Avatar of Zeroth


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19 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

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@ERode I'm probably one of the worse offenders in all this so I'll try to clarify my thoughts on where I went wrong. When writing narrative descriptions or going into Saito's thoughts, I would use words or concepts that flowed naturally in the writing. Think of a cliche, something like the phrase "fit as a fiddle." But Goblins probably wouldn't have any idea what a fiddle was, or what being "as fit" as a fiddle would mean. When I proofread, any time I would find these "natural" phrases or thoughts, things that would immediately come to one's mind, but didn't match up with goblin instincts, I would add a bit about Saito questioning his own memories.

For instance, he likens the goblins running around to his toddlers, and then thinks "...What?" I did that because I thought a very strong memory, a parent's bond, would be something that would unconsciously rise up but that Goblin Saito would not recognize or understand it. This was probably too specific for RC3's purposes, so I shouldn't have done it anyway, but it was meant to be a fleeting thing that, if Saito were to actually try and recall, he would only see static or feel an abstract sense of something not quite right.

As for his martial arts prowess, I intended that to come through more strongly because of the fundamental concept of martial arts training, the muscle memory a practitioner builds up. This is Bruce Lee's "don't think, feel," or like any military training where a specific stimulus is simulated and the reaction to it is repeated, over and over, until the person's nervous system is wired to do it as a reflex. Like Dragon Ball's "Ultra Instinct," this is the cause of the supposed "sixth sense" martial artists are embellished to have. But I probably went too far even with that, as while Saito might instinctively settle into a "stance" that feels the most comfortable, or attack in the way that feels "best" when the "moment feels right," it probably shouldn't have come across as him actually retaining all of his technical knowledge.

I did intend from the beginning that he would have to "rebuild" a lot of his previous life's ability, because the "muscle memory" thing probably doesn't work out so well when you no longer actually have the same muscles and nerves that you spent so long training before.

But yeah I feel like I'm probably the one who bungled all this up the most, so take my examples above as a "don't do this" kind of thing. My apologies.
@RC3 Someone may have asked these already but just to be certain:

1. Is gaining skills/talents solely linked to practice or training (someone who does a basic drill with a sword eventually learns E-Rank Swordsmanship or some kind of attack like...E-Rank Cleaving Slash), or does it also depend on level ups (same example as before, except the skill gain doesn't trigger until the character's next level)? If it's the latter, are some skills locked until we reach the appropriate level? Like maybe we qualify for something based on training, but can't use it until we're level 50?

2. Can a Skill be used in a way that doesn't match its original properties? For instance, I noticed with Lunging Strike that its distance and speed are fairly quantified and increase with rank. So I was wondering if, even if using it locks Saito into a sort of "attack animation," could he still use it solely for mobility, or perhaps to cross a gap he couldn't normally jump? Would using a Skill this way contribute to its growth, or change its properties?

3. Can skills eventually be combined or synthesized, like Guy was talking about with the Sweet Scent and Paralytic Spores earlier? I don't just mean using two skills at the same time, I mean like, fusing into an entirely new skill.
@Haeo Hope you feel better soon man. No worries, updates always take me forever anyway. I intended to do a minor one before the weekend for other groups, but I've been kind of busy at work so I don't know if that will happen or not.
I am like 90% certain this frog is about to bullfrog-belch fire all over me. But the legend of One Punch Goblin must begin somewhere!
Forest >> Cave >> Clearing

There and Back Again
@Dark Light@RC3

As Saito hauled his spoils back home, his newly cleared mind was awhirl with possibilities. The stronger bones he had pulled from the carcass had rounded ends, one narrow and designed to fit into the hip joint and the other much larger. They might make good blunt weapons. The creature's hide could be made into some form of clothing, and its tough plates would protect him. He wasn't sure what he would do with the tiny skull--maybe just make a trophy out of it? And the tail...it wasn't really like a piece of vine, flexible or cord-like, because of the plating. Yet it still had flex to it, and each segment of the armor seemed pretty sturdy. It was almost like...a chain? My memories again. Even now they're still cloudy. But I know more than I did before.

I was a man. I lived in another world. I passed away...and I remember that there were a lot of memories. I can't see them, but their weight rests upon my mind greatly. So I must have been old, to accumulate so many. I believe I passed away happily. Content. But...there was something else I wanted, too.

And now I have been reborn. I am...a goblin. My instinct and experiences tell me that much.

He was able to find the mark he had made in the dirt, and with the landmarks he remembered finding the cave again was easy. He noticed there were far fewer goblins here now--the others must be out hunting as well. A scent on the air caught his nose, oddly sweet and fruity. Maybe he could secure some more food for later? He went back inside the cavern, back to his dark corner of the wall, and looked around to make sure no one was watching him. Then he buried his spoils just an inch or so below the dirt, leaving himself enough signs to remember where it was. He didn't know what kind of culture or community these goblins had, but until he could trust them it was better not to let his things be taken. He might be willing to give or to help, but if any goblin tried to steal from him...Well, they'd better not steal from him.

With a now empty loincloth once again wrapped around his hips, Saito headed back out and sought that fruity smell from before. He was cautious, but also curious. Keeping his guard up, he eventually found himself in the presence of one of his goblin brothers, baring his all while fixated and absorbed on something from afar. Saito looked at the other greenskin and scratched his chin as he mulled over his observations.

This fellow was the one that had bitten another goblin's ear, and run off back into the cave. His underbite and fidgety hands gave him an odd look, with elements of both a simpleton and a trickster. Yet he moved like he knew what he was doing--even more quietly than Saito had on his earlier hunt. And he had fashioned himself a piece of protection of some sort, just a brace of sticks, as well as a weapon--using, Saito noted with some spark of humor, his own loincloth. The sling didn't look very well made and such a weapon seemed...deceptive in its use. If he planned to throw rocks with it, it would mean he had to build up a lot of momentum, wouldn't it? Reasoning would follow that swinging the weapon in order to do that would also make it difficult to aim...but maybe the goblin had already practiced with it?

The other goblin saw him, and gave him a wide grin full of sharp teeth. Saito's own expression was decidedly stoic. His brother raised one finger to his lips for silence, and Saito nodded. He had already noticed, up ahead in the clearing, that the source of that sweet smell was coming from what looked like a ball of grass and twigs covered in some yellow substance. It sat on a patch of ground that had obviously been disturbed--so this goblin was trying to draw some creature into a trap.

The other hunter went to the left, and again Saito watched him move with interest. This greenskin definitely knew something of the art of stealth, or at the very least he had a talent for it. Saito tried to mimic his brother as he went to the other direction, but watched as the other goblin loaded the sling. He would need to make sure to stay out of the weapon's aim--if a throw missed the target, and he was standing on the other side of the clearing, he didn't want the missile to kill him instead.

Slowly hoping forward, interested in the sweet aroma that came from the trap, was a plump frog, around two feet in height. Its red skin, horns, and oddly tiny wings all seemed very out of place to Saito. Around a foot from the trap, its tongue shot forward, aiming for the source of the sugary scent. Sadly, instead of a treat, it was surprised by the unpleasant tasting slime and the discomfort from the pointed bark and stick. It grimaced in dissatisfaction as its tongue quickly retracted.

The creature faced the trap. The other goblin was on one side of it. Saito was on the other side, but at an angle, diagonal, so that the slingshot wouldn't hit him by accident. It also allowed him to react more easily to the frog's movement. If it tried to run forward, it would go into the trap. If it tried to run backwards away from the trap, Saito would be able to cut it off. If it ran from his brother, then it would be coming right at him and he would again be able to intercept it. And if he moved for it first, it would have to either run into the trap or into the other goblin.

The goblin seemed to think they were in a good position. Saito felt his muscles relaxing once more. Just like when he had lunged to attack the Shrew, his rearmost foot pressed into the ground with a slowly building pressure...

The sling whirled with a whip-crack, but Saito was afraid it still wouldn't be fast enough. Would the frog hear the other goblin winding up for the throw? Would it have the senses or reflexes to dodge the attack?

No time for what-ifs. Saito almost felt the "rising and falling timing" pulling him along. He aimed to move in from such an angle that he wouldn't run into the trap if the frog dodged him, but he was fully committed to the followthrough of his attack.

He Lunged and Struck in one motion--and, in the single instant of thought he had left before his physical body was moving with intent, he realized that something felt different compared to before. And it wasn't just that he didn't have a weapon this time--in fact, that almost felt more natural.

Easily moving twice as quick, maybe faster, than when he attacked the Shrew, Saito covered the distance between himself and the Dragon Frog. In fractions of a second his body twisted all at once: his foot came down hard, sending a rebound from the earth up into his thighs and hips. This explosive power was converted into torque by his waist, spiraling up his backbone. And this torque assisted the extension of his arm, driving forward even more with the aid of his shoulder and triceps. As the same time his other arm drew back, fist curling near his hip under his ribs. This pulley motion, action-reaction, further increased the speed and power of the arm driving out like a piston towards the Dragon Frog.

Saito's fist clenched hard enough to pop his knuckles. What would have been a gut-level punch to a creature the same size as himself, was at just the right height to strike the frog's face or the back of its head. And just like before, he felt the exhiliration of breath leaving his body in time with the strike, further increasing its ferocity.


@Dark LightIn my next post I'll have Saito stumble upon Reshy's hiding spot on his way back to camp, then.

@RC3 Before I start writing, did I get any useful carves off the Shrew? Or has the desire sensor kicked in this early?
Saito as acquire...Poison Resistance.

Poison Resistance: Makes the user resistance to various poisons. With prolonged or repeated exposure to significant amounts, immunity may develop. The amount of poisons that do not effect the user become higher in number as this skill ranks up. (Passive) E-Rank

Deboning, gotcha. Anyway, anything in particular you wanna be going for while going back to the cave? Another encounter, joining up with another group, or just some R&R?

Also, the berries were poisonous but only when digested. I suppose Saito won't be finding that out now.

I'm planning to head back to the cave and hoping to either get another encounter on the way there, or to join another player group. Saito could totally Kirito-kun this whole world but that wouldn't be as much fun. ;)

Would there be any way for Saito to tell that the berries were poisonous, or that his new skills have appeared? Like, do they churn his guts just enough to make him say "uh oh" but then it suddenly clears up after he swallows the animal flesh in his mouth? Like Guy said it'd be pretty in-character for him to offer food to others in the future >_>

Also, I was under the impression we were all picking one skill at a time because that's all we could get from eating one monster, but if it just uses up multiple uses of Absorb then I'd like to retro-actively absorb the Scaled Shrew's other two skills if possible. As Mr. Miyagi said, "Most important rule of Karate: defense!"

If there's anybody out there who feels like Saito could help them at the moment, speak up! Except y'all out there with the orc, y'all are fucked. J/K

so what I'm hearing...

Is that you want that shrew B O N E L E S S?

...I'm, I'm not sure I understand the reference. But yes. Yes I do.
@RC3 I included an OOC tag in my post, but just in case: I pick the Passive Defensive Skill for Saito to absorb. And I'm also hoping to carve some WYVERN GEMS bones out of what's left of the Shrew.

The First Meal

Saito let the prey drop to the ground, and kicked it hard where he thought the ribs would be for good measure. It wasn't out of cruelty--somehow, he felt that hitting something hard enough to take its breath away would make it hard for it to fake being dead. The Scaled Shrew did not stir. He had done it.

He dropped to his knees next to the creature, breathing hard. His stomach rumbled. It wasn't so much the "fight" that had taken it out of him, but the simple fact he had been hoisting this creature's whole body weight and repeatedly bashing it to mush. Now that he stopped to examine himself, he wasn't even scratched! He felt an odd swelling of pride in his chest--he wondered if any of the other goblins had managed their hunts this well.

And now, to business. His hunger simply would not wait any more. Those odd memories threatened to surface again--there seemed to be something "wrong" about eating the creature as it was, but whatever it was Saito couldn't figure it out. And it couldn't stop him from digging in as soon as possible. Still, he did heed the odd, fuzzy sensations on one account.

He took his rock, and one of his pointed sticks, and drove the wood to split the animal's hide. It was a bit of a touchy business, as he couldn't hit it full force like he would a chisel--he only needed to puncture the skin a little bit, and then rip it a little bit more, and then get a firm hold on it with his hands. Stomach growling, he disemboweled the Shrew. Why? The reasons were threefold. First, he wanted to remove the innards because he somehow felt they wouldn't be as tasty as the rest of the animal, save for its heart, liver, and kidneys. These, and the stomach pouch, he kept. All of the other offal he threw onto the ground nearby, and dusted them with a layer of dirt before doing the same to his hands and rubbing the grit off against the grass.

The second reason: If there were any scavenger animals in the area, or other creatures that might be attracted by the smell, he hoped they would pick up the scent once the innards had time to waft in the breeze for a bit. That way, he might be able to return to this place later for a second hunt.

And the third reason: He split open the stomach, and took a look at what the creature had been eating. It was full of berries, only partially digested...and aside from the acrid smell of digestive juices, Saito didn't smell anything particularly foul. Nor did the skin of the stomach look as if it were irritated from the berries or their juices.

With this accomplished he tossed the stomach aside with the other bits, and took his own handful of berries back up. He took one berry, and smeared it to paste over his arm. Then he placed them alongside the rest of his food. He was able to quickly gather another handful of berries from the ones the Scaled Shrew had been eating, and added these to the pile.

Finally, his stomach rumbling so much as to distract him, he set to one last task. Again driving the pointy stick with the rock, he made jagged, amateurish punctures all down the sides of the Shrew's back. Grasping its shell with both hands, Saito grunted as he pulled, again and again. Eventually, the whole hide came off with a hideous rip. Tearing the tail off was easier--but now, he had some very strong armored plates. What would he use them for? He wasn't sure yet, but those foggy, buzzing thoughts in his head seemed to be formulating an idea.

And now, he could eat.

The berries on his arm had not irritated his skin in any way. He smeared some more of the juice around his mouth, and then grabbed the Scaled Shrew's corpse. Picking up one forelimb, he literally bit right into it, sinking his teeth into skin. Tearing off the smaller, thinner scales on its hide was like biting through an overcooked fry batter or hard vegetable. His exaggerated canines split its flesh easily, and he tore off a huge, bleeding chunk. Chewing, crunching, gulping, he devoured it with no thought for such things as table manners. He took another bite, and another. The berry juice around his lips hadn't caused any adverse affects, so he popped just two into his mouth and chewed them thoroughly. As their tight roundness burst he savored the juices, but chewed a while more without swallowing. Satisfied that they were not poison, he gathered up both handfuls and tossed them into the body cavity left behind by his removal of the prey's organs.

The goblin continued to eat ravenously. He popped the Shrew's eyes like candy. He tore at its sinews like strings of licorice. Handful upon handful, mouthful upon mouthful, of flesh and blood disappeared into his maw. The berries served almost like a sauce, as he mashed them up inside the creature's corpse and ate handfuls of the mixture two at a time.

Finally, Saito sat back on his haunches and sighed. He looked up at the blue sky, and suddenly...

The world seemed much clearer. Birds were chirping, leaves wildly rustled, and the growls and sounds of the various creatures that called the forest their home were never ending. Everything around him gradually became vibrant and filled with life, as it should have been. The pain, fatigue, and discomfort he previously felt had disappeared, as if it was never there. This was certainly more than simple recovery.

Now that his mind was clear again, Saito observed his surroundings. He suddenly picked up the signs of various creatures that he hadn't been aware of before...and he was sure that, somewhere out there, were much stronger creatures than this Shrew. He looked at the position of the sun and tried to gauge how long he'd been away from the cave.

Once again he picked up his stone, and the bloodied pointy stick. He had one more thing to do--try and debone what was left of the Shrew. Maybe he could its claws and fangs, or its femurs, or some such things for some other purpose. As soon as he could do that--or not, depending--he would gather up his items, put his underwear back on, and head home.

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