Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

19 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

"9 Hrs Ago: 45 posts in subscribed topic..." HOLY SHIT *sees it's just OOC* Oh thank God.

Ah wageslave... How I miss thee. Unfortunately I was laid off due to lack of hours and I have been able to find another job in my small ass town.

Yeah I should probably be counting my blessings, since I never lost work because of the pandemic and such.

I don't know what kind of skillset you have or if you have the uh, stomach for it, but if you're in a smaller, more rural area like I am, you might want to look into any nearby funeral homes. The industry tends to be understaffed in general, and has more positions than people realize. You might find some office/administrative work, or IT related stuff, or just follow a funeral director around as an assistant.

Just be clear with 'em upfront if you don't want anything to do with the uh, "pickups" and "prep work."

EDIT: My post will come in sometime around 6:00 PM CST United States, unless something comes up. If I play my cards right I might actually get off early tho so we'll see.
@Chris488@MetalWeightObviously, it's the one who told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
Yeah sorry about not having Seiji notice or sense anything, I think our posts literally went up at the same time.

EDIT: Wait is this part of the Meta?
Slow the fuck down.

Sorry, I just felt like since someone was interacting with Seiji and there were other characters making more dramatic entrances, I should go ahead and react sooner. In an RP with a cast this size I'm a bit afraid of sitting back for too long and then having to write a dozen different reactions to what's going on at once and end up with a big wall of text nobody fully reads. I'll try to hang back a little more.
This will probably be my last post for the night, gotta sleep and then wageslave tomorrow. I'll be around to shoot the shit for a bit tho.
πŸ•ˆ Seiji & Empusa β™‘

1st Floor Entrance Lobby

@Chris488"Fuck if I know, this is supposed to be Hell, but it looks like some rich kid's apartment.” The taller man returned Seiji’s grip, and he could tell the guy was a good bit stronger than he looked. "I'm Adam." From his tone of voice, he seemed like a rough and tumble sort, too. For the first time, Seiji noticed the bandages around the other boy’s arm and his hospital gown. As they each dropped their hands, he started to ask what was on his mind. Is this guy here because he actually died?

β€œAre you--”

@ShuAnother classy demon kicked the door closed as she swept into the room, causing Seiji to flinch from the noise. She wore a billowy, oversized gray overcoat that came to a rest just above her ankles. A pair of aviators rested on her nose and ears, concealing her red eyes as they scanned the rather impressive entry area.

β€œWhat’s banging motherfuckers? Jael has arrived.” Jael announced loudly and proudly for all to hear. Seiji raised both eyebrows when he saw the goat-like creature striding alongside her, and he completely lost the train of thought he’d been on. Adam grimaced next to him, and Seiji wondered if he had the same problems with that white haired Demon that the Japanese youth had with Empusa. Just then, another human girl--whose blonde hair almost made Seiji brace himself for impact--approached the group.

@Mylingβ€œI'm Rosie!” The new arrival wasn’t speaking to him, but Adam’s supposed sister. Seiji didn’t interrupt their conversation, but had to strain to even hear the human girl’s response. Sasha, as she named herself, seemed timid. Seiji stepped over to one side of Adam, standing next to the man instead of in front of him as he joined the taller male in observing their company. Another girl rushed in clutching an old knapsack. She panted there in the doorway in her white sweater dress, looking as if she had run a marathon.

"Hello... Everyone... Am... I... Late?" The girl managed to ask in between breaths.

@Queen of Acesβ€œIf you were, none of us would know it.” Seiji said, waving one hand as he rolled his eyes. He looked at the new girl, Adam, Sasha, and Rosie in turn as he spoke, and tried to lift his voice above some of the chaos. β€œAll my Contractor told me is that it’s apparently in the Demon Rulebook that I come here to be β€˜evaluated,’ whatever the Here that means.” He spoke more directly to the four humans now. β€œBut it seems like there are more of them here than us? Can you make Contracts with more than one Demon?”

The very idea of a second Empusa in his life filled him with dread.
@Queen of Aces

*Seiji and Empusa, in unison, with completely straight faces*
"What's a 'pull-out game'?"
@Dark Cloud
Seiji to Dex: "Look man, take it from me, being a harem protag really isn't as great as--"

*Seiji stops. Jeopardy music plays. A thought bubble above his head shows an image of Dex surrounded by Aurora, Lilith, and (grabs profile at random) Jael.
"Oh, Dex, you turned out to be so manly!"
"Yeah, he's clearly a cut above the rest!"
"Not at all like that LOSER, Seiji!"
"Yeah, we won't pay attention to guys like him AT ALL anymore!"*

*He throws an arm around the young demon*
"My boi, this debauchery is what all true warriors strive for! C'mon, let's get you LAID!"
@Zeroth Hey we're roommates...

There's a calm knock at the door. Dex opens it to see Empusa standing there like:

Its confirmed, Aurora and Empusa are gonna fight over Seiji at some point. Not only fight, but Seiji will have to hide under various tables, beds, inside cupboards and wardrobes, keeping as much distance as he can as well as do whatever he can to avoid getting cornered by horny demons.
Seiji is just walking down a hallway alone and then [OMINIOUS AMBIENT NOISE] plays as the lights flicker and Aurora is just standing behind him like "OwO, whats this?" and cue him [loudly sweating in fear]

*Seiji summons Gydroibolg immediately and spins around, holding it in front of him desperately with both hands. In this moment, the Boke and Tsukkomi routine falls away and he actually starts to look like a Shonen protagonist.*
Then he opens his mouth.
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