Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

16 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
1 mo ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@ERode You’ve sealed your fate now. Lone Orc and Cub time!


Posted! I was originally going to wait until I had my Skill summaries, but decided to go ahead while I had the time. I made some assumptions about how Primal Rage worked, and used the info @TheNoCoKid gave me about the NPC via PM, so I hope that's all okay! If not, let me know what I need to edit, or if any part of the post needs to be re-done entirely!


Penrithe Forest

Just like something out of his Japanese anee-mays, a glowing, data-green screen opened up in front of Dalton. At the same time, he caught a whiff of something on the air. It reminded him of a...dog? But somehow, maybe subconsciously, he knew it wasn't. His ears twitched again at a sound in the underbrush. Nonetheless, in that brief moment before his instincts screamed at him, he read what was on the screen.

Name: __________
Race: Merrick (Omega)
Level: 1
Active Effects: Reincarnation (Ends 00:02 > 00:01)

[*][Combat Sense]
Your keen senses allow you to detect and predict where potential attackers are hid--

In a single second, Dalton's reading speed proved its worth. He didn't have time to register the numbers beside his different stats, or the other two tabs, but "potential attackers" immediately contextualized the new smells and sounds he was picking up. His head was already turning when the brush in front of him parted--!

A silver-furred wolf, as graceful as she was deadly, leaped out in front of him! Fangs bared, the animal snarled and glared with storm-gray eyes as the fur on its neck bristled.

Look big! Look big! screamed Dalton's analytical side, its mental voice breaking and rising a few octaves in terror. Right, he'd always heard that if you made yourself look bigger than you were, and made intimidating noises, that animals would back off! Ambush predators like wolves and mountain lions weren't supposed to attack if the prey knew they were there and looked like it would put up a fight!

HURRY IT UP! yelled his emotional side, before dumping a load of coal on the fire surging up in Dalton's guts.

Dalton did not usually allow himself to have outbursts of anger or fear. Strict self control, a desire not to rock the boat, rigid courtesy training from his parents...for whatever reason, he'd allowed himself to be chained up all his life.

But he had just died. He'd lived his whole life without meaning, letting himself be trampled on at every turn. He'd allowed himself to be tied down by worthless rules that no one else followed. Some dumbass kid had been looking at their stupid phone, and some idiot trucker had been going way over the speed limit, and the freaking vice president had been on his ass all morning, and that rich bastard had heaped nothing but abuse on him over the phone, and then some Final Fantasy reject had thrown him out here with no pants--!

>> [Primal Rage] activated!

Dalton screamed back at the wolf, at the top of his lungs. As he raised his arms high above his head, fingers curled into claws, and tried to make himself look as imposing and dangerous as possible, he screamed. Though he didn't know it, his pupils narrowed to slits and the whites of his eyes turned bloodshot red. His own fangs were bared wide. Though his body wasn't exactly huge and buff, he didn't have much fat on him either. Every muscle stood taut against his flesh, and veins pulsed in his forehead and along his forearms.

As his Skill surged through him, his muscles pulsed as if they were growing of their own accord. His skin flushed red and his voice rose in volume yet again. Something like steam, or maybe an aura, rose from his body as he shook with unbridled fury. A vibration, a thrumming resonance deep within his chest, caused his words to reverberate.


The wolf's ears suddenly flattened back against her head in surprise. The animal's tail, which was sticking straight out, lowered ever so slightly. She still snarled, but an unsure tongue darted out between her teeth as she crouched lower to the ground, hiding her vulnerable throat.

"I WILL $%&@ YOU UP, BUTTERCUP!" Dalton stomped one foot on the ground, and the impact seemed much heavier than it should've been, leaving an impression in the dirt under his sandal.

The wolf took a step back, and the snarl faded to a low growl...then a whine. Dalton felt relief wash over him--and then, a cold, nervous realization. What was happening to him? He'd triggered a Skill of some kind? He could barely think straight--it didn't make any sense for him to try and attack this animal unarmed. All he wanted to do was scare it and make it go away, but he felt like if it actually turned tail and ran, his first reaction would be to chase it!

Anyone else might've given into that rage, and damned the consequences. Dalton was certainly tempted. But his habit, the one he'd lived his whole life by, was one of self control. And so he was able to temper, just the little bit, this power that he had only barely tapped into before it could overwhelm him.

>> [Primal Rage] deactivated.

"Yeah, that's right!" He kept his arms upraised, and yelled loud enough to shake the leaves on the trees. But the red glow began to fade from his eyes as he wrinkled his nose at the wolf in imitation of its own hackles. "You don't hurt me, I don't hurt you! So walk away!"

The wolf blinked as it took another step back. Then, slowly, it nodded...and spoke.

"You're the one in my tribe's territory! Identify yourself!" said the beast, in an unmistakably female voice. This time it was Dalton's turn to blink as his ears flattened against the sides of his head, and both eyebrows flew up.

"What the hell!? You can talk?" he blurted out. The wolf looked at him in confusion, pulling back to a sitting position and tilting her head. Dalton relaxed as well, lowering his arms, but he still stared at her with his jaw gaping.

"What's wrong with you?" The wolf shook herself out--and then started to change.

Dalton's face changed as well.


Somehow, this scream was even louder than the one powered by years of repressed rage and hatred. Above the treetops near the two Merrick, flocks of birds fled their perches and flew over the forest.

"Enough!" shouted the girl as she covered her ears--her actual ears, not the two tufts of hair on her head that resembled ears. "J-just tell me who you are!"

"Uh. Oh. R-right." Dalton nodded dumbly. "I'm Dalton." His shoulders slumped as he pointed at himself with one thumb, as his voice had gone completely monotone.

"...Dah-ru-tun?" She tilted her head again, and the reincarnator gulped. "What kind of name is that? Where are you from?"


The two of them stared at each other for a long time, as they each faced the difficult decision of whether they were more intimidated or confused by the person across from them.

Okay, so how do we play this? Analytical Dalton pushed his non-existent glasses up. Most isekai protagonists tend to keep their original background under wraps...

I might have blown that already.

Yeah, but she's first girl! Emotional Dalton pumped his fists. First girl is always on your side! And she's a WOLF girl!

"...What? Do you hear something?" The girl looked at Dalton one way, and then another, but he just stood in place, staring at her. She gulped and stepped back again. "Hey! Are you listening to me?"

The Status screen said we're something called a Merrick. Should we assume the omega is a reference to a hierarchy? If she's also a Merrick, and she turns into a wolf, then it's possible her tribe works like a pack-- Normal Dalton interrupted himself mid-thought.

Wolves don't actually have alphas and omegas and all that stuff, though. At least, not in the wild. The guy who did that study realized he messed up cause he used wolves that were raised in captivity.


Dalton blinked and realized the girl had gotten closer. She was lowering her head and sniffing directly in front of him. He glanced down--then jumped backwards with a squeak. The girl, too, flinched in surprise.

"What?! What is the matter with you!?"

"I don't know!" He exclaimed in a panic. But, taking a deep breath, he tried to concentrate. "Okay, so look. It's not by choice that I ended up in your territory--I kinda got...dumped here, I guess? Long story. So, if you're not planning to kill me...would you be willing to help me, instead?" He held out his hand--which was already starting to sweat--and gulped before smiling at her nervously.

A post is up!

@King Cosmos Akeno would be considered in the Forest, now, just in case you were wondering since the mention was taken off the North Cave area.
North Caves


Esfir came to a stop at the edge of the light, holding her makeshift weapon close and considering her options. In those few moments, her eyes adjusted the tiniest bit--enough to make out the slightest difference in the shades of stone beneath her feet and around her. Just beyond where she now stood, in the silty center of the damp groove that once carved this hall, she could see the beginnings of a silvery, flaky crystalline substance. Perhaps an ore like that in the narrow passage?

A cold draft whispered through the stone columns, and in so doing it stirred something at the corner of the Orc Runt's eye. A mushroom or plant of some kind, with long, hairy strands drooping down like a miniature willow tree. The thing grew in a small cluster in a crook between the wall and one of the stalagmites growing at an angle out of the ground. Esfir could also see tiny bone fragments around the spot, and a mound of loose soil deposited in that cramped, stuck cranny.

But as she took her first step back, back towards the entrance, the wet and slicky floor beneath her suddenly seemed to shift. Something round and smooth dug into one heel, but it felt like it was coated in some kind of slime or oil! Down she went, limbs flailing to catch herself on instinct! An impact jarred the antler in one of her hands, and the stones were cold on her backside.

Yet, she was unharmed. Her weapon was also fine, having scratched that same flaky surface she'd seen underfoot. A handful of round, smooth stones clinging to the bottom of her foot peeled off with the flick of a finger.

Obtained Item:
Bufonite x3

Then she heard the sound. Low and rumbling, a hiss carried through a reverberating chest. If she had ever heard an alligator or crocodile's bellows, the warning before snapping jaws, that would be the closest comparison from her previous life. However...there was an odd crackle within the noise. As if it were coming out of a...radio? And as the sound ceased, she again heard that insectoid scuttle and flutter.

But nothing lunged for her. It wasn't as loud as the roar from before--it didn't shake the cave or echo endlessly through the depths. It was much, much closer, and yet...if an animal large enough to make that sound were so close, shouldn't she be able to see it? Wouldn't it be on the verge of brushing up against her? Where was this thing? And did she want to find out?

If she so chose, there were no obstacles between her and the noon sunlight outside--no more need to creep if an expeditious retreat was needed.

Outside, Grunthor wasted no time in attempting to devour his latest kill. Even as his stomach rumbled and grumbled and a painful cramping began in his insides, he bit into the surface of the creature while pulling at it with his hands. It was like trying to eat one of those stupidly big gummy bears, but once he managed (after fierce, jaw aching chewing) to tear open the outer membrane, he was met with a much softer, jello-pudding inside.

The outer, elastic sac of the Geo Slime tasted like salty rubber, with just a hint of dirt. The slimy gel, on the other hand, had a flavor like roasted nuts--with a powdery, gritty, too-thick dusting of crushed up anti-acid tablets. Oddly enough, that made his stomach feel slightly better.

Lightly Damaged Singed Stone Slime has been torn apart!
Some Items have been damaged or degraded.
Usable Items obtained:
Stone Slime Membrane x1
Stone Slime Gel x1
Cracked Stone Slime Flake x3

Consumed: Partial Stone Slime Membrane
Consumed: Partial Stone Slime Gel

Activate [Ingestion: Stone Slime] (Y/N)? Approximate Ingestion: 0 > 50%. This will ERASE previous Ingestion Progress [Elwet].
Current Ingestion: Elwet - 100%+
No Ingestible Skills remaining [Elwet].
Ingestible Skills [Stone Slime]:
  • [Blunt Damage Resistance]
  • [Danger Scan]
  • [Stone Shot]
  • [???] - Further Progress Required
  • [???] - Further Progress Required

The Forest


Obtained Items:
Stone Hatchet x1
??? Healing Salve x1

The sun had climbed high into the sky at this point and the shadows had shrunk back, even in the deeper parts of the forest. From the looks of it their scuffle with the goblins had scared away any other critters--the trees and brush were quiet and peaceful.

Now that they had the leniency to look around, the two Runts might note that there were a few things of interest in their immediate area. A small outcrop of rock poked through the dirt, and a couple of loose stones were large enough for tool making but small enough to easily carry. A bit further away, two trees like the one Carmina had seen with petrified growths grew close together, but neither of them had any broken limbs or damaged trunks and as a result there were no stony layers on them. There was also a pointy, cone-shaped shrub with deciduous leaves that curled in tight around the plant. Hidden behind them were clusters of berries in two different colors; the larger, riper looking ones were deep, royal blue, while the smaller ones were green.

If they planned to cook their kills, Carmina would be reminded of the remnants of the fire she'd seen earlier when encountering those other two monsters. It was possible some of the coals left over might still be hot enough to use for a new fire, or at least heaping the blackened charcoal over a new one might help get it up to temperature.
In short, I needed more characters than just Morganna and Drasil to flesh out Vecta and the ones I had…

May I suggest:

Don't worry too much about trying to build "epic" plots or super cool NPCs right off the bat. You'll see Players gravitate towards places/characters they find interesting, and then you can limit the hard stuff like fleshing out personalities and creating ongoing narratives to just those few. Everyone knows Players will always ignore the complex, grimdark guy at the bar to go talk to the bug-eyed goblin with a funny accent who cleans the pigsties anyway, right?
@ERode Whoever drew that picture forgot the most essential part--beating the shit out of a Young Master who dared to talk to MC's Jade-Beauty Childhood Friend! They are courting death!
That's what Zeroth's character (that fucking isekai-consuming nerd) is trying right now. Guess wait for NoCo to post and hopefully there'll be an answer to that.

If you'll notice, he's also a "Cultivation/Xianxia webtoon consumer" too, which is arguably worse!

This post is coming. Needless to say he had the right idea.


Minami is doomed to only ever give lap pillows, never to receive them XD

Also, "13 new posts in subscribed topic," I nearly had a conniption but it was just this nonsense >_<
Apologies. Family emergency happened last night and my whole schedule was thrown out of whack… Gonna try and make up for it soon.

Prayers for you and yours, hope things get better soon! Thanks for letting us know.
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