Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
29 days ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
1 mo ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

Humanity came close to decimation by devils. But just one man...inspired others to break through their limits, and come together to fight! As Magic Knights, they saved humankind.
Thereafter they called him the Anti-Magic King. He became a legend--along with his friends, rivals, and allies.
It has been one hundred and fifty years since that day.

In generations past, there was a great gap between the commoners and the nobility of the Clover Kingdom. Those who were "beloved by Mana" believed themselves superior. But the Anti-Magic King and those who fought alongside him overturned all that. Again and again, they proved that even those of common birth--even someone without a single drop of Mana--could surpass their limits! To them, the true magic was "Never giving up!"

To some, this is unacceptable.

Trouble has begun to brew once more within the Clover. The Elves of Elysia have begun to repopulate, stirring old grudges from long ago. The borders of Heart, Diamond, and Spade still experience tensions and skirmishes. Devil Cults have appeared, twisting the Anti-Magic King's deeds to justify evil acts. But, there is another, more worrisome conflict that continues to grow day by day...

This conflict has caused a schism throughout all the Clover Kingdom's society. Even within the very Magic Knights sworn to protect that society! A movement has arisen that wishes to overthrow the Monarchy and the Nobility; they claim that they wish for new government, and new opportunities for all people. Even those who do not follow this movement have become split into different factions. Some wish to deal with them harshly and maintain the status quo. They are secure in the superiority of their magical power and their bloodlines. Others believe in compromise. Still some seek to uphold the rule of law and order rather than allow an anarchic rebellion.

But soon, the hand of fate shall be dealt. Will the Clover change suits? Perhaps you will be the one to make the play...

Welcome to Black Clover: Fool's Arcana! If you're not familiar with the anime/manga, this is a fantasy setting in which a roughly medieval world is gifted with Magic. A mage reaches their full potential through a Grimoire. No two mages are exactly alike, even if they share elemental alignments like Fire or Water. The strongest magicians aim to become Magic Knights and protect the Clover Kingdom!

In this RP, you'll take the role of potential Magic Knight Recruits. You have journeyed to take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam! As your magical ability grows and you are sent out on missions to prove yourself, you'll come into conflict with the various parties mentioned above--from simple bandits to political revolutionaries. In the end, you'll have to decide what you stand for, and who you'll support. Will you become a pillar that upholds the justice of the Clover Kingdom? Or will you topple those same columns to bring it all crashing down?

No matter your goal, the only spell that will bring success is "Never giving up!" Surpass your limits--Right here, right now!

With that said, here's how I'll be running this RP:

So, who would be interested?

Humanity came close to decimation by devils. But just one man...inspired others to break through their limits, and come together to fight! As Magic Knights, they saved humankind.
Thereafter they called him the Anti-Magic King. He became a legend--along with his friends, rivals, and allies.
It has been one hundred and fifty years since that day.

In generations past, there was a great gap between the commoners and the nobility of the Clover Kingdom. Those who were "beloved by Mana" believed themselves superior. But the Anti-Magic King and those who fought alongside him overturned all that. Again and again, they proved that even those of common birth--even someone without a single drop of Mana--could surpass their limits! To them, the true magic was "Never giving up!"

To some, this is unacceptable.

Trouble has begun to brew once more within the Clover. The Elves of Elysia have begun to repopulate, stirring old grudges from long ago. The borders of Heart, Diamond, and Spade still experience tensions and skirmishes. Devil Cults have appeared, twisting the Anti-Magic King's deeds to justify evil acts. But, there is another, more worrisome conflict that continues to grow day by day...

This conflict has caused a schism throughout all the Clover Kingdom's society. Even within the very Magic Knights sworn to protect that society! A movement has arisen that wishes to overthrow the Monarchy and the Nobility; they claim that they wish for new government, and new opportunities for all people. Even those who do not follow this movement have become split into different factions. Some wish to deal with them harshly and maintain the status quo. They are secure in the superiority of their magical power and their bloodlines. Others believe in compromise. Still some seek to uphold the rule of law and order rather than allow an anarchic rebellion.

But soon, the hand of fate shall be dealt. Will the Clover change suits? Perhaps you will be the one to make the play...

Welcome to Black Clover: Fool's Arcana! If you're not familiar with the anime/manga, this is a fantasy setting in which a roughly medieval world is gifted with Magic. A mage reaches their full potential through a Grimoire. No two mages are exactly alike, even if they share elemental alignments like Fire or Water. The strongest magicians aim to become Magic Knights and protect the Clover Kingdom!

In this RP, you'll take the role of potential Magic Knight Recruits. You have journeyed to take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam! As your magical ability grows and you are sent out on missions to prove yourself, you'll come into conflict with the various parties mentioned above--from simple bandits to political revolutionaries. In the end, you'll have to decide what you stand for, and who you'll support. Will you become a pillar that upholds the justice of the Clover Kingdom? Or will you topple those same columns to bring it all crashing down?

No matter your goal, the only spell that will bring success is "Never giving up!" Surpass your limits--Right here, right now!

With that said, here's how I'll be running this RP:

So, who would be interested?



"Heh, always so professional." Gezoto replied before Togrash went off to charbroil more of the enemy. Once the lizardman's back was turned, however, the horned alien's mouth quirked down at the corners. The fiery warrior was always so to-the-point, so driven, looking to "test himself," and in terms of raw power level he was stronger than both Gezoto and Wiik--by now, he might've even surpassed Rhubari.

You'd almost think he was one of those dumb apes from Planet Vegeta, always bragging about their "Warrior Race."

It pissed Gezoto off. He was supposed to be next in line, he was Aneki's right-hand man! But at this rate, that sadistic shortstack in charge of things was probably gonna promote the lizard to squad leader!

Gezoto looked down at his fist, then clenched it hard enough his knuckles popped. While he was distracted, another of the Pastaran tanks rolled up on him and leveled its main cannon. The four frogmen inside worked with practiced movements, two chambering and loading while the others worked with various mechanical instruments.


Gezoto turned towards them at the last moment, then crossed both arms in front of his body. With a growl, every muscle swelled up before going taut, his blocky spikes locking into place like a line of shutters coming down!

"Spike Wall!" There was a sound like stone cracking as his flesh hardened. The tank shell struck him a half-instant later. The blast hit the Ssupaik-jin's body and split, decimating the street all around Gezoto in a V shape, with only what was behind his body left unharmed.

The smoke cleared, revealing a coating of black suit and debris over the invader. The frogmen inside the tank exchanged high fives with a cheer.

Gezoto's body popped and crackled all over as he loosened himself up, and shook off the dust. He was scraped and bruised all over, but it only served to anger him further. With a snarl, he wrapped both arms around the tank's barrel and squeezed it, crushing it as easily as one crushes an empty soda can in one hand.

"I WAS HAVIN--" He spun, levering the whole tank off the ground, "A FRIGGIN' MOMENT HERE!" Rising a few feet off the ground with one last spin, he hurled the armored vehicle. It flew higher than any non-winged machine of its size could hope, and crashed into one of the skyscrapers with enough weight to take out multiple floors. This brought the top half of the building down, and the rest of the base began to tilt underneath all the collapsed weight. Both arms hanging to his knees, Gezoto's chest heaved with heavy breaths.

Just then, a transmission came through on his scouter. Two high power levels? And Togrash was already trying to beat him to it!

"Not again, ya damn lizard!" he said, but he wasn't using his comm-link. He blasted off into the air, flying full-throttle in the direction his scouter indicated.

I WILL get stronger! One day, Togrash is gonna WISH he was me! I'll show 'em all!

Expending more ki than necessary, he put on a burst of speed. Soon Togrash was in view--as were two dark shapes approaching in the purple sky...

Neir - The Drunken Bear

《 Level 1 Bullshitter 》

Oh, she's trying to trip me up already. Nevermind, fuck the NPCs. Connor tried not to move his mouth or eyes despite the ill-feelings. He might not have any social skills, but just taking her at her word was enough.

"Yeah, that's cause C is my middle initial. Like I said. Peter C. Parker." he replied, before shoveling more stew as Meira answered his questions. So magic wasn't something everyone in this world had access to. If it required expensive schooling and private tutoring, then unless there was some limiting factor like 'only X% of the population is capable of magic,' it was likely within the purview of nobility to learn it.

Which means if I can do things more impressive than force-pushing and wood whittling, people will think I either have power or money.

The catgirl's next explanation caused him to gulp, and not just because of the stew. True Name magic was a thing here--as were what he could only assume would be the trickster fae creatures of Earth legend. Fucking Midsummer Night's Dream bullshit! He definitely wasn't giving up the "C" moniker anytime soon, then.

"I wouldn't so much say we came here together." Connor said slowly as he stirred what remained in the bottom of his bowl. "Rather, we ended up in the same place. The first time I met Cassius and our...other friend, was...Upon our arrival here." Not lying. Clearly hiding something. But she already suspected that. Give her enough of what she wants to make her feel validated, but steer her away from anything that would deem me a threat or a lawbreaker. When she gets the satisfaction of thinking she's right, she won't question it further.

He downed the last spoonful of the stew, then gazed into the empty bowl somewhat forlornly.

"Oh, right...Any chance I could get something here for the road? To bring back to the others?"

He hoped no one had found the slime yet. He didn't want to risk opening his Status Window again with so many people around, and didn't think he could mentally multi-task sending a message to the others without coming off as even more suspicious to the adventurer across from him. But how long had he been gone already? Dragging a body, getting interrogated, and now getting a mooch dinner off someone he didn't exactly trust...The sun had gone down by now, probably, right? Could he even find his way back to the slums in the dark?

Under the table, one foot started nervously bouncing up and down...
Just checking in with everyone! No rush on posts, but everyone still interested?

Yeah, I'm still here. I was also waiting on @Wayward since me and RoadkillBanana had previously doubled up before your GM-post. Didn't wanna skip over whatever Togrash's response to Gezoto would be!

Neir - The Drunken Bear

《 Level 1 Foodie 》

"Adjective Nouns," huh? Snakes, rabbits, boars, and wolves...if the Poison Slime is like ours, it'd probably be the easiest to kill, but how does it inflict the poison? Touch contact? Spit? Connor sipped the beer and found it very "bready," but also distinctly watered down compared to what he'd had in the "modern" world.

Meira was less helpful as far as herblore went, but went on to describe the other races within Neir. Anything that could live in the city, Connor assumed counted as a "person," so even if one encountered similar creatures in the wild it probably wasn't a good idea to try killing them for EXP.

...Hold on, bro, did you just...consider actual murder? He looked down at the table for a second as he set his drink down.
"Oh, right, I don't ever think I got your name... Or you, mine?" she added in. "It's Meira, by the way."

"Oh, uh--" Connor blinked as he tried to make eye-to-forehead contact again, "P-Peter. Peter, um, C. Parker. I t-told Cassius to just call me "C," cause..." He glanced nervously around, "Well, to be honest, we don't really "know" each other. And I uh," He fidgeted, "I was kinda scared that maybe...there could be some True Name magic stuff, going on?" If this doesn't make any sense to her, then at least that's one worry gone. But the protagonists in Isekai always seem to try and keep their otherworld status under wraps whether they have a good reason or not--I'm definitely not giving out anything I think could be used against me.

As the waitress returned and thumped a bowl down in front of him, Connor thanked her reflexively with a nod of his head, then looked at this "rabbit stew." It seemed normal enough---some kind of vegetable broth, thick chunks of diced...potato? Carrot? Something starchy and rooty. The rabbit had been marinated in something thick and brown, and had a sprinkling of herbs over the top. He sniffed it, then brought a spoonful of the broth to his lips first.

Here's hoping whatever made me able to understand languages and use magic also included free immunizations to this world's microfauna...

The stew was good. He ate with gusto. Between mouthfuls he thought of something else to ask Meira.

"So...if I had an interest in learning magic, where would I go? Does the Guild give like, job-training of some kind? Are there public libraries here?" So far, she's been helpful...and nobody in here has tried to start a bar fight yet? So maybe the NPCs here aren't as dangerous as I was afraid of... If this world wasn't an edgy, grimdark subversion of all the typical tropes, then maybe he didn't need to be quite so afraid...

@RogueFox Dibs on whichever group fights Ravili! I wanna have Gezoto fight him in a "pummel duel!"
@RogueFox I have no idea what you have planned for the campaign on this planet, but as I was thinking about the RP the idea happened to come to me...

"What would the "elite" fighters of this planet look like? Like, normal humans in DB were weak, but they still had Krillin and Yamcha and a few others. So maybe these frog people have a handful of warriors..."

And then the mental image hit me:




@RoadkilBanana Gezoto thought he heard Wiik say something, but it was really the scream of a Pastaran tumbling through the air that caused the gangster to turn. A roguish smile spread across his red face.

"I gotcha, I gotcha!" Clasping both hands together, he drew a deep breath as he reared back. He twisted his hips, swinging both arms with a loud grunt! The axe-handle blow instantly killed the poor native, but the impact sent their mangled body flying with such force they smashed right through a line of decorative trees along the city sidewalks. Purple wood splintered, limbs crashing down as orange and yellow leaves scattered in the wind and dust.

"Hoooooome run!" Gezoto whistled at his own handiwork, holding one hand like a visor beneath his horns as he surveyed the carnage.

The gravity on this planet was heavier than the galactic standard, but there wasn't as much of a difference between it and Ssupaikii as there would be with other planets. Gezoto could feel the difference, like wearing heavy weights on his limbs and chest, heart and lungs working harder for less. But his homeworld had been made of dense metal elements, after all, with a superhot core that strengthened both its gravitational pull and magentosphere. Gravity aside, the only word Gezoto had for Pastara right now was "soft."

They didn't know what it was like to struggle for everything you had, to dredge up a life out of mud and grit. They couldn't fight to cling to their own scraps. That was why they were weak.

Nearby, more amphibious soldiers were being tossed this way and that by another member of their squad. Gezoto grinned as he watched the lizardman work, silent and dogged as ever.

@Wayward"Togrash, they finally let your sorry tail outta Recovery?" he called as he jumped onto a pile of rubble and folded his arms. "Here I thought I was gonna have to make Wiik pull his weight this time around! Gyahahaha!"
@RoadkilBanana I'm gonna wait for Wayward to post before I reply, hope that's alright with you!
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