The year is 2030.
The earth is not much different from today - apart from a few scientific discoveries and development in disease treatment and household technologies. Well…apart from them. Mutants. Beings, who look and act like ordinary human beings, but can do things that normal people could only ever imagine or dream of. Rumours fly around, whispering that they can start fires using only their minds, control metal and even rifle through our deepest, darkest thoughts and expose them to the world. Not much is known about them...only the cause; a mysterious 'X' gene, not inherited from parents, that lies within their DNA.
The discovery came in 2024. It came in the form of Javier Mikelson, who was representing Germany in the Olympic games at the time. He won a Gold medal whilst competing men's 1,000m and while on the winner's podium, he erupted into flames, stunning the whole crowd into silence. Mayhem ensued but Javier seemed fine and was even filmed laughing, as the general public scrambled to escape the arena. Needless to say, the YouTube video went viral.
And so the phenomenon of mutants was revealed to the world. Your neighbour, your closest friend could be one. There was an initial period of excitement; people flocked to see Javier and others, encouraged by the positive reception, revealed their own gifts. But then Javier killed 6 year old Yasmin Codde.
It was an accident, he claimed. The curious child had gotten too close in one of Javier's demonstrations and he hadn't been entirely in control. It was the red light the government needed. Panic ensued and the mutants were quickly viewed with suspicion and fear. Javier disappeared, never to be seen again. They were forced into hiding and the global scare forced governments to develop campaigns to document mutants, tag them, reveal them to the public. The famous scientist, Ike Orland, invented the first mutant suppressant; a discrete ankle bracelet that supressed the X gene and the powers that came with it.
It has become common practise for the Orland ankle bracelet to be administered to mutants, now. There’s just one problem; identification. Most mutants look just like anyone else or have become skilled at concealing any physical manifestations of the X-gene. And most people don’t exactly want to volunteer their own mutations, just to be an outcast from mainstream society, no matter how much jail time may be the alternative. The death sentence is still illegal – but that doesn’t stop those with intense hatred towards mutants, often with reasons of their own, from carrying out their own punishments – it’s not like the police force are too concerned about dishing justice out to normal people. The few rogue mutants, who revolted in rage and ended up killing several people haven’t exactly helped the cause. And neither does the media.
But of course there are people who rally for mutant rights and equality (though they certainly appear to be in the minority). Those that continue to fight for a future where mutants can live without fear of persecution. Though it seems a long way away from today.
So into what category do you fall?
Are you a mutant, hiding in the shadows? Actively fighting for mutant equality? A rogue mutant, making it your mission to avenge Javier Mikelson? A scared civilian? A government official?
This is an X-Men style RP but features none of the characters from the series, only using the concept of the x-gene. The setting will probably be America, though specific locations will remain largely ambiguous. If you have any further questions on the plot or premises, feel free to ask below.
1. My word is final.
2. Standard casual rules apply; I'm guessing you all know the drill.
3. Make sure to specify a weakness with your power - no one is invincible
4. A decent-sized paragraph per IC post, please - that means no one liners. Again; standard casual stuff.
5. If you are going to be absent from the roleplay for more than a week, please tell me. No one likes to be left hanging.
6. Proper spelling and grammar would be appreciated (though it doesn't have to be perfect all the time)
7. Please be respectful in the OOC and when interacting with fellow RPers (though conflict is probable in the IC)
8. Please make sure your ability is not the same as any other players.
Sign Up Template
Also Known As: (Optional)
Abilities: (A detailed description, please - with weaknesses and limitations. Not required, if you want to be a non-mutant)
Views on Mutants: (Are they an mutant activist? Do they dislike their mutation?)
Accepted Characters...
- Dr A Douglas/Elektra *MissAddler* - Technopathy
- The Asset/32/Isaiah Holman *Metronome* - Rapid Regeneration
- Alison Bennet *ShadowedRaven* - Shadow Manipulation
- Rosaline Gale *Penguin* - Light Manipulation
- Keith Hatcher/Chaos *Toxx* - Kinetic Energy Manipulation
- Kevin/Viper *Shard* - Rapid Regeneration
- Axelis Zabel/Silver Ryu *Drake Baku* - Silver Armour
- Edgar Wyatt *Sheffield* - NA [In Progress]
- Denelli White *Scoundrel* - Energy blasts/Healing
- Xavier Vasquez *Cloudy Nights* - Telepathy [In Progress]
- Tony Jaa *Rock Killjoy* - "Combat Chameleon"
Still Accepting
My Character
Angela Jane Douglas
Also Known As
Professor Douglas

Angela has the ability to control and manipulate electrical objects and technology, such as computers, phones etc. Anything that runs on electricity is vulnerable to her influences and she can act as a conductor within a circuit. When in contact with an electrical source, it has a 'charging' effect on her and, for short periods of time, her speed, stamina, senses and agility is enhanced - though this quickly drains, dependent on how much she draws from this energy reserve and how much she absorbed in the first place. On rare occasions (once), she managed to generate a raw 'lightning' bolt (when she was twelve, and being pursued by a bully who wasn't hit but required counselling) but it requires vast amounts of energy and would require intensive training to replicate. She also has the ability, when in contact with an electrical system, to explore in her mind how the system works and affect it, in resemblance to an extremely skilled IT hacker. She often feels more energetic in areas of high technology use i.e. urban areas.
Limits to her ability includes that she has to be in contact with the electrical system she is attempting to influence. If, when she is 'charged', she comes into contact with water, she will short-circuit, causing her to pass out and drain of power instantly. Denied of an electrical source, she quickly drains back to virtually a non-mutant.
When 'charged', her skin appears luminescent and her eyes glow a fluorescent yellow colour.
View on Mutants
While she fully supports mutant rights, she conceals her own mutant status to preserve her job. She is the founder of the internet mutant forum 'FreeGenes' and is able to code it in such away - due to her electrical abilities - that only accessible by mutants.
If Angela had to be summed up in one word, it would be 'efficient'. She is as organised as a single person can get and she carries out each task - both academic and social - with a thoroughness, that could only be attributed to a perfectionist personality. Her mind is always working, thinking, and she struggles to do such things, as relax.
Despite this, she is quite empathetic and has a strong sense of right and wrong. Whilst not always vocal about her personal views, she has strong opinions and morals that she rarely strays from. She has not allowed her parent's fear to taint her view on mutants. Her career comes first, but she is one of those who envisages a future where mutants and non-mutants can live together peacefully. She is someone who people tend to respect and admire, and words like 'irresponsible' and 'careless' are foreign to her. For this reason, she has never taken drugs or allowed herself to drink in excess.
Despite this, people may describe her as a 'workaholic' and she has often been described as dull, despite harbouring a sharp, sarcastic sense of humour that she doesn't exhibit often due to the serious nature of her work. She likes to have control over many aspects of her life and so, being out of control can unnerve her. Whilst outwardly friendly, she hasn't ever formed any close friendships nor relationships, so to speak of.
Angela was born and grew up in a small town, where her mother was a well-respected doctor and her father was a dentist. She displayed an early interest and enthusiasm for science, regularly conducting experiments that seemed to go badly wrong (there was that one incident involving a squirrel and some explosive chemicals...). She developed her abilities at an early age and her parents were distraught when they first discovered that their precious daughter had been tainted by the X-gene. Her mother spent her time attempting to develop a suppressant drug but she ultimately failed. Angela was never too concerned by being different.
She excelled in all aspects of academia, gaining near perfect test scores in practically all her subjects. She was a quietly confident child; she was that girl that nobody disliked but no one was particularly close with, apart from maybe Izzy. Maybe people subconsciously sensed that she was different from them. Though she was friendly enough, she always seemed to prefer her own company. She thought of social interaction as a tad trivial when compared to the grand scheme of the universe.
It helped having Izzy around. He went to the same local school and though their parents seemed social worlds apart, she got along with him. They became firm friends and eventually, when his mother died, she supported him. Just like he did, when she was having 'black' days about being different. However, as they grew older, Izzy's campaigns became more well-known and the rift in their different approaches became more evident. She had ideas of creating anonymous websites - just a mere dream, at that point - but he wanted to make the government listen in a bolder way, to get attention and demonstrate to people how things could be. But she was concerned it would jeopardise here academic future, which she felt would give her more influence. They argued badly, until Angela left to go to University and never saw nor spoke to Izzy again.
She attended the best University in the country and completed a physics degree, much to the delight of her parents. Here she made a few friends and her confidence grew, allowing her to give lectures and speeches to vast audiences at conferences and large gatherings. It was easy to forget her mutation. Soon after, she took up a teaching position but unsatisfied, she soon left, despite being admired by the students and staff alike.She became a known name in political circles, having been involved in a couple of scientific breakthroughs, and subsequently, gained influence within the government.
After the Javier Mikelson Affair, she decided she needed to act for the good of mutant kind. Feeling she would have more power and influence in the government by keeping her mutation secret (and her reputation intact), she flexed her abilities by designing and creating the website she'd dreamed of when she was younger, 'FreeGenes', under the false name 'Elektra'. After a few months' of practise, she managed to develop the ability to send messages to people with the X-Gene and her website gained popularity. Ironically, the government asked her as a respected academic, to keep tabs on the rumours of this 'mystery mutant website'.
To this day, she has managed to live out her double life quite successfully. She likes living in relatively rural locations as it means she is not close to electrical sources and can more easily unwind without having to worry she may unwittingly tap into her abilities or 'charge' unintentionally.
She can speak German and dislikes spicy foods. As a hobby, she likes to experiment with electronic systems but feels it would be both dangerous and unfair to do this commercially, as it involves using her mutation. She rarely 'charges', for fear someone may see her.
The earth is not much different from today - apart from a few scientific discoveries and development in disease treatment and household technologies. Well…apart from them. Mutants. Beings, who look and act like ordinary human beings, but can do things that normal people could only ever imagine or dream of. Rumours fly around, whispering that they can start fires using only their minds, control metal and even rifle through our deepest, darkest thoughts and expose them to the world. Not much is known about them...only the cause; a mysterious 'X' gene, not inherited from parents, that lies within their DNA.
The discovery came in 2024. It came in the form of Javier Mikelson, who was representing Germany in the Olympic games at the time. He won a Gold medal whilst competing men's 1,000m and while on the winner's podium, he erupted into flames, stunning the whole crowd into silence. Mayhem ensued but Javier seemed fine and was even filmed laughing, as the general public scrambled to escape the arena. Needless to say, the YouTube video went viral.
And so the phenomenon of mutants was revealed to the world. Your neighbour, your closest friend could be one. There was an initial period of excitement; people flocked to see Javier and others, encouraged by the positive reception, revealed their own gifts. But then Javier killed 6 year old Yasmin Codde.
It was an accident, he claimed. The curious child had gotten too close in one of Javier's demonstrations and he hadn't been entirely in control. It was the red light the government needed. Panic ensued and the mutants were quickly viewed with suspicion and fear. Javier disappeared, never to be seen again. They were forced into hiding and the global scare forced governments to develop campaigns to document mutants, tag them, reveal them to the public. The famous scientist, Ike Orland, invented the first mutant suppressant; a discrete ankle bracelet that supressed the X gene and the powers that came with it.
It has become common practise for the Orland ankle bracelet to be administered to mutants, now. There’s just one problem; identification. Most mutants look just like anyone else or have become skilled at concealing any physical manifestations of the X-gene. And most people don’t exactly want to volunteer their own mutations, just to be an outcast from mainstream society, no matter how much jail time may be the alternative. The death sentence is still illegal – but that doesn’t stop those with intense hatred towards mutants, often with reasons of their own, from carrying out their own punishments – it’s not like the police force are too concerned about dishing justice out to normal people. The few rogue mutants, who revolted in rage and ended up killing several people haven’t exactly helped the cause. And neither does the media.
But of course there are people who rally for mutant rights and equality (though they certainly appear to be in the minority). Those that continue to fight for a future where mutants can live without fear of persecution. Though it seems a long way away from today.
So into what category do you fall?
Are you a mutant, hiding in the shadows? Actively fighting for mutant equality? A rogue mutant, making it your mission to avenge Javier Mikelson? A scared civilian? A government official?
This is an X-Men style RP but features none of the characters from the series, only using the concept of the x-gene. The setting will probably be America, though specific locations will remain largely ambiguous. If you have any further questions on the plot or premises, feel free to ask below.
1. My word is final.
2. Standard casual rules apply; I'm guessing you all know the drill.
3. Make sure to specify a weakness with your power - no one is invincible
4. A decent-sized paragraph per IC post, please - that means no one liners. Again; standard casual stuff.
5. If you are going to be absent from the roleplay for more than a week, please tell me. No one likes to be left hanging.
6. Proper spelling and grammar would be appreciated (though it doesn't have to be perfect all the time)
7. Please be respectful in the OOC and when interacting with fellow RPers (though conflict is probable in the IC)
8. Please make sure your ability is not the same as any other players.
Sign Up Template
Also Known As: (Optional)
Abilities: (A detailed description, please - with weaknesses and limitations. Not required, if you want to be a non-mutant)
Views on Mutants: (Are they an mutant activist? Do they dislike their mutation?)
Accepted Characters...
- Dr A Douglas/Elektra *MissAddler* - Technopathy
- The Asset/32/Isaiah Holman *Metronome* - Rapid Regeneration
- Alison Bennet *ShadowedRaven* - Shadow Manipulation
- Rosaline Gale *Penguin* - Light Manipulation
- Keith Hatcher/Chaos *Toxx* - Kinetic Energy Manipulation
- Kevin/Viper *Shard* - Rapid Regeneration
- Axelis Zabel/Silver Ryu *Drake Baku* - Silver Armour
- Edgar Wyatt *Sheffield* - NA [In Progress]
- Denelli White *Scoundrel* - Energy blasts/Healing
- Xavier Vasquez *Cloudy Nights* - Telepathy [In Progress]
- Tony Jaa *Rock Killjoy* - "Combat Chameleon"
Still Accepting
My Character
Angela Jane Douglas
Also Known As
Professor Douglas

Angela has the ability to control and manipulate electrical objects and technology, such as computers, phones etc. Anything that runs on electricity is vulnerable to her influences and she can act as a conductor within a circuit. When in contact with an electrical source, it has a 'charging' effect on her and, for short periods of time, her speed, stamina, senses and agility is enhanced - though this quickly drains, dependent on how much she draws from this energy reserve and how much she absorbed in the first place. On rare occasions (once), she managed to generate a raw 'lightning' bolt (when she was twelve, and being pursued by a bully who wasn't hit but required counselling) but it requires vast amounts of energy and would require intensive training to replicate. She also has the ability, when in contact with an electrical system, to explore in her mind how the system works and affect it, in resemblance to an extremely skilled IT hacker. She often feels more energetic in areas of high technology use i.e. urban areas.
Limits to her ability includes that she has to be in contact with the electrical system she is attempting to influence. If, when she is 'charged', she comes into contact with water, she will short-circuit, causing her to pass out and drain of power instantly. Denied of an electrical source, she quickly drains back to virtually a non-mutant.
When 'charged', her skin appears luminescent and her eyes glow a fluorescent yellow colour.
View on Mutants
While she fully supports mutant rights, she conceals her own mutant status to preserve her job. She is the founder of the internet mutant forum 'FreeGenes' and is able to code it in such away - due to her electrical abilities - that only accessible by mutants.
If Angela had to be summed up in one word, it would be 'efficient'. She is as organised as a single person can get and she carries out each task - both academic and social - with a thoroughness, that could only be attributed to a perfectionist personality. Her mind is always working, thinking, and she struggles to do such things, as relax.
Despite this, she is quite empathetic and has a strong sense of right and wrong. Whilst not always vocal about her personal views, she has strong opinions and morals that she rarely strays from. She has not allowed her parent's fear to taint her view on mutants. Her career comes first, but she is one of those who envisages a future where mutants and non-mutants can live together peacefully. She is someone who people tend to respect and admire, and words like 'irresponsible' and 'careless' are foreign to her. For this reason, she has never taken drugs or allowed herself to drink in excess.
Despite this, people may describe her as a 'workaholic' and she has often been described as dull, despite harbouring a sharp, sarcastic sense of humour that she doesn't exhibit often due to the serious nature of her work. She likes to have control over many aspects of her life and so, being out of control can unnerve her. Whilst outwardly friendly, she hasn't ever formed any close friendships nor relationships, so to speak of.
Angela was born and grew up in a small town, where her mother was a well-respected doctor and her father was a dentist. She displayed an early interest and enthusiasm for science, regularly conducting experiments that seemed to go badly wrong (there was that one incident involving a squirrel and some explosive chemicals...). She developed her abilities at an early age and her parents were distraught when they first discovered that their precious daughter had been tainted by the X-gene. Her mother spent her time attempting to develop a suppressant drug but she ultimately failed. Angela was never too concerned by being different.
She excelled in all aspects of academia, gaining near perfect test scores in practically all her subjects. She was a quietly confident child; she was that girl that nobody disliked but no one was particularly close with, apart from maybe Izzy. Maybe people subconsciously sensed that she was different from them. Though she was friendly enough, she always seemed to prefer her own company. She thought of social interaction as a tad trivial when compared to the grand scheme of the universe.
It helped having Izzy around. He went to the same local school and though their parents seemed social worlds apart, she got along with him. They became firm friends and eventually, when his mother died, she supported him. Just like he did, when she was having 'black' days about being different. However, as they grew older, Izzy's campaigns became more well-known and the rift in their different approaches became more evident. She had ideas of creating anonymous websites - just a mere dream, at that point - but he wanted to make the government listen in a bolder way, to get attention and demonstrate to people how things could be. But she was concerned it would jeopardise here academic future, which she felt would give her more influence. They argued badly, until Angela left to go to University and never saw nor spoke to Izzy again.
She attended the best University in the country and completed a physics degree, much to the delight of her parents. Here she made a few friends and her confidence grew, allowing her to give lectures and speeches to vast audiences at conferences and large gatherings. It was easy to forget her mutation. Soon after, she took up a teaching position but unsatisfied, she soon left, despite being admired by the students and staff alike.She became a known name in political circles, having been involved in a couple of scientific breakthroughs, and subsequently, gained influence within the government.
After the Javier Mikelson Affair, she decided she needed to act for the good of mutant kind. Feeling she would have more power and influence in the government by keeping her mutation secret (and her reputation intact), she flexed her abilities by designing and creating the website she'd dreamed of when she was younger, 'FreeGenes', under the false name 'Elektra'. After a few months' of practise, she managed to develop the ability to send messages to people with the X-Gene and her website gained popularity. Ironically, the government asked her as a respected academic, to keep tabs on the rumours of this 'mystery mutant website'.
To this day, she has managed to live out her double life quite successfully. She likes living in relatively rural locations as it means she is not close to electrical sources and can more easily unwind without having to worry she may unwittingly tap into her abilities or 'charge' unintentionally.
She can speak German and dislikes spicy foods. As a hobby, she likes to experiment with electronic systems but feels it would be both dangerous and unfair to do this commercially, as it involves using her mutation. She rarely 'charges', for fear someone may see her.