis II (2.825)
Meditation III (3.125)
Light Ring I (1.3)
Gather Light I (1.95)
Fireball I (1.85)
Plant Analysis I (1.025)
Material Analysis I (1.025)
Sacred Ground I (1.0)
Mana Slice I (1.6)
Overwork I (1.8)
Keen Sight (1.1)
Minor Heal All I (1.1)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.0)
Minor Regeneration I (1.05)
Spell Chant I (1.1)
Focus I (1.45)
Mental Resistance II (2.3)
Sensory Resistance I (1.0)
Faster I (1.0)
Aqua Sphere I (1.05)
Wind Break I (1.05)
Wall I (1.0)
Flame Lance I (1.0)
Charisma I (1.0)
Mana Sense I (1.05)
Lesser Force I (1.0)
Faster (0.5)
Charisma (0.9)
Fire Resistance (0.2)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Mana Puppet (0.5)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Mana Drain (0.3)
Stronger (0.1)
Air Read (0.3)
Mana Control (0.5)
Wind Resistance (0.1)
Ice Spike (0.4)
Gravity Well (0.1)
Blade Wall (0.1)
Muffle (0.1)

YOUR BODY IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE! You are undergoing Transformation! Based on your life experiences, your ability to survive, and the strength of your will, new paths have appeared! Choose carefully--there is no going back! WARNING. THIS PROCESS WILL LEAVE YOU TEMPORARILY VULNERABLE.

OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability):
**Adult Sprite (Multiple Chances for Variance) - A highly territorial, but otherwise relatively friendly type of creature. Quite similar to Pixies at first glance, they are much more empathetic and even altruistic than other types of Fey. Unless an enemy presents a threat to their homes and families, they often prefer to flee rather than fight, but if something enters their nesting area they are known to swarm much like wasps. However, you have not felt compelled to follow all of this behavior due to your unique circumstances. Sprites are aligned with the light element and their wings have scales similar to some types of moths. When these scales fall they sometimes glitter, and the Sprite's body is often covered with them.

  • Increase Minor Heal
  • Increase Minor Heal All (reduced)
  • Increase Light Affinity (reduced)
  • Increase Potential

*(Adolescent) Hipixie (Multiple Low Chances for Variance) - A larger, stronger, and more sophisticated variety of Pixie, very similar to the commonly known relationship between a Goblin and a Hobgoblin. Growing almost as large as a goblin themselves, their ability to fly becomes more difficult to use but their size now allows them to use many forms of lightweight tools and weapons. Considered to be some of the first True Fey, species of Fey-type monsters capable of forming societies and cultures rather than simply flitting about on any whim or reacting to any emotion that comes into their tiny heads.

  • Increase all base stats
  • Increase Use Light Equipment (reduced)
  • Slightly increase HP

-(Adolescent) Imp (Multiple Low Chances for Variance) - The smallest and most pitiful of Demon-type monsters. Though relatively strong for their size, they are still mostly specialized in magic. However they lack the finesse and technique of other Demons, using plain and often brute-force style spells. Their cunning and absolute refusal to ever admit that they are lesser to any other being, however, can make them dastardly plotters.

  • Increase base power-stats
  • Increase Mana Orb
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)
  • Increase Demon Affinity (reduced)

*(Adolescent) Lampad - A fairy associated with the element of fire. Their hair, which only grows from the crown of their heads, seems to spontaneously combust for some reason, hence their nickname of "livin' torch" among country folk. Their skin ranges from coal black to ash gray and various hues of red and orange. Their wings produce a type of powder that causes a "burning" sensation, although this is just itching somewhat like various plant allergens. They are incredibly dangerous, as like pixies they lack any concept of responsibility and find fire to be pretty to look at. Luckily they often stick to caves or other shelters, because strong winds and rains can douse the flames on their heads. This seems to make them extremely lethargic much like a cold-blooded animal in winter, until they can re-ignite themselves.

  • Increase Fireball (reduced)
  • Increase Fire Affinity (reduced)
  • Slight increase to speed stats

(Adolescent) Nephos - A fairy associated with the element of Wind. Their body hair shares many qualities with wool, though it is much lighter and dries faster when wet. It is always white and fluffy, giving them the appearance of wearing clouds. Their skin ranges from various hues of white to pink and yellow. They lose their wings, but through magic maintain their ability to float along the breeze. They are very free spirited, but somewhat lazy, and it's never predictable whether they will be friend or foe.

  • Lose Wings
  • Increase Levitation (Lesser Flight will Boost)(reduced)
  • Increase Wind Break (reduced)
  • Increase Wind Affinity (reduced)
  • Increase Rank: Air Read

(Adolescent) Nixie - A fairy associated with the element of Water. Their bodies become more dynamic in the water, and while their wings remain functional the fins on their limbs make them faster underwater than they are in the air. In many shades of blue or green, they are surprisingly effective predators compared to other small fey. They are very neutral, sticking mostly to their own groups and only attacking the creatures they hunt.

  • Increase Aqua Sphere (reduced)
  • Increase Swift Swim (reduced)
  • Increase Water Affinity (reduced)

As Digbie analyzed each of his party members, the information he received about most of them was the same as he had gotten at times in the past, or at the least he didn't really learn anything new. He learned a lesser version of the information Oberon received about Ash's new form--minus the information about her magic, her elemental affinities and weaknesses, and some more specific details. Still, the fact that winged kobolds were considered higher ranks in kobold society and the race's general features stuck out.

You used Crafting I!
Leather Strips (Poor) x2 + Dire Rat Pelts (Bad) x2 + Unknown Pelt (Poor)
Your Crafting Method is not especially specific.
Your Materials are low in quality.
You are attempting to use the Fortify skill. Fortify imbues Structures--the Skill is unsuitable for this purpose, but you seem to have accomplished something anyway...

Item Obtained: Fur Satchel (Bad > Poor)!
This bag can hold up to 10 Small Items, or the equivalent combination of items at larger sizes.

All was quiet in the clearing, now that Guze was likely well away with his captives. The group might need to secure some food or other supplies for later at some point, but right now everything seemed calm and quiet.

PixieSlime Party

Indeed, it seemed the undead goblin did not care about losing parts of its body. As Asura's hook ripped off its entire lower jaw, letting its tongue roll out like a disgusting tentacle covered in black bile, the zombie continued to take distance. The two Mana Orbs that struck the slime's shell caused the bone to crack and splinter--the Bowhorn Skull wouldn't be able to take much more of this, although for now it was still fully intact despite the breakage. Thanks to its presence, however, Asura had taken very little damage even though it seemed most of the undead had focused on him...it was a little odd, how they seemed intent on hammering away at the tank when their attacks might be more useful against other members of the party. The Skeleblin's blow, as well, bounced off of his Hardened and re-shaped red jello-hide, and Asura attempted to "wield" his own weapon.

The swing was quite clumsy given his lack of true appendages, but the Rank II Smash charged through the bone club made up for that lack of skill with pure power. One of the Skeleblin's legs shattered entirely at the knee and down the shin, dropping it down to "eye level" with the Amorphous Slime. However, Asura's crude weapon had also cracked--how many more hits would it be good for?

Skill Gain: Alert I (0.9 > 1.0)!

Over the pond, Ardur whirled to avoid the two Mana Orbs, and brought his weapon to bear with all the strength he could muster. For a buff pixie, that was much more than your average pixie. One of the Mana Orbs actually hit his weapon directly...and, oddly, the magical projectile was deflected like a baseball, sailing off into the darkness. But instead of re-engaging, the Hipixie wanted to keep negotiating with Undine. Yet maybe this was a wise choice after all...

"Even if your Mana Pool was full to its maximum, you wouldn't have enough to wield me--neither the strength or skill to use me properly. An attempt to pact would likely kill you."

And here, one of the Wisps got too close, as if it planned to tackle Ardur out of the air. A single sphere of water, much like a Mana Orb of liquid, shot out of the pond like a bullet and pierced the creature's sparkling body. As it dropped into the water, a shimmering shape arose and speared it--the tip of Undine's blade.

"But, I might still be able to help. Just now I used as much Mana as I gained--if you can lure these creatures close enough for me to cut them, I may be able to recharge my power!"

Those Wisps Ardur had seen before had reached the other side of the pool's shore--and now they were coming from behind the group, down the passage to the choke point. No doubt other monsters might be moving to come from that end too--if they couldn't break through one way or the other soon they would be trapped, but if they got too far away from the pool they likely wouldn't be able to count on Undine's help...

Back down on the ground, the Fanged Lizard under Trent's feet suddenly opened its eyes again, and they were filled with purple light as the black miasma of undeath suffused its flesh. The boy's sword plunged down through the top of its skull and then jerked from side to side, completely destroying the head and ending that threat before it began. While it seemed just doing heavy damage to the brain, like Asura, didn't stop the zombies like in the movies, completely destroying the nervous system rendered them incapable of continuing to move...at least for a few moments. From alongside him, Steve shot a sticky glob of webbing at one of the new Wisps that had joined the fray, catching it like a net--and, with one string trailing back to the spider, Steve began to whirl the captured enemy just like that makeshift flail she had practiced with Asura. The second wisp was beaten by its own comrade like a bludgeon, knocking it to the ground just as it fired a Mana Orb at Asura.

The Fanged Lizard spat its poison at Asura as well, but Momma Slime took the blow instead. She burbled angrily as the poison burned, but her body remained its typical bright blue color--usually if a creature got poisoned, their complexion changed as well, so she was probably okay at least for now. Using her heavy mass, she jumped right on top of the lizard and slammed it into the earth. They began to wrestle, one trying to escape or to sink its fangs into the other that tried to envelop and consume it.

The Skeleblin that Asura had engaged still intended to fight, and once again swung its heavy club at him. He was in the midst of trying to use his Blood Drain skill--and, as for the first real time since he awakened in this world, he felt his MP dip. A red light somewhere in the center of the Skeleblin's bones began to glow, and then tiny particles of it drifted out to sink into Asura's body. He felt his vitality returning somewhat...but, as he tried to shift the intent of his spell, the red particles only slightly changed to a more orange color. Other than that he felt no change...but there had been a visible change, so did that mean...?

Two small skeletons, still with gossamer wings attached, now joined the rear line of the Zomblin's party. The Zomblin itself was still moving past them, but it soon turned and began to load its spear thrower again. Another pixie, this one still fleshy but also glowing with the Dungeon's purple light, was coming up on the fray...

Rat Party

Asteria practiced a wide variety of movements, using her muscular power, her speed, her balance, and her overall coordination in a variety of ways. Afterward she began to meditate to try and unlock the actual "Meditate" skill, and with her Mana Sense she could feel the magic flowing around and through her. It didn't seem like there were any especially magical plants around the immediate vicinity of the barrow, and there wasn't anything that set off any kind of hostility in her senses. Much like Ed, however, she had pushed herself quite far physically, and the soreness was beginning to set in.

Skill Rank Up: Stronger I > Stronger II (1.8 > 2.0)!
Further increase your base strength.

Skill Gain: Meditate I (0.9 > 1.05)!
By concentrating and calming oneself, increase the regeneration of Magic Power and Stamina. This skill cannot be used in battle. Any distractions in the environment will drastically decrease the effectiveness of this skill. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with other Active skills.

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.
You have no Stamina remaining. You are Tired.
You are Peckish.
Your throat is Dry.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now level 7! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! Your Max Stamina has increased!

Unspent Skill Points: 11[[OOC:+5 level, +5 Xmas/NewYear/Hiatus, +1 1500 posts]]

Current Skills:
Beast Sense III (3.1)
Faster II (2.45)
Monster Analysis II (2.85)
Dextrous II (2.475)
Poison Resistance I (1.0)
Crafting II (2.25)
Muffle II (2.15)
Mana Sense II (2.35)
Mana Drain I (1.75)
Magic Analysis I (1.55)
Stronger II ( 2.0)
Prehensile Tail (--)
Alert I (1.7)
Telepathy I (1.85)
Plant Analysis I (1.7)
Use Light Equipment (--)
Smash I (1.05)
First Aid I (1.0)
Minor Heal I (1.05)
Charisma I (1.15)
Meditate I (1.05)
Mental Resistance (0.1)
Soil Manipulation (0.9)
Overwork (0.9)
Lesser Status Heal (0.1)
Meditate (0.9)
Strengthen (0.3)
Scribe (0.3)
Spell Chant (0.15)
Lesser Force (0.1)
Stone Shot (0.3)
Lucid Dream (0.4)
Spiritual Awareness (0.5)
Swift Swimmer (0.1)
Suppress Presence (0.6)
Alchemy (0.8)
Tremor Sense (0.2)
Throw Item (0.3)
Stealth Kill (0.1)
Material Analysis (0.4)
Iron Gullet (0.35)
Quicken (0.2)
Skewer (0.7)
Point Strike (0.4)
Warcry (0.1)
Mind Wave (0.2)
Curse Word (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.2)
Mana Gift (0.2)
Blood Bead (0.1)
Pierce Resistance (0.1)
Counter (0.1)
Slash Resistance (0.1)
Slash (0.7)
Charm (0.1)
Dash Attack (0.3)
Acrobatic (0.2)
Breath Control (0.1)

Ed kept swinging, doing ten repetitions before taking a short break. After three sets of this, he was absolutely exhausted. His forearms, biceps, and shoulders were absolutely on fire, and his chest and back were strained hard. He even had a stitch in his side, and his fur was sticky with sweat to the point he found himself panting like a dog just to cool down a little bit more.

Skill Rank Up: Stronger I > Stronger II (1.95 > 2.0 > 2.725)!
Further increase your base physical strength.

Skill Gain: Use Medium Equipment (0.7 > --)!
Use equipment that, by comparison to your own body, could be considered medium in weight or size. --This skill is unsuited to your Species. You possess the skill Use Light Equipment. You possess the Skill Stronger II. You possess the Skill Dextrous. Skill Synergy negates drawbacks of this skill.--

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.
You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

You have no Stamina remaining.
You are Exhausted, natural Stamina recovery is reduced by 25%.
You are Peckish.
Your throat is Dry.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 7! You gain Skill points to distribute as you see fit! Your base attack stats have increased!

Unspent Skill Points: 11 [[OOC:+5 level up, +5 Christmas/New Year/Hiatus bonuses, +1 1500 post bonuses]]

Current Skills:
Beast Sense II (2.95)
Rabid Fit II (2.1)
Stronger II (2.725)
Muffle II (2.45)
Use Light Equipment (--)
Alert I (1.35)
Faster I (1.1)
Harder I (1.0)
Dynamic Eye I (1.15)
Smash I (1.6)
Dextrous I (1.55)
Monster Analysis I (1.7)
Overwork I (1.55)
Mental Resistance I (1.1)
Magic Analysis I (1.0)
Focus I (1.0)
Warcry I (1.05)
Use Medium Equipment (--)
Material Analysis (0.6)
Tremor Sense (0.05)
Telepathy (0.2)
Mana Shape (0.8)
Focus (0.9)
Shield (0.5)
Mana Shell (0.5)
Soil Manipulation (0.7)
Crafting (0.8)
First Aid (0.1)
Meditate (0.5)
People Sense (0.4)
Plant Analysis (0.2)
Swift Swimmer (0.4)
Charm (0.05)
Repel (0.025)
Stealth Kill (0.3)
Blunt Resistance (0.1)
Prehensile Tail (0.6)
Mana Strike (0.7)
Minor Heal (0.05)
Iron Gullet (0.4)
Taming (0.2)
Suppress Presence (0.6)
Inspire (0.3)
Point Strike (0.6)
Strengthen (0.6)
Pierce Resistance (0.2)
Double Skill (0.1)
Deception (0.3)
Lucid Dream (0.2)
Stone Shot (0.05)
Mana Sense (0.1)
Flame Aura (0.1)
Guidance (0.2)
Intimidation (0.2)
Charisma (0.3)
Slash (0.1)
Cleave (0.2)
Blood Drain (0.1)
Spiritual Awareness (0.1)
Sensory Resistance (0.1)
Fire Resistance (0.05)
Breath Control (0.8)

It had been about noon when the rats started training, and between their vigorous exercise and the amount of time it took to somewhat recover from that, the sun had moved on into the afternoon. It wasn't quite evening time yet, but it was probably around 2, maybe 3 o'clock at the latest judging from the position of the sun.

Deep Forest

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

Developing Skill: Faster
This skill is a reflection of one's increase in speed. Physical exercise seems to be the key to unlocking it.

Developing Skill: Stronger
This skill reflects one's increase in raw power. Physical exercise seems to be the key to unlocking it.

Developing Skill: Taming
This skill seems to have developed when forming bonds with other creatures like that wild Pixie.

Developing Skill: Point Strike
This skill seems to have developed when accurately striking a target. Is there a special point to aim for?

Nira's next attempt at Aqua Sphere once again created the wet feeling between her palms, and the fog began to condense once more. This time, it got thicker, although the pixie kept her eyes closed. She only noticed the difference when the mists grew thick enough that droplets of water actually touched her hands, breaking her concentration--and once again dispersing the spell. She had condensed water out of the atmosphere into liquid form, but it still wasn't quite shaped right and it wouldn't hold its form. Nor, while it was simply floating suspended between her hands, did it seem like it could really do any damage. Maybe she had to throw it or shoot it like the Mana Orb? What other ways could she think of to make it more effective?

Meanwhile, Femus was a very busy bee--or Wisp, technically. While he thought to himself and chewed on leaves, the plant juice did little to take the edge off his thirst. Maybe if he consumed a larger number of them, but as of now only these two were literally a drop in a bucket. Unperturbed, he continued his experimentation. When he tried to gather his Mana into his eyes, the world seemed to become more vivid and colorful. He could feel his MP decreasing very slowly, bit by bit, as well as his eyes straining. Just before he was about to blink, he thought he saw some multi-colored sparkles all around, though they were predominantly a deep green color...

On a repeat attempt, he tried to see the Great Kao Tree's mana flow. This attempt dyed his entire field of vision green, until he took his eyes away from staring at the tree directly. It was too bright and too unclear to pick out anything specifically helpful, save that the tree had a LOT of Mana of some particular type. When he instead tried this "vision" on the herb patch, he picked up a few other colors. Purple, blue, lighter blue, and a few others. And now, the dancing lights actually seemed to take a shape--small squares, two dimensional, vibrating along some unseen paths. Then he blinked again, and it was gone. He was starting to feel a bit of a headache after concentrating so hard.

He meditated until his energy was topped off, as usual, then came up with a sort of combination attack to try. He used Shock Round in an attempt to alter its charge, then fired it at a distant patch of ground. When it released its power on the target, leaving a circle of singed grass, he immediately repeated his attempt at Static Bolt, using the opposite charge. As he chanted for the spell, he felt a sudden static discharge all over his body, causing the Wisp's thin hairs to stand on end all over.

Like a Tesla coil, a purple-white arc of electricity jumped from Femus's body to the burnt patch of grass with a CRACK! and a millisecond's magnesium-white flash! The grass burst into flames, and the earth had actual burn marks zig-zagging through it for an area roughly one foot in diameter.

After observing this and considering what he had learned from this endeavor, the Wisp tried to use his stealth skills and headed down to the base of the tree. Using his Lesser Force to dig, he planted his Blue Yill. It was rather wilted, but hadn't turned brown or anything...however, the subtle glow of its petals had almost died out completely save at their very, very bottoms. He began to channel Mana, activating his Growth spell almost out of reflex rather than intent, and continuously chanted over the plant...which slowly began to glow the same shade of green as he had seen within the Great Kao Tree. A small circle of this light began to expand as he chanted...

Bit by bit, the Blue Yill seemed like it was recovering. Its stalk perked up, no longer bowed under the weight of its head. Its petals filled out. He could see its base trembling--beneath the earth, it had put out a single, hair-thin root. Then another.

His Mana ran out. He meditated to recover it, then tried again. And the Blue Yill grew a little stronger. Then it got a little bigger. And its blue glow began to return to its petals. Femus ran out of Mana again--and he tried to draw in Mana from other plants, as well as meditating to recover his own. But now the Blue Yill seemed like it had been properly cultivated, as without him holding it up or channeling energy to it, the stalk no longer drooped at all and all the leaves and petals no longer looked wilted. Its colors were vivid once more--and it was a little bit taller than the other blue flowers in the surrounding area.

But that headache from before was coming back, with a vengeance. And Femus began to feel very tired. And he still had not satisfied his thirst, or his hunger--his rumbling stomach hurt in that way only hunger can cause, and his dry throat itched and burned. He shuddered, now feeling altogether not-so-great.

Skill Rank Up: Shock Round I > Shock Round II (1.9 > 2.0)!
Increase Speed. Spell now has a low chance to cause Paralysis. MP Cost slightly increased.

Skill Gain: Plant Analysis I (0.9 > 1.1)!
Gain basic biological information about a Plant or its parts by carefully observing it.

Skill Gain: Static Bolt I (0.8 > 1.0)!
Charge up Lightning Mana and project it to a chosen target area. When the charge is complete, the attack is released at near-instant speed. An opponent who is wary of the glowing target area may still be able to dodge. Has a decently higher MP cost than Shock Round or Mana Orb. The properties of certain objects or environments may interfere with this spell. Casting time is roughly 10 seconds.

Skill Gain: Focus I (0.9 > 1.0)!
By spending at least 30 seconds focusing before using an offensive Skill or Spell, you can increase its damage or range. At this rank it is comparable to increasing the power by one rank (eg Mana Orb I to Mana Orb II) while also increasing the MP cost by half again (spend 1.5x Mana Orb I's cost).

Skill Gain: Mana Drain I (0.9 > 1.0)!
Like siphoning water through a tube, this ability allows the user to draw the energies of others into themselves. By using Stamina, you will drain MP from an opponent and add it to your own. However, certain factors may come into play--you are not guaranteed to restore the exact same amount of MP that you drain. At this rank, in order to use this skill you must be touching the creature or object to be drained. While you are using this skill you cannot use any other spell or skill that is offensive in nature or requires complex movements.

You have no MP remaining!
You have no Stamina remaining!
You are Tired.
You are Very Hungry.
You are Very Thirsty.

LEVEL UP! Your learning experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 8! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 6[[OOC: +5 Level up, +1 1500 posts Bonus]]

Current Skills:
Monster Analysis I (1.8)
Mana Orb II (2.5)
Lesser Force I (1.7)
Levitation (--)
Meditate II (2.075)
Magic Analysis II (2.275)
Shock Round II (2.0)
Mana Shape I (1.2)
Shield I (1.05)
Mana Control I (1.45)
Alert I (1.1)
Crafting I (1.1)
Suppress Presence I (1.15)
Growth I (1.4)
Mana Sense I (1.1)
Plant Analysis I (1.1)
Static Bolt I (1.0)
Focus I (1.0)
Mana Drain I (1.0)
Faster (0.3)
Harder (0.1)
Soil Manipulation(0.2)
Muffle (0.4)
Stealth Kill (0.1)
Charisma (0.3)
Mana Drain (0.9)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Keen Smell (0.2)
Mana Dart (0.2)
Mana Burst (0.1)
Fireball (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.9)
Keen Sight (0.5)
Wisp Flash (0.2)
Spell Chant (0.7)
Mental Resistance (0.3)
People Sense (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.2)
Poison Splash (0.1)
Material Analysis (0.2)
Keen Ear (0.2)
Minor Heal (0.1)
Mana Vision (0.3)
Agriculture (0.1)
Mana Gift (0.1)
@RC3 I've updated Saito's CS with a log of his level ups, his new skill, and his inventory (Assuming he'd be able to gather another handful of berries from the ones that the Scale Shrew was eating, in addition to the ones he gathered while on its trail). Let me know if anything should be corrected. I also have a few questions:

1. Does cooking food remove or change the skills that can be absorbed, and would Goblins have the instincts/knowledge to make fire outside of their human memories?

2. Would Saito be capable of lugging the carcass back to the cave, or is he exhausted enough that this is a "sit down and eat now" thing?

3. If he's able to carry it back to the cave, would it be possible for him to come upon one of the other groups or hunters (while heading back, not after he's already reached the cave) and still have enough energy to help them out (assuming the other player is cool with it)?


"I Thought I'd Go Straight in My Second Life, But My Class is [Drug Dealer]!?"

His harem is just a bunch of junkies willing to do lewd things for their fix and the MC is desperately trying to find new ingredients to keep their insatiable madness from ripping him apart. In the process he starts a fantasy version of the Opium Wars and reduces the greatest Empire of the world to ruin.
"the goblin would continue [...] beating the spherical animal trapped inside his underwear against the trees."

I'm honestly amazed at my own brain for even crafting this sentence.

The First Hunt, Part Two



Saito's staff snapped in half upon striking the beasts's armored plate--it had curled up, and only reflex had saved the goblin's foot from being trapped in there with it. As the "young" greenskin stumbled back, the Scaled Shrew wobbled back and forth with nary a squeak. He blinked as he watched his prey--he had honestly not expected that. Although his memories were locked away, even if he had them he would have been genuinely confused--in the old world he had never actually seen something like an armadillo.

The creature's shell had no holes like a turtle's--Does this place have turtles?--and it seemed perfectly content to stay tightly sealed until, presumably, whatever predator chose to leave it alone. His staff was no proper weapon, but it had been green wood, not dry or brittle, and still it had snapped. So obviously this armor couldn't be broken by simple means. Saito glanced down at his broken staff's pieces. They had splintery ends, but he doubted they would be sharp or sturdy enough to pierce the armor. What if I drive them with the rock? The wood is probably too soft, the tips will blunt.

He tossed his broken weapon aside, and noted the Shrew's still exposed tail...

No, wait. I wondered if the creature could use it as a weapon...and to leave it exposed to attack like this is odd. He removed the berries and rock from his loincloth and placed them on the ground. Those spines might stick me when I grab it. Are they barbed or poisonous? He wasn't sure if such thoughts came from the cautious instinct of a Goblin, a creature so naturally weak and feeble and stupid, or if they came from the hazy dreams he could not recall.

With a tug at the knot on his hip, his loincloth came undone. Though now exposed in all his green glory to the elements, Saito did not care much for modesty at the moment. He wrapped the filthy undergarments--were these made of cloth, or pelts of creatures hunted by other goblins?--around the rolled-up Scaled Shrew, tying a plain knot and pulling it as tight as he could.

Now the creature's defense had become its cage. It might be strong enough to break the loincloth, but Saito doubted it would do so without a struggle. In the meantime, he grabbed the spare ends of the clothing and, with a grunt, lifted his prey.

Feet wobbling, muscles taut with effort, he started to spin. He whirled the makeshift net around his head, building up momentum with his whole body until he had its weight suspended. He kept the Shrew going with just his arms now, and though his run meandered like that of a drunkard, he set course for the largest tree he could see.

With all the strength and speed he could muster, as well as the built up centrifugal force--not that his goblin mind really understood such a thing right now--Saito dashed towards the sturdy wood and swung the Scaled Shrew with all his might.


He tried to slam the beast against the trunk. If he couldn't pierce the armor, then perhaps he could crush the foe's soft body inside it, like bouncing someone's brain inside their skull pan with a hard punch to cause a concussion. He wouldn't stop at just one attempt either--until he was certain the other monster was dead, the goblin would continue to heave and heft and spin, beating the spherical animal trapped inside his underwear against the trees.

Some part of him marveled at this odd turn of events. The other part really wanted to eat that Shrew.
Or how Saito feels like a japanese Bear Grylls but in a a small green body.

*Saito pointing, with dramatic shading ala Jojo/Hokuto*

The First Hunt

As Saito found the trail of berries, he took note of their size, shape, color, and the texture he felt when he picked them up. He tucked a handful away, alongside his rock in his loincloth. Probably not entirely sanitary to have things rubbing his unmentionables in there, but it was his own body and he hadn't been rolling in dirt like some of the others. He could test the berries for poison later, but for now he wanted whatever creature had been gathering them.

He saw the creature from behind, and almost mistook it for a stone at first. Its dull, brown plated hide could even pass for tree bark, but he could hear it whuffling as it enjoyed its meal.

A hard shell. The tail seems to be sectioned too--are the plates bony? Can the spines on its tail be used as a weapon?

As Saito crouched in the brush, he didn't want to spend too long analyzing the opponent. If it finished eating, he had no doubt it would pick up on his presence. For now it was enough to know this: It was a rodent, so it had claws and fangs. It had armor, and possibly a spiny tail. It was smaller than him, but its forelimbs looked powerful, and its hindlimbs looked fast.

His strategy would be thus: Cut off the escape, and negate the defense. How to do that in the most effecient manner? Without even realizing, his hands had imperceptibly shifted on the staff he held. His right hand, the stronger hand, closed upon the rod down a third of its length. His left hand palmed the butt end, and as his grip tightened the heel of his wrist and his pinky were braced against the bottom while the rest of his fingers wrapped hard around the shaft. His forward hand was held a little looser, to enable a sort of sliding action, but while his palm was supple his fingers were rigid so he wouldn't lose his hold.

Saito's breathing was not shallow, only slow. His muscles relaxed. He felt a shift in his core, as the ball of his back foot built up pressure against the ground.

"All things entail rising and falling timing. You must be able to discern this." I must not rush, yet I must not delay.

A breeze picked up. A leaf fluttered on the air. The Scaled Shrew shook berry juice from its nose, and he could tell from the movement of its head that it refocused on the food in its paws.

In the moment it committed to its next action--finishing its berries--in the instant the leaf fell between them, in the space between "decision" and "action." Saito's body moved without input from his mind.

He lunged, he thrust with both hands. All momentum traveling forward. The staff's tip came in low. Shoulders and hips drove power down its length.

Saito plunged the staff up under the Scaled Shrew, between its belly and its back legs. At the instant the creature realized his presence he had already planted his feet. As his thighs and core tightened, he pushed down through his knees and his arms leveraged the staff. His back hand pushed down, his right hand pulled up. Now the muscles in his scrawny body stood taut as he released air from his diaphragm--


He wanted to sweep the creature up. He hoped his staff would block its legs as it tried to run. Most predators would be bigger than this creature and attack it from above--hence why its armor was along its back. It would have less on its underside.

If he was successful in hoisting the creature upon his staff, either flipping it over or slamming it down, Saito's next move would be simple: Pin it under his foot, and strike without mercy until its breath ceased.

His face had distorted into an expression of utter fury, eyes blazing with Murderous Intent. Sakki! Messatsu! His staff, still fresh with sap, thrummed.


The battlecry startled birds from the branches. It carried a malice entirely unique to nature's own dance of predator and prey. Even some of the other goblins, back at the cave, might be able to hear it and feel the power and focus behind it.

Cave >> Forest

Beginnings, Weapons, and the Hunt

This...is not right. I do not understand, but I know it is not as it should be.

Slowly, he flexed his fingers. The young goblin clenched his fist tight, and looked at the hairless green arms. Too small. Too smooth. Too soft. Where were...his scars? Did he have scars? And were his fingers and knuckles supposed to be calloused?

I...died? And now I am this...creature. A...A yokai?

Yokai. Oni. Do I know what that is? My memories are unclear.

He tried to recall something from before. How did he know he had died? How had he come to be in this new body? He looked across the cave at those like him. They bashed rocks together, or slept, or wandered about like children. Just like when his little ones had learned to walk...What?

His lip twisted and his stomach rumbled. He had awakened, after what seemed like a long time of drifting in and out of consciousness, and upon finding himself in a cave full of odd creatures--like that older one that marked his forehead--had moved to put his back against the wall. But as time passed and none of the others showed any hostility--except for that one that bit another's ear, but that seemed like play--he had begun to observe them...and it wasn't doing much good. He was too hungry to think. These memories were too foggy to grasp. It frustrated him. As if his own mind, like this clumsy and frail body, was not entirely under his own control.

"The real purpose of...to purge oneself...to obtain control of one's own character." I didn't say that. Someone else did...someone I knew?

He pushed away from the wall. He placed a hand on his belly as it rumbled. His eyes darted from side to side when he heard a strange whisper...but none of the others were speaking to him. He couldn't understand any words, and he was not currently in danger.

"Do nothing which is of no use." That one is much easier to remember. Now, what is useful?

If he could not remember his past, then it should be put to the side for now. If he was hungry, then he needed to eat. The cave served as shelter. Survival was the priority.

The goblin stopped just short of the cave's mouth. He pressed himself against the nearest wall, and crept slowly to the rocky edge. As his eyes squinted against the bright light, he poked out his head. There would be food outside, he felt, but there might also be danger. Where was he? What was the environment? Were there boars or bears here? It would be easier to find edible plants than it would to hunt, but if the creatures of this place were like Yokai, there was no telling what kind of plants he would encounter either. Rather than risk eating poison or making himself sick, it would be better to find meat. If he found an animal, even if he couldn't catch it, maybe he could see what kind of berries or roots it ate and take some for himself.

Outside the cave, sunlight shone through the trees revealing a luscious forest. He bent low to pick up a rock from the cave floor, and once he was certain there didn't seem to be anything in the immediate area he walked outside. For the first time he realized the cave had been unusually bright, despite no lamps, candles, or other light source. And if the cave was unusually bright, then the sun was almost painful. His already narrow eyes squinted even more. He closed one and then the other, careful to never close both at the same time while he waited for them to adjust, as he walked over to one of the nearer trees. He picked the one that had the lowest branches within reach, and tried to break one off with the rock. It had no sharp edge, and this body did not seem very strong, but after scoring one limb around its base he managed to climb up and come down on it with both feet, using his body weight to finish the job. As the broken branch fell, the goblin caught himself on another and hung there for several moments. On a whim he did a pull up, and grunted in satisfaction before he dropped back to the ground unharmed.

This body was weaker, but it wasn't weak, in a sense. Proportional to his size, he felt his muscles were fairly dense and elastic. Like a chimpanzee. ...I suppose, if that's what my memory thinks. But his size and weight did not give him great leverage to use whatever strength he might have.

Weakened, small, in unfamiliar territory, on the hunt. So it came naturally to seize a weapon. He picked up his broken branch, snapped the last two tapering, twiggy feet of it off, and began to bash off any smaller growths with the rock. Soon he had a short, rough, but functional staff in hand.

His guts seemed to roar and roll inside his body. Spending time to make this weapon had cost him time that he could be hunting...but, as little as he knew, something told him having the weapon would be better than not at this moment. As for what he could hunt...

He crouched low, and began moving into the underbrush. Just before he left eyeshot of the cave, he marked the dirt with his staff and tried to remember what the landscape looked like here. Then he traveled in a straight line, away from the cave, and watched the forest floor.

Whether by instinct, or his hazy memories, he knew that any animal would likely smell or hear him long before he saw them. As much as he tried, he couldn't silence himself completely...although, he felt his breath naturally slowing, and his steps stopped coming straight up and down on the ground. Instead his feet made a sort of sliding motion, using the side of the foot to take his weight at first and distribute it more evenly across the ground. With this method, his steps didn't thump, and he could brush leaves or sticks out of the way before coming down on them. Crescent Step...is that what it's called?

But the fact remained, animals would have sharper senses. So what he looked for were the signs they left behind, rather than the animal itself. Tracks? Droppings? Places where trees or grass had been rubbed frequently or trampled?

Saito the goblin gripped his staff, put aside all thoughts save the immediate present, and hunted in earnest.
Its currently May 24 where I'm at--

*glances at computer clock*

Hol' up...

So many people copying my talent, lol. Just so y'all know, I didn't intend Physical Conditioning to mean "naturally buff gobbo muscles." It was meant more along the lines of "a natural talent for physical training" as in, things like pushups and situps either give more efficient results, or the recovery period is faster. It's "naturally benefiting more from exercise" rather than "being naturally athletic/strong."
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