Avatar of Zeroth


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16 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
30 days ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
1 mo ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@Eviledd1984 My post is up. I included Miyuki's dream sequence in a hider since I didn't want it to be too long, but if there's anything wrong with how I presented her interaction with the "mysterious figure" or the demons let me know!

Tokyo Streets

"...multiple diagnoses of stress-induced hallucinations. But some experts don't believe this accounts for the shared details between many of the claims, such as those who have reported seeing fictitious creatures such as Youkai..."

Miyuki watched the news on her phone as she sat at the tiny table in her diminutive apartment, and ate her small bowl of rice with a little cup of miso and a few cucumber slices. Her glasses magnified the bags under her eyes as she slowly chewed, and tried to force the fog clouding her brain to clear. She still hadn't been able to sleep well, presumably because of stress, even though she didn't have classes or work today.

Maybe it was because she was dreading getting that call soon.

Her hand itched. It had been like that all morning, for some reason. But, as she rubbed it against the front of her jacket, she was grateful for a little distraction.

Today was shopping day. Miyuki's boots clomped along the bustling streets as she walked, unconsciously favoring the side of her irritated hand. She only had to make one real stop, a department store with floors for groceries, electronics and gaming, and books, the only things Miyuki ever really cared about buying unless circumstances forced her hand. It was close enough that she didn't need to take a train, although it was a long walk. Especially if she ended up buying a lot. Obviously she would visit all of the latter before the former, but she needed to watch her budget otherwise her bag would be too full by the time she got her foodstuffs and cleaning supplies...

Something tickled the back of her mind. A feeling like when she sparred in the dojo with other kendoka--like an opponent sizing her up, trying to read her techniques. Gulping, she turned, and for the first time noticed that she'd come to a part of the sidewalk that seemed eeriely empty, as if everyone else had instinctively avoided it. There was a small business of some kind here, but it wasn't open yet and no lights were on inside. Between this building and the next was a narrow alley, half-filled with vending machines for juice and snacks, and further back the aroma of garbage bins wafted up over the street.

Miyuki breathed in through her nose, and tugged her scarf tighter as she stepped past the alleyway. Something knocked over the plastics bin, scattering bottles and packages down the walkway.

Maybe it was...a stray animal?

The sudden thought of a cute puppy or stray kitten rummaging through the recyclables caused the stray hair atop Miyuki's head to shoot straight up like an antennae, as her cheeks flushed and her eyes filled with stars. She stepped into the alley, past the vending machines--

And immediately felt as if she'd stepped into the training hall, and even heard in her mind the sound of the doors slamming shut.

Before her, standing at only three, perhaps three and a half feet tall at the most, was a pudgy yet muscular creature with a disproportionately bulbous head. The beast had horns, fangs, and pointed ears, and carried a club that looked like it'd been carved from a tree.

"Gyagyagya!" the creature howled, its eyes locking onto Miyuki with clear rapacious intent, and it charged! The girl screamed as she stepped back, putting out both hands defensively--

And the back of her palm suddenly blazed with blue fire. The goblin drew up short, cowering behind its club as if it feared the light.

The haze in her mind cleared. Everything--the dark ocean, the strange room, a mysterious figure with an enormous book and an ominous message. Everything rushed back to her with crystal clear focus. But the flames seared into her palm and then died, leaving behind only a branded mark as if it had been tattooed there.

"Wha--are you? Is this...What they meant?" Miyuki gasped, sweat beading on her brow. The goblin, seeing that the girl's magic had faded, snarled again and leaped with its club at the ready!

"Ah!" Despite years of training, in this moment with no weapon, all Miyuki could think to do was scream for her life. "SOMEONE--!" Papa! "SAVE ME!" Please!

Amidst the dark, a maiden's voice rang out. A ripple of light passed through shadows. The mark was recognized. Many dark tongues began to utter. But, first of them all...

A blood-red hand raised in recognition.

"Ah shall hulp thee, wee lassie. Ca' oot mah name."

As an unheard voice whispered in her ear, Miyuki's eye's snapped wide open. She fell back, tripping over herself, but in the process dodged the goblin's swinging club. Her rear end hit the concrete, and so did the weapon, sending up a scattering of dust.

Sitting up one one knee, the girl held up her hand, turning its symbol towards the beast. She took a deep breath.


"Gyagaaaaah!" The goblin brought its club down once more. It would break open this human's skull and drink her blood! Even as dark tendrils of writhing power opened up beneath her feet, its fanged smile leered--

Then steel rang against wood, knocking the malodious creature backwards.


Miyuki's glasses threatened to droop down the bridge of her nose as she looked up. A tall, broad shouldered, muscular man stood before her draped in a kilt, leather armor, and cloaked by furs. Yet his arms dripped with thick streams of dark blood, and all manner of blades, daggers, and bent arrows had pierced his torso from every angle. His face was gaunt, cheeks pale and sunken, but his eyes glowed with a horrible wrath. His hair was dry and matted.

But he held weapons of his own, a battered shield and a chipped, double edged sword.

"Gyagar!" The goblin spat what might've been a curse, before it charged yet again to try and strike the much bigger opponent. Miyuki's protector took the blow against his shield without budging, then raised his own weapon high. The glow in his eyes suddenly intensified--and a crackling surge of crimson power was conducted into his sword. It was as if the blood coating his arm had become electrified!

"Gram!" The undead warrior brought his weapon down as veins bulged in his arm. "Slice!"

The very wind seemed to part under the stroke, whipping up a harsh draft in the alleyway. The goblin's body split in half, spewing black viscera. The glowing sword left a trail of light as it passed through the air, and once again the various bottles and other recyclables were scattered down the pathway as the force dissipated.

Slowly, the being turned around. Miyuki gulped as she adjusted her glasses, but her shoulders heaved as she panted, panic and adrenaline rushing through her body. She could still see the blood dripping from the man's sword as he raised it up...

Then he stuck it into the ground at his side, as if the concrete offered no more resistance than sand. He held his bloodied hand out to her.

"Ah ask o' ye..." he said, his voice carrying an unearthly echo, "Art thou mah master?"

Did any of you guys or gals do anythin' fun for Halloween? (Not like I celebrate it myself, but hey, some folks apparently enjoy it!)

I told the kids in my Karate class they could wear their costumes, and got myself a cheapo green checkered kimono to wear over my black dougi with one of my katana to cosplay a dollar store Tanjiro. Then I taught them "breathing styles" and beat them with foam swords while handing out candy. It was a fun time. XD
What do you guys think about having alignment-only demons? For example, if your character is Law then they can only get law demons?

Since that's typically not how the games play out, I'd be against it at least until there's some kind of turning point down the road. If our characters get to the point where their alignments have changed or they're specifically picking sides, like in SMT IV's different endings, maybe that could reflect in the type of demons available to them, but otherwise I think it should just be a matter of negotiating with your summons even if they're diametrically opposed.
@Eviledd1984 Okay, I'll change it to Law (Good). Want me to wait for your characters/NPCs/etc to be posted before I move her to CHAR tab?
Or if you like she could be visiting or living in Japan when the RP happens?

I already finished the edits lol, it's cool! Let me know if anything else needs to be fixed!

"College as far away as possible"
Ah yes, Japan. As far away as possible.

XD That might've worked if attending somewhere like Toudai sounded remotely feasible for a non-fluent, non-native speaker.

The sheet looks good, but I just to let you know that this RP is set in Japan. So would it be possible to include in her backstory what she is doing there? I also changed the alignment to make it more simple, so please make those changes as well.

Oh shoot sorry I somehow either missed that paragraph or completely forgot it, lol. Yeah, I can easily tweak her to be Japanese, gimme a bit!
From Apocalypse, it seems like Light is friendly and Dark is antisocial. The other games don't really expand on a player being able to choose one or the other directly, it's more complex, so IV:A seems like the best example.

Huh, I'm wondering if an introvert like Rhia should be Dark instead of Light then? She's driven away from people more out of fear and trauma than dislike, but if it weren't for that she'd be pretty amicable I'd think...
Staying long-term at the spoopy castle doesn't seem like a very healthy option for Minami... Unless she somehow manages to defeat a Vampire Lord who is, y'know, probably strong enough to obliterate her with one spell or something... xD

She just has to wait until he's at his weakest, right after climax---


Because when the sun reaches its climax in the sky, you know, that'd be when a strong vampire is most affected! The more powerful their strengths, the more they're weakened! XD
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