Avatar of Zeroth


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18 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@tobiax Ah, okay. I'll take a look and see what I can swap out to balance the points. For the equipment, the idea was going to be that he'd have stolen it. That's been his primary use of his Septima, using it to infiltrate places or swap objects around so as to bypass security and pull off big heists. If it's still too much, which pieces would you suggest would be the most feasible for him to have stolen and kept?

And yes, sure, I'll join the Discord!

EDIT: I refunded the Combat Suit and the Weapons Familiarity with Medium Firearms, changing the total used to 1095 with 5 Points leftover after adding Self Adjust to Shoot Die.
Shoot Die has some elements of self-adjust and projected adjust that need to be clarified a bit before the totals can be confirmed, at least.

When I read over the CS instructions and looked at other profiles, I took the "adjust" parameters to be like a buff/debuff, increasing or decreasing some metric of the subject (slow an enemy down, increase the strength of a punch, etc), or something that alters the fundamental state of the target (setting an enemy on fire, lasering a hole through their flesh). The intent behind Shoot Die is meant to be a "change," but not an "alteration," if that makes any sense? If an object traveling East enters the Die at 100 mph, it could be ejected at that speed but now facing a different direction (North, South, West, Up, Down). The target isn't damaged or transformed from its fundamental state, and the only parameter that has changed is its spatial direction, which I don't think is a metric that can be "increased/decreased" the way something like speed, temperature, etc could be.

Does that help clarify anything? If I misunderstood some aspect of the system let me know, I'll get it tweaked as soon as I can!

Still accepting players.

I saw the most recent posts for this and got excited, but now I realize this was from a year ago. Are you still open to new players? If so I have a submission, hopefully I've gotten all the math right and explained the powers adequately. I've only played the first game in the series, so I hope that's alright!

@Aristocles It wasn't meant as a derivative, I was just pointing out why others might have asked the question since you mentioned I wasn't the first. Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers--or scales!
You're actually the second one to bring up the anime evolution bit. No, this isn't like that. They're hatched as kobold, they live as kobolds, they die as kobolds. No overarching plot is in place; the players are free to do as they wish in a sandbox-type RP.

It's starting to become a popular RP concept because of the various anime/manga series around the same idea popping up, I'd imagine. I actually did a similar one with more Isekai flavor about a year ago. Anyway, thanks for your answers! I'll be withdrawing my hat, but wish you luck with it!

Possibly interested, if you're still accepting. But would this be like one of those monster flavored isekai/LitRPG style anime where the Kobolds eventually level up/evolve into stronger variants or different creatures based on their achievements? Such as growing wings, or changing into Lizardmen, Dragonborn, etc-types of creatures? Or will it just be Kobolds, being Kobolds, and their attempts to strengthen/expand/conquer/sabotage their own societies? Do you currently have any kind of overarching plot or recurring antagonists planned out?
Inspiration for your character can come from stories like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hero, The Seven Swords, The Untamed, Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity, and Heaven's Official Blessing.

I'm only familiar with the first three of those (though I didn't watch Seven Swords in its entirety), but does this mean that things will be more along the lines of exaggerated, but still relatively human feats? Will things like energy blasts, flying swords, ground-stomping earthquakes, and so forth not be featured?
Popping in to save a slot! As mentioned in the PM discussion I'll wait until some other characters have been made so I can adjust mine accordingly, since he was originally made for a different thing. If any other players are trying to avoid "overlap," my guy was basically gonna be a jian swordsman with a style that revolves around drifting footwork, high speed attacks, and focus on deflection/parrying instead of blocking. So more of a quickdraw/evasive style of swordsmanship.
@Solarpunk That's a pretty common setup in Wuxia long before Jade Empire (I still need to play that one of these days)--the whole genre is always about the conflicts between the "Righteous/Harmonious/Orthodox/Justice sects/clans/alliances, and the Chaotic/Unorthodox/Demonic ones. Interestingly enough, Cultivation seems like it played a much smaller part in most of the older stories. Then around the time the Isekai fad took off in Japan, something similar happened with Chinese media only they always themed their stories around the Wuxia/Xianxia settings. Rather than Stats and Levels like Isekai, they started establishing more and more varied forms of Cultivation with all these different realms and requirements for "breakthrough." Still the same flood of OP generic protagonists and harem nonsense, though! XD
start thinking about your character and which side they'll be on.

Did you ever get the PM I sent you? I had a prewritten character but wanted to get your thoughts on anything that might need to be changed for your setting.
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