Avatar of Zeroth


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19 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

My application, made with the few edits we discussed. Let me know if anything else needs work.


Day 3



Though many male goblins are as bald as they are ugly, Saito bears a distinct tuft of hair that sweeps toward the right side of his hairline. It's a dark shade of auburn, glinting red in the right light. His eyes are a light honey amber, but narrow and sharp as if he's used to either squinting or glaring. Though just as scrawny as the rest of his littermates, he has slightly larger hands and feet, implying that when he's full grown he might be of decent size for a greenskin.


Saito acts much like an old, austere man. Though respectful, he often doesn't mince words or bother with trifles. Often stern and stoic, but not terribly hard to get along with--however, he seems to have little patience for some of the...less scrupulous behaviors of goblins. He can be quiet and still for long periods of time, before suddenly jumping up to put whatever idea he's been thinking of into action. When interacting with others he behaves much like a teacher or a strict parent, but it's not as if he doesn't know how to laugh. His anger, however, is unusual--he doesn't hide it, nor does he shout it to the heavens. It isn't a cold fury, or red faced bluster. It is more like...an acknowledgement. Like writing a name down in a book.

Past Life:

  • Martial Arts
  • Physical Conditioning

  • Dark Eye (Passive) E-Rank
  • Absorption (Remaining Uses: 8)

@RC3Potentially interested, not sure for certain yet. Are there any peculiar circumstances surrounding the reincarnated characters? Do they remember anything from their past lives or retain any skills/talents?

How much of this will be adaptation or re-flavoring of Re:Monster, and how much will be your own twists--in other words, does one need to be familiar with the manga or novels? And would those who are familiar have any kind of advantage if they know how certain skills or evolutions work?

As Danny escaped the chicken-like creature to land on the coop, the creature watched him and puffed up its feathers in a threatening display. Flapping its wings, it ran back and forth across the ground a few times, as if it expected him to fall off the roof and was just waiting for a chance to get at him.

Level 8
EXP: 20%

As the Poltergeist looked around the farm with his Mana Vision, he found that the largest concentration of magic seemed to be coming from inside the house, rather than any of the nature surrounding the place. The chicken and hog-like animals didn't seem as magically inclined as even the basic monsters from the forest and cave. From this distance he could barely make out Geir's mana signature, and the one that he thought to be Jason was...dim and flickering. Almost out completely. But it was moving away--just as a much larger source of Mana was approaching, accompanied by one that seemed...unusual, somehow. And inside the house, visible through the windows, magical energy shone brilliantly. Was it a person? Or some kind of enchanted object?

As he meditated afterward, unable to do anything at the moment to help Jason, the blood on his chest chilled his skin as it dried in the night air...

Jason's ghostly form drained some of the light from Geir's spiritual body like liquid moving up a straw. However, there was resistance, like an especially thick milkshake. And the spirit didn't have enough strength to get closer and engage in another spiritual battle--nor did he have the time. Still, the ectoslime thought it somehow necessary to expend some of this Mana on a Telepathic message before he left.

He headed across the fields, just as Mira and Miiba were reaching Geir. He could hear the girl calling out to see if the young man was okay, but as he followed Danny's trail...his senses began to, slowly...fade...

The monochrome void began closing in on all sides. He tried to activate Meditation...but he was moving. An unpleasant buzz spread through his ethereal body. Suddenly he felt cold, and numb....

He could see Danny's soul with his Spiritual Awareness, slowly growing brighter as the Poltergeist meditated on top of the chicken coop. But could he...get there...before...


Deep Forest

Nira could feel her magical energy flowing through her body when she meditated, like a second set of heartbeats and pumping veins. The sensation of it moving through her tiny, insect-like wings served to remind her how different this new body was, yet somehow carried with it the feeling of freedom. Despite the weakness of the Pixie body, it could still do something Humanity had only yet dreamed of in the Old World--free flight, at will. Though, perhaps the fact that it was called Lesser Flight meant there was still more to gain.

But her thirst was distracting. Her next attempt with magic, then, would be to try to create a sphere of water--a different element of Mana Orb. She had seen such things in fiction, and this world seemed to run on the same kind of fantasy. So she closed her eyes and visualized, in her mind, the sounds and sensations of water.

Her hands felt cool, but the breeze of the forest was dying down. It was a pleasant sensation, like dew on the morning grass. As her magic flowed, coalescing in her palms, the temperature on her skin seemed to drop further. When she opened her eyes, she saw an ever so thin mist gathering around her hands...the water droplet in her mind fell with a soft, tinkling sound, and the mist dispersed. She tried again, and this time watched the damp gathering in the ethereal clouds, so delicate that even her soft breathing dissolved them.

"Um... System, bring up skill list?"

Unspent Skill Points: 20
Current Skills:
Alert I (1.45)
Lesser Flight I (1.65)
Minor Heal I (1.0)
Muffle (1.55)
Shield I (1.05)
Mana Orb I (1.05)
Meditate I (1.0)
Crafting (0.1)
Keen Ear (0.2)
Mana Strike (0.1)
Meditate (0.7)
Point Strike (0.2)
Stealth Kill (0.3)
Suppress Presence (0.5)
Monster Analysis (0.3)
Smash (0.1)
Faster (0.3)
Magic Analysis (0.6)
Iron Gullet (0.2)
Charisma (0.9)
Charm (0.4)
Deception (0.2)
Pacify Animal (0.2)
Taming (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.3)
Mana Sense (0.2)
Spell Chant (0.3)
Stronger (0.1)
Use Light Equipment (0.05)
(NEW) Mana Shape (0.2)
(NEW) Aqua Sphere (0.4)

For his part, Femus observed the other creatures in the clearing. The Bowhorn seemed peaceful, not much different from the herbivores they so resembled in the Old World. It seemed reasonable that their vitals would be behind the front shoulder and in their heads, the same as any deer back on Earth. However, they were very solidly built animals. It seemed quite unlikely that his Mana Orb, in its current form, would be able to take them down in a single shot.

You used Monster Analysis I!
---Bowhorn Deer---
This species of deer has absorbed magical energy from the forest and the plants, causing its horns to become more like saplings than bone. They're still plenty sharp and tough, but have an added flexibility that makes them valuable to bowyers and other craftsmen. As it grows older, sometimes the horns even sprout blooms or fruit of some sort, varying based on the creature's diet and habitat.

The Wisp took the edge off of his thirst for the moment by sucking on a leaf, and turned back to his magic. His line of thought seemed to be that it would be dangerous to explore in search of water or food without a powerful weapon to defend himself with. Considering the properties of his spell, Femus settled on an experiment. He "locked on" to a tree branch in his mind, and with focus he cast his Shock Round again. The electrical orb didn't hold its intended shape for long after it left him--though it continued to rotate, the dart shape he had tried to impose on it once again swelled out into a sphere. Like liquid in zero gravity, this seemed to be its most natural form. If it moved any faster, it wasn't clear if it was because of Femus's intent, or if he had just "thrown" it harder than before. Still, it did home in slowly on his target--and when it finally did make contact, with a bright flash and crackle it singed the twig badly enough to snap it from the tree. The sudden sound startled the Bowhorn, who looked up and stood stock still for several seconds. Slowly, they lowered their heads back to the herbs once more, save for the male who stood on lookout.

You used Magic Analysis II!
---Shock Round---
The lightning-themed version of a basic magical attack. With roughly the same power, range, and MP consumption as a Mana Orb, it has the unique property of being able to home in on a target, though it moves slowly and may dissipate after a few moments. Its homing tendency may be thrown off by certain conductive materials if they are within its range, such as metal. However, as an elemental spell, these same properties render it harder to use in certain circumstances. Elementally opposed targets, for example, will be much less effected. It is possible to alter the charge of an orb, which might affect its interaction with other electrical spells or magnetic substances.

His upgraded analysis skill gave him just a little more information about the spell, and combined with his observations he had perhaps progressed just a step or two more in his training.

"System." He thought as he began meditating to restore his depleted mana. "Please display unusable skills."

Current Skills:
Faster (0.3)
Harder (0.1)
Soil Manipulation(0.1)
Muffle (0.4)
Stealth Kill (0.1)
Charisma (0.3)
Mana Drain (0.8)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.9)
Keen Smell (0.1)
Mana Dart (0.2)
Mana Burst (0.1)
Fireball (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.9)
Keen Sight (0.3)
Wisp Flash (0.2)
Focus (0.9)
Spell Chant (0.3)
Mental Resistance (0.3)
People Sense (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.2)
Poison Splash (0.1)
Material Analysis (0.2)
Keen Ear (0.1)
Minor Heal (0.1)

Now Femus tried to draw forth Mana from the Great Kao Tree as he meditated, while he considered what he had learned thus far. He did make an attempt to take the energy in as peaceable manner as possible...

But once again, the tree shuddered. Nira could feel it too, this time. And so could the Bowhorn deer, down in the field--once more they startled, and this time actually took a few steps back from the herb patch. The big male looked straight up into the branches, eyes wide, and chuffed through his nose. The doe and her two little ones immediately dashed for the treeline, and the male followed not long after.

Then it stopped, and the forest was silent. An unnatural, tense silence.

Skill Rank Up: Meditate I > Meditate II (1.95 > 2.0)!
Increase the amount of Mana recovered. Low background noises, movements, etc (comparable to the common room of an Inn, a busy street at the market, etc) will no longer decrease the effectiveness of this skill so long as the user maintains stillness and a calm state of mind. This skill still cannot be used while moving or in the midst of battle. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with other Active skills.

Skill Gain: Mana Sense I (0.9 > 1.0)!
You have sharpened your mental and spiritual senses as well as your physical ones. By focusing upon a single creature or object, you will be able to sense its magical nature in some fashion. Different creatures may perceive this aura in different ways--some may see a colored aura, others may catch unique scents, etc. This is not an Analysis skill, though it may Synergize with some of them. The range of this skill is limited to that of your other physical senses, though in some cases a mana signature may become easier or more difficult to detect depending on factors such as strength, amount, etc. By touching an object or creature, even if they are somehow suppressing their magical power, you have a chance to learn whether or not magic is present. At this rank, you must activate this skill in order for it to take effect. While active it will consume MP.

After several long moments, nothing terrible happened. No disaster fell upon them. And Femus, in true scientific fashion, returned to his magics. Now he thought about the nature of lightning itself. Positive and negative charge, reaching their limits before discharging energy in a natural arc. Femus concentrated on making his Shock Orb absorb these qualities, locking onto a target at a distance and then jumping instantly to strike it. But, something about that didn't feel right. So, he stopped and attempted to deactivate the spell without losing the mana. Instead, he reached out and focused on a patch of ground with no branches above it. Then he concentrated on making that place attractive to lightning, so attractive that the surrounding trees would have no effect on the bolt's path from the clouds to the ground and back again. Femus also focused his will into his words as he spoke in a tone of command. "Strike, Lightning Bolt."

The patch of ground he had been focusing on stood out in stark detail, the rest of the world fading into the background of his sight. As he spoke his short chant...a slight glow seemed to ruffle the grass. Femus felt a surge of Mana leave his body, and much like touching a doorknob he felt static electricity jump across his skin. And it was visible, too--a twisting yellow-white tendril that arced out from him into the empty air.

And immediately dissipated after traveling only a foot or so from him. The glow was gone, and it seemed he had used a bigger chunk of Mana than usual.

You used Magic Analysis II!
---Static Bolt---
You are attempting to develop the Static Bolt spell. By building up a charge, an electrical surge of energy can be discharged almost instantaneously. However, only an unmoving object or creature can be targeted, it seems, and it takes a lot of energy to build the charge.

While Femus recovered his mana and searched for water with all of his senses, he noticed that the Bowhorns had not returned, and he hadn't seen any of the Pixies or other Wisps flitting about either. The sounds of the forest had returned, dissipating some of the tension from earlier, but it seemed only the Mundane creatures were out and about now. Then again, it was getting close to mid-day. Maybe all the Goblins and other such things were having lunch or taking a siesta.

There didn't seem to be any pools or streams, at least not in the immediate vicinity of the Great Kao Tree. He might have to go searching, if not out of the area entirely then at least to places he hadn't been...like the ramshackle goblin camp, or that larger patch of green herbage further away from Nira's gathering place. Or maybe even the treeline around the forest clearing...

LEVEL UP! Your learning experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 7! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 10 [[OOC: 5 from normal, 5 from bonuses]]
Current Skills:
Monster Analysis I (1.8)
Mana Orb II (2.5)
Lesser Force I (1.65)
Levitation (--)
Meditate II (2.025)
Magic Analysis II (2.2)
Shock Round I (1.4)
Mana Shape I (1.2)
Shield I (1.05)
Mana Control I (1.4)
Alert I (1.1)
Crafting I (1.1)
Suppress Presence I (1.1)
Growth I (1.25)
Mana Sense I (1.0)
Faster (0.3)
Harder (0.1)
Soil Manipulation(0.1)
Muffle (0.4)
Stealth Kill (0.1)
Charisma (0.3)
Mana Drain (0.9)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.9)
Keen Smell (0.2)
Mana Dart (0.2)
Mana Burst (0.1)
Fireball (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.9)
Keen Sight (0.4)
Wisp Flash (0.2)
Focus (0.9)
Spell Chant (0.4)
Mental Resistance (0.3)
People Sense (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.2)
Poison Splash (0.1)
Material Analysis (0.2)
Keen Ear (0.2)
Minor Heal (0.1)
Static Bolt (0.4)

Rat Party

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

Though they probably made an incredibly odd sight, bounding about in and out of the tall grass and swinging like a batter going for a home run, the two Rat Monsters' practice seemed to be paying off. Whether the two of them had ever been athletes or not, anyone who has ever done strenuous exercise knows that sweat, fatigue, and muscle soreness can never lie.

Ed found that, if he could get his entire body behind or under the Great Club, he could just about move it. Attempting a full baseball swing was beyond him--or rather, it wasn't that he couldn't do it, just that it was too slow. But if he choked up on the handle with one hand, and kept the other towards the base, he could lever it and push with his legs. Then he could let gravity do the work, but the strike was still fairly clumsy and it shortened the range of the big weapon considerably. Still, it was a club. It didn't require much skill--the primary shortage here was simply his strength and leverage. And considering the Rat Man was a good deal stronger than a Goblin, it might make him wonder if even Rattleskull would have had trouble swinging around this long hardwood thing, studded and banded with iron.

Asteria couldn't quite manipulate her tail with the exact same dexterity as a hand, given the different bone structure. And it lacked the sort of hydraulic motion to stab like a scorpion's stinger. Still, her improvised weapon could slash quite effectively--if her tail whipped out quickly, the strike wasn't incredibly accurate but could shear the long blades of grass with no problem whatsoever. With her enhanced speed, strength, and coordination, once she was used to the weight she could still run and jump and tumble in much the way any rodent can. If she were in a more enclosed space, something like parkour would be of little issue.

Mother Rat watched both of them, head turning back and forth. She scratched one ear idly with her hind leg, then yawned. This pack was, by far, the strangest she had ever been part of in her few years of life.

The road remained empty, as the sun rapidly approached noon. A slight breeze ruffled the grassy lands every now and then. Off in the distance, now that the light was brighter, they could clearly see the small smoke trails from the village they had passed. They could also see the treeline of the forest, much more distant now, and a gently rolling hill. Ed might remember the smoke he had seen coming from somewhere behind this hill not too long ago, before they hunkered down in the barrow...could that be where the Bandits had their camp?

[[OOC: If the plan's to just keep training and you don't need encounters, etc, feel free to continue back and forths or do collabs.]]

PixieSlime Party

The magic blast had knocked one of the stones in his makeshift shield away. The burning purple javelin left a dark stain on his red membrane, but he pushed through the pain. Asura managed to drag the Zomblin in the way of the two Mana Orbs, but its bone armor protected it from the majority of the damage at the cost of cracking one of the plates. The undead goblin snarled, black bile dripping from its jaws--just before they snapped shut as Asura's spike drove through the underside of its mandible. He pierced all the way through, and the undead creature jerked and stumbled back--

But it did not fall. Defying all zombie-fiction logic, the undead continued to move, albeit it with much more jerking and struggling.

Asura couldn't see behind him, but Ardur had left the group heading for the pool. Trent and the others caught up--but so did the other monsters hurrying to join the Zomblin's party! The two Ghost Wisps fired at Asura again--and began to fade away like dust in the wind. The Fanged Lizard squirmed back to its feet--only for a gooey glob of Steve's webbing to pin it to the ground! It still managed to fire off a Poison Spit attack, which Trent once again blocked with his shield before jumping up and coming down with both feet on the creature's spine. The human's greater weight, enhanced by his equipment, spelled doom for the possessed reptile.

Mother Slime rolled forward. There was enough room in the passage for perhaps four or five creatures to stand abrest. As she was moving to Asura's side, she lashed out with a pseudopod at the Zomblin, but the undead creature managed to duck away from the heavy blow.

And then, rather than attack, the creature snatched up the pile of poisoned javelins under its arm like so much firewood. It had a least a dozen left, and it now turned and fled while the other monsters pressed forward. Two assimilated Wisps and another Fanged Lizard filled the gap the zomblin left behind, opening mouths and gathering energy for their ranged attacks. From Asura's side, a new Skeleblin appeared--and like the Zomblin, this one was better armed than expected of such a basic undead.

Plates of a shell, similar to an armadillo's in appearance but bigger and thicker, had been fashioned into a primitive shield in the Skeleblin's left hand. In its right, a large leg bone with a rock tied to it made a sturdy club. The creature's jaw clattered as it swung at Asura's side, just as he finished dealing with the two Ghost Wisps' last attacks--!

Meanwhile, Ardur reached the dark waters of the pool. With no more sunlight filtering into the cave, the water looked pitch black. He could see none of the small fish, if they were even still down there. He extended his hand to the water's surface, reaching out with his will and his magic.

“Sword of the pool, its Ardur again. I have not returned with a hero but some day I will meet your requirements or find someone that does. For now we could use a hand destroying the dungeon core and purifying this cave if you can help.”

For a moment, nothing...then, he felt a tug against his magic. After casting the modified Fireball, Inspire, and now this, the Hipixie could feel that his MP was getting low. He might only manage one or two more spells before he was dry.

But the water rippled.

Something surfaced. In the darkness, he couldn't quite tell what it was...but there was a slight glimmer on the rippling water...

"The situation has changed in a way I did not foresee--and I suspect that one of your number is to blame, Ardur." Ardur heard the voice in his mind, but only as a slight whisper. He had to really concentrate to pick it out over the sound of battle taking place not far away. "The Core's growth is too fast, and it seems to have increased its intelligence too much for its level. Its assimilated creatures have sealed the cavern entirely from light, and they have been gathering materials. There are more of them than I thought--some of these undead goblins are from generations ago. I thought I had enough power to destroy the core--but I don't know if I can withstand a battle of attrition with this many--Watch out!"

Two bright lights alerted Ardur before the Wisps attacked, shooting Mana Orbs at him in rapid succession.


As Ash realized she had been...here...before, taking in all of the world rushing past her, she activated her newest skill. As she floated, between the world and the moon, she tried to commit this to memory. Was it because she did not want to forget it again? She wanted proof of this vision? Or because she wanted a clearer picture of what, exactly, she was looking at? Either way, as she gazed upon the world, she activated Memor Eyes.

I̶m̸a̵g̴e̴ ̶c̷a̴p̵t̸u̸r̶e̷d̵.̵


Y̵͎̔Ő̵̯U̴̝̇Ŕ̷̙ ̷̲̓Â̴̫L̸̟͛E̴̝͛R̸̭͌T̸͕̀ ̷͈̅S̸̫̅K̸̯̋I̵̜̕L̸̢̓L̴̺͠ ̸̰̾I̶̲̿S̸͙̍ ̸̞͑Ŗ̷͠E̵̛̼Ạ̶̈́C̴̼͆T̵̟̕I̶͍̓Ǹ̸̝G̴̥̒ ̵̳̂S̸̜̚T̵͙͐Ṟ̴̊Ỏ̶͙Ṉ̵̾G̴̨̊L̶̡̑Ý̶͙!̴̡͝
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Title Gained: Witness I
You have seen things. And they have seen you. At this Rank, functions of this Title are unclear.

As a sudden pressure--worse than what she had experienced when Zawisza had appeared before them in a clap of crimson thunder--closed in on her mind, Ash began to wriggle. What had started as a test of her range of movement, perhaps an experiment in what exactly this astral place allowed, suddenly became a writhing fit of panic. This dream had become a nightmare--and it was not her own.

As if she had been dropped into the sea, chained to a weight, Ash plunged back down towards the world.

She had only moved a scant few inches. But because of her distance from that spinning star below, even as she traveled straight down the arc of her angle increased dramatically. She would not be falling directly back into her body. Where was she going? A new fear gripped her.

But the weight suddenly relented. The nightmare was past...for now. Now she was traveling again, and the world blurred by. She stopped so suddenly, yet there was no sense of vertigo. She now floated several feet above the calm, deep blue surface of an empty ocean...and then something jerked her to one side, and now she was flying across the surface of the planet. A breaking wave rose up right in front of her--but as she passed through it, she felt no cold nor spray, and the water did not part for her.

At one point, she passed over...something. Enormous, deep, and dark, it breached the waves for only a moment. As it sank back in the depths, a whirlpool in its wake dragged hapless fish and all manner of sea creature down, down.

Now she could see land ahead. Icebergs, drifting sheets of white. One lone, enormous bear-like creature fishing on a floe. It might have been a polar bear--save for the enormous spikes on its back and head, and its armored hide.

A shoreline of black, jagged rock. A broken ship, long abandoned...or was it, as something moved in the ruined hull? A thick, dark forest of conifers and something that might have been ash or yew...except their trunks were twisted and black, and their needles seemed more like shards of obsidian. The ground choked with roots, yet somehow it seemed paths wound through this place--but they, too, showed no bare ground. Larger roots, gnarled and grasping, like the bloated body of a naked serpent, lead back to a central clearing--

Ash saw an eye. Long lashes, mascara the color of blood, skin as white as snow. The crimson iris held a single slit, but the pupil was gold rather than black. Delicate fingers, with long nails, reached out...and Ash realized she had slowed down like a bullet passing through gelatin.

Her spine tingled as that finger came closer, then something yanked her through. She passed through darkness, through a round room of ancient tomes that spiraled up and down.

Then she had passed through the clearing, past that grotesque and bulbous tree bound by anchored ropes. Its scarlet leaves rustled with her passing. The finger had not, could not, touch her. The eye closed like one who could not stave off sleep any longer.

Faster now. Through the forest, across a plain of snow and ice. Another forest now, this one full of greens and muted grays as it should be, but still dark and foreboding. The animals were larger, hungrier. The mountains to the West were bigger, closer. She crossed a deep valley, through the white foam of a waterfall. Now the forest began to look familiar.

She saw Digbie, Oberon, and Torrent. She saw herself, dead gray skin and bloated, pulsing body.

Then she began to awaken. And everything, save that crystal clear image she had captured on her own...and a shivering touch, a long white finger pointing to the north and a vague red eye...

Save those two, everything was gone from her mind once more.

Dry scales peeled and leathery hide split. A pointed tail, longer than before but no longer tipped with a stinger or covered in hard chitin, instinctively thrashed to clear away the shedding hide. Digitigrade feet flexed clawed toes, and three fingers and a thumb slashed their way out of the hollow shell. Wings, with a glistening membrane, unfurled. A head, tipped with horns, twisted on a thin but flexible neck.

Her body was roughly humanoid, with a slight femininity not yet fully matured. She stood about three feet tall, though there was a slight crouch to her frame due to the shape of her legs. Very little fat padded her frame, though this weakness she felt reminded her more of days spent in the lab without eating, or illness caused by overwork. At this very moment, her head pounded and her breath hitched in her chest--the aftermath of a terrible nightmare, but why couldn't she remember it?

Then, as she blinked bleary eyes, the strange swirling marks upon her began to glow with a soft light...

(Immature) Pygmy Drake > (Adolescent) Mystic [Winged] Kobold!
You have Transformed!
Your base speed stats have increased!
You have not reached your full Potential. The Skill Use Light Equipment's development is reduced. Skill is currently at (0.2 > 0.7).
You have gained access to the Job System at 0th Tier!
---Job System---
Creatures with a certain level of intelligence, sophistication, and potential for civilization often learn that specialized functions for different members make the society better. Specific forms of training, and specific mindsets, mean that those who undertake a "Job" are better suited for certain things than others with different "Jobs." When you take on a Job Type, the World System will allocate earned Skill Points in a way more favorable to your choice. Using a skill you are familiar with as an example...[Stronger]. By using your tail in addition to other parts of your body while muscle training, you also developed [Prehensile Tail]. You intentionally attempted to strengthen yourself, thus [Stronger] became the priority skill increased. Applying this principle, if you were in a magic based Job, points toward Spells Skills would be prioritized in any situation where more than one skill is being developed. And vice versa if you were in a physical Job like some type of warrior. Jobs may cost you versatility, and make it harder to learn skills you already have that do not fit the Job's perogative. However, they will speed up development of the more fitting skills. Jobs are not permanent choices and may be changed, however doing so will require a training period for the new Job.

Available Jobs for Kobolds:
0th Tier
  • Raider - Physical focus. Offensive focus.
    • Air Raider - [Winged] Kobold only. Physical focus. Increased Offensive focus, Evasive focus.
  • Skirmisher - Balanced focus. Defensive and Support focus.
  • Voodooist - Magic focus. Offensive focus.
    • Witch - Possess Alchemy above Rank I. Magic focus. Increased Utility focus, highly versatile.
  • Bandit - Physical focus. Offensive and Defensive focus.
  • Sneak - Physical focus. Evasive focus.
  • Scrapper - Physical focus. Offensive and Evasive focus.
  • Shaman - Magic focus. Offensive and Support focus.
    • Drake Tongue - [Winged] Kobold only. Magic focus. Increased Offensive focus. Increased Support focus.
  • Gatherer - Balanced focus. Support focus.
  • Scout - Physical focus. Evasive and Ranged focus.
  • Healer - Magic focus. Support and Defensive focus.

You may unlock other Jobs by fulfilling certain conditions. You may gather further information about Jobs by focusing on one at a time before making your choice.
---Job Tutorial Complete!---

You gained the Variance, Mystic!
Your Max MP has increased!
You have not reached your full Potential. The skill Mana Affinity has been reduced to (0.5).
You have not reached your full Potential. You already possess the Skill Mana Orb. Skill increase reduced. Total is (2.3 > 2.55).

Skill Change: Stun Stinger II has changed to Stun Fang II!
Skill Change: Poison Spray II has changed to Poison Spit II!

You are Famished.
You are Thirsty.

[[OOC: If you want to describe the specific shapes her swirling marks take, where they are on her body, her new scales' color or design, etc feel free.]]

Monster Party

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

Oberon "felt" the pebble yet again, and this time he seemed to have more control over this invisible limb. With more mana, and a specific vector in mind for the movement of the stone, the channeling process became smoother. As he watched, the pebble slowly shifted...then, in stops and starts, jerked towards him just a few inches at a time. The spell still hadn't triggered, but if the system was any indication he was getting close. It would probably only take a little bit more...

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.
You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

Torrent spent more time drawing in more Mana from the sunlight, the way Oberon had explained to her. A System Notice told her that her MP was full at some point. She gathered it up with the intent of compressing it, using her previous attemps with the various breath weapons and her mental visualization. When she released it she imagined a thin stream, a pressurized release, like the tiniest pin-prick in a balloon letting out all the air in one blast. To this natural release valve, she added her own Mana and intent, pushing forward with her will.

From the Lesserwurm's open mouth, a beam like a flashlight struck the water. She could feel the roof of her snout and her tongue growing somewhat warm. But...the water didn't boil or hiss, and the beam of light shrank quickly over time. It wasn't even a full minute before it died away entirely. But, part of her goal--some form of light magic, released from her mouth--had been accomplished. How could she make it viable for battle? Or, did she imagine some other use for it?

Skill Gain: Crafting I (0.9 > 1.0)!
Your knowledge and understanding of mechanics, workmanship, and other such things enable you to craft better items. The process of creating many items is still an unknown to you, but if you ever succeed in such a creation its Sub-Stat Enhancements will be higher than normal.

You used Crafting I!
You are Disassembling an Item!

Scrap Leather Boot (Below Average) + Stone Knife (Average)
Item Successfully Disassembled!
Obtained: Leather Strips (Poor) x4!

Fur Clothing (Bad) + Stone Knife (Average)
Item Successfully Disassembled!
Obtained: Dire Rat Pelt (Bad) x3
Obtained: Unknown Pelt (Poor) x2
Obtained: Hex Cat Pelt (Poor) x1

Filthy Underwear (Bad) + Stone Knife (Average)
Item Sucessfully Disassembled!
Obtained: Dirty Cloth Strips (Very Poor) x6

Level 8
EXP: 90%

As Digbie successfully analyzed the various items the group had gained, sorting them out and trying to think of which group member could get the most out of each piece, one might question his decisions. But at least he was generous with the loot, surely unlike any other Goblin they might have been working with if not for Guze. Breaking down the unusable, or just plain unwanted, pieces of equipment left him with some strips of cloth and leather that might be used for other purposes. Each strip was several inches long, through they varied in thickness and tensile strength. Cutting apart the dry-rotted vines and other cordage holding the fur clothing together left him with a small pile of pelts. He only recognized one of them as belonging to a Hex Cat once he saw its black color and touched the fur, and remembered the same creature that they had seen during their journey from the cave. He still wasn't sure what the other piece of fur could have belonged to, however--it didn't look like that deer they had seen, nor those dangerous badgers, and it certainly wasn't rubbery like frog skin.

The other three members heard the sound of something ripping open, and labored breathing from within the cave. It would seem Ash's second evolution was over--it had taken longer this time, too. If any of them chose to investigate, they would see that the Winged Kobold was very different from the Pygmy Drake--and probably much better suited to some of this equipment, now that Ash actually had opposable thumbs and a relatively humanoid anatomy.
Monster Party

You used [Analysis]!
---Adult Male Orc Grunt: Guze [???]---
Considered by some to be the pinnacle of Goblinoid transformation, the Orcs stand apart as their own Feral Race. Like the Enlightened Races, they are capable of forming proper cultures, making technological or magical advancements, and continue to accumulate their own history. Physically, many Orcs are on par with Humans while some may surpass the Enlightened Races in particular areas--usually raw strength or stamina. Their numbers often grow rapidly in times of peace, thus many rivals seek to keep them suppressed.

An Orc Grunt stands right around 5 feet tall on average, but the density of their muscle mass usually puts their weight between 130-150 pounds. Their abilities can usually be considered "average" for the various Orc subtypes. Guze's physical stats are roughly quadruple your own, without taking into account equipment.

Guze seems to possess several combat skills, and is good with archery and hand to hand combat as you have seen firsthand. His Job is unclear, but likely to be some sort of scout or hunter. His MP is about half of your own. You can detect just a few magical abilities from him, but only one seems to be active. He is equipped with a Bowhorn Shortbow (Good), Hide Clothing (Well-Made), Cloth Wraps (Average), Leather Pouch (Well-Made), and several other items you have not seen clearly yet. You suspect there is another weapon of some sort, what seem to be some basic supplies or survival kit, and tools for hunting or capturing more slaves.

Fire, Poison, Ice, Curse, and Spirit magics are often most effective on Orcs. Most other elements are decently effective, but they tend to have high tolerances for pain and damage resistances. The weakest elements against them tend to be Earth and Water.
---Analysis Complete!---

You used Monster Analysis II! You used Magic Analysis IV!
A possible Transformation of the Bowhorn Deer, the Cariblade's horns have better adapted for close range combat. A diet rich in certain nutrients has hardened its antlers, turning them from woody formations to rigid, metallic spikes. Special blood vessels throughout the blades allow them to vent heat very efficiently, however this makes the metal unsuited for normal forging. Whereas other types of deer mark their territory or shed horns by rubbing against trees, male Cariblades often use rocks instead to hone their edges. Cariblades are not particularly magical in nature, but have higher MP than most other creatures you've seen in the forest. Its MP is still slightly lower than your own. It does not possess any magical skills, but seems to have some physical ones. Its physical stats are all higher than yours. It is weakest to Lightning Element Magic. Fire and Wind are decently effective. The effectiveness of Ice, Water, Metal, and Earth are lessened.

You used [Analysis!]
---Adult Male Orc Grunt: Guze [???]---
Considered by some to be the pinnacle of Goblinoid transformation, the Orcs stand apart as their own Feral Race. Like the Enlightened Races, they are capable of forming proper cultures, making technological or magical advancements, and continue to accumulate their own history.

An Orc Grunt stands right around 5 feet tall on average, but the density of their muscle mass usually puts their weight between 130-150 pounds. Guze's physical stats are more than double your own, without taking into account equipment.

Guze seems to possess several combat skills, and is good with archery and hand to hand combat as you have seen firsthand. His Job is unclear, but likely to be some sort of scout or hunter. His MP is slightly greater than your own. You can detect one magical skill from him. He is equipped with a Bowhorn Shortbow (Good), Hide Clothing (Well-Made), Cloth Wraps (Average), and a Leather Pouch (Well-Made).

You used [Analysis!]
Sharpening stones come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and material compositions. Stones may be flat, or shaped for more complex edges, such as those associated with some wood carving tools. Whetstones may be natural or artificial. Artificial stones usually come in the form of a bonded abrasive composed of a ceramic such as Carborundum or Corundum.

This stone is of Well-Made quality, and does not seem to have been used much. However, it also seems a bit too "squared off" to have been made by hand, especially by an Orc...

Its only magical quality seems to be a faint hint of elemental Mana, Earth and...something quite similar, but not the same. It seems as if it might conduct Mana as well. One side is a bit cooler than the other and ever so slightly damp...

You used Magic Analysis I! You used Material Analysis I!
---Rusty Chipped Arming Sword (Very Poor) (Blood Coated)---
This once-fearsome sword has seen better days. It can do some damage in the right hands but also breaks quickly. It is roughly two and a half pounds in weight, just under three feet in total length, and its grip is made for a Human's single hand. >> Given its current level of damage, a great impact might break the blade due to the changes in its edge shape distributing the force. Honing the chips out of the edge, and polishing off the rust to keep it from eating further at the sword, could restore its usefulness. But it will likely never return to its true power.
---Fur Clothing (Bad)---
A set of clothes consisting of a kind of robe, belt, and mantle pieces all fastened together with plant fibers. Seems to feature Dire Rat fur most prominently, but there are some other bits in here from creatures you don't recognize too. It has a rather strong smell. >> Given its condition, some of the pelts could use replacing and the cordage is starting to dry rot.
---Vine Bracers (Various) x4---
A set of bracers or greaves made by taking simple vines, braiding them, and wrapping them around one's limbs, with a stick or two. Braces the limb and provides slight protection from blunt impacts, but cutting edges or fire could easily dispose of this "armor." The quality varies between each piece, as they were likely made by someone unskilled. Right Leg - Average. Left Leg - Bad. Right Arm - Poor. Left Arm - Below Average.
---Broken Haubergeon (Below Average > Bad, Damaged)---
A shirt of chain mail, a shorter version of a proper Hauberk. A Hauberk would reach to mid-thigh and cover the arms down to the wrists; this article, on a Human, is about the length of a normal shirt and its sleeves are shorter. >> It seems quite old, perhaps second-hand, and in recent battles has taken quite a bit of damage. At this point, the links are liable to break under any considerable force, but the overall garment may still stand up to a handful more blows.
---Filthy Underwear (Bad)---
A pair of boxer shorts that have seen far, far better days. The less said about the stains and smells on this garment, the better. >> If it were properly washed, it would still be a bit threadbare, but in certain weather something is better than nothing.
---Vine Greaves (Good) x2---
Specifically made for the legs, these thicker vines have been braided and wrapped on a Goblin from the knees down with two flat pieces of wood to brace the limb against impacts. They'll stand up about as well as some light cloth padding would, but sharp blades and hot flames would make short work of them. >> They're better than the Vine Bracers, but not by much.
---Treebark Bracers (Good) x2---
By taking a strip of thick bark from a rounded limb, and using braided vines to fasten it in place, this piece of armor provides a primitive layer of protection. The hard wood will even stand up to a sword, though not for very long, and while it's still vulnerable to flame it would take longer to burn to ash. >> It's a good bit better than Vine Bracers, and the Wood could potentially be processed for improvement.
---Scrap Leather Boot (Below Average)---
This boot is far too big for a goblin, hence why half of its toe-end has been cut off. It's made of what was probably once fairly decent leather, and seems to have been cobbled competently, but it's seen too much wear and tear and mistreatment.
---Iron Dagger (Well-Made)---
Though competently made, the iron in this weapon is of somewhat poorer quality. Technically, the forging process renders any "iron" object a form of steel, but this difference in quality is reflected in calling it Iron rather than Steel. Still, it is much better than anything a Goblin could normally make. Compared to Stone Knives you have seen before, it is more than twice as strong and fast.
---Ripped Cloth Bandanna (Average)---
A simple headwrap made of soft cloth. It offers some light protection for the head, but also keeps longer hair or sweaty brows from interfering with one's vision.
---Black Iron Skillet (Average)---
Technically, the forging process renders any "iron" object a form of steel, but this difference in quality is reflected in the object's name. Black Iron, sometimes called Ohg Iron, is even lower in quality than normal Iron. But for simple tools and appliances like this it is more than sufficient. >> The goblin wearing this has imparted it with a very thin layer of...personal grease. Cook with it at your own risk.
---Wooden Club (Good)---
A simple wooden club made by taking an especially thick branch, stripping and drying it, and wrapping some vines around the grip. It's fairly effective as a weapon.
---Stone Knife (Average)---
A knife made of a Sharp Stone, further knapped to refine its edge. Vines have been wrapped around one end so as to hold it without cutting oneself. Its light weight means attacks can be made quite swiftly.
---Rat Jerky x3---
Dried meat from a Dire Rat, sprinkled with some form of herbs and spice. It has a rather gamey smell and the taste is doubly so, but it'll keep one from starving at any rate.
---Tarnished Copper Ring (Well Made)---
A simple ring with no inscription or gem set in. It has been exposed to the elements and not well taken care of, so despite the obvious skill of its craftsmanship it is beginning to turn a chalky green color.
---Hard Shell (Average)---
A small piece of an Armored Badger's shell. This piece isn't big enough to be of any great use, but a few more pieces could be added to it to make something suitable as armor or shielding.
---Large Piece of Glass (Fragile)---
Wrapped in a dirty piece of cloth, this piece of glass is rather thick. It likely came from a jar or vial rather than a window. Though it's rounded around most edges, it could still cut quite easily.
---Analysis Complete!---

You are experiencing a Rapid Rate of Skill Growth.
You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Experience Gain.

Skill Rank Up: Material Analysis I > Material Analysis II (1.925 > 2.025 > 2.575)!
Obtain more detailed information about the qualities and traits of Materials. If you know of a currency value, you can make a rough estimate of an object's worth. The more detailed your knowledge of the local economy, the more accurate the assessment.

Skill Rank Up: Magic Analysis I > Magic Analysis II (1.975 > 2.025 > 2.6)!
Gain more detail about Magic oriented Skills and Spells. Lose less effectiveness when analyzing Monsters, Materials, etc so long as they are magically inclined.

Skill Gain: Lucid Dream I (1.0)!
Your mind's eye has learned to wander in the sleeping world! In your own dreams, you are now able to do anything you'd like with some focus--swim in chocolate, or fly without wings! However, you will also retain more control when affected by certain dream or mental effects--foggy visions may become more clear, and whispering voices are louder...

While Torrent and Oberon tried to figure out just what and who Guze was, and what he and his mount might really be capable of, Ash and Digbie distributed their level up points and the little demon goblin gathered everything he could strip off the Goblins without feeling too bad about it--as well as a few things he hadn't been aware they had, stuffed in what few pockets they had or...in other places. The captured green skins were quite indignant about it, but helpless in their chains.

Once he had all his loot in various piles on the ground, Digbie laid out his various stones as well and channeled his Mana as he spoke to his chosen patron.

"How are these stones, Jehanne? Are any of these good for my prayer bead necklace?"

He stood there, quietly, for several moments. Eventually a cool breeze blew, prompting him to open one eye. And he was almost immediately blinded--the breeze, a mere piece of a greater wind high above them, had blown the clouds further away and revealed more sunlight in the tiny clearing. Its rays glittered off the Quartz Pebble, the Shiny Stones, and the Smooth Bead. It seemed pretty obvious to Digbie, even though Jehanne hadn't answered him, that these could probably be ground down or drilled through to make some beads. But as he bent to gather them up, he couldn't help noticing the two Hard Stones he had as well. They were pretty big...but if he could bash them against each other, couldn't he break off a few pieces to be smoothed out into beads as well? And as he stood back up, various stones in hand, another glitter of sunlight caught his eye again--coming from that large piece of glass he had found on one of the Goblins.

And now that he thought about it, hadn't he heard, or read, or seen at some point in the Old World something about how people who were really good at digging things up often found things like beads and pottery in old places? A lot of times those beads were just balls of clay that had been hardened in fire or the sun, or shells ground down by hand...

Skill Gain: Intimidate I (0.8 >1.0)!
Your force of personality has become semi-magical in and of itself. When demonstrating your power or anger, you appear more threatening to those weaker than yourself. You may be more capable to force them to do what you want.

Skill Gain: Memor Eyes I (0.1 > 1.0)!
By expending a flash of Mana, you burn an image into your mind in a limited form of eidetic memory. This image can be recalled at any time with far more clarity than the greatest artist's sketch, and certain other skills--such as a form of Analysis--can be used on the image as if they had been used at the moment the user actually saw the event. At this Rank, only 1 image can be stored in the user's memory at a time. At this Rank, the stored image can only consist of a singular instant in time and cannot be linked to other memories. These images can be read by or transferred to others using certain mental magics--sometimes against the memory holder's will.

Meanwhile, Ash prepared herself for her second Transformation since coming to this world. That had to be a significant event, right? She hadn't been much of a "gamer," in her old life, but getting this far had to mean something. She made sure she was safe inside the little dugout cave, with her spear nearby, and closed her eyes as she focused on her choice...

Immediately, she dropped into a deep sleep.

Ash's physical body curled in on itself. Her breaths became deeper, swelling her chest cavity each time...and her muscles seemed to tense up...

She had never been able to recall it with true clarity the first time, but now that she was once more floating upward, the visions of her first transformation all came rushing back to the Pygmy Drake's mind. The things she had seen back then--the cavern's interior, the forest, the curling smoke trails, the deserts and mountains, all of it--were crystal clear for this moment in her mind. But now things had become so different...

They were farther North, so she could no longer see the cave where she had been reborn. She could still see all the trees of the forest, far below her. To the east, a particularly large tree glowed a light green color, bright enough that it seemed like a lighthouse beacon from here. Even further north, she could almost feel the same clouds of cold and snow she could see, and the howling winds that spun them round and round an even darker and deeper forest.

To the West, she could see the small shape of Guze and his captives making their way up the mountain ledges--and then immediately her vision swept up to the great scar across the mountains. It was as if some blade of impossible size had sheared off its tip. The rocks there were blackened yet smooth, with a glossy appearance. Within this smoking crater, many lights glittered. She had risen even higher by this point, so she couldn't pick out any details among the small figures moving in groups along the slopes and the ring of structures they had erected along the lip of the black crater...

Still higher she went, drifting through clouds. To the north, not as far as the ice and cold, a river meandered down out of the mountains. To the east, beyond the forest and the emerald glow, a sparkling lake. Even further in the west, and somewhat to the north, over the ridge of the mountains there was a tower like a mighty tree reaching up to the heavens. Its roots, too, stretched deep, deep into the earth. So far to the east that it became west again, a lonely, cold, desolate island where red lightning split the sky. Further beyond that, marshlands and mountains and untamed, wild lands.

She rose higher. A world, a planet, rotated thousands of miles an hour, yet from this distance appeared as no more than a soap bubble. A great city, too far from here to see, had called for her before but now it was silent. The island's red skies still held her in sway.

She was more aware now than she had been the first time she had seen this vision. Aware enough to know things were different. Aware enough to try and put something together. Aware enough, perhaps, to do something...?

Back in the waking world, with Guze gone Torrent took up a watch of sorts outside the shelter. Digbie was still communing with his goddes, and Oberon went back to his experiments.

As Torrent tried to draw light into her body, she began to feel quite warm. Like lying on a rock in full sunlight, her body slowly heated up in a pleasant fashion. And, in between one blink and another, it seemed like her surroundings got...brighter. As if she were standing under a flourescent light that had finally warmed up to its highest setting after starting out dim.

When she tried to concentrate this magical feeling into her breath magic, and opened her maw wide...Nothing shot out of her mouth. There was nothing to blast into the small stream, or into the trees she aimed at. Anyone looking at her might think her teeth were oddly bright for someone who had no toothbrush, but to the lizard herself nothing seemed to be happening. Still, she tried to Analyze this result...

You used Magic Analysis II!
---Breath ????---
You are attempting to concentrate mana into some form of breath weapon. However, the mana element you are using is too scattered to create a visible effect as of yet...

Meanwhile, Oberon tried to remember what he had learned back when they left the cave--which now seemed like over a year ago, even though it hadn't even been a week. He reached out with his mind and his will, and without realizing it his Mana Sense as well. His control over his magic had grown substantially after all this practice, and he felt it responding much more strongly to his attempts to shape it.

Suddenly, as if he had a phantom limb like an amputee, he felt his "hand" close around the pebble. He could, without a doubt, feel its hardness...but its weight felt so much heavier than it should have. Was it just a trick of his eyes, or did the pebble shiver, just a little bit?

He was doing something, that was for sure. Now the question was, did he just need more raw power, or did the technique require some kind of adjustment...?

PixieSlime Party

You used Monster Analysis I!
---F. Lizard Zombie---
Fanged Lizards are a reptilian monster with potent venom. When injected via a bite, it acts as a neurotoxin to paralyze the prey. When exposed to the air, it becomes a highly acidic liquid. The lizard can spit at a distance. Fanged Lizards are capable of magic but most do not naturally possess it. >> As a Zombie, the undead version of this monster becomes slower, but their durability and strength remain the same. Their poison becomes more potent, however, due to the process of decay. They also become much more aggressive, as all corporeal undead are naturally hostile to all living creatures.

In the few seconds provided by the flare's illumination, Ardur only managed to get a clear Analysis of one creature. A Fanged Lizard Zombie, its scales gray and peeling and its tail severed, crawled at a slow but steady pace towards the other end of the passage they were currently trapped in to join its fellows.

"Wait, Asura! If you rush forward too quickly--" Trent started to say, but it was too late. The red slime's Faster speed took him far ahead of the group, breaking their formation. Though Trent, Steve, and Momma Slime picked up their own pace, Asura barreled forward towards the rapidly increasing group of enemies. By the time he had dodged the next poisoned Javelin, those two Ghost Wisps from before had made their way to the Zombie Goblin.

Ardur called out orders to the group, and Steve tried to scuttle faster. She still didn't have the speed to catch up to Asura, and Trent's long legs rapidly outpaced her. Momma Slime burbled something that sounded affirmative at Ardur, but being the heaviest of the group even as she rolled herself into a tight sphere she couldn't quite keep up.

The Zombie Goblin lobbed yet another javelin, this time at Trent. It thumped against the boy's shield, sticking there and hissing as the poison tried to eat into the rawhide covering over the study wood.

You used Monster Analysis I!
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. >> As a Zombie, this creature's speed and strength haven't changed, but its durability has increased. Even with debilitating wounds it will continue to fight, as all corporeal undead have an extreme hostility towards the living and a hunger for flesh.

While Asura continued to charge forward, he also analyzed his opponent. He couldn't get any information on the creature's armor, as his Material Analysis skill hadn't yet activated--all he could see was that it was made of overlapping plates of bone and hollowed out skulls of one humanoid creature and one animal. The skulls made up two pauldrons, the plates a chestpiece, and something like faulds of smaller bone tied with bloody strips of sinew were draped over the creature's torso. There were noticeable gaps in the bone pieces, but they looked extremely fresh, and brought to mind those large blood spatters the group had seen outside the dungeon's entrance.

But as the Amorphous Slime's attention was on this information, he felt a burning sting as an impact struck his improvised stone shielding, driving him back just a "step," despite his lack of feet. One of those Ghost Wisps had fired its Mana Orb--he was in range of their attacks now! The other Ghost Wisp fired its attack as well, attempting to lead the shot as the slime was not dissuaded from his charge.

The group was getting close enough now that their torches could show them their enemies--and it also revealed another Fanged Lizard, two regular Wisps that had a distinct purple sheen to their glow, and a Skeleblin approaching around the shore of the pool!

Still flying, Ardur moved up above Trent and moved forward. Turning back to him for a moment and his quivering torch. “Come on Trent, let’s go make your knight friend Zieglar proud. For Galatine and for the sun we will drive these abominations back.” Holding his Femur Bone aloft, a mix of orange and white sparkles shone brightly before the same light outlined Trent's body.

"I knew it, that's the Inspire spell!" Trent blurted out, though he immediately focused back on the enemies up ahead. Still running, shield held up, he pointed his sword forward at the group of enemies. "Mana Orb!" The bolt of energy, now surrounded by the same glow as Inspire, shot forward.

Asura, whether he had been hit by the second Ghost Wisp's Mana Orb or had managed to avoid it somehow, now had cleared the space between him and the enemy party. The Fanged Lizard at the undead Goblin's side hissed as its mouth opened to shoot poison--but Trent's spell crashed into it, knocking the creature end over end. The red slime leaped head on at the foe, and he managed to worm his way between the amateurish armor's pieces. The spinning handful of stones he possesed scooped away a section of the creature's ribcage--but there was a sudden clicking sound, and he was momentarily stuck. His [Slime Shell], the Bowhorn Skull, obviously couldn't shapeshift to come through the gaps with him! The Zombie Goblin managed to grab the still-fresh horns, and yanked the rest of Asura out before slamming him to the ground, and jabbing at him with a Poisoned Javelin! At the same time, those two Ghost Wisps were focusing their fire on the slime, launching two more Mana Orbs even as their own bodies began to flicker--!

Trent was rapidly closing into melee distance. Steve would soon be in range to use her Web Shot. Ardur was still flying above the group, and it would be a few more moments before Mother Slime made it. But behind the Zombie Goblin, the Fanged Lizard, and the two Ghost Wisps, those two regular Wisps, a second Fanged Lizard, and the Skeleblin had also entered the fray! There wasn't quite enough room in the passage for all of them to stand abreast, but as soon as they resolved themselves the invading party would have even more opponents to worry about.

Ardur, from up high, could also see a Pixie--or rather, its yellowed bones still supported by gossamer wings--and then a second, fleshy Pixie with glowing purple eyes, as well as another Wisp, racing to join the Zombie Goblin's party. He could also see several glowing spheres and glittering wings racing across the opposite side of the pool, cutting over the water. They were moving at an angle from the group, rather than directly confronting them...

Skill Rank Up: Faster I > Faster II (1.9 > 2.0)!
Further increase your base speed stats and movement rate. By gaining at least one rank of Stronger, Harder, and Better, Skill Synergy will occurr and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning.

Rat Party

"Well uh, if ya say so bud." the Gnome responded, scratching himself and belching as Ed explained biology and cooking. "You sound like you really know your stuff." Then he rubbed his chin, and absently reached for another handful of meat.

"A hunting ground, eh? Lemme think for a bit..."

While he was thinking, Asteria had a few more questions. When she mentioned Undine, though, the Gnome stopped chewing and looked at her.

"Bound to a sword? That's...that don't sound right." Those big gem eyes blinked mechanically. "You could make use of an object in a contract, I suppose--as like an origin, or a boundary point, for an area that the creature is supposed to guard. Within 50 feet of the big tree. No further than the garden fence. Stuff like that. But if a creature themselves was bound to a weapon, that's not a contract. That's a Soulforged Item. And...if a creature got Soulforged into an item...you shouldn't have been able to "meet" them at all." He reached for another piece of meat, and talked with his mouth full. "I know a li'l bit about that, considerin' it happens a lot to Elementals. A creature that gets Soulforged, it really ain't that different to bein' dead. And if ya ask me, bein' Soulforged is bad enough--you're saying you could still talk to the creature or summat? Like it was trapped in the object?"

The Gnome shivered. For a creature that didn't seem to notice the heat of the flame, it was clear that it probably wouldn't notice cold either. Asteria would likely respond in the affirmative that she had been able to speak to Undine, and the Elemental shook his head in the manner of someone who has just watched a disturbing, gory video on the internet.

The female rat changed the topic to the contract between him and his mage again, asking what a "carryover" meant.

"Well, I get to share a little of his Mana if I need it. And because I'm an earth elemental, he sort of picks up some of my abilities through the connection. It makes his own earth spells stronger, or sharpens his senses for manipulating the element. Because this particular contract is multi-generational, some--not all, just a few--of the benefits from previous holders of the contract are bundled in, too."

When Asteria proposed a language experiment, the Gnome shrugged his shoulders in agreement and scooped up another few handfuls of meat into his pot before he went into the second chamber. When he came back, he shook his head.

"There were parts I couldn't hear, just due to muffling and distance, but what little I could still sounded like Gnomish to me. I heard somethin' about you," he pointed at Asteria, "having a little brother." He pointed at Ed, "And you were saying something about Earth...but the way you said it made me think you ain't just talkin' about my element."

He sat back down, and had emptied his pot. The grease running down his chin had practically oiled his entire chest by this point.

"Anyway, while ya were doin' that, I had a chance to think about hunting grounds. You guys said somethin' about bandits earlier. I remembered that some thugs attacked some other guys on this road, a few weeks ago. The racket woke me up, but I didn't see 'em or nothin'. They prolly know better than to come in here. I did happen to poke my head up afterwards, though, and I saw 'em headin' towards that hill off towards the forest. I bet if they've got a camp, they'll have a fire burnin' at some point so you could see the smoke.

"Further east, but north of Laketown, there's a tribe of Goblins that fish in the river. I heard from some adventures a while back that their numbers were lower for some reason, maybe they'd make easy prey.

"Back the way y'all came from, there's a nest of Myrminors under the ground. I've felt 'em digging and expanding for about a week now.

"And to the south of here, in the Alpin Plains, there's a pack of Mongrels. I hear 'em howling all the time during the full moon. If you're gonna hunt them ya gotta be careful though, they're never alone when they wander."

And finally, as he sucked hobgoblin juice from his fingers:

"And if ya went to Laketown, I hear a lot of novice adventurers make a coin or two cleaning out their sewers. I ain't sayin' hunt them, but there's bound to be critters down in the sewers. If newbie adventurers can do it, I bet you two weirdos could too."

Deep Forest

Skill Gain: Meditate I (0.7 > 1.0)!
By concentrating and calming oneself, increase the regeneration of Magic Power and Stamina. This skill cannot be used in battle. Any distractions in the environment will drastically decrease the effectiveness of this skill. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with other skills.

The ambient Mana is high in this place for some reason.
Your MP is Full.
Your MP is overfull, you have Temporary Extra MP.

Status Update:
Hunger decreased. You are Peckish.
Thirst increased. You are Parched.

There are 3 Kele Shoots remaining.

Your [Leaf Dress] has been reinforced! It is ever so slightly tougher!

Status Update:
Hunger decreased. You are Peckish.
Thirst increased. You are Parched.

There are 3 Kele Shoots remaining.

You have reinforced the [Leaf Dress]! It is ever so slightly tougher!

As Nira concentrated on her meditation, she found that the air around this tree seemed especially thick with energy. Sooner than she anticipated, she felt the Skill complete and received a notification soon after. The surge of energy immediately topped her off, and then some. It felt like a sugar rush, bringing to mind the question if she could possibly crash later on because of it.

Femus's attempts to use Growth on her Dress were successful as well...but whether it was because they were using more energy, or just because they hadn't had anything to drink to go along with their meal, the system soon gave them an update on their bodies' needs--which they didn't really need, in all honesty. Why, exactly, did the system have this odd habit of stating the obvious?

Femus's attempts to shape his Shock Round were less successful than he might have hoped. The blast did become more concentrated, like the Mana Dart, but once released it was only faster for a split second. Once it had traveled a certain distance, it seemed to begin inflating to its normal size as it drifted lazily along. Still, it was a better result than nothing. Maybe he needed to think of other ideas to try...

While the two rested in their tree, they soon saw some new beasts enter the clearing. These, however, were much more cautious in their approach. It began with a great Bowhorn Deer, obviously a male from his size and the spread of his great antlers, poking his head out of the tree line. Then he took a few careful steps out. He snorted, then wiggled his ears. He lowered his head. He passed his nose from side to side. Then, he softly bleated back into the woods.

The monstrous deer approached the same patch of Kele and other herbs. Following him, just as cautiously, came what could be assumed to be a doe from the smaller size of her body and horns. And then, after her, two dappled youngsters, less than half the size of the adults and with no antlers to speak of.

Skittish, and always keeping one eye on their surroundings, they bent their heads to graze. The male scratched at his flank with his curved horns, dislodging a clump of fur that drifted to the ground. He kept a careful watch as his family ate their fill...


Geir gaped in shock as Jason transformed and slipped out of his grip, then yelled out when he was slammed headfirst into the ground. Yet he still managed to get his hands underneath him and push, shoulder rolling away as Jason released his grip. The two were at distance again, squaring up for another clash--

Skill Unlocked: Warcry II (2.175) is now available again!


Just as Jason received this message, Geir lunged at him again with a roar. He hit the former warlord like a pro linebacker, driven by a combination of rage, sheer willpower, and...something else. Just like when his arm had transformed, now his entire body seemed to be made out of stone.

"Get up."

The girl in pupil's robes looked up from her sobbing. Her bright green eyes were filled with tears, and one of her hands was covered in blood. She had been trying, unsuccessfully, to staunch another young man's wound. He was dead, now.

"I, I can't leave him..."

"You said your name's Mira, right?" Geir pried his hand-axe out of the Goblin's skull, and kicked it down the sloping path of the cavern behind them. "And his name was Mark." He barely waited for her to nod, and choke down another sob. "If you don't leave him, you'll be lying there next to him soon. Because I'm getting out of here, and back to the Guild." Mirabelle looked up at him. His heart dropped in his chest. He wanted to cry too. He had failed to save Mark too. But this wasn't the first time he'd failed. "Someone has to warn them that this tribe is growing fast. If we don't, they'll eventually break through into the sewers, and come up right underneath us. And then a lot more people will end up like Mark."

"I, I know. B-but--"

"But nothing! Mira! Get up, or die! Those are your options!" She shrank away from his voice, but he didn't have time to be nice. "If you sit here and cry, they're gonna kill you! If you can't focus, they'll kill you! If you try to drag his body back, you won't be able to fight and they'll kill you! You can either do the hardest thing you've ever done, right now, or you can die! That's the only choice you get out here--struggle until you die, or lay back and DIE! So make your choice!" He could hear them cackling. He turned on his heel.

The first Goblin got a face full of his axe as it came around the corner. He kicked its body into the second, and swung at the third. It dodged him, but when it tried to evade his off hand grabbed it and slammed it into the rock wall. Its nose broke and it gurgled on its own blood. He felt something strike his padded jerkin, and even though the point didn't pierce him the creature put all its weight and strength behind the shaft and drove HIM against the wall. He couldn't get a good swing with his axe, so he punched it as hard as he could. The one with the broken nose ran past him, swinging a grody, shit-covered knife--

A fireball ignited its entire head, and lit up the path. Mira's robes flapped around her as she ran, screaming, and drove her small dagger into the back of the third goblin. Geir shoved its body off, and they pressed forward even as more growls and snarls followed them...

Jason felt like he'd been hit by a truck as he was hurled, once more, out of the redhead's body. He could feel his essence seeping away, point by point, the System's warning still flashing in his mind...

Someone, no, two someones, were running out of the door to the house and sprinting towards Geir as he writhed on the ground...

"If you think you can, Miiba, then go." Lear had said to the Goblin. He sighed and marked the page in the book with his thumb. "Honey, I think the kids should go ahead to bed."

"W-wait, Dad! If Miiba's gonna help Geir fight the monsters..." Reuben ran back into the hallways separating the bedrooms, and almost immediately came back. His mother gasped, and started to say something about running with dangerous objects, but the long hunting knife he handed Miiba was still in its leather sheath.

"Be careful with that! Dad made it for my birthday!" the youngster warned the goblin. "If...if ya steal it, or hurt a Human with it, we...we won't be friends no more!" He was still trying to look tough, and stern. But for someone to stop being friends with you, that meant something else, too, didn't it?

Mirabelle had already flung the door open, and a Mana Orb glowed above her fingertip to provide light as well as ammo as she rushed out...

Your HP is below 25%.
Your MP is just above 50%.

Danny made it around the house just in time to hear the door slam open. He could tell from a shifting, bobbing light that someone was running out into the yard. As he floated over the fence into one of the animal pens and activated his Muffle skill, he couldn't see Geir or any other Humans coming after him...but even with his stealth skill, he couldn't erase his presence when he was this close to the animals. A large, white feathered bird squawked as he startled it, and began to scratch the ground with those big talons as it turned its head this way and that. Those beady eyes looking at him didn't seem quite as docile as a chicken from back home...

As Lear continued to read of Ishin's exploits--he had just defeated a group of bandits after his first quest as a proper adventurer had gone awry, in the process befriending a young knight and a treasure hunting girl--he paused for a moment and turned his head. Miiba too, normally so attentive to everything the family did, was distracted and kept looking out the window.

"...Say, Geir's still out there, huh? And it sounded like he used his Warcry. Mira, you might need to help him--I bet the Wisps are flying up over his head." the farmer said, before he started trying to find his place...though his full attention no longer seemed to be on the story.

Meanwhile, Jason charged back into the Spirit Realm, attempting to slam into Geir with the full force of his being. Using Transparency caused his form and Geir's to overlap, and both of them felt an unpleasant buzz like a constant crackle of static electricity. Jason tried to cast Shield as well to try and lock himself in--but Shield was not a barrier spell. It only buffered the target's natural defenses, and it seemed his abstract idea of a target--the spirit world itself--did not count. He felt another unpleasant shiver as the spell failed to activate. The spirit now tried to recover his MP by draining Geir--then it became a battle of wills.

Screaming out to Onogoro--a sound that seemed to echo even louder in this odd limbo world--he grabbed Geir and threw him over his hip. The misty white form of the redhead's body crashed into the "floor," with a resonating impact.

Anger. Fury. Sadness. Staring at a wood-backed plate of tin with small letters engraved into it. He looked up, because there were people talking to him. A boy as tall as he was, and broad in the shoulders but somewhat gangly. A younger kid, but better dressed.

"H-hello, sir. My n-name is Trent, and I just registered recently as well! I thought, perhaps, we could h-help each other out..."

"What Class are you?" Class. It didn't make a lot of sense out in the countryside, but there was a difference between your "class" and your "class," here in the city. A noble and a commoner might still both be trained in the same fighting style or the use of the same equipment, if they were both drafted into the army or hired as Adventurers. Asking what their "job" was wouldn't be specific enough for the bureaucracy in charge of the guilds and armies either--They were all Adventurers, to make their livings. But he was apparently, a "Barbarian." His upper lip curled. And these two...

"Ah, I, I'm a squah, Squire." Trent answered. "I'm h-hoping that, once I get some more experience, a Knight will pick me as an apprentice..."

"I'm Wulf. Just your regular Swordsman, here!" The taller boy put those long arms behind his head and grinned like he didn't have a care in the world. The redhead instantly hated him. "So who're you, pal? And why're ya so pissed off?"

He stood up, and Trent gulped when he saw how much bigger the other boy was.

"My name's--"


Jason felt his ankle grabbed from below, but when he instinctively put his weight on the other leg a hand hooked that same knee and jerked, bending it enough that with a twist Geir forced Jason to his knees. At the same time he'd given himself a handhold to pull up, and now he pushed through with both feet, spearing Jason in the midsection. The two rolled over and over, until Geir came up on top and slammed a heavy fist into the former warlord's jaw.

For a battle of spirits, this battle felt perfectly real, and the shock of it stunned the Ectoslime for just a moment. Geir's shape was almost exactly the same as real life--it didn't shiver like the identities of other monsters, and his rage was palpable. As his fist came down one more time, Jason even noticed something else. The boy's arm had turned into a thick wooden log, studded with iron nails. Again Jason took an incredibly heavy blow.

"An Ashyran ghost!?" Geir's voice echoed. With a snarl he stood, dragging Jason's African form with him. "Fuck off!"

They seemed to be standing on a white circle floating in the black void. Geir's arms bulged with muscle as he tried to hurl Jason out once more...

In the real world, Geir spasmed and twisted once Jason hit him. Danny's throwing of sand caused the boy to yell even more as he wiped frantically as his eyes. His movements were jerky, but he still seemed to be somewhat aware of what was going on even as Jason fought him from the inside.

Danny managed to get away for the moment, but those wounds on his chest were bleeding pretty heavily, and the stinging pain felt like it got worse as he moved. Even though he had transformed, he still didn't have that much HP compared to other creatures--if Geir could get one heavy hit in, that might be it for him...

What would he do, now that Jason seemed to have the boy distracted?

And had someone just walked in front of those lit windows, back at the house?

Deep Forest

You obtained Wild Kele Shoot x5!
Carrying this number of items is difficult given your size. Your speed is slightly diminished.

While Nira plucked the wild vegetables she found, Femus hid himself from sight and continued to observe the young goblins. They stopped a few feet short of the great tree's roots, and continued to bicker for a few moments.

"We can makes nets, is easy! Just needs vines and long grasses!"

"Bah! Dun even wanna go t'da riva. Wanna find sumtin' easy roun' heres." One kicked at the dirt with a dirty, hairy foot.

"All da aminals runned 'way afta da mountain blew up." The other goblin scratched his pointed ear as he looked around. "An' da rest of da growed-up gobs keepin' wat's left from yestaday in a seekret spot."

"Maddy says she knows where it is." The first one looked around as if they might be caught speaking about this conspiracy. "Ya reckon if we helps her get it, we three just keeps it for us'ns?"

"Maybe...but if da Bosses come back an' finds out--look!"

The conversation died immediately as the goblin pointed. "A Pixie! Get it, get it!"

They took off running before Femus had really even processed their words, weapons whirling in their skinny arms as they charged...

Back over to that tree Femus and Nira had left before, where one of those three pixies he had seen playing now found itself the target of that long weighted vine. The goblin's aim was true and the creature screeched pitifully as it was struck from behind. The weapon wrapped around it, and though it struggled valiantly the Goblin yanked it down without mercy. Soon the other goblin's weapon came down in a fatal blow, cutting off the pixie's agonized scream with a bony crunch.

Nira alighted softly on another branch near Femus, looking quite tired but with the onion-like herbs in tow. The goblins soon hauled off their prey, cackling to themselves, and the two Revivers were left to their own devices once again...

Rat Party

The firepit had no doubt been used many times, both by travelers seeking shelter and from pilgrims paying their respects. Though there wasn't much firewood to be had in the barrow-foyer, there was a bed of charcoal built up over time. With the long grass Ed gathered and his flint and tinder, he soon had a glowing red bed of coals that occasionally licked up with fire. The Gnome reached down with one baby-fat hand and drew a circle in the packed earthen floor.

"Stone Mold."

Out of the small circle, a rocky shape rose up. The inner area of that drawn circle had now become the bottom of a solid cylinder, and the Gnome wriggled it back and forth a few times before it came out of the ground with a crack. As he scooped meat into this small earthware pot and placed it on the coals, he looked at Ed. It was sort of hard to read the creature's expression, given that its gemstone eyes didn't change shape and its jaw was on a sort of hinge like a puppet. But it seemed to be rather confused, and slightly amused.

"What is a Mycra-Gasm?" he said, drawing out the unfamiliar word. "And...is a Cul-nary Art like...a Vulnerary? Like what the humans use when they get hurt?"

When the rats mentioned that they had been reincarnated, the elemental stopped cold before he finished pulling some of the browned meat out of the pot. He didn't seem bothered by the fact that the tip of his stone finger was beginning to glow in the fire.

"Reincarnated? Wait, so y'all are Undead? But...you ain't rotten or nothing?"

When Asteria seemed bashful about taking the coin, the Gnome gave her a similar look as he had given Ed.

"Uh. Yeah, I mean...what I was saying was that I gave ya the coin, fair trade for that piece of meat ya gave me last night since I wasn't really sure why you were here. But don't get ya hopes up, I ain't got much else to give and you specified that this here," he finished taking another handful of meat and began to chew it with zero table manners, "was an offering for safe shelter here in the barrow, even though you're both Monsters. So we're all even'd up--you guys get to make yourselves at home, so long as you don't touch the tomb, I gave ya a little payment on the side, and I got to eat my fill."

The female rat asked if he was a Familiar or not, and the creature grunted as if that was a silly question. Then he shrugged his shoulders, and muttered something like "rats wouldn't know magic anyhow."

"It sort of depends. See, you can have Tamed Creatures that might obey a human just cause that human provides for them or they have a beneficial kind of bond. A Familiar might be Tamed, in the sense that a human raises it, but it's different--Familiars are usually magical and pretty intelligent. Trying to put a leash on one can either be difficult, or just a plain bad idea. Most times, if a human has a Familiar, it's there by its own choice because it likes that human. It might also have been Summoned, which is similar to a contract but not always the same." The Gnome continued to eat while it talked, which was rather disgusting, but it seemed to be making a heavy dent in all that Hobgoblin steak. "Like this: a dog can't hunt on its own, so it has to stay with its owner. A wolf probably prefers being with a human because that makes its life easier, but if it had to leave it could." He began filling the pot with fresh meat, and once again set it in the fire to brown. "A Contract is a twist on all that. Like a Familiar, a Contract is formed with an intelligent, independent creature. But like a Tamed Creature, it's pretty much stuck once the contract is made. You get a choice, but you can't back out of it. Not without a whole lot of trouble, anyway. Tamed Creatures are always weaker than their masters. Familiars might have powers their masters don't, but again they're usually weaker. Summons can call creatures on equal standing or below, unless you do some more complex stuff that can go wrong real quick or you're on good terms with the stronger Summoned Creature. Contracts, typically, can work on any kind of creature--because the creature also gets something out of it, and their power is used to bind the other party just as much as they're bound themselves."

The earthen creature had gone through two whole pounds of Hobgoblin burger by this point, and slowed down considerably as he patted his stomach. Still, every so often he would grab another handful from the pot. So much fat had collected at this point that it sizzled and popped like a well greased pan, and the smell was mouthwatering.

"A creature might choose to take up a contract just cause it likes you, but that wasn't the case for me. I did it cause my family's always done it, and it's been a good deal for us--free food, any time something wanders in here that shouldn't. Occasionally I get some good stuff from the offerings that doesn't fit the "turn in" criteria. And a power boost from the Contractor. This is a multi-generational contract for the mage's family over in Laketown too, so I imagine he's pretty satisfied with the carryover he gets. The only thing that ain't too great is that, if things get bad enough for him, he can Summon me to fight on his behalf. But since the main purpose of the contract is to protect the barrow, I don't usually gotta worry about that."

Asteria then asked about monsters that could talk. Again, the Gnome's expression was hard to read.

"Uh...I'm speaking Gnomish, right now, I dunno about you. You...sound like you're speaking Gnomish? And for a Dire Rat, that oughta be damn near impossible. Can't say for speaking the Human or Goblin tongues. As for my Contractor..." again the stone infant-shaped creature shrugged. "He doesn't usually come by himself. A guard or two will pop their heads in a few times a week on patrol, a traveler who gets caught in the rain might camp out here in the front chamber, and once a month or so a priest comes by to make sure the place stays cleansed." He popped one more handful of food into his jaw, but seemed to have difficulty working it, as if he had filled himself to the brim.

"I imagine you guys would be fine to stay here...two, maybe three days? Long as you don't leave a trail of droppings or something." He sighed and leaned back, and despite being made of stone his belly definitely seemed like it poked out a little more. "Oh maaaan, I haven't eaten that good since one of them Orcs wandered in here! And just think, I got enough left for supper, and breakfast tomorrow, and maybe brunch too!"

Now somewhat relaxed, the Gnome tilted his head at the rats.

"I overheard you guys talkin' about training or getting stronger or something, right? You're talking about...that stuff humans do, where they stand there and swing a sword a hundred times or stare at pieces of paper to learn magic? What's the point of all that?"

PixieSlime Party

You used Material Analysis I!
---Poisoned Wooden Javelin (Average)---
It seems a Pointy Stick was Sharpened into this lightweight javelin, then coated in Poison. With enough throwing force, it can cover a decent distance. Its tip is quite dangerous to soft targets, but any decent armor would quickly blunt the wood.

While the Hipixie analyzed the weapon, and Asura grabbed both the javelin and a handful of stones, Trent adjusted the strap on his targe. Thankfully the shield could still be used without having a full grip, and thus he could hold the torch in that hand while drawing his sword.

Another javelin arced through the air. It struck Trent in his shoulder just before he had fully drawn his weapon, but thankfully it failed to pierce his thick gambeson. However, the poison on the tip hissed and sizzled in the air, eating a short distance into the material. The impact drove the youth back a step, but he grit his teeth and bore it.

"You're right, Ardur--we're at a distinct disadvantage if we can't see them. But--"

Before he could finish what he was saying, Asura had slithered off in the direction the attacks were coming from. Steve the spider scuttled behind him, and Momma Slime pushed at the back of Trent's legs like a dog in an attempt to follow them. And the Hipixie conjured a quite bright ball of flame.

Upon release, with Ardur's words still lingering on the air, the spell flew up high--higher than it normally would have traveled if he had shot it the normal way. And it burned brighter than a fireball should have. When it reached its maximum height, it burst--not the area-of-effect explosion of the Rank II Fireball, but certainly more spread out than a normal blast. And it unleashed a short-lived flash, like turning on a bright lamp in a dark room before one's eyes have readjusted.

The party was bathed in light, as was the rest of the cave, for that short instant. Up ahead, Asura could see two figures blocking the exit of this chokepoint path along the pool's shore. One was a Fanged Lizard--it was too far away to use its poisonous spit to attack yet. Even if Asura were to use his Throw Item skill, however, it looked too far away for him to hit too.

The second figure was a Goblin--or, at least closer to one than the Skeleblins they found everywhere. Its belly was bloated, and something had been chewing on its limbs. Its flesh was dry and cracked in places. Its eyes and jaw sagged, black bile dripping between the yellowed teeth. And it seemed to be wearing armor, made of bony plates like shoulder blades, skull caps, and so forth--and these bones still had gristle and blood on them.

As Asura continued to charge forward, it picked up another javelin from a pile lying next to it...and affixed the weapon along a slot of some sort, carved into a shorter stick. Holding that stick like a handle, the undead creature gave a grunt and hurled it--sending the projectile flying much further than it could have thrown it normally. Thanks to Ardur's short lived light, it had an even easier target, and the hissing purple tip headed right for Asura's "face..."

While Asura was the first to get a good look at their attacker, Trent and Ardur could see further across the pond. That pulsing red light flashed brighter as well, and the various figures milling about the cave were lit from above and behind in a terrible light...

Dozens of Skeleblins, some even holding weapons, turned their chattering skulls towards the flare.

Two flickering green lights, Ghost Wisps like what they had encountered before, were already heading towards the exit to the choke point to join the other attackers.

And another dozen lights, whiter and brighter but with a slight purple sheen, began to flicker all along the cave's ceiling.

Creeping, crawling figures with raspy scales and hissing tongues scurried back into the shadows. Squeaking, fat, furry forms joined them. Piles of black, rotting goop and rolling spheres of color began to move in a slow, inexaustible fashion. Darting shapes reflected the light from their gossamer wings, and though some were slower--and others were far too thin--they too began to make their way towards the intruders...

Then the light went out, and save for Trent's quivering torch, the group was blind in the dark once more...

Monster Party

Oberon's Mana Slice parted the air with a whistle, cutting deep into the sword-goblin's forearms just as he loosened the weapon from the goat's corpse. He screamed and fell backwards. The edges of the spell hadn't gone bone-deep, nor did they seem to have struck any fatal arteries, but it looked like someone had taken a paring knife and simply slashed the goblin open. If it weren't for the crescent shaped energy being nearly two dimensional in width with a clean edge, it was the kind of cut that would have definitely needed sutures.

Digbie charged up a Mana Orb in his hands, and it crackled as the stripes on his arms glowed. Then he began to channel the power of Stone Shot as well. He trying to use Stone Shot II--but something unpleasant buzzed in his head and his hands, and the flow of energy suddenly felt choked. He remembered that Dual Cast's description had claimed its current rank couldn't use Spells higher than Rank I together unless they were the same spell.

Still, he held onto the Rank I Mana Orb and the Rank I Stone Shot's energies in his palms--the energy became unstable as it mixed, so he had to tense his arms and hold it close to his body as he glared at Rags Nar...

"Y-you, D-Demigob--!" The Elite Goblin growled, but he only managed to get up onto one knee. He had been hit, hard, in the head by that arrow and like a boxer getting hit on the jaw it had temporarily stunned him.

If Digbie could have seen himself from the outside perspective, he might have realized his stance--and the glowing energy in his hands--looked very much like a popular move from various fighting games and fictional martial arts. Like many young fans, Rags Nar was dumbstruck by the dramatic nature of the technique.

With a shout, Digbie hurled the magic right at the Broken Tower chief. In the moment it launched, Digbie felt the magic...condense? Its glow seemed to die down, and the sphere's "edges" seemed to be much more defined rather than a cloud of light. And like a pebble thrown by a baseball pitcher, it rocketed forward.

It hit Rags Nar's chain hauberk just as he forced himself onto his feet, and actually broke another section of the weakened links. Once again the goblin leader was knocked onto his backside.

The goblin fighting with Torrent had managed to land a light slash on her side, but now suddenly found himself jabbed by Ash's stinger as she sneaked in from above and behind. Thanks to the earlier dose from Torrent's jaws, the goblin's nervous system locked up and he went down with a slight twitching of his jaws and fingertips. Mahya was still unconscious, and the frying pan goblin was only just getting up after being headbutted by the goat.

A net, made of woven plant cordage with rocks tied to different parts of it, stretched out as it flew over the swordsgoblin and the one wearing the pan. As it fell and entangled them, the weight of the rocks pulled it tighter. The two goblins began to struggle to get out of it--but without coordinating their efforts, they hindered each other more than anything. And the mysterious rider jumped off of his mount.

"Demigob! You, YOU AIN'T ACTIN' LIKE A GOB--" The Elite was out of breath and clearly hurting, but he still managed to hold his knife in a firm grip. He took up a stance to start sprinting at Digbie--

Then the rider roundhouse kicked him in the stomach, stepping to the side as the goblin pitched forward.

The figure's hide-and-wrapping clothes had been adjusted somewhat, as he pushed his cloak out of the way of his arms and legs. Primitive sandals made from woven straw, with strips of bark wrapped over them, still had large enough gaps that yellowed nails and dark, heavily desaturated green skin showed through. Rawhide strings crisscrossed over trousers of overlapping furs, to keep them from catching and unraveling if they were snagged. The shirt was really more of a thick mantle, two limbs of whatever creature provided its pelt used to tie it around the shoulders and then smaller bits of hide sewn where it hung over the shoulders. Parts of the creature's midriff were visible, showcasing a hard and muscular trunk complete with scars and some kind of tattoos. Its head was still hooded, but that fanged smile still gleamed. Its arms were wrapped in a kind of thick gloves or mittens up to the elbows, but above that sinewy arms bulged not like a body builder's, but like someone accustomed to long hours of back breaking labor. But it wasn't just his appearance, or his size--just an inch or two over five feet--that had the Monster Party gawping at this mystery monster.

Rags Nar still managed to swing with his knife, doubled over from that kick. The covered figure took a step back and let the attack whiff, then when Rags lunged for a follow-up the being side stepped him and threw a heavy haymaker right on top of the goblin's ear. The smaller greenskin's skull made a thunk sound against the big one's fist, and for the third time the Elite hit the ground. The unknown monster kicked him again, a vicious soccer kick to the ribs. When Rags curled up like a bug, the assailant reached down and grabbed him by his scrawny shoulders and hauled him up--only to deliver a merciless knee to the goblin's warty nose. Blood spattered with a loud crack.

Rags Nar fell to his knees. Blood streamed down his face, a large bruise was forming over his temple, and his jaw hung slack as tears welled up in his eyes. He coughed and gurgled as he looked up at his tormentor.

The rider took a half step back, then surged forward with a front stomping kick across the goblin's relaxed jaw. The Broken Tower chief crumpled without a word.

As Ash, Torrent, Digbie, and Oberon saw this unfold before them, the creature straightened and did a slow turn. He counted Mahya, the paralyzed pelted Goblin, the two in the net, and then finally came back to Rags Nar.

"Ha! Haha! Ain't that a haul!" He walked over to the two goblins in the net--they had only just begun to work together to untangle themselves, when the figure grabbed a set of vines that were longer than the rest and yanked them. The net closed up at the other end, drawing taut around the two struggling runts. "You two, quitcher strugglin' if ya don't wanna end up like yer boss!" A couple of kicks accentuated the threat, and the helpless goblins gave a few last yelps before they clammed up.

"Here, little Demi!" The figure looked at Digbie, then hooked his foot under that Rusty Sword and lobbed it towards the magical goblin. "That don't look like it'd be too bad if ya polished 'er up!" He then gestured with his head towards the other downed members of the tribe. "And if ya want any'fin' off'm there, take it while ya can!" He rustled in a pouch on his belt, before also tossing Digbie a small, square stone made of something that felt rough and chalky, but also glittered in the light.

This strange rider dragged his catch back to the Cariblade, which simply stood and snorted through its huge nostrils. Every so often it would look around at the party dismissively. Its master reached into the saddlebags and pulled out some crudely made, but quite functional manacles of iron and a chain.

"Hands!" he growled at his two captives, and after an encouraging cuff to the ears they stuck their scrawny wrists through the holes in the mesh. The rider shackled them, and ran the chain through like a lead. After making sure they wouldn't be able to get out of the net, he removed a third pair of manacles and looked back towards the other goblins. After a moment of thought, he walked around to the other saddlebag and removed another length of cordage, this one somewhat better made. It had an iron grappling hook on one end of it, which he untied. While he was doing all of this, the Monster Party would have enough time to get everything they wanted off the fallen goblins.

"Oi, Pygmy Drake! Reckon you and yer buds could help me tie them two up?" He pointed at the unconscious Mahya and the paralyzed goblins. "I'll hav'ta throw 'em over me saddle, and lead the otha three back on foot." Then he looked over at Oberon. "An' you there, Sprite! Ya gots healin' magic, aintcha? When I get their chief in ir'ns, get 'im on his feet fer me!"

The group would likely feel some kind of inner conflict as all this occurred. What exactly were they doing, helping this creature? He was clearly taking the goblins prisoner, and had no qualms about using the most vicious means available to do so. But, did they want to release Rags and his cronies? Would it be easier to just let this thing take the Goblins, and get the Broken Tower tribe out of their hair? But what about the rest of the tribe, back at the broken tower itself?

Even so, if they were to fight this creature...He had beaten the absolute snot out of Rags Nar, an Elite Goblin and clearly no pushover. And he had done it with no weapons, and barely breaking a sweat. He was no Zawisza, but he was clearly above most enemies they had seen in this forest...even Rattleskull.

Assuming the group went through with helping the being secure the rest of the goblins, and laying Mahya and the fur-clothed one over the Cariblade's back while Rags Nar was chained to the others, the creature would chat good-naturedly as he worked.

"Oh ye, this'll be a notch in ol' Guze's blade fer sure! An' I suppose they won't be botherin' you lot no more, eh? Haha! Although," He paused for a moment and pointed slightly north and to the west, at an angle to the mountains. "Ya might get a few scouts lookin' fer 'em. But these Broke Tower Mukhs, they ain't much fer leavin' their rock pile. Got too comfy in there, scared of what's outside." He spat derisively. "If their cap'n don't show up after a day or two, they'll prolly just pick a new one."

"Ya dun kno' nuttin, Orc!" Despite Oberon's healing, Rags Nar would still have a big swollen knot on the bridge of his nose and several bruises and scrapes. "Broked Tower da strongest Gobs! We gots an army, gonna come find you an--"

"SHARRAP, YA MUKH!" The Orc said that word like "mook," which implied how much he thought of the goblins. Rags Nar squeaked as he jumped away from a half-hearted kick. A quick tug on his chains brought him back in ear-boxing range. "Anyway," Guze continued, "If yer lookin' to avoid other tribes, straight east of here there's a bigass Kao tree. Them gobs out there actually got some good sense 'bout 'em, far as scrappin' goes. I'd avoid them too. Oh, and the Kobolds." He made a sort of diagonal slash in the air with one hand. "If'n ye was to keep north a lil' bit instead of straight east, ya might slip right between the tower and the trees, and get up inta the valley. Used t'be a Human fort up there," here he chuckled, "til we sacked it! But dem li'l lizards done dug all under it, and them bastards is trouble an' a half if ya ain't used to 'em. Shame too, was good ore up there."

He now began packing up the rest of his belongings. Two tied goblins hung over his saddle along with his bags and re-folded net, while he held the lead chain and dragged Rags, the swordsgoblin, and the one whose frying pan had been shoved on his head like a blindfold.

"Oh, an' there's a small one down south, in a big cave. That one's got a nasty Bugbear leadin' it--he's a chump, dumb as rocks, but for li'l'uns like you he'd be--"

"Demigob! Dun let 'im takes us!" Rags Nar suddenly bawled. The other two goblins were sniveling as well. "We dun wanna be Orc slaves! I'll gives ya anyting ya want, I promises dis time--"

Guze's punch split Rags Nar's lip again, and he loomed over the goblin in a way all too familiar to Digbie when he thought about his father.

"It'd be a waste ta kill ya, Mukh, but if'n I thinks yer gonna be trouble I might be persuaded!" Then he turned back to the group, and that stormcloud dissolved from his face like it had never been there. "Oh yeah, and speakin' of ore earlier. If any of yas wanna get betta pay for helpin' out again..." The orc grinned under his hood, and jabbed a thumb over his shoulder towards the destroyed mountain. "Ghordosh Clan is gettin' ready fer one helluva scrap wif dem beardy Mukhs! If that Demigoblin of yers was really responsible for a Great Demon blowin' up that mountain, then ya gots big thanks from me and mines!" He pointed at Digbie. "You, ya gots some nice spells! Non'a this prancy chantin', just straight up blastin'! Ya'd make a good shaman--if'n ya wanna be an Orc, just c'mon up! And we got otha stuff fer the rest of yas. Money, food, whateva ya want! If we ain't got it," He winked at them, "we'll beat up some shmuck what does! Hahaha!"

Still laughing, Guze the Orc waved farewell as he patted his Cariblade on the rump. With his captives in tow, he headed back west and slightly south into the forest...

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! Your Max MP has increased! You are now Level 10! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 11[[OOC: 5 from level up, 1 left over from last time, Christmas+NewYear+HiatusApology bonuses]]

Current Skills:
Stun Stinger II (2.1)
Poison Spray II (2.025)
Alchemy II (2.875)
Overwork III (3.3)
Charisma I (1.65)
Venom Shot II (2.0)
Crafting I (1.8)
Lesser Force II (2.225)
Magic Analysis III (3.20625)
Alert I (1.35)
Lesser Flight I (1.5)
Muffle I (1.65)
Monster Analysis II (2.8)
Material Analysis II (2.95)
Meditate II (2.35)
Poison Glob I (1.2)
Poison Breath I (1.05)
Plant Analysis I (1.1)
Tremor Sense I (1.05)
Mana Orb II (2.175)
Shield I (1.05)
Mana Slice I (1.7)
Mana Shape I (1.6)
Analysis (--)
Rabid Fit I (1.05)
Mental Resistance I (1.5)
Mana Vision I (1.75)
Mana Sense II (2.075)
Minor Heal I (1.2)
Prehensile Tail (--)
Poison Splash I (1.3)
Dual Cast I (1.2)
Mana Control I (1.2)
Stronger I (1.3)
Blunt Resistance (0.2)
Scribe (0.6)
Faster (0.3)
Intimidate (0.8)
Acid Volley (0.1)
Venom Claw (0.4)
Slash (0.5)
Fireball (0.2)
Dextrous (0.7)
Mana Dart (0.4)
Use Light Equipment (0.2)
Minor Heal All (0.1)
Iron Gullet (0.3)
Poison Slash (0.2)
Mana Drain (0.6)
Lucid Dream (0.2)
Skewer (0.4)
Memor Eyes (0.1)
Stone Shot (0.1)
Dragon Lung (0.1)
Deception (0.2)
Stealth Kill (0.1)

YOUR BODY IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE! You are undergoing Transformation! Based on your life experiences, your ability to survive, and the strength of your will, new paths have appeared! Choose carefully--there is no going back! WARNING. THIS PROCESS WILL LEAVE YOU TEMPORARILY VULNERABLE.

OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability):
*(Adult) Pygmy Drake - Stunted, pesky cousins of greater drake species, this creature has a poisonous stinger on its tail rather than a breath weapon and glides more than it flies. Nonetheless it is somewhat clever, and mages sometimes keep it the way someone might keep a pet bird.

  • Very Slight increase to all base stats
  • Increase Potential
  • Increase MP
  • Increase Lesser Flight
  • Increase Mana Orb and Dragon Affinity (reduced)

**(Adolescent)[Winged] Kobold (High Variant Chance) - Small, reptilian creatures with odd primate characteristics like upright spines and grasping limbs. Quite similar to Goblins, often competing with them for the same territories and resources. Some individuals have other characteristics--the Winged Kobolds are often said to have Draconic power in their veins, and are often revered in their tribes.

  • Slight increase to speed-related stats
  • Increase Light Equipment Skill (reduced)
  • Gain Access to Job System: 0th Tier

(Adolescent)[Winged] Lesserwurm (High Variant Chance) - Related to dragons, but still a cold-blooded reptile, this creature burrows through the earth and fills the enclosed spaces around its prey with poisonous fumes. Its lengthy body is quite fast and deceptively strong, and its ability to shed its skin somehow allows it to heal more quickly. Some individuals have other characteristics--the Winged Lesserwurms are one step closer to their draconic cousins.

  • Lose hind limbs
  • Increase to base speed-stats
  • Slight increase to base power-stats
  • Increase Minor Recovery (reduced)
  • Increase Poison Breath (reduced)

(Adolescent) [Brute] Drake (Guaranteed Variant Chance) - A subspecies of dragons that many believe was once domesticated in the past, bred to be manageable by their tamers but still retain some of their ancestor's power. Larger than the biggest dogs and about as long as most men are tall, this broad shouldered and heavily built, quadruped drake has no wings but is incredibly strong and tough. Its scales can be compared to chain mail, its claws to well honed knives, and its jaw can crush bone as easily as the human jaw crushes a piece of fruit.

  • Increase Dragon Affinity (reduced)
  • Increase Chosen Breath (Options: Poison, Acid, Mana) (reduced)
  • Increase base power and defensive stats
  • Lose Wings. Lesser Flight Skill locked.

**(Adolescent) [Winged] Drake (Guaranteed Variant Chance) - A subspecies of dragons that many believe was once domesticated in the past, bred to be manageable by their tamers but still retain some of their ancestor's power. Though Drakes are normally quite brutish, every so often one of lither build retains its wings. However, this comes with a drawback that its body is not as heavily muscled and its scale layers are lighter. One could argue, though, that with more growth it is the closest type of drake to a true dragon's potential.

  • Increase Lesser Flight
  • Increase Chosen Breath (Options: Poison, Acid, Mana)(reduced)
  • Increase Dragon Affinity (reduced)

(Adolescent) Lesser Wyvern (High Variant Chance) - Wyverns are already considered degenerated forms of primitive draconic species, but these smaller creatures are even further from the root of mighty dragons. Like many reptiles, Wyverns grow in proportion to their environment, so these creatures are often found in areas where a normal-sized Wyvern wouldn't have enough resources to support itself. Their stingers are potent, however, and they are swift fliers.

  • Greatly Increase Lesser Flight
  • Increase Poison Stinger
  • Very Slight increase to all base stats

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! Your Max MP has increased! You earn Skill Points to distribute as you please! You are now Level 9!

Unspent Skill Points: 10[[OOC: Normal 5+accumulated Bonuses]]

Current Skills:
**Use Light Equipment (--)
Tremor Sense III (3.275)
-Soil Manipulation II (2.8875)
Stone Shot II (2.125)
Taboo I (1.0)
*Stronger I (1.5)
**Sacred Ground II (2.375)
Rock Spire II (2.2)
Earth Affinity I (1.3)
Meditate I (1.5)
Earth Vein II (2.425)
-Spell Chant I (1.2)
Monster Analysis I (1.2875)
Material Analysis I (1.9)
Plant Analysis I (1.37)
*Mental Resistance I (1.1)
Fortify I (1.1)
*Mana Orb II (2.175)
**Shield II (2.55)
Overwork I (1.8)
Mana Affinity I (1.05)
Magic Analysis I (1.95)
Analysis (--)
**Earth Wall II (2.2)
*Minor Heal I (1.4)
Guidance I (1.9)
*Dual Cast I (1.15)
Quake (0.5)
Crafting (0.8)
*Point Strike (0.7)
*Smash (0.7)
Throw Item (0.4)
Charisma (0.6)
*Mana Strike (0.6)
Focus (0.6)
Stone Fist (0.6)
*Stone Breaker (0.6)
Intimidate (0.6)
-Scribe (0.2)
*Fire Resistance (0.3)
Demon Affinity (0.25)
Underground Movement (0.5)
**Use Medium Equipment (0.2)
Faster (0.3)
Alert (0.2)
Pacify Animal (0.3)
Inspire (0.3)
Lucid Dream (0.2)
Spiritual Awareness (0.1)
Lesser Cleanse (0.2)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Wall (0.2)
Mana Shape (0.3)
Deception (0.4)
Charm (0.2)
Mana Drain (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.2)
Mana Surge (0.1)
Condense Earth (0.1)

[[OOC: Hopefully Oberon and Torrent aren't discouraged, Oberon is 80% to his next level and Torrent is 60% of the way in case you wanna call up the System or something.]]
Monster Party

@Gardevoiran@Rune_Alchemist@King Cosmos@Old Amsterdam
The leader of the Broken Tower Tribe seemed puzzled as Digbie threw himself to the ground, but when the Demigoblin began to glow and speak in a different tone the Elite Goblin slowly shifted the point of his knife and took a guarded stance. He didn't turn when the other goblin, the one holding the big rusty sword, went charging back towards the Four Horned Goat with his sword raised high. The swordsgob had been injured and looked like he was almost out of breath after his warcry--when the goat hoofed him in the chest it had probably knocked the wind out of him.

At the same time as Digbie stood up and roared, drawing his Broken Sword, the Four Horned Goat recovered from that stunning blow the greenskin wearing a pan had dealt it. It reared with a snort and kicked out, striking the goblin in the head this time. The smaller monster yelped and was knocked to the ground--he wasn't out yet, but as he tried to get up it was like his feet wouldn't get under him.

The Demigoblin's weapon began to glow. Rags Nar tightened his grip on his own weapons. The swordsgoblin jumped onto the Four Horned Goat's back, and sank his blade deep into its spine by dropping all of his weight on top of it.

The Broken Sword turned end over end, far more rapidly than Digbie's splindly arms should have been able to throw it. His Earth Vein had been stuttering and starting the whole time, as even though his feet were in contact with the ground he was also trying to put mana into the sword at the same time. And on top of that his mana seemed to be surging throughout his body just from his sheer rage, and he was putting all he had into this attack.

Rags Nar got his shield up. The Broken Sword shattered even further against it--the tang broke, the hilt came apart, the guard slid off of the cracking blade--but the wooden pot lid, too, split right down the middle like old firewood. The fastening fell out of one side of the handle, and the whole thing fell apart as Rags Nar stumbled backwards with a grunt, shaking his sore arm.

Digbie cast his protective spell upon himself, but he was trying to keep his feet planted for Earth Vein as well. Both spells crackled and fizzled, but he soon received a notice that his MP was full as the aura around his body was completed.

Some distance away, perhaps Ash had been caught off guard by the sights and sounds of Digbie's sudden heroic entry into the fray. Perhaps everything had just become so chaotic so fast that her orderly mind was thrown off track. But the mysterious companion next to her, despite having just told her to call Torrent off in her engagement with the pelted goblin, still continued to work his bow with professional precision. Another of those blunted arrows began to shine with a red light, and the robed creature loosed.

"YA BROKED MY SHIELD!" Rags Nar yelled--just before he got sniped in the temple. He went down to one knee, stunned and unable to rise much like his companion down the hill. "GAH! WHO DAT?!" The Elite Goblin still had a grip on his knife, and glared at Digbie as he struggled to get up on legs that wobbled like those of a newborn deer.

The sound of hooves beating the ground and rustling leaves heralded the appearance of the strangely clothed archer, as he and his mount burst from the treeline and charged into the camp. Mahya, the goblin with the pan, and Rags Nar were still on the ground. The pelted goblin Torrent had attacked was still engaged with her, though clearly on the losing side of things. The one with the sword was trying to pry his weapon out of the goat monster's bulk.

The unknown rider pulled what looked like a net from a saddle bag, and began to whirl it over his head...

Skill Gain: Dual Cast I (0.8 > 1.0)!
Splitting one's focus is a difficult task, but like playing the drums it can be learned. Casting different spells with different effects or requirements increases the difficulty and the MP required, but the caster's mindset can also affect this Skill. A Caster at this Rank may Dual Cast by: (1) Cast the same spell simultaneously, usually within two hands. Example using Current Skills: Stone Shot. This expends twice the MP cost, and both versions of the spell must be the same Rank, but the Casting time is only that of a single cast.(2) Prepare two spells simultaneously, to be used one at a time. Example using Known Skills: Rock Spire and Mana Orb. Rock Spire is prepared but not cast; the Earth Mana shines under the targeted area. Mana Orb is cast at a target, knocking it into Rock Spire's prepared area. Rock Spire is released. Both spells can be no higher than Rank I. Delayed Spells can be held no longer than 10 seconds at this rank. Certain spells that might require rituals, components, or other complexities might not be Dual Cast in this manner even at Rank I. This use consumes twice the MP for a Delayed Spell plus the normal MP cost for the other spell. (3) Cast a single instance of two different spells, usually within two hands. Example using Known Skills: Your Mana Orb and Ash's Mana Slice. You cast Mana Orb at a target to your right and Mana Slice at a target to your left, at the same time. This usage expends the sum of both spells' MP cost, and requires a slightly longer casting time, but both spells can be used at the same time or one after the other. Both spells must be Rank I. Certain spells with more complexities may not be Dual Cast even at Rank I. Certain spells that synergize well may increase in power or cause new effects when Dual Cast in this way.

There are several drawbacks to the Dual Cast Skill. Passive Skills can already be used together unless they contradict or otherwise interfere with one another; Dual Cast cannot be used to combine Passive and Active Skills. Example using Current Skills: Meditate and Mana Orb. Casting Mana Orb would cancel Meditation immediately. Dual Cast requires that the caster split their focus; it cannot be used with your <Unusable>Focus skill or similar abilities. Dual Cast only works on Spell Type Skills, it cannot combine Spells with your Physical Skills. It also cannot combine Pure Spell skills with Battle Spell Skills, but Battle Spell Skills can be Dual Cast. Dual Cast and Spell Chant cannot be used together at the Current Rank. Even when the caster has higher proficiency with both of these abilities, the amount of MP consumed and the increased chance of error within the Chants make such a combination risky.

PixieSlime Party

As Ardur healed Asura, the System notified the red slime that his HP was Full again. The Hipixie answered Trent's question, and made note of their next destination, before he began to meditate.

"T-twenty!?" Trent blinked rapidly, and shook his head. "Great Galatine...I hope they made it away from this place. If not, we're likely to have to fight them. And given that you seem to have human level intelligence, that means the Dungeon Core would..." The boy sighed, and bent down to check the injury on his foot. He made a breathy noise through his nose, but he must not have been hurt too badly as he re-laced his boot and seemed ready to continue.

Asura insisted that fighting the denizens of the dungeon was an easy feat. Trent bristled.

"Even a weakling can deliver a fatal blow if your guard is down. Or hinder you from an otherwise simple victory. Remember what Master said outside." Upon hearing Asura's disdain for the other possible Revivers, the flickering torchlight showed that the young squire's face cast a shadow of irritation.

Though it was somewhat awkward, the human was able to carry the still-meditating Ardur with one arm. The Hipixie soon received a signal that his MP was Full as the group pressed on through the darkness. Soon, the reflection of Trent's flame showed them the shore of the small pond. Its waters were dark and still, but across its far side they could see a soft, flickering red light...

The closest and easiest path was to their right, going around the west side of the pond. But here the wall of the cave came almost to the bank, making the passageway narrow. Passing single file in their little formation, there was plenty of room for them to travel...but Trent seemed even more nervous than usual.

"We need to pick up the pace. Ardur, can you fly again yet?" the squire said. "If we don't get out of this chokepoint--"

As if on cue, something whistled through the air towards them. Unceremoniously dropping Ardur, Trent's shield arm whipped up. He didn't have a proper grip on it, because it had been dangling from his arm while he carried the Hipixie, and it only barely deflected the missile. It hit the stony ground, almost nicking Asura, but well within the torchlight for them to see. It was a Pointy Stick, though it had been Sharpened by something, obviously to increase its damage...and it was soaked in hissing purple fluid.

They couldn't see far enough into the darkness to pick out an enemy--but soon they heard another whistle, and Trent ducked entirely this time. The javelin flew over the group entirely and clattered loudly in the cave behind them. How far would they have to advance while these projectiles rained down on them? And how many enemies were there?

That red light in the distance continued to pulse, like a heartbeat...

Rat Party

Both Ed and Asteria heard the dirt beneath their feet rumble slightly, and again, in a corner of the room, loose earth began to shift. The large, pebble-encrusted head of the gnome emerged face first from the ground--and this time, he pulled himself out in full. Like Asteria's analysis had said, he was about four hand-spans--by human standards--tall, and his proportions were that of a fat infant. His back was covered with a hard shell that, at first glance, could probably pass for a rock if he were lying down on his belly. His feet lacked toes as well, and his joints moved stiffly as he waddled across the room.

"You got a weird way of negotiating, rat number two!" The creature chuckled, and sat down around the fire pit in the first chamber. Then he looked to Asteria. "I know I said no gross bloody stuff, but since this counts as food I'll let it slide. Red meat's hard to come by around here!" He began tearing off chunks of the large offering pile of Hob-meat, and chewed one handful before he looked around at the grass roll and other things the rats had collected.

"Lemme tell ya how this usually works, huh? A Human comes in here, no problem. He walks into the second chamber, no issue. If he wants to go in the tombs, he's got to have a key to get through. If he tries to break in, I sound the alarm. He touches a body, I gotta kick 'em out." Flecks of meat spilled across his hands and chubby chest as he talked. Then he swallowed. "A Non-Human comes in here, no problem--long as they stay out front. They come into that second chamber, I sound the alarm. If they try to break into the door, I gotta kick 'em out if I can." He pointed at the fire pit. "Anybody who makes an offering, which is normally incense or money by the way, not food, they get one extra chance. A kid who puts a coin in the bowl gets to jiggle the doorknob without me snitchin' on him, that kinda thing. Humans have all these rules about "respect for the dead" or whatever." He nodded towards Asteria again. "That gold coin of yours, that was left here as an offering. According to the contract, when the people who own this here barrow show up, I gotta turn over all that stuff like that--not including perishables--travelers have offered up. Since they're not here right now, though, I can give it to you and they won't notice. My pap figured that one out--every once in a while that loophole lets us get some cool stuff."

He stopped eating, and looked at the fire.

"Here's somethin' else humans are weird about--they cook all their food. But I'll be durned if the scraps of that I get ain't better, ya know? Either of you got anything to start a fire with?"

He held out his hand, and a spire of rock rose up and broke at its base. He used it to spear several pieces of the hobgoblin like a kebab.

"Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, you two got free reign so long as ya don't mess with the door. So, care to tell me just what the heck's goin' on with ya? You two some kinda Familiars or something?"

Deep Forest

As the memories of his sister overlapped with the sight of his friend under attack, Femus unleashed a rapid assault. His Mana Orbs sparkled as they flew, and the slime bubbled a cry in surprise. As Nira wheeled away in mid-air, the pseudopod barely missing her, she saw the limb severed by the first blast. The blob monster lurched, and thus the second Mana Orb only grazed it--but just like before it screeched in clear pain, and the parts of its body shaved off by Mana Orb left it smaller like half-eaten gelatin.

Again focusing her magical power, the pixie tried to shoot a blast of her own. This time, a blue-white crackle of energy spread down her arms. It collected in her palms in an instant, then shot forward! Striking the Slime dead center, the blast tore right through it--and with one last gurgling wail, the creature died.

Skill Gain: Mana Orb I (0.9 > 1.0)!
A simple blast of Energy elemental magic with a range of 30 feet. At the moment it only does as much damage as a strong punch on average, unless the enemy is weak to magic. As it gets stronger it becomes a generic, non-elemental energy blast. Due to its simple nature and lack of elemental properties the Mana Orb spell is easily malleable into other spell forms.

LEVEL UP! Your battle experiences have culminated in new power! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! You are now Level 5!

Unspent Skill Points: 20 [[OOC: Due to timing of Level Ups, Christmas/New Year Bonuses were missed for 2019. These, and a little extra to make up for my hiatus, were added to the 10 points Nira had been saving up and the 5 she got from Level Up.]]

Current Skills:
Alert I (1.4)
Lesser Flight I (1.6)
Minor Heal I (1.0)
Muffle (1.55)
Shield I (1.05)
Mana Orb I (1.0)
Crafting (0.1)
Keen Ear (0.2)
Mana Strike (0.1)
Meditate (0.7)
Point Strike (0.2)
Stealth Kill (0.3)
Suppress Presence (0.5)
Monster Analysis (0.3)
Smash (0.1)
Faster (0.3)
Magic Analysis (0.4)
Iron Gullet (0.2)
Charisma (0.9)
Charm (0.4)
Deception (0.2)
Pacify Animal (0.2)
Taming (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.2)
Mana Sense (0.2)
Spell Chant (0.3)

YOUR BODY IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE! You are undergoing Transformation! Based on your life experiences, your ability to survive, and the strength of your will, new paths have appeared! Choose carefully--there is no going back! WARNING. THIS PROCESS WILL LEAVE YOU TEMPORARILY VULNERABLE.

OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability):
**(Adult) Pixie - A tiny humanoid Fey-type Monster. While somewhat intelligent, they lack empathy towards one another even compared to beasts like Goblins. Capable of flight and healing magic, but not physically strong or skilled enough to fight or use weapons well.

  • Slightly increase all base stats
  • Increase HP
  • Increase Potential

(Immature) Imp - The smallest and most pitiful of Demon-type monsters. Though relatively strong for their size, they are still mostly specialized in magic. However they lack the finesse and technique of other Demons, using plain and often brute-force style spells. Their cunning and absolute refusal to ever admit that they are lesser to any other being, however, can make them dastardly plotters.

  • Increase base power-stats
  • Increase Rank: Mana Orb
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)
  • Increase Demon Affinity (reduced)

(Immature) Sprite - A highly territorial, but otherwise relatively friendly type of creature. Quite similar to Pixies at first glance, they are much more empathetic and even altruistic than other types of Fey. Unless an enemy presents a threat to their homes and families, they often prefer to flee rather than fight, but if something enters their nesting area they are known to swarm much like wasps.

  • Increase Max MP
  • Increase Rank: Minor Heal
  • Increase Minor Heal All (reduced)
  • Increase Light Affinity (reduced)

**(Immature) Hipixie - A larger, stronger, and more sophisticated variety of Pixie, very similar to the commonly known relationship between a Goblin and a Hobgoblin. Growing almost as large as a goblin themselves, their ability to fly becomes more difficult to use but their size now allows them to use many forms of lightweight tools and weapons. Considered to be some of the first True Fey, species of Fey-type monsters capable of forming societies and cultures rather than simply flitting about on any whim or reacting to any emotion that comes into their tiny heads.

  • Increase all base stats
  • Increase Use Light Equipment (reduced)
  • Slightly increase HP

While Nira was now free to gather the materials she had come for, Femus had returned to the safety of their new base. He recovered his Mana, then decided to try and continue restoring the damage he had done to the Great Kao Tree. Using what he had learned so far, and the result of the different skills he had noticed when trying to affect the kao buds, he began to direct his energy...

Skill Gain: Growth I (0.9 > 1.0)!
A spell skill of the Nature element, but unlike many spells its usage is less "specific." The user channels energy into a plant, and accelerates its maturation or increases its natural qualities. Fruits will grow bigger and richer, vines will grow longer and stronger, and so on. At this rank, only one quality of the plant can be enhanced, and the spell's effect can only reach the parts of the plant one is directly touching. MP Cost is increased depending on the amount of enhancement.

As Femus was "sitting" on the same branch he was trying to heal, he could feel the energy flowing out of him through the point of physical contact. He wanted to enhance the tree's "healing" factor, and as he watched the small wound he had inflicted on it began to shrink. Sap oozed out of the gash in the bark, and light colored layers of growth rapidly followed it...By the time the tree was fully restored, however, Femus felt that his just-filled Mana stores were almost exhausted again. Even considering he had increased his total mana pool after transforming, such a simple concept as "healing" had almost drained him. Perhaps it was due to the size and age of the tree, or something else?

From his perch he could see that Nira had successfully fended off the slime. But he could also see something else--wandering in from further afield, at an angle where they likely wouldn't see Nira at all and would probably only notice Femus if they looked up into the branches, were two young Goblins. They were both male, as evidenced by their nakedness, but they were shorter and scrawny even by the standards of the greenskins. One held a pointed stick in his hands, and the other had a rock tied to a piece of vine.

"Bah, Grampy Kiri dunno nuttin'!" one of them was saying, rather loudly. His gesticulations made it clear he was angry. "We could too get dose medals! Been hearin' da Boss and Mid-Bosses talk 'bout it! If da mountain hadn't blowed up dey'd prob'ly've gone up dere already!"

"Iz too far, ya dum! An' up Norf is colder!" said his companion. "If yas wanna go huntin' somewheres, I sez we go to da riva!" He pointed to the east. "Dem gobs down dere been stayin' way aways since we beated 'em up!"

"Yeh? And how we's gonna catch da fishes, huh? Ain't got no nets! YOU da dum!"

The two were getting closer to the Great Kao, walking at a nonchalant pace...


[[OOC: Jolly don't forget that last update had a bit for Miiba in it too.]]
As Geir launched himself forward, Danny floated backward. Lesser Force pressed on the back of the axe as it flashed through the air, changing its course just slightly. Geir's attack swept the ground instead--and it was quite the blow, kicking up a chunk of the sod with no resistance. The young man grunted and continued his charge, running past Danny at an angle. He seemed to realize something had happened, sliding his grip on his axe to steady it and resetting the distance between them. His eyes were calculating--until they went wide as Jason flashed into existence in front of him.

Danny watched the young man go into a wild fit as if something had wrapped around his face. But in the inner realm, Jason saw something quite different.

In that monochrome space, they were face to face. Telepathically Jason roared a warning at the young adventurer, and Geir was forced back a metaphysical step. But suddenly Jason felt an intense pressure pushing back against him--far stronger than the mind of any goblin or other creature he had invaded since he became a spirit. The anger and rage were intense, a thunderous crash of willpower.

Everything smelled like fire and steel. Timbers reduced to splinters, walls of plaster and clay cracked and broken, crumbling to dust. Blood, sticky and warm and wet, covering his forehead. Tears blurring his vision.


Jason was practically thrown away like a ragdoll, and even Danny felt immediately cowed by the shout that ripped its way out of Geir's throat. This battle cry seemed to drown out everything else around them for an instant, and they felt as if only they and Geir existed--and Geir, for a split second, looked much more intimidating. Then the effect was gone, and the young man drew his knife as well as his axe and took up a more defensive posture, circling to one side.

"Begone, spirit! All of you, you monsters! I won't let you any closer to them!" His eyes were starting to look bloodshot, and as he took a deep breath his muscles tensed--

With a distinctive "ping" sound, Danny managed to actually shoot the axe out of the young man's hand. He watched it in pure shock as it spun through the air and landed in the dirt--then he whirled back on the Poltergeist.

Like a rabid dog, the redhead leaped at the smaller foe. His knife buzzed with red energy as he began rapidly slashing in a combination too swift and flowing to be a wild, brainless attack. The first strike was a wide sweep at Danny's torso, followed immediately by a high, then low thrust, and that low thrust turned into an upward slash as Geir's body turned. He used his own momentum, rather than the action of the arm, to draw the knife back before his extended limb could be grabbed, and another turn sent out a third thrust...
PixieSlime Party

"Shh! Fight!" Trent growled out as Asura seemed to treat the battle too casually. Now certainly wasn't the time for conversation, from the human's point of view. The Squire closed in on the webbed-down undead and held his sword high as he planted his feet. The blade began to glow red: "CLEAVE!"

The Hob Bones's Stone Knife once again clattered against Trent's shield. This attack was slower than his other strikes, but the enemy couldn't move away this time. Trent's core tightened, his hips torqued. His shoulder and arm pulled the sword down, while gravity assisted its fall. This was a pure power stroke, plain and simple. The blade bit into the top of the creature's skull--and kept going! The Hob Bones's cranium split, its brainpan shattered, its teeth flew every which way. Its collarbone cracked in two, its sternum broke down the middle, and still the blade drove deeper. The edge shaved the spine, and finally bit through the ridge of the hips. Even when the sword's momentum halted against this final, thick bone, Trent wrenched it free of the enemy with enough force that the rest of the pelvis came apart like a wishbone at Thanksgiving.

What little was left of the skeletal creature clattered to the stone floor. A dull, throbbing purple light hovered around the remains for just a moment, before black mist seemed to seep out of the creature and into the dirt.

"The miasma means the body is unusable!" Trent shouted through labored breathing. "Remember what Master said!"

But before Trent had even destroyed his target, Asura had continued to attack the Necroslime. He found that Ardur's Shield buff did not stop an attack before it reached him, as the undead slime's acid struck his face directly. It burned, but the red slime could tell that its damage had to be reduced somewhat. The reason he could tell this? The moment he tried to eat this necrotic, corrosive substance, it began to burn much worse.

Still, he managed to shapeshift one of his tendrils into a blade, and struck down at his target in a way coincedentally very similar to Trent's own attack. The Necroslime screeched again as it was sawn literally in half, and its rotting innards spilled all over the ground. In the process the bile drenched Asura's outstretched limb, again sending signals of pain through his gelatinous mass. His HP and defenses were quite developed, but could he afford to keep taking damage like this?

As Mother Slime rolled off the Skeleblin she had just flattened into the earth, the creature shakily rose from the ground once more. One of its legs was starting to collapse, one arm had shattered entirely below the elbow, and its ribs were cracked all over. Even one of these injuries would have debilitated a living creature and ended the fight. But it seemed these Undead wouldn't stop until they were destroyed completely in some fashion, which Ardur accomplished with a powerful dive kick. Aided by his faster flight speed and gravity, his foot slammed through the Skeleblin's skull and shattered its sternum as he continued beyond, landing and sliding some distance on the ground. The buff pixie almost felt like striking some pose or shouting a finishing move's name, like one of those Masked Heroes on children's TV.

It seemed everyone had ended this encounter rather quickly, but as the group came back together Trent seemed just as wary as always.

"The first group just rushed in, and this one tried to ambush us." He pointed at the trenches the skeletons had come from. "Were there any other intelligent creatures like yourselves left here? You said the first Boss died?"

Having eliminated all enemies at the Goblin Bonfire, where would the group head now...?

Deep Forest

You used Magic Analysis II!
---Great Elder Mystic Kao Tree---
This Kao Tree has drawn from a rich source of Mana for many years, as well as from the ambient environment. It is likely the oldest and most powerful of all plant-life in the area, and at this stage of growth excess Mana is shunted into the surroundings. However, more energy than is strictly needed for the tree's own growth is being used. Certain creatures may be drawn to this energy, as the excess may cause the growth of magic-restoring plants or infuse surrounding materials.

You used Monster Analysis I!
Pixies are a tiny humanoid Fey-type Monster. While somewhat intelligent, they lack empathy towards one another even compared to beasts like Goblins. Capable of flight and healing magic, but not physically strong or skilled enough to fight or use weapons well.

Skill Gain: Suppress Presence I (0.8 > 1.0)!
Using your magical power, you subtly mask your presence from the senses of others around you. By comparison, it's a similar ability to those shy people who seem to disappear at the corner of the crowd's vision as they hover in the corner.

As Femus tried to make himself as inconspicuous as possible and observed the Great Kao in detail, he indeed saw that it was slowly recovering the damage he had done to it. However, without his mana being fed to it, the regeneration came to an even slower crawl. For now, a layer of slap had covered the opening in the bark, and was beginning to harden around the edges. But, the shudder in the tree's boughs had stopped...

His observations gave him some new information, since his Magic Analysis had leveled up and he hadn't yet used his Monster Analysis on a Pixie before. And it turned out, as he tried to keep these other beings from noticing him, that one of his developing skills ticked over yet again. But, when he focused his attention on Nira instead, he soon realized that she was under attack!

The Pixie in question panicked, darting away from the Slime on instinct. Luckily its lunge missed her, thanks to the natural advantage of flight. Knowing only one thing to do, Nira desperately reached for that crackle of magical power and let her lips spill something akin to a chant. The brightest imitation of a Mana Orb yet--distinguished from the real thing only by its size--burst forth from her palms and rocketed into the green blob! It squealed as the magical energy sank into its membrane...but it hadn't been killed yet. It tried to stretch its bulk upward to no effect, as Nira rose up until she was sure it couldn't get to her...or so she thought! With an angry burble, the Slime stopped trying to lengthen its entire body and instead extended a single pseudopod. Despite moving clumsily, it managed to get this tendril long enough to lash at the pixie like a thick whip--!

Farmstead (Miiba)

As of yet unaware of what was happening outside, Miiba settled down with the rest of the family as Lear once again opened that big tome. She had been drifting off the previous night before she heard where he stopped, but it seemed that he had reached the end of a chapter or section, and now skipped over a few bits...

"Let's see...for tonight, how about...Ah, I always liked this one." The farmer put his finger down on the page and cleared his throat. "Does anyone here remember the story of the Foreign Knight?"

"Ooh, ooh, me!" Reuben, eager as always, thrust his hand up. "He was from, uh, Yammy-jam! And his name was Itchy!"

"Yamajima, you mean." Mira chided gently, ruffling the boy's hair. "And it's pronounced, Ishin."

"He was the first person from another continent to land on the Five Kingdom's shores since the end of the Frontier Era." Clarice spoke up. "And the first swordmaster to teach the use of a katana outside of Yamajima."

"Right. And he was a Hero, too." Lear settled back as his rocking chair creaked. "Some people think there's a relation of some kind between Heroes from Otherworlds and Yamajima, because for some reason a whole lot of them favor the katana. But as far as we know, Ishin wasn't one of those." Then he looked at Miiba. "But, Miiba, if any of this starts sounding familiar to you, speak up, alright?"

And so the farmer began a tale of a man with strange, yet handsome features who one day appeared on the distant horizon, drifting to shore in a single small boat. When he landed on the beach, some local fisherman tried to speak to him, but found they could not decipher his language. One of the men, being a mean-hearted sort, took the foreigner's taciturn nature for rudeness and tried to strike him--only to immediately lose his hand as the long, single edged blade leapt out of its sheath too fast for the eye to track. What followed was a journey in which this "Ishin" demonstrated many qualities of a heroic and honorable warrior, making it clear the tale was meant to inspire a certain mindset as well as relate a historical account of this one Hero's great impact, and how it shook both the Five Kingdoms and his homeland...

Outside the window, there was another small flash of light...and Geir still hadn't come back...
Deep Forest

After a somewhat awkward conversation, Nira left the safety of the tree to go look for food while Femus tried to make use of what materials he had around him. The pixie headed away from their last hollow-tree house, presumably to keep the other pixies that were flitting about from noticing her. She kept an eye out for other monsters, but her main goal was edible plants.

In this part of the forest, the enormous tree she and Femus had taken shelter in kept many of the other plants in check. The trees weren't so thick, and brush didn't cover as much of the ground. In places where the sun made it through the canopy, many types of plants grew together to fight for the coveted light. As Nira passed over one such plot, she picked up a smell not unlike that of fresh vegetables, but also something a bit sour. There were two long, flowering plants here with blue and yellow blossoms, and the green buds on the stalk that had not yet bloomed were producing the sour-smelling sap. There were also a couple of shoots of some kind that reminded Nira of wild onions or scallions. Along with some plain grass, there were also four large reddish-purple ferns.

But as soon as the Pixie got close enough to check these various plants out and see if they were edible, something else emerged from the meadow! A burbling green blob of Slime lunged at her!

Back at the Great Kao, Femus began to try and strip the bark from one of the branches. It was quite hard to pull even a single layer off, and under that the woody surface was still tough. He only needed a small opening, deep enough to get to the inner fibers...but, as he peeled it away, a slight tremor passed through the branch. He hadn't felt any wind...but surely that was all it was? His own weight plus Nira's hadn't been enough to shake the branches thus far, though...

Setting the outer bark aside, he began to peel and twist some of the inner fibers into a thin cordage. Using Lesser Force to do all of this was quite difficult, as that Skill lacked the kind of fine motor control that a hand and fingers would have, but nonetheless he eventually got something like a workable string. However, the braided cord evoked an unpleasant memory, and for several moments Femus lost himself in the past...

Visualizing his twisted emotions and sordid memories with his magic, he "spat" more than cast his attempt at emotionally charged Mana at the forest floor. The roughly formed Mana Orb--which took on an unusual purple hue and gave off fumes that burned the nostrils--almost dissipated entirely before it struck the ground, leaving a singed patch of grass behind.

The newly-grown Wisp returned to his work, gathering a few leaves and attempting to fold and bind them in such a way that Nira could wear the roughspun result.

You obtained Great Kao Bark x1!
You obtained Bark Fiber x3!

You are attempting to Craft an Item. You have not yet developed the Crafting Skill, your Item's Quality will be reduced.

Bark Fiber + Bark Fiber + Bark Fiber
Your Crafting Method is advanced compared to your materials.
Your Crafting Method is more difficult due to your species' capabilities.
You are using excess Crafting Materials, your chances of success are increased.
Your Item's quality is boosted.
Your Item's difficulty is boosted.
Your Item's quality has degraded.

Obtained Item: Fiber Cord x1!

Skill Gain: Crafting I (0.9 > 1.0)!
Your knowledge and understanding of mechanics, workmanship, and other such things enable you to craft better items. The process of creating many items is still an unknown to you, but if you ever succeed in such a creation its Sub-Stat Enhancements will be higher than normal.

You obtained Large Leaves x3!
You used Crafting I!
Large Leaves x3 + Fiber Cord
Your Crafting Method is advanced compared to your materials.
Your Crafting Method is more difficult due to your species' capabilities.
Your Item's quality was prevented from degrading.

Obtained Item: Woven Leaf Dress x1! Its quality seems low...

In an attempt to lessen what damage he had to do to the great tree, the Wisp then tried to use his yet unformed Growth skill. He suspected its nature would somehow repair the plant based on its name. As he channeled Mana into the small gash he had made in the bark...he thought, for a few moments, that it began to glow a light green.

Another shudder passed through the branch.


Skill Rank Up: Telepathy II > Telepathy III (2.95 > 3.0)!
MP Consumption Increased. Thoughts can be "amplified," to the effect of shouting into the target's ear. Two-way communication is possible with a willing creature you have made contact with before, as long as they are within 10 feet, but MP Cost is increased per thought if the other party does not also have the Telepathy skill. One-way communication is possible with a willing creature you have made contact with before as long as they are within 20 feet. When making physical contact with a creature, if they are (1)unaware, (2)not resistant or protected, or (3)not too unintelligent, you may read a simplified version of one strong surface thought within the creature's mind. Creatures that are aware of this ability may be able to protect themselves or otherwise obscure their thoughts.

"Also we were tracking some Goblins and noticed them gearing up for a raid and thought we should warn you. I had hoped to win your trust before revealing myself since my species apparently loves to pull pranks." As soon as he had said all that Danny slowly walked out of the shadows, hands still up in the air.

"That little green bitch!" Geir practically snarled, his grip on the axe tightening to the point that Danny and Jason could hear the leather glove creak. "I'm gonna--wait." The human went stock still, so suddenly that the two reincarnators probably wondered if some other creature might have shown up. The young man's stance was like that of an animal judging its surroundings, after all...but his mind seemed to be working overtime.

"I knew we couldn't trust a damn talking Goblin...but these guys are talking monsters too...so why...?" He started muttering to himself, then looked sharply at Danny and covered his mouth with his other hand. After a few moments, he had composed himself and stood taller, still holding that axe in a ready position.

"I get it. You've been watching, haven't you!? You want me to go back in there and start something, get the Boss and the whole family up in a tizzy...Maybe so Miiba and that Pixie can escape back to your crew? Or maybe just to rile us all up, make us crazy or paranoid! I'm onto you, Demons!" For the first time he saw Danny in full view, and his upper lip curled as the light from Danny's body glinted softly.

"You're a Poltergeist!" The red head broke out into a wild grin. "But now I know you've gotta be a Demon, in disguise or something! And I bet Miiba is too! I've got proof!"

And red light crackled along the edge of Geir's axe as he charged forward.

"CLEAVE!" The adventurer lunged, aiming for Danny's tiny neck--!

[[Before I add in a bit for Miiba inside the house, I want to see if CoM will post for Scott sometime soon...]]

Monster Party

"...You don't seem like a goblin, hm?" Ash spoke quietly from her branch, but she was close enough that the creature could hear her. Again, she saw the glint of teeth under that hood.

"An' you ain't a normal Pygmy Drake." came a throaty voice.

"Suppose I should thank you for your seeming assistance."

"Depen's on how ya think I'm 'elpin', I s'pose." The creature hadn't yet drawn that bowstring back to fire that strange blunted arrow. "Ya want these gobbos out'cha way?"

While they were talking, the fight was still going strong and Torrent had decided to make her move. As she activated her stealth skills and observed the battle, the goblin with the sword attacked the goat again. He moved in from the creature's blind side, where Maya's thrown rock had drawn blood and temporarily sealed the eye shut. As a result he landed a real blow on the animal as it swung its head back and forth, carving a deep gash in its side. The beast bleated in agony and reared up on its hind legs, kicking with its forelimbs. The sword wielding goblin was knocked backwards, head over heels, and it looked like the Four Horned Goat's hooves had drawn blood from his chest as well. Mahya let out a cry as she threw another rock, and though this one hit solidly again, it landed on the goat's shoulder. Rags Nar charged the animal with his shield, tackling against its side before stabbing multiple times with his dagger--some strikes made contact, others didn't.

The one with the pelts and the Stone Knife hung back, and seemed loathe to run into the fray when his allies were swinging weapons around. This, then, was the target of Torrent's attack. She darted out from the brush, unseen and unknown, and leaped for the goblin's throat. Her claws had plenty of purchase on the smelly furs that covered the green body, but as soon as she landed on him the greenskin gave a yelp and began to spin and flail in place--the usual reaction when one realizes they have a snake or some creepy crawly on them. Torrent's fangs missed their mark at his throat, and sank into his shoulder instead. As purple tinged flames spilled around her teeth she savaged her target back and forth--until she felt his knife plunge into her side. The goblin snarled as he threw her off, but dropped to his knees. An entire sleeve of his pelt shirt was gone now, and the flesh underneath looked maimed from the collarbone down to the tricep. He was bleeding badly and his eyes were wide as if he were already about to go into shock, but still managed a clumsy swipe at Torrent with his Knife...

The other goblins were distracted by this for just a moment, granting the goat the opportunity to shoulder-slam Rags Nar away from it. On wobbly legs it started to turn and run--the battle had gone too far downhill for it--only to meet the goblin wearing the frying pan for a third time. This time the tribal monster's wooden club made a solid impact on the goat's hard skull, and it staggered backward.

"Wot th' hell's that?!" Ash's unknown maybe-ally snarled as he drew his bow fully taut. "Pygmy, call it off if'n it's one o' yers--ya want my help, I want them alive!" With a phwip, the arrow loosed--a slight red light crackling at its blunt tip. It traveled fast, and in a mere second struck Mahya directly on the back of the head. She pitched forward to her knees, either stunned or unconscious, but still twitching slightly to indicate she was probably still alive. From here it was impossible to tell.

Then things took a turn towards the even further chaotic. Digbie had emerged from the cavern, and shouted at the goblins up on the hill. As the sigils on his arms flared, he cast Sacred Ground--but in order to extend it far enough to cover himself, Torrent, the Four Horned Goat, and Oberon who was still in the shelter, he felt his MP dropping like a rock. Still, the goat's wounds began to buzz with a slight aura, as did Torrent's.

"YOUR FAMILLERS CHEATIN', DEMI-GOB!" Rags Nar yelled, pointing at Torrent with his knife. Then he seemed to realize that Mahya was down, but hadn't figured out why yet. "Mahya! Giddy-ap! How you get attacked too!?" Then he saw the arrow lying next to her...

Back in the shelter, Oberon continued to practice his Mana Sense. Once he had keyed in on the area that he thought was Digbie's "aura" represented to his mind as a fog, he concentrated and tried to tune everything else out. Sure enough, darkness faded at the edge of his vision and the concentrated fog began to filter into color...A mostly off-white, slightly blue tinge entered the fog first. Then, gold heavily saturated everything. And now a few other colors, mostly light greens and blues, and the white sparkles here and there were getting brighter...

But then the whole mass moved away, and the Sprite heard stone grating as Digbie left their shelter...

Skill Gain: Mana Sense I (0.8 > 1.0)!
You have sharpened your mental and spiritual senses as well as your physical ones. By focusing upon a single creature or object, you will be able to sense its magical nature in some fashion. Different creatures may perceive this aura in different ways--some may see a colored aura, others may catch unique scents, etc. This is not an Analysis skill, though it may Synergize with some of them. The range of this skill is limited to that of your other physical senses, though in some cases a mana signature may become easier or more difficult to detect depending on factors such as strength, amount, etc. By touching an object or creature, even if they are somehow suppressing their magical power, you have a chance to learn whether or not magic is present. At this rank, you must activate this skill in order for it to take effect. While active it will consume MP.

PixieSlime Party

"Surely your world has Divine Spirits as well? How else would its laws of nature work?" Trent asked Ardur when the Hipixie said he and Asura were still learning--this being moments before they were next attacked. He had also looked quizzically at the Slime. "Come Pewter Eyes? What are you talking abou--"

You used Monster Analysis I!
Hob Bones - An undead monster made from the animated skeleton of a Hobgoblin. Like its lower ranked cousin the Skeleblin, its physical strength is lessened while its speed increases, but its durability is roughly the same. Perhaps owing to a Hobgoblin's increased intelligence, these undead are sometimes more dangerous than a shuffling zombie should be.

Skeleblin - Skeleblin, a Skeleton-type Undead-class Monster created from the remains of a Goblin. By nature, Skeleblins are roughly as durable as living Goblins, but their strength has decreased. In contrast, their lighter weight allows them to move more quickly. They retain the ability to use tools to a limited degree. If not manipulated by a necromancer or some other source, most Undead will single-mindedly pursue living creatures with hostility. They do not normally possess self-preservation instincts or any form of intelligence.

Necroslime - Roughly the same in all categories as a normal slime, a Necroslime is a rare form of Undead. It is of limited use to any intelligent necromancer. Its body swells with the gases of decay and its internal acids become even stronger as bacteria and rot fester inside it.

When the next battle began, Ardur's first priority was to scan the opposition. Doing this cost him valuable time, however, and the battle continued down below. He was able to shout orders to Steve, at the least. Asura called out to Mother Slime as well, but wasted no time in engaging on his own.

After dodging Trent's Mana Orb, the Hob Bones came back in with its stone knife at the ready. The Squire took the attack on his shield and returned one of his own, but again the skeleton moved out of the way--only for Trent to immediately advance on it, and this time his backstroke hit home. His blade bit into the creature's rib cage, shattering three prongs of bone, but despite the damage the impact only served to knock the creature away and reset their distance. Before it could move again, however, a glob of Steve's sticky webs landed on its feet. The undead clattered its jaw in what must have been anger.

The Skeleblin's bony fist struck Mother Slime, and much like when they had escaped the cave the first time its blow simply bounced off thanks to her big body and Blunt Resistance. She struck it a furious "backhand" moments later with a cry of "MASH!" and knocked the creature to the ground, cracking various bits of it.

Asura's shapeshifting limbs were too fast for the Necroslime to avoid, although as he pierced its body he felt himself burn and sizzle due to its acid innards. The red spikes grew savage branches before Asura ripped them out of the creature, prompting a shrill screech and a belch of something that smelled positively foul. The Necroslime drew back for a moment as it tried to reform itself, but with some sense that it had to keep its opponent away it still managed to spit a green, fuming sphere of acid at Asura.

Ardur now flew down, casting his Shield spell's first rank on both Asura and Trent in quick succession. The human closed in on the trapped Hob Bones, though he did so cautiously with his shield up. It was chopping at Steve's webs with its knife, only for another glob to land on the other foot. Mother Slime bounced up into the air and came down hard on the Skeleblin, if not crushing it then at least pinning it to keep it out of the fray...

Rat Party

You Equipped Straw Sandals! Your feet feel slightly tougher. With these on, you can run a little faster.
You Equipped Wooden Breastplate! You feel much tougher, though it's a little heavy for your size.
You Equippped Battered Wooden Shield! You feel tougher!
You Equipped Sturdy Stick! It's not quite as Strong as your Short Cudgel.
You Equipped Black Dyed Robe (Shoddy)! You feel a little bit tougher, although it impedes movement a little.

You have the Skill Use Light Equipment. You have the Skill Stronger I. You have the Skill Dextrous I. Some negative sub-stat enhancements have been neutralized.

You are close to Overencumberance due to the weight of your equipment.
Your Vine Belt is overloaded with Inventory.

Hobgoblin Arm Bones (Average) x2
Hobgoblin Leg Bones (Average) x2
Hobgoblin Ribcage (Average)
Hobgoblin Spine (Average)
Cracked Hobgoblin Skull (Below Average)
Hobgoblin Hip Bones (Average)
Raw Hobgoblin Flesh x30lbs
Hobgoblin Entrails

You are attempting to equip Long Kitchen Knife. This item is not intended for use by your species. You have the Use Light Equipment Skill. You have the Skill Dextrous II. You have the Skill Stronger I. Negative substat enhancements have been negated. You have successfully equipped this item. You feel like your attacks would be stronger and faster.

You used Crafting II!
Long Kitchen Knife + Vine Belt
This is an Unusual Crafting Method. Difficulty increased.
Your Crafting II skill surpassed Crafting Difficulty.

You Crafted: Tailstrap Knife! The skill Prehensile Tail allows this weapon to be used in a versatile fashion.

You used Crafting II!
Vine Belt + Grass Mat
You Crafted: Grass Packroll!

Mother Rat didn't take so well to Asteria's attempt at dress up, almost immediately shrugging her way backwards out of the cloth wraps, her pudgy body wriggling back and forth much like a puppy unsatisfied with its sweater. She reacted more warmly to Edward's ear scritches, but otherwise seemed content to lie down and watch the others work. Ed tested out some of his new equipment, finding that even though his Rat Man body was stronger than a Hobgoblin's, the differences in height and proportion made moving in some of the equipment awkward. Asteria, being a primarily four legged rodent, kept getting notices that her equipment was "unsuitable," but due to her skills she was able to use it. She wasn't being slowed down anymore, so at this point she was much better equipped than the average rat with no consequences.

Now that they were safe and secure inside the barrow once more they took the time to discuss what had happened, and see what else they could do with their newfound loot. Ed, in a reluctant but determined fashion, butchered the Hobgoblin. Mother Rat padded over to sniff curiously at the creature's meat, before looking up at the Rat Man. Keeping her eyes on him the entire time, she slowly put her little paws on a piece of hobgoblin goodies--then darted away to a dark corner like a child stealing a cookie.

Asteria was able to store several of the other items in the grass mat with all of their other pilfered goods, and with a vine belt she managed to make a strap of sorts so that the entire roll could be carried like a knapsack. The only problem, however, was that even Ed would be hard pressed to lift this much stuff and carry it over a long distance.

By the time the two rats finished their crafting, the sun had risen quite a bit. It was now a little after mid morning, not quite noon, and the weather seemed fair. No other sounds of travel had been heard from the road thus far. Would that group they had just seen come back by this same route today? Would any of those villagers make their way towards the lake or the city? And where would the two go from here--it seemed like they had finally made their way out of trouble for the time being and had a reliable, if creepy, base of operations for the moment. Now might be a good time to set some long term goals.

Monster Party

After taunting Rags Nar some more, Ash glided to the next tree to try and get a closer look at this strange creature observing them. She tried to be stealthy, but that was difficult given that a flying creature would instantly be silouhetted by the sun as she passed from branch to branch. Still, the creature didn't seem to be aware of her yet...or if it was, it simply chose not to move...

The Pygmy Drake checked her surroundings. She knew Digbie and Oberon were inside the shelter and that Torrent could handle herself. The goblins were still preoccupied, and it didn't seem that Rags Nar had even registered her taunt given his current struggles. She moved a second time...and this time the creature at the edge of their camp began to move as well. However, it didn't seem to be looking up at her--if she could even guess where its eyes might be at this point--and it moved in an arc around the camp, as if it were instead trying to get a better view of the fight between the goblins and the goat.

As it did so, Ash's [Analysis] skill gave her a clearer idea of just what this thing was, but she could only see one of those hooved legs as the thing manuevered through the trees...

You used [Analysis]!
A possible Transformation of the Bowhorn Deer, the Cariblade's horns have better adapted for close range combat. A diet rich in certain nutrients has hardened its antlers, turning them from woody formations to rigid, metallic spikes. Special blood vessels throughout the blades allow them to vent heat very efficiently, however this makes the metal unsuited for normal forging. Whereas other types of deer mark their territory or shed horns by rubbing against trees, male Cariblades often use rocks instead to hone their edges. Cariblades are not particularly magical in nature, but have higher MP than most other creatures you've seen in the forest. Its MP is still slightly lower than your own. It does not possess any magical skills, but seems to have some physical ones. Its antlers are of Excellent Quality, and its fur coat is protective against cold and rain. The meat, bones, and most other parts of its body would all have some use for food, clothing, or tools. Its physical stats are all higher than yours.

Ash moved a third time, using her wings to glide rather than outright fly, and trying to stay at angles where the creature would have to actively look upwards to find her. The Cariblade's body was broad and thick, at least five feet tall at the shoulder. Its frame looked to be packed with several hundred pounds of muscle. Its broad hooves had a somewhat arrow-head shape, though the bottom of each foot was even wider and seemed to have a sharp edge. Its antlers were styled like those of a reindeer--if a reindeer's horns were made out of metal and had been flattened and sharpened into a forked web of blades. It was almost like the creature wore a crown of scimitars and sickles. But, now it became clear--there wasn't just one monster observing them. A figure sat atop the Cariblade's broad, dappled brown back. Just a hair under five feet itself, the creature was humanoid in shape but seemed to have less mass--however, Ash couldn't tell what kind of frame it really had. It wore a thick furred cloak made of many hides stitched together with plant fibers, and under that it seemed to have thin, parchment-like wrappings around its hands and legs. It had proper shoes of rough leather--though they were obviously primitive in make, little more than moccasins. A hood covered its head, hiding its features in shadow--but as Ash's [Analysis] gaze swept over it, it clearly looked up at her. A hint of a reflection shone under the hood.

Was it smiling at her?

You used [Analysis]!
This creature's features aren't clear enough for a proper analysis. You can tell that its size, and likely its strength, is much greater than that of yourself or a goblinoid. It appears to have some magical energy, but it still seems to be weaker than your own. However, there is a magical presence from it--perhaps a Spell or some other effect. It seems to be familiar with some form of stealth skill.

Meanwhile, Torrent had barely acknowledged that the Pygmy Drake was on the move. Instead she began to focus her magic, and waited for her chance as the goblins engaged the four-horned goat. Right after the sword-wielding goblin drew blood from the goat she tried to shift the earth beneath his feet. The harder packed ground and solid stones refused to budge, but she was able to shift the looser soil. Under the swordgob's lead foot the dirt suddenly lurched up just a bit, while under his rear leg it sank just a scant inch under his heel. The instant shift threw off his balance, and he fell to the ground. Though he managed to keep hold of his sword as he cried out in pain, he was now wide open. The goat had just kicked the goblin wearing the frying pan, and now it saw a weak link in the circle of goblins surrounding it. With a snort the creature lowered its head and charged the sword-holding goblin, who once again screamed in a high pitched voice.

Its horns, still corked at the ends, clattered against a sturdy wooden pot lid. Rags Nar held his shield in one arm as he stood over his underling, but it was clear he could barely hold any ground against the much heavier animal. Still, he slashed wildly with his dagger and the goat let out a loud bleat as it scrambled backwards.

The goblin wearing several pelts reached under one of them and withdrew a Stone Knife, before charging at the goat with a battle cry. The animal hopped lop-sidedly away, causing its attacker to miss. The beast swung its hard head, clipping the goblin's shoulder with its snout and immediately trying to bite him. It ripped a large patch out of the goblin's fur clothing, but didn't draw blood.

Mahya seemed to be looking on the ground for a weapon to use, and settled on a fist-sized rock. With a grunt and a wind-up worthy of a baseball player she hurled it at the goat. With a heavy thud it struck the creature just above one eye, and for the second time drew blood. The creature reeled, seemingly dazed from the attack--but just as the goblin with the frying pan armor was charging back up the hill, wooden club held high in both hands, the poisonous mammal bucked and kicked backwards once again. With another "ding" and a drawn out howl, the goblin went rolling back down the slopes.

As this "battle" waged on, Ash saw the strange figure pull something out from under its cloak. It looked like...a short bow of some kind, either made from horn or from very smooth wood. From a quiver strapped to the Cariblade's side, it drew an arrow...except, this arrow's head was oddly shaped. It was like a hard cylinder, made of wood and blunted on the "point." The creature notched its weapon...and took aim towards the gaggle of Goblins.

Inside the cave, Digbie prayed for guidance. He wanted to charge his Mana Orb with Holy magic, if such a thing were possible. He asked Jehanne to show him the path...but, in this quiet, dark, peaceful place, it didn't seem like he could see or feel any sign of her. However, perhaps because it was so quiet, dark, and peaceful, the little Demiblin had an almost meditative frame of mind...and a thought might occur to him. What made something "holy," really? What was the word's definition? And did that definition mean something different in regards to a spirit of mercy and compassion? A spirit like that, what kind of things would people expect them to do? Probably the generic "love and kindness" kind of miracles, right? Maybe like his Minor Heal spell? Or Sacred Ground? Sacred ground actually had the word "sacred" in it after all...

Oberon, on the other hand, took a secular line of thought. He tried to empty his mind and feel the energies all around him. He had taken into consideration Air Read, which had to be something like Digbie's Tremor Sense but for the Wind element. He had practiced with several elements by this point and was beginning to understand the differences in their Mana. He had spent quite a bit of time meditating, so he knew how to detect the energy within his own body. What he wanted, however, was to detect these things in other bodies.

In his mind, Mana took a shape represented by fog. Was it colored fog? Textured fog? Fog that could be thicker or thinner, wispier or denser?

In the darkness behind his closed eyelids...white fog began to form, edged by shifting patterns of rainbows in a fashion much like aurora borealis. But then that fog, so close to him, began to fade...or, rather, he was seeing more clearly beyond it. It felt a little like crossing one's eyes and seeing one's nose--it had to be there all the time, but the brain edited it out for the sake of clearing one's vision. He saw through the white, prismatic fog...and saw blackness. No, wait. There was...gray fog. All around, everything was gray...although, right over there, where he thought Digbie might be, the grayness seemed a little...heavier.

You are experiencing Rapid Skill Progression.

PixieSlime Party

"...Because there IS a Maker!" Despite being in the midst of battle, Trent manage to stare incredulously at Asura as the Slime engulfed the weakened Zombie Rat. "You yourself told Sir Zieglar of the voice that spoke to you and the "options" that allowed you to Transform!" The boy flinched at the sound of bones and organs being crushed inside the red, amorphous reincarnator's body. "Such things are how Divine Spirits commune with us, and the Maker is the only one who contacts all creatures no matter what type they are. You didn't even know about Galatine or any other Divines until moments ago."

With their enemy dealt with, the boy and slime were left to watch Ardur attack the Ghost Wisps. Asura tried to use his newest Analysis skill on the two creatures, assuming that the HiPixie and maybe his spider pet would be able to handle them.

You used Magic Analysis I! You used Monster Analysis I!
---Ghost Wisp---
An Undead Wisp, its body has been consumed by both necrosis and magical energy to serve as fuel. What is left is a transient spirit that has a higher level of Mana, which allows it to exist as a Spirit-class Undead, but little control. Without a source of Mana nearby to recharge, a Ghost Wisp typically won't last more than 24 hours in the living realm. Its other abilities are typical of a low level Wisp. It is a magically oriented creature, possessing four spells.

Ardur's beetle mandible began to glow just so slightly with a white aura, as he activated his Mana Strike skill. Wings aflutter, he charged the Ghost Wisp just as it unleashed another Mana Orb of its own--its third one since the battle had begun. With a classic barrel roll, the Hipixie avoided the missile and prepared to strike--

He passed right through his opponent, as the Ghost Wisp faded away completely. With a last, creening screech, before he could even make contact the creature just seemed to...flicker out. Had using Mana Orb three times exhausted its MP to the point it couldn't sustain itself?

But with this target taken care of, Ardur could continue his flight towards the last remaining opponent. It was still focused on Trent and Ardur, and with a bright flash it too started to fire another Mana Orb. Then the buff fairy swung his sharpened piece of insect, and the magic around it crackled on contact with the ephemeral undead. Ardur's attack cleaved the second Ghost Wisp in half, and just like its fellow its agonized scream followed it out of the realm of the living.

When he turned back to the others, he would see Steve pointing towards Asura--who had already partially digested the Zombie Rat. Since his last order to the spider had been to switch targets, Steve seemed to be saying "what now?"

Skill Rank Up: Taming I > Taming II (1.95 > 2.0)!
MP Cost for Tamed Creatures below your level has decreased. Your Tamed Creature will automatically perform certain actions depending on the strength of your bond: Tamed Creature will attack any creature that attacks you; Tamed Creature will take a hit for you if your HP is low; Tamed Creature will prioritize any healing skills it possesses on you if your HP is low.

"Well then." Trent said, returning his attention to their surroundings. "This...seems to be working better than I thought it would..."

As they continued, they soon came to the ashen remains of the goblin's old bonfire. The ground was uneven from all the digging the various monsters had done here--back before everyone left the cave, Asura and Digbie had tried to make a tunnel and the Dire Rats of the group had tried to dig trenches. There was also the fire pit itself, which had been scattered about as people tried to dig for the hidden stash of crystals. And the signs of battle, from the various monsters that had tried to attack Crispy. It had only been a day, perhaps two, since they had been here last but somehow the Dungeon's aura made it feel as if it had been that many years instead.

From the Dire Rats' old trench, a figure suddenly lunged into the radius of Asura's torchlight. It was a Goblin Skeleton--or was it?

Trent yelled out as a stone blade stabbed into his boot--he jerked his foot away, and it was unclear how much damage he had taken, but he immediately had his shield at the ready with his sword pointed right at the creature.

"Mana Orb, First Rank!"

The skeleton leaped from all fours, out of the trench and away from the magical blast. As it landed they could see just how it differed from the normal skeleblins--it was about six inches taller, with bones generally the same thickness but just elongated. Its cranium, too, was a little larger, and the ridges where its ears would have connected were deeper. Its bones were bleached white with only a few spots of brown or blackened gristle rather than any yellow bits--such things took a long time, indicating that these bones were very old.

As its jaws chattered, a more typical Goblin Skeleton came clattering towards them out of the dark, attempting to flank the group. From underneath the bonfire, a blurbling black mass rose and began slowly moving towards Asura...

Rat Party

You used Monster Analysis I!
---Adult Male Human---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races, considered truly sentient. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with a fully functioning civilization, a varied history, and distinct cultures. WARNING: DANGEROUS!
---Elder Male Human---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races, considered truly sentient. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with a fully functioning civilization, a varied history, and distinct cultures. This one is an elder, as many humans only live less than a hundred years.
---Adolescent Male Human---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races, considered truly sentient. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with a fully functioning civilization, a varied history, and distinct cultures. This one isn't fully mature yet, but is undergoing many changes as their body grows into adulthood. WARNING: DANGEROUS!

The bandit lurched in recoil as Ed yelled at him, but the other humans just stared. The youth with the sword, now finished cleaning his blade of the fat bandit and the hobgoblin's blood, approached nonchalantly. The magic user hopped out of the cart to stand in front of the driver, patting one of the horses to calm it down.

"Baishan, d'ya think it's a Deviant? Should I kill it?" The swordsman, Wulf, stretched his wrist by giving his blade a light flourish.

"No! Ya already killed an enemy that was crippled, now ya wanna attack a critter what just helped us!?" The old man had reined the horses in, and now tied the leads onto a rod attached to the cart so he could shake his fist at the boy. "I dunno what that Monster thinks its doin', but if it ain't attackin' us or slowin' us down, leave it be! Let's get outta here--I'll bet ya Copps to Gol there's more o'them bastards around somewhere!"

"If you have to keep cutting something, Wulf," the magic user broke in, crossing his arms with a huff, "Cut the ears off those hobs, and the kobold's tail, and we'll turn them in for some extra coin."

"...And the head of the fat one." The tribal spearman, apparently Baishan, kept his own weapon pointed at the bandit on the ground. With one hand he threw his pack on the ground, then reached into it to pull out some rope. "I'd also bet Copps to Gol that these two were on some of the bounties back in town. The Guild will probably recognize them both on sight."

"Alright, alright." Wulf sheathed his sword, looking at Ed with a curious expression, before drawing a carving knife instead. "But we still don't know why it can talk, do we?"

Ed had been watching the group this whole time, analyzing some of them. Granted, given the lower rank of his Skill, he only seemed to pick up information that was already somewhat obvious...

"I've heard of Ratmen that can chatter a bit." The old man stood up a little in his seat, chewing his bottom lip as he looked down at Ed. "But as to why it speaks Visk and not some varmint language, I ain't got the foggiest. Shouldn't you know somethin' like that, Al?"

"Most Ratmen speak a distorted Mob language, depending on what's in their habitat. Kobolds, Goblins, etcetera." The magic user rubbed his chin with a slender hand as he watched Ed sigh and stand up. "But maybe--"

"As you all have noticed, I am not your average run-of-the-mill ratman. I won't go into any complex nor convoluted explanations as to why I am this way, but I will say this." The group immediately went silent, every eye turned towards Ed. The bandit was even too shocked to resist, as Baishan had stopped tying his hands halfway through when Ed started talking again. "I am not from here and neither am I your enemy. I have no evidence, other than my words and actions, so it's up to you if you consider me to be otherwise." The Ratman sheathed his weapon, and after showing them he was unarmed, began to walk away. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to do."

"...Okay, it's either a high rank Deviant, or something else Shape-Shifted into a Ratman--" The magic user had taken up a defensive stance once again, one hand already extended while the other had opened up a thick tome he pulled from his pouch. But the driver made a shushing motion with his hand, and as the tension settled over everyone like a weighted blanket, they watched.

Ed took the Kobold's staff, tying the black robes to it so that he could start looting the rest of the bandit's bodies. Every head slowly, stiffly, turned to follow his every movement until he finally came to the fat bandit. Wulf was standing over the body again, sword raised to cut off its head, but like the others had frozen solid when Ed made his speech. The ratman looked way, way up at the tall youth.

"Would you mind if I took the knife he had?"

"Uh...Just don't stab any Humans with it?" came the answer, as Wulf lowered his weapon and scratched the back of his head in confusion.

When Ed finally left the battlefield, the humans looked at each other. Baishan roughly hauled the bandit to the back of the cart, and after shoving him amongst some cargo, rubbed at his own temples.

"That's a sign of the Spirits, I just know it."

Meanwhile, Asteria had been looting her own body, and now tried to fasten the wraps from the hobgoblin to her own body. However, given the difference in length and size between the two creatures, they were quite awkward and heavy.

You attempted to equip: Green Dyed Body Wraps!
Item was not made for your size. Item is not suitable for your species. Item is too heavy.
You have the Skill [Stronger I]. You have the Skill [Dextrous II]. You have the Skill [Use Light Equipment]. Negative Substat Enhancements have been neutralized.

You attempted to equip: Green Dyed Arm Wraps x2!
Item was not made for your size. Item is not suitable for your species. Item is too heavy.
You have the Skill [Dextrous II]. Negative Substat Enhancements have been lessened.

You feel slower than before. It is more difficult to attack properly. You do feel slightly tougher, though.

These Items might be altered by Crafting Skills.

Using her Muffle skill, Asteria was able to stay out of sight as she watched and listened to everything that happened between Ed and the Humans. Thanks to her higher rank Beast Senses, now that the din of battle was over she could catch pretty much everything that was said, and see well enough to pick up the various expressions of each person. She and Mother Rat followed Ed at a distance, from an angle where perhaps the humans wouldn't see them approach him until he was out of their eyeshot.

Though they interfered with her movements somewhat, at the very least the green dyed cloths helped disguise her brown body amongst the grass. She and Mother Rat soon reunited with Ed, then they all headed back to the burrow. At some point during their trek, since they had taken such a wide U turn to double back without being spotted, they had missed the humans going on their way on the road. By the time they got back to the burial mound's entrance, the cart was rolling over the next hill. The bodies, or what was left of them after Wulf got through taking the gristly trophies, had all been rolled into the ditch...though at least the human had been somewhat laid in eternal repose, and a few bundles of cut grass had been piled over his body in imitation of a shroud.

Now what?

Deep Forest

As Femus meditated, he found his MP was already fairly full due to a full night's rest. It didn't take long for the System to inform him that his magical energy was topped up. However, as he continued to concentrate and--perhaps using that new skill, Mana Control--feel the flow of energy throughout his spherical form, he found that he could still draw some more. The sensation was like trying to breathe as deeply as one could and hold it, their cheeks puffed out and their mouth set firmly, before they tried to take in just one more through their nose. The silicate hairs all over the Wisp's body began to stand straight up, giving him the appearance of a floating pin cushion. He continued to draw in Mana, focusing on the circulation through his physical body of this seemingly spiritual energy. He wanted the greatest concentration possible...white sparkles of Mana, like dust motes in the air around him, began to appear around him like an aura.

Your MP is Full.
You have gained Temporary Extra MP.
Your Mana Density has increased.
Skill: Mana Control has prevented Mana Overload.
You have gained Temporary Extra MP. Mana is at Critical Limit.

Then he focused his will and decided on 'Adult Wisp'. It was time to experience what this whole evolution thing was.

As soon as his decision was made, Femus felt a deep and powerful sleep come over him. It was too fast, and there was no fighting it--just like going under before a surgery.

And as he went under, he rose up and up and up. Femus saw his own body suddenly plop on the branch, lying peacefully in the leaves as the aura of light suffused his form and then went out. His glowing body now looked like nothing more than a gray, fluffy toy...

Femus suddenly saw EVERYTHING.

Not in crystal clarity, of course. But he drifted upwards, out of his body, rising high enough that he could look out across the forest. And sometimes it seemed as if he saw through it--into the great tree under which he rested. Within the trunk, there was a deep, emerald colored light...and this light seemed to take a distinct form, a creature curled up as if in deep slumber.

Then he could see nothing but the layers of leaves and branches, and then daylight, but before his eyes could adjust he was rising higher. Now he saw the forest in its entirety, and gently rising cliffs growing ever steeper until they became mountains to the immediate west. One of these mountains bore a great scar near its peak--as if some blade of impossible size had sheared off its tip. The rocks there were blackened yet smooth, with a glossy appearance of something that had melted together and then cooled. Within this smoking crater, many lights glittered...and small figures, too small to pick out their features, moved in groups along the slopes. He rose higher, drifting through clouds and further beyond, over curling smoke trails and unnaturally shaped structures of wood and stone that could only be civilization. Somewhere to the east, a large body of water sat glimmering with the last rays of the setting sun.

He rose higher. To the north, great rivers and another forest, though this one reached higher into the sky and its colors were darker and more muted. Though, there was an also an odd brown patch...as if many trees had been felled here, and then left to rot...Many miles further, this forest even wore a thin blanket of snow. Further to the east, a bright light cutting a path to safety for those in need of guidance. Over the mountains, to the southwest, a grand city stretching for miles. Still in the west, but far further north, a tower like a mighty tree reaching up to the heavens with roots stretching deep, deep into the earth. So far to the east that it became west again, a lonely, cold, desolate island where red lightning split the sky. Further beyond that, marshlands and mountains and untamed, wild lands.

He rose higher. A world, a planet, rotated thousands of miles an hour, yet from this distance appeared as no more than a soap bubble, as if it would pop if he but brushed a fingertip against it. The city lured him, cried out for him. The island's red skies held him in sway.

H͎͍̭̺̗͔̭m̶͎̀,͏̴̮̞ ̡̜͓̬̱͖͝t̨͇̼̪̼̘̖͍̬ḩ̴̬̫͈̀i̤̲̩̱̳̰̥s̀҉̺͓ ̷̱̣̜͟s͕̞̙͇͞ͅt͖͚̩͕̦̱i̭̦̘̖̤̹̜̰̯͞l̷͔͓̳l̶͍͖̘̻͉̰̘ ͉͎̜͉̥̺͟ḱ̼̣͈e̵̹̦̖̗͇̲͓̦͢e̬̫̬̠̮p̫̻̯̹̩͓̻̣͞s͏̩̺͎̻͚̣̮̪̣ ̧̲h͓̰̝̱̥a̩̪͖̬̕p̣̼̥͓͉̺̫͘p̶̝͖̖̳̯̻͖̩è̷̱̤̼̘n̢͢҉̞͇̟̫͈̹̲ͅi̘n̗̙͉̙̙̖͜g̙̖̳̕̕ ̺͇̝̯͇̺͇̀e̗̼͉̳̖͘͜v̛̖̦̹̭͈͇̠́e͏̹̜̦͚͜͞n̨̲̹̟̫͘͜ ̸̷̢̥̠̼̭͉̪͈̰t͞͏̘̜̦h͙̞̭̭͞ͅo̙͈̩u̖̮͉̙̤̗͡g̡̪̮͝ḩ͉͈͔̜̹̱͢ ͎̺I͓̠͖̙̭̭̜̣ ͓̖̦̼̪̮̗̀́ͅo͕͟͡v̱̩e͏̨̦r̹̗͇̀r̸̵̘̗̺̹̪̟̣̹̪o̢̺̝̖̮̼̻̗̰̠͘d̠̱̰̖̟̙͇̀e̵̺͖̘͇̺ͅ ̵̺͙͔̝̠̹̰̦t͔̱͕h͔̘̞̘͎͖̳͈͞e̞̬̩͕̼͚͍͖͘ ̞̫͍̞̩͙E̩͖̰͘͝r̷̙̲̟̭̗͕̕͞r̡̩̗͟o̥̳̖͖̕ṛ̷̨͕͎ ̪̗ṛ̫̫e͙̰̞̠̼̲̠͎ͅp͏̟o̷͕̬͓͙̕r̙̞̯̼͓͘͞t̢̙͇͇̳̜̞͍͝͡s҉̵̶̹̥.̹͕͖̻͔̜͙̙͟.̤̮.̡̛͇̠̖̪͍͇o̫͈̳͙͖̳̣h̵̰͈̲͘͟ ͏̶̬̺̼͎͘w̴̶̻̰̠̺̞͓̯̝̩͜e̺̼̩͓̕͜l̶̨̗͕̣͙͕̻̠͎̕l̡̺̟̗̤̮͝.̶͕̻̳̫̝̕͠ ̛̭̥̀D̮̲͈̤̹̦͟ͅò̲͓̮̀́ͅe̱͖̞s̶̼̩̻͙̩͔͝ͅn̨̜͈͖̠͉͙̩͠ͅ'̟͔͚͖̩͙͈̥̣ṱ̴̷̦̟͕ ͇͎̘͍͘͞͡s̸͚̬͍̱͕̙e̴҉̫̪̳̭̼̗͙̥̯e̞͡m̮͢͝ ̛̦͓̳͘͢t҉̼̖͈͇͚̲̪͟o̡̰͚̥̘̫̞ ̪̤̜̙̹̰̹̹b̪͡͝e̞̹͖ ̛̰͉͚h̶͏̤ư̜̪̜r̨̮̥͢͠t̸͔̠̣̟͘i͏̤͈n̡̝̗̰̹͙͇͎̭̕g̰̭͙͡ ̷̵͇a̘̳̥̝̣͝ņ̮̼̱͕̬̘͡y̡͎͔t̛͍̣̥̪̳͖̗h̴̡͇̙̦ͅi̴̼̝̟͓̥n͏͎̤̤͉̣̜̙̘g҉͎ ̶̧͙͎f̷̙̯o̤̼̪̱̬͎̳̮͞r̢͚̖̣̙̜̥ ̵̞̻̗͉͔̱t̨̜̮̝̘̬̝͖̲͢h̗̳͚̩̯̩̤̀e̢̫̰̠͓̟͟͠ ͏̫͖͙̱̠̩̫̲m̧̩̟͓̳͖͉ò̳̟͙͇̕͠ͅḿ̰̩̙e̫̱̲̲͜ņ̗̺͕͕̠̭͕̗t̀҉̹̠̜̹̮̬̯.̡̘̩̙̩͇͈͕͜ ͏̹̜̼Ą̥̖͔̱̦͍͚̯͔͢n̵̦͇̙̙͠͠d̪͖͈̗̟͚͝͠ͅ ̳͎̀y͕͢o̡̘̬̞̦̭͇̺̤u̧̘'̴̝͡r̷̙̹͙̤͍͖̟͎ͅe̝͖͓̕ ҉̘͎t͙̣̰̤̀͜h̸̵̢̝e̠̮̖͓͉͙ͅ ̪̤͓̟̪͍̰f̸͖̹͘̕i̱̪̣̲̜̩̬̯̕͜r҉̬͎̙̬s͔͖̦͓̝̟̱t̢̜̬ ̸̨̰̤̥̪̭ơ̧̟̤̺̦͘f̶̞̣ͅ ̩̯͍̯͍͘t̗̞̕ḫ̷̡͖̥͘a̡̳̭͓͟͢t̨̨̞̜ ̣͙̭̤͍̘̱s̵̱̗͘e̦͙̮̬͇̣͢c̯̱̹̀͟͝o̲͔͜͞n͏͇̘͎̣ͅd͙̝̪͠ͅ ̦͡g̗̺̙͉͎͉r̶̥̭͙̹̀͡o̗͍̲̕ù͇̱̫̜p̗̝̖͎̘ ̧̤͝t̷͉̦̖̥̥̲͞o̶̙͞ ͈̭̕ͅe͟͏͓̖͎͕̘v̷̥̦͜o̧͇̬͡l͕̲̲̳̦͈͉̫v̶̷̰͖̜̙́ȩ̤̞̫,̺͓̤ ̴̠̳͖̠͖͕̹e͞͞҉̲̦̫̺̺͖h̝̦̲̭̱̱͟͜?͏̪̦̤̯͉̳̀ͅ ̵̬̝̳͈̻̞̀A͔n͏͕̫̮͙͓͍̞͕ḓ̴̬̳͎ ̗̱̜̙͍̬o̢̼͕̗̰̣n͙̝̯̹̹͢͡l̩̤̜̞y̷̡̘̰̫̹̪̖̮̼͢ ̺̮̜̹̠̹͍t̷̘̖̪͉͔̼̪̘͟h̸̠̖̻̰͈̘e̼̠̗̹̼̭ ̜̙̟͈́͢s̴̛̙̱ę͍̰c̯͓͠o̶̶̳̮̱̙̮̟͞ń̻̞̤̜̞̮̣ͅd͝҉͕͇ ̴̣̼͙͇̫̘͠ͅó̷̭̗̩̬͖͙̲n̷̶̴̖̞̜ȩ̸̖̭̦̦̠͓ͅ ͚̳̭͙̭̼͕̦͚ó̺͉͈͖̦̻̝u̘̖͞t̵̤̼̪̠ ̸̸͓̱̬ͅǫ̠͍̫͢ͅf̟̘̥̰͔̗̳͓́ ҉̵̜̭͠t̨̩̩̲̭̙͓͙̻̀ͅh̩̗̙̫e̙̗ ͈w̸̘̣̗̬̼̫̩͠ͅh҉̬̤̮̹͎̗̥̝o̸̥͉͖̘͔̗͔̕ļ̷͏͖͉͇̰̥e̶͔̤̱͓͙͉͜ ̴͈̝̳̣͔̦̙͘b͈̟̫̩̟̖̭͔̪a̡̡̨̦̤g̜͘͜ ͏̳͖͘o̡͕͕̬͓͉̲ͅf̩̪͕̯̟̭͞ ̸̷̱̰̥̩͈c̷̢̻̙̞͈͠a͈̪̮͉͍̺̱͘ͅț̨́s̥̖̩̞͜͝ ̯̱̖̦͢ṯ̬͈͠ơ̴̢̫͇̣͓ ̡̞̺̲͉̳̪͔͡͝ͅͅǵ̡̗̖ò͎͍̭̳͉͚͞ ̡̞̞͈̮͢ͅw̯̱̮̬͎i̷̖̮͎̮͙̙t̯̺̬͍͕̰͈͖̕h̷̢͙̯̭͈̜̀ ͏̠̜̮̣̭͖̗͜t̢̡̜͉͉͕h̟̙͚͇͉è̴̵̗̱̺̯͖ ̨̠̭̤̪ͅ"́҉̜m̧̦̖̖͖̭u̫̬̹͙͔͙͙̼͉͟n̴͓̖̹̯͓͉͎̱ḏ̴̡̛̰̩̙͙a͎̼̳̩͕n̜͙̭̪̲̳͢e̘̰̫̦̣̠̻͓"͕͉ ̦͈a̧̧͎̰͔͎̭̬͝d̨͔͔̭̠̪̼͈̻̰u̷̺͉͈̗̜̪͇̝͖͡l͏̛̲̻̣̰t̛̜͈͖͝ͅ ̺͈̹o̦̰̱̭͍̬̳̲p̛̼̪̯̠̳̤͓̩̹͠͡t̲̬̺͚̫̩͝i͏̵͚͈o͔͈̯̩̰̩̯̬͜n̷̵͈̣̩͚̯͢.̸̱͚̙̙̱͜ ̨̯̹̞̤͍̬̜̕I͏̣̤̣̱̘͇̞̞ͅn̮͉̬̦̞͉̞̣͝t̮͔͝e̮̲͇͓̪͓̼͠͡r̡̭̣̜̯̭̝e̢҉̦̞̲̠̞̦̖̠s̨̧͖̺̝̞̺͙̪̳͔ţ̻͖i͖̘ņ̛҉͎g̜̠͉̬͚̤̠̕.̫̟̟̟̜̳̘͈͞͞ͅ.̧̰͎.̷̞͍̯̟̭̰̞

Femus plunged earthward. Color blurred as he passed everything he had seen in an instant, and just as it all blurred together in his vision it did the same in his mind. When he awakened, he would remember only so much as one remembers a deep, nonsensical dream. He fell through the trees and crashed into his body...

(Immature) Wisp > (Adult) Wisp
All Stats have Slightly Increased!
Base HP has Increased!
Potential has Increased!
Special Condition: Mana Overfill has Slightly Increased Base MP!

You have still not reached your full Potential.
You are Well Rested.
Your HP is Full.
Your MP is Full.
Your Stamina is Full.
You are Hungry.
You are Thirsty.

As Nira observed Femus's evolution, all she would see after he strangely dropped into a deep sleep was that every pulse of his heartbeat seemed to become visible. And, after a few minutes of this, she might notice that his body was actually...swelling...with each heartbeat. The myriad fine hairs all over him were also growing longer, and it looked a few new ones were sprouting. Then, all of a sudden, Femus gave a jerk and came back to consciousness.

His body lit up from within, crackling with magical energy as he once again rose into the air. But for now, it seemed all that had really changed externally was his size and the brightness he produced. It was hard to look directly at him, much like a new lightbulb when the switch is turned on for the first time.

But, to step back in time for a moment...

When Nira had stepped down to practice the Mana Orb, she repeated her original exercise with more surety. The orb seemed much more stable this time, though still smaller then when she had seen Femus use it. When the idea came to her to make some kind of incantation, she found that with every word she spoke the orb grew a little larger, and when it was the right size she could feel it pulling, as if it wanted to simply fly off somewhere. She took aim and released, and the orb flew away from her...only to rapidly lose steam. Every millimeter it was away from her hand it grew a little smaller, and by the time it actually struck the ground it did nothing more than sizzle.

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

You are Hungry.
You are Thirsty.

As she grabbed a Blue Yill from the nearby field, maybe it was the smell of herbs or just the fact that she hadn't had breakfast yet. But her belly began to grumble as she returned to the tree, just in time to see Femus finish his evolution...


You used Monster Analysis III! You used Material Analysis I!
---Adolescent Human Male (Physical Combatant Class)---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters, and seem fundamentally opposed to them. They are of the Enlightened Races like Elves and Dwarves, highly evolved creatures considered truly sentient, though this may depend on definition. Nonetheless they are a technologically and magically advanced race in control of multiple nations, with a varied history across most of the interior continent, and distinct cultures in different biomes. This one is still an adolescent but appears trained in combat. His physical strength and attack stats seem much higher than yours. His MP is not quite as high as yours, but is higher than most creatures you've seen in the forest. His speed and agility based stats seem higher than yours. His endurance is much, much higher than yours. Many of his stats are being increased by his equipment. He has an Iron Hatchet, an Iron Dagger, a Thick Gambeson, a Wellspun Tunic, Wellspun Trousers, Leather Boots, Leather Gloves, and a Cloth Bandana. His pouch seems to contain essential items for short term travel. It is likely his training has allowed him to develop some Skills. WARNING! DANGEROUS!

Geir looked up from his practice even before Danny had started to approach him--they weren't in his line of sight at the moment, but the boy slowly took stock of his surroundings. Had he picked up a sound, or the slight glow of Danny's body in his peripheral vision? After a moment or two he seemed to relax--then the Poltergeist called out to him.

The red headed human whirled, axe in hand, and swiped at the empty air as if he expected an enemy to rush him at any moment. Finally he focused in on the vague, glowing outline of Danny several yards away.

"Excuse me! This is probably a strange question but do you have a map my friend and I could look at?"

"HALT! FREEZE! STOP, RIGHT THERE!" The human took a deep breath, and steadied his grip on his weapon. Now he sank into a proper stance, and his eyes--what little of them they could see reflecting Danny's light in the darkness--narrowed. "Identify yourself! Who and what are you! And if you're another of these talking monsters, I advise you to just turn around, right now! Demons can fuck right off!"

He was looking right at Danny, and certainly did not look nice at all. A chill wind blew through the night. One of Geir's hands slowly eased towards his belt, and the long knife hanging there.

Meanwhile, Miiba stopped as she helped Lear bring in firewood. She spoke to Gwyn, who was still conversing with Scott, but stopped short as she caught sight of something out of the window. When she went to look, she saw Geir flailing and could hear the muted, angry noises that was probably him yelling at something, but couldn't make out any words. She could also see the faintest, almost ghostly, blue glow flickering out in the lawn.

"Mr. Lear," she started with the same inquisitive tone she used whenever she was about to ask something, "What big blue glow ball with Geir?" she asked with her finger pressed against the window pointing to Danny, but looking back to Lear.

"Hmm?" The farmer leaned down next to the goblin and squinted. "Oh? If I had to guess, I'd say a Wisp that floated over the wall." He put one big hand on Miiba's head and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry about it. Geir yelling is as natural as the wind's whistling. It'll probably be good for him to blow off steam with a weak enemy or two like that."

The farmer went back to his fireplace. It seemed like the family was about to get ready for their usual reading from that book, like they had done last night...
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