Basic Information
Reed Taylor
Lazarus (Callsign)
Home District:
Greencrest Heights
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Standing at 5’10 and still in good health and fitness as a result of his career choice, Reed is still a man in his prime and arguably not too hard on the eyes - age hasn't particularly marked him, though one could attribute this to his regenerative abilities. His eyes are a lighter shade of brown whilst his face is relatively smooth and clean-shaven, kept free from stubble whilst his head is cropped fairly short. Along his left forearm is a twisted scar from where it was bitten by one of the Devil's creatures and never fully healed.
Whilst Reed is known to wear the standard DOVE uniform when the occasion necessitates it (which is almost round the clock given his role as Director) when the option is available he'll go for the less conspicuous plain-clothes approach, wearing a shirt with jeans or cargo pants along with a jacket on occasion and keeping his sidearm in a concealed holster.
Innate & Outward Personality:
Strong-willed and brimming with determination, Reed was the kind of man with a motivated drive for seeing things through, almost to a fault given how stubborn he could be. However, several years on the force, his experiences and losses in Verthaven and his time with DOVE have only served to dispel the naiveté and replace it with a realistic sense of how the world actually works, along with giving him some good instincts. That doesn't mean he lacks the same drive, rather he just understands there's a way about doing it and whilst he still maintains a relatively calm, professional exterior there's a sense of passion and drive just beneath the surface.
One of the main reasons he first joined up with the force was to follow in the footsteps of his uncle and losing him has only cemented his idea of doing the right thing, hence why he carried on with DOVE to honour his name. Unlike his brother, Reed's probably more the pacifist of the two and is generally inclined towards talking his way through a situation and using those good instincts of his to avoid causing trouble. It helps being a DOVE, but it's also something that comes naturally to him.
An unexpected rise through the ranks to the position of Director has led to him taking on a more hardened approach to things - he's still the same man deep down inside as he was before, but leadership and the responsibilities that accompany it have brought a weight down upon him, even though he might willingly bear it.
Having spent his early childhood and lost a mother to alcohol abuse, he's also sympathetic to the plight of the poorer lower classes and metahumans subjected to abuse and is disgusted at the prospect of the local gangs taking advantage of either, to the point he's willing to go out of his way to put an end to it. Likewise he doesn't take kindly to signs of corruption or misconduct in either DOVE, RAVEN or the BPD, having worked his own ass off to get where he is and still wanting to help dispel the public mistrust of law enforcement and metahuman regulation agencies - and part of his time as Director has been focused towards stamping this out.
The other thing that's liable to piss him off is bringing up his family or friends and badmouthing any of them - particularly his brother or late uncle. Or worse - bringing harm to any of these friends and family, or the agents under his watch.
One of the main reasons he first joined up with the force was to follow in the footsteps of his uncle and losing him has only cemented his idea of doing the right thing, hence why he carried on with DOVE to honour his name. Unlike his brother, Reed's probably more the pacifist of the two and is generally inclined towards talking his way through a situation and using those good instincts of his to avoid causing trouble. It helps being a DOVE, but it's also something that comes naturally to him.
An unexpected rise through the ranks to the position of Director has led to him taking on a more hardened approach to things - he's still the same man deep down inside as he was before, but leadership and the responsibilities that accompany it have brought a weight down upon him, even though he might willingly bear it.
Having spent his early childhood and lost a mother to alcohol abuse, he's also sympathetic to the plight of the poorer lower classes and metahumans subjected to abuse and is disgusted at the prospect of the local gangs taking advantage of either, to the point he's willing to go out of his way to put an end to it. Likewise he doesn't take kindly to signs of corruption or misconduct in either DOVE, RAVEN or the BPD, having worked his own ass off to get where he is and still wanting to help dispel the public mistrust of law enforcement and metahuman regulation agencies - and part of his time as Director has been focused towards stamping this out.
The other thing that's liable to piss him off is bringing up his family or friends and badmouthing any of them - particularly his brother or late uncle. Or worse - bringing harm to any of these friends and family, or the agents under his watch.
Like his brother and uncle before him, Reed doesn't mind heading out onto the range every once in a while, but his duties tend to keep him from that area these days. When he's not busy, good TV and classic films such as The Terminator or Predator are something he can quite gladly appreciate. On another note, he's also kept a lot of his uncle's film memorabilia and, in some ways, has gained a fondness for collecting it, as anyone who has visited his office can account.
Time on the VPD and with DOVE have done more than their fair share of good for Reed. He's picked up a fair amount of skills in his time both through training and personal experience. For one, he’s quite analytical and decisive when push comes to shove and has been given a degree of wisdom from his time on the beat and with DOVE and he's not a half-bad shot either, and knows his way around most firearms. Practice on the range outside of work has only served to cultivate this. He’s also pretty damned athletic (even after taking on the mantle of Director) and knows how to take care of himself in a fight- a necessary skill for a man who’s job in the past had required him to be able to apprehend fleeing and potentially dangerous suspects whilst staying by the book, so to speak. He still speaks a little Spanish though, again, his pronunciation is a little off and he's probably rustier than ever by now.
Reed has a vested interest in doing some good for both the Metahuman and Non-Meta communities, it's one of the reasons why he first joined DOVE to begin with (that, and his being out of a job). Becoming Director has allowed him to begin the steps towards this goal.
Born towards the end of the ‘80s on Eagle-Rock Row, Reed was the youngest child of two kids born into crime and poverty to a single parent, surrounded by drugs, violence and the social tensions of the time. From early childhood, their mother quickly relied on a string of deadbeat boyfriends, minimum wage jobs and alcohol to pull the three of them through life and it took its toll on her from an early stage, often forcing her elder brother to step in to assist.
Whilst his older brother, Quentin got caught up with the local street gangs working the corners, Reed was left at home with an alcoholic mother who only seemed to be aware of his existence half of the time. Quentin did as best as a kid his age could yet all the same Reed’s early childhood was one devoid of any real parental figures. It was only after his mother’s death from alcohol poisoning that the closest thing to a parental figure he’d ever had showed up: his Uncle Cassius, his mother’s elder brother.
Having been aware of their situation for some time and having already made preparations to step in, Cassius took both of the Taylor brothers in as his own children and ensured that they’d never have to face the lifestyle he’d pulled them out of ever again. Years passed by and Reed grew closer to his uncle, having never had a stable parental figure to follow whilst Quentin, being older, continued to do his own thing in order to, in his own words, “be his own man”. It would, for some time, drive a wedge between the two.
Reed wanted to follow in the footsteps of the only father-figure he’d ever had and eventually wound up in the police academy, wanting to be a cop. Persistent as anyone and hoping he might make a difference in addition to doing right by his uncle, he pushed on through his training and joined up with the VPD.
Wedging his foot in the door for the beginning of a successful career, Reed flourished on the beat and worked his way through things until finally, hoping to follow in his uncle’s footsteps, he earned a promotion to a position in the VPD's detective bureau as an Investigator, which was going well up until a surge in Metahuman activity sweeped across the city.
Things escalated as NEST began its war against the Hands of Science, yet through this there was something good that transpired - a reconciliation between Reed and his elder brother, now a NEST agent. But things would still get worse, culminating in the emergence of the Devil of Verthaven. Reed himself was injured during this occurrence, his arm suffering a nasty bite wound from one of her creatures that would only be mitigated by the efforts of the late Trevor Obott.
A threat greater than anything Reed could have expected as a cop, both he and his uncle were among the remaining VPD cops who joined up with NEST when the city was isolated and fought boldly in the effort to destroy her. It paid off, but that was not the end of the Verthaven Disaster. Not quite yet.
In a surprise attack, the Changelings (whom had previously formed a temporary truce with NEST to fight the Devil) quickly turned on NEST, killing an agent - and then Cass. Reed was not present at the time, but soon learned over the comms - and promptly responded by ramming an armoured VPD truck into one of the Changelings and finishing them off with a shot to the head.
The battle between NEST and the Changelings came to its climax - and the remaining forces of NEST emerged, bloodied and bruised, the city a ruin to be abandoned, but still victorious, for whatever it was worth. Having lost his uncle, who had been more like a father to him than anything else and now out of a job, Reed contemplated his future until Quentin revealed that he'd pulled a few strings and found him a place in the agency that would go on to succeed NEST.
Skeptical, Reed cited his lack of powers - to which Quentin pointed out that he'd already held his own before, then offered him the chance to become a Metahuman if he felt he couldn't keep up. Hesitant, Reed made his decision - taking on and safeguarding the abilities that once belonged to Luis, leader of the Changelings.
Finally they buried their uncle together - before Reed looked towards the future with optimism.
Whilst his older brother, Quentin got caught up with the local street gangs working the corners, Reed was left at home with an alcoholic mother who only seemed to be aware of his existence half of the time. Quentin did as best as a kid his age could yet all the same Reed’s early childhood was one devoid of any real parental figures. It was only after his mother’s death from alcohol poisoning that the closest thing to a parental figure he’d ever had showed up: his Uncle Cassius, his mother’s elder brother.
Having been aware of their situation for some time and having already made preparations to step in, Cassius took both of the Taylor brothers in as his own children and ensured that they’d never have to face the lifestyle he’d pulled them out of ever again. Years passed by and Reed grew closer to his uncle, having never had a stable parental figure to follow whilst Quentin, being older, continued to do his own thing in order to, in his own words, “be his own man”. It would, for some time, drive a wedge between the two.
Reed wanted to follow in the footsteps of the only father-figure he’d ever had and eventually wound up in the police academy, wanting to be a cop. Persistent as anyone and hoping he might make a difference in addition to doing right by his uncle, he pushed on through his training and joined up with the VPD.
Wedging his foot in the door for the beginning of a successful career, Reed flourished on the beat and worked his way through things until finally, hoping to follow in his uncle’s footsteps, he earned a promotion to a position in the VPD's detective bureau as an Investigator, which was going well up until a surge in Metahuman activity sweeped across the city.
Things escalated as NEST began its war against the Hands of Science, yet through this there was something good that transpired - a reconciliation between Reed and his elder brother, now a NEST agent. But things would still get worse, culminating in the emergence of the Devil of Verthaven. Reed himself was injured during this occurrence, his arm suffering a nasty bite wound from one of her creatures that would only be mitigated by the efforts of the late Trevor Obott.
A threat greater than anything Reed could have expected as a cop, both he and his uncle were among the remaining VPD cops who joined up with NEST when the city was isolated and fought boldly in the effort to destroy her. It paid off, but that was not the end of the Verthaven Disaster. Not quite yet.
In a surprise attack, the Changelings (whom had previously formed a temporary truce with NEST to fight the Devil) quickly turned on NEST, killing an agent - and then Cass. Reed was not present at the time, but soon learned over the comms - and promptly responded by ramming an armoured VPD truck into one of the Changelings and finishing them off with a shot to the head.
The battle between NEST and the Changelings came to its climax - and the remaining forces of NEST emerged, bloodied and bruised, the city a ruin to be abandoned, but still victorious, for whatever it was worth. Having lost his uncle, who had been more like a father to him than anything else and now out of a job, Reed contemplated his future until Quentin revealed that he'd pulled a few strings and found him a place in the agency that would go on to succeed NEST.
Skeptical, Reed cited his lack of powers - to which Quentin pointed out that he'd already held his own before, then offered him the chance to become a Metahuman if he felt he couldn't keep up. Hesitant, Reed made his decision - taking on and safeguarding the abilities that once belonged to Luis, leader of the Changelings.
Finally they buried their uncle together - before Reed looked towards the future with optimism.
In the immediate aftermath of NEST's dissolution, Reed was one of the first agents to join up with DOVE - one of its two successor agencies that would deal with the social and legal aspects of the metahuman community. Transferred to Baybridge, Reed pushed on through his training and within a few years was an agent out on the streets, carrying out field work.
In many ways, it had been a lot like his days on the beat and as an investigator - except now he was dealing with metahumans and situations which could often be just as complex, if not moreso than those that he'd seen back in Verthaven. But he stuck with it, gained a knack for it and before long came to love and take pride in his work just as much, if not even more than he had during his days as a cop and over time, he became a known figure, not least because he developed a rapport with officers of the Baybridge Police Department.
Things would always stir up, however, and the emergence of another destructive metahuman in Prague would serve only to kick the hornet's nest that was the malcontents of the Pure, the Allegiance and countless others who'd served only to cause trouble in Baybridge, which now held the highest concentration of metahumans on the West Coast in the wake of the Verthaven Disaster. Most alarming, Reed found, was the presence of what seemed to be a serial killer in their midst - but other events overshadowed this, preventing him and his colleagues from getting to the bottom of the case.
In many ways, it had been a lot like his days on the beat and as an investigator - except now he was dealing with metahumans and situations which could often be just as complex, if not moreso than those that he'd seen back in Verthaven. But he stuck with it, gained a knack for it and before long came to love and take pride in his work just as much, if not even more than he had during his days as a cop and over time, he became a known figure, not least because he developed a rapport with officers of the Baybridge Police Department.
Things would always stir up, however, and the emergence of another destructive metahuman in Prague would serve only to kick the hornet's nest that was the malcontents of the Pure, the Allegiance and countless others who'd served only to cause trouble in Baybridge, which now held the highest concentration of metahumans on the West Coast in the wake of the Verthaven Disaster. Most alarming, Reed found, was the presence of what seemed to be a serial killer in their midst - but other events overshadowed this, preventing him and his colleagues from getting to the bottom of the case.
Yet there wasn't all bad in this. Word travelled quick that his brother was being reassigned to Baybridge and Reed was more than happy to accomodate a reunion, only things would put them working back to back as riots and extremist sentiment tore the city apart at the seams. During what became known as the Overload Incidents, Reed found himself caught up numerous times - first during a blizzard incurred by a metahuman with ice-based abilities and later when caught up in a storm brought about by an overloaded Haruka Takashiro - during which he saved Lijuan Zhao (the sister of an old friend and colleague) from drowning by pulling the girl back to shore.
Shortly after this came the capture of the Mannequin, the last member of the Changeling Unit that had caused Reed and his brother so much pain, then far worse - the exposure of the world-spanning cabal known to those aware of its existence as the Founding Family, obsessed with genetics and responsible for the mass manipulation of politics and society on a global scale, a group responsible for the events that transpired in Verthaven, NEST, the shield of light and all. Much like his brother, Reed felt disgust at the knowledge which they had gained, but the ex-cop turned this same disgust and anger into a determination to bring those involved to justice, as predictable as it may have sounded.
It was during this time that Reed, much like Quentin, crossed paths with the Intimidation Unit (taking a few bullets in the process) and, later on, its commander, the Black Hound. During a hostage situation at the mall, Reed volunteered to speak with the Hound to try and ascertain the assassin's motives and demands, using the brief parley as an opportunity to stall for time and identify any weaknesses in the paramilitary unit's defences. Later during that same situation, when an attempt was made to rescue the hostages through force (the Hound's demands of releasing prisoners in DOVE and RAVEN's custody having been deemed unacceptable) Reed assisted yet again in helping usher the liberated prisoners to safety, but found himself caught up in the middle of the fire yet again as the assassin returned to unleash havok among the gathered agents, unloading on them with overwhelming firepower - Reed's body was mangled in the crossfire, yet it was Quentin who turned out worst for wear after recklessly drawing the Hound into a one-on-one fight which only barely came to a stalemate, leaving the veteran RAVEN with life-threatening injuries.
Whilst his brother was left in a hospital bed to recover, Reed soon forced himself back onto the streets gain, his own injuries healed as a consequence of his regenerative abilities. This proved beneficial when the DOVE agent was given a plain-clothes assignment at a debate between the Savior Foundation and the Metahuman International Party (MIP), as yet another group of assassins were deployed with the intention of disrupting the event (which had been given the go-ahead despite existing security concerns). Acting fast, Reed was able to narrowly rescue the Savior Foundation's representative at the debate, yet there were others at the debate who weren't so lucky, including one of the MIP representatives due to speak at the debate.
Worse still, they'd taken an old friend - Cindy Keagan.
Only shortly after, Reed found what he thought was an explanation for this when the Founding Family presented Cindy on live television in a live broadcast to various local stations and provided RAVEN with an ultimatum - hand over three prisoners that were in the organisation's custody (Dr. Cross, Ignatius and the Mannequin, all with ties to the Changelings and the Hands of Science) or a terrible wrath would be unleashed upon the city within five days.
It was a bold move by any standard by that act alone, but the Founders immediately followed this up with another show of force: with the resources at their disposal, they wrought havoc upon the city's power infrastructure through the use of digital sabotage, leaving large swathes of the city without power, save for areas and buildings relying on their own independent power sources. Widespread panic ensued in the city and the combined forces of RAVEN, DOVE and the Baybridge Police Department were stretched thin as they acted to try and quell the chaos, Reed contributing as much as he could through the use of a few of the contacts he'd established with the BPD.
In what seemed to be lighter news, Cindy soon reappeared in the custody of DOVE and RAVEN, having apparently escaped from captivity, yet almost immediately after came the trojan horse leashed upon the two organisations. Descending upon the HQ building were a small fleet of helicopters and armoured trucks, both bearing the uniform and insignia of the local police department, only... they weren't. Approaching under the guise of offering reinforcements, the so-called SWAT units sprang the trojan horse once their 'counterparts' were within range, opening fire and enacting a massacre of DOVE, RAVEN and civilian personnel alike - few were spared in the onslaught.
It didn't take long for Reed or his colleagues to realise what was going on and, needing to act fast, they sprang for the armoury, took what equipment they could and desperately moved across the building, hoping to defend it from the paramilitaries of the Intimidation Unit and the assassins in their midst, who intended to free the prisoners held in RAVEN's custody. Yet, after Meifeng Zhao was injured during the attack, Reed found himself forced to flee the fighting, if only to carry her to safety - leaving him one of the few DOVE agents left unscathed by the attack and among the few capable of co-ordinating the shattered remains of the organisation's local resources in the wake of the attack.
Co-ordinating with an equally battered but nontheless undettered RAVEN force, which found itself under the command of his colleagues (as well as his brother, who had pulled himself from a hospital bed), Reed soon learned of the machine that the Founding Family intended to use to 'evolve' the entire species, along with the so-called 'Beast' intended to draw RAVEN's focus and distract them from the former. Having lost so many colleagues (including Cindy, who had disappeared yet again under suspicious circumstances) Reed found himself determined to contribute in the fight against the Founders however he could - including pulling in assistance from the BPD and ensuring as minimal effect on the city as possible, demonstrating leadership where others sought it.
While RAVEN focused on destroying the Beast, then the Founders' machine, Reed (now offered support from Maximilian Cornell) led a small team to liberate the remaining captives still held in their faciliities - discovering Cindy in the process and learning that she had, in fact, been held under the control of the Founding Family due to the horrific results of their forays into mind control.
Eventually, this form of mind control was undone, yet the same could not be said of the psychological damage that had been done to her - Reed didn't even get the opportunity to say his farewells before Cindy left town, dropping off the grid in what seemed to be a guilt-induced act of self-isolation, a punishment for the colleagues and friends she had attacked or even killed, as had been the case with Reed. This weighed upon him, yet as the dust cleared he found his attentions forced to turn elsewhere.
In a move that was considered unorthodox, the Chairwoman of DOVE, Deborah Javaunt made an offer to Reed, one that would have involved him taking on the mantle of Director for DOVE within the Baybridge area. Intially wrought with self-doubt, Reed was eventually convinced to take up the woman's offer after encouragement from those close to him.
Shortly after this came the capture of the Mannequin, the last member of the Changeling Unit that had caused Reed and his brother so much pain, then far worse - the exposure of the world-spanning cabal known to those aware of its existence as the Founding Family, obsessed with genetics and responsible for the mass manipulation of politics and society on a global scale, a group responsible for the events that transpired in Verthaven, NEST, the shield of light and all. Much like his brother, Reed felt disgust at the knowledge which they had gained, but the ex-cop turned this same disgust and anger into a determination to bring those involved to justice, as predictable as it may have sounded.
It was during this time that Reed, much like Quentin, crossed paths with the Intimidation Unit (taking a few bullets in the process) and, later on, its commander, the Black Hound. During a hostage situation at the mall, Reed volunteered to speak with the Hound to try and ascertain the assassin's motives and demands, using the brief parley as an opportunity to stall for time and identify any weaknesses in the paramilitary unit's defences. Later during that same situation, when an attempt was made to rescue the hostages through force (the Hound's demands of releasing prisoners in DOVE and RAVEN's custody having been deemed unacceptable) Reed assisted yet again in helping usher the liberated prisoners to safety, but found himself caught up in the middle of the fire yet again as the assassin returned to unleash havok among the gathered agents, unloading on them with overwhelming firepower - Reed's body was mangled in the crossfire, yet it was Quentin who turned out worst for wear after recklessly drawing the Hound into a one-on-one fight which only barely came to a stalemate, leaving the veteran RAVEN with life-threatening injuries.
Whilst his brother was left in a hospital bed to recover, Reed soon forced himself back onto the streets gain, his own injuries healed as a consequence of his regenerative abilities. This proved beneficial when the DOVE agent was given a plain-clothes assignment at a debate between the Savior Foundation and the Metahuman International Party (MIP), as yet another group of assassins were deployed with the intention of disrupting the event (which had been given the go-ahead despite existing security concerns). Acting fast, Reed was able to narrowly rescue the Savior Foundation's representative at the debate, yet there were others at the debate who weren't so lucky, including one of the MIP representatives due to speak at the debate.
Worse still, they'd taken an old friend - Cindy Keagan.
Only shortly after, Reed found what he thought was an explanation for this when the Founding Family presented Cindy on live television in a live broadcast to various local stations and provided RAVEN with an ultimatum - hand over three prisoners that were in the organisation's custody (Dr. Cross, Ignatius and the Mannequin, all with ties to the Changelings and the Hands of Science) or a terrible wrath would be unleashed upon the city within five days.
It was a bold move by any standard by that act alone, but the Founders immediately followed this up with another show of force: with the resources at their disposal, they wrought havoc upon the city's power infrastructure through the use of digital sabotage, leaving large swathes of the city without power, save for areas and buildings relying on their own independent power sources. Widespread panic ensued in the city and the combined forces of RAVEN, DOVE and the Baybridge Police Department were stretched thin as they acted to try and quell the chaos, Reed contributing as much as he could through the use of a few of the contacts he'd established with the BPD.
In what seemed to be lighter news, Cindy soon reappeared in the custody of DOVE and RAVEN, having apparently escaped from captivity, yet almost immediately after came the trojan horse leashed upon the two organisations. Descending upon the HQ building were a small fleet of helicopters and armoured trucks, both bearing the uniform and insignia of the local police department, only... they weren't. Approaching under the guise of offering reinforcements, the so-called SWAT units sprang the trojan horse once their 'counterparts' were within range, opening fire and enacting a massacre of DOVE, RAVEN and civilian personnel alike - few were spared in the onslaught.
It didn't take long for Reed or his colleagues to realise what was going on and, needing to act fast, they sprang for the armoury, took what equipment they could and desperately moved across the building, hoping to defend it from the paramilitaries of the Intimidation Unit and the assassins in their midst, who intended to free the prisoners held in RAVEN's custody. Yet, after Meifeng Zhao was injured during the attack, Reed found himself forced to flee the fighting, if only to carry her to safety - leaving him one of the few DOVE agents left unscathed by the attack and among the few capable of co-ordinating the shattered remains of the organisation's local resources in the wake of the attack.
Co-ordinating with an equally battered but nontheless undettered RAVEN force, which found itself under the command of his colleagues (as well as his brother, who had pulled himself from a hospital bed), Reed soon learned of the machine that the Founding Family intended to use to 'evolve' the entire species, along with the so-called 'Beast' intended to draw RAVEN's focus and distract them from the former. Having lost so many colleagues (including Cindy, who had disappeared yet again under suspicious circumstances) Reed found himself determined to contribute in the fight against the Founders however he could - including pulling in assistance from the BPD and ensuring as minimal effect on the city as possible, demonstrating leadership where others sought it.
While RAVEN focused on destroying the Beast, then the Founders' machine, Reed (now offered support from Maximilian Cornell) led a small team to liberate the remaining captives still held in their faciliities - discovering Cindy in the process and learning that she had, in fact, been held under the control of the Founding Family due to the horrific results of their forays into mind control.
Eventually, this form of mind control was undone, yet the same could not be said of the psychological damage that had been done to her - Reed didn't even get the opportunity to say his farewells before Cindy left town, dropping off the grid in what seemed to be a guilt-induced act of self-isolation, a punishment for the colleagues and friends she had attacked or even killed, as had been the case with Reed. This weighed upon him, yet as the dust cleared he found his attentions forced to turn elsewhere.
In a move that was considered unorthodox, the Chairwoman of DOVE, Deborah Javaunt made an offer to Reed, one that would have involved him taking on the mantle of Director for DOVE within the Baybridge area. Intially wrought with self-doubt, Reed was eventually convinced to take up the woman's offer after encouragement from those close to him.
Though Reed had many ideas and opinions which he hoped to (and in some cases did) enact, as Director he found that with leadership came the weight and responsibility that forced him to exhibit some degree of restraint. Growing tensions in the wake of the Founding Family's exposure (along with the political and social repercussions that came with them) gave way to opportunists and hardliners on both sides of the political spectrum, forcing Reed to carefuly manoeuvre Baybridge's branch of DOVE to avoid setting off any metaphoric landmines, yet despite this he continued in persistence with the hopes of laying the groundwork for a future that many of his friends and colleagues would never see.
Helena Taylor (Deceased) - Mother
Quentin Taylor - Half-brother
Cassius Taylor (Deceased) - Maternal Uncle
Still a teenager when she gave birth to her firstborn, Helena Taylor was a sad tale to speak of. Years of poverty and deadbeat boyfriends led to the alcoholism which would go on to kill her, leaving behind two sons. Whilst his brother regards her fondly, Reed barely remembers her.
Quentin Taylor - Half-brother
One of RAVEN's founding agents, and Reed's elder brother. The history between them is a long and storied one, not entirely pleasant either, but since the loss of their uncle they've been on closer terms than ever before.
Cassius Taylor (Deceased) - Maternal Uncle
A father figure to his nephews, Cass was a detective with the VPD who wound up taking in both of his sister's sons when she died and raising them like his own. Of the two, Reed followed in his uncle's footsteps whilst Quentin went on his own troubled path in life and it was through Cass' example that Reed went on to become a detective himself. Sadly, Cass was murdered in the final hours of the Verthaven disaster by Heartbreaker, one of the Changeling Unit. However, unlike his brother, Reed has found himself able to mourn his death and move on in life.
| Quentin Taylor |
| Good | Half-brother | "Always the fighter, Quent. Don't give up." |Reed's older brother and one who helped raise him with their mother was incapable of doing so, the two grew somewhat distant as they became older - particularly when Reed joined up with the VPD whilst Quentin went down his own troubled path and got hooked up with the wrong kind of crowd. It was only as a consequence of the events leading up to and during the Verthaven Disaster that the two reconciled, a close relationship reformed and cemented by the death of their uncle. They still keep in touch as often as one might expect, but the differences in their work has sometimes proven a barrier to this.
| Meifeng Zhao |
| Good | RAVEN/Friend | "Glad to know she's been taking care of Quent for me, she's a tough one." |Again, Meifeng is one of the few people that Reed personally knew during the Verthaven Disaster - and one who saved both his, his brother and his uncle's lives on quite a few occasions. This, combined with their shared sense of loss and survival, has left him with a degree of respect fof the woman.
| Shizuka Takashiro |
| Good | RAVEN/Friend | "He's come a long way. Good thing he's with us." |Both of them having saved one another at one point during the Verthaven Disaster, Reed regards Shizuka as someone who's come a long way from the abrasive kid he was back in Verthaven. They're on good terms, and Reed's glad to have him at his back.
| Haruka Takashiro |
| Good | Friend | "Good guy, come a long way, just like his brother." |Having known one another since Verthaven, Reed's gained a respect for Haru, though they don't speak often
| Jennifer Caspin |
| Good | Friend | "She's alive... feels like I'm talking to a ghost. Glad to know it wasn't for nothing." |Having nearly died to protect Jen and witnessed the girl pulled to her 'death' in Verthaven, seeing her again has invoked some strange feelings in Reed, especially with Cass gone. Nonetheless, he's glad to see her back - and to know that someone made it out of Verthaven alive.
Power Class:
Super System
A power which once belonged to Luis of the Changeling Unit, Reed was given the ability by his brother as a means of safeguarding him, in addition to ensuring that it would remain in trusted hands. Like Luis, Reed is capable of manipulating blood when he comes into physical contact with it, able to move it around, clot it or otherwise absorb it into his body through his skin. In fact, Reed can be empowered by absorbing blood, which bolsters his stamina and strength when he does so as well as speeding up his regenerative process.
Super-Regenerative System.
Much alike the man who once held them, Reed's regenerative abilities allow him to survive wounds that would kill any other man and even recover from them entirely. Broken bones knit back together at an accelerated rate, gunshot wounds and lacerations quickly stop bleeding and seal up before any major damage can be done and toxins which would cause havok within a normal person's body are filtered out. Not just that, but it seems that this ability has effectively put the brakes on Reed's aging process as it did for Luis, leaving him with the physical appearance and fitness of a man in his late twenties.
Luis possessed the single, strongest regenerative factor among all Metahumans, Reed, unfortunately, only has a fraction of that strength as a consequence of it being transferred to him by his brother. Where the Spaniard could have survived and even functioned when most of his body was subjected to severe trauma, Reed does not have this liberty. Destructive injuries can and will render him unconscious and unlike Luis, who had over two centuries' worth of experience and pain tolerance built up, Reed has had at most under a decade of holding this ability. Expecting him to perform the same feats as the man would be a fool's errand.
Ashing out is one big weakness of this ability, as demonstrated by its original holder. Being subjected to incredible physiological strain and numerous mortal injuries at the same time will put Reed at serious risk of ashing out, especially if he doesn't give himself an opportunity to rest or otherwise replenish himself. Reed is also extra susceptible to poisons, diseases, and chemicals that are transmitted by blood. Taking in a little bit of this toxic blood can definitely stun Reed.
- Since taking on the mantle of Director, Reed has (for his own safety) been required to move from his old apartment into more secure accomodation, though his commute from home to work remains a relatively short one thanks to him remaining in Greencrest Heights.
- As Director, Reed is entitled to requisition a driver to chauffeur him around the city but had a tendency towards driving his own car when possible.
- Reed owns a six year old ginger tabby, affectionately named 'Cassie'.

Basic Information
Quentin Taylor
Counterpoint (His callsign)
Home District:
Greencrest Heights
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Now at fourty years of age, Quentin's face has aged since his time in Verthaven, yet he's still retained those sharp eyes of his and has still for the most part kept the short, neatly trimmed beard to match his equally short-cropped hair. From a glance, it's clear he's still in relatively good health and fitness, standing at 5'11 and carrying an imposing figure, (though it could be argued that the regenerative factor he's picked up has also done him some good) but at the same time, his age is now starting to show. Just above his left eye is a scar cutting straight through his eyebrow whilst along his abdominal region runs another nasty scar from the same attack.
Whilst on-duty, Quentin generally tends towards wearing RAVEN's standard issue combat armor, a black mesh material fitted kevlar along with the appropriate load carrying vest. As expected, it's a design intended to provide a (limited) defense against attack from rogue metahumans alongside being able to withstand a couple of rounds. Accompanying this is a helmet, with the opportunity to mount a set of goggles or a gas mask against it. Off-duty, he'll generally stick to casual clothing - a jacket, shirt and cargo pants or something similar - to catch him wearing a suit is a rare sight indeed.
He also wears gloves to prevent his power from inadvertently kicking in.
He also wears gloves to prevent his power from inadvertently kicking in.
Innate & Outward Personality:
The events in Verthaven and the years that have passed since then have left Quentin, in many ways, a different man. Nobler in some ways, others less so.
To strangers, he might come across as outwardly calm or collected - keeping a level head in tight situations where others might snap or otherwise lose their cool. It's not entirely an image - Quentin has learned from the years with RAVEN to keep it steady under pressure, yet those who know him well enough or even spend some time around him get to realise there's more than that to him.
Service with RAVEN has given him a certain commanding tone in his voice, or at least a sense of authority when the situation calls for it. Sarcasm and snappy remarks are still a coping mechanism for him, a means of defusing or otherwise mitigating shitty situations and likewise he'll crack a joke with people if it's appropriate, but he also knows when to buckle down, shut up and go about getting things done - which others might mistake for him being cool when in fact he just knows from experience that people who crack jokes at the wrong time don't tend to last.
Knowing that he was partially responsible for the horrific experiments perpetrated by the Hands of Science in Verthaven have left him with a permanent degree of guilt that he's never been able to shake off, and at the same time has left him with an overall disgust towards those who experiment on or otherwise abuse Metahumans or their powers and in turn, given him a lot of motivation when conducting ops against them for RAVEN. Age still hasn't quite mellowed him, but his senior role in RAVEN has somewhat forced him to keep his head together for the sake of his colleagues.
And likewise he's loyal to those he considers friends or family, especially those who've done the same for him and is more than willing to throw himself into the breach if it means backing them up. Earning this trust can be a little difficult at first, but once it's earned it's generally there to stay. In fact, it's a point of regret and frustration that he wasn't able to prevent the deaths of Sonya Mayfield and his uncle and it shows in his overall disdain for the matter when the topic is brought up - likewise is a manifestation of his survivor's guilt for the later deaths of his colleagues during the attacks on RAVEN and DOVE by the Intimidation Unit and the loss of Lihua Zhao, the latter of whom was elsewhere whilst killed in action.
This in turn means that his overall hatred for the Hands of Science and anything associated with them has remained a solid facet of his personality over the years. It's given him something to vent his frustrations on - and not in the healthiest way, either - where others have toned things down. Whilst it's helped keep him going, it's also something which has threatened to consume him at times - and it's not as if this point hasn't been brought up with him before. Being stubborn doesn't help.
His temper is usually cool and likewise, it can take a lot to cause him to blow up in anger - Quentin's fury is typically a patient, collected form and when it's anything but that, it's a point that something has really pissed him off.
He also still holds a disdain for narcotics and alcohol abuse, courtesy of his childhood years, but has a degree of sympathy for those affected by it and has himself found the lure of the bottle to be a tempting one in darker hours.
To strangers, he might come across as outwardly calm or collected - keeping a level head in tight situations where others might snap or otherwise lose their cool. It's not entirely an image - Quentin has learned from the years with RAVEN to keep it steady under pressure, yet those who know him well enough or even spend some time around him get to realise there's more than that to him.
Service with RAVEN has given him a certain commanding tone in his voice, or at least a sense of authority when the situation calls for it. Sarcasm and snappy remarks are still a coping mechanism for him, a means of defusing or otherwise mitigating shitty situations and likewise he'll crack a joke with people if it's appropriate, but he also knows when to buckle down, shut up and go about getting things done - which others might mistake for him being cool when in fact he just knows from experience that people who crack jokes at the wrong time don't tend to last.
Knowing that he was partially responsible for the horrific experiments perpetrated by the Hands of Science in Verthaven have left him with a permanent degree of guilt that he's never been able to shake off, and at the same time has left him with an overall disgust towards those who experiment on or otherwise abuse Metahumans or their powers and in turn, given him a lot of motivation when conducting ops against them for RAVEN. Age still hasn't quite mellowed him, but his senior role in RAVEN has somewhat forced him to keep his head together for the sake of his colleagues.
And likewise he's loyal to those he considers friends or family, especially those who've done the same for him and is more than willing to throw himself into the breach if it means backing them up. Earning this trust can be a little difficult at first, but once it's earned it's generally there to stay. In fact, it's a point of regret and frustration that he wasn't able to prevent the deaths of Sonya Mayfield and his uncle and it shows in his overall disdain for the matter when the topic is brought up - likewise is a manifestation of his survivor's guilt for the later deaths of his colleagues during the attacks on RAVEN and DOVE by the Intimidation Unit and the loss of Lihua Zhao, the latter of whom was elsewhere whilst killed in action.
This in turn means that his overall hatred for the Hands of Science and anything associated with them has remained a solid facet of his personality over the years. It's given him something to vent his frustrations on - and not in the healthiest way, either - where others have toned things down. Whilst it's helped keep him going, it's also something which has threatened to consume him at times - and it's not as if this point hasn't been brought up with him before. Being stubborn doesn't help.
His temper is usually cool and likewise, it can take a lot to cause him to blow up in anger - Quentin's fury is typically a patient, collected form and when it's anything but that, it's a point that something has really pissed him off.
He also still holds a disdain for narcotics and alcohol abuse, courtesy of his childhood years, but has a degree of sympathy for those affected by it and has himself found the lure of the bottle to be a tempting one in darker hours.
In the years since Verthaven, Quentin's picked up more of a fondness for firearms and spends a significant amount of time down at the range killing time. Otherwise, he's found himself more tempted by the lure of the bottle, though childhood memories of his mother's rampant alcholism stop him from going off the deep end.
Quentin’s experiences on the streets have left him with a degree of wisdom, wit and pragmatism that once well to assist him in his self-made ‘business’. On the same streets and during his time working with the unsavoury elements of Verthaven, he picked up a degree of experience in the use of small arms that he continued to develop after joining NEST and, later on, RAVEN. Furthermore, a decade's worth of training and experience have bestowed upon him the tactical knowlege and experience that one would expect of a senior agent within the organisation.
Ensuring that anyone with the same kind of mindset as the Hands of Science, the Changelings or the Founding Family put down, Quentin's personal vendetta has never entirely settled down. Unlike others, he's found himself unable to let go and finds motivation in preventing what happened in Verthaven and to a lesser extent, Baybridge, from reoccurring.
Born in the early ‘80s on Eagle-Rock Row, Quentin and his little brother Reed were yet another story of kids born into crime and poverty to a single parent, surrounded by drugs, violence and the social tensions of the time. From early childhood, their mother quickly relied on a string of deadbeat boyfriends, minimum wage jobs and alcohol to pull the three of them through life and it took its toll on her from an early stage, often forcing her elder brother to step in to assist.
By the time he was ten years old, Quentin found himself involved with the local gangs and wound up working on street corners as another peddler for some smalltime dealer in hopes of earning a little cash for his family. It was through this, incidentally, that he wound up discovering his powers - what would’ve normally be an exchange of packages with a metahuman enforcer for the gang led to him unintentionally removing the man’s ability to generate and manipulate fire and setting alight the money moments later. As it happens, it was through this that he found himself another source of income for the family; exchanging and selling powers and getting a cut from the gang for his involvement.
For a while, things seemed to go well, all things considered. The cut he earned from the gang, whilst nowhere near the amount kicked up to his bosses, allowed him to pay off the family bills yet there was no mistake that he may as well have been their property and not the other way around. A few times he found himself at risk as a result of the people he worked for and by his teenage years he’d learned how to use a gun. In fact, if tragedy hadn’t struck Quentin’s life sooner then circumstances might not have turned out as well.
One day returning home, Quentin found his mother passed out on the couch with yet another empty bottle of liquor nearby. Attempts to rouse her with words failed, so instead he left her alone, only to find her in the same state when he woke up in the same morning, albeit this time she’d turned pale and felt cold to the touch. The coroner’s report indicated that she’d died of alcohol poisoning, something of little surprise given the fact she’d been unable to kick the habit for a long time.
Lacking any other family, Quentin and his little brother wound up living in the care of their Uncle Cassius, a detective in the Verthaven Police Department and a good man who’d often done as best as he could to keep his sister on track. Under his uncle’s care, Quentin was able to cut off ties to his old gang (who, by this point had become increasingly demanding) with the aid of this uncle’s connections to the VPD and opted to push on through school so he didn’t end up like his mother. That said, the experience had taught him a couple things.
While his brother opted to one day become a cop like their uncle, Quentin had something else in mind. Perhaps it was the idea of avoiding the same poverty that had cost him his childhood, or perhaps it was the concept of having control over his life for once. Whatever the case, he wound up going on his own path in life - becoming involved with quite a few rather unsavoury characters. Whilst by no means a hustler or a gangbanger, he spent a couple of years working 'security' for a few characters in Verthaven's criminal underworld, running the front door at nightclubs and other businesses. Eventually, it grew into something else - actually working in the security sector, and then Quentin soon realised that there was a demand for someone willing to trade and sell powers, creating metahumans for big money.
With time, Quentin built up his little side-business via the aid of a contact from his early security days and before long, had a nice sum of cash saved away. Soon, he was able to afford life in relative comfort, moving into a decent condo over in the upper-class Knightdale Rows district, with enough income to keep himself afloat. Relations with his family, however, were another story - particularly between him and his younger brother, Reed.
Topping it off, he eventually wound up falling afoul of the Hands of Science, who kidnapped him and forced him to participate in their experiments using his family as leverage. The experience deeply affected him, leaving him traumatised and scarred by his inability to forget what he'd been forced to do for the Hands - and it was only with the assistance of one Meifeng Zhao and NEST that he finally escaped during a raid on the lab.
Of course, this exposed him as a metahuman - though Quentin was able to keep his criminal past concealed. Given the choice by Lihua Zhao of either joining up with NEST or facing a far less desirable alternative, Quentin took the former option - joining their ranks as an agent. Initially the prospect of becoming one of 'those' types was daunting, yet as time passed Quentin slowly warmed to the role and grew to regret his past, gaining a genuine interest in doing some good with NEST beyond enacting vengeance against the Hands of Science. Before long, he wound up reconciling with his brother and warming back up to his uncle, yet events transpired against them.
For one, the Changeling Unit came to town, led by the likes of Luis and Heartbreaker, the latter of which Quentin already despised as a result of her involvement in kidnapping him. Like the Hands of Science, Quentin fought them with a certain fury that was only rivalled by Lihua - who had her own personal reasons for hating them. And then, came an even greater foe.
The Devil of Verthaven was a metahuman greater than anything that NEST had ever faced, matched only by the resources of the Hands of Science and the ferocity of the Changeling Unit. She was a godlike metahuman, one that devastated the city in her wake and it was only through the combined might of NEST (along with several other unsavoury alliances) that she was finally brought down, at great cost. Quentin's family was not left unscathed, as his brother was injured (though later volunteering in the fight against her) and, in the confusion following her defeat, his Uncle Cass (along with a good friend) were killed by one of the Changelings in the confusion.
In the battle that followed, Quentin finally avenged their deaths, attacking Luis head-on (stealing his ability in the process) and killing the one responsible, Heartbreaker - yet it marked the start of a new chapter in his life as the experience permanently hardened him. With Verthaven considered a ruin and NEST facing its end, Quentin set aside the thousands he'd accumulated through his past selfishness and passed the money onto the comrades who'd fought alongside him, ensured that his brother would find a place in the successor to NEST by offering him Luis' abilities (safeguarding them at the same time) and buried their uncle. The future was uncertain, but he stepped into it nontheless.
By the time he was ten years old, Quentin found himself involved with the local gangs and wound up working on street corners as another peddler for some smalltime dealer in hopes of earning a little cash for his family. It was through this, incidentally, that he wound up discovering his powers - what would’ve normally be an exchange of packages with a metahuman enforcer for the gang led to him unintentionally removing the man’s ability to generate and manipulate fire and setting alight the money moments later. As it happens, it was through this that he found himself another source of income for the family; exchanging and selling powers and getting a cut from the gang for his involvement.
For a while, things seemed to go well, all things considered. The cut he earned from the gang, whilst nowhere near the amount kicked up to his bosses, allowed him to pay off the family bills yet there was no mistake that he may as well have been their property and not the other way around. A few times he found himself at risk as a result of the people he worked for and by his teenage years he’d learned how to use a gun. In fact, if tragedy hadn’t struck Quentin’s life sooner then circumstances might not have turned out as well.
One day returning home, Quentin found his mother passed out on the couch with yet another empty bottle of liquor nearby. Attempts to rouse her with words failed, so instead he left her alone, only to find her in the same state when he woke up in the same morning, albeit this time she’d turned pale and felt cold to the touch. The coroner’s report indicated that she’d died of alcohol poisoning, something of little surprise given the fact she’d been unable to kick the habit for a long time.
Lacking any other family, Quentin and his little brother wound up living in the care of their Uncle Cassius, a detective in the Verthaven Police Department and a good man who’d often done as best as he could to keep his sister on track. Under his uncle’s care, Quentin was able to cut off ties to his old gang (who, by this point had become increasingly demanding) with the aid of this uncle’s connections to the VPD and opted to push on through school so he didn’t end up like his mother. That said, the experience had taught him a couple things.
While his brother opted to one day become a cop like their uncle, Quentin had something else in mind. Perhaps it was the idea of avoiding the same poverty that had cost him his childhood, or perhaps it was the concept of having control over his life for once. Whatever the case, he wound up going on his own path in life - becoming involved with quite a few rather unsavoury characters. Whilst by no means a hustler or a gangbanger, he spent a couple of years working 'security' for a few characters in Verthaven's criminal underworld, running the front door at nightclubs and other businesses. Eventually, it grew into something else - actually working in the security sector, and then Quentin soon realised that there was a demand for someone willing to trade and sell powers, creating metahumans for big money.
With time, Quentin built up his little side-business via the aid of a contact from his early security days and before long, had a nice sum of cash saved away. Soon, he was able to afford life in relative comfort, moving into a decent condo over in the upper-class Knightdale Rows district, with enough income to keep himself afloat. Relations with his family, however, were another story - particularly between him and his younger brother, Reed.
Topping it off, he eventually wound up falling afoul of the Hands of Science, who kidnapped him and forced him to participate in their experiments using his family as leverage. The experience deeply affected him, leaving him traumatised and scarred by his inability to forget what he'd been forced to do for the Hands - and it was only with the assistance of one Meifeng Zhao and NEST that he finally escaped during a raid on the lab.
Of course, this exposed him as a metahuman - though Quentin was able to keep his criminal past concealed. Given the choice by Lihua Zhao of either joining up with NEST or facing a far less desirable alternative, Quentin took the former option - joining their ranks as an agent. Initially the prospect of becoming one of 'those' types was daunting, yet as time passed Quentin slowly warmed to the role and grew to regret his past, gaining a genuine interest in doing some good with NEST beyond enacting vengeance against the Hands of Science. Before long, he wound up reconciling with his brother and warming back up to his uncle, yet events transpired against them.
For one, the Changeling Unit came to town, led by the likes of Luis and Heartbreaker, the latter of which Quentin already despised as a result of her involvement in kidnapping him. Like the Hands of Science, Quentin fought them with a certain fury that was only rivalled by Lihua - who had her own personal reasons for hating them. And then, came an even greater foe.
The Devil of Verthaven was a metahuman greater than anything that NEST had ever faced, matched only by the resources of the Hands of Science and the ferocity of the Changeling Unit. She was a godlike metahuman, one that devastated the city in her wake and it was only through the combined might of NEST (along with several other unsavoury alliances) that she was finally brought down, at great cost. Quentin's family was not left unscathed, as his brother was injured (though later volunteering in the fight against her) and, in the confusion following her defeat, his Uncle Cass (along with a good friend) were killed by one of the Changelings in the confusion.
In the battle that followed, Quentin finally avenged their deaths, attacking Luis head-on (stealing his ability in the process) and killing the one responsible, Heartbreaker - yet it marked the start of a new chapter in his life as the experience permanently hardened him. With Verthaven considered a ruin and NEST facing its end, Quentin set aside the thousands he'd accumulated through his past selfishness and passed the money onto the comrades who'd fought alongside him, ensured that his brother would find a place in the successor to NEST by offering him Luis' abilities (safeguarding them at the same time) and buried their uncle. The future was uncertain, but he stepped into it nontheless.
It was in the aftermath of the Verthaven Disaster that Quentin assisted in founding one of the successor organisations to NEST, known as RAVEN - named aptly after the Task Force that he'd once fought alongside. With the Hands of Science still out there, scattered in pockets, Quentin volunteered himself for participating against them, holding them responsible for the actions of the Changelings and the Devil of Verthaven. Unlike his brother, who had since joined DOVE (having been recommended), Quentin sought some form of retribution against them as he found himself unable to forget the experiments he'd been forced to assist in as well as the deaths of those he cared about.
Within the space of two years, a friend and the daughter of a former colleague, Meifeng Zhao had finished her training and was now a member of RAVEN, capable of standing by herself as a force to be reckoned with. Their shared experience in Verthaven allowed the two to maintain a close bond and unlike the others in RAVEN, Quentin said nothing to discourage Meifeng's relentless attitude towards the Hands, if anything sharing the same sentiments towards them as she did. It took time, but eventually this relentless attitude seemed to pay off - the Hands were all but broken and dissappeared from the face of the Earth. Yet this was not the end of things for them - other threats were out there, like the Pure, the Allegiance or other rogue metahumans.
In short, wherever RAVEN needed him, Quentin went. And eventually he was sent to Prague. Another rogue metahuman had emerged from the woodwork in the capital of the Czech Republic, one known as the Beast who, like the Devil, was set on mass destruction and had burned down whole districts whenever they'd shown up. Lacking in the resources and manpower to handle such a foe, the Czechs called in support from RAVEN, MISW and KMD to assist - Quentin was among the agents deployed against them.
It was a bloodbath, to say the least - despite careful planning and the best resources that the combined might of the three agencies had brought in, the Beast was a foe that refused to go down easily. Quentin himself went toe to toe and was nearly engulfed by flame half a dozen times, suffering severe burns in the process, but in the end the Beast was put down at the cost of injuring both himself and several of his colleagues.
Fortunately, Quentin survived, bloodied and bruised. He spent a little time on leave whilst he made a recovery, but soon returned to RAVEN - where he found himself being transferred to Baybridge on official business. With tensions rising, he soon found himself straight to work again.
Within the space of two years, a friend and the daughter of a former colleague, Meifeng Zhao had finished her training and was now a member of RAVEN, capable of standing by herself as a force to be reckoned with. Their shared experience in Verthaven allowed the two to maintain a close bond and unlike the others in RAVEN, Quentin said nothing to discourage Meifeng's relentless attitude towards the Hands, if anything sharing the same sentiments towards them as she did. It took time, but eventually this relentless attitude seemed to pay off - the Hands were all but broken and dissappeared from the face of the Earth. Yet this was not the end of things for them - other threats were out there, like the Pure, the Allegiance or other rogue metahumans.
In short, wherever RAVEN needed him, Quentin went. And eventually he was sent to Prague. Another rogue metahuman had emerged from the woodwork in the capital of the Czech Republic, one known as the Beast who, like the Devil, was set on mass destruction and had burned down whole districts whenever they'd shown up. Lacking in the resources and manpower to handle such a foe, the Czechs called in support from RAVEN, MISW and KMD to assist - Quentin was among the agents deployed against them.
It was a bloodbath, to say the least - despite careful planning and the best resources that the combined might of the three agencies had brought in, the Beast was a foe that refused to go down easily. Quentin himself went toe to toe and was nearly engulfed by flame half a dozen times, suffering severe burns in the process, but in the end the Beast was put down at the cost of injuring both himself and several of his colleagues.
Fortunately, Quentin survived, bloodied and bruised. He spent a little time on leave whilst he made a recovery, but soon returned to RAVEN - where he found himself being transferred to Baybridge on official business. With tensions rising, he soon found himself straight to work again.
With extremist groups on either side of the political and social spectrum, he had his work cut out for him - yet things would only culminate with the riots, the overload incidents, the capture of the last of the Changelings and far worse - the exposure of the world-spanning cabal known to those aware of its existence as the Founding Family, obsessed with genetics and responsible for the mass manipulation of politics and society on a global scale, a group responsible for the events that transpired in Verthaven, NEST, the shield of light and all.
To say that Quentin was livid would have been an understatement - much of what he'd been led to believe had turned out to be a lie, that the organisation responsible for his redemption had been puppeteered by those bastards and that the Hands of Science and the Changelings largely existed due to their influence. Many of the factors which had caused so much death and destruction in Verthaven had been at their feet - and it was only just now that he'd learned of it, that he'd been chasing ghosts for years when the Founders were there all along.
It was during this time that Quentin came to blows with the Intimidation Unit and, by extension, its commander, the Black Hound. An assassin under the Founders' control, the Hound eventually came close to killing Quentin during one of the attacks - yet the veteran RAVEN was stubborn enough to pull through and instead wound up in the hospital wing of the HQ building for RAVEN and DOVE.
This stubborn nature of his came in handy again when yet another terrorist attack was launched during the Founders' declared offensive against RAVEN and DOVE, this time directed at the heart of both organisations - HQ. Dragging himself from a hospital bed, Quentin joined up with another colleague, Alice, and assisted in fighting back the paramilitaries of the Intimidation Unit - though not without the cost of dozens upon dozens of casulaties on the part of both DOVE, RAVEN and the Baybridge Police Department.
Whatever way you looked at things, Quentin and his surviving colleagues were out for blood - and after some preparation on both his and colleagues' parts (Reed's co-ordination of DOVE's remaining resources included) and those of the BPD, both he and the others eventually launched a raid against the Founding Family's central base of operations in Baybridge, aiming to cut the head off the snake before their plans could be enacted. Intelligence gathered earlier on warned them of a plan to unleash another rogue metahuman like the Beast of Prague upon Baybridge in order to decimate the remaining DOVE and RAVEN forces based their, so their first act was to destroy this artificially designed being before they could be unleashed upon the city.
Next came the matter of destroying the Founding Family's abominable machine, intended to grant metahuman abilities to the entire human race regardless of whether such an 'evolution' was willing or not - in the process of doing so, however, Quentin and his teammates encountered one of the two surviving members of the Blessed Three, Blake Schmidt - who was subsequently killed by the veteran RAVEN and his colleagues during a failed attempt at escape. For all intents and purposes, the Founding Family as an organisaton was crippled - its politicial and espionage activities exposed to the public view on a global scale and to the subsequent backlash that followed, but at the same time this meant things back home were unstable as ever for Quentin and his colleagues, not least because of the casualties that they had taken both before and during the assault, including Lihua Zhao - a much respected figure whom had first brought him into NEST.
Public opinion towards RAVEN and DOVE, already divided prior to the events that transpired in Baybridge, became ever more divisive with individuals at both ends of the political spectrum vying for influence and attempting to exhert their will upon the American people. Quentin and his colleagues were simply caught up in the middle of it. With much of RAVEN's forces lost, Quentin found himself forced to take a more senior role, directing more junior agents where necessary whilst his own brother found an unexpected job offer - that of becoming the Director of Baybridge's DOVE branch.
Despite all this, both sides found themselves enforcing the law and doing what they could to keep the peace, by force if necessary. Over the next few years, tensions remained ever high - and with other forces emerging from the carcass of the Founding Family's influence, his work was still cut out for him.
To say that Quentin was livid would have been an understatement - much of what he'd been led to believe had turned out to be a lie, that the organisation responsible for his redemption had been puppeteered by those bastards and that the Hands of Science and the Changelings largely existed due to their influence. Many of the factors which had caused so much death and destruction in Verthaven had been at their feet - and it was only just now that he'd learned of it, that he'd been chasing ghosts for years when the Founders were there all along.
It was during this time that Quentin came to blows with the Intimidation Unit and, by extension, its commander, the Black Hound. An assassin under the Founders' control, the Hound eventually came close to killing Quentin during one of the attacks - yet the veteran RAVEN was stubborn enough to pull through and instead wound up in the hospital wing of the HQ building for RAVEN and DOVE.
This stubborn nature of his came in handy again when yet another terrorist attack was launched during the Founders' declared offensive against RAVEN and DOVE, this time directed at the heart of both organisations - HQ. Dragging himself from a hospital bed, Quentin joined up with another colleague, Alice, and assisted in fighting back the paramilitaries of the Intimidation Unit - though not without the cost of dozens upon dozens of casulaties on the part of both DOVE, RAVEN and the Baybridge Police Department.
Whatever way you looked at things, Quentin and his surviving colleagues were out for blood - and after some preparation on both his and colleagues' parts (Reed's co-ordination of DOVE's remaining resources included) and those of the BPD, both he and the others eventually launched a raid against the Founding Family's central base of operations in Baybridge, aiming to cut the head off the snake before their plans could be enacted. Intelligence gathered earlier on warned them of a plan to unleash another rogue metahuman like the Beast of Prague upon Baybridge in order to decimate the remaining DOVE and RAVEN forces based their, so their first act was to destroy this artificially designed being before they could be unleashed upon the city.
Next came the matter of destroying the Founding Family's abominable machine, intended to grant metahuman abilities to the entire human race regardless of whether such an 'evolution' was willing or not - in the process of doing so, however, Quentin and his teammates encountered one of the two surviving members of the Blessed Three, Blake Schmidt - who was subsequently killed by the veteran RAVEN and his colleagues during a failed attempt at escape. For all intents and purposes, the Founding Family as an organisaton was crippled - its politicial and espionage activities exposed to the public view on a global scale and to the subsequent backlash that followed, but at the same time this meant things back home were unstable as ever for Quentin and his colleagues, not least because of the casualties that they had taken both before and during the assault, including Lihua Zhao - a much respected figure whom had first brought him into NEST.
Public opinion towards RAVEN and DOVE, already divided prior to the events that transpired in Baybridge, became ever more divisive with individuals at both ends of the political spectrum vying for influence and attempting to exhert their will upon the American people. Quentin and his colleagues were simply caught up in the middle of it. With much of RAVEN's forces lost, Quentin found himself forced to take a more senior role, directing more junior agents where necessary whilst his own brother found an unexpected job offer - that of becoming the Director of Baybridge's DOVE branch.
Despite all this, both sides found themselves enforcing the law and doing what they could to keep the peace, by force if necessary. Over the next few years, tensions remained ever high - and with other forces emerging from the carcass of the Founding Family's influence, his work was still cut out for him.
Helena Taylor (Deceased) - Mother
Reed Taylor - Half-brother
Cassius Taylor (Deceased) - Maternal Uncle
Still teenager when she gave birth to her firstborn, Helena Taylor was a sad tale to speak of. Years of poverty and deadbeat boyfriends (one of which fathered another child with her) led to the alcoholism which would go on to kill her, leaving behind two sons. Despite this, Quentin at least regards her fondly and seldom talks about her because of this.
Reed Taylor - Half-brother
An ex-cop turned DOVE, Quentin had a hand in helping to raise Reed during their mother's later years. As the two grew up, however, they grew somewhat distant and it wasn't until the events leading up to the disaster in Verthaven that they finally reconciled.
Cassius Taylor (Deceased) - Maternal Uncle
A father figure to his nephews, Cass was a detective with the VPD who wound up taking in both of his sister's sons when she died and raising them like his own. Of the two, Reed followed in his uncle's footsteps whilst Quentin went on his own troubled path in life. Nonetheless, he still cared deeply for his uncle and during the events of the disaster in Verthaven the two grew close once more. Sadly, Cass was murdered in the final hours of the disaster by Heartbreaker. Whilst Quentin avenged his death, it left him permanently hardened in his personal vendetta against the likes of the Hands of Science.
| Reed Taylor |
| Good | Half-brother | "He's gone further than I ever could." |Quentin's younger brother and an ex-cop turned Director of the Baybridge Branch of DOVE, the two were once distant whilst living in Verthaven but the events and tragedy that unfolded led to them growing closer once more, culminating in him entrusting his brother with the ability of a powerful metahuman to ensure it was in safe hands, as well as safeguarding him. Reunited in Baybridge, the two were close as ever - working back to back against forces conspiring against them. Even now that his kid brother's attained such a high place in the organisation, he still feels the need to watch his back.
| Meifeng Zhao |
| Respected | Close Friend | "Without her Mom, I guess I'm one of the only people she's got left." |Meifeng and Quentin met in the Hands of Science lab way back in Verthaven, where he'd been held captive and forced to assist in their experiments. The two helped each other as Meifeng broke Quentin out of the lab and Quentin helped Meifeng fight her way out of it, which built up a mutually deep level of respect and admiration for one another. After she joined RAVEN, Quentin did what he could to act as a mentor for her and came to see her as a protégé, trusting her enough to know of his past. The last three years has seen this bond remain strong and since her mother's death he's wound up sharing a living space with her in Greencrest Heights.
| Shizuka Takashiro |
| Respected | Old Friend/Colleague | "One of the best we've got, I'm glad he's still around." |Despite never having spoken much with him back in Verthaven, Quentin developed a certain respect for Shizuka during the Verthaven disaster when he drove a knife into the back of Luis' head and pulled him to safety. Reunited in Baybridge, he came to respect the kid he once knew for having come so far and regards him as a reliable friend.
| Haruka Takashiro |
| Good | Old Friend | "Like his brother, he's good as far as I'm concerned." |There was hardly any interaction between Haruka and Quentin back in Verthaven but, again, the shared experience left him on good terms with the quieter half of the Takashiro Twins.
| Alice Barrett |
| Respected | Colleague | "She pulled her weight during that shitshow a couple of years back, I'll have her on side any day of the week." |Quentin came to regard Alice as a colleague who was more than reliable during the events that transpired three years ago, particularly after she helped him push back the Intimidation Unit during the attack on Headquarters.
| Francis Jean-Pierre |
| Neutral | Colleague | "He's got the right intentions, he'll do fine." |Having becoming a regular face over the last few years, Quentin has developed a good working relationship with Francis and, despite having kept him at arm's length so far, has gained a respect for the Haitian's tough stance on crime in the Metahuman community.
| Daniel Forsythe |
| Neutral | Protégé | "He's a good kid, no matter what some folks will say - and he deserves a chance at enjoying his life after what those bastards would've made him." |Introduced to him by Maximilian shortly after the events that transpired three years ago, Quentin found himself taking on a mentoring role of sorts towards Blake's former apprentice, due in no small part to the fact that he himself had been offered a chance at redemption during Max's leadership in the days before NEST's dissolution. Unlike the RAVEN chairman, however, Quentin has opted to play more of a grounded role towards the kid with the intent of at least giving him a chance to enjoy his youth whilst he still has it, contraband liquor and all.
| Jennifer Caspin |
| Respected | Familiar face | "We all thought her dead, but... here she is, nearly a decade later." |Jennifer was a face thought long gone, since Verthaven. Seeing her again has provoked a muted response from Quent, who perhaps sees a ghost. Nontheless, she's still owed the same respect and loyalty that Quentin offers the other Verthaven survivors and in kind, he feels the same sympathy for her losses due to the Changelings as he did.
| The Black Hound |
| Despised | Murderer | "We haven't found a trace of the bastard in years, but until a body turns up I'm not making that mistake again." |Having come to blows with Quentin on numerous occasions during the events that transpired three years ago, there remains a great degree of animosity towards the former assassin on his part, not least because the Hound was responsible for the killing of numerous colleagues and came close to doing the same to him.
Power Class:
Power: Charger & Replicator
Power: Essence
Power Transfer
Quentin is capable of transferring powers between other metahumans and himself, and vice versa, allowing use of said powers for his own intentions or keeping them in ‘storage’, so to speak. In effect, he’s a literal walking bank of powers. Quentin's power transfer ability stems from a subconscious ability to manipulate the Metahuman energy. He can absorb a bit of the Metahuman energy within himself (In other words, their power), then transfer the energy to a different person. Potentially empowering humans who would otherwise never would have manisfested a power.
Abilities currently held by Quentin
- Regenerative System - Held by Quentin for the last decade, it was drawn from the Nemesis during his escape from the Hands of Science's lab in Verthaven. Whilst it doesn't render him immortal, it does allow him to recover from injuries that would kill or otherwise permanently incapacitate other men. As a plus, it's also slowed down his aging a little - though not to the extent of others, with the recent years seeing his age beginto show, scars included.
- Superhuman Strength - Again, a power that Quentin's held onto for the last decade , it too was also stolen from the Nemesis. Whilst it's given Quentin a heightened level of durability and strength, that doesn't mean he can lift cars or punch through plate steel like butter.
First and foremost, Quentin can only transfer powers through direct physical contact with others. It's possible for him to permanently strip someone of their powers, though the process is somewhat more taxing and requires either a severely weakened or otherwise willing subject.
Secondly, Quentin’s skill in utilising powers obtained from other metahumans can vary. Relatively simple actions such as channeling an electrical current come rather easily, whereas more complex actions such as healing a fatally wounded patient are rather difficult to perform and can often require a great deal of practice. In addition to this, extensive use of such powers can be quite taxing on a physical and mental level - particularly if he lacks skill in the use of a particular power. And, unlike one who directly holds the ability, he'll never be fully skilled in its use without years of experience.
Third and finally, he can only store and utilise a limited amount of abilities at any time - no more than say, five or six at once and that'd be pushing it.
Secondly, Quentin’s skill in utilising powers obtained from other metahumans can vary. Relatively simple actions such as channeling an electrical current come rather easily, whereas more complex actions such as healing a fatally wounded patient are rather difficult to perform and can often require a great deal of practice. In addition to this, extensive use of such powers can be quite taxing on a physical and mental level - particularly if he lacks skill in the use of a particular power. And, unlike one who directly holds the ability, he'll never be fully skilled in its use without years of experience.
Third and finally, he can only store and utilise a limited amount of abilities at any time - no more than say, five or six at once and that'd be pushing it.
Incidentally, Quentin's ability to utilise stored abilities can be affected by just how fatigued he is. Like anyone, if he overburdens himself he'll be at risk of passing out or, at worst, losing consciousness.
- Quentin shares a condo in Greencrest Heights with Meifeng Zhao.
- Owing to a 'favour' from Maximillian Cornell and his seniority within RAVEN, Quentin has been given permission on previous occasions to appropriate a vehicle from the existing fleet in Baybridge for use both on and off-duty. In this case and for the last two years, he has driven a 2018 Chevrolet Suburban which has been outfitted with all the necessary features for RAVEN use including a dashboard radio, tinted (bullet-resistant) windows and compartments for additional equipment.

Basic Information
Francis Terrence Marshall
Home District:
Oakdell Harbour (In accommodation provided by DOVE)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
It's obvious that at 5'11, Francis is of a stockier build and if it weren't for the training and physical exhertion that he undergoes as part of his role in the MISW he'd probably have a little more fat on him. Given he's from a country not necessarily known for its warm and sunny weather, his skin is of a lighter complexion. When the opportunity arises, Frank keeps his hair trimmed down to a number two haircut and is equally clean-shaven, tolerating little further than stubble along his jawline (though this is more due to the fact it itches if he lets it get any further).
On account of the exchange program between DOVE and the MISW, Frank whilst on-duty wears the standard DOVE garb and carries, more or less, the same equipment as the others - albeit with a (non-metallic) telescopic baton fixated to his hip.
Whilst off-duty, Frank sticks to casual clothes while out on the town - he's brought from home several pairs of jeans, cargo trousers, shorts and tracksuit bottoms along with enough shirts and t-shirts to last him during the week. He also has a dark-blue zip-up hoodie which he sometimes wears on the colder days, too.
Whilst off-duty, Frank sticks to casual clothes while out on the town - he's brought from home several pairs of jeans, cargo trousers, shorts and tracksuit bottoms along with enough shirts and t-shirts to last him during the week. He also has a dark-blue zip-up hoodie which he sometimes wears on the colder days, too.
Innate & Outward Personality:
Outwardly, Frank conveys himself as a man who can be stubborn to a fault, rendering himself implacable in the face of adversity - as one might expect, for a Brit. When things turn rough, he cracks the occasional joke and will even render a morbid commentary on the matter (a habit picked up from the 'old' MISW days) but still persist in what he perceives as his duty. As far as others are concerned, his actions are done with the best intentions, aiming towards the right thing.
Inwardly, however, Frank is still coming to terms with the knowledge and awareness that the organisation that trained and shaped him for have served as a puppet for the Founding Family and is wrought with guilt at the knowledge that he was an unknowing participant in their schemes and had sought to atone. Self-doubt often plagues him and there are times where he'll question his own actions, even if he might outwardly stand by his convictions.
Despite this, he still feels a debt of sorts to the MISW (which helped him gain control over his ability and gave him place) and has taken it upon his own shoulders to try and assist in its reform - hoping perhaps that the visit to the US might assist in gaining an alternative perspective for this purpose.
Owing to the above, he despises the likes of the Founding Family and given the opportunity would gladly assist in bringing an end to anyone with similar goals or an affiliation to the world spanning cabal. Alternatively, he can be a loyal friend to those who earn his trust (and respect) and will go to great lengths to look out for them. It's just a matter of gaining the former.
On an additional note, a part of Frank's training with the MISW focused on the use of his ability to somewhat manipulative degrees and even after the reform of the organisation, he still finds himself reverting back to old habits, if only momentarily. Likewise, there are times where he'll find himself tempted to use a heavier-handed approach in accordance with the 'old' MISW's ever-suspicious modus operandi, even though he'll realise shortly after and feel guilt over it.
Inwardly, however, Frank is still coming to terms with the knowledge and awareness that the organisation that trained and shaped him for have served as a puppet for the Founding Family and is wrought with guilt at the knowledge that he was an unknowing participant in their schemes and had sought to atone. Self-doubt often plagues him and there are times where he'll question his own actions, even if he might outwardly stand by his convictions.
Despite this, he still feels a debt of sorts to the MISW (which helped him gain control over his ability and gave him place) and has taken it upon his own shoulders to try and assist in its reform - hoping perhaps that the visit to the US might assist in gaining an alternative perspective for this purpose.
Owing to the above, he despises the likes of the Founding Family and given the opportunity would gladly assist in bringing an end to anyone with similar goals or an affiliation to the world spanning cabal. Alternatively, he can be a loyal friend to those who earn his trust (and respect) and will go to great lengths to look out for them. It's just a matter of gaining the former.
On an additional note, a part of Frank's training with the MISW focused on the use of his ability to somewhat manipulative degrees and even after the reform of the organisation, he still finds himself reverting back to old habits, if only momentarily. Likewise, there are times where he'll find himself tempted to use a heavier-handed approach in accordance with the 'old' MISW's ever-suspicious modus operandi, even though he'll realise shortly after and feel guilt over it.
Frank is a self-proclaimed conniseur of what he regards as good food. Part of his plans for his long-term stay in Baybridge is to take advantage of the relatively lower prices and varied tastes of American food.
Several years of training and experience with the MISW have left Frank with a number of skills in terms of aptitude in the fiels. He's capable of using physical force to subdue and restrain unwilling opponents and he knows how to handle firearms, though his experience with the use of the latter in the field is another matter given the UK's strict attitude concerning firearms.
This aside, Frank has undergone the usual intelligence side of the MISW's training, including a study of metahumans and (legal) methods of interrogation, using his own ability to assist in the case of the latter.
This aside, Frank has undergone the usual intelligence side of the MISW's training, including a study of metahumans and (legal) methods of interrogation, using his own ability to assist in the case of the latter.
Trained and shaped by the MISW, Frank is still coming to terms with the knowledge that the organisation largely served as a puppet for the Founding Famly and is wrought with guilt at the knowledge that he was an unknowing participant in their schemes. More than anything, he wants to restore the good name of the organisation (and his country) and bring closure to himself by working alongside DOVE and RAVEN.
Born at the edge of the last millenium, Frank spent the early years of his life as the son of two divorcee parents growing up in North Derbyshire, one with an appreciation for the simpler things in life - video games, TV series and browsing the recesses of the internet. Only, around the time of his fourteenth birthday, something changed in him.
He found himself suffering from intense mood swings, where one moment he could be ecstatic and then the next he would feel intense rage and want to lash out at the nearest person, only to burst into laughter a few seconds later. This went about as well for him as one would expect - most thought he was suffering from a psychological disorder and indeed he found himself being sent on a number of visits to different professionals, all claiming that they would be able to help him and all failing, for the most part.
Medication proved ineffective and only seemed to worsen his mental outlook, to the point that he became reclusive - avoiding human contact seemed to be the only remedy for his troubles. This continued until after his sixteenth birthday, when during a visit to the shops after suffering yet another violent mood swing, he found his unexplainable rage quelled by the sight of other shoppers around him bursting into tears and lashing out at one another until the scene evolved into a riot. It was only after a later analysis of CCTV footage covering the riot that an agent of the MISW picked up on Frank's behaviour minutes before the riot and made the call to follow up their investigation with a visit to Frank's address.
Things cascaded from there - a brief interrogation and a swab test proved that Frank was, indeed, a Metahuman. A potentially disastrous ine at that - his ability allowed him to influence the emotions and mental states of others around him. As per the modus operandi of the organisation in those times, Frank was taken under the MISW's wing (the alternative was a collar and being kept under close surveillance) and, following several years of study at a school operated by the government with similar intentions as the academy program, he began training to become an agent, a process which again took several years to complete.
All in all, it was the MISW who helped Frank pull himself back together, leaving him feeling indebted towards the organisation and for years he worked under the impression that he was doing the right thing - that no matter how rough things could be, he was doing he right thing for the betterment of society.
This perception, however, was shattered following the revelation of the existence of the Founding Family and the scale of their involvement in the world's affairs, Britain and the MISW included. Frank was forced to question the values and code that he'd abided by during his time in the organisation, including circumstances in which he'd taken a heavier-handed response.
This, combined with the emergence of the so-called 'BASILISK' domestic terrorist organisation, shook the MISW to its core as British politics were reshaped around them. Facing new threats, and as a figure in favour of reform within the agency, Frank volunteered and was approved for a placement on a foreign exchange program with the United States with the intention of studying the methods and procedures of DOVE and RAVEN.
He found himself suffering from intense mood swings, where one moment he could be ecstatic and then the next he would feel intense rage and want to lash out at the nearest person, only to burst into laughter a few seconds later. This went about as well for him as one would expect - most thought he was suffering from a psychological disorder and indeed he found himself being sent on a number of visits to different professionals, all claiming that they would be able to help him and all failing, for the most part.
Medication proved ineffective and only seemed to worsen his mental outlook, to the point that he became reclusive - avoiding human contact seemed to be the only remedy for his troubles. This continued until after his sixteenth birthday, when during a visit to the shops after suffering yet another violent mood swing, he found his unexplainable rage quelled by the sight of other shoppers around him bursting into tears and lashing out at one another until the scene evolved into a riot. It was only after a later analysis of CCTV footage covering the riot that an agent of the MISW picked up on Frank's behaviour minutes before the riot and made the call to follow up their investigation with a visit to Frank's address.
Things cascaded from there - a brief interrogation and a swab test proved that Frank was, indeed, a Metahuman. A potentially disastrous ine at that - his ability allowed him to influence the emotions and mental states of others around him. As per the modus operandi of the organisation in those times, Frank was taken under the MISW's wing (the alternative was a collar and being kept under close surveillance) and, following several years of study at a school operated by the government with similar intentions as the academy program, he began training to become an agent, a process which again took several years to complete.
All in all, it was the MISW who helped Frank pull himself back together, leaving him feeling indebted towards the organisation and for years he worked under the impression that he was doing the right thing - that no matter how rough things could be, he was doing he right thing for the betterment of society.
This perception, however, was shattered following the revelation of the existence of the Founding Family and the scale of their involvement in the world's affairs, Britain and the MISW included. Frank was forced to question the values and code that he'd abided by during his time in the organisation, including circumstances in which he'd taken a heavier-handed response.
This, combined with the emergence of the so-called 'BASILISK' domestic terrorist organisation, shook the MISW to its core as British politics were reshaped around them. Facing new threats, and as a figure in favour of reform within the agency, Frank volunteered and was approved for a placement on a foreign exchange program with the United States with the intention of studying the methods and procedures of DOVE and RAVEN.
Terrence Marshall (Father)
Frank's father, the two don't meet often owing to his work in the MISW but maintain a loose correspondence over the phone. Owing to certain similarities in their personalities, they often tend to clash when disagreeing on matters so this distance is for the best.
Sue Knight (Mother)
Frank's mother, working for the MISW has meant the two don't meet often but he does keep in touch on a more regular basis than with his father and, before being taken in by the organisation, the two were quite close.
Power Class:
Cerebral - Domination
In short, Frank can perceive and influence the emotions and state of mind of others around him. This can range from something as simple as picking up on someone who may give off an outward appearance of being calm and collected, but may secretly be terrified, to something as complex as shifting an agitated, violent individual's emotional state to something calmer to prevent them from lashing out. There's a very specific nuance to it, hoever: Frank isn't a jedi - he can't directly implant specific ideas into someone's head, but through his abilities he could instill thoughts of self-doubt into a person if he needed to, for example.
Frank's ability can only effect those within close proximity to him, around twenty metres at most. Futhermore, those with the sufficient willpower (or abilities, in the case of other metahumans) to resist his emotional influence can do so. Being aware that Frank is trying to influence them can help as well. Furthermore, using his ability requires a degree of concrentration in order for it to function correctly.
Frank's ability is a two-way street - whilst he can influence and shift the mood and emotional outlook of those around him, he in turn can suffer from what has been deemed in the cerebral field of study the 'bleeding effect', where he himself is vulnerable to becoming swayed by the emotions and thoughts of others around him by making use of his abilities. At best, it can be distracting but at worse, it can be an emotionally crippling experience - one would be dangerous in his line of work. It's taken a great deal of training and focus to bring the worst of it under wraps, but even now it's something which lingers overhead.