Name: Robert "Rocky" Hou.
Alias: Monkey King
Age: 12
Personality: Rocky is a mostly good and decent kid with a fondness for joking around, rarely taking anything seriously, at least on the surface. It's probably this attitude that's allowed him to take suddenly having a several-thousand-years-old Chinese spirit living in his head in stride. Now that he's had the opportunity he legitimately wants to be a hero, but he sometimes feels like The Monkey King is the only half of their duo worth anything in that regard considering that without him he's just an 'ordinary kid'. This doesn't stop him from occasionally having to play conscience and tourguide for an ancient simian demigod, especially considering there are likely times when the hotblooded and impetuous Monkey King would likely do more harm than good without him around. Or at least, that's what he tells himself. For now though while he feels he's suddenly found a purpose as a superhero he's not actually confident that he'll be a real hero or that he can control the power of the Monkey King.
When his consciousness fuses into the Monkey King, their personality changes and they become much more confident to the point of arrogance and their joking nature is magnified still more to the point that they usually fool around in combat and hold back extensively to show off and wisecrack instead. While heroism is still the overall goal, Monkey King usually wants to look cool doing it and gather praise for their actions from the people around them. They also enjoy fighting to the extreme and when done looking good for the audience or fooling around with minions and street thugs, they'll go out of their way in search of a strong opponent to fight and will take them on sure of victory even if they're obviously outclassed, for the sheer joy of it. While the Monkey King's fragment is enjoying his new life and how much has changed in the time he's been away from Earth, he's somewhat irritated with being stuck in the body of some little brat that can't handle the full extent of his powers, and he seems to care for little else but having a good time and earning praise for his heroics. At least, that's what he says even if it doesn't match up with his supposed nature as a Buddha and bringer of enlightenment.
Powers: The Monkey King is a spirit several thousands of years old that managed to ascend to the level of a god or a demigod over the course of its' immortal lifetime and even achieve enlightenment and Buddhahood. He was said to be able to lift over 17,550 pounds one-handed with casual ease, travel 34,000 miles in a single jump, fly on clouds, shapeshift into 72 different forms, craft illusions real enough to fool gods and demons, command fire, earth, wind, water, and generally display a level of power capable of throwing the heavens and earth into chaos.
However since his consciousness is being projected through a mortal avatar and a 12-year-old child at that he is currently only able to use the tiniest fraction of his mythical powers without risking damage to Rocky, limiting him to:
Super-Strength: Monkey King says that he's currently strong enough to lift and carry an adult elephant using both hands with some difficulty, whereas in his previous state he could have easily juggled three of them. This also means that he's capable of jumping fairly long distances, which is his primary method of transport.
Super Durability: Monkey King is far more durable and resistant to damage than any mortal. Ordinary handguns merely tickle him and blades tend to bend or shatter against his skin.
Monkey Physiology: Monkey King is, obviously, about as agile as a monkey. He also has a prehensile tail and the typical senses of a monkey. Combined with his super-strength's jumping ability this makes him an extremely mobile opponent and skilled acrobat.
Martial arts: In addition to being a skilled staff fighter The Monkey King is allegedly the creator and original master of the Monkey Style and Drunken Monkey style of Chinese Kung Fu, both of which he uses in combat.
The Ruyi-Jingu-Bang: A magical metal staff that was the weapon of the Monkey King. It is borderline indestructible can change size at will. Though it can shrink as small as a sewing needle and become as wide as a barrel, the level it can fully extend to has never been measured. Though it is magically light in Monkey King's hands, for anyone else it weighs around 17,550 pounds.
Consciousness Fragment: As the mortal avatar of the Monkey King, Rocky has a copy or fragment of the deity's consciousness inside of his head even when he's not wearing the circlet and fused with the Monkey King. This isn't exactly a power ordinarily, but a being as ancient as the Monkey King occasionally knows useful information, and having a separate powerful consciousness in his head usually makes Rocky immune to telepathy and mind control.
Weakness: Most notably, if the circlet is removed from the Monkey King's head, he instantly turns back into Rocky at which point he has all the weaknesses of a completely untrained 12-year-old human boy. Just about anyone can do this and it can even be knocked off in combat or just pulled off his head if someone sneaks up on him. Anything magical, beings of sufficient strength and intense energy from lasers or alien weapons, explosions, bolts of lightning and the like are all capable of overwhelming his durability. In fact though he laughs at bullets normally, at his current level of power something like a round from a high-powered rifle or a rocket-propelled grenade could likely still knock him around. The circlet itself can also be a weakness, as a powerful enough magical practitioner aware of the Monkey King and the circlet's true nature as the band used by the monk Tang Sangzhang to bind him could use it to cause the Monkey King crippling head pain or even control him. He also actually IS weak towards bananas, but usually in a mental, non-combat sense.

Bio: Robert "Rocky" Hou was a normal enough kid with a Chinese American background whose family owned a decently successful antiques store, apart from a penchant for mischievous pranks, cutting class and a mild interest in some of the old junk at his family's store, and even all of that was pretty ordinary in itself. All of that got turned upside-down when he was helping his father move some of the older items from their basement to the store. Rocky accidentally knocked an old box off of a shelf and in the subsequent mess an old, dusty metal circlet landed on his head. The circlet actually contained a fragment of the legendary Monkey King: The Eternally Victorious Fighting Buddha and Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
The mythical figure had grown bored with the monotonous duties that came with his position and sealed a copy of his awareness into the old piece of jewelry before casting it down to the mortal world for some human to find so that through them he could still adventure and enjoy himself without abandoning his responsibilities. By accidentally putting it on, Rocky had 'agreed' to become an avatar for the Monkey King on Earth, sharing his body as a vessel for the Monkey King's consciousness and powers. Although at first the Monkey King was considering causing chaos at random without a particular goal, Rocky was able to convince him that an equally amusing and rewarding goal would be to fight crime and evil, a goal they have since taken up dramatically and wholeheartedly.
Arc Ideas:(This is to help me out in case I run dry on ideas.)
Other: Titans forever!
So this is still WIP but let me know what things I have to change so far.