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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The year is 2030.

The earth is not much different from today - apart from a few scientific discoveries and development in disease treatment and household technologies. Well…apart from them. Mutants. Beings, who look and act like ordinary human beings, but can do things that normal people could only ever imagine or dream of. Rumours fly around, whispering that they can start fires using only their minds, control metal and even rifle through our deepest, darkest thoughts and expose them to the world. Not much is known about them...only the cause; a mysterious 'X' gene, not inherited from parents, that lies within their DNA.

The discovery came in 2024. It came in the form of Javier Mikelson, who was representing Germany in the Olympic games at the time. He won a Gold medal whilst competing men's 1,000m and while on the winner's podium, he erupted into flames, stunning the whole crowd into silence. Mayhem ensued but Javier seemed fine and was even filmed laughing, as the general public scrambled to escape the arena. Needless to say, the YouTube video went viral.

And so the phenomenon of mutants was revealed to the world. Your neighbour, your closest friend could be one. There was an initial period of excitement; people flocked to see Javier and others, encouraged by the positive reception, revealed their own gifts. But then Javier killed 6 year old Yasmin Codde.

It was an accident, he claimed. The curious child had gotten too close in one of Javier's demonstrations and he hadn't been entirely in control. It was the red light the government needed. Panic ensued and the mutants were quickly viewed with suspicion and fear. Javier disappeared, never to be seen again. They were forced into hiding and the global scare forced governments to develop campaigns to document mutants, tag them, reveal them to the public. The famous scientist, Ike Orland, invented the first mutant suppressant; a discrete ankle bracelet that supressed the X gene and the powers that came with it.

It has become common practise for the Orland ankle bracelet to be administered to mutants, now. There’s just one problem; identification. Most mutants look just like anyone else or have become skilled at concealing any physical manifestations of the X-gene. And most people don’t exactly want to volunteer their own mutations, just to be an outcast from mainstream society, no matter how much jail time may be the alternative. The death sentence is still illegal – but that doesn’t stop those with intense hatred towards mutants, often with reasons of their own, from carrying out their own punishments – it’s not like the police force are too concerned about dishing justice out to normal people. The few rogue mutants, who revolted in rage and ended up killing several people haven’t exactly helped the cause. And neither does the media.

But of course there are people who rally for mutant rights and equality (though they certainly appear to be in the minority). Those that continue to fight for a future where mutants can live without fear of persecution. Though it seems a long way away from today.

So into what category do you fall?
Are you a mutant, hiding in the shadows? Actively fighting for mutant equality? A rogue mutant, making it your mission to avenge Javier Mikelson? A scared civilian? A government official?

This is an X-Men style RP but features none of the characters from the series, only using the concept of the x-gene. The setting will probably be America, though specific locations will remain largely ambiguous. If you have any further questions on the plot or premises, feel free to ask below.
1. My word is final.
2. Standard casual rules apply; I'm guessing you all know the drill.
3. Make sure to specify a weakness with your power - no one is invincible
4. A decent-sized paragraph per IC post, please - that means no one liners. Again; standard casual stuff.
5. If you are going to be absent from the roleplay for more than a week, please tell me. No one likes to be left hanging.
6. Proper spelling and grammar would be appreciated (though it doesn't have to be perfect all the time)
7. Please be respectful in the OOC and when interacting with fellow RPers (though conflict is probable in the IC)
8. Please make sure your ability is not the same as any other players.

Sign Up Template
Also Known As: (Optional)
Abilities: (A detailed description, please - with weaknesses and limitations. Not required, if you want to be a non-mutant)
Views on Mutants: (Are they an mutant activist? Do they dislike their mutation?)

Accepted Characters...
- Dr A Douglas/Elektra *MissAddler* - Technopathy
- The Asset/32/Isaiah Holman *Metronome* - Rapid Regeneration
- Alison Bennet *ShadowedRaven* - Shadow Manipulation
- Rosaline Gale *Penguin* - Light Manipulation
- Keith Hatcher/Chaos *Toxx* - Kinetic Energy Manipulation
- Kevin/Viper *Shard* - Rapid Regeneration
- Axelis Zabel/Silver Ryu *Drake Baku* - Silver Armour
- Edgar Wyatt *Sheffield* - NA [In Progress]
- Denelli White *Scoundrel* - Energy blasts/Healing
- Xavier Vasquez *Cloudy Nights* - Telepathy [In Progress]
- Tony Jaa *Rock Killjoy* - "Combat Chameleon"

Still Accepting
My Character

Angela Jane Douglas


Also Known As
Professor Douglas


Angela has the ability to control and manipulate electrical objects and technology, such as computers, phones etc. Anything that runs on electricity is vulnerable to her influences and she can act as a conductor within a circuit. When in contact with an electrical source, it has a 'charging' effect on her and, for short periods of time, her speed, stamina, senses and agility is enhanced - though this quickly drains, dependent on how much she draws from this energy reserve and how much she absorbed in the first place. On rare occasions (once), she managed to generate a raw 'lightning' bolt (when she was twelve, and being pursued by a bully who wasn't hit but required counselling) but it requires vast amounts of energy and would require intensive training to replicate. She also has the ability, when in contact with an electrical system, to explore in her mind how the system works and affect it, in resemblance to an extremely skilled IT hacker. She often feels more energetic in areas of high technology use i.e. urban areas.
Limits to her ability includes that she has to be in contact with the electrical system she is attempting to influence. If, when she is 'charged', she comes into contact with water, she will short-circuit, causing her to pass out and drain of power instantly. Denied of an electrical source, she quickly drains back to virtually a non-mutant.
When 'charged', her skin appears luminescent and her eyes glow a fluorescent yellow colour.

View on Mutants
While she fully supports mutant rights, she conceals her own mutant status to preserve her job. She is the founder of the internet mutant forum 'FreeGenes' and is able to code it in such away - due to her electrical abilities - that only accessible by mutants.

If Angela had to be summed up in one word, it would be 'efficient'. She is as organised as a single person can get and she carries out each task - both academic and social - with a thoroughness, that could only be attributed to a perfectionist personality. Her mind is always working, thinking, and she struggles to do such things, as relax.
Despite this, she is quite empathetic and has a strong sense of right and wrong. Whilst not always vocal about her personal views, she has strong opinions and morals that she rarely strays from. She has not allowed her parent's fear to taint her view on mutants. Her career comes first, but she is one of those who envisages a future where mutants and non-mutants can live together peacefully. She is someone who people tend to respect and admire, and words like 'irresponsible' and 'careless' are foreign to her. For this reason, she has never taken drugs or allowed herself to drink in excess.
Despite this, people may describe her as a 'workaholic' and she has often been described as dull, despite harbouring a sharp, sarcastic sense of humour that she doesn't exhibit often due to the serious nature of her work. She likes to have control over many aspects of her life and so, being out of control can unnerve her. Whilst outwardly friendly, she hasn't ever formed any close friendships nor relationships, so to speak of.

Angela was born and grew up in a small town, where her mother was a well-respected doctor and her father was a dentist. She displayed an early interest and enthusiasm for science, regularly conducting experiments that seemed to go badly wrong (there was that one incident involving a squirrel and some explosive chemicals...). She developed her abilities at an early age and her parents were distraught when they first discovered that their precious daughter had been tainted by the X-gene. Her mother spent her time attempting to develop a suppressant drug but she ultimately failed. Angela was never too concerned by being different.
She excelled in all aspects of academia, gaining near perfect test scores in practically all her subjects. She was a quietly confident child; she was that girl that nobody disliked but no one was particularly close with, apart from maybe Izzy. Maybe people subconsciously sensed that she was different from them. Though she was friendly enough, she always seemed to prefer her own company. She thought of social interaction as a tad trivial when compared to the grand scheme of the universe.
It helped having Izzy around. He went to the same local school and though their parents seemed social worlds apart, she got along with him. They became firm friends and eventually, when his mother died, she supported him. Just like he did, when she was having 'black' days about being different. However, as they grew older, Izzy's campaigns became more well-known and the rift in their different approaches became more evident. She had ideas of creating anonymous websites - just a mere dream, at that point - but he wanted to make the government listen in a bolder way, to get attention and demonstrate to people how things could be. But she was concerned it would jeopardise here academic future, which she felt would give her more influence. They argued badly, until Angela left to go to University and never saw nor spoke to Izzy again.
She attended the best University in the country and completed a physics degree, much to the delight of her parents. Here she made a few friends and her confidence grew, allowing her to give lectures and speeches to vast audiences at conferences and large gatherings. It was easy to forget her mutation. Soon after, she took up a teaching position but unsatisfied, she soon left, despite being admired by the students and staff alike.She became a known name in political circles, having been involved in a couple of scientific breakthroughs, and subsequently, gained influence within the government.
After the Javier Mikelson Affair, she decided she needed to act for the good of mutant kind. Feeling she would have more power and influence in the government by keeping her mutation secret (and her reputation intact), she flexed her abilities by designing and creating the website she'd dreamed of when she was younger, 'FreeGenes', under the false name 'Elektra'. After a few months' of practise, she managed to develop the ability to send messages to people with the X-Gene and her website gained popularity. Ironically, the government asked her as a respected academic, to keep tabs on the rumours of this 'mystery mutant website'.
To this day, she has managed to live out her double life quite successfully. She likes living in relatively rural locations as it means she is not close to electrical sources and can more easily unwind without having to worry she may unwittingly tap into her abilities or 'charge' unintentionally.

She can speak German and dislikes spicy foods. As a hobby, she likes to experiment with electronic systems but feels it would be both dangerous and unfair to do this commercially, as it involves using her mutation. She rarely 'charges', for fear someone may see her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowedRaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Reserve me a space my lovely, I shall have a sign up maybe tomorrow but most likely Saturday ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ShadowedRaven said
Reserve me a space my lovely, I shall have a sign up maybe tomorrow but most likely Saturday ;)

Naturally, dear Raven. I'm surprised it took you this long to find my newest creation!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowedRaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

MissAddler said
Naturally, dear Raven. I'm surprised it took you this long to find my newest creation!

Haha! Unfortunately I'm currently stuck on my phone so stalking you isn't a as easy as usual hahaha! :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Count me in guys :) Making CS. Reserving light manipulation/photokinesis if I may
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

Hi, I was wondering if I could reserve a character? I'm creating someone who has Kinetic Energy Manipulation - something akin to what Gambit has, although he can also direct the energy into his own body, and in other different variations. His name is Keith, and his alias is 'Chaos'.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sure, guys!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am making a character now. I do not know if I will be done before I need to head off to bed...but I am making one ^^. I would like to reserve that spot if it's possible, if I cannot finish this in time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Can I have a spot reserved? I'll be away for about 10 hours (I think) attending some family matters. I'll make a CS right away when I get home ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

Keith Hatcher

Nineteen. (19)

Also Known As
Chaos - Although the people that knows him by this are most-likely dead.

Keith is a tall, lean, and muscular young man that sports the build most would see in athletes. He has constantly half-lidded purple eyes that seems too relaxed and observatory for someone with his appearance and powers. His hair is weird - basically a giant mess of wavy, feathery black hair that goes in between his eyes, over his ears, and around his head in a sort of bird's nest-like thing; he obviously doesn't use a comb or brush, but, for some reason, the hairstyle looks endearing on him. He usually keeps on a purple and white hoodie, dark black jeans, and comfortable sneakers, while his black backpack is strung over his shoulders - he likes keeping on his small backpack for some reason.

Keith, or Chaos as his alias dictates, has the ability to manipulate and use the Kinetic Energy stored inside of his body. Thismeans that he can use the energy to make his physical attacks immensely more powerful - which is used whenever fatal blows are necessary, considering Keith's regular attributes are naturally enhanced due to the chaotic Kinetic Energy that's constantly swirling through his bloodstream. Keith can also channel the energy outside of his body to use in a variety of different ways. The energy itself is usually multicolored, although the common colors are purple, black, and red - usual colors associated with chaotic mythology. He can blast a stream of Kinetic Energy from his feet, to jet himself through the air in a manner reminiscent of flying or floating. Keith can also use the Energy in standard blasts of energy, which will, once impacted with something, simply send them flying with the force of a speeding truck, or even explode on impact with the force of C4 or an actual live grenade. The Kinetic Energy can also be channeled into objects to make it, virtually, a ticking time-bomb or an instant bomb. When items are charged with Kinetic Energy, it is evident by a purple glow.

The limitations to this is rather obvious and normal. The energy will diminish after constant, 24/7 use, and will have to be recharged with food or drink - which is why Keith stuffs his face with Doritos and Sprite almost constantly. If the Kinetic Energy is overfilling his body, Keith can accidentally explode - it won't harm him, but it can harm anyone around him - whether it be ally or enemy, so Keith has to do things to bite away at the corners of his energy - be it exploding dice, or using it around himself in numerous other ways - which can sort of give away his 'X-Genes' secrecy. He also has to have actual physical contact with things to charge them with Kinetic Energy.

View on Mutants
Since he is a mutant, Keith's pretty much like 'Fuck the racists'. However, since he's a bit too chilled to really care about it, he doesn't care much about mutant rights or whatever. He does hate the annoying pricks that thinks they're so high-and-mighty when compared to a mutant, and so he goes out of his way to be rebellious.

Keith is probably one of the chilliest guys you'd ever see on this earth. His eyes are constantly half-lidded and laidback, and the boy seems to take everything in stride, already adapting to this whole x-gene thing. He has the tendency to say 'dude' a lot, and vehemently dissuades any observations of him being constantly high. He's a relatively kind guy as long as he likes you, and, along with dude, any variation of 'motherfuckin' is enjoyable to utter. Despite everything pointing to the fact that Keith is just an extremely laidback and cool man, he often goes on 'nightly pillages' where he, basically, purged the city from criminals by beating their asses. It's not because he hates crime; it's just to practice and flex his powers, and criminals and crooks are the easiest targets to take out without the feds getting on your ass.
Keith tends to be the fan of the 'fist-bump', and although he's passive unless bothered, you wouldn't want to make him mad or angry - which is relatively hard in it's own right. He'll blow your head off with an energy blast before sticking grenades down the bloody cavity and blowing your corpse into smithereens. Over-all a really chilled, funny, loyal, and exotic guy that has mood swings like you wouldn't believe. Seems to be developing sociopathic tendencies due to this 'superpowers' thing, but since he's so chilled and calm, you won't even know it. It shows because of how brutal and graphic his way of fighting is - and because he doesn't hesitate with anything - even if it's something morally wrong.

Keith's life isn't anything terribly tragic or interesting. He lived in a rather shitty apartment somewhere in the city, with no one else but himself, sadly. His mother died during birth, and his father was killed on the front lines. He was originally in an orphanage, before he was anonymously emancipated, and started receiving a daily stipend from the government. Due to this, he was able to afford his apartment, along with a better education, and eventually, college, where he plays quite a bit of sports. When he noticed his mutation, at the age of 18, it was when he was arm-wrestling some jock prick and he sort of...slammed the dude's hand through the table...a steel table. He was always physically more capable than his other classmates, but that was sort of odd. Thankfully no one looked too far into it - the guy had to go to the hospital, and his arm was completely shredded and broken, but it was all blamed on faulty furniture. For a full year, Keith has been training his power in secret, and sharpening the powers on the numerous scum that dots the city.

Keith loves the feeling of running and jetting across buildings at night, since it makes him feel like some sort of uber ninja God or some shit. His favorite snacks are Doritos and soda. Lots of soda..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Im working er so i wont be home till late tonight. Will post bio then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


Member Offline since relaunch

Reserve me a spot! Love Super hero RPs!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Incoming villain.

Name: Isaiah "Izzy" Holman
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Personality: If there was a textbook definition of a good man, it was Izzy. He cared about people. Izzy volunteered a good portion of his time and money for people, human and mutant alike. When he passed a man living on the street, he would offer his own home and work until that man was mended. He wasn't happy unless he was doing something for someone else. Izzy's demeanor was cheerful, laid back, and accepting. After working with mutants for so long, he came to a point where nothing surprised him any more. He didn't judge and rarely even batted an eye at their mutations. His heart of gold, however, was what would eventually cause his downfall.

Views on mutants: He was a very avid mutant's rights activist. He viewed them as equal to any other person.

Other: Although completely human, Izzy became a mutants' rights activist, and a pretty well known one at that. He had a big hand in helping create many mutant safe houses across the country. Some saw him as a hero, some saw him as a madman.

Appearance: Izzy was a fairly average sized man, standing at 5'11. He enjoyed running and long distance jogging, giving him a lean, athletic build. His hair was black and slightly curly. Izzy had dark brown eyes.

History: Born of humble beginnings, Izzy was raised by a single mother in a bad side of town. They couldn't afford much, but they managed to get by. His mother supported him through his slow journey to the man he was prior to his assassination. She came to all his speeches, encouraged him to push the envelope, and taught him determination. It was for this reason that Izzy was crushed when she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. As she slowly faded away, part of him did as well. However, Izzy had a large circle of friends who were able to help him through the grief.

A few years after his mother's death, his name was popping up all over the place as a revolutionary. His dreams of humans and mutants living together in peace shook the nation; he was described as a modern day Martin Luther King. Some people speculated that he was a mutant, and that his power had something to do with persuasion. This, however, was completely false. He was simply a convincing man.

His march for peace, however, ended abruptly with his assassination. Izzy was giving yet another speech against the 2024 Mutant Registration Act yet he was shot in the chest by a sniper. "Police" quickly came and gathered the body. His death was on the headlines of many newspapers the very next day. But was he really gone?

-Six years later-

Name: Experiment 32, often called 'The asset'
Age: 31 (still appears about 25)
Gender: Male

Personality: 32 is more of a machine than a man. He's given orders and he follows them, no questions asked. He shows little emotion, cares nothing about the people he hurts, and is otherwise a vacant shell of a human. He's determined, calculating, and stoic.

Views on mutants: He has no opinions.

Other: 32 is not a mutant, but rather a human advanced by science. He has no x-gene. Because of this, tracking systems, poisons, and mutant locating devices (Such as Cerebro) do not work on him.

Abilities: He was number 32 in a long running experiment to re-create Viper's healing factor. 32 can heal from broken bones and severe trauma in just a few hours. He ages as an extremely slow rate. They managed to fix the weakness in the spinal cord; if severed, it can grow back. However, there was no way to re-grow his heart.
While they were toying around with his DNA, they also found a way to enhance his strength, hearing, sight, and smell. They trained him to naturally sense the presence of other people, making him impossible to sneak up on. His bionic heart made him a more efficient athlete. His stamina went up and his recovery time went down. But the heart is his weakness as well as his strength. It's the only part of him that won't heal if injured.

Appearance: 32 has not changed in appearance since his "assassination". Other than his hair being kept in a more professional buzz cut, the only notable difference would be the glowing, Iron Man style core where his heart should be.


Once Isaiah Holman, a mutants' rights revolutionary, Experiment 32 is now a machine of destruction. He was assassinated by the Friends of Humanity, a mutant hate group, his body then taken by the Weapon X program. The two groups worked together to create a mutant that would shape the ages. Isaiah would be turned against everything he believed in.

When Weapon X received his body, it was immediately after him being shot. 32 was barely alive, but they managed to incubate him until they could get him back to one of their facilities. His heart destroyed by the shot, they had to replace it with a prototype they had laying around: The bionic heart. Once revived, 32 fought they every step of the way. He fought his reprogramming, he fought his training, he fought until he couldn't fight it anymore. And then he was theirs. 32 was enhanced by the multiple experiments preformed on him. When he was deemed ready, he was then used to destroy his own life's work.

32 was used for several different things: assassination, interrogation, sabotage, and whatever dirty work that the official at FOH couldn't be bothered to do. Weapon X got their share out of him as well, using him to destroy their enemies one at time. 32 was the perfect asset: he never questioned orders, only obeyed. His humanity stripped from him, he was often referred as 'the asset' or 'it' and best yet 'the thing'.

FOH is quite proud of their favorite tool. 32 is their own statement against mutant kind: he was a man who devoted his life to equality, and now he will spend the rest of it curving the odds against them. They are very insistent that, while on missions, 32 makes sure people know that it was a 'mutant' who killed the target. 32's work over the last 6 years has helped tipped the scales in FOH's favor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Elena Johnson
Age: 18
Also Known As: NA

Basic Overview: Elena has the ability to control and manipulate forms of water.
Limitations: It is difficult for her to generate liquid water out of H2O molecules in the air. Controlling and manipulating large bodies of water is physically and mentally exhausting over a short period of time. The distance she is able to project water is sometimes unpredictable due to her lack of skill. Her abilities are in tune with her emotions, causing random bursts of involuntary actions during moments of emotional venerability.
Specific Abilities: Using her hand gestures Elena is able to move liquid water at her will, even able jet high-pressured water towards her target. She can freeze water and bend them into any shape she can muster; sometimes if she concentrates hard enough the ice will not melt for a long period of time. Elena is able to control the liquid in another human’s body but only able to make them move subtlety. She can clean out cuts and wounds with her water, but has not developed any sort of healing ability.

Views on Mutants: Elena is not a mutant activist, she very much hates her own mutation wishing to conceal herself as much as possible and avoid detection. She has got nothing against other mutants, they simply mean nothing to her, though she cannot stand those who flaunt their abilities and have god complexes, feeling as if they should save the people who hunt them down, because it is their, “Duty as the evolved members of their species.” As her brother and his band of vigilantes say.
Personality: Once people would have said that Elena was an intelligent, friendly child with a bright future. Her politeness and consideration of others before herself was admired throughout her family and she was everyone’s friend and shoulder to cry on. But now to say that she has a chip on her shoulder is an understatement. Due to the recent history, she has distanced herself from others and cut all ties from her family. She’s developed a cold demeanor with an attitude of nonchalance that makes everyone shiver. Basically, she acts as though she doesn’t care about anything and anyone but secretly, cries herself to sleep every night.

History: Elena was born to a privileged life, her mother a doctor and her father a well-known lawyer, needless to say everyone knew the Johnsons. Elena was raised with all the best that money could buy. The best schools, tutors, music lessons, where she thrived in but, despite all of that her family still had time for each other, they still had time for love in their hearts for each other and for their daughter.

Then, when Elena was four, her brother Julian was born. Their parents, who had wanted a son from the start, showered him with love and support just as much as they had with her. All of a sudden the spotlight was no longer on her all the time. Her parents still cared about her, but Julian was a sickly baby and stole much of their attention. That was fine by Elena she just spent more time alone. One day she was out alone by the creek near their home, she was skipping around the tall grass there her arms out twirling around with her, and from what she can remember she a wave of calm pass over her before a wave of water began twirling around with her. She stopped and the water fell to the ground. Of course her child like mind didn’t think of it strange so she twirled her arms around again and the water rose from the creek twirling with her before it fell to the ground. After ten minutes of this she couldn’t do it anymore and had a bad headache so she went home. She couldn’t wait to tell her parents but, it was around that time that mutants were manifesting and the world was in a panic and her parents were not shy to share their negative opinion about them. In a nutshell they hated mutants and everything to do with them. Something told her deep inside that she shouldn’t tell her parents.

Years passed and she managed to keep her abilities a secret even when the government officials came knocking on every door wanting to test everyone for the X gene and tag any mutants. Even though they were getting harder to control she managed to fool everyone. Well except her brother who caught her in the act when he was five, he watched her twirl the water around and he giggled and clapped at it then showing her what he could do. He raised his toy dog in the air and let it float. Her brother was just like her, he had the X gene. Elena then, as much as a nine year old could explain to a five year old how he should never show anyone besides her his ability. He surprisingly understood.
Over time, the two kept deceiving their parents without a hitch, also the fact that their work became busier and busier helped some. All was good until the day Elena and her mother got into the hugest argument they had ever had. It was about Elena taking the music scholarship she had received and not going to business school like her mother wanted. One thing led after the next and Elena couldn’t control it anymore; vases began to break, faucets burst open and sprayed hot water everywhere, Elena tried to stop it but only seemed to make it worse. Her parents then knew it was from her and became hysterical, her mother reached her phone to call the police but Julian knocked it out of her hand taking Elena by the hand and left the house. They went into hiding fearing the worst from kidnapping to mutant crimes, but nothing came. Just a new bank account in their names and money pouring into every few weeks, they got the message, as long as they stayed away they would be taken care of. Elena then shut herself off from the world but Julian became angry at all who opposed mutants and wanted to prove to their parents that they were good and joined a vigilante group despite his sister’s warnings solving crime without the polices authority.

Other: Was so musically gifted that she received a Scholarship. Can play the piano and flute.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reserving a spot here! Hopefully, there'll still be vacancies when I get home.

Apologies, I'm gonna have to back out of this because of how much time college is eating up. Have fun, you guys. C:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


A question with regards to the plot. How ill the story begin and how exactly will it move (plot wise). Also, will this be more sandbox/character based or is there an actual story to follow?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

WIll sort a sheet out later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Toxx, Accepted - great character

@Shard, Also accepted - and an equally great character. I'm sorry for the confusion that I understand Metronome has figured out with you.

@Metronome, you're already in, but for the sake of continuity; accepted!

@SaraRps, Accepted

The above CS's provide the level of detail I was looking for so anyone writing up their own CS should aim to match them. (That was a compliment for you guys!)

FiroIV said
Hello. A question with regards to the plot. How ill the story begin and how exactly will it move (plot wise). Also, will this be more sandbox/character based or is there an actual story to follow?

The initial setting will be a street rally, of mutants protesting for equality. Our various characters will be in the area - whether an active part of the protest or just curious to watch the action, anonymously - and government officials (or an equally as angered organisation) will descend. I figured we could take it from there, as the setting seems an appropriate place, where we could interact our characters.

Whereas I trust most players to develop the RP in the way they see fit, I may occasionally post a narrative IC post to advance the plot, e.g. to a different setting or time period. I feel it may end up more character driven, though.

But, of course, I am always open to ideas and if any of the accepted players feel they would like to propose their own ideas for the advancement of the plot, I will try to incorporate their ideas into the story. Hope this answers your questions.

Phloem said
Apologies, I'm gonna have to back out of this because of how much time college is eating up. Have fun, you guys. C:

I'm sorry to hear that! Thanks for telling me!

Sep said
WIll sort a sheet out later.

I will reserve you a space.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowedRaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Alison Bennet
Age: 20
Also Known As: Ally is her usual nickname, but Shadow may be one used by those who know who she really is and what she’s capable of doing.


Abilities: The ability of shadow manipulation includes a variety of things. Ally is able to create inanimate objects out of existing shadows and then solidify them. For example she could manipulate a shadow to look like a ball, then solidify it and therefore make it 3D. However whatever she makes will be purely black and smooth, no other colours or textures. She also can’t make animate objects, so nothing that is living or constantly moves. However she can control the shadows, effectively allowing her 3D ball (or other objects) of shadows to hover or move around up to a short range.
But she cannot create shadows, only draw upon them if they are there or if she is in darkness, hence she is stronger in the evenings and at night then in bright sunlight. She can also use the shadows to cast a veil around herself and effectively hide almost perfectly within the darkness. Other uses may even extent to the creation of shadow force fields in some sense.

Views on Mutants: She has no knowledge of other mutants, but believes there must be others out there like her. And so she wishes to find them and hopefully gain more knowledge on what they are capable of and why it is only them that are this way. Due to her lack of knowledge on the matter she could easily be swayed in the views of whether humans and mutants are equals or not…

Personality: Ally is a character with many sides, her personality varying depending on how well you know her and how much she trusts you.

To most people it is her determination that strikes you first, once she's set her mind to something it will be done and to the best of her ability. In some cases this can make her seem stubborn to those who don't know her, but really she is quite the opposite. She is logical and quick minded, preferring to think up many solutions before spending time on analysing the pros and cons of each strategy and then picking the best and most effective one, even if it isn't the most obvious or the easiest.

In this way she also weighs up the values and opinions of others, meaning in an argument she isn't likely to pick sides, but instead try to make each party see where both their strengths and their weaknesses are and help them to compromise. With this she has gained a skill for using words and persuasion to be the voice of reason. However on a more selfish note she could just as easily use her skills and charm to try and get the things she wants. Far preferring to talk herself out of a situation then fight her way out with brute force.

She is curious by nature and strives to learn more, the new and the unknown always capturing her attention. She is one that prefers to learn a specific thing in depth rather than loads of things all at once. At times she can go into a period of silence, more so when pressure starts mounting on her, for she knows a clear frame of mind is all that is needed when trying to resolve a situation and her way to do this is by withdrawing into herself so she can sift through her own thoughts without disturbances. But on the opposite end of it, she hates the moment when she has to make a decision without fully thinking it through, for it makes her feel uncertain - for her the worst feeling a human could experience.

On rare occasions she can live up to the stubbornness that is portrayed upon her, for once she has made that ultimate decision she sticks to it like glue. And at times she can even be a little judgemental, but these are not traits she likes to show. Rather she masks them with her patience in the way that it is rare to see her loose her temper, but if she does then gosh does all hell break loose. She can switch from being deadly calm to having a full on rant, both times using words to make the person feel inferior. Overall she tends to keep her true emotions hidden and portrays a more positive and cheerier attitude even in situations she disagrees with. Her sense of humour always being a large factor in contributing to how she responds to situations or the way she converses with people.
Overall she is a fairly creative person, her lifestyle meaning she’s had to pick up skills quickly in order to do well for herself, or as well as she can.

In new surroundings or around strange people she can react in one of two ways, either appearing quite withdrawn in herself as she prefers to observe things before acting upon them, or overly confident as she tries to appear knowledgeable on a subject so as not to be underestimated.

History: Ally was orphaned shortly after being born, whether this was because her parents died or they simply didn’t want her is a mystery left unsolved. Of course she has often tried to question this, but since no one knew anything she may as well just accept the fact it’s a dead end. Her life therefore was primarily in foster care.
She spent the majority of her younger years growing up in the large family environment of the foster care house. Her siblings, or that’s at least what they called each other, would come and go but she always seemed to remain.

There was occasional times when families had wanted to adopt her, but things never seemed to work out and so she was always back in the foster home, happy to help out with the younger children or even the older ones - both with chores or any issues in life they had – always seeming to be the peace maker at the dinner table. She was mature for her years and always concentrated in applying herself to any task that came her way.

When she turned 18 however she was met abruptly with the harsh reality of life. She found it hard to keep down a steady job and struggled to just get enough food each week. She tried to return to her foster home at first, with it being the only home she had ever known, it seemed she had nowhere else to turn. But with new kids always coming in they simply couldn’t afford to house her there no matter how much she helped. Therefore she scraped together what little cash was offered and tried to make the best of it. But the money was soon dried up.

A year later and life was getting much better, or well manageable. She had managed to get part time work twice a week and had regular spots for where was best to stay at night depending both upon the day and the weather. However cash was still sparse and so she turned to occasional ‘grab and run’ to help her by.
As her confidence grew she was able to take pricier items, resulting in less frequent events which she far preferred, she didn’t take them for fun (although she must admit the adrenaline was appealing) but merely to allow her to gain the resources she needed to survive. She soon established a safe network to sell them through and so far has got away undetected. And now with these new abilities starting to develop, despite her uncertainty over them, they may actually come in handy.

Other: None

***Ok finished now I think.... may add more - depends on my mood lol***
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