Avatar of Zeroth


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18 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts


First Friend, Get!

@FeyblueKai watched the face Julian made as the other recruit chewed their food. He put his own biscuit into his mouth and sat there, mimicking the other student's rhythm. They gulped at the same time.

"Who, me? I'm always energetic. Today especially! We're gonna finally start becoming knights, after all!"

"Yeah!" Kai threw both of his fists up in the air with an excited grin. "I'm gonna do my best, and be a hero just like Gramps!" He did it! He had made a friend! Again, as the bluette finished was was on his plate, he looked around the room at the others. Zenshin was talking about his training, or the lack of it, with Nathaniel. Nathaniel didn't seem so angry anymore, but there was something...slightly unnerving about how quiet he had been. Normally, people yelled at Kai when he did things like burst through doors and knock them over. But Nathaniel seemed focused on other things...and the wildling had no idea what thoughts the other boy might be having. Given how intense he had been thus far, the shift was unexpected.

Most of the others, meanwhile, seemed a little subdued in their conversations--maybe they weren't really wide awake yet? Ah...they weren't "energetic" like he and Julian were? Was that...something that needed to be fixed? He looked back at Julian.

"What made you wanna be a knight, Julian?" he asked. "Do you have a Gramps too?"

In other words, I don't think I have it in me to make a purely nice, altruistic, sympathetic character that bonds well with other people that doesn't have a dark psychopathic side that also wants to harm someone. I would pass out from the boredom.

Stories like these often work very well with protagonists who aren't purely heroic, but are motivated by other means. Maybe he could have a mercenary mindset, willing to work with others as long as the pay is good? Or a challenge oriented mindset that cares less who he works for, or with, as long as an employer can provide him with strong opponents to fight? Things like that would make it possible for him to interact with other players and the plot without supporting the same ideals or getting ganked, and could make for better character conflict when those ideals clash verbally. Or maybe talk to other players about interweaving the revenge plot, so that his reason for being around is something like "they have clues that I need, even if I hate their guts."

Xincai, Henan

New Sights

The warm, fruity, pepper-and-vanilla scent of cinnamon swirled with the soft florals and woody musk of agarwood. The incense couldn’t quite cover the horse dung, fire smoke, and other smells, but it made it much easier to ignore them. But the sounds were even harder to filter: people talking, sometimes in raised and angry voices, stubborn mules braying as they hauled creaking carts, and footsteps of a thousand different weights and strides. Rustling clothes, clinking armor, jingling coins…a girlish giggle and squeal, somewhere further down an alleyway. Yi Hyun-Woo felt warmth rise to his face, and turned his focus elsewhere.

The cobblestones under his feet were mostly even, save for a line he occasionally stepped across that had been worn further down. Wagon tracks. The sheathed tip of his sword absently tapped a pattern across the square bricks, noting the different sounds between fired clay, calcified mortar, and occasionally, simple packed earth. He shifted his weight slightly to one side, and felt the wind ripple against his sleeve as the person he’d sensed passed him. His head tilted to better gauge the sounds in front of him, and he breathed deeply through his nose. Baked goods, fresh fabrics, and occasionally even oiled metal. A marketplace.

Hyun-Woo opened his eyes for the second time since arriving in Xincai. The second time, because the first time at the gate had nearly overwhelmed him. Even though his sight had been restored, and he had traveled quite far by this point…it still felt like his mind could barely process everything at once. Especially in a place as bustling as the Middle Kingdom–the bright colors of silks, the artistry of buildings and banners, and the made-up faces of beautiful women, all of it and a thousand other things made him feel as if he were catching fever right behind his eyes. Perhaps the worst thing to get used to–especially once he started training–had been what he now knew as depth perception. Looking at the mountains and rivers of his homeland, and now the ever-grander Middle Plains, had been enough to bring him to tears. When he had embarked on this quest, riding across the ocean from Jeju-Do to Shanghai had nearly sent him into shock. And the trip overland afterward had been a new surprise every step of the way.

The world was so big now, compared to the dark void he had once wandered. Sometimes, it was still easier to travel that way…but he had to get used to it. Just like martial arts, he had to train the eyes he had not used for so many years…

He registered the sound of two bodies colliding, and turned to see a young woman fumbling with a pile of scrolls. A few rough men were moving in the other direction–was she trying to follow them? Or had they pushed her? No, wait, that man hurrying in the other direction, maybe that was what he’d sensed?

Hyun-Woo heard someone snicker. He closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows as the muscles around his ears twitched.

“Is she supposed to be some sort of scribe, or a street urchin?” “Stupid woman, out of my way! I’m going to be late…” “That’s what you get for associating with thugs like that…”

The young swordsman opened his eyes, and held his sheathed blade against his belt as he walked towards the girl. His boot gently stopped a runaway scroll, and he held out his hand to her.

“Are you alright, Miss?” he said, in a soft tenor. His pale, amber eyes were wide like a child’s, as he found it much easier to focus on a single person. He wondered what all the different expressions she was making meant–he hadn’t gotten used to navigating by those yet, either. "Did those men do something unchivalrous?"
[ K Y O ]

Haruki (春樹) Province
A Roadside Brawl

"He's an Oni!" "Watch his club!" "Shoot him! SHOOT HIM!"

Kyo stopped the bandit's wooden club with his bare hand, and his claws dug furrows in the heavy oak as his grip tightened. His supernatural senses picked up the creak of bowstrings, and he jerked the human around to serve as a living shield. The shafts sank into the man's gut as the Oni lifted him clear of the ground, and he screamed again. A third bandit, maybe the smartest one of the group, turned and sprinted into the forest with sword in hand.

"I'll cut ya down, big bastard!" roared the leader, as he charged at Kyo's backside with that great wood cutting axe. The youkai lashed out with his club, but the ruffian actually rolled under it! Kyo stepped back as that thick blade almost cracked his shin--he was big and strong, but not invincible. Then something heavy hit him in the small of the back, and he stumbled forward. One of the other thugs had a fist sized iron ball at the end of a chain, which jerked back and began to loop in preparation for another attack. He barely got the slowly dying man in between him and the leader's next swing of the axe--the poor wretch finally died this time, after all that howling. Then the Oni planted his big foot in the corpse's back and kicked both of them clear across the road! The bandit leader lost his weapon, and hit the broad side of a tree hard enough to drive the breath from his lungs. As Kyo turned to the others, he swung his club to keep them at bay--that chain shot out again, and wrapped around the spiked iron rod.

"I'll hold 'em, get in there!" The remaining humans charged in with desperate shouts, and Kyo grinned.

"You're cute!" He flexed his muscles and roared, and yanked the human--not a small man by any stretch of the senses--bodily from the earth. The man arced through the air at hair raising speed. He barely had time to gasp as the forest around him blurred--and then he crunched against another tree. But Kyo couldn't revel in it--another arrow hit him, this time in the side, and he let out a pained bellow as he slammed his club into the ground. With one arm covering the wound he fended off his attackers with the other. A wild swing of his forearm snapped off a spear's haft, but a chipped sword left a wound across his chest. Shallow but ragged, it bled bright red over his pearl-white hide, and again he snarled.

"What'sa matter, you WEAKLINGS!?" the Demon screamed, hefting his weapon again and half-circling. Two more arrows hit the ground where he'd been, but the third snagged one his robes and took a chunk of the material with it. "Ain't no problem stealin' and killin' when it's peasants, but a li'l ol' Demon has you pissin' your pants?! C'MON!" It was half-bravado, but they didn't know that--he had underestimated the archers, hadn't even expected simple cattle rustlers and highwaymen to be that smart. His head snapped from side to side, fangs bared.

@Conscripts Then he saw the horses. More bandits?! Or--wait. These guys had actual armor and weapons? Who were they with? Youkai hunters?! Too many thoughts, too many enemies--!

"RAAAAAAGH!" Another roar, but it wasn't Kyo's. The bandit leader was back up, and with both hands on that axe he tried to carve out the Oni's spine. Kyo spun and blocked with both hands on his kanabo, and the two chunks of iron threw sparks against each other.

"SHADDUP!" His four black horns came down like a hammer. Kyo stood more than head and shoulders above the bandit; his skull slammed the man into the ground hard enough that a circle of dust actually blew outward around them when the bandit hit the forest floor. But now the rest of the Bloody Wolves Gang looked around in confusion--they too, had no idea who these newcomers were, and the archers hesitated to choose their targets while the other men faltered without their leader...
No real changes; it's good. You're free to put him in the character tab.

I saw that a 0th post is already present in the CS tab, but did you want me to wait until you added your own character in a 1st post or anything like that?

Here's my CS, with some of the alterations we discussed via PM. If I still need to change anything or if something could use improvement, please let me know! I also welcome feedback/critique from other players!

Hells yeah, I've been waiting for an RP like this to pop up for a long time!

Just to clarify, since this is more "Wuxia" and less "you thought Legendary Rank was the peak of cultivation? You've still got 13 Dimensional Realms and 72 Constellations to work through, boyo!" where do things like monsters, Demon/Spirit Beasts, or just general supernatural things like ghosts, necromancy, etc fall? Will we be sticking to mostly Street Fighter-esque applications of Qi, or is stuff like "Five Element Magic/Illusion Arrays/Summoning Arts/etc" present as well?
Hopefully starting out this many provinces over from Mifu is okay. Left it open and chaotic enough that it'd be easy for others to hear or notice if anyone else wants to get involved.
[ K Y O ]

Haruki (春樹) Province
Beginning of A Long Road

A region that truly embodied the bounty of the land, forests and fertile ground filled Haruki Province. Such abundance meant that they supplied many of the other regions with food as the "Rice Bowl of Tenkai." Their abundance also allowed them to invest in luxuries, leaving its people better off than most--or, at least, that was what the tiny brush strokes in the corner of the map said. Truth be told, such abundance brought problems of its own to this lush land--such as the unscrupulous sorts who would gorge themselves on Haruki's horn of plenty.

"Hmmm...I must've walked several more miles by this point. Am I on the right road?" The young man--tall, handsome in feature, wearing robes and, most telling of his status, a sword--folded the map and placed it back into the inner lining of his kimono. His eyes were sharp, but bright, both young and intelligent. Despite his doubts he continued along the path.

"Too far to turn back now, I suppose..."

Yet not long after he said this, he rounded a bend in the path. On the other side of a steep hill, thick with trees and underbrush, the dirt road came to a sudden obstruction--a fallen tree, still clinging to its stump by a splintered sliver of trunk. The young man narrowed his eyes even further, for this was no misfortune of weather or age. The axe embedded in the stump had an edge that still gleamed.

"Ahh, sorry bout that, Young Master!" A rough voice guffawed. Atop the tree sat a large man, his plain robes girded up around his fat, hairy legs. His forearms bristled equally with muscle as well as fuzz, and his balding head held a smile minus a few teeth. "But the road's closed! Ya can't come this way!"

"It's no problem." The youth's hands dropped to his sides--the boor reached for the handle of his axe. But the noble-faced lad didn't touch his own weapon after all, and the thug relaxed. "I can simply go around."

"Gehahaha!" The ruffian dropped down from his perch and pulled the axe free, tapping its shaft across his shoulders. "'Fraid not, brat."

At that, more men appeared. One from either side of the fallen tree, blocking the roundabout. Two more stepped out onto the road behind their target, and yet another closed in from his left. The youth did not look at any of them--instead, he glanced up toward the hill on his right, and sniffed the air.

"Pretty smart, ain'tcha? Yep, we got an archer or three up there." The first bandit stepped forward and hacked a glob of phlegm into the dust. "An' forgive my rudeness, young master, but you don't look like one o' them prodigies what can take ten men without a scratch. So why don't ya lay down that sword...and yer purse...and them clothes, too?" With every moment the group closed in, until one of the two at his flank made to grab the young man's arm and pull him down--

"Wh...what the hell?" The bandit grabbed him with the other hand as well, and yanked as hard as he could. The youth didn't budge. "H-he's s'damn heavy, what gives!?"

"Are you guys the ones calling themselves the Bloody Wolves Gang?" asked the cool youth. But those sharp, bright eyes had changed--their corners perked with glee, just like the smirk on his face that grew wider every moment. The leader froze for a half-moment, then raised his axe.

"Kill 'em!"

A club, a heavy butcher's knife, and a stolen sword all swung at one time. The young man burst into laughter--and flame. A purple, magical blaze sprang from his skin, consuming his entire form in seconds. The clash of steel rang out. As the smoke cleared, the bandits saw their weapons caught among rows of spiked iron studs...and with ever mounting horror, craned their necks as the muscular, black-and-white skinned arm flexed its clawed grip on a red, cloth-wrapped haft.

"I'm hungry, so if you let me have one of those cows you've been rustling, I might let one of you sorry bastards live!" roared the Demon. With three whistle-thumps, three feathered shafts seemed to sprout from one alabaster shoulder. The Oni let out an enraged shout and brought his enormous club down right on top of an assailant. The other two jumped back, but as their companion's body was driven to the ground, his head no longer resembled anything recognizable as a human. The crimson spray spattered the Oni's pale face, and a long tongue snaked out to lap it up.

"Make that two cows."

Screams and bestial roars echoed through the forest...
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