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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Redshirt army hear me! We may be expendable, but who gives a damn? Chaaaaaarge!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm still here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Here is me!

Name: Hart Arron
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Race: K’tareen


A short K’tareen standing in at 5’6”, Hart is a short, lanky, and lightweight individual. He has a thin, but athletic built, well suited to running and physical activity. His blonde hair is dirty and rather unkempt, and his eyes are a piercing blue. Hart has yet to develop the tough colored ridges on his body like fully grown K’tareen, and aside from his snake-like eyes, his dress and appearance marks him as humanlike.

Hart’s typical attire consists of a slim fitting gray vest, made of a sturdy cloth, and off-white linen pants, tucked into a well-worn pair of leather boots. A sturdy leather belt goes around his waist, and has various pouches in it. Another thinner belt goes diagonally across his chest, and has a sheath built into it. He wears a pair of leather bracers that cut off at the fingers, and reach down his forearms. Overtop his regular clothes; he wears a dark blue, hooded cloak that reaches down to his ankles. He also is usually seen with a cloth scarf.

Studded Knuckles – built into the knuckles of his bracers are small lumps of hardened leather and metal knobs. Very subtle, they are not very visible against the surface of his bracers, but give an added amount of force to his unarmed strikes.

Jack Knives x2 – A pair of small knives that fit in the palm of a person’s hand, these blades are only a few inches long, with a blade no longer than a single inch. They are hidden under Hart’s forearms within his bracers.

Curved knife – A single edged knife with a curve to it, this weapon serves as a valuable tool as well as a weapon. The outer edge is sharp, while the inner edge is dull, making it an effective hook as well as a knife. This weapon is sheathed in the leather sheath on Hart’s chest.

Jar of Water – A plain, small clay jar of water, used either for drinking, or for Hart’s magic. Carried on the waist.

Thievery – A thief by trade, its only natural that Hart would be talented in the various tricks and skills of thieves. Pick pocketing, lock picking, sneaking around, sleight of hand, and other skills larcenous in nature come to Hart rather easily.

Showmanship – What others would call ‘conning’, Hart would prefer to refer to as ‘Showmanship’. Acting, lying, improvisation, deception, and other types of trickery is employed by Hart in his various schemes to attain the gold of others.

Fleeing – Chances are, things don’t always work out as Hart’s plans. When this happens, its often good to be able to flee in a hasty manner. Hart is good at running from people, as well as weaving though obstacles and climbing in order to escape his pursuers.

Bladework & Fisticuffs – Hart prefers to avoid fights where he can, as he often winds up pitted against larger foes, but when he does get into a fight, he prefers to use sneaky and underhanded treachery whenever possible. Employing a series of sucker punches, trips, and sneaky knife jabs, Hart can hold his own in a small, short fight.

Untrained Water Magic – As a K’tareen, Hart naturally has an affinity for water magic. As a thief and street urchin, he never really learned how to use it. With only a basic grasp of water magic, he uses the jar of water on his belt to spray a cold, distracting mist or fog to aid fleeing from his enemies.

Merging – as a K’tareen merger, Hart can turn his body into a living body of water. While in this state, Hart has as much mass as he would normally, but in the form of water. He can absorb water to the point that he can grow up to 7 feet in height – at the cost of more energy spent. While in this state, he is not required to stay in a humanoid shape, and can move as a large glob of water. While merged, Hart is more or less resistant to physical attacks, though is still vulnerable to heat/cold, as well as magic. If too much water is physically separated from the main body, the merge will fail and Hart will collapse fall into a momentary period of shock.

Merging is very energy intensive and requires three hours of rest per hour merged.

On the belt:
- Set of lockpicking tools
- Smoke Bomb x2
- Climbing Claw
- Flint
- Small knapsack attached to the back of his belt
- 3 days worth of dried rations and water
- Small prying bar
- Bag of ball bearings

Snarky and sarcastic, the young Hart Arron is what some would consider a lovable rogue, and what others would consider a pesky abomination. A carefree, lackadaisical smart-aleck, Hart is a fast paced, and energetic scamp fully loaded with an arsenal of terrible one liners, and a case of Robin Hood syndrome. Intuitive and highly perceptive, Hart is often very aware of his surroundings and can easily gauge the emotions of others. Clever, and quick on the ball, Hart is able to make snap judgements in on a moments notice. He seems to be very sensitive in regards to his height, and has a short temper to match his height. Despite his roguish nature and lazy attitude, Hart still manages to keep a code of morals, with a strong, albeit occasionally misguided, feeling of right and wrong.

A street urchin hailing from the streets of the nearby city of Arron. His earliest memories are of that of an orphanage in the city. At the orphanage, he was given the name Hart, and named ‘Arron’, for the city, as most orphans were. The Orphanage was a rather unpleasant place to live, eventually Hart, along with several other orphans fled from the orphanage, becoming runaways and street urchins. The oldest in the group of six orphans, Hart eventually they resorted to thievery, and stealing for food. Thieving was generally not without its share of setbacks, Hart was occasionally caught, and several times came very close to getting his hands cut off by the city guard, but the big watery eyes of his youngest ‘sister’ and his natural ability to become a body of water was generally enough to stop the orphans from suffering from any major repercussions.

As Hart grew older, he got better at stealing, and got noticed less, and therefore caught less. On his 12th birthday, Hart happened to be lucky/unlucky enough to attempt to rob a prominent thief in the city. Taking the Hart and the other orphans under his wing, this master thief mentored him in the arts of trickery, often treating Hart as something almost similar to a son. Under the tutelage of this master thief, Hart learned the ins and outs of properly robbing people blind. From the all important pick pocketing and lock breaking, to the more refined arts of conning and acting, Hart learned how to properly sneak up on a man, and how to properly backstab people with a dagger, as well as slip a man's purse into his pocket while shaking his hand.

By the time he had turned 17, Hart had established himself as his mentor’s protoge. With his siblings in tow, Hart and his mentor established a small guild of thieves in the capital city, with the mentor at the head, and Hart at his side. They organized a network of thieves and contacts to help make themselves not only illusive, but profitable as well. For a while, this network seemed almost untraceable, as they began to rob the city blind. Hart was easily able to gain more riches in a short span than his he could have ever imagined.

However, all good things must come to an end. The Authorities soon became aware that they were being robbed by an organized group of thieves, rather than a series of lucky flukes. Setting a trap, with bait that was too good to pass up, the city caught a group of Guild thieves, and with a number of brutal torture methods, wrested the names and locations of the guilds safehouses and members. The guards then scoured the city, finding and killing guild members and anyone affiliated with them on the spot, resulting in the death of two of Hart’s siblings, as well as his mentor.

Fleeing the city with his remaining siblings, Hart retreated westwards to the village of Estermere. Here, Hart and his companions used what valuables they managed to keep while running from the city of Arron, and have established a small safehouse for themselves.
Hart's Crew

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview

Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Rakgan Shieldhewer

Race: Dwarf

Age: 95

Gender: Male


Clothing/Armor: Rakgan's clothing is generally the same every day. He almost always wears his horned helmet which partially covers the top of his long red hair. His armour consists of an iron torso guard along with iron boots. His leg guards are just regular trousers as he woke up halfway through a thievery and failed to chuck his hammer at the thief before he got away. He has leather bracer's that protect his wrists.

Weapons: (Describe the weapons your character carries with them on a regular basis. You may include pictures if you wish, although as long as you’re clear enough it’s not entirely necessary. In this section, you must also describe where your character keeps their weapons. In case your character is caught off guard or restrained in some way, it’s much more believable that they could quickly draw their dagger if it was sheathed at their waist than if it was at the bottom of a cluttered backpack, after all. This is for the sake of consistency. For weapons like bows or crossbows that require bolts or arrows, make sure to note how many arrows your character keeps on them on a regular basis and where.)

Skills/Abilities: (Describe your character's abilities, if applicable. This will often outline your character's profession, too. This includes combat ability (weapon proficiency, martial arts etc excluding magic) as well as general trade skills like blacksmithing, carpentry, farming, hunting, fishing, tailoring, and medicine (to name just a few). Basic skills like cooking or sewing, for example, need not be listed here unless your character is exceptionally good at them. Miscellaneous skills and attributes that are unique to your character should also be listed here. If you have any questions about what should and shouldn't go here, ask a GM.)

Magic: (If your character possesses magical or supernatural abilities, please describe them here in detail. There are many different methods of spellcasting in the fantasy genre, but feel free to use DnD's mage archetypes as a baseline for inspiration. Please make sure to describe the source of your character's magical abilities, whether it be their own internal "mana", magical runes, alchemical ingredients, wands, spellbooks, artifacts, talismans, or some contract with a deity or spirit (these are just a few examples). Certain magical abilities are generally considered off-limits for the sake of balance, such as time manipulation, teleportation, invincibility and total mind control. You can include a spell list, but this is not by any means required and you may take a more general approach to this description if you wish.)

Inventory: (List what your character currently has on them and regularly carries around, excluding weapons, armor, and clothing (see above). Try not to list too much; carrying heavy loads will considerably slow down your character and probably require a cumbersome backpack on top of that. In other words, pack light. It may be wise to organize these items in a list, as you will be editing this section frequently as your character acquires more items. This section should also include how much money your character has in their wallet. The currency of Daiar follows the traditional DnD system of copper, silver, and gold coins. 10 copper pieces are equivalent to one silver piece, and 10 silver pieces are equivalent to one gold piece.)

Backstory: (In at least two decent length paragraphs, detail your character's life up until this point. Make sure to explain why your character is in Estermere at present. If you wish to keep your backstory secret, you must message a GM about it beforehand to ensure it's reasonable and acceptable.)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I am also interested, though I will not make a start on the CS until tomorrow, it's late, I'm tired and I have stuff to do in the morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I will make a character, but I am waiting for the OOC to go up. Since I haven't started my Bard, I'm fairly happy it isn't up yet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah. I'll just wait for the OOC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bumppity bump bump. Be patient, people. My access to devices that are able to utilize WiFi has been severely cut down for an indefinite amount of time. Hang in there. Don't kill this, please.


I'll be busy. Again, hang in there. I promise sooner or later it will be up soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

We cool, we here, stop panicking. As long as you stay in touch we are fine

Also there is no way I can promise my character sheet to be anywhere near as good
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 10 mos ago

P.S, @Metronome, really? Sudal and Quirek? From last time? I'll tolerate it for now, but please refrain from making blatant (SORRY) copies from previous roleplays. Either way, are accepted. Prepare to be added to the charrie roster.

@vietmyke, accepted. It's a crowbar, btw. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm sorry for only adding to the crowd! I'd like in on this too, pretty please!
I'd like to make a ranger character, like...if I'm not mistaken, they're a character on horseback that can use bows and arrows primarily, yeah? And maybe just keep a dagger handy in case of hijack off horseback.
And she will be an elf and she will be over a hundred years old and she will be fabulous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

BingTheWing said
P.S, @Metronome, really? Sudal and Quirek? From last time? I'll tolerate it for now, but please refrain from making blatant (SORRY) copies from previous roleplays. Either way, are accepted. Prepare to be added to the charrie roster.@vietmyke, accepted. It's a crowbar, btw. :)

Well I figured since you abandoned the last RP after two whole posts, I figured I'd use the idea again =P It was a good concept, why waste it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll make a CS when I get home in a couple days. But yeah chillskies. We're all here still :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh also I feel like I should say I will be making a human dancer (not a bard so no worries).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BingTheWing said
Again, hang in there. I promise sooner or later it will be up soon.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

count me in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daird


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Will have a sheet up tomorrow. It's well past midnight where I am.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I might make a sheet. Give me some time to figure some things out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Okay everyone, since our GM refuses to do this, here is the link to OOC. Which has been up for a full day and no link was posted.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Whaaat thanks. I shall make a CS when my flight gets in tonight hopefullt
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