Here is me!
Name: Hart Arron
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: K’tareen
Racial Appearance:
An amphibious race of humanoids, K’tareens are for the most part slim and pale skinned, with serpentine eyes, and occasionally with tough ridges along the skin of various hues, typically light or dark blue. Hair colors are typically brown or blue, though a scant few are born with blonde hair. Aside from the ridges and eyes, K’tareens are for the most part indistinguishable from typical humans. In comparison to humans, K’tareens typically have denser muscle and less fat overall, but are considerably lighter and have weaker bones when compared to that of humans, breaking with only 60% of the force required to break a human’s. K’tareens have eyesight comparable to humans, but generally have the ability to see well in low-light conditions, due to the general darkness of most bodies of water.
Racial Customs and mannerisms:
K’tareens are generally known throughout Daiar as merchants and artisans, and are typically seen as selfish, materialistic, and vain. Already a race rather few in numbers, only a minority of K’tareens ever exit the bodies of water that they were born in, and an even smaller minority of K’tareens decide to actually live on land communities. K’tareens speak common as well as their own native tongue, a sort of cross between telepathy and sort of subsonic/infrasound speech while underwater. Common derogatory names for K’tareens include ‘fish-men, and pond-snakes’.
K’tareens live in a sort of mercantile clan and guild system, with the most powerful K’tareens being those who are masters of their respective trade. K’tareens are typically arrogant and proud, to the point of being haughty. K’tareens place a large amount of value on family names and status.
Racial Powers:
As an amphibious race, K’tareens are quite capable of spending most, if not their entire lives in their underwater cities. Several K’tareens are known to have a greater affinity to water than others. These specific K’tareens are able to use a technique referred to as ‘merging’.
When a K’tareen merges, their body becomes a living body of water, typically in a humanoid shape. While in this state, they can manipulate their own body of water, as well any body of water they touch. This allows them to grow in size as they absorb greater quantities of water. The limit of how much water one can absorb is limited by age, experience, and willpower. While in this aquatic state, K’tareens are no longer able to speak common, and instead use subsonic rumbles to communicate.

K’tareens are notably fast swimmers, and have good eyesight while underwater and while in the dark.
Appearance:A short K’tareen standing in at 5’6”, Hart is a short, lanky, and lightweight individual. He has a thin, but athletic built, well suited to running and physical activity. His blonde hair is dirty and rather unkempt, and his eyes are a piercing blue. Hart has yet to develop the tough colored ridges on his body like fully grown K’tareen, and aside from his snake-like eyes, his dress and appearance marks him as humanlike.
Clothing/Armor:Hart’s typical attire consists of a slim fitting gray vest, made of a sturdy cloth, and off-white linen pants, tucked into a well-worn pair of leather boots. A sturdy leather belt goes around his waist, and has various pouches in it. Another thinner belt goes diagonally across his chest, and has a sheath built into it. He wears a pair of leather bracers that cut off at the fingers, and reach down his forearms. Overtop his regular clothes; he wears a dark blue, hooded cloak that reaches down to his ankles. He also is usually seen with a cloth scarf.
Weapons:Studded Knuckles – built into the knuckles of his bracers are small lumps of hardened leather and metal knobs. Very subtle, they are not very visible against the surface of his bracers, but give an added amount of force to his unarmed strikes.
Jack Knives x2 – A pair of small knives that fit in the palm of a person’s hand, these blades are only a few inches long, with a blade no longer than a single inch. They are hidden under Hart’s forearms within his bracers.
Curved knife – A single edged knife with a curve to it, this weapon serves as a valuable tool as well as a weapon. The outer edge is sharp, while the inner edge is dull, making it an effective hook as well as a knife. This weapon is sheathed in the leather sheath on Hart’s chest.
Jar of Water – A plain, small clay jar of water, used either for drinking, or for Hart’s magic. Carried on the waist.
Skills/Abilities:Thievery – A thief by trade, its only natural that Hart would be talented in the various tricks and skills of thieves. Pick pocketing, lock picking, sneaking around, sleight of hand, and other skills larcenous in nature come to Hart rather easily.
Showmanship – What others would call ‘conning’, Hart would prefer to refer to as ‘Showmanship’. Acting, lying, improvisation, deception, and other types of trickery is employed by Hart in his various schemes to attain the gold of others.
Fleeing – Chances are, things don’t always work out as Hart’s plans. When this happens, its often good to be able to flee in a hasty manner. Hart is good at running from people, as well as weaving though obstacles and climbing in order to escape his pursuers.
Bladework & Fisticuffs – Hart prefers to avoid fights where he can, as he often winds up pitted against larger foes, but when he does get into a fight, he prefers to use sneaky and underhanded treachery whenever possible. Employing a series of sucker punches, trips, and sneaky knife jabs, Hart can hold his own in a small, short fight.
Magic:Untrained Water Magic – As a K’tareen, Hart naturally has an affinity for water magic. As a thief and street urchin, he never really learned how to use it. With only a basic grasp of water magic, he uses the jar of water on his belt to spray a cold, distracting mist or fog to aid fleeing from his enemies.
Merging – as a K’tareen merger, Hart can turn his body into a living body of water. While in this state, Hart has as much mass as he would normally, but in the form of water. He can absorb water to the point that he can grow up to 7 feet in height – at the cost of more energy spent. While in this state, he is not required to stay in a humanoid shape, and can move as a large glob of water. While merged, Hart is more or less resistant to physical attacks, though is still vulnerable to heat/cold, as well as magic. If too much water is physically separated from the main body, the merge will fail and Hart will collapse fall into a momentary period of shock.
Merging is very energy intensive and requires three hours of rest per hour merged.
Inventory:On the belt:
- Set of lockpicking tools
- Smoke Bomb x2
- Climbing Claw
- Flint
- Small knapsack attached to the back of his belt
- 3 days worth of dried rations and water
- Small prying bar
- Bag of ball bearings
Personality:Snarky and sarcastic, the young Hart Arron is what some would consider a lovable rogue, and what others would consider a pesky abomination. A carefree, lackadaisical smart-aleck, Hart is a fast paced, and energetic scamp fully loaded with an arsenal of terrible one liners, and a case of Robin Hood syndrome. Intuitive and highly perceptive, Hart is often very aware of his surroundings and can easily gauge the emotions of others. Clever, and quick on the ball, Hart is able to make snap judgements in on a moments notice. He seems to be very sensitive in regards to his height, and has a short temper to match his height. Despite his roguish nature and lazy attitude, Hart still manages to keep a code of morals, with a strong, albeit occasionally misguided, feeling of right and wrong.
Backstory:A street urchin hailing from the streets of the nearby city of Arron. His earliest memories are of that of an orphanage in the city. At the orphanage, he was given the name Hart, and named ‘Arron’, for the city, as most orphans were. The Orphanage was a rather unpleasant place to live, eventually Hart, along with several other orphans fled from the orphanage, becoming runaways and street urchins. The oldest in the group of six orphans, Hart eventually they resorted to thievery, and stealing for food. Thieving was generally not without its share of setbacks, Hart was occasionally caught, and several times came very close to getting his hands cut off by the city guard, but the big watery eyes of his youngest ‘sister’ and his natural ability to become a body of water was generally enough to stop the orphans from suffering from any major repercussions.
As Hart grew older, he got better at stealing, and got noticed less, and therefore caught less. On his 12th birthday, Hart happened to be lucky/unlucky enough to attempt to rob a prominent thief in the city. Taking the Hart and the other orphans under his wing, this master thief mentored him in the arts of trickery, often treating Hart as something almost similar to a son. Under the tutelage of this master thief, Hart learned the ins and outs of properly robbing people blind. From the all important pick pocketing and lock breaking, to the more refined arts of conning and acting, Hart learned how to properly sneak up on a man, and how to properly backstab people with a dagger, as well as slip a man's purse into his pocket while shaking his hand.
By the time he had turned 17, Hart had established himself as his mentor’s protoge. With his siblings in tow, Hart and his mentor established a small guild of thieves in the capital city, with the mentor at the head, and Hart at his side. They organized a network of thieves and contacts to help make themselves not only illusive, but profitable as well. For a while, this network seemed almost untraceable, as they began to rob the city blind. Hart was easily able to gain more riches in a short span than his he could have ever imagined.
However, all good things must come to an end. The Authorities soon became aware that they were being robbed by an organized group of thieves, rather than a series of lucky flukes. Setting a trap, with bait that was too good to pass up, the city caught a group of Guild thieves, and with a number of brutal torture methods, wrested the names and locations of the guilds safehouses and members. The guards then scoured the city, finding and killing guild members and anyone affiliated with them on the spot, resulting in the death of two of Hart’s siblings, as well as his mentor.
Fleeing the city with his remaining siblings, Hart retreated westwards to the village of Estermere. Here, Hart and his companions used what valuables they managed to keep while running from the city of Arron, and have established a small safehouse for themselves.
Hart's Crew
Name: Melody 'Melly' Arron
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race Half-elf
Appearance:A young half-elf standing in at 5'5". Melly has a thin, slight build, this combined with her shorter than average stature gives her the appearance of fragility. Her hair is a light blonde, and she has rather fair skin, and slightly pointed ears, with deep, green, emerald eyes. Her round face and large eyes make her appear innocent and soft.
Melly wears a soft, short cloth dress, belted around the waist with a strip of white cloth. Another strip of white cloth wraps around her neck like a scarf. She occasionally wears white arm warmers, and has a pair of short leather boots.
Melly carries no weapons on her, but the sight of her tearful face could arguably stop most adults in their place.
Adept Conning – While Hart learned the inns and outs of thievery, their mentor taught Melly how to use her personality as a weapon. As a result, she is a good actor, and often adopts an sweetly innocent persona to weaken the wills of her targets and keep them off guard. Even her friends have difficulty telling when she's adopting a persona or not.
Fleeing – The staple skill of any thief: Running for your life. While not as talented at running as the rest of the crew, Melly still has no difficulty fleeing from most (NPC) adults.
Water Manipulation – Half Elves are known for their rather strong magical affinities, and while not professionally trained, Melly is quite capable of manipulating fluid water, which she often uses to aid Hart and the rest of the crew.
- Jar of water
Responsible – considerably moreso than the rest of her companions, Melly is typically the voice of reason in the group. When dealing with outsiders, Melly often adopts a sweet, innocent persona, set with watery eyes and trembling lip. While with her friends, Melly is notably more vocal, and rarely hesitates from striking her comrades with a well placed slap when upset.
The de-facto second in command of Hart's small crew, Melly was one of the orphans who escaped from the orphanage with Hart. They are very close and Hart seems to be protective of her.
Name: Tin-Tin 'Tinkerbell' Arron
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Race Gaian
Racial Information:Gaians are the term for a collection of sub-human species. These species are noted by their animalistic features, and are often referred to as a 'man' of said species, such as 'rat-man, tiger-man, cat-man' etc. They are believed to be a mix of different animal-folk (such as weaselfolk or mousefolk) and humans, and have qualities from each.
Appearance:Even shorter than the rest of his already-short compatriots, the young Tin-Tin is barely 5 feet in height, and weighs as little as you'd think he would. He has soot gray hair, with large triangluar ears, and poofy tail.
He wears a loose brown tunic under a metal plated vest, a pair of shorts, and an open toed set of plated boots. He wears a pair of fingerless gloves, and has a harness of various objects hanging from his body.
Contraptions - Not one single weapon, but rather a myriad of (typically flawed) machines and do-hickeys. Some cut, others bash, but most invariably end up exploding.
Tinkering - With an understanding of physics, alchemy, and chemistry given to him by various stolen books, observations, and other sources, Tin-Tin has taken up the habit of throwing together useless bits and bobs that the crew bring back with them from heists, and using them to create larger relatively useless objects. These objects have the tendency to explode.
Fleeing - A necessary skill for any 'thief' to know.
Insatiable Appetite - While Tin-Tin claims to have an insatiable appetite for knowledge, most of his companions are under the impression of that by knowledge, he means food. Tin-Tin eats a ridiculous amount of food, to the point that it puts strains on the crew's budget.
Logical - Tin-Tin has been blessed with a larger than average brain mass, and as a result is highly logical and is good at thinking and analyzing. On the other hand, he's not very good at sharing his findings or being able to apply them realistically to everyday life.
Tin-Tin carries a variety of smoke bombs and contraptions on his person. He often forgets to pack the necessities and typically is not trusted with items of importance to the group.
Highly intelligent and booksmart, Tin-Tin is something of a genius, and may be considered a child prodigy. Keeping this in mind, he is also rather clumsy, and has poor social skills, often relying on his friends to do socializing for him.
The smallest, and youngest of the group, Tin-Tin was another orphan that followed Hart when he fled from the orphanage. While originally (and still somewhat) a nuisance, he eventually grew on the small, tight-knit group, and was accepted as a member of their 'family'. Tin-Tin was the one that found the location for the group's safehouse in Estermere, and is usually found managing the safehouse.
Name: Beran 'Bear' Arron
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race Half-orc
Appearance:While the rest of his companions are small and of slighter build, Beran is the opposite. Standing in at 6 feet in height, and broad shouldered, Beran is anything but small. His skin has an olive green tone to it, and large tusks stick out from his mouth. His black hair is tied into a neat ponytail on the back of his head, and his eyes are a piercing red. While nowhere near as large as a fully grown orc or half-orc, Beran still isn't one to take lightly.
Beran wears a stiff leather breastplate over a plain black tunic, and has a pair of worn leather boots over linen pants. He wears a pair of stiff leather bracers. He has a green cloak that wraps over his attire.
Broad Sword - Beran wields a heavy, wide-bladed sword given to him by the group's mentor. While he often uses it in two hands, he is quite capable of holding it in a single hand.
Brutish Swordplay - His friends are often hesitant to use the word 'swordplay' to describe Beran's fighting technique. Only taught the basics before he began self-teaching his own technique, Beran crudely uses his orcish strength to fight, as opposed to dexterity and speed.
Fleeing - While his friends can dodge and weave through crowds, when Beran runs the crowd parts for him, as few desire to be ran over by a charging orc. While Beran lacks the juking and weaving abilities of his friends, none of them can match his speed in a straight sprint.
- Nothing worth mentioning.
Quiet and brooding, Beran is what one would consider the strong, silent type. He rarely opens up to anyone outside of his small group of friends. When communicating with outsiders, he uses a combination of short, curt responses and demands, as well as grunts, to get his point across.
The 'muscle' of the group, Beran was an orphan who fled the orphanage with Hart. He participates in heists when his set of skills are needed, but for the most part spends most of his time in the safehouse, protecting it.